The perennials on this list have extended bloom times- usually 4+ weeks with some lasting 6-8 weeks. It’s important to clip off spent flowers (deadhead) to keep in bloom. The plants are listed alphabetically by botanical name.

Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade Exposure

Achillea Yarrow Sun Hyssop Sun Alcea rosea and rugose Hollyhock Sun Aquilegia Columbine Part Sun/Shade Aster x frikarti Frikarti Aster Sun Berlandiera lyrata Chocolate Flower Sun Buddleia Butterfly Bush Sun Callirhoe involucrate Winecups Sun Calylophus Sun Drops Sun Campanula Bellflower Sun/Part sun Caryopteris Blue Mist Spirea Sun Centranthus ruber Jupiter’s Beard Sun Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Plumbago Part Sun/Shade Chrysanthemum Garden Mum Sun Coreopsis Tickseed Sun Delosperma Ice Sun Dianthus Pinks Sun Diascia Twinspur Sun Dicentra eximia Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart Part Shade/Shade Dracocephalum Dragonhead Sun Echinacea Coneflower Sun Erodium Storksbill Sun Eupatorium Joe Pye Weed Sun Gaillardia Blanket Flower Sun Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies Sun Gazania linearis Colorado Gold Gazania Sun Geranium ‘Rozanne’ Rozanne Cranesbill Sun/ Part Sun Goniolimon tataricum German Statice Sun Gypsophila Babies Breath Sun Helenium Helen’s Flower Sun Heliopsis helianthoides False Sunflower Sun Hemerocallis Daylily Sun Hibiscus Hardy Hibiscus Sun Lamium maculatum Dead Nettle Part Shade/Shade Lavandula Lavender Sun Leucanthemum Shasta Daisy Sun Limonium Statice Sun Linum Flax Sun Lonicera Honeysuckle Sun Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower Part Shade/Shade Lychnis coronaria Rose Campion Sun Mirabilis multiflora Desert Four o’clock Sun Monarda Bee Balm Sun Cat Mint Sun Oenothera Evening Primrose Sun Origanum Ornamental Oregano Sun Penstemon Beardtongue Sun Perovskia Russian Sage Sun Phlox paniculata Garden Phlox Sun virginiana Obedient Plant Sun Platycodon grandifloras Balloon Flower Part Sun/Shade Ratibida Prairie Coneflower Sun Rudbeckia Black Eyed Susan Sun Salvia Sage Sun Saponaria Soapwort Sun Scabiosa Pincushion Flower Sun Scropularia Red Birds in a Tree Sun Scutellaria Skullcap Sun Sedum Stonecrop Sun Solidago Goldenrod Sun Stachys coccinea Red Betony Sun Stokesia Stoke’s Aster Sun Thalictrum Meadow Rue Part Shade/ Shade Tiarella Foamflower Part Shade/ Shade Verbascum Mullein Sun Veronica Speedwell Sun/ Part Sun Zauschneria Hummingbird Trumpet Sun Zinnia grandiflora Prairie Zinnia Sun