HHjl.tl • " "" 6th Year November 21,1977 Number 47 Sought For Ivory Wildlife conservationists say ivory hunters killed from 100,000 to 400,000 elephants during 1976, in Africa. Their methods range from shooting the animals with rockets to burning them to death in huge gr=»ss fires. As a result the African elephant could become as extinct as the blue whale, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, an international authority on elephants, told the World Wilderness Congress that something has to be done to half the demand for ivory and thus to protect the elephant. He reports that in Chad, on the southern fringe of the Sahara, there were reports the army had used rockets to fire at elephants from helicopters in the race to feed the world ivory According to Douglas-Hamilton the figures market. were developed after he had weighed thousands of tusks in Dar Ks Salaam's weighing rooms. "In Sudan, 1 have received very recent re- ports that some tribes are still burning elephant Elephants, he said, have been seriously over herds by setting the grass around them afire." exploited, particularly since the 10 fold rise in the price of ivory since the late 1 960's. Ivory leaving Africa in 1976 may have come from between 100,000 and 400,000 ele- He reports that Kenya has lost more than 50 phants and there seems to be no let-up in the per cent of its elephant population in the past demand for ivory, he added. seven years. In Uganda, he added, the loss is even greater.


HOLLYWOOD ELEPHANTS Contact PAUL V. KAYE Suite519* 1680 North Vine Street • Hollywc California • 90028 Area Code 213 • 462-60! Page 2 November 21, 1977 Special Day On Nov. 4th, Carl and Elizabeth Komig cele- AFTER DEC. 10 'TIL MARCH brated their 60th wedding anniversary, Ruckers K Nines and Their son Irvin (Ricky the ) took the Uncle Ralph's Barnyard Revue couple to dinner with wife Host- and son Chris. When they returned homo they wen- greeted - Two Fine Animal Acts - by Grace Mclntosh, Norman and Konna Platt Contact: and daughter Pam and George Da Deppo. RUCKERS PERFORMING ANIMALS Carl and Elizabeth met on the Rinf;lmg Bros. 11154 Phillippi Avenue Cirrus in 1915 and wen- married at the end of Pacoima, Calif. -91331 the season in Baraboo, Wise. — Carl is from Reading, Pa., and started in show business at the age of 20, he was a bronc rider, trick rider, roper and wild west show cowboy. When the Hubert Castle played Las Ve- He first toured with the 101 Ranch and Young gas (Nev) Sept. 29-Oct. 1, they were set up on Buffalo and the Texas Rangers Show. Then he the parking lot of the California Hotel and Ca- traveled with such such shows as Downie Bros., sino, right downtown. Only small crowds came John Robinson, Hagenbeck-Wallace, Ringling out to see the show and so the Oct. 2 perfor- and Ringling-Bamum. mances were cancelled. Elizabeth started in show business at the age of ART 'Doc' MILLER has suffered a slight stroke 15 as a bareback rider, tightwire performer and and is currently hospitalized in Florida. Cards aerialist, touring with Ringling Bros., Hagen- and letters can be sent to him at: Rte. 3, Box beck-Wallace and Ringling-Bam um. 323-C, Starke, Fla. 32091. They worked the Keith Time; Pantages and JOHN ZIMMERMAN, aerialist, was the sub- Butterfield circuit in vaudeville with a double ject of a special article in the Temple (Texas) wire act, Elizabeth working straight and Carl Daily Telegram on Nov. 6th. doing comedy as Happy Hooligan. At one time they took out the Romig & Rooney Circus, playing both under canvas and in theatres. BUY OF THE CENTURY Son. Inin, was a feature clown and bareback rider with Ringling-Barnum and still works parties, parades and rireuses. FOR SALE Daughter, Kay, has several animal acts and once Nissen • Crome 12x7 worked in the /acchini flying act. She too was Nissen Crome Steel Spring - set of a bareback rider and featured performer on 78, plus extras Ringlmg-Harnum. Australian Hot Beds • 1 new 1 used We all wish Carl and Klizaheth many happy Trampoline pades (4) days ahead after their many years of trouping. Two Twisting Belts George Da Deppo Shoulder Catching Chair Platform Pedestal to attach to the Trampoline NEW ADDRESS $900.00 Cash TONY and LILY STEELE Camp V. I. P. Sahara Contact: The Rolling Diamonds 2401 Kings Way John Han sen Las Vegas, Nevada - 89102 3070 - 8th Street Phone: (702) 876-9524 Sarasota, Fla. - 33580 The Circus Report

THE ACT BEAUTIFUL The Rolling Diamonds

Manager: John Hansen 3070 - 8th Street Phone: (813) 366-5336 Sarasota, Fla. • 33580 Show Set ROUTES CLIFF VARGAS has taken delivery Hie Dobritch Int'l Circus has re- of a new 5th wheel living trailer. signed the Wheaton (111) Police Circus Vargas date at the Du Page County Fair- Nov. 21-23 Montgomery, Ala. GEORGE BARREDA's lions and grounds for 3 more years. The date 25-27 Macon JOSELITO, high wire, will be with will be played in June under a Har- the Hubler Int'l Circus next season, old Barnes tent. Hadi Shrine Circus and also will work spot dates. Nov. 24-27 Evansville, 111. Dobritch has also signed to produce JIMMY COLE, MARI JO COULS the New Orleans (La) Police Circus Moscow Circus and PATTI RUCKER visited the for March 31-April 2, along with Nov. 23-27 Providence, R. I. Beatty-Cole Circus at Altamonte, other Shrine and Police dates. Ringling-Bamum - Red Unit Fla. Nov. 23-Dec. 4 Nassau, N. Y. JIMMY COLE and INGE WIL- LIAMS visited the Sells & Gray Cir- Royal Lichtenstein Circus cus at Dunellon (Nov. 13). Nov. 21 Lafayette, La. 22 Houston, Texas BILLY BARTON has agreed to de- and gab-fest at Las Vegas when the sign and produce an elaborate new - OTHER ROUTES Hubert Castle Circus played that Theme Spec for Circus Vargas in '79 city. Battle of Magicians The new Spec, based on an idea by Nov. 19 Tarzana, Calif. CLIFFORD VARGAS, will take a JOHNNY CANOLE, GEORGE DA full year to build and will incorpor- DEPPO, and the LANDES Girls Ice Capades ate floats ami complicated special were recent visitors on the. Circus Nov. 22-27 Oakland, Calif. effects, including nearly 100 people Vargas lot. Magictime USA • Prof. Miller and all show live stock. Mr. Barton The BARTON-JENNIER Attrac- Nov. 26 Carpentersville, 111. will aLso compose the original music tions have signed to play the Hub- 27 Waukegan and lyrics for the production. ler Int'l Circus from Feb. 18 into This Is Hawaii... On Ice HERBERT UECKERT, his Mother May. The troupe will also appear Nov. 23-27 Hobart, Tasmania and FRED and FIFI REED, BOB on the Dobritch Int'l Circus dates, and IRMA DUNHAM, plus PAT as well as spot dates for Sam T. Po- SHERMAN enjoyed a chili dinner lack, Bentley Bros, and fairs for Oler Productions.


BILLY BARTON * • ICE FOLLIES CUT SHORT its South American tour on Dec. 25-31, and a carnival has been booked for and those novelty acts, such as BOBBY MOORE and the midway. The date is in conjunction with the Sun- his dogs, were sent to other units....That which rise Music Theatre. amounts to a shake up in the Amusement Park indus- ON THE SCENE WITH CIRCUS VARGAS: LONI try occurred when Six Flags Corp. bought out New VAN VOORDEN, now recovered from twin broken Jersey's Great Adventure funspot. In Las Vegas, the wrists, showed off tier new Boles Aero fifth wheel, Desert Inn shuttered for 6 months, tossing 600 per- but has not recovered from its purchase: seems the ions out of work - this, at a time, when Las Vegas is unit was burglarized at the dealer's lot. Stolen were a enjoying a boom season. Construction on Circus Cir- color TV, linens and Barbara's electric piano, all of cus in Reno has been inexplicably delayed!?). which had been placed in the unit in advance of de- SNAPSHOTS: BONNIE & CLYDE are touring with livery LUCY and LACY TOTH's new home was Jim Nordmark's new 2nd unit (Int'l Magic Spectacu- vandalized in Sarasota. Furniture was ripped apart, lar). BOB OWENS with Hunt and Sells & Gray this walls scarred, and valuable items destroyed. The past season is also there, as stage manager....EMIL TOTH's plan to place a couple in residence to safe- GOETSCHI is "doubling" in the Karl Wallenda movie guard a home they have spent a lifetime to purchase.. being filmed in Sarasota, so is FAY ALEXANDER ..LARRY JOYNER is traveling with CV rehearsing MICHAEL CHERRICK nixed an invitation to appear his new cat act in the backyard daily and working at the Monte Carlo Circus due to conflicting commit- with REX WILLIAMS in the elephant number. Rex ments at Montreal's Chateau Champlain and a long is doing a masterful job with the Vargas herd (now contract with Circus Circus...His illustrious uncle totalling 17 with 3 to be added) and plans to have a FRANCIS BRUNN, fully recovered from a hip oper- 5 act in each ring, plus a walking long mount finale ation, opens next month at a hotel in Puerto Rico. with the entire herd by the California spring tour, HOT NEWS: There is a STRONG possibility that where JUDY BAKER joins husband BILLY and son LOTTIE BRUNN and FRANCIS will reunite for one TOMMY in the liberty horse display working 6 to ' season as a team, maybe in 1979, which will be one of their 8 each, plus hind leg specialty horses...DIAMOND the most spectacular thrills experienced in JIM PARKER is frustrated with his new IBM type- many a moon. Both are as G REAT as ever and let's writer which is always breaking down....The KLE- face it, the Brunns are to the Juggling Art what Tif- MENTIS return to Europe at the end of the CV sea- fany's is to Diamonds. Lucky the show that scores son to take care of business mattets and will then re- the coup I turn to the USA for the 1978 season of spot dates... JIMMY CAVARETTA, recently remarried, is headed In prepping for a recent long jump they discovered for Fatherhood VERY soon!....MAUREEN CAVAR- the frame of their Avion trailer was cracked. The ETTA goes into the TERRELL flying act when that welder showed up between the 2nd and 3rd show troupe returns from London.For the first time in closing day and repaired it in the nick of time for the yean the entire Cavaretta Family will be reunited in move....French high wire artist ROGER REGOR's mid-air. TONY STEELE, BARRY MITCHELL, KAN- wife is working in the BRAUN Rocket Ship act (the DY CAVARETTA and BILLY WOODS are filling in Apollo) which, with some mirror revamping, could at Circus Circus for the FLYING MICHAELS now in have much stronger potential. It is a very clever rig- Sweden. BETTY WOODS is appearing in that act ging and can work in a very small space, and some- overseas....The tumble KARL WALLENDA took dur- thing should be done with it immediately. The ing the Sarasota filming was NOT a publicity stunt BRAUN's, who fell in love with the U.S., are not go- believe me! The high wire star was rushed to the hos- ing back to Germany immediately, but will stay with pital for observation where a hairline fracture in the Circus Vargas....CLIFF VARGAS, contrary to "pop- neck was discovered....GEORGE CORONA is back ular" opinion, is a sentimentalist with a soft heart and at home, coming along nicely, and will be A-Okay. a generous nature, masked by a bulldog demeanor that is "all front" and so this "mean tyrant" made a place LOTTIE BRUNN tossed a "shower" on the Gatti for the Brauns with his show so they could remain in show for ANITA STEBBINGS who is at least 5 months their adopted country TOMMY BAKER and SA pregnant. Anita is married to one of the Williston SA ARMOR are what Louella would call an "item" flyers....The new Hoxie big top will be used for the (and a HOT one). Tommy idles his free time painting EMMETT KELLY, Jr. Circus date in Ft. Lauderdale (Continued on Page 19) November 21,1977


DAVK DAVIS (4000 Harlem Road, Snyrier, AVAILABLE N.Y.) would like to contact VICTOR JULIAN .. SCOTT RIDDLE and THE FELLER BOYS, or obtain a mailing 5177 Maison Avenue address so he can forward some photos to them. Los Angeles, Calif. - 90041 MARY RUTH HERRIOTT and daughter AMY, Phone: (213) 257-1905 worked dogs, ponies, horse and juggling acts with Garden-Johnson, Stebbing's Circus, Hunt THE AMAZING SCALZO & Co., magic act, is Bros, and Hoxie's Great American, while JOHN currently appearing at Club Dates in the Poco- served as performance director for Ringling Red nos and Catskills (NY) playing the Honeymoon where daughter CINDY is a show girl. Resorts. LAURA (Herriott) and JOHN CAUD1LL had IRVIN FELD, RBBB president, played host to the elephants and a six pony drill on Hoxie the cast of the touring Moscow Circus at Chi- Bros. Circus, plus a high school horse. Another cago's Int'l Amphitheatre and after the perfor- daughter, HEIDI, traveled with her mother and mance, impresario MORRIS CHALFEN, who filled in for her mother and sister several times is touring with the Moscow Circus hosted a par- during the season. ty for personnel of both shows. MARY RUTH, JOHN and CINDY HERRIOTT RALPH and PAM RUCKER have added two will be at Circus World in 1978 with their dog Banty Roosters to their goat act which will be and pony act and high school horses. John will touring with Carden-Johnson Circus next year. be training animals for the circus. They have also added a new Spitz dog and plan to add another Afghan to the act. Want

Want to hear from man and wife team who both can drive, to work a well-known top circus act on a yearly basis. Top Money or a 50/50 deal to the right people. Man must be a rigger or know aerial rigging. Girl must be a performer. All Equipment Furnished Act opens in February and closes in November.

For further details write ROCKET CAR, Pipe Creek, Texas - 78063 The Circus Report Page 7

Carden-Johnson/Clyde Bros. Circus


Route No. 2, Box 80 . ««•* »->•> in/; UL u n"none Area 417-833-3064 Willard, Missouri


We need pictures/requirements financially /availability now. No Phone Calls Please. All types of acts please reply.

We operate two units, base your salary requirements on a possible two year tour.

Need promoters, contracting agents, available sponsors, conces- sionaires, property men and riggers as well as performers for our files. (Also Musicians).

Sunday, Oct. 30th just completed our llth consecutive successful year


Happy Holidays To All - Pag*- 8 November 21,1977 EMERGENCY Voorheis Bros. Circus closed the 1977 season JOHN BEROSINI, Jr., who was with under it's own banner, playing to standing room Century 21 Shows - Please call (702) only crowds for the 4th consecutive year at 648-4111. Houghton Lake (Mich). The show exhibited for 23 weeks, both indoors and under canvas. This is an urgent message regarding the death of JOHN BEROSINI, Sr. All dates were under the personal direction of on Nov. 6th. Colonel Bill Voorheis, with the exception of a six week trial arrangement with Luben Stoyan- off, whereby the show was taken into South- eastern Ohio and West Virginia. That arrange- ment terminated in late October and Voorheis The show purchased a new green and gold big has no future plans of touring, except under top from Anchor Tent last season and has ad- his own name. ded a new Wells Cargo concession trailer and a During the final performance, Erv Lange was 1978 motor home, which is in use for booking and promoting towns. A 5th wheel cargo van honored in observance of his 43 years in the will be added in early spring for the tented business, both as an athlete and also as an ani- mal trainer. The Marcelli's were presented red dates. This will carry seating and poles, as well as provide quarters for the canvas crew. An roses by Ruth Woods. electric spool is currently being installed to cut The show enters it's 8th season commencing down time in erection. The 1978 canvas dates January 14th and will confine itself mainly to will include a petting zoo with the alternate Michigan, playing 114 days, with 76 already red, white and blue top condensed to handle signed. animals. Acts Wanted FOR 1978 SEASON

FAMILY ACTS DOING 2 OR MORE NUMBERS - APPROXIMATELY 25 WEEK SEASON - Write: BILL HILL Great American Circus 3940 Rutherford St. Harrisburg, Pa. 17111 T\ie Grcus Report Page 9

^p^-^--^/^^ AIT FOR THE BIG ONE!

Ernest Hemingway It's Slim Lewis's called it "First rate!" world-famous ... the Chicago ELEPHANT Tribune said TRAMP, it "makes the completely blood run cold updated and now and the attention illustrated... run hot". it's The Big One! I LOVED ROGUES By George Lewis, with Byron Fish Elephants— m zoos and , as person- you a completely updated version, with alities, friends and enemies over 20-plus changes in the world of big tops, sequels on years, are the subject of this book by one of the capricious Ziggy. what happened at the the greatest elephant trainers of em all Portland Zoo. and when Slim trusted one George ( Slim") Lewis wrote of his lifetime of rogue too many Plus 210 photos of hand- harrowing and heartwarming experiences in lers, showmen, circus folk and elephants A Elephan! Tramp, published in 1955 to world- book as big as its subiect1 192 pages, big wide acclaim and collectors-item status 8%" x 10V page size List pnce. $1495 Now. Slim and collaborator Byron Fish bring Order now at pre-pub price of $12 95 READY SPRING '78-ORDER NOW AND SAVE S2.0O! Don't miss these... supply limited! , • A TICKET TO THE CIRCUS by c P chappy Suoenor Publishing Co Bo* 171O Seaitle WA98111 Fox Pictorial treasury on the Ringlmg Bros Reserve .. . copies i Loved Rogues at pre-pub Circus, Irom humble beginnings to worldwide Dnce ol $12 95 Hist price 514 95) glory Deluxe autographed edition 11795 Send copies Ticket to theCucus atS1795 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF PERFORMING cooies Performing Horses al$1795 HORSES by C P Fox 300 phoios. fascinating I ve ordered $35 worth and deducted 5%. $50 facts on performing horses from ancient daySlo worth and deducted 10'*, 51OO worih ana deducted I5'*t Check enclosed discounts deducted Bill modern circuses and rodeos Deluxe auto- me .Washington residents add 5 4% tax graphed limited edition $1 7 95 See coupon for combination discount! Name . . _____— Sueei City Slate Vou neett senrt no money we II bill you Or senrtcneck uperior lor posfpa'O shiiimunt Satistaction guaranfeed' P.O. Box 1710, Seattle. WA 98111 Page 10 November 21, 1977

Prince Najvez AZTEC AERIAL SPECTACULAR Phe Circus Report P^r ] |


PLUS: Sworit Act - Boss Property Man who can "cut it." And One Rigger A Package of Talent Whose "Names" Say It All

Contact: BILLY B A fl T 0 N , Manager R. D. 1 • Shinham Road, Greencastle, Pa. 17225 Office Phone: (717) 597-7712 from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. - 7 days

- NO NIGHT CALLS PLEASE - Page 12 November 21,1977 FOR SALE NOTICE 1972 Avion Deluxe 28 ft. Trailer We are looking for a retired couple Perfect Like New Condition with their own trailer to park on our Air Conditioning, TV, etc. 5 acres rent free, in return for watch- - Real Buy at $8,000.00 - ing Ihe place when we are gone. FRANK SCALZO For more information write to: 1119 Appleblossom Road c/o LANDKAS Easton, Penna. - 18042 P. O. Box 287, Loughman, Fla. 33858 or call: (813) 424-1258 Show Features Acts featured on the Shrine Circus at Columbus Mailroom (Ga) for Nov. 3-6 were: Bill Golden, tigers; Miss Mail has been returned this past week for the Maya and Miss Susan, aerialists; ; The following people. Mario Duo, comedy; The Juggling Jewels; the Dick Stewart Roy Wells Clowns; Angela Wilnow's collies; Erik's Canine Revue; Adam's Hollywood Chimps; The Great Anyone knowing their current address can help Vaklev, high wire walk; The Gutis Family, com- us see that our records are corrected. edy with Gorilla paraody finish; The Flying Lar-Rays; Clowns; The Robert Brothers, The THE CIRCUS REPORT is published each week by Young Troupe, The Charleys, trampoline and Don Marcki, 525 Oak St., El Cerrito, Calif. 94530. ; The Circus Elephants; The Great Phone: (415) 525-3332. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $12.00 a year. Overseas Acadis, balancing; Clowns; The Zerbini Troupe via surface mail is $15.00. bareback riding act and the Vashek Duo, aerial ADVERTISING RATES: Minimum ad $5.00; Quar- motorcycle. ter Page $10.00; Half Page $15.00, Full Page $25.00 The show's staff included: Eddie Zacchini, ex- ecutive producer; Keith Killinger, musical dir- ector; Bill Boren, /announcer; Bela AMERICA'S N0.1 MAGIC SHOW Ezsias, prop boss; Tom Phelps and Charles Watkins, producing clowns.

Aahmes Shrine Temple of Oakland, Calif., re- ports their 1978 circus dates will be April 28- 30 and will be produced by C*tti Productions.

WANTED DUE TO ENLARGEMENT OF SHOW Animal Men - Horse Grooms - Lead Stock General Help In All Departments Handyman (Combined welder/carpenter) 18239 N. E. 182nd Ave. All Positions Require Diesel Truck Drivers Brush Prairie, Wash. 96606 Contact: BOB ZANOTTI Phone: (206) 256-6178 CIRCUS VARGAS (415) 348-8456 Page 13 Tour Ends The "Wonderland Circus Revue" closed its month-long tour of South Carolina at St. Matt- hews on Nov. 16th. Show producer Bill Brickie told CR that the tour had been a good one with generally capacity crowds for each performance. CHECKERS (Steve Baker) and PATCHES The poorest day of the tour, he added, was at (Gary Ray) have signed an exclusive contract Estill where the matinee drew only a quarter with the 'Six Flags Over Texas' regional theme house and the evening show attracted a half park for the period March 31st through Sept. house. 4th, 1978. They will produce the 'Checkers & The program featured: Overture; Gorilla Paro- Patches Revue* on stage of an dy; Clowning with 'Popcorn' Sink; Aerial Ballet; authentic circus wagon, with a stage and spe- 'Rex* the lion, presented by Miss Matty; Color cial effects all provided by the park. Book Pitch; Phil Chandler & Co., illusions; The The show will be the flrst of its kind, as the au- Clowns; Bill Brickie and his Poodle Fantasy; dience area will be structured with, and in con- Aerial Ladders; Intermission; Paulettes Peerless junction with the park's newest and largest at- Puppies; Clowns; Magic Moments; Clowns; Aer- traction, the 'Shock Wave' roller coaster. ial extravaganza featuring Linda on the . Featured with the show will by Gary's Juggling The show staff included: Bill Brickie, producer; act, the puppets, magic and their dog act, which Butch Capa, props; Matty Sink, front door; will consist of 8 dogs . John Meyers, concessions; with Bill Brickie and Phil Chandler sharing the announcing. %>.

New Rule Officials said that under the modified ban, hor- The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) has ses which have not been on premises where modified its ban on the importation of horses CEM is found - and which are so certified - may from the United Kingdom, Ireland, France and be imported. Horses which have not been bred Australia, to allow the temporary entry of hor- by or bred to animals from CEM-affected pre- ses under bond for purposes other than breed- mises may enter the country with certification. ing. Official's of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said this will allow horses to enter the United States temporarily for exhibition and competition purposes with- out significant risk of introducing contagious Unusual Xmas Gifts equine metritis (CEM) to the United States. Custom-made hand-tooled leather belts, dyed CEM is a genital disease of horses recently dis- and painted with your hobby or act theme on: covered in the four countries. Lions, Motorcycles, Trampoline, Clowns, Ele- phants or just about anything ! Ask some of my satisfied customers. TALENT WANTED $20.00 each • Matching leather buckle $ 5.00 The Wisconsin Bureau provides talent also available for schools. Also available - Purses, Wallets and Checkbook Talent needed for 1979-1980 school covers. year. write: SANDY BUMPY (Schwenke) WISCONSIN BUREAU OF N. 64 W. 24470 Main St. - Apt. 11 LECTURES AND CONCERTS Sussex, Wise. - 53089 Tilleda, Wisconsin - 54978 Please add $1.00 extra for insurance and Phone: (715)787-3300 postdcje Page 14 November 21, 1977 THANK YOU AGENTS WANTED My sincere thanks to all of the won- FOR 1978 SEASON derful Circus people and fans for their cards and letters while I was in .EUROPORAMA, INC. the hospital, and a special thank you 223 West Main St., Suite 205 to my good fan buddy Ron Sanford Medford, Oregon - 97501 for his many visits to see me. Phone: (503) 779-7441 BILL GREEN 823 Elk St. Beatrice, Neb. 68310

CHER1E and JIM CUNNINGHAM, of the Beat- ty-Cole Circus, totaled their truck and trailer on Int'l Magic Spectacular, the Nordmark produc- the way to Houma, La. on Oct. 23rd. Jim swer- ed 2nd unit, is now on the last half of its inaugt ved to miss two dogs in the road, the trailer ural tour. The unit opened Nov. 3 at Roanoake broke loose and landed on its side. The truck (Va) and closes in the Southwest Dec. 16th. rolled completely over, landing back on its wheels. Jim and the dog were uninjured, but The Emmett Kelly, Jr. Circus is reportedly go- Cherie suffered a cut arm requiring 7 stitches ing to play Orlando (Fla) over the Thanksgiving Day weekend. The Father Ed Sullivan Tent, CFA., of New Business for the Beatty-Cole Circus at New Or- England, held its fall meeting and dinner on leans (La) was very good, although the show Saturday, Oct. 29th at Shrewsbury, Mass. Tom ran into mud and damp weather. Kulbabsky was elected president of the group for the coming year. Acts Wanted FOR 1978 SEASON

— (Doing Two or More Numbers) — FOR TENT CIRCUS

Send: Photos, description of acts, and salary requirements

Eros. Circxis 6106 East 32nd Place -- Suite 103 Tulsa, Oklahoma - 74135 The Circus Report Page 15




Presenting the Feat That Has Killed 17 Men A Consistent FRONT PAGE ATTRACTION for the past two years SOME OPEN TIME IN DECEMHKK Also Hooking Dates for 1978

Contict: AVATAR PRODUCTIONS Phone: (813) 5016 20th Avenue South 2475869 Tampa, Florida • 33619 Page 16 November 21,1977 FOR SALE "THE DAY THE SHOW DID NOT GO ON' Miniature Horses and Miniature Cattle Tuesday, July 17, 1956 21" to 32" The story of RBBB's last tent show told in We have two hundred animals to choose newspaper articles and photos from the from: Mound-sville, W. Va. area • the next lot on Four matched black males 2 yrs old 31" the 1956 tour. One 2 yr old cow 23" - color black A beautiful folder with four large pages printed on heavy 70 Ib. stock for the cir- One dwarf female horse 21" - 2 yrs old cus collector. $1.25 Postpaid J. C. WILLIAMS, Jr. CLARK BEURLEN Rte. 4 Inman, S. C. - 29349 5162 Orchard Green Phone: (803) 472-9788 Columbia, Maryland • 21045

There's not much time left so better send your Holiday TIM COONEY recently purchased three zebras Greeting now, from LOUIS GOEBELS for use in an upcom- .The deadline for copy has ing movie "Roar". Tim is also using his own been set at Dec. 1st, which elephant, plus bulls owned by JUDY KAYE will be here soon. and ED DRAKE! He also has hopes of being Don't forget, there is no in- able to use MORGAN BERRY's African ele- crease in advertising costs phants for some film work. for this issue. FRANK and JANET BURGER are getting a few days rest in Florida before starting a busy Holiday work schedule. BACK IN COMMAND THE BUMPY FAMILY, acrobats, appeared on Dr. William S. Standring, prominent Evansville Chicago's Bozo TV Show Nov. 10-11, one of (Ind) dentist and for many years, Acts' Chair- the last dates before the act quits show busi- man for the Hadi Temple Shrine Circus, (who ness. stepped aside due to pressure of his profession and outside involvements), has picked up the FRED HEATLEY was recently elected presi- reins for this year's circus. dent of the Roland C. Butler CFA Tent at Phonebc, Ari/una. Dr. Standring came back in command when the Circus Chairman and the Acts' Chairman, E. E. ledgable; he is also well-liked by circus people "Chick" Johnson, died within two days of each and popular with the Divan. His "return" is a other. plus for the event. It is almost a certainty Dr. Dr. Standring is well-versed in the production Standring will remain in charge through 1978 of the Hadi Shrine Circus, is technically know- and, at least into 1979. Billy Barton


Able to perform two different acts or a 30 minute show.

Contact: WILLY WALTENS 692 No. Parks Street Grand Rapids, Mich. - 49505 show program The crowd was barely larger than the entire cast KRISTAVO, juggler and slack wire artist, will but nevertheless the International All Star Cir- work at a new Holiday Inn (Santanella, Calif.) cus presented a strong performance during its the weekend of Nov. 19-20. He will also be appearance on Nov. 6th in Phoenix (Ariz). working Christmas dates in the Sacramento area for agent DOROTHEA GRAY. The sponsor did a poor job of promoting the show, drawing about 100 people, with half of COUNT NICHOLAS (Ringmaster for Beatty- them special guests from two local schools for Cxile) was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel the retarded. by the Governor of Kentucky when the show played Lexington on Oct. 5th. The Int'l All Star Circus, making its first swing through the West, carries a five piece band that After intermission the program included: Uncle produced sounds of a group several times its Heavy's Pork Chop Review, performing pigs; size. The band included two trumpets, trom- Komic Katastrophe, clowns; Diamond Duo, bone, drums and organ. French trapeze; Danny Carey & Co., balancing; All equipment was well maintained, clean and Vasquez Chimps; The Terry's, unicycles; The brightly painted. Locked Trunk Magic Act; and Stoney, the ba- by elephant. The program included: Miss Patti, foot juggling; The O'Briens, slackwire; Miss Antoinette, hair A large number of members of the Roland C. hang; Coco and Coco, Jr., clowns; Lady Without Butler Tent No. 102, CFA, were in attendance a Middle, illusion act; Carey Brown Duo, rola and went into the backyard after the show. bola; The Vazquez Canines; Miss Ivey, single The CFA's included: Fred Reed, western vice trapeze; Targa, unchained leopard; Coco and president, and Robert McCall, District 11 Dir- Coco, Jr., on stilts. ector. Page IB November 21,1977 BETTY WENDANY'S THANK YOU FUNS-A-POPPIN JOHN REDMOND f for your trailer purchase Package Shows to Fit Your Needs for your wife, Debra Box 391, Sunland, Calif. - 91040 (213) 352-4277 (213) 352-2454 "SAVE MONEY WITH JOHNNY" JOHNNY CANOLE

Show Report 7100 Sixth Avenue Both Hoxie circuses have returned to their Mi- 465 N.E. 102nd Street Altoona, Pa. 16602 Miami Shores, Fla. 33138 (814) 944-9347 or ami (Fla) winter quarters after a long but gen- {305} 751-0206 (814) 943-0003 erally successful tour. The season started in late March at West Palm Beach (Fla). The larger enough. There is also a baby baboon and the show, Hoxie Bros. Circus, toured on 22 trucks addition of a hind leg walking male lion to his and the smaller, Hoxie's Great American Circus act. traveled on 10 trucks. Hoxie says he is thinking about changing his Owner Hoxie Tucker termed the '77 campaign big show route to include such states as New as being a success but commented that the lar- York and Michigan, and if he does he will spend ger show enjoyed better business. He seems to a large sum of money on his electrical dept. to feel that a change in routing may be needed for make it conform to state regulations. the Great American show. Casualties of the 1977 season include several The winterquarters crew is now getting the stolen trucks (later recovered) and serious da- show in shape for the '78 season and all trucks mage to the menagerie tractor, which may have are scheduled for new paint. to be completely replaced. Hoxie also plans to Tucker says that he intends to revamp the per- up-date part of his tractor fleet in '78. formances of both shows 100%, including the During the Christmas holidays, Hoxie Bros, addition of big-name attractions who have seen will furnish their big top, cat act, elephants, service on shows such as Ringling-Barnum, props, lighting, power plant and other equip- Beatty-Cole and others. New clowns are also ment for a two week stand in Fort Lauderdale. expected on both units. The Hoxie shows are a favorite of this writer One of Hoxie's punk elephants, "Sue", died and when compared to some of the other cir- shortly before the end of the season, leaving cuses around, it is an outstanding show, well- some sad faces in the bull dept. No plans to re- managed, giving top-notch performances. The place her have been made and next season Hox- show is well-flashed, clean, no grift allowed and ie plans to carry 3 adult bulls on both shows. friendly to circus fans. It is a shame that other Cat act trainer Mike Cecere is proud of two male circuses cannot see the value of being more tike lion cubs, now 4 weeks old, and he hopes to Hoxie break thorn into the act when they are old - Larry Kent INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL TRAINER Col. ROYAL CONTINENTAL PERFORMING STALLIONS - Liberty -- Long Rein -- High School - NOW TRAINING FOR R.B.B.B. NEW CIRCUS WORLD P. O. Box 2006 - HAINES CITY, FLA. 33844 - Phone: (813)424-2421 The Circus Report Patjc 19 Circus Organist With Own Equipment AVAILABLE THRU JAN. 1978 Buy yourself and your circus-minded friends Contact: RAY HARTZELL a gift you'll really enjoy - color photos of 404 So. Meadow Valley Dr. your favorite circuses and performers. Over Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 2000 available ! For Details, Write to: HORSES ILL CUSTOM COLOR CIRCUS PHOTOS The famous Lipizzan horse troupe with- 1509 South Clinton Avenue drew from the National Horse Show at New Berwyn, Illinois 60402 York last week because the animals had all caught colds. BILLY BARTON (Continued) "It's a typical viral infection," said Dr. Robert Carr, the horse show veterinarian. fYou and I miniature character statues which I am SU RE SaSa would call it a cold - the horses are sniffing, will be GLAD to hear! coughing and running slight fevers." MARVIN VARNER, wife JOANNE, and their two The doctor's orders included plenty of rest for kids were "hi-jacked" in Phoenix with the Gatti show the big muscular white stallions and they were by a Mexican hi-jacker who, upon discovering the keys sent to a farm in Connecticut. left forgotten in the ignition, promptly jumped in at 5:30 ayem and dove truck AND trailer off the show grounds. The unit careened madly down the street and when the hi-jacker was finally forced to stop at a Trie WESTERN WILD CATS Band and Show is red light, Marvin leaped out, stark naked, overpower- hack at winterquarters (Fla) after a successful ed the hi-jacker and ripped the keys from the ignition. season. Twelve-year old ROBY ENGESSER, In the confusion, however, the culprit escaped leaving owner of the show has bought two small tents Marvin to explain why it was he was driving a truck and a 2l/6 ton CMC truck for the coming '78 and trailer through the streets of Phoenix, stark mk- season. Roby, aside from going to school, is al- ed, in the wee hours of the morningl so training a coyote and lion act for next year. See you down the road, luvs. Mama, ROXY, starts her school lectures in co- operation with Lion Country Safari, of West mance in Canada in 1973. Palm Beach, on Nov. 21st. EDDIE HENDRICKS, DALE, JERRY and HELGA WRIGHT, DEWEY RIVERS and E. ABE GOLDSTEIN, clown cop, worked for the C. BRICKLE (Bill's brother) were all seen visit- !)r. Pepper Circus at Dallas, Texas, where clown numbers were produced by CHECKERS & ing the "Wonderland Circus Revue" PATCHES (Steve Raker and Gary Ray). Abe celebrated his 82nri birthday while on the show. MARY GILL, former aerialist, recently accept- FOR SALE ed an out-of-court settlement of $1,725,000 in RINGLING CIRCUS PROGRAMS her suit against Ringling-Bamum. The suit was 1957 - $ 4.00 each - Post Paid filed as a result of her accident during a perfor- 1968 - $ 2.75 each - Post Paid OPENING FOR PROMOTER who likes 1972 - $ 2.50 each - Post Paid steady work in Medium Size Towns. Must 1973 - $ 2.50 each - Post Paid have references. Send Check or Money Order to: STAN KRAMIEN and Associates COLLECTABLES (206) 256-6178 P. O. Box 1154 Venice, Fla. 33595