See Oakes, James AIDS, 288, 304 Akins, Zoë, 69 Albee, Edward, 164
Index Abel, Walter, 69 Barrymore, John, 348, 360 “Acorn.” See Oakes, James Barrymore, Lionel, 349 AIDS, 288, 304 bearded marriage, 11, 59, 86–87, 96, Akins, Zoë, 69 98, 155–56, 162, 175, 324, 346, Albee, Edward, 164 360–61 Alexandre, Arsène, 311 Beaton, Cecil, 97, 100, 101 Alger, William Rounseville, 226, 229, Beau Brummell (Fitch), 33, 34–38, 44 237–38, 240–41 Becker, Edith, 10 Allan, Maud, 318 Behold the Bridegroom (Kelly), 131, American Repertory Theatre, 375 136, 138–39 Amherst College, 28, 29 Belasco, David, 264, 265–66, 274, 275, Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena, 65 277 Angels in America (Kushner), 2, 305 Belasco Theatre, 269, 278 Antiphon, The (Barnes), 105, 108, 114, Bel-Geddes, Norman, 91–92, 266 116, 121, 122 Bell, Archie, 27, 45 Anything Goes (Porter), 160 Belmont, Mrs. O. H. P., 153 Appia, Adolphe, 320, 338, 381 Bender, Milton, 172, 173, 176 Archaic Hours, 380 Benstock, Shari, 108–9, 113 Archways of Life (poetry), 87–89 Bentley, Eric, 15, 288–307 Arena Stage, 2 Bentley, Gladys, 281 Are You Now or Have You Ever Bergman, David, 201 Been: The Investigations of Show- Berkeley, Busby, 182 Business by the Un-American Activ- Berzon, Betty, 13 ities Committee (Bentley), 300 Betsky, Aaron, 15 As Husbands Go (Crothers), 62, 68, Bigelow, Dorothie, 153 70, 73, 74 Bigsby, C. W. E., 194 Association for Theatre in Higher Bill Comes Back (Crothers), 62 Education, 1 bisexual as term, 11 Astor Place Riot, 236 bisexuality, 108, 110, 281, 296, 371, 385 Atkinson, Brooks, 75, 96, 265, 266 Bloch, Gabrielle, 311, 325–27 bohemianism, 106, 110, 342–43 Baba,
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