
THE MOST THS THOROUGHLY FRIENDLY READ PAPER IN PAPER RECREATIONAL NEWS ALLIANCE J NUMBER 62 VOLUME III ALLIANCE, OHIO, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1926 THE GOATS WILL PLAY CHATTER AND CHESTNUTS Foolish Season Is Here (Conducted by Charles Frederick) fes j| THE BLUE METEORS TODAY llllllllllllllHllltllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIII Hllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllll The Team Woo Both of Last Week's Games. Will Play We have been **knee deep in J?*****1 What Our Grandfathers Read 4$ and even if there were cold winds' Years Ago. Massillon Agathons in Twilight Game at and'furious storms this month of Morgan Field Tuesday Evening !f>_ • June has given us our usual quoto oi The work of putting on the lath Graduates and Brides, besides a at the Catholic church in this city rose-laden atmosphere that pro­ .has been commenced, and the -plas­ The Alliance Goats won roth of claims June the year's beauty month. terers will now be set at work—Alli- their games over the week erid from JUNE ance standard, May 26, 1881. Ravenna and 'East Liverpool Greys. Ravenna was drubbed 14 to 6 while i June is thc month of all the year, Today's Philosophy Liverpool went home on the short With bright blue skies and roses CUB REPORTER end of"8 ^o 5 score. The Saturday dear; Bad temper is like electricity- By Hisselt af fain wa* a farce from start to fin­ Month of weddings and graduate only WOfth while when it's under ish but the Sunday game was an up . girls, • control. hill fight as the-Goats had to coma With every day like a string of Don't Forget from behind and overcome a five pearls. Dear. Al. )un lead to win. The Sunday game Oh! every bird is now in tune, A man is old the minute he stops This has been a sort of a mixed up was one of the most exciting of'th* In this tne merry month of June. learning. week for me: The boss he says now season and gave the fans something it is" time for me to learn to be a to shout about both ways.. In the There's smiling April and dainty And a woman is old when she critic on shows, fights, musicales, early part of the game "Over theii May, doesn't know her age. etc. Every big town paper. has a dumb and sloppy playing and late; But give me the month of June-—I dramatice critic what has as his job over their hitting and fighting spir­ say, The world feels friendly to the to attend shows and say if they is it - which won for tbem and which With the fragrance of roses in the man who acknowledges he likes on­ good or bad. A good critic tells has been lacking for tlie past four I air, ions. what he thinks. He is allowed to weeks. For the -first 5 innings the And the sun kissed meadows every­ pan em or praise em. Whether the Goats were setdown in older by Mr where, Its as easy to form good habits aj show is advertised in our paper or Jennings who had the home hopes With never a tho't of cold or gloom, it is bad ones. . not don't make no difference. A! baffled with shoots and hooks and Oh I give me the merry month of this is" the funniest businessI was it looked as though Goats were in ! .June. E. M. That there's plenty of room at thc ever in. Everyday I 'runs acrost for a coat of white wash as the top without pushing anyone off. folks who can tell you how to do it. Greys were eating everything that Golf'must be a wonder game, as I One guy says he wants - his name came their way either on the. ground have said before. I am not quite old Mariners depend on their own ef­ mentioned and another says he don't. or up in the air, and up till the sixth enough to play it—and ff I tried it I forts; not tbe whims or the currents, Most newspapers work it this wAy. the. Goats had only one man as far. suppose I would be a dub—but some to bring them safety to harbor. If the guy is ,a advertise** all. well as first. In the meantime the Greys one defined golf so beautifully that and good, give him what he wants if had collected 5 runs for themselves it now suggests a greater attractive­ Chestnuts he will "pay for it. and the way they were playing this ness to me. Here is the way this looked like a safe lead. But in the Well now to get down to the case? sixth the balloon-went up. Cleggett "somebody" defines*—*•**- Hospital Nurse (to badly bunged- about my being a critic for shows. up patient): Come, drink this. started the trouble with a double r I visifed first a Charleston demon­ to right. Fp3***and Lohman followed ''Golf is a science; a study of a Patient: What is it? stration. If I had seen that at some suit, and Cleggett counted the first lifetime, in which you may exhaust Nurse: Only water. stag picnic it would of been a wow. run. Grail then got sofe'and hit one yourself, but never your subject* It Patient: Just give it to me in But a guy like me who has been over the "score board to tally. Fox is a contest, a duel or a melee, call­ spoon lots will, you—till I get used| around a lot and can't get a thrill and Lohman 'had sent-. Jennimgs to ing for courage, skill, strategy and to it? outa a imitation it was kinda sour. the dugout for the_j|ay. jfejfter Mr. self-control. It is a -test of temper, FUN AND LIFE It was a cfoss between what the Deshler who put- _OT! -the brakes. a trial of honor, a revealer of char­ ''Do all the women of your intel­ circus has in its b.lack tent and what Crile se*nt Bagley to the. swamp to acter. It affords a chance to play the lectual advancement oranization Along The Highway- you will find in the big cities fn the pull down his high one for the sec­ man and act the gentleman. It means make speeches?" We Honor (Chat-Ire _Hiu*?r cabarets. From the way she was ond out, but Shea slipped one past going into God's out-of-doors, get­ "Oh, no, the more useful ones dressed I would imagine she was the first base man to right field fo ting close to nature, fresh air, exer- make tea and sandwiches." With "Marcell Lay* going to chiropractor for a adjust­ score Grail. In the seventh the cise, a sweeping away of mental ment. She was just full of music, cobwebs, genuine recreation of the •**_ Goats put the game in cold storage "See here," said the angry visitor fact :__.»_ They've dropped the flag in Silver Park- besides having a drum in each ear after two were gone. Fox waited tired tissues. It is a cure for care, to the reporter, "what do you mean It's centered on the mast— and a band around her head. It was for a pass to first, and so did Loh­ an antidote to worry. It includes by inserting the derisive expression The Threatening Things more of a "oriental dance than a companionship with fri ends, social •They tell us news we would not bear, man. Exit Mr. Deshler and Pollack 'Applesauce' in parenthesis in my Threaten a thinking, conscien­ jcharleston. Maybe the poor dame left first base to throw some left- intercourse, opportunities for cour- speech?" Of tilings'Bone would forecast; got her geography mixed and didn't handed shoots to Grail, who prompt­ • tesy, kindliness and generosity to an " 'Applesauce?* Great Scott, man, tious, honest man and you arouse They've dropped the flags on city hall— know Charleston, West Virgini'- opponent. It promotes not only him with the weapon of defense. ly knocked the second offering to I wrote 'Applause/ " In poverty, man and wife will Some public servant gone? from Turkey. What fools me is this. the Swamp for three runs. The physical health but moral force." Why^ does a person who is putting Goats made their last tally in the I don't know the author of that work together, but let oppression Yes—one wbo through a host of years, on a red hot dance number have to be removed, wealth come, and es­ With us, bad carried on. eighth on a double by Gottschling paragraph, but if it truly defines trangement*, distrust and disagree­ shiver like they have ague. And this and an error by Parson on Rinaldi's golf, then go_tf will search deep into ment often follow. dame sure did shiver. fly to right. Fox who played his the character of man, and bring out The park assigned as monument, first game for the Goats at Rays**" the best that's in him—and crush the It is the threatening things that I was 'also going' to criticize a na played a fine game both Satur­ bad. * Li/eVa-Lar/c are often our benefits in disguise.— For years at city tasks boxing fight on Friday night which day and Sunday fielding everything .Silent Partner. Becomes too soon a memory spot was. to be staged here." But I didn't go. Not on account of the rain but that came his way without a slip C. A. T. has caught the mood of "They tell me Smith had quite a For which we would not ask; on account of the boss. When I up and getting 3 hits. '• summer and submits the following: ____j___S_____ scrap with his wife last night." \ ibis Silver was the city's friend, goes in tp ask for the comps for the TUNE YOUR EAR IT MIGHT BE VERSE "What was * wrong with him?" A city pal, a chum; bout the boss just looks up and laffs On Wednesday in a twilight game "I didn't hear." No truer comrade knows tbe town in my face. If there was comps he the Goats lost to the Canton O. _ Did yoiT Stop to hear Little girls were modest "Liquor, do you suppose ?" must of kept em. . P. Leaguers 4-3 in one of the .best A Song-bird in the tree, And were very slew; "No, she licked him.' Than be wbo mast succumb. The band fellas.gave a conceit games played on the home field this Trilling a beautiful melody, Innocent and gentle —Tid-Bits. one night last week out in Silver year. The Goats out-hit the Canton i Or have you passed it by park. That is the way to have em. team but a slip by Wogan'in e>e_ter Without a thought, or reply— Long, long time ago. Yet on the trail of passing years Death's Assets and Losses. He builded long and well; Everybody could sit around and lis­ field on a high fly and Lohman get­ Of its worth, and then sigh— Lit_le girls were scary, ten on the grass. Even the autos ting caught at firgt'*were the* decid­ That the world is sad Alliance, proud of Silver days, ing factors in the Goats d«_*a*fc-*< 'Fraid of any beau; When a rich man dies he leaves seemed to enjoy it cause after eyery When one little note would make Ran away from petting Would boast no parallel; piece all their horns would start to This afternoon the*' first colored you glad his riches behind and the world tooting. And speaking* of horns You haven't heard it? Long, long time ago. loses nothing; but when a great man A quarter of a century— team of the season will be here When dies the world is poorer because of A mark ot service rare— tooting A 1 it reminds me of a in­ the Blue Meteors of New Castle, So far and near—that's queer Little girls were timid stance what happened on our Main Pa., play'the Goats. Last year these Tune your ear. the loss of a great mind. Reflects the tenure of his way drag last week When tbe lights were low; two teams met twice each team win­ The best tbat man can share. You knoW at Arch and Main we ning a game, after a hard tussle in Have you heard the song of a brook NftVer went for auto rides Somehow European cabinets now­ have a dandy stop and go sign. It is each game. As it dances thru the shady nook? Long, long time ago. adays never become antique. They've dropped the flag in fSSIver Park a unwritten law maong the natives The Blue Meteors have been go­ —To the mountain side Little girls were careful here not to/ftrfn left at this corner ing at a fast clip this year and have As the water falls o'er wags Why is my. mind Where recreation thrives, • But every now and. then some And breaks in rythm Lest their stockings show; Like a great heap of feathers Won 10 of the last 12 games played. Wore their dresses dragging Into which an idea, like a bright pen- We honor in a stately way stranger from another town .vill Outside of the Homestead Greys Into thousands of chimes, Long, long time ago. Such marked and active lives; come up Arch and go into the corn- they arc one of the fastest colored Or the -wind's soft tone .- er and wait to get the "Go" sign and teams in this part of the country. - Thru the .sturdy pines, Dropped suddenly, sinks down and Though Charley Silver leaves us now Little modest maidens ia lost ?—Ernestude. then go down Main Street. And he The game, will be called at 3:00 Singing joyfully all the time Were all right, I know, " He's ever standing near; is perfectly right to do it. First," be­ Sharp. Tuesday evening the Massil­ rOU Haven't heard it?—That's cause that is the way they do in But I'm glad they vanished. The last masculine prerogative, The wealth of servic/fat his Hand lon Agatho_S will play in a twilight ; queer Long, long time ago. ts truly lasting here. other cities and Second, because game and next Sunday the Detroit Tune your ear. still unencroached on by femininity, there ain't no little sign what says Clowns will be here.. is concealed legs—Arkansas Gazette. "No Left Turns." Two little signs Have you not heard a still small GIVE ME THE FLOWERS NOW like that would cost about $1.00 for voice A bird in the hand m • *c-fy, bad the two of em. As soon as the city I've noticed when a fellow dies, no table manners. the past two years, and Craig Beach Softly sayinjp—•a-ris€ matter what he's •been, can afford it they should be .bought. golf lands are fast taking on the as­ Look up, rejoice, A saintly chap or one whose life's Well last week a bozo with a little pect of a miniature city. Triumphant, He has stood been deeply steeped in sin, . How to Live Long Barring car of popular make (I aint allowed With the improved roads and The very atmosphere is filled with His friends forget the bitter words Accidents. FAVORITES AT THE OHIO THIS WEEK to say Ford) came up Arch and many improvements in the allot­ goo-d they spoke but yesterday, swung around to make his turn do vvn ment, thi)*, year should see one of the For everyone, if they would And* try to find a multitude of As long as a man walks/ lie. will Main street. Then his ' trouLles biggest booms in Lake Milton real But see, and claim— live. He rides to his grave. Moral: Charles Ray, Matt Moore, Dorothy DeVore and Elinor commenced. Everybody started to estate. pretty things to say. honk at him and wave at him and •The j]__jr they're seeking Walk more 'and live longer, is the Boardman, WUl Be Seen in Interesting Films. A cottage rental bureau will be The Father is always speaking • advice given by the Silent Partner. laff at him and the poor bozo didn't Can't you hear ?••*—That's queer I fancy when, I go to rest someone know he was . doing anything * he maintained by the Craig Beach Com­ will bring to light, Depending on what you are doing. pany this season, aad several hun­ Tune your* ear. • —C. A. T. tells how many times you should shouldn't and he wasn't So to be a Some kindly thought or goodly "How Baxter Butted In," the com- Butted In/* w*?»ich was produced by good fella I stepped out and ex­ dred cottages are listed. The de­ deed long buried out of sight, eat each day, and probably how who suddenly blossomed into a hero, ^NOTICE many times you can afford to est* Waiver Bros, from "Stuff of He­ plained that though we didn't mark mand has always exceeded the sup­ Get yonr dates ftwr your picnic and But if it's all the same to you jnst is toe feature attraction that will be roes, by Harold Tituaff this produc­ it he sign reading "Go" meant just ply, and many cottages are being give to me, instead Moral: Do more and ydu. can oat parties— more. shown at the Ohio Theatre Monday tion achieve, the unusual distinction what ft said. And then he got smart erected. People, -within a 100 mile ROCKHILL PARK The bouquets while I'm living and and Tuesday with" Dor6tfey**-l!_eivore of being wholesome fun and genuine with me. He says your D—right it raclious. are fast realizing what a the knocking when I'm dead. A sane and succesful man will not edy of a shy, retiring young .nan story material at one and the same means "go" for me and I'm going wonderful resort Craig Beach is. FIREWORKS overwork, but the failure fellow and Matt Moore. time. Just as fast as* I can. I was going More than 100 cottages were rented IN THE OLD HOUSE will' worry himself ' sick. Moral: All kinds. Cor. Liberty & State. Vfiork is tbe best doctor,—worry is There are very few comedies that The droll, absetjl-minded. diffident to buy a pair of leggings for the kid to Pittsburghers at One time last Disease. carry with them the action ' and and highly amusing role of Henry det and we was going to eat here season, and many have rented cot­ In the old house where we dwelt forceful sweep of a drama, yet judg­ Baxter is played by Matt Moore. but I'll foller the advise of the sign tages for this year's vacation. No care had come, ao grief we The silk cord running through the and I'll keep on going. NOTICE knew, chain of all virtues is moderation. ing fr*mthe plpt of "How Baxter Moral: Moderation is the pleasure (Cont. on page 4) BUY FOOD "RIGHT' PARK PLAN DANCING No memory of the Past we felt, It seems «a darn shame Al for all "When you buy, and bow much No doubt assailed us when we knelt; of the wise. Excess etches early epi­ a s> the folks to look and stare at these ROCKHILL PARK It is not so in the new. taphs. **r * ** tourists when they get in wrong and yo.u buy at a tune, makes a great TUES. THURS. AND SAT. Sing or laugh two or three times difference in what it costs to feed yet when you try to tell em you get the family well," states Al Shuster YOU ARE WELCOME In the -old house where we grew a day. Sleep in the open. Love some­ it in the neck. I hope before we have body. Hold your temper until you of the E. & J. Motor Supply Co., 62 From childhood up, the days were our big labor day celebration that East Main street. Every woman dreams. get in tlie hills. Insist oft having we can arrange some way to finance VICTORIA HAS MADE A SPE­ stalwart ancestors, and you will 'live two little signs that we can pin on who does her own marketing knows CIAL SPPORT FOR TODAY'S The summers had unwonted until some auto hits you. that on certain days she can obtain SI.00 DINNER—11:30 A. M. to 9:00 gleams. that post which will read "No left better food stuffs at lower prices. P. Af. turns." • She knows that by buying in quan­ i The sun a warmer radiance threw Dont' be alarmed if the doctor tity she effects large savings. The • Upon the stair. Alas! it seems says you have neurocirculatory as­ CRAIG BEACH RESORT electric Absopure Frigerator en­ All different in the new I thenia, """in good old American, lan­ guage it just means cold feet. HIGHLY RESTRICTED ables her to buy "right"—for in it PLAN YOUR PICNIC AT she can keep food for.-Jong periods Our mother still could sing the The people of Youngstown and without fear of loss through spoil- Strain OPENS NEW SUPPLY SHOP the Pittsburgh district are awaken­ age. The electric Absopure *rig- CRAIG BEACH PARK In earlier days we listened to ing to the fact that right close at erator saves time. It' makes daily The white threads in her were The Brannan ,Cycle and Sujpply, a hand is a highly restricted summer trips to the market unecessary be­ ON LAKE MILTON few, new Store catering fcp the lovers of cause it preserves foodstuffs per­ She seldom sighed or suffered pain. the great out doors who enjoy -their resort which compares favorably fectly until used. "Bought right, SEE Oh for the old house back again 1 recreation in. cycling either with a with resorts many years older. served right"—that's the story of L. C. Ellett A. E. Mai lory It is not so in the new. motorcycle or bicycle is now ready The Craig Beach Company has food in the home which enjoys an W.Vine St. 158 E. Main St. with a full line of bicycles-motor­ developed its 400 acres into a resort electrical Absopure Frigerator __=__ —Contributed. that Youngstown can well be proud Pbone 4049 Phone S4St cycles and accessories for same.* Mr. Brannan, the owner is of pleas- of. which is electrical refrigeration at I Picnics and Parties Catered To. in personality and having had fifteen The• allotment consists of 2,200 its' best. EXTRA SPECIAL years experience in the selling and lots. Half of these are sold, 430 hav­ OLD TIME and NEW TIME repairing of motorcycles and bi- ing been sold last season alone. The care of your needs in this line* The supply is fast diminishing, and those LOST—UMBRELLA — TURNED DANCE store la located at the corner ol [who bought a few years ago have SURPRISE DANCE HANDLE, LAST SATURDAY MONDAY 1UN% 28th. Main and Union and you are sure realised a handsome return on their EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT NIGHT. REWARD. RETURN TO CRAIG'S BEACH to receive prompt and courteous ser­ money. CRAIG'S BEACH RECREATIONAL NEWS OF- vice at this store. —— A Warner Picture —— " Many cottages haye been built in ON LAKE MILT ON wMSb ON LAKE MILTON RECREATIONAL NEWS

_>_*ii Centennial Commencement BANG ! BANG ! If BANG! Western Reserve College FIREWORKS! M 3 THE LARGEST || D1SPLA Y IN THIS H SECTION— ** = No Left Overs' _T6JZ. /as. year. ___/ = fresh stock = Open every day and night till 12 E-JAY SEZ = P. M.—Lefs Go— Some people think tbe world is coming to an end but we are not com­ H Tomatto, Cabbage, Pepper Plants plaining for Business is Good. site .-4_u»V STRAWBERRIES: Here you will get bet­ STRAWBERRIES: ter Auto Supplies-Tires m m JW^SFS** -Tubes and Radios for less. YOST'S CORNER E. & J. « E. MAIN ST. Procession of faculty, speakers' and othe'/s prominent iu Western Half Mile East o£ Alliance on Sebring Road Stores Throughout Reserve's Centennial Commencement; leaving Gymnasium after cere­ Ohio. monies. Judge Flo.ence E. Allen was speaker tt the Commencement bO at the College for Women, of which.she is a graduate Western" Keaerve Open Evenings. OTnsc_le"nTe"sijiote _iin as wun a sworua smuggle-pop, one wTiO~_*equt_ts pet- law school not admitting worner. it was aeeessar,* for her to take this ting parties-. course elsewhere. He: Afcna Mater recognizing her rise" in the legal at his hears. He lifted up bis hands affd cried _t' despair to the aged What anp we to do with suclU* "Idio­ profession, being the rT_st woman judge. of the Ohio Slate Supreme matic phrases** as the cuckoo's" chin, Court and the first woman to announce her candidacy for United! States prophet: "Hast thou found me, O" mine enemy." Ahab thought he could' the bullfrog's , the butterfly's Senator from Ohio, con/erred spon Judge Allen the honorary degree boots aad the pig's ? There are of Doctor of Laws. The receiving of tha degree is sl.-'cwn in. tht iasert. take possession of the vineyard^. but instead he met at' the gate of the vine­ people simple enough to think '.hat yard an incarnate conscience, which. tnese and more should find place* is the front" Tiiie oT umrt-Ti. " TTut thel'e I the dictionary. were also • two messengers especially pointing its finger of condemnation at him, cried: "Thou art a murderer. Well', who knows hurt they may some Tasty engaged fcf* the purpose, who were •&•> day. Tet. so far we* cannot take it king of Samaria, whose palace was- ca-Tied though exactly' as she* 1 j Speech. FILLING STATION Had! coruuianded,' fer tlie commuriics*- commit a rery great crime the ring was built upon land which adjoined , , { gave him an Unusually sharp* prick NOAKER'S STRAWBERRY the property belonging to one named* tibnshshfr sent wet% aignH. in'hev 'lTOS-". Buy your Gas at our Filling • hand's- nstme anS' were sealed' Wt.tr> Which drevr blood, to the finger. This Naboth. XTpon this property there*] so enraged the king tnat he drew tlie •Station before you go down was a very wondirrfuf vineyard rwhic_n the royal seal. Having .succeeded in P ICE CREAM town.—Buy Coupon Ticket Her' vicious scheuneshl." hastened'to rinq from bis finger* aod' tlirew it- tbe King Ahab greatly desired. He! away. and save money. endeavored: to negotiate* with JJatootb ' make known to tie* king _utt Nt.b'oth OUR SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE was-dlrad' a_d that She way was dear j It is an easy matter to throw away for the sale' of the vineyard. Naboth 1 .a mere ring, hut It Is not so easy to1 Is delicious Strawberry Ice Cream made with fresh refused to sell it because- he prized it for" Kim' to take tile-": vine.**___' hW; so j muchi desire* 'cast aside t_e warnings and convic­ vine-ripened strawberries. Pure as the purest—better very highly, having come into f_» pos­ tions of conscience. - Conscience, which session through an Inheritance from Convince— ot the death • _#fNaboth. HENFQfSS 1 M-Jeorge Washington caned' "A' ifttle than the best. Us father. The refusal of Nabe-b to Almb, i«'the- spirit of-fcrlumpkC' wenflto • sspark of celestial fire,"- burns inside WES? CAMBRIDGE ST. sell the- vineyard greatly angered! the the- vlue.rarde to ciWrh It. AS- he itire human heart. It is a*great beacon SOLD IN BULK OR BRICK king. He was so angry that he vr*.>uld seared-the garden gate-he met a mam.' HlilNG STATIO: 1 Tight which ao one can escape and' Call us ior Suggestions for Party or Dinner Novelties. ._C9K.' LI NGOLN neither eat norsieep: Jezebel his wife, he*-• had'apt* seen for nwuiy years. If** frrwn which it* Is- Impossible for any thinking the" condition, of the king was a man- strange • En' appeararonv, ANOUikSBiDCE person to run away. ta Tl.** inner voice **-***""-|»l rather serious, and' wishing: to pUtaise ascetic- iiri hearing, ami''possessed __' Off conscience wfll'give us no rest-un'II "Be Ready Witb Reddy him, promised tint she" wou-Q secure | w3_flerfiii"poww and peace; wR-eh w_w NOAKER ICE CREAM COMPANY f we* have .heeded ifs warn**.*, or mnde Power" the vineyard for him. She- secretly e_Epa*essed' in- Has face." It' was II e-' amends, to the best of our ability, for sent messengers- to the men1 in posi­ prophet Eifjah. Looking Into t_e••face**; 1345 E. Summit St. Phone 5270 of Ahab. Elijah spoke: "In th* pliine-i onr misdeeds. No person can forg&ve • --Pulling teeth is now a mathemat.-i tions of political' atlthorll*j*t' rwpiesllSmg himself. BOTH WRONG tal juroblem, a dentist explains. Yes,| that a fast day be prBclhi'raed, on where dog»4Icfis_«i the tWod of *"_bbtH( V-i which occasion Naboth WOSH to be shall dogs-.Ick t_y blood.>even ?____*"' {©. 1928. Western Newspaper Unton.> just i mere matter of extracting the \ ; A dispute arose between two old la­ highly honored by* Slaving aiplhee nlear Th'lS'was- ttrot mach fcp Ahab.i' His dies as to the name ef the music the Expressive Slang Not band was playing.* Said the first: "It's Found in Dictionary* tbe Overture from The Mastersing- W jpllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllM Picture the kmdly- BosweH- quizzing ers.' " I The Best the Sage of KFeet* Street in this "Rubbish!" declared the second. "I wise: . should' think I know the Prelude from I Get In On This Tremendous Money j (Saving i '"What sir, may a final.- hopper 'Lohengrin' when> I hear tt." The Market ber* As neither would give _n, No. 1 con­ **Sir a finale- hopper is-, not may sulted a notice board. "We're both r wrong," she announced on returning. Affords fee. one of the most' despised' of men-. w • •* * He ft is who arrives to partake of "It'fe. ^Retrain From* Spitting.' an entertainment after a!i" the ex­ not So Keen is jnst what you will say if penses of the entertainment have For months young Simpkins had been paid." been calling on the town belle, but you buy your Groceries Such is the definition taken- from the with no marked success. vocabulary ol! theflapperocracy of the "I suppose," he at last suggested and Meats here. The fresh­ USED day. Here ' are a few more: Aire­ desperately, "that if we lived in the est of meats and groceries. dale, commonly known as a-- breed of Stone age I'd hit you over the head dog, is to the sophisticated young miss You- will be delighted witb of flapperdom an ugly, unprepossess­ with a club and drag you off and WMHNG ing man, and an alarm* clock is a marry you." our high class service in "You'd have to," she responded chaperon; a dirabox, one who" patches every respect. PHOTOGRAPHS up quarrels or tries to remove frlc-' sweetly, "In order to marry me."— American Legion Weekly. lion L a_ ship ter, om* _*:.Ye.?. to grafting.:. We hive made preparations CAR to give Wedding Photography GROUNDS OF DIVORCE s-llJIJIIllllillHIIillliHllllllHIHIIII The Special attention. Phone 7959 and we wlU arrange an ap­ Baughman pointment to suit your plea­ DON*T DELAY Market sure. Phones 2147 - 3147 THE NEXT CAR SOLD MA Y BE THE ONE. YOU SCHOCH STUDIO 221 E. Main St. J ARE LOOKING FOR

This is undoubtedly one- of tlie biggest used car ajs* •U portunities ever offered in Alliance. Our aim is to pletsa you in VALUE, QUALITY and PRICE. Do Your Shopping Early in the Week

"On what grounds did she get her YOUR CHANCE LASTS 3 DAYS ONLY divorce?" 1st. 2nd. and 3rd.. "Chicago, I believe." , A Plea for Information Oh chemist, please investigate Come in prepared to take your choice with And drop me just a line. Boys' ! I'd like to know what carbonate? you. And where did Iodine?* i Many of these cars have new batierys„ new s The Wrong Question - 55 tires, many refinished and are ready to give you a Miss Fortee—Yes, dear, we have or been engaged for a long time, but what Books f x _= thousands of miles ol teal serviee. = has prevented me from taking the ir­ revocable step has always been the T fateful question: "Will he love me T ' when I grow old?" Vacation Miss Tenny—Don't worry, darling. i The Time is 1st. 2nd. and 3rd. of July You'll soon know now.—Sca'rsborough Now is tbe time to let tbe f Post boy read the fiction he io I desires. __- A Wise Wife The Place is 215 E. Market. Alliance, 0. "Why -do you watch the baseball Best for AR Tires Carrying Low Air Pressure bulletin so carefiully?" We have tbe books that See Wednesday Night's Review for complete list of Cars. == "My husband ls an enthusiast over t the game. I make it a rule never boys like to read. HEASTAND to discuss household or millinery ex­ 1 penses with him except when the home i Welding & Spring team wins.'*—Washington Star. i Phone == = Phone Works Something Else Again CASSADAY x _= 2292 USED CAR EXCHANGE 3255 __ "Mrs. Roxglommer wants to open an f . 203 N. Freedom Phone 2890 account. Is she all right?" I 215 E. Market Si. Alliance, Ohio "Why, money Is nothing to her!" 8 PETTIS 1 . "But just what is their attitude to­ •_> ward letting go Of it?"—The Progres- i HI mini II iw milium OTiiimnK.VP Ororpr .' RECREATIONAL NEWS 1 Items Of Interest To Labor INTERESTING RAILROAD METAL MEN ACCEPT PRESENT PAY SCALE NOMINATIONS MADE FOR DAILY CAR MOVEMENT PUBLISHERS'WAIL BOARD OF MEDIATION 29 MILES IN APRIL Present Rates to Prevail in The daily average movement of BRINGS RESULTS President Coolidge sent to the freight cars on the steam railroads I Iron, Steel and Tin. Senate on June 14 the, nominations of this country in April was the of four members of tne Board of highest for any April on record, The Amalgamated Association of Mediation which replaces tbe Rail­ amounting to 29 miles per day, ac­ Arbitrators Modify Award j Iron, Steel and Tin Workers reached road Labor Board, in accord with the provisions of the Watson-Park­ cording to reports just filed by the Concerning Washington I an agreement witb the manufacturers carriers with the Bureau oi Rail­ I at their Atlantic City conference, em- er Act. Another member will be Printers' Scale. nominated, as the Board Ss to con­ way Economics. , bodying virtually the same wages and sist of five members. The nomina­ The average for April was an in­ conditions named in last year's settle­ Newspaper publishers of Washing­ tions were: crease of one mile over the best ment, Slight changes were made In previous April which was in 1923. ton raised such a loud wall about the I working conditions in the tin mills to Samuel E. Winslow of Massa­ "disastrous" effect the recent wage chusetts, " former member of tbe It also was an increase of 2.4 miles A thick juicy steak cut from meet the introduction of new labor- over April last year. award would have on the industry saving machinery. House and Chairman of its Inter­ tbat tbe arbitrator ia the final meet­ state Commerce Committee, nomin­ In computing the average move­ the cchicest cuts of prime The union had presented demands ated for a term of five years, ment per day, account is taken of ing of the arbitration board relented meats makes a wonderfully somewhat and Instead of a three-year for a wage Increase, shorter hours and Edwin P. Morrow, former Gover­ all freight cars in service, including i changed working conditions. cars in transit, cars in process of be­ contract he decided that one year ls nor of Kentucky and a former mem­ good meal. Try us for your long enough. This change makes the The settlement affects about 3,500 ber of the Railroad Labor Board, ing loaded and unloaded, cars under­ FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS new scale expire November 11, 11K_6. I workers in the Youngstown (Ohio) nominated for four years. going or awaiting repairs and also meats. You are sure to be district, and many thousands else­ cars on side tracks for. which no 'load He also decided that tlie publishers G. Wallace* Hanger of the District where. is immediately available. pleased at shall not be required to pay for the of Columbia, also.a former member The average load per car in April Your Mother—Wife—Sister—ot Your overtime accumulated since tbe begin­ of the Railroad Labor Board, nomi­ was 26.2 tons, an increase of three- MINOR LABOR NOTES nated for two years. Friends will appreciate getting Flow­ ning of the negotiations last Hovem- tenths of a ton over April last year ber. This relieves the publishers of Hysel Davies of California, who and one-half a ton above April, ers every day in the year but most of a very small portion of tbe retroactive Coal miners' wives are made asso­ has been in the Division of Concil­ 1924. Compared with April, 1923, pay, which will amount to more than ciate members of tbe miners' unions in iation of 'the Department of Labor, however, it was a decrease of one F. L RHOADS all they will appreciate getting a bo- $100,000. Great Britain. nominated for one vcar. and one-half tons. Tbe Increase of $1.30 for day work The Woodward Iron company, New LINDEN MARKET quet on some special occasion like a and $1.60 for night work still stands. York, is planning to build a large Union officials and newspaper work­ steel mill of modern construction at birthday, wedding anniversary or tot ers are still jubilant over the big vic­ Its Alabama properties. tory, though tbey are disappointed at The League of Nations union is any social affairs. the attempt of tbe publisher to welch carrying on a campaign ln England on their agreement to abide by the ar­ to interest trades unions, co-operative bitrator's decision. The arbitration and labor organizations in the work of BETTER Stop in or phone for that boquet now. agreement has been ln effect since tbe international labor organization. 1886, and during tbe 40 years of its The Canadian government will aid existence the printers have never in construction of tbe Pacific Great questioned the finality of a decision. Eastern railway from the city- ot Van­ AND couver to a point near the city of KOCH FLORAL CO. St. George, 'on the Canadian National GENERAL LABOR NEWS line. t. ! BETTER Phone 3178 Mt. Union Youngstown (Ohio) bus and street­ Eighty-three thousand Japanese car operators signed an agreement for women work ln the mines and 48,000 one year at tbe old scale. of them labor in tbe darkest depths, Japanese representatives told tbe in­ Each time you taste A ken- •- t The forty-second annual convention ternational labor conference at of the Trades and Labor Congress of Geneva. Canada will be held tal Montreal dar­ head's Ice Cream it will ) ! Tbe fact that thousands of men ln ing the week of September 20. taste better. It bas that in­ Sweden's state organization for Calcutta, India, are ont of work, has JL *• labor insurance has failed. Parliament resulted ln a protest against tbe In­ grained goodness which has decided that tbe venture is too ex­ creasing employment of women in tbat THE Short Cut Steaks pensive and the business will be liqui­ city In clerical and other positions grows upon you with con­ dated. heretofore filled by men. WEDDING After a one-day strike the 600 mem­ tinued use. Every ingred­ A steak that will A radio station, to be known as WCFL and located on the Municipal bers of the Chicago Architectural iron RING please you because it pier, has been opened under the aus­ Workers' union voted unanimously to ient used is absolutely return to work pending adjustment Of In correct style and finish is tender, juicy and pices of the Chicago Federation of pure. can be found here in a Labor. their demand for a wage increase, cut from the choicest from $1.37_ to $1.60 an hour. profusion of sizes and oi Beef. Just enough Efforts of tbe government of Chile to help Its coal industry has result­ Tbe Ingersoll-Rahd company an­ prices. fat to make it broil or ed in mines that have been running nounces that tests show tbat ln one month it cost $75.68 to operate an fry well. A juicy steak only two or three days a week be­ ing operated full time. oil-electric locomotive, against $349.46 is just what you will to operate a steam locomotive, both innwiiin: J. A. ZANG & SON Linemen employed by tbe Pennsyl­ enjoy most for dinner. locomotives doing substantially the SOLD IN BULK vania and Ohio Electric company went same work. Jewelers Since 1865 We Close Wednesday on strike after a wage adjustment The Virginia and Rainy Lake Lum­ Wholesale and Retail M at Noon Order meeting failed to terminate satisfac­ torily. The men ask a 10 per cent in­ ber company, which has one of the Early. crease. largest white pine mills in the world The eighteenth biennial convention at Virginia, Minn., cut 100,000,000 feet * of the General Federation of Women's of logs last' season and now is es- Clubs reaffirmed Its stand of two years I tablishing several new camps and Fred Haupt 8 Co. ago in c favor of a federal child-labor building 25 miles of railway. M. H. STEELE MODEL MARKET amendment, after defeating a substi­ More than 1,000 workmen, represent- So. Lincoln and W. High. tute resolution by a vote of 678 to 263. ; ing the Indianapolis building trades Cor Union and Ely Phone 2245 unions, returned to work after being The demand of 80,000 conductors out on -strike for some weeks. The -Sis* * and trainmen of eastern railroads for strike was settled through new wage a 20 per cent wage increase was re­ I agreements or arbitration witb all •*"> fused by officials of the roads at the. 1 1 CO crafts except the painters and deco­ termination of a two-day conference rators. with representatives of the Brother­ hood of Conductors and Trainmen. Mexico City experienced one of the shortest strikes ever called. It last­ Competition ln tbe sale of products ed about three hours. The telephone I Soled and Heeled 1 of 2,000,000 child workers is much Urge Him girls walked out, demanding higher H and you have a pair of Shoes almost as good as greater menace to adult breadwinners wages. The movement started about and manufacturers than is competi­ new, better in 'some instances for we use only the''' noon, but a compromise was effected A GOOD MEAL DESERVES tion in the sale of products of 20,000 ln the afternoon and they returned 1 highest grade leather in our work. s lo Drink convicts, President Green of tbe A. F. to work. GOOD TEA OR of L. told tbe General Federation of COFFEE Women's Clubs. Chicago musicians employed in ho­ tels, cafes, and cabarets have been If you are a Tea or Cottee George E. Roberts, vice president granted a wage Increase from $1.50 drinker you know how much of the National City bank of New Mathias Kohl MILK to $2 an hour, according to James York says "It ls a mistake to believe it means to have it good. We Petrillo, president of tbe Chicago Mens and Boys' Shoes can recommend our teas and tbat a few rich people or banks are Federation of Musicians. Tbe union, great buyers of stock and bonds. The 44 East Main St. El coffee because we know they executive said that about 8,200 union are carefully blended from tbe real buyers are tbe great body of players will get the raise. people—wage earners, clerks, doctors, g_B-MM»_MM_iw'_PH_^^ choicest grown. lawyers, housewives.** An agreement by which union paint­ ers of St. Louis will receive $11.50 a .i It will supply in the most The Cuba railroad strike, which be­ day within a year, has been signed gan April 14, has ended. The Caioa- by representatives of the Master MAPLE'S] easily digestible form the guey congressional delegation nego­ Painters' association despite objection tiated peace among tbe contending to tbe plan by the group council of NORTH UNION AUTO REPAIR SHOP parties. Three alleged strike leaders, the Associated Building Interests, an GROCERY vitamines and other neces­ arrested ln connection witb tbe bomb­ SIWi North Union Avenue employers' organization with which Pbone 5248 Mt. Union ing of trains in Santa Clara province, tbe master painters are affiliated. Day Pbone 8763 Night Pbone 886J 444 are being held without bail at Santa sary elements that will make Clara. Tbe formation of an Asiatic labor conference, to embrace visiting or­ According to figures of the reich la­ ganizations of workers in China, We are fully equipped to do all kinds of special re­ him grow into strong, healthy bor journal, there ls gradual but steady Japan, India, Palestine and other decrease In German unemployment. countries in Asia, is the object of a pairing on all makes of cars. manhood. At the beginning of May tbere were meeting to be held at Shanghai, prob­ 1,700,000 recipients of the dole, nearly ably the latter part of this year. The Call our estimator when your car needs repairing. 200,000 less than on April 15. The Im­ Memori e s Japanese Federation of Labor has SUNNYSIDE DAIRY provement is perceivable In almost all taken the initiative in the movement. "WE KNOW HOW TO REPAIR THEM" "WHERE PURITY PREVAILS" branches, but especially in agriculture, The Tomb is but tbe gateway ta> chiefly in East Prussia, Pomeranla and Witb the suspension of Mine A of Freedom and State. Phone 5831 an eternity of opportunity, it closes _»•_ Mecklenburg. tba C.. W. & F. Coal company, the __«• coal mining industry at Herrln, 111., on the twilight, it opens on the (***!"p*. III ft-t With a subscription of $25,000 for stock, the American Federation of Mu­ was virtually at a standstill, with dawn.—Victor Hugo. sicians, Joseph N. Weber, president, only one mine, tfie Jeffrey, still op­ erating. Mine A employs 740 men FOR GOOD QUALITY MEATS takes Its place in the leading half- and this is the first suspension except ALLIANCE AUTO WRECKING CO. dozen organizations backing the Un­ for strikes In more than fifteen years. Is there a neglected little mound ion Labor Life Insurance company. somewhere wheb some times calls FOR The Muscians' subscription was voted Officials said it would be closed at PHONE OR COME TO THE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR YOUR CAR at its convention held in New York least a month. to your heart? dty, where the organization maintains Another step towards tranquil con­ We carry a complete line of used parts for all makes its national headquarters. ditions in Chicago's building indus­ HOLIBAUGH MARKET of cars at 50 to 75 per cent less than new parts cost. Two thousand employees of the try is seen in the action pf the Car­ IRA TULLIS & SON Mexican government bave drawn their penters' District council ln signing "WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME Satisfaction Guaranteed a three-year agreement with a group Pioneer Monumental Works last pay checks. Fifteen hundred of Phones 2152-3239 Open All Day Sunday these were in the departments of ag­ of general contractors, calling for a 172 E. Main :*: I vine St. Opp Cemetery closed shop and a pay increase from 214 N. Liberty Phone 4171 riculture, education and communica­ tions, and tbe rest ln the legislative the existing $1.37% an hour rate to branch and In the treasury depart­ $1.50 an hour, to take effect October il . ment Tbls will probably be the last I. The council represents more than ****'**-**•**•**-*••**•**••"*'•-".**_•*_••_• pf the long series of wholesale dis­ 30,000 journeymen carpenters. "SERVICE AND QUALITY* missals. The cuts were made for Definite assurance that building economy. trades disputes are about to give way COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Representatives of Railway Depart­ to uninterrupted activity developed ment No. 4, A. F. L., embracing tbe at Chicago when tbe strike of 3,000 Architectural and Aerial Photography a Specialty. THE STAR LAUNDRY rail shop craft unions of Canada, with Journeymen plasterers was called off Photographs made any time—anywhere. a membership of about 35,000, have at a conference of employers, at which ' Let us supply your Towel, Apron and Coat Wants. presented, demands to the Canadian union officials agreed to accept a com­ railway companies for wage increases promise offer of $1.62% an hour, or Commercial Photographic Service OFFICE AND WORKS 27 SO. LIBERTY of ten cents an hour and the restora­ $13 a day. The plasterers' strike was tion of working conditions lost ln 1922. called when employers refused to con­ ARTHUR Af. DIMIT, Manager. Phone 2125 The railways also face demands for cede the demand of tbe plasterers for ,Mfk213-215 City Savings Building. Increased wages by tbe conductors a wage increase from $1.50 to $1.76 Pbone 8603 Alliance, Ohio lad trainmen. an hour. RECREATIONAL NEWS T *-•- *_^^WRI_TOlnTJ.*S_51^MP0*?sr'_R_ pljotiiplay £\kiuxt Here It Is WEEK OF H*mn of interest to movie fans, authentic Information direct from me studios to keep you informed OB the latest- releases and the June 28th. activities of your favorite Blm stars. OHIO M up to the written word, by translat­ ing the whimsical interest of the MONDAY AND TUESDAY FAVORITES AT. novel onto the screen. Warner Bros., have been particu­ larly happy in their choice of play­ THE OHIO ers to interpret the roles of the lead­ -4 (.Cont. from page 1) ing characters, who, it will be re- who loves the stenographer that menfbered, proved the surprising works with him in the "want ad" de­ combination of a staid bachelor, un­ \ ,_• _wpira->"v_ partment of a large newspaper of­ accustomed to social superficiality fice. Dorothy Devore's charming per­ and a dashing maid of mysterious identity. Well of all the places to shop—; sonality is seen to excellent advan­ Brother John gave me a list Ol tage in the role of the "steno." Ward Both Matt Moore and Dorothy items to purchase for him at the M *~""*"8 _r /__ty_! 1 Crane, Wilfred Lucas, Adda Gleason Devore give excellent performances Angler's Retreat at 520 South Free­ '_S^ftf__ __* and others complete the line-up of ably supported by David Butler. dom and when 1 got there I found players. Russell Simpson. George Pearce and that the list comprised a lot of stuff "The Narrow Street," one of the a few others. for fishermen—you know John's \VA^H«lflS c r. E season's "best sellers" from the pen On Friday and Saturday the Ohio going to camp next week-—rl wonder­ UssicS*€>(. ill of Edwin Bateman Morris, has been will present a new Metro-Ooldwyn ed that he would send me for such J L. Ja re-created on the screen by Warner Mayer picture entitled "The Auction stuff but he told me later that h> Bros., and will be seen at the Ohio Block" by Rex. Beach. Charles Ray knew I would get just what he With Matt Moore and Dorothy DeVore Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. and Eleanor Boardman are featured wanted as Mr. Jones, the proprietor Possessing all the qualities of in this production of the place was right up-to-the The droll comedy of a bashful young man in Inystery, romance and humor that minute on fishing tackle. I don't love. He was so shy, he stammered—yet Fate made it a "best seller," it is expected know anything about fishing tackle that the picture will more than live but from the looks of this store they wrapped him in glory. I must have every thing that's need­ ed. 1 even noticed that they had WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ' some kind of oil to use to keep mosquitoes from biting you.

It seems as though my shopping ."**£& _wr*______r _^__5*"'' E are delighting trip took me into all sorts of stores The Motorcycle Deluxe Wour patrons with this week. I visited Bennett _ the LeMur Method of a Brown's up-town Hardware store it Get on one of these and enjoy tbe "free air." 1 Permanent Waving— 1 J9 East Main street and ordered Get the Most Out of the Summer Season some garden tools sent out home safe, speedy, sanitary, •> l his is another type of store that sure. Hair of any tex­ Jadies overlooK on their shopping Brannan Cycle & Supply ture formed into soft, tours and realty they shouldn't as UNION AND MAIN ] beautifully uniform thc counters are loaded with house­ hold helps and utensils that should Kl___i_____E______i_—BBBBBI _____a__B_____8i__i_—_ MATT that are lasting, be of interest to every housekeep­ decided that the "Royal Elec w^kwSm Lassos Vary in Length by this method. er. * was her choice of all cleaners The length of lassos depends upon H *: ' VPNERBROC MOORE No kinks—No friezes > tbe use to which they will be put. ^•_&_*_» ***>^9&**r June has been hard on clothes—so Nftw here's a tip to you ladies: The Let our experienced oper­ New York store have on sale this Some .are from 20 to 26 feet Tbls ators give you a genuine -many events crammed into one FRI. AND SAT. "THE AUCTION BLOCK' month. But it really doesn't mut­ week some wonderful hats—dtyn't will allow a fairly good throw. Some ' "LeMur Permanent." overlook them, then skip doWft to lassos, however, are "much longer Phone for appointment. ter much. 1 just bundle up my party dresses and gowns and call Swan- Penney's and avail yourselves of the than this, such as the western lasso. sons and they call for them in a jif­ opportunity of procuring a bathli-g. These' run sometimes as long as 50 PH. 4704 fy and before you need them again suit from one of the most complete feet Summer Prices - 10 & 25c i they are back clean and dainty as lines you'd want to look at. And another little item/ of interest is a f Scene from Warner's new. I'm going to send my wintet Possible Explanation 0 ~= tation of his first smoke. Some­ latest sTarring vehicle. "The Arizona Painting and Paper From Now On Until the family album! But, Monty Get Your Picnic Dates Banks, alas, could find none of him­ body's been watching the Pathe com­ Wildcat" Hanging at Reasonable SPIKES ARCADE self when he was mama's little cher­ edians smoke ever since.* RESTAURANT ub! It was a sad—even tragic— Monty Banks is hard at work on Buck Jones s at work on "Thc COTTAGES FOR RENT BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates state of affairs, for how e_se could his first feature comedy for Pathe, White Eagle,' his latest Fox star- First Class Work ring picture. ZS E. Market St.

OUR AIM: A NATIONWIDE aft WHERE a_Jbles TO SERVE INSTITUTION- i • SAVINGS THE CAT AND THE SWORDFI9H f ! YOU WELL ARE AND GREATEST VALE'S CUT RATE FAITHFULLY enneyto THRUOUT •-ALWAYS THE YEAR DEPARTMENT STORES DRUG STORE Bedspreads of Crinkled Dimity SPECIAL PRICES FOR ALL WEEK STATIONERY Wampoles Ext. Cod c GUARANTEED ALARM CLOCKS Stop-Look-Listen-Note Our Price? Regular SOc. Special Liver Oil 69 \c BIG BEN 4r "How CAN you do it?" is what one woman said when she 31! S. S. S., $1.90 saw these Spreads—the sensation of the on in Values! Our Price $1.19 $3.19 VALES NUX I TONE il Well, our Buying Power permitted us to snap up 25,000 of A fisherman, by hook or crook A Real Iron Tonic Pepsodent, 50c c VALES NUX I IRON Landed a sword fish on bis, hook. Our Price In It-ablet Form these Spreads at a particularly advantageous time. Here they •A cat said "Hey, this shouldn't bel" 33 And dropped the fish back in the sea. $1.00 Eagle Brand Milk, 25c are—Crinkled, Dimity Bedspreads at this feature pricel The angler, angered much thereat, c Caught, bound and tried to drown the cat. Our Price 17 $1.00 The swordfish sawed the ropes in two f PENSLAR WINE Cod Liver OH Featuring Popular And saved the cat—as good as ner. Sayman's Soap PENSLAR SYRUV c Hypospkrtes Moral—And thus we wisely may conclude 3 For Colored Stripes That even fish have gratitude! 25 —_E_ojp, Jr. $1.00 Pierce's Medicines, $1.35 $1.00 With stripes in Blue, Rose, or Gold I WOOD&U'RYW SOAP c Our Price 86 This price is effective only while this stock 3 Cakes MILES NERVINE lasts! So buy what you need now. $1.00 Our Pi-ice Pinkhams Veg. Comp. c 50' $1.25. Out Price 87 Ideal Weight 67' *P*"-II 1.20 Syrup Pepsin for Summer TANLAC c Easy to launder—and you cut Our Price . 86 KOLORBAK out that tiresome ironing. We are $1.10. Onr Price $1.50. Our Price Pebeco, 50c £ glad to offer to our customers this 36 et IPs most fortunate purchase of this 89< Our Price $1.09 household necessity. "Our Values Come in and get a sample, oi Face Powder Free. are our pride; they're famous Na­ tion-wide'" Lady Helen chocolate cherries. In Cordial, full pound—69c. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded LEW CODY The Vamp ia Mead! Long Live tbe Require No Irdnw'g Vamp! i "The old vamps are dead," says Lew Cody in an interview. "The VALE THE DRUG MAN >u# Ianguroas lady and the baby doll girl have both fled before the "reg- Next Alliance First Nat"l. Bank. lar fellow.** RECREATIONAL NEWS

PI bal /.EC RE AT I O N-AL NEWS M "THE FRIENDLY PAPEkY* Published at 238-242E. Main St. *•* Phage3222 AUupce^Ob^ Recreational Newa Is primarily a home paper. It_ nils-* I ah will be to ouppiy 1 reliable information for every recreational activity. Its columns will be devoted to GET OUT IN THE OPEN the interests ot healthy sports and athletics, clean amusements, better homes and olvic Improvement. It ls our purpose to have a department devoted to every interest IT that will promote a better and broader understanding of community Interests TCvery movement for the betterment of Alliance and Its people will have the use of ur columns without cost or obligation. Its reading matter and advertising will be -.lean, safe and fit for every member of the family. Politically, Recreational News I Get the most out ol the summer season by enjoying the great will be absolutely Independent. Its only Interest In this respect will he to use its in- I fluence to aid, when nos__bl«. all nartiee to solos* TI— at _aa_.e_.--V ____-_-_ 'at_»_r:*itv _n administer the uMmUBJt H* ___*/__.tolwhtT to M_e «&« tfeci ,?.;t_ft •__>_» ««• sas__« . A ^«-M out doors. among the thriving cities which are JudfelfKUty vwarneA. Recreational News will be distributed free to the homes in Alliance and contigu­ ous territory. Its revenue will be derived from the advertising at the merchants. Its advertising policy will be such that it will be a safe guide to the htlitflg public. 1 One ol our used cars will supply days and days oi pleasant Any advertiser who misrepresents or attempts deception in their advertising, wlU be I excluded from our columns..- To the advertser we guarantee the lowest possible space rates and assure them our co-operation ln making their copy a matter of con­ \ outings. Pack the old basket, toss in the fishing tackle and bath­ fidence and a profitable investment. We Invite the closest scrutiny and ask only that support which is the reward of , •ervlce to the community and as merit commands. ing suits and away you go. The wife and kiddies deserve it and

Devoted to the interests of Recreational Unsurpassed aa a medium for truthful you will enjoy it. activities, better homes and civic 1m- advertising. p. ovement. Advertising copy must reach tbls office C F. Baughman Editor not later than Thursday noon of each Manager week. Pick out one of these J L. Jarman Subscription price, by mail $1.50 per year. 1925 Studebaker 1924 Studebaker $745.00 1922 Buick $295.00 | ALLIANCE, OHIO, SUNDAY, JUNE &, 1926 Spl. 6 Coach $1045.00 Spl. 6 Phaeton Touring This car looks and runs as good;ood as any Five Balloon tires, car isi perfect. Good rubber, runs tine, , new paint. :z__z new Car. Street We are glad to note strangers about town. But what we 1922 Oakland 1923 Ford k Markers that the Chamber of started out to say was, that neat lit 1923 Studebaker $225.00 Coupe $145.00 | Commerce is going to tie signs on the street corners de­ Sport Tour. . endeavor to place street markers at signating the name of the street Spl. 6 Tour. .. 395.00 It you want a good classy car don't This won't stay long the street intersections.* That's fine. would be appreciated by visitors This car §a ready tor a trip toto tbeth, coast miss this otter. We thought about this sometime ago when they happen in town." and back it necessary.try. 1924 Studebaker and from our issue of May—16th, we We are always ready to do our bit Big 6 Tour. . $795.00 I quote the following: 1923 Chevrolet in helping Alliance in stepping for­ 1923 Olds $135.00 Motor perfect, new paint, good tires "We suppose some live civic or­ ward and the Chamber may depend 4 Sedan ... $295.00 Roadster .... ganization or maybe council will upon us to do anything we can to Can you imagine tbe price, 1923 Studebaker find some means guide pedestrian help along in this worthy work. Tires like new, paint like new,- motor Its very in fine shape. This is a very good buy. good too. Spl. 6 Coupe $645.00 I Motor overhauled, new paint—all 5" nickle parts renickled. 1924 Jordan Phae- C7QJ-, AA 1925 Ford 4-Door 10 OTHER CARS OF DIFFERENT BOOTERY SERVICE ton 4-Wheel Br. $1*0*™ Sedan $445.00 WAKES AND PRICES TO SELECT Ladies bring your high Frpnch Worth $950.00 at least. Balloon tires and like new. FROM. heeled shoes here to be repaired. We know bow. Bring this ad JOHN TOEPFER with you, as these reduced prices Looker-Freer Company] City Market Arcade do not appear on the sale tags. Studebaker Distributors. UnderJNe w_M anagement These values are exception­ Three Phases of Love Peculiar Mail Delivery ALLIANCE To love 1B to live. To love oneself Letters are delivered ln some of tbe al and are good only till the 4th £. MAIN f !' "i Is to live ln hell; to love another ts Islairas of the Tonga group, In the of July. Open Today OHIO to live on earth; to lore all others ls Pacific, by skyrockets fired from 144 STREET «W. to are ln heaven.—Swedenborg. steamers. _*i M **"**i Cnl = ALL WOMEN OF IMPORTANCE HE YOUNG LADY THE GIVE HEED TO NEW HEADWEAR ACROSS THE WAY RELIABLE GROCER T Is the man wbo always bas what NobiPsCutPrice _ m you want, wbo has it right and wbo gets it to your back door when you want it. Tbat is out pledge. Give us a trial. ROY THOMAS Shoe Store § 164 W. Wayne Phone 3173 A SUMMER SPECIAL IN MEN'S || • In 1866 it cost $100 to send 20 SHOES AND OXFORDS S .words to .Europe; today 20 words can be cabled to Europe for $1.40. ^ Leon Says:- #_*»»#»»# It's the ends tbat matter! You Suggestions for your cold may bave ever so pretty a wave close to your head and if the ends are not curly, do not tall natur­ NOON LUNCHES '•' _ ally into ringlets, your Perman­ ON HOT DAYS ent Wave is not all it should be. Milks—Sodas It is tbe knowledge ot hair tex­ Malted Sundies ture gained thru experience that makes possible the guaranteeing. Sandwiches—toasted or plain ot ends in your wave. Lemonade, Orangeade and Home Made Pies Leon John Make it a Habit Ot eating at The youngelady across the way says ELITE HAIR SHOPPE It's always best to acknowledge If 317 East Market when you're wrong and if we had con­ THE LEX Pbone 4192 tinued to stand out against entering V ! I the League j>f Nations the DawefTplan SANDWICH SHOPPE could never have, been formulated. Lexington Hotel Blk. SHOP EARLY ITT THE WEEK (© by McCfilre Newspaper Syndicate.)

4 J which the revival of flower and feather trim­ IT;finally swung to the extreme of mings. This millinery is worthy to millinery for the Glorious 4th. simple and Unimportant styles in win­ be worn by women of importance. ter millinery started ln an opposite, di­ The • group does not include some rection this spring. IX is rapidly protni_erit additional shapes and styles' brought* out' for midsummer. Delightful and New 1 .50 "traveling now away from uniform and uninteresting headwear in the. direc­ Among mthese tbe. square-crowned J >4M tion of Individual and more, compli­ Spanish sailor, with'either straight or $3 cated style in hats that'express per­ drooping brim, narrower at" the back, =E This handsome piece of footwear in black or sonality as well as cover heads, ftyis seems destined to be -a great favorite. remarkable that the most important ..Wlile-brlmtned milan hats, balllbuntis, EE tan. Alt sizes and widths. Item ln the costume should ever have bangkol-s and hair are shown $9.95 Panama Hats been so neglected, and when we finally in quantities and in varied shapes. arrived at the place where women of Crocheted straw bats in the smaller, close-fitting Shanes are favorites for , all types and ages wore exactly tbe SB s»ig^ yflraa_a_j_a)*!-s_a_a_^^ SSS3S.I same kinds of hats we woke to the- the.street and for traveling and com­ Sai.meanlnglessness of our headwear. binations of stnnv and silk,* so soft __"< in the group of five bats pictured that, they can'be conveniently, carried $4.95 in a suitcase are in a class by them­ _•_— here we bave examples of real milli- selves and are called "luggage hats." | i | NOBIL'S COT PRICE —_ nery art as It flourishes today. Each Tbe two mqre important developments =_- I hat differs from the others and each of the modes in millinery are the in­ as reveals the work of, an artist-—a creased "detnand fer straw, bats and •as French artist of acknowledged genius' .hair braids and the ever widening These hats present in a number of ways the cor­ I SHOE STORE -= ' for designing. From them we can ;brims. In the latter particular Indi­ as I gather the high-lights of'the new cations are that fashion will go* to ex­ _= 242 E. Main Phone 4213 = modes—the higher crowns, tbe Intro­ tremes by the time midsummer a*- rect style for Summer wear. The variety is ample to al­ duction of wide brims, the combina­ 'rives. tions of straw and millinery fabrics In the construction of shapes, JULIA BOTTOMLE? low choosing to please your own needs and ideas. r_n_ <©. 1926. WisterD Newspaper UDI.II > -J

The Time ol your Life rmmww^mms^^sasm^&as<^&^^^&s3m^^^fm^&^&ffim^mtg^sm^, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.) star of Bethlehem. It Is a common "A Machine We Stand Behind to the Limit.' b'ellef among Christians that this was Want Ads Get Results in this Paper a supernatural phenomenon. MI -LADYE - FASHION Dress Making Shoppe M Specializing in the making of E. & J. children's clothes and hem­ stitching. Experienced workers. Madsen Bldg. Arch at State 4*->_**_*1 Motor Supply Go. 62 E. Main St. Open Evenings w For that satisfying hair cut Canton, Akron, Alliance, Massillon and New and a .cool clean shave come Philadelphia to Phil Gabele, 617 So. Free­ dom. *.__..:EAT *SS-AL NEWS MOST THOROUGHLY READ PAPER IN ALLIANC •JM'JV+JM'JM*^ if At an Imposing ceremony before their headquarters tn New Tork City •i a the farfnous Old Guard of New York under the command of Major E. Have 1 T meyer Snyder, commandant of the organization, received the invitation from 1 the officials of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition, opening in f Philadelphia June 1 a_td continuing to December 1, to celebrate 150 years of Y American Independence, to attend the Flag Day exercises on June 14, when x all the historic military commands of the thirteen original colonies. will I x assemble for a big military display and parade headed by General Pershing. X Captain James A, B. Franciscus, of the Old Guard State Fencibles, of the Sesqui city, is presenting the invitation to Major Snyder. At Major Snyder's x f left stand the commanding ofpcers of the Philadelphia organizations, while the members of the two famous commands are grouped about their leaders i X tn their striking dress uniforms. 1 xt i X t X X f X X T Mammoth Used Car Sale 1 t At Prices Unheard oi i x X %. t at 1745 S. Union Avenue X

•t X T Open All Day Sunday X X J T X T "' - .. __*.... *™"*"**"i — "^•****************'*•****************'****-•--• X X tX Come See and Buy Today X t l X X ALLIANCE NASH CO. t. 1745 S. Union Ave. Phone 2178 ±

^•••"••'••••••-•••••^ RECREATIONAL NEWS _Ni_s»^»^

BUY YOUR 24 HOUR FIREWORKS SERVICE Best OPEN TODAY Largest AND EVERYDAY Quality TILL JULY 4TH Assortment C. W. Swanson Co. i Cleaning-Dyeing-Pressing-Repairing *-_ Gossman_& Ward Park and Hester Phone 8459 WEST ELY ST., CANTON RD. fc*>»»»»W. +4r++*+m*+*+++0+4>+*4^+a*0+4r>+++a++^^