Case 8:20-cv-00891 Document 1 Filed 05/12/20 Page 1 of 55 Page ID #:1 1 Harmeet K. Dhillon (CA Bar No. 207873)
[email protected] 2 Gregory R. Michael (CA Bar No. 306814) 3
[email protected] Dorothy C. Yamamoto (CA Bar No. 306817) 4
[email protected] DHILLON LAW GROUP INC. 5 177 Post Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94108 6 415-433-1700 7 415-520-6593 (fax) 8 Thomas Brejcha, pro hac vice pending 9
[email protected] Peter Breen, pro hac vice pending 10
[email protected] 11 THOMAS MORE SOCIETY 309 W. Washington St., Ste. 1250 12 Chicago, IL 60606 13 Tel: (312) 782-1680 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs the Center for Medical 15 Progress and David Daleiden 16 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 THE CENTER FOR MEDICAL Case No. 19 PROGRESS, a California corporation, and DAVID DALEIDEN, an individual, COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES, 20 Plaintiffs, DECLARATORY, AND 21 INJUNCTIVE RELIEF 22 vs. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL XAVIER BECERRA, in his official 23 capacity as Attorney General of California; 24 PLANNED PARENTHOOD 25 FEDERATION OF AMERICA, a New York corporation; PLANNED 26 PARENTHOOD AFFILIATES OF 27 CALIFORNIA, a California corporation; NATIONAL ABORTION FEDERATION, 28 COMPLAINT Case 8:20-cv-00891 Document 1 Filed 05/12/20 Page 2 of 55 Page ID #:2 1 a Missouri corporation; STEMEXPRESS, a California LLC; KAMALA HARRIS, an 2 individual; JILL HABIG, an individual; BETH PARKER, an individual; BRIAN 3 CARDWELL, an individual; REYE DIAZ, 4 an individual; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, 5 6 Defendants.