9362 Supplement to the London Gazette, 12 December, 1911

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9362 Supplement to the London Gazette, 12 December, 1911 9362 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12 DECEMBER, 1911. Lieutenant-Colonel Ramsay Frederick Clayton Maung Myat Tun Aung, Burma Commission, Gordon, Indian Army, lately Private Secre- Deputy Commissioner, Kyaukpyu, Burma. tary to the Lieutenant-Governor, United George Cunningham Buchanan, Esq., Provinces of Agra and Oudh, at present Chairman and Chief Engineer of the Port Private Secretary to President, Coronation Trust, Rangoon. Durbar Committee. William Rucker Stikeman, Esq., Chairman of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles MacTaggart, the Burma Chamber of Commerce, Vice- Indian Medical Service, Inspector-General Chairman of the Rangoon Port Trust, and of Prisons, United Provinces of Agra and an Additional Member of the Council of the Oudh. Lieutenant-Governor of Burma for making Nawab Mirza Mahdi Husain, Khan Bahadur, Laws and Regulations. of Lucknow. Edward Robert Kaye Blenkinsop, Esq., Indian Rai Kishan Sah Bahadur, Honorary Magis- Civil Service, Commissioner of Settlemeiits trate, Naini Tal, United Provinces of Agra and Director of Land Records, Central and Oudh. Provinces. Hopetoun Gabriel Stokes, Esq., Indian Civil George Sanky Hart, Esq., Chief Conservator Service, Deputy Secretary to the Govern- of Forests1, Central Provinces. ment of India, Financial Department. Nawab Muhammad Salamullah Khan Major Leonard Rogers, M.D., Indian Medical Bahadur, Jagirdar of Deulghat, Buldana Service, Professor of Pathology, Medical District, Central Provinces. College, Calcutta, and Bacteriologist to the John Henry Kerr, Esq., Indian Civil Service, Government of India. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal. Nawab Abdul Majid, Barrister-at-Law, Lieutenant-Colonel George Henry Evans, Lawyer, Allahabad High Court, a Fellow of Officiating Inspector-General, Civil Veteri- the Allahabad University, and an Addi- nary Department. tional Member of the Council of the Governor-General of India for making Major Henry Burden, Indian Medical Ser- Laws and Regulations. vice, Residency Surgeon in Nepal. Ludovic Charles Porter, Esq., Indian Civil Maharaj Raghunath Singh, of Dhasuk in Service, Secretary to the Government of ' Kishangarh State. India, Education Department, and an Addi- George William Kuchler, Esq., Director tional Member of the Council of the of Public Instruction, Bengal, and an Addi- Governor-General of India for making Laws tional Member of the Council of the Lieu- and Regulations. tenant-General of Bengal for making Laws Henry Sharp, Esq., Joint Secretary to the and Regulations. Government of India, Education De- •John Ghest Cumming, Esq., Indian Civil partment, and an Additional Member of the Service, Secretary to the Government Council of the Governor-General of India of Bengal, Revenue and General Depart- for making Laws and Regulations. ments, and an Additional Member of the Arthur Venis, Esq., Principal of the Queen's , Council of the Lieutenant-Governor of College and the Sanskrit College, Benares. Bengal for making Laws and Regulations. .The Reverend John Anderson Graham, D.D., Mahamahopadya Hara Prasad Shastri, Hon- of Kalimpong, Darjeeling District. orary Magistrate, Naihati Independent Bench, Bengal. Francis Hugh Stewart, Esq., a Commissioner ] for the Port of Calcutta, and an Additional Lieutenant-Colonel Allen McConaghey, Indian . Member of the Council of the Lieut/enant- Army, Political Agent and Deputy Com- ' Governor of Bengal for making Laws and missioner, Quetta-Peshin, Baluchistan. : Regulations. Nawab Kaisar Khan, Chief of the Magassi Khan Bahadur Maulavi Saiyid Muhammad Tribe, Baluchistan. - Nasaruddin, Bengal Provincial Executive Rai Bahadur Diwan Jamiat Rai, Extra Assist- * Service (retired), Revenue Member, Bhopal ant Commissioner and Personal Native | State. Assistant to the Agent to the Governor- Louis James Kershaw, Esq., Indian Civil General of India in Baluchistan. j Service, Magistrate and Collector, Eastern Robert Charles Francys Volkers, Esq., Secre- Bengal and Assam. tary, Railway Board, Public Works Depart- William Taylor Cathcart, Esq., an Additional ment, India. Member of the Council of the Lieutenant* Henry Hubert Hayden, Esq., Director, Governor oF Eastern Bengal and Assam for Geological Survey of India. making Laws and Regulations. Alexander Muirhead, Esq., Agent, South Maneckjee Byramjee Dadabhoy, Esq., Bar- Indian Railway Company. rister-at-Law, Central Provinces, an Addi- The Maharaj Kumar Sidkeong Tulku, Heir • tional Member of the Council of the Apparent of Sikkim. Governor-General of India for making Laws ;, and Regulations. Lieutenant-Colonel Edulji Palanji Frenchman, Hugh Murray, Esq., Imperial Forest Service Indian Medical Service (retired). (retired), lately Senior Conservator of Alexander Emanuel English, Esq., Indian Forests, Bombay. Civil Service, Registrar of Co-operative Sawai Rao Raja Raghunath Rao Dinkar Credit Societies, Burma. ! Mushir-i-Khas Bahadur Madar-ul-Moham, George Frederick Arnold, Esq., Indian Civil | Political Secretary to His Highness the Servicej Revenue Secretary to the Govern- . Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior. ment of Burma, Pundit Kailas Narayan Haksar, Lieu-.
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