The Observer Snhews March 7, 2002 2 Campus Security Log the Essence of Black History
ObserverObserverObserverTheThe Volume VIII, Issue 6 Southern New Hampshire University Thursday, March 7, 2002 McIninch Art Gallery Robert Frost Hall officially opens gets By Kara Dufour wired! Co-Editor in Chief By Matt Miville As some at SNHU followed Staff Writer their normal Friday evening routines, invited guests Over the past couple of mingled in the foyer of Rob- months people have mar- ert Frost Hall, drinking wine veled at the new buildings and soda and snacking on de- design. There is far more than licious treats. On Friday, Feb. meets the eye. In my efforts 22, at 7 p.m., the McIninch to find out what Robert Frost Art Gallery officially opened Hall was made of technologi- its doors, marking a special cally, this reporter set out to addition to SNHU. get some information about The McIninch Art Gallery what goes on behind the first opened its doors at a pre- scenes. What this reporter view on Thursday, Feb. 21, an found was impressive com- event for the entire SNHU puter labs, classrooms, com- campus. Approximately 125 mon areas, labs and the elu- students, faculty and staff sive new Trade Room. Every were the first to set eyes on day, hundreds of students the art works, with punch and pass by these technological cookies served in front of the wonders, but perhaps not re- gallery. alize what they contain. Although the Open House Dr. Stephanie Collins, assis- was a significant event, the Photo by Kara Dufour tant professor of information real show was on Feb. 22. In Pictured above are SNHU president Richard Gustafson (far left) with Douglas McIninch (far right) and his wife (middle left) and mother (middle right).
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