276 Egerton. Pillar Letter Bo:1, Stonebridge Green, Cleared at 8.15
276 EGERToN. KENT. Pillar Letter Bo:1, Stonebridge Green, cleared at 8.15 for 198 children, & again in 1910, for 158 ; aveng.e a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 9·30 a.m attendance, 146 ; Harry Thomas Sanderson, master Pillar Letter Box, Pleasant Valley, cleared at 9· 15 a.m. County Police, .Albert William Muncey, constable & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 10.15 a.m Carrier.-Thomas Brown, to Ashford, on tues. thnn. • Public Elementary School (mixed), under t1le control of sat. & Maidstone, mon the County Council, built in r845, enlarged in 1884, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harrisson Annie (Miss), George P.H Pearson George, farmer, ass:il!tent Bramsdon John Stanley, Brook house, Hickman Alfred J. farmer, Court lo oversee·r & cleTk to Parish Council,. Stonebridge Green Hinds Hy. beer ret. Stonebridge Grn Bedlam Lane Handcock Mrs. Old Vicarage Homewood George, butcher Roberts Charles & John, farmers., Kortright Lawrence, Egerton Fostal Hooker Edward, agricultural machine Bedlam Lane Robinson Rev. Francis Douglas M.A. owner: hauling, thrashing & rolling Seal William, gardener to Major 0. (vicar), Vicarage machines; estimates given, Potters H. Stisted Stisted Maior Charles Harcourt, Fostal Smith Chas. butcher, Egerton Fo:~tal Hopkins Ernest, frmr. Newland green Smith George, farmer Egerton house Hopkins Joseph, farmer, Newland Gn Standen Thos. farmer, Pemble's Crosl' Kedwell Daniel, farmer, Bedlam Lane Stears William, farmer, Hollis farm. COMMERCIAL. Ledger Herbert, blacksmith Stevens Isaac, fruit grower Baldock James, wheelwright :VIillgate Herbert, farmer, Stone hill Stratton James, J_Joultry farmer Batt Lewis, farmer, Britcher farm Missing Horatio, farmer, Rock hill Stuart Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Field fm Biggs Thomas, insurance agent Moat John, blacksmith, Beulah villa Tampsett Charles, Queen's Arm• Rotting Ernest, shopkeeper Noakes Jas.
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