The Supreme Court of Sweden
Sweden Criminal Code Chapter 29 Section 2 In assessing criminal value, the following aggravating circumstances shall be given special consideration in addition to what is applicable to each and every type of crime : (…) 7. “whether a motive for the crime was to aggrieve a person, ethnic group or some other similar group of people by reason of race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religious belief or other similar circumstance.” Criminal Code Chapter 16 Section 8 A person who, in a disseminated statement or communication, threatens or expresses contempt for a national, ethnic or other such group of persons with allusion to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, or religious belief shall, be sentenced for agitation against a national or ethnic group to imprisonment for two years or, if the crime is petty, to a fine (L 1988 :835) 2011 Expert workshop on the prohibition of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred - Annex – European Legislations – L-L. Christians – 260 Case Law 2011 Expert workshop on the prohibition of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred - Annex – European Legislations – L-L. Christians – 261 Page 1 (17) THE SUPREME COURT OF SWEDEN JUDGMENT Case No. issued in Stockholm on 29 November 2005 B 1050-05 PLAINTIFF Prosecutor General Box 5553 114 85 Stockholm DEFENDANT Åke Ingemar Teodor Green Attorney and Public Defender : Percy Bratt, Member of the Swedish Bar, Advokatbyrån Bratt & Feinsilber Aktiebolag, Box 24164, 104 51 Stockholm NATURE OF CASE Agitation against a national or ethnic group et al DECISION APPEALED FROM Judgment issued by the Göta Court of Appeal on 11 February 2005 in case No.
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