SPORTS World Series begins today B1 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Crime victim services will get boost Sumter, Clarendon groups get federal grants; police department, sheriff’s offices included in funding BY KAYLA ROBINS Three grants were approved $26,000 for a victim advocate ve- are going through traumatic ed by the South Carolina Crime
[email protected] in Sumter County for a total of hicle, and Sumter Police De- circumstances,” Wilson said. Victim Services Division of Wil- $216,305, and one agency in partment is being awarded “With these funds, we are able son’s office, a division that was Four groups in Sumter and Clarendon County is receiving $26,814 for a law enforcement to support agencies through- added to the Attorney General’s Clarendon counties are among $55,198, according to a news re- victim advocate. out the state as they assist Office by state law in July 2017. a host of nonprofits, organiza- lease from South Carolina At- Clarendon County Sheriff’s victims of violent crime in The division was combined tions, law enforcement agen- torney General Alan Wilson. Office is using the grant for a their recovery.” from offices in the state Depart- cies and solicitor’s offices re- The YWCA of the Upper Low- criminal domestic violence in- The S.C. Public Safety Coor- ment of Public Safety and the ceiving more than $46 million lands is being allotted $163,491 vestigator. dinating Council formally ap- state Department of Adminis- in federal and state grants to for a therapy and victim advo- “These state and local agen- proved the grants earlier this tration.