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Kaupunkien Tila Increasing the attractiveness of ski jumping in Finland Salzano, Sabrina 2013 Leppävaara Laurea University of Applied Sciences Leppävaara Increasing the attractiveness of ski jumping in Finland Sabrina Salzano Degree Programme in BM Bachelor’s Thesis May, 2013 Laurea University of Applied Sciences Abstract Leppävaara Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Management Salzano, Sabrina Improving the attractiveness of ski jumping in Finland Year 2013 Pages 138 Finland has a long tradition of ski jumping, including memorable successes such as the 3 gold medals of Matti Nykänen at the Olympic Games. However, in recent years, Finland’s ski jumpers have achieved disappointing results in the World Cup, and suffered from injuries and retirements. Many young and talented jumpers prematurely ended their careers 5 to 10 years ago, as they did not have the opportunity to reach the national team which was very competi- tive. Now Finland is lacking talent at the top level, and not enough young jumpers are trained. This thesis examines the current situation with regard to ski jumping in Finland in order to provide solutions for preventing the decline in the number of jumpers and attracting more children to try the sport. The purpose of this thesis is to identify realistic solutions to imple- ment rapidly and at the lowest possible cost. Raising the interest of young children is a priori- ty but it is also important to keep the motivation high for jumpers between 14 and 20 years old. The other objective of this paper is to provide solutions for increasing the number of spectators during national and regional competitions. With larger audiences, sponsors might be again interested in this sport at international, national or regional levels. Increasing the interest of the media is also important for promoting the sport but also to establish trust and respect. Diverse research methods were used to collect the necessary data to understand the situation from different angles and to generate solutions. Firstly, press documents and statistics pro- vided by the International Ski Federation were analyzed to acquire an overall picture. Based on these results, a questionnaire for international jumpers was designed. Finnish jumpers also completed a questionnaire including more questions and topics. The data allowed getting the jumpers’ point of view on the sport in general. In order to answer the question of whether ski jumping is attractive, observation of a study group in different kinds of competitions was conducted. The feedback was important and helped to identify points of failure, especially in terms of communication and promotion. The long-term aim is to double the number of junior jumpers, which currently number ap- proximately 260, to attract more spectators and sponsors. Ski jumping needs to recreate a positive image, especially for parents, children, the media and companies. Key words marketing, brand management, communication plan, sport, motivation, media Table of Contents List of abbreviations ...........................................................................................8 1 Introduction .............................................................................................9 1.1 Current situation ...............................................................................9 1.1.1 Situation of ski jumping worldwide .........................................9 1.1.2 TV audiences .................................................................. 11 1.1.3 Summary of the seasons 2002-2013 of the Finnish team in WC ...... 13 1.1.4 Recent actions ................................................................ 15 1.2 Background of the thesis .................................................................... 15 1.3 Presentation of the partner organization ................................................ 16 1.4 Purpose of the thesis with limitations .................................................... 17 1.5 Research questions........................................................................... 18 1.6 Research approach ........................................................................... 19 1.7 Theoretical approach ........................................................................ 19 1.8 Framework of the thesis .................................................................... 19 2 Theoretical background ............................................................................. 20 2.1 Context of marketing strategy and plan ................................................. 21 2.1.1 Marketing plan process ...................................................... 22 2.1.2 Different types of strategies ............................................... 24 2.2 Marketing Communication .................................................................. 24 2.2.1 Developing a digital marketing strategy ................................. 26 2.2.2 Branding ........................................................................ 27 Brand definition .................................................. 27 Brand positioning ................................................. 29 2.2.3 Public relations ............................................................... 30 News release ...................................................... 32 Interactive marketing ............................................ 32 2.2.4 Word-of-mouth marketing .................................................. 34 Social media marketing ......................................... 34 2.2.5 Event marketing .............................................................. 37 Types of events ................................................... 37 Event marketing mix ............................................. 39 2.2.6 Attractiveness ................................................................. 40 2.3 Motivation ..................................................................................... 41 2.3.1 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations ........................................ 42 2.3.2 Loss of motivation and its consequences using different theories .. 44 2.4 Theoretical framework ...................................................................... 45 3 Research approach ................................................................................... 46 3.1 Research problem ............................................................................ 48 3.2 Methodology ................................................................................... 48 3.2.1 Qualitative methods ......................................................... 49 3.2.2 Quantitative methods ....................................................... 49 3.2.3 Sampling methods ............................................................ 49 3.2.4 Data collection ................................................................ 50 3.2.5 Analyzing methods ........................................................... 51 3.3 Validity and reliability of the results ..................................................... 51 4 Empirical Study ....................................................................................... 52 4.1 Analysis of documents ....................................................................... 52 4.1.1 Comparison between Finland, Poland and Slovenia .................... 53 4.1.2 Current situation of the ski jumping in Finland ......................... 54 4.2 Results of the study with comments ...................................................... 56 4.2.1 International jumpers ....................................................... 56 Training and competitions ...................................... 58 Diverse challenges ................................................ 59 Quitting and life after career .................................. 61 4.2.2 Finnish jumpers ............................................................... 62 Training and competitions ...................................... 63 Injuries ............................................................. 63 Numerous challenges ............................................ 64 Quitting and life after career .................................. 65 Communication and marketing ................................ 66 Ski jumping in general ........................................... 67 4.3 Comparison between Finnish and international jumpers ............................. 68 4.4 Results of the observation with foreign audience ...................................... 70 5 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 74 6 Suggestions for a marketing plan .................................................................. 75 6.1 Current market analysis ..................................................................... 75 6.1.1 Competitors analysis ......................................................... 75 6.1.2 SWOT analysis ................................................................. 76 6.1.3 Assumptions ................................................................... 78 6.2 Marketing objectives ........................................................................ 78 6.3 Marketing strategy ........................................................................... 78 6.3.1 Target markets................................................................ 79 6.3.2 Positioning ....................................................................
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