GOVERIIMENT OF KARIIATAKA No. FCS 208 EBT 2018 Karnataka Government S ecretariat Vikas Soudha, Ground Floor, Bangalore, Dated: 04.0 1.2019. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14(3) of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 (No.l of 20lA), it is hereby notified that all the Legal Metrology Officers are empowered to exercise the power confened u/s 15 of the Act within the local limits of the jurisdiction, according to their job chart. By order and inghe name of Goveryrfr of I$tod1afa 1'' \ -''l\ . ,,VaYt'-'j-' ' (JqaoTHr R.J) Deputy Secretary to the Government, Food, Civil supplies, Consumer affairs and LeWl Metrolo gy Dep artment. To, )?, , t The Compiler, Karnataka State Gazelteeraangal6re- to print this Notification in the special Gazette and supply 500 copies. Copy to: 1. The Principal Accountant General (G & SS/t Karnataka, New Building, 'Audit Bhavan', P.O. No.5398, Bangalore 560001. 2. The Principal Accountant General (E &RSA), Karnataka, New Building, 'Audit Bhavan', P.O. No.5398, Bangalore 560001. 3. The Principal Accountant General (A &E), Karnataka, Park House Road, P.O. No.5329, Bangalore 56000 1 . 4. The Controller, Department of Legal Metrology, Bangalore. 5. All the Concerned Officers of the department of Legal Metrology (through the Controller of Legal Metrology) 6. The Director, Department of treasuries, Bangalore 7. The Deputy Director, NMC, Department of Treasuri es,2nd Floor, Khanija Bhavan, Bangalore.: 8. Section Guard frlel Extra copies : Copy for information: 1. Private Secretary to Minister for Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore. 2. Private Secretary to Secretary to Government Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore.
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