Fortune 500® Partners List (As of October 29, 2018) This List Represents Green Power Partners That Also Appear on the Fortune 500® List
Fortune 500® Partners List (as of October 29, 2018) This list represents Green Power Partners that also appear on the Fortune 500® list. EPA's list of Fortune 500 Partners consists of 76 companies using nearly 26 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which is equivalent to the electricity use of nearly 2.4 million average American homes. Partner Name Annual GP % of Organization Providers (listed in Green Green Total Type descending order by Power Power Electricity kWh supplied to Partner) Resources Usage Use* (kWh) 1. Microsoft 4,557,278,000 100% Technology & Sterling Planet°, Enbridge Solar, Wind Corporation Telecom LLC, EDF Renewable Energy, Black Hills Corp., Renewable Choice Energy°, Self-supply 2. Intel Corporation 4,152,034,623 100% Technology & Renewable Choice Energy°, Various Telecom 3Degrees°, Unknown, PNM, Self-supply 3. Google Inc. 2,409,051,735 53% Technology & MidAmerican Energy°, Biogas, Small- (Alphabet) Telecom NextEra Energy Resources°, hydro, Solar, Grand River Dam Authority°, Wind Northern Wasco County PUD, Enel Green Power North America, Exelon Generation, EDF Renewable Energy, Self-supply, Duke Energy, Unknown 4. Apple Inc. 1,650,398,166 107% Technology & Self-supply, 3 Phases Various Telecom Renewables°, Avangrid Renewables°, 3Degrees°, Cypress Creek Renewables, SunPower, Silicon Valley Power°, NC GreenPower°, Austin Energy°, Duke Energy, Sacramento Municipal Utility District°, Partner Name Annual GP % of Organization Providers (listed in Green Green Total Type descending order by Power Power Electricity kWh supplied to Partner) Resources Usage Use* (kWh) Salt River Project°, Carbon Solutions Group°, Homefield Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy°, Dynegy°, Xcel Energy°, Memphis Light, Gas and Water°, City of Palo Alto Utilities°, Louisville Gas & Electric Company, Capital Dynamics, Dominion Virginia Power°, Central Electric Cooperative, Huntsville Utilities°, Tampa Electric, Dominion Energy, City of Naperville, Avista Utilities, PNM°, Omaha Public Power District, Pacific Power°, NSTAR 5.
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