Never be afraid to say, I Cosplay!

Come join us at Club Cosplay—A Spa-Con, Cosplay, “Night-Club” Event

Come make this the “baddest” Cosplay Nerd Event Ever!

In no way does Geek culture run short of complex story lines in which you can immerse yourself via the art of cosplay. If you or your friends have a passion for cosplay, come experience Spa-Con’s brand of “cos-topia.” It’s a place where you can truly see and be seen in your super-secret (or not so secret) innermost, heart’s desire alter ego. Join us for a night to honor the Nerd in all of us; and free your creative expression in a fun and safe environment! It’s all about being spectacular-spectacular!

For Nerds By Nerds—This Club's For You!

Club Cosplay is an “Anti-Club”—it’s a nightclub atmosphere for people who want to have a good time but don't enjoy the run of the mill club experience. It’s a place where harassment, body shaming and snobbery are drop-kicked out of the window in favor of positive interaction, artistic expression and community experience!

It’s a NERDsafe Event—what does that mean?! It’s a code (more like guidelines really) that stops the social stigmas, hierarchies and hostility of the typical club experience. We provide an environment where the un-cool are Coo-EL, the rejects are resplendent, and the hottest thing on the dance floor is a creative mind!

To the uninitiated, cosplay can seem like little more than a glorified party, a dress parade at the wrong time of the year—it’s not ! Let me explain, where a ensemble is picked simply to amuse, many cosplayers feel a deeper connection with their chosen character that elevates the experience from mere dress-up to a more profound experience. They don’t just put on the same outfit as a beloved character; they adopt the same mannerisms, posture and accent, embodying the character rather than just imitating. They dress as superheroes, video game characters, and notable denizens of the big and small screens in a veritable explosion of costumed color and the resulting clash of the bizarre and the mundane can make for countless amusing and amazing photo opportunities: a knight in chainmail making a withdrawal at the ATM; Sailor Moon enthusiastically dancing; He-Man’s improbably huge muscles creating a traffic blockage in the drinks line while awaiting a frosty beverage.

A convention such as Spa-Con and its Club Cosplay is the ideal place to premiere a costume after months of hard work, or revive one that’s tried and true. Cosplayers also gather for smaller social events, at local places of interest throughout a convention so be on the lookout for your favorite super heroes and heroines, super villains and villainesses and enjoy the spectacle and remember: it’s in no way acceptable to heckle! Ardent cosplayers are seeking the holy grail of cosplay: screen accuracy and they are as passionate about their creative flow as you are about your chosen hobbies. Just “Keep calm and Cos on!”