Westmeath Tourism Strategy 2016-2020 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Contents

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Westmeath Tourism Strategy 2016-2020 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Contents Westmeath Strategy Westmeath Tourism Strategy 2016-2020 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Contents Introduction from An Cathaoirleach and Chief Executive 4 1 Background & Overview 5 2 Consultation 9 3 SWOT Analysis 10 4 Strategic Direction 11 5 Sub-propositions - Actions & Opportunities: 12 5.i Greenways, Blueways, Lakes & Waterways 12 5.ii Athlone & District - ‘Destination Athlone’ 26 5.iii Mullingar & District - ‘Music, Myths & Legends’ 31 5.iv Collective and Countywide 34 6 Implementation 35 Appendices:- • Appendix 1 - Road Map to Success 37 • Appendix 2 - Ireland’s Ancient East 41 • Appendix 3 - Brand Development 43 • Appendix 4 - Bibliography 45 3 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Introduction from An Cathaoirleach and Chief Executive We are delighted to present and endorse the County Westmeath Tourism Strategy 2016 – 2020. Tourism is an important indigenous industry for Ireland, its benefits influencing many different sectors within the wider economy. The purpose of this strategy is to provide a road-map for the development of the tourism industry in County Westmeath over the next five years. In its preparation input was sought from public representatives, community groups, tourism providers, state agencies and the wider public. Public consultation workshops were held in Mullingar and Athlone providing opportunities for engagement and discussion. County Westmeath while not a traditional tourism destination has the potential to develop a unique and high quality tourism product. With its central location, proximity to Dublin and served by quality infrastructure, Westmeath is easily accessed from any part of Ireland. It has an abundance of natural assets, valuable historical built heritage as well as important ancient sites. Cllr. Frank McDermott The challenge is to develop Westmeath as a destination in itself rather than a transit zone to more traditional tourist coastal Cathaoirleach Westmeath County Council counties. It has always been recognised that the warmth and welcome of the Irish people is central to what makes Ireland a unique experience to the overseas visitor. It is essential therefore that our people and their ‘stories’ are placed at the heart of our tourism offering, and that those dealing with visitors are equipped with the skills to deliver an authentic and quality visitor experience. Fáilte Ireland has created an umbrella brand, ‘Ireland’s Ancient East’. Westmeath falls within the Ireland’s Ancient region and it is imperative that Westmeath aligns itself to this brand proposition to benefit from the significant national investment in the initiative. The opportunity is there to develop a really strong tourism product in Westmeath. This can only be achieved by the co-operation and collaboration of all stakeholders working together towards a shared vision. Tourism is a key area in which Local Authorities can promote economic development and Westmeath County Council is pleased to facilitate and enable this process. We look forward to the implementation of the Strategy and are confident that this strategy will help to develop and grow tourism in County Westmeath over the coming years. Pat Gallagher Chief Executive Westmeath County Council 4 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 1 Background and Overview The Irish tourism industry is ! The National Context now worth 7.3 billion and Tourism is one of Ireland’s largest and fastest- employs 224,000 people growing indigenous industries. The case for throughout the country supporting tourism is compelling as it is one of Ireland’s fastest growing export earners. The sector brings benefits to all regions of the country with many areas increasingly dependent on it. A pillar of Ireland’s economic recovery, tourism has not only delivered new jobs but has the potential to deliver far more. The Irish tourism industry is now worth !7.3 billion and employs 224,000 people throughout the country. 20% of all new jobs since 2011, have been in the tourism & hospitality sector, the tourism industry has undeniably been at the forefront of Ireland’s economic recovery. Nationally, overseas visitors numbers rose to 8.6million in 2015 – higher than the visitor numbers achieved from Fáilte Ireland’s 2013 tourism drive ‘The Gathering’ where visitor numbers reached a record 6.7 million (up 6% on previous year). 5 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Having regard to national tourism policy, specifically Westmeath is located in the Ireland’s Ancient East ‘People, Place and Policy Growing Tourism to 2025’ (IAE) proposition. The objectives of the IAE ‘Brand By 2025, revenue from (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport), the Strategy’ are as follows:- overseas visitors, excluding overall tourism goal of Government is that overseas • Move Ireland’s Ancient East from a transit zone carrier receipts, will increase tourism revenue will reach the following targets: to a touring zone to !5 billion in real terms • By 2025, revenue from overseas visitors, • Grow International Visitor Numbers excluding carrier receipts, will increase to !5 • Grow International Revenue billion in real terms. (i.e. in 2014 prices) • Disperse visitor traffic across the area by • Employment in the tourism sector will be encouraging exploration of signature and lesser 250,000 by 2025 (compared with 224,000 at known sites and stories present). • Demonstrate thought leadership on the brand • There will be 10 million visits to Ireland annually by 2025 (compared to 7.6 million in 2014). While the national focus is on building Ireland’s international reputation as a top tourist With a clear focus on the overseas market, destination, it is recognised that the stability and three principal tourism propositions have been growth of the domestic market is paramount to developed. These large scale tourism projects ensure that a strong tourism base is established to encapsulate and enhance existing tourism assets build on. A healthy domestic market is considered into proposition brands that can be marketed key to underpinning tourism enterprises on in their own right to the key overseas market the ground. Fáilte Ireland has reported that segments. domestic trips and the number of holiday nights The principal tourism propositions are:- have steadily increased, thereby supporting the • The Wild Atlantic Way necessity to sustain the domestic market at a local level. It is considered that the vibrancy of the • Ireland’s Ancient East domestic travel market is linked to and supports • Dublin – A Breath of Fresh Air Ireland’s capacity to attract overseas visitors. It provides a strong tourism product platform and In Ireland, the four main overseas markets deliver serves to maintain off peak business for the 70% of visitors and revenue between them, and industry and ensures quality services, products when allocating resources it makes sense to focus and experiences. on countries where the best return is possible. 6 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 Tourism in Westmeath Westmeath Overseas Visitor Statistics Westmeath is currently marketed on the international stage as part of the Ireland’s Ancient East (IAE) proposition. In terms of attracting international visitors, it is recognised that the success of the county is dependent on the success of the region as a whole and that this will require close working relationships between tourism providers and other counties in order to achieve the best tourism offering available. Centrally located, Westmeath is easily accessible from any part of Ireland and just an hour from Dublin. Dotted with sparkling lakes amid rolling hills, Westmeath is truly in the heart of Lakelands Country. The tranquil Royal Canal meanders around Mullingar on its way to the majestic River Shannon which flows through the historic town of GB – Great Britain, ME – Mainland Europe, NA – North America & ROW – Rest of the World (Source – CSO) Athlone. Westmeath has the added advantage of being centrally Westmeath Overseas Visitor Expenditure Statistics located within the ‘Lakelands and Inland Waterways’ region that occupies much of central Ireland, a destination proposition that is currently under review by Fáilte Ireland. Tourism has become an increasingly important sector in the Westmeath economy. Figures show that Westmeath is the most popular and profitable tourist destination of the four midland counties. 96, 000 tourists visited the county in 2014; the majority were from Britain and mainland Europe followed by North America. In terms of domestic visitors for the same year, where Westmeath is amalgamated with neighbouring counties Roscommon and Longford, - there were 226,000 trips by Irish residents to the three counties accounting for !37m in expenditure to the region. (Source: Fáilte Ireland Tourism Facts 2013) GB – Great Britain, ME – Mainland Europe, NA – North America & ROW – Rest of the World (Source – CSO) 7 WESTMEATH TOURISM STRATEGY 2016-2020 County Westmeath is rich in natural resources with many The county also possesses other attractions in Dun na Sí Domestic versus Overseas Tourist Spend lakes, rivers and waterways, particularly the River Shannon Heritage and Amenity Park in Moate which encompasses and the Royal Canal. The county’s major lakes include ecology, heritage, arts, genealogy and folklore. Tullynally Lough Ennell, Owel, Derravaragh, Lene, and Sheelin which Castle and Gardens and Mullaghmeen Forest in the North have been traditionally popular for Angling. Lough Ree, of the county are also popular with visitors. popular with anglers attracts water sports enthusiasts as Westmeath hosts a
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