Copyrighted Material
Index Cranberry Muffi n, 261 • A • Microwave Cornbread, 260 airports and airlines, 58 Sweet Potato Muffi n, 264 albumin, 66 Yellow Squash Muffi n, 263 Almond Balls, 247 bakeware, 72–73 Almost Instant Ice Cream Sandwich, baking, 81 269 Banana Berry Wrap, 272 Almost Reuben, 175 Banana in a Bun, 91 amino acids, 26 Banana Wrap, 96 ammonium hydrolyzed protein, 66 bananas, leftover, 300–301 animal compassion, as reason to BBQ Pasta, 195 become vegetarian, 22–23 beans, as meat substitute, 324–325 appetizer recipes beating/whipping, 82 Cranberry Cups, 256 berries, leftover, 301 Goat Cheese Spread, 252, 294 Greek Bruschetta, 255 Black Bean Tortilla, 161 Hot Artichoke Parmesan Spread, blanching, 82 257 blended breakfast beverages, 97–100 Mushroom Squares, 258 Blue Cheese Bonanza, 158 Pesto Rolls, 253 Blue Cheese Fettuccine, 221 Super Spaghetti Sauce Spread, 254 boiling, 82 appetizers, 251, 314–315 bone ash/char, 66 Apple Crescent Rolls, 287 bone meal, 66 Apple English Muffi n, 114 braising, 82 Apple Tarts, 281 breading, 82 Apple Waffl es, 128 breads. See also baked goods apples, leftover, 300 microwave, 259 artichoke hearts, leftover, 294–295 old, using, 306 Athena’s Potatoes, 215 Breakfast in a Cup I, 92 Avocado Pita, 149 Breakfast in a Cup II, 93 avocados, pitting, 140 Breakfast Pizza, 108 Breakfast Polenta, 120 breakfast recipes (20 minutes) • B • COPYRIGHTEDApple MATERIAL Waffl es, 128 Bagel Deluxe, 132 Bagel Broil, 109 Breakfast Polenta, 120 Bagel Deluxe, 132 Cherry French Toast Sticks, 122 baked beans/chili, leftover, 296 Coconut
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