RED SOX TAKE OPENER. 6 TO 5 LAST EDITION !T*B CERTAIKIft A PniVn.EOB TO LfVF IS BK- ATTI.K WJHKN fttiOKOK HAMHBt'RY. OUR WKATH DODGERS COME Kit MAM'I'ACTUHICK, IH IN OOOD HIJMOR HKRK IT IH OCT UUICR, AND TIIK BUN HIIINKH BRIGHTI.Y, The Seattle Star AND TIIK UROWDg IN' FRONT OK THE HAHKHAI.I, lU'M.KTIN HOARDS KiiKl, KINK. FOR HAUHHURY i THE ONLY PAPER IN SEATTLE THAT DARES TO PRINT THE NEWS i WAKIU.KH THt'HLY: "TONIUHT ANI) SUNDAY, " KAIR \ VOLUME 19. SEATTLE, WASH.. SATURDAY. OCTORKR 7. 1916. ONE CENT NEAR TYING GERMAN NAVAL'SUB' RE ACHES N. Y. GAME IN NINTH BOX SCORE BOSTON? All. R. H. PO. A. R. Hooper, rf 4 2 1 1 1 0 Janvrln, Zb 4 12 I*l Who Will Win Niche in Hall of Fame? Walker, cf 4 1 2 0 0 0 HobllUell, lb 5 2 1 14 0 0 NEW DIVER IS Uwli, If 3 0 1 0 0 0 Oarrdner, 3b 4 0 1 1 2 0 ricott, ** 2 0 0 2 4 9 Cady, c 0 0 0 7 0 ? Thoma*. c. 0 0 0 0 0 ? Shore, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 NOT FREIGHTER Mays, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total* 31 6 8 27 16 1 BROOKLYN? AB. R. H. PO. A. E. NEWPORT, R. 1., Oct. 7.?A German A Myer*. rf 5 0 2 1 0 0 naval submarine, U-56, arrived here this Itaubert, lb 4 0 0 5 1 0 Stengel, rf 4 2 2 1 0 X afternoon. Wheat. If 4 1 2 3 0 0 Cutahaw, 2b 4 1 0 6 1 1 The submarine is not a freighter. She Mawrt;, 3b 2 1112 0 was officially identified by the United Olaon, ai 4 0 1 2 0 2 C. Meyer*, c 4 0 1 6 3 0 States naval training station. Marquard. p 2 0 0 0 0 0 ?Johnaton 10 10 0 0 ??Marklu 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAMPAIGN MAKES Total* 34 5 10 24 7 4 ?Hatted for Marquard In Btb. ??Batted for Pfeffer in 9th Th*w are lh« world'* *erl** of jrura agon*! Who'll win th* highest honor of thl* y**rl series? Will It bo Bab* Ruth of Bos- Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 u 0 0 0 i?t OF ton? It Jak* of Brooklyn, Rub* or Coomb*, or Duffy Th* boat to loarn th* PRES. WILSON Will bo Daub*rt or Marquard, Jack L*wl*again? way anaw*r Boaton 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 « li to tallow th* world'* MrlM In Th* Btari Summary: Three bane hit*. Walker, HobllUell, Wheat, Chief Mey- er* Two-bin# hit* l<e*U, Hooper, Janvrln. Sacrifice hits ?Bcott, LITTLE USE NOW Janvrln, I>w|*. Uouble play a?Janvrln to Scott to HobllUell; Hooper to Cady. Gardner to Janvrln to Hoblltzell. Scott to Janvrln to Hoblit- WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.?Likelihood of the Unit- BABY PAGEANT THRONG SEES Mll. Struck out ?By Shore 5; by Marquard 6. Ba?e* on balls ?Off Shore 3; off Marquard, 4; off Pfeffer, 2. Jilt by pitcher--Cutshaw by ed States acting as a prominent factor to bring peace to OLE CONGRATULATES Shore. the warring powers of Europe is dwindling day by day, ATLAND SHOW BALL GAME ON BY C. to general belief in official circles here. H. HAMILTON according (United The subject is once more receiving diplomatic con- Press Staff Correspondent) IS CALLED OFF STAR'S BOARD BRAVES FIELD, BOSTON, Oct. 7.?The Boston Red sideration on the eve of Ambassador Gerard's return ON HIS took FAIRBANKS Sox the "jump" game of the from Berlin, Bernstorff's 1916 world's series to this country from Count Von Or J 8, McHrlde. city health Seattle fana got all the thrill* of Brooklyn today, but it was only by an eyelash. The Red up Htar aerie* without wor- visit to the president at Shadow Lawn next Monday, commissioner, called Th* the world'* the Sox finished upon the long end of a 6 to score, but a re- Ssturday, ry and etpenae Saturday noon at 5 and as a result of the president's continued utterances "Thing* are lo fine shape," ho Tha Star'a l>oartl In front of Piper markable ninth inning rally by the Dodgers, coupled with the subject of world peace for the future. \u25a0aid. "and Seattle I* la no danger * Tafia, on Second a»a.. near Sen- the weakening of Ernie* Shore in the box for Boston, and an Pn PRAISE OF WILSON at. of contagion from Infantile partly- eca by Perhaps no expression by the error by Janvrin nearly upset the world's champions. Two point* are made thoe«i \u25a0 aia "C'aruao" I>mnl»! Salt. the allver- th* State* president In recent month* has Pral*lng Cbarla* W. waa time when For innings and Marquard worked in who bell*** United will [[ Now. let'* kNp It that way. Fair- "It delivered St a tona<) announccr. off the five Shore as pretty to end the '\u25a0 aroused *o much conjecture bar* bank*, republican candidate for sober thought, partisan nak* no farther move There bar* btm a fow Isolated and not K»m«i thru * megaphone, pi»y tiy % pitchm;: duel afr on Braves field in some time. botllltUr*?and probably wtll ba| | a* that Ln Omaha Thursday night, vlea president, for upholding pottttc*. held «»al>. I have read **" MMt aad ao latailtlea. play *TTrr»W. ,"Tfl*"?lftTr nnw left a Tne upward 40,000 sat spellbound as moii'T r atietl -W» *irfd- Wilson'* policy In speech lo many - crowd of of the fflHMfw tn rim therefore, take no unnec- President audiences and player * han>l but fnat the huge "When we look forward to the speech am aure rivals fought it out. Marquard was first to crack, but ' between the European countries essary risks Maslco In a mad* by i thai the American people crowd of fan* on Second >r«. the year* to come ?I wl*h I could *ay atrongly when the war end*. Flr*t?Great; j "We ahould continue to exercise Falrbank* In Auguit, 1913, 01* endorse th* sentiment* knew about It Shore got his in the ninth, when Carl Mays relieved him. Britain, an Interview given the month* to come?and to the Hanson, of Seattle, a m*mb*r you ap- thru the greatest precaution possible, then expressed. If their Promptly at 11 * m, Dan Salt Pfeffer acted as relief worker to the Rube. by Uovd George end of thl* war. we want the world the W Hson any th* United Pre** just to be absolutely on the safe of Woodrow Na- plause la criterion. got on the Job, araompanled by the ? know we are to The game was remarkable, in a way, for the lack of en- haa plainly nald, "Hand* off j to ready lend our tional Advisory committee. Sat- "I speak of the address you de- ?rorekeeper. pair gave ' side. and the the any attempt by United force to the nreservation of peace urday following Republican thusiasm displayed at the a that the "It Is for that reason thai I sug- addressed th* livered before the Edi- (ana tho brut poislbie description usually opening encounter of ji This I* regarded here aa indic- public State* to Intercede In behalf of gest It Inadvisable at thla time to lttt*r to Fairbank*: torial association of Indiana In of the big game world's series. regarded with ho* ative the president feels the August. peace would bo that hold a baby pageant." "Aa a warm supporter of Presl 1913. which wss aa follows: INNING end of the war may be far off? Speech FIRST tlllty. The Htar can readily see tha dent Wilson. I w*nt to take this Th* Fairbanks was a delay political *ltuatlon i and also that he feels the work of that BROOKLYN?There rey to Cutshaw. Walker singled to Second?The force of Mr Mcltrlde's suggestion opportunity on the occasion of your "1 have no doubt the dis- while umpires and police cleared degree America will be to preserve the during !**( left, ha* aroused to a marked want to endanger the visit In Seattle to thank you for turbance* In Mexico the began scoring Hooper. Hobby out, or : peace of the future, not to Intervene It doesn't the field. The game at 2:06. Daubert unassisted. partisan feeling for one the single the praise you have bestowed U|>on few year* have been due. In a CURTIS WON'T Walker was health of a Seattle child H. Myers fouled to Cady. Daubert warring »lde*. It now. gre*i*r to touched out on the line by Mow- other of tho ha«: j It 1* for that reaaon that the con- the Wilson administration for Ita or le«» decree, an effort fanned on balls. Sten up a feeling No Report From Gerard on ambitious, running three pitched rey on Lewis' rap to third. One resulted In *tlrrlng templated baby pageant at the Mexican policy In a speech you the part of gel out. Janvrln to Hoblltsell. No United State* l* From those close to the president August. run. Two hits. No errors. abroad that the j Arwna next Friday was called off delivered in 1913. (Continued on p*g* ?) No hits. No errors. "strictly neutral." | comes the word that he knows FI6HT DIVORCE runs. not after conferring Vith SIXTH INNING ! nothing of a report that Ambaaaa Saturday, BOBTON ?Hooper fanned.
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