The Observer Snhews March 7, 2002 2 Campus Security Log the Essence of Black History
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ObserverObserverObserverTheThe Volume VIII, Issue 6 Southern New Hampshire University Thursday, March 7, 2002 McIninch Art Gallery Robert Frost Hall officially opens gets By Kara Dufour wired! Co-Editor in Chief By Matt Miville As some at SNHU followed Staff Writer their normal Friday evening routines, invited guests Over the past couple of mingled in the foyer of Rob- months people have mar- ert Frost Hall, drinking wine veled at the new buildings and soda and snacking on de- design. There is far more than licious treats. On Friday, Feb. meets the eye. In my efforts 22, at 7 p.m., the McIninch to find out what Robert Frost Art Gallery officially opened Hall was made of technologi- its doors, marking a special cally, this reporter set out to addition to SNHU. get some information about The McIninch Art Gallery what goes on behind the first opened its doors at a pre- scenes. What this reporter view on Thursday, Feb. 21, an found was impressive com- event for the entire SNHU puter labs, classrooms, com- campus. Approximately 125 mon areas, labs and the elu- students, faculty and staff sive new Trade Room. Every were the first to set eyes on day, hundreds of students the art works, with punch and pass by these technological cookies served in front of the wonders, but perhaps not re- gallery. alize what they contain. Although the Open House Dr. Stephanie Collins, assis- was a significant event, the Photo by Kara Dufour tant professor of information real show was on Feb. 22. In Pictured above are SNHU president Richard Gustafson (far left) with Douglas McIninch (far right) and his wife (middle left) and mother (middle right). technology, was contacted addition to faculty and staff, because of her knowledge SNHU president Richard another piece displayed by into the Walker Auditorium to the McIninch family for about the computer labs. Gustafson, Manchester mayor Ayotte called Springtime. for a few words from their generosity. He added While some students around Robert Baines, members of Another remarkable work Gustafson, Douglas McIninch that the art gallery repre- campus thought there was the McIninch family, along that caught viewers eyes was and Craven. Gustafson was sents a whole new direction only one computer lab, there with many of the artists of the a painting by Melissa Miller the first to speak, giving that will bring a special spirit are four. The common com- works displayed in the gal- called Harrison Street in Win- thanks to the Currier Art Gal- to the school. puter lab open for public use lery, attended the event. ter III, a beautiful oil on can- lery for its support as well as See GALLERY, page 4 is on the first floor. The other As guests arrived at Robert vas painting with bright col- three labs are on the third Frost Hall, they were cor- ors and minute details. Stuart floor and are restricted to in- dially greeted by the director Obers Sea Foam Mistake was formation technology ma- of the McIninch Art Gallery, an interesting work on the jors. The three labs are spe- Dr. Robert Craven. The guests right-hand side wall of the gal- cialized for a specific area were then invited to long lery. Sea Foam Mistake pic- dealing with computers. In tables laden with delicious tures a chair with a paint can the Internet Lab students treats. The elegant atmo- spilling an aquamarine color. work on setting up web pages sphere reflected the impor- In addition to these works was and publish works to the tance of the art opening to an interesting bottle by Gerry Internet. Next there is the both the campus and Craven. Williams. The bottle was Network Lab, where students While mingling, guests ca- splattered with red and green- learn the basics of building sually walked through the art ish colors and made of glazed elaborate networks from gallery. When the guests and fired clay. This bottle is a scratch. Students are able to walked through the doors, the permanent holding of the physically take apart comput- first work of art they saw was McIninch Art Gallery, do- ers to add or remove compo- American Beauty by Rick nated by Prof. Chris Toy. nents and see how the inside Photo by Nick Coates Ayotte. This piece encased a About halfway through the Artist Gerald Auten (left) pictured with the director of the of the computer really works. red flower in glass, similar to event, guests were ushered McIninch Art Gallery, Dr. Robert Craven (right). See WIRED, page 4 Snhews Opinion A&E Sports Index Poet Toure de- Sophomore year: Who is Favreau: A star Snhews..........2-6 fines Black His- A three-year plan The Trickster? on and off the ice Opinion.........7-8 tory Month A&E...............9-15 Page 2 Page 7 Page 12 Page 20 Sports...........16-20 Page 01.p65 1 3/5/02, 11:13 AM Black the observer snhews march 7, 2002 2 Campus Security Log The essence of black history Compiled by Kara Dufour a female sleeping on the stage lance responded and the By Cari Welch tory, which had been rewrit- guest was taken to Elliot Hos- Co-Editor in Chief in the small gym. The female Photography Editor ten by dominant people. This had been seen early in the pital. misrepresentation has caused gym on a number of occa- pain and a lack of understand- Date: 2/2/02 What may be one of the sions, but this was the first ing that must be overcome if Time: 13:37 Date: 2/16/02 most relevant aspects of Black time she was found sleeping. we are ever going to be truly At the above date and time Time: 13:00 History Month, for people of She told the person who an equal and democratic so- the driver of a silver car pulled At the above date and time every color, is the belief that found her that she was sleep- ciety. He spoke of how women up to the gate to go behind the it was reported that someone we as human beings should ing there until she found a are not given credit very of- gym. The PSO did not open switched the mens and always be striving to show the place. ten in Western history books, the gate. The PSO then waved womens bathroom signs on best in our neighbors and our- but in other parts of the world for the driver to pull over to the first floor of Frost Hall. A selves. That was the feeling of have been brave warrior lead- the gatehouse. The car pulled Date: 2/13/02 PSO reported and switched the poetry reading held Tues- ers, equal partners with the up to the gatehouse and the Time: 13:50 the signs back. day, Feb. 26, in the Pub from men around them. Toure also PSO noticed that the driver At the above date and time 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. featuring was a male employee of the spoke of the Native Ameri- a female student reported re- Date: 2/17/02 Askia Toure. college. The employee rolled cans, and Asians, and their ceiving Instant Messages Time: 14:20 Toure, a black activist, poet down his window and yelled, lack of recognition. via AOLthe latest being the At the above date and time and political reformer, visited What the hell is your prob- He suggested that these evening of 2/12/02. The fe- PS received a call from a fe- SNHU to share some of his ex- lem. Before the PSO could people must know who their male reported that the sender male student at New Castle periences and his award-win- explain, the employee pulled ancestors are before they can simply stated soon- The Hall. Her window had been ning poetry. Toure is a man away. leave the ranks of the op- message implied that the egged and she requested it be who has lived and breathed pressed. He continued this sender will have her will- cleaned up because she could the civil-rights experience. line of discussion by asking the Date: 2/10/02 ingly or unwillingly and will not see out of it. He has published five books. audience why they dont know Time: 11:17 take what he/she wants. The His most recent, Dawn Song! about these histories, and At the above date and time sender also implied that he/ The Epic Memory of Askia Date: 2/22/02 urging them to find out. PS received a call stating a she would make it unsafe for Toure, was one of the books Time: 05:20 After this thought-provok- housekeeper was needed in her. The female feels that the he read from Tuesday night. At the above date and time, ing introduction, the audi- the mens room at Chocorua sender is a student who may As the audience sat ready to a student in Kearsage com- ence was treated to the poetry Hall. A PSO checked the area have gotten in her room. She absorb some of this life-taught plained about noise coming of this great man. His voice and reported there was 3-5 has no particular suspects. education, they were greeted from another room. PS called was as comforting as your old- pounds of fecal matter on the by a kind-looking, bearded the room twice, and no one rim and sides of a toilet man who seemed truly happy Date: 2/15/02 answered. A PSO reported to spreading onto the floor.