(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-18
_IATS. FATI. re ••1 .... YI, ..... At .., •••• Ut ..... ,.... ".OC~I'ID rooPIl. t'.. ...." •• I ...... z: .... "J II...... cl ••• ..... 'VO"" " ... tn' 01._" ..... nU' I.. fh. ....... Warmer 'BOII, " ••• " ......... _ .. I. I ........ 1... '1.1101,. QAIOUlf., y." ....- , ... I., I •• t IOWA: Fair .u wanner . ••" .......... C... B,' ... C·, ... _ •.aI' 'o. n .. IOWAN ••"... FVIa. OIL, "riel 'I..... , ... DAI"LY n. II" .... THE • _, al.. I.d ,..... ..,... ,... .., n.. •.... .. OO~~ . Iowa City'. Morning New.paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, MAY II. 1145 ........ IlI.... ..- VOLUMEDI HUMBER2DO ===================='~====================~============================================================================= FRIGHTENED TARAKAN CIVILIANS FLEE WAR AREA Infantry Gains "Dominating Position i·n 'South Okinawa. Big Five Face Hitler's Successor Investigated- .. ~ Marines (ross Major Tesl Papers Report" DoeOltz Arrested Inlo Naha LONDON (AP)-Foreian Sec criminals was just about complete. Max Schmelling, former heavy Surpri.. Night AHack CommiH" to Decide retary Anthony Eden disclosed Eden also told commons that he weight champion, was reported yesterday that Grand Admiral hoped swUt justice would be arrested by the British In Ham Places nth Division On Giving Veto Power Karl Doenll:%-Hltler's succe&SOt meted out to Hermann Goering bur& for his activities as a Nazi. Above I.himml Town To Large Nations branded by Moscow as a war described by a commons ques Hlmmler was known to have criminal-Was "under investlga tioner as "that loathsome crim been at his summer home east ot tlon" and "a~ordln, to news GUA~f, Friday (AP)-M'ak. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The inal." Berchtesaaden as la.t 81 April 27, paper reporters" had been ar He said he had no Information when It would have been unlillely ing a surpri night attack witll· power of big nations to do much as rested.
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