506 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JUNE r, 1935. Kenneth Purves Dewar, Esq., of the Imperial Rangammal, Lady Krishnamachari (wife of Secretariat Service, Assistant Secretary to Sir V. T. Krishnaniachari, C.I.E., Minister the Resident and Treasury Officer, Hydera- of the Bai'ocla State). bad (Deccan). Miss Rosa Adaline M'Cullough, lately of the John Howard, Esq., Inspector, India Store American United Presbyterian Mission, Department, London. Gujranwala, Punjab. Edvv.rd Little, Esq., Superintendent, Govern- Dorothy Isabel, Mrs. Norman-Walker (wife of ment House Gardens, Bombay. Colonel John Norman-Walker, C.I.E., Manwa Earn, Esq., Indian Army Corps of I.M.S'. (retired)), Hyderabad. Deccan. Clerks, Superintendent, Medical Branch, Miss Emily Gertrude Stuart, M.B., Church of Headquarters, Kohat District, North-West England Zenana Mission Society Hospital, Frontier Province. Quetta, Baluchistan. Muhammad Abdur Rahim, Esq., Upper Lily Gertrude, Mrs. Tunstall, Headmistress, Divisional Hospital Writer, Hyderbad Pine Mount School, Shillong, Assam. (Deccan), Secunderafoad Cantonment. Barbara, Lady Wright (\\ife of Sir William Joseph Paul Rego, Esq., Assistant Secretary Owen Wright, O.B.E.), Madras. to the Government of Bombay in the Public The Very Reverend Monseigneur Erumino Works Department. Bonetta, Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Dewan Chand Saigal, Esq., Head Assistant, Catholic Mission, Kengtung, Burma.. Headquarter No. 14, District Supply Com- Richard Charles Busher, Esq., Principal, pany, Indian Army Service Corps, Punjab. Philander Smith College, Naini Tal, United COLOXIES, PROTECTORATES, &c. Provinces. Owen Meredith Rees, Esq., Indian Civil Ser- Peter Hemy de la Harpe, Esq., Office Assist- vice (retired), District Magistrate and Col- ant to the Chief Secretary, Ceylon. lector of Murshidabad, Bengal.
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