262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The House met at 10 a.m. and was (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE.—Mr. Good- Mr. PASTOR of . I object. I called to order by the Speaker. latte, Mr. Johnson of , Mr. King of would like to have the resolution read, Iowa, Mr. Neugebauer, Mr. Conaway, Mr. f if possible. Fortenberry, Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. Thompson of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- PRAYER Pennsylvania, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Stutzman, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. tion is heard. The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Fincher, Mr. Tipton, Mr. Southerland, Mr. The Clerk will report the resolution. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Crawford, Mrs. Roby, Mr. Huelskamp, Mr. Mr. PASTOR from Arizona. I with- With the psalmist, we pray for this DesJarlais, Mrs. Ellmers, Mr. Gibson, Mr. draw the objection. Congress and the Nation: Hultgren, Mrs. Hartzler, Mr. Schilling, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘Come, let us bless the Lord at all Mr. Ribble. objection to the request of the gen- (2) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.—Mr. times. Let praise always be on our lips. tleman from Texas? Bartlett, Mr. Thornberry, Mr. Jones, Mr. There was no objection. If the Lord is your boast, be humble, Akin, Mr. Forbes, Mr. Miller of Florida, Mr. listen and be moved. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. The resolution was agreed to. Glorify the Lord with me. Together Turner, Mr. Kline, Mr. Rogers of Alabama, A motion to reconsider was laid on let us reverence the Holy Name. When Mr. Franks of Arizona, Mr. Shuster, Mr. Con- the table. in difficulty, we looked for the Lord. away, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Wittman, Mr. Hun- f Then from all our terrors we were set ter, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Coffman of Colorado, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Platts, Mr. Rigell, Mr. Gib- EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE free. son, Mrs. Hartzler, Mr. Heck, Mr. Schilling, REGARDING ARIZONA SHOOTING When most vulnerable, we called out Mr. Runyan, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I ask to the Lord, and we were rescued from Mr. Griffin of Arkansas, Mr. Palazzo, Mr. all our difficulties. West, Mrs. Roby, Mr. Brooks, and Mr. Young unanimous consent that it shall be in So reverence the Lord with all the of Indiana. order at any time on the legislative saints, for those who revere the Lord (3) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE.— day of January 12, 2011, to consider in will lack no blessing.’’ Mr. Barton of Texas, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Whit- the House without intervention of any field, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. Pitts, Mrs. Bono point of order a resolution relating to In the midst of everything, let us Mack, Mr. Walden, Mr. Terry, Mr. Rogers of seek the Lord both now and forever. recent events in Tucson, Arizona, if of- , Mrs. Myrick, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. fered by the Speaker or his designee; Amen. Murphy of Pennsylvania, Mr. Burgess, Mr. such resolution shall be debatable for 6 f Bilbray, Mr. Bass of New Hampshire, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Gingrey of Georgia, Mr. Sca- hours equally divided and controlled by THE JOURNAL lise, Mr. Latta, Mrs. McMorris Rodgers, Mr. the majority leader and the minority The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Harper, Mr. Lance, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Guthrie, leader or their respective designees; Mr. Olson, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Gardner, Mr. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- and the previous question shall be con- Pompeo, Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois, and Mr. sidered as ordered on such resolution ceedings and announces to the House Griffith of Virginia. his approval thereof. and any preamble thereto to final (4) COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES.—Mr. adoption without intervening motion. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- King of New York, Mr. Royce, Mr. Lucas, Mr. nal stands approved. Paul, Mr. Manzullo, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Biggert, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Gary G. Miller of California, Mrs. Capito, objection to the request of the gen- f Mr. Hensarling, Mr. Garrett, Mr. Neuge- tleman from Virginia? PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE bauer, Mr. McHenry, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. There was no objection. Bachmann, Mr. Marchant, Mr. McCotter, Mr. Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, pur- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman McCarthy of California, Mr. Pearce, Mr. suant to the order of the House of from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH) come forward Posey, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Westmoreland, today, I offer a resolution (H. Res. 32) Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mr. Huizenga of Michigan, and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- expressing the sense of the House of legiance. Mr. Duffy, Ms. Hayworth, Mr. Renacci, Mr. Hurt, Mr. Dold, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Grimm, Representatives with respect to the Mr. KUCINICH led the Pledge of Alle- tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on giance as follows: Mr. Canseco, and Mr. Stivers. (5) COMMITTEE ON RULES.—Mr. Bishop of , 2011, and ask for its imme- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Utah, to rank immediately after Ms. Foxx. diate consideration in the House. United States of America, and to the Repub- (6) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, FRASTRUCTURE.—Mr. Young of Alaska, Mr. lows: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Petri, Mr. Coble, Mr. Duncan of Tennessee, H. RES. 32 f Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. Gary G. Miller of Cali- fornia, Mr. Johnson of Illinois, Mr. Graves of Whereas on January 8, 2011, an armed gun- ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN Missouri, Mr. Shuster, Mrs. Capito, Mrs. man opened fire at a ‘‘Congress on your Cor- STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE Schmidt, Mrs. Miller of Michigan, Mr. Hun- ner’’ event hosted by Representative HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter, Mr. Reed, Mr. Harris, Mr. Crawford, Ms. Gabrielle in Tucson, Arizona, kill- Herrera Beutler, Mr. Guinta, Mr. Hultgren, ing 6 and wounding at least 14 others; Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, Mr. Barletta, Mr. Cravaack, Mr. Farenthold, Whereas Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy by direction of the Republican Con- Mr. Bucshon, Mr. Long, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Mee- Morris, , Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan ference, I offer a privileged resolution han, Mr. Hanna, Mr. Fincher, Mr. Landry, Stoddard, and Gabriel Zimmerman lost their and ask for its immediate consider- Mr. Southerland, Mr. Denham, and Mr. lives in this attack; ation. Lankford. Whereas Christina Taylor Green, the 9- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Mr. HENSARLING (during the read- year-old daughter of John and Roxanna lows: Green, was born on September 11, 2001, and ing). Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous was a third grader with an avid interest in H. RES. 33 consent that the resolution be consid- government who was recently elected to the Resolved, That the following named Mem- ered as read and printed in the RECORD. student council at Mesa Verde Elementary bers be and are hereby elected to the fol- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. School; lowing standing committees of the House of EMERSON). Is there objection to the re- Whereas Dorothy Morris, who was 76 years Representatives: quest of the gentleman from Texas? old, attended the January 8 event with

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 263 George, her husband of over 50 years with timidation and threats of violence cannot si- To all of the dedicated professionals whom she had 2 daughters, and who was also lence the voices of any American; that we rely on to make this institu- critically injured as he tried to shield her (9) honors the service and leadership of tion work, to each of you: thank you from the shooting; Representative Gabrielle Giffords, a distin- for what you do. And to GABBY’s staff— Whereas John Roll, a Pennsylvania native guished member of this House, as she coura- who was 63 years old, began his professional geously fights to recover; and and their families: please know that career as a bailiff in 1972, was appointed to (10) when adjourning today, shall do so out our hearts and prayers go out to each the Federal bench in 1991, and became chief of respect to the victims of this attack. of you. judge for the District of Arizona in 2006, and This body has yet to fully register was a devoted husband to his wife Maureen, b 1010 the magnitude of this tragedy. We feel father to his 3 sons, and grandfather to his 5 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- a litany of unwanted emotions no reso- grandchildren; ant to the order of the House of today, lution could possibly capture. Whereas Phyllis Schneck, a proud mother of 3, grandmother of 7, and great-grand- the resolution shall be debatable for 6 We know that we gather here without mother from , was spending the hours equally divided and controlled by distinction of party. The needs of this winter in Arizona, and was a 79-year-old the majority leader and the minority institution have always risen above church volunteer and New York Giants fan; leader or their designees. partisanship. And what this institution Whereas Dorwan Stoddard, a 76-year-old The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. needs right now is strength—holy, up- retired construction worker and volunteer at CANTOR) and the gentleman from Ari- lifting strength. The strength to grieve the Mountain Avenue Church of Christ, is zona (Mr. PASTOR) each will control 3 with the families of the fallen, to pray credited with shielding his wife Mavy, a hours. for the wounded, and to chart a way longtime friend whom he married while they The Chair recognizes the gentleman were in their 60s, who was also injured in the forward, no matter how painful and dif- shooting; from Virginia. ficult it may be. Whereas Gabriel Matthew Zimmerman, Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I Today it is not ceremony, but trag- who was 30 years old and engaged to be mar- yield 1 minute to the Speaker of the edy that stirs us to renew our commit- ried, served as Director of Community Out- House, the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. ment to faithfully fulfill our oath of of- reach to Representative Gabrielle Giffords, BOEHNER). fice. Let us not let this inhuman act and was a social worker before serving with Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker and frighten us into doing otherwise. Representative Giffords; my colleagues, today we are called Whereas Representative Gabrielle Giffords The free exchange of ideas is the life- here to mourn. blood of our democracy, as prescribed was a target of this attack, and remains in An unspeakable act of violence has by the First Amendment, that beacon critical condition at an Arizona hospital; taken six innocent lives, and left sev- Whereas 13 others were also wounded in of free expression Congresswoman GIF- eral more—including our colleague, the shooting, including and Pam- FORDS recited in this well just days ela Simon, both staffers to Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS—battling for theirs. These are difficult hours for our ago. Giffords; and These rights have not been handed country. Whereas several individuals, including Pa- down by dictate; they have been pre- tricia Maisch, Army Col. Bill Badger (Re- Among the fallen is Gabe Zimmer- tired), who was also wounded in the shoot- man, a member of Congresswoman GIF- served and protected through genera- ing, Roger Sulzgeber, Joseph Zimudio, and FORDS’ staff—a public servant of the tions of hard sacrifice and commit- Daniel Hernandez, Jr., helped apprehend the highest caliber—one of our own. Even ment. We will continue that unfinished gunman and assist the injured, thereby risk- in our shock, we are composed and de- work. ing their lives for the safety of others, and termined to fulfill our calling to rep- We will do it for Christina Taylor should be commended for their bravery: Now, Green, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis therefore, be it resent our constituents. This is the Resolved, That the House of Representa- great cause for which Gabe gave his Schneck, and Dorwan Stoddard, ordi- tives— life. nary citizens who died participating in (1) condemns in the strongest possible Like us, Gabe swore an oath to up- their democracy. And we will do it for terms the horrific attack which occurred at hold and defend the Constitution. At Judge John Roll. And we will do it for the ‘‘Congress on your Corner’’ event hosted the time of the attack, he was engaged Gabe Zimmerman. And we will do it by Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tuc- in the most simple and direct of demo- for—and God willing, with—GABRIELLE son, Arizona, on January 8, 2011; cratic rituals: listening to the people, GIFFORDS. (2) offers its heartfelt condolences to the Our hearts are broken, but our spirit families, friends, and loved ones of those who listening to his neighbors. were killed in that attack; The brutality that shattered Satur- is not. This is a time for the House to (3) expresses its hope for the rapid and day morning’s calm was devastating, lock arms in prayer for those fallen complete recovery of those wounded in the but brief. Bravery and quick thinking and the wounded, and in resolve to shooting; prevented a larger massacre, turning carry on the dialogue of democracy. (4) honors the memory of Christina Taylor innocent bystanders into heroes. We may not yet have all the answers, Green, Dorothy Morris, John Roll, Phyllis The service and skill of first respond- but we already have the answer that Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and Gabriel Zim- matters most: that we are Americans, merman; ers and medical professionals saved (5) applauds the bravery and quick think- lives. Law enforcement officials are and together we will make it through ing exhibited by those individuals who pre- working to ensure swift justice. Look this difficult period. We will have the vented the gunman from potentially taking to Tucson right now, and you will be last word. more lives and helped to save those who had reminded that America’s most plenti- God bless this House. God bless this been wounded; ful source of wealth and strength is her Congress. And God bless America. (6) recognizes the service of the first re- people. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam sponders who raced to the scene and the We are so thankful GABBY is still Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the minor- health care professionals who tended to the ity leader, Ms. PELOSI. victims once they reached the hospital, with us. We are so thankful that two of whose service and skill saved lives; her staffers who were also wounded— Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I (7) reaffirms the bedrock principle of Ron Barber and Pam Simon—are still thank the gentleman for yielding, and American democracy and representative gov- with us as well. extend my condolences to him, Mr. ernment, which is memorialized in the First In her stead, GABBY’s staff has PASTOR, the senior member of the Ari- Amendment of the Constitution and which pressed on, opening for business Mon- zona delegation, and to all of the mem- Representative Gabrielle Giffords herself day morning right on schedule. The bers of the Arizona delegation. read in the Hall of the House of Representa- men and women who faithfully serve Madam Speaker, I am saddened, tives on January 6, 2011, of ‘‘the right of the the people of Arizona’s Eighth Congres- greatly saddened, to join the Speaker people peaceably to assemble, and to peti- tion the Government for a redress of griev- sional District have signaled that no of the House, Mr. BOEHNER, in coming ances’’; act—no matter how heinous—will stop together in sadness today to share our (8) stands firm in its belief in a democracy us from doing our duty and being prayers and indeed our hopes for those in which all can participate and in which in- among the people we serve. who have lost so much because of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 tragedy in Arizona involving our col- he ran toward them—he ran toward week: let there be peace on Earth, and league, Congresswoman GABBY GIF- them—and attended to Congresswoman let it begin, not just with us but with FORDS, her staff, and innocent bystand- GIFFORDS, helping to staunch her me—with each of us, within each of us. ers. bleeding with his own hands. In speaking as one House today, com- Words are inadequate at a time like We pray for the recovery of other ing together in peace, we offer our this, but I hope it is a comfort to those members of Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ thoughts and support, our prayers for who have lost loved ones or who were staff—Ron Barber, Pam Simon. We the health of our colleague, Congress- injured on Saturday that so many peo- commend Pia Carusone and the entire woman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and for ple mourn the losses but also pray for GIFFORDS staff for carrying on. all of the injured. We share the stories the survivors and care for them at this Those heroes at the scene were joined of the heroes of this tragedy and mourn very difficult time. by first responders from county and those who perished. Let their actions I think the resolution in its descrip- municipalities, arriving just 3 minutes and their memories be a blessing to our tion of what happened and the context after the first 911 call, who performed country. with which it happened is an excellent excellently, and in doing so, saved We don’t know why God saw this to resolution; and I hope people will read lives. We also pay tribute to the skilled be necessary, but let this be something it, pray over it, and be grateful that we professionals at Arizona’s University that we cherish as an opportunity as have this opportunity to comment on Medical Center, whose role is ongoing we mourn the heartbreaking horror of it. in healing the victims of this tragedy. it all. This resolution is a fitting trib- Today, we will say many prayers for Tonight, the University of Arizona ute. It is a great resolution. Please our country and for the victims of this community joins with Tucson, the read it again and again. Carry those horrific event. We think of our col- State of Arizona and, indeed, the entire names in your heart. Remember each league, Congresswoman GABBY GIF- Nation to acknowledge together Satur- of these people because, again, a tragic FORDS, fighting to recover, and the 14 day’s tragedy. Appropriately, this re- accident took lives and wounded people others who were injured and remember membrance is called ‘‘Together we in the free expression of ideas. May the six who were killed. Their names thrive: Tucson and America.’’ this resolution remind us of the urgent are mentioned, and they are described ‘‘Together we thrive: Tucson and need to uphold our democratic values, in the resolution. The Speaker has America’’ will be an opportunity to to treat one another with courtesy and mentioned their names, but I think ac- grieve, and it will be a demonstration with respect, and to act as Congress- knowledging them bears repetition. of our strength: a strength in commu- woman GIFFORDS has always done and How do you explain the death of 9- nity—a strength in community that always will do—in a manner that re- year-old Christina Taylor Green who was demonstrated last Saturday, a flects the best of American leadership. had recently been elected to the stu- strength in community there that is As our thoughts and prayers go out dent council in her school, Mesa Verde ongoing. Tucson demonstrated its to the families of all who were affected, Elementary School, and the unbearable strength on Saturday when the city I want to call special attention to Com- grief of John and Roxanna Green? was full of heroes—ordinary citizens, mander, Navy Captain , Again, we pray for them and will carry victims, first responders—coming to- GABBY’s husband, who has been a Christina as an inspiration in our gether in the spirit of community. source of strength to all of us in this hearts. Madam Speaker, our colleague Con- difficult time. We pray for him. We Dorothy Morris was married for more gresswoman GIFFORDS was the primary thank him for his and GABBY’s service than 50 years to her high school sweet- target of this cowardly act; and as she to our country. God truly blessed heart and was the mother of two. recovers, we honor her as a brilliant America with their leadership, with Federal Judge John Roll had just and courageous . their service, and with their love for come from mass, which he attended She has brought to Congress an each other. every day. invigoration—the thinking of a new Mr. CANTOR. I yield myself such Phyllis Schneck, mother of three, generation of national leaders. As a time as I may consume. grandmother of seven, and a great- businesswoman and State legislator, Madam Speaker, this week, most grandmother. And I know that the New she came to Congress full of ideas, and Members of the House will gather Yorkers like to hear she was a Giants we will long continue to be blessed by briefly here in Washington, but our fan, snowbird in Arizona carrying that them. I look forward to when she is hearts and spirits will be in Arizona. dedication west. present with us on the floor. She has The unspeakable tragedy in Tucson Dorwan Stoddard died shielding his spoken out courageously and led boldly last Saturday came as a complete wife, Mavy. Shielding his wife, Mavy. when the times have demanded it. shock, casting a pall over the entire And as has been mentioned in the It is especially tragic that those who Nation. resolution, and we have mourned, Con- lost their lives and those who were With this resolution, we join 300 mil- gresswoman GABBY GIFFORDS’ director wounded had come together, as the res- lion Americans and millions of others of community outreach, Gabriel Mat- olution presents, to participate in an around the world in showing our soli- thew Zimmerman. One of his col- activity that reflects the best of our darity with Congresswoman GIFFORDS leagues, his coworker, said: ‘‘Gabe democratic tradition—a Representa- and the rest of the victims. GABBY helped people for a living.’’ tive of the people, of GABBY GIFFORDS serves Arizona’s Eighth District with As we honor the heroes who risked and her staff hearing directly from the distinction and thoughtful leadership, their lives to protect others, among men and women she represents. and we are all praying for her speedy them some who were injured, Patricia American democracy is founded on recovery. Maisch, for one, who grabbed the full our commitment to a contest of ideas, Saturday’s cowardly crime was more magazine of ammunition from the kill- not violence. Political disagreement than just an attack on dozens of inno- er as he attempted to reload. Just and dissent must never violate our Na- cent Americans at a grocery store. It think of how many more we could have tion’s values, as expressed in the Con- was an attack on the very essence of lost. stitution, of free expression, speech and democracy and representative govern- Roger Sulzgeber and Joseph Zimudio peaceful assembly. GABBY spoke to ment—an assault on the open exchange tackled and subdued the suspect. Imag- that right here from the floor last of ideas between legislators and the ine the courage. week. people to whom they are accountable. In this hour of anguish, we seek a re- This resolution honors the memory b 1020 newed commitment to hope, to civil- of Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy And Daniel Hernandez, Jr., 20 years ity, to peace among the American peo- Morris, Judge John Roll, Phyllis old—an intern who had just been on the ple. In many of our churches, we sing Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and Ga- job for 4 days. When he heard gunshots, on Sunday and on other days of the briel Zimmerman. The slain represent

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 265 a broad cross-section of the American wounded, and to pray for our colleague To the families of the fallen, we ex- public—young and old; men, women and friend, Congresswoman GABRIELLE tend our sympathy. To the survivors, and child; friends, brothers, sisters, and GIFFORDS. we extend our prayers for a full and children. They will be missed but not Today, this temple of representative speedy recovery. And to our colleague, forgotten. democracy is a sadder place. But Con- to our beloved colleague, GABBY, we ex- This inexplicable crime reminds us gresswoman GIFFORDS’ intelligence and tend our love and our hopes for her that there is evil in the world. Yet, as her toughness, her public spirit and her early return to the Chamber and our we look for light in a thicket of dark- charm will, God willing, and with the ranks. ness, our Nation has drawn inspiration extraordinary medical care she is re- All of us in this time have come to- from the bravery and quick thinking ceiving, soon return to this body and gether, reached out to one another, displayed by the heroes on the scene. again be a practitioner and a model for comforted one another, and lifted one Were it not for their efforts, there like- the principles of civil debate and another up. May that sentiment not ly would have been many more victims. thoughtful deliberation on which this pass quickly from this body or from The outpouring of support, prayer, temple is founded. this country. and solidarity also reminds us that Congresswoman GIFFORDS was at- Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, I yield America is a country of compassion, tacked doing the work that is the heart myself such time as I may consume. community, and empathy. We will of democracy, as has been so elo- I want to thank Speaker BOEHNER stand with the victims and their fami- quently observed by our Speaker, Mr. and the leadership on both sides of the lies, and pray and mourn with them as BOEHNER: Listening to her neighbors, aisle for bringing this resolution to the they cope with this horrific tragedy. listening to those who sent her here to floor. This is indeed Congress at its Madam Speaker, I also want to offer Washington to reflect their views. best. Each one of us have done that work. my thoughts of comfort to GABBY GIF- None of us will ever forget the feeling Each one of us has come back bearing FORDS’ staff and want them to know we had when we heard the news of the their fears and their hopes, their con- that our hearts hang heavy, and our shooting last Saturday—one of the vic- victions and their visions for the fu- thoughts and prayers are with them as tims which was our dear friend and col- ture. Some, of course, are everyday they try and persevere through this league, GABBY GIFFORDS. A few hours hopes; some are matters of life and very difficult time. after the first news broke, I was in at- death. But in each case, we bring these I would also like to add my thanks to tendance at the press conference in hopes here and speak to our neighbors the brave law enforcement that has Tucson at the medical center. Amid as best we can. That is what Congress- helped our Nation over the last several the turmoil and the anguish of the oc- woman GIFFORDS was doing. casion, there were audible expressions days and every day—the law enforce- We do not know, of course, the spe- of joy and relief around that room and ment under the directorship of Direc- cific motive which led the perpetrator around the country when Dr. Rhee an- tor Mueller of the FBI, the local law of this crime to act, nor can we draw nounced that GABBY could listen and enforcement in Arizona and, from our conclusions as to specific causes, but it respond. GABBY’s progress over the past perspective, most especially, the Cap- seems to me it is a time for us to re- few days has been measured in much itol Police, the Office of the Sergeant flect on the heightened anger being the same manner—the squeeze of a at Arms and the Sergeant at Arms, projected on our public debate and the hand, the raising of two fingers, a himself—for the tremendous job that daily denigration of those with whom thumbs-up sign, each gesture letting us they are undergoing each and every we disagree. And it is appropriate, minute as we try and cope with this therefore, that the wrenching, shock- know that she hears, that she is listen- tragedy. ing, senseless violence of that day com- ing and responding. These traits, lis- Madam Speaker, this resolution af- pel us to reflect on our own responsi- tening and responding, have defined firms the point all of us want to make. bility to temper our words and respect GABBY GIFFORDS’ career as a legislator. Our hearts are heavy. We mourn with those with whom we disagree, lest the Let me give but one example borne of the victims, and I urge my colleagues failure to do so give incitement to the another tragedy just 10 months ago. to support it. angriest and most unstable among us. Longtime Arizonan Bob Krentz, known to provide assistance to those he found b 1030 Let us speak for our neighbors in a spirit of unity, not a false and shallow in need, was murdered on his ranch Madam Speaker, I yield the balance unity, not a unity that wishes away near Arizona’s southern border. Farm- of my time to the gentleman from Ari- our differences or our discords, but a ers and ranchers in Arizona were un- zona (Mr. FLAKE), and I ask unanimous unity founded on our reverence for our derstandably alarmed. GABBY listened consent that he be permitted to control democracy’s most precious, most frag- and responded. Over and over she con- that time. ile gift—its power to resolve without tacted and visited those affected, reas- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without violence our weightiest questions. suring them that help was on its way. objection, the gentleman from Arizona In a much darker time than ours, She convened monthly conference calls will control the time. from the edge of a great war, President for the farming and ranching commu- There was no objection. Lincoln addressed these words to the nities involving the Border Patrol, Im- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam men and women whom, even in the migration and Customs Enforcement, Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gen- war’s depths, he refused to see as any- the Justice Department and other Fed- tleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). thing other than his fellow Americans. eral agencies, each month broadening Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman He said this: ‘‘We are not enemies, but the circle to include more stake- from Arizona for yielding. friends. We must not be enemies. holders. Madam Speaker, this week, we pause Though passion may have strained, it We learned of her efforts in delega- the work of the House to mourn the must not break our bonds of affection.’’ tion meetings here in Washington, lost lives of six of our fellow citizens— There are, in every society and in where she enlisted additional support. one of those born on that day of trag- every culture and every nation, those Last August, much as a result of edy and carnage when thousands were who reflect that creed, but if we love GABBY’s persistent efforts, the Con- slain in an equally indiscriminate, hei- our country, if we honor our oath to gress acted, providing unprecedented nous act of hate—citizens shot dead on country, Constitution, and to our Na- resources to improve security in the Saturday in Tucson in pursuit of the tion of laws, we must live by those area. GABBY listened, she responded, ‘‘right to peaceably assemble,’’ the words. There is, perhaps, nothing we and, in the end, Congress responded as amendment which GABBY GIFFORDS can do that will prevent the mindless well. read on this floor. We come as well to violence committed by the few, but we We are responding here today by giv- honor those who risked their lives to can and must appeal to the best in- ing thanks for the service of Federal save others, to pray for the lives of the stincts of the many. Judge John Roll and Gabe Zimmerman

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I yield such time as he other while we still can. ed his wife from the gunfire, selflessly may consume to the gentleman from So, Madam Speaker, it is my prayer giving his own life that she might live. Arizona (Mr. FRANKS). that God would comfort the Giffords We are responding today by joining Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. I thank the family and all of the victims of this John and Roxanna Green in mourning gentleman. horrible tragedy and hold them closely the loss of their 9-year-old daughter, Madam Speaker, the tragedy this in His arms as only He can, and that He Christina, as well as the friends and week in Arizona has been a reminder to would some day very soon return a families of Dorothy Morris and Phyllis all of us of the brevity and delicate na- smiling GABBY GIFFORDS to this Cham- Schneck. ture of this earthly life. It is my prayer ber and to all of us, as clear eyed and We in the Arizona delegation are this morning that God would grant all as whole as when she left us. proud of the wonderful State that we, of the victims named in this resolu- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield my- together with more than 6 million of tion, as well as the grieving families self such time as I may consume. our friends and neighbors, call home. and loved ones who are mourning the I also join my colleague from Ari- Arizona is defined not by the actions of loss of the six precious lives that were zona, , in thanking the a lone crazed gunman, but by the her- taken that day, the comfort, the peace, leadership in bringing this resolution oism and bravery of those who left us and the restoration that only He can here this morning. I also want to rec- on Saturday and those, like our friend give. ognize that Representative GIFFORDS’ and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, who Madam Speaker, it happens that the staff is in the gallery with us this will continue to lead us in the future. only one of those victims that I knew morning. So we want to wish them the Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- well personally was our own GABBY best. Madam Speaker, it is with great sad- ance of my time. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, GABBY and Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam I are from different parties. And on ness I rise today to pay tribute to six Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the leader past and happier days, many in Arizona innocent and precious Arizonans who, of the caucus, the gentleman from Con- would often joke about the differences while participating in a public event necticut (Mr. LARSON). in our politics. designated to strengthen our democ- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. I thank But I can testify to you this morning, racy, so tragically lost their lives in a the gentleman from Arizona. Madam Speaker, that in the 4 years senseless act of violence last Saturday. Shakespeare tells us in Othello that I also want to pay tribute to those 14 that I have known GABBY GIFFORDS when Iago whispers mistruths in the there has never been one unkind or ac- Arizonans, including our dedicated and ear of Othello, something beautiful rimonious or even terse word passed beloved colleague, and my personal dies. between us. friend, GABBY GIFFORDS, who were wounded. b 1040 GABBY GIFFORDS is a precious, warm, These Americans, all dedicated to caring, decent human being whose Something beautiful died in Tucson, freedom and all loving their country so warmth and charm touched the hearts Arizona, this past Saturday. People much that they chose to use their Sat- of all who know her. And the testi- who came to an event, to hear their urday morning to participate in a pub- mony of her life and work is proof that congresswoman speak—one little girl, 9 lic event to make their government true tolerance is not in pretending that years old—all beautiful, all celebrating better, are recovering at different we have no differences; it is being kind the great beauty and majesty of our de- paces and with unique and different and decent to each other in spite of mocracy, passed on that day. needs. The city of Tucson, Pima Coun- Who knows what mistruths were those differences. And it strikes me as more than a ty, and the entire State of Arizona bouncing around in the head of the as- stand poised to assist and welcome sassin. Who could know that? But poignant coincidence that only days before the tragedy, we all listened to these brave heroes back to our commu- something beautiful died. Democracy nities once they have recovered. GABBY GIFFORDS as she stood at this died just a little that day. GABBY continues to fight, literally very podium and read the words of the But beauty has a way of coming fight, every minute for her life. And we Constitution’s First Amendment, back. It resides in people like are all reaching toward our God in which protects the right of the people GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. She epitomizes prayer, contemplation, and silent whis- to peaceably assemble. all that is good and rich about serving pers in our unified effort to bring about And then only days later, Madam in the . From her quick recovery and return to us Speaker, as she was exercising that her very demeanor, to her gracious- here in this House of Representatives. ness, to the way she carried herself in right and faithfully doing her job as a Those who perished—Phyllis committee, with her legislation, and Member of the United States Congress, Schneck, Dorothy Morris, Gabe Zim- how she held forth with her constitu- one bereft of heart, human compassion, merman, Christina Taylor Green, ents in an accountable manner that and respect for innocent human life Dorwan Stoddard, and John Roll—will has become so much a fabric of our de- mindlessly shattered her life and the be missed by their families, their col- mocracy—our Congress on the Corner. lives of so many others around her. leagues, their friends, and all Arizo- Madam Speaker, the last words I had She truly is a beautiful person. And nans. that beauty had others responding that with GABBY GIFFORDS were spoken not day with acts of heroism that have al- 10 feet from this podium when we ex- b 1050 ready been recounted on this floor. And changed simple but genuine and heart- Phyllis Schneck was described by her that beauty lies with her husband by felt words and best wishes for the new New Jersey hometown paper as a life- her side and with the fervent prayers of year and the new Congress. And, long conservative, yet she was there to a Nation in hope, knowing and feeling Madam Speaker, I will tell you that see GABBY because she admired her. confident that she will return from this when I heard the news of this tragedy This is a perfect example of someone awful incident and be back here with and the false report that GABBY had who wanted to step beyond the current us gracing us with her beauty and dig- died, I felt such an overwhelming sense vitriol in modern-day politics and nity and vision and purpose. of grief in my soul to think that those bring us together. One of her last remarks, in speaking were the last words that I would ever Dorothy Morris was married to a to Mr. , director of the speak to her. former Marine Corps pilot, who was

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It is an community. Sadly, he perished, but he Gabe Zimmerman, and Phyllis awareness of the imperative of human perished fulfilling his calling and doing Schneck, and gravely injured our col- unity which can help us to create a what he loved—helping the people of league, Congresswoman GABBY GIF- new America where the omnipresence his town. FORDS. of violence is understood as a challenge Christina Taylor Green was just It was just last week that my wife to be met, not as an unyielding truth starting her political career. She had and I had the opportunity to visit with of the human condition to be accepted. just been elected to her school’s stu- GABBY in Statuary Hall before the cer- Our hearts are open now as we recog- dent council and wanted to come see it emonial swearing in. And as so many of nize the victims. So let us be open to a done at the highest level. She wanted you know, our interactions with her new direction, where we in this Nation to see a pro, so she came to see GABBY. were gracious, energetic, and she was can take an organized approach to deal She was a special little girl who kept willing to help us as we were setting up with the causes of violence, not just reaching for the stars in politics, our freshman office. We took a few the effects. We are one with our sister, dance, baseball, and whatever her heart photos. We talked about ways we could Congresswoman GIFFORDS, and all the desired. work together, and of course we en- other victims. Let us continue to be Dorwan Stoddard died shielding his gaged in the banter and teasing of Ari- one with each other as we struggle to wife, who was also wounded but ex- zona’s favorite rivalry, ASU versus U bring light to this moment of darkness. pected to recover. Following their reg- of A. Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 ular Saturday outing, Dorwan brought GABBY takes enormous pride in the minutes to the gentleman from Ari- his wife, Mavy, to GABBY because re- job in representing the communities of zona (Mr. QUAYLE). portedly she wanted to tell GABBY what southern Arizona. And my wife and I a good job she was doing. High school b 1100 send our thoughts and prayers to Mark Mr. QUAYLE. I thank the gentleman sweethearts who were reconnected during this difficult time. We deeply after many years apart, they were a from Arizona for yielding. appreciate the gift Mark generously pillar of their church community. And Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support shares with all of us here in Wash- we know Mavy will continue on, sad- of House Resolution 32 and to honor ington and back in Arizona. the victims of the senseless act of vio- dened and burdened, but hopefully not It is also important not to forget the broken. lence that took place in Tucson on Sat- individuals who lost their lives or who Finally, Judge Roll had been working urday. All Arizonans and all Americans were injured while they were exercising with GABBY and several of us in the mourn the six souls that lost their delegation for the past several months their right to participate and have a lives. They will never be forgotten. trying to make the courts in Arizona say in this Republic. Indeed, they be- They were model citizens, actively more efficient and more responsive to came victims while exercising a funda- engaged in their community and with both the victim and the accused. I mental right that has served as a back- their government, just chatting with knew him to be a fair, dedicated, bone of this country since its founding, their Representative on a Saturday charming, professional, and loyal per- a right our Nation’s Founders sac- morning. son. He loved his family; he loved his rificed so dearly for, just as the victims Mr. Speaker, peaceful discourse and profession; he loved his job, his com- this last Saturday have tragically also participation is a precious part of our munity, and his country. Arizona and sacrificed for. society and one of the things that the Nation will be a different place We are stunned by the tragedy, but makes our country great. We must not without him. we remain resolute in our commitment allow an act of violence to inhibit the Again, I am encouraged by the re- to assemble peacefully, engage civilly free exchange of thoughts and con- ports concerning all the wounded. in the types of discourse that are fun- cerns. These individuals are the perfect exam- damental to maintaining this Republic. The six that lost their lives died be- ple of the strength of Arizonans and all Although words may not sufficiently cause they loved America. They want- Americans. They will recover, we pray, capture the sorrow and grief we are ex- ed to be involved in the process. In re- and they will not shy from continuing periencing, particularly in Arizona, cent days, we have heard their inspir- to serve their community. Joyce and I send our thoughts, our ing stories from family and friends. We This is most true for GABBY. GABBY is prayers to GABBY; Mark; Roxanna and shouldn’t have to wonder what the fu- a special person among us here in Con- John Green, the parents of little Chris- ture had in store for them. They are gress. We all know that. We all love her tina Taylor Green; and the loved ones the friends, neighbors, and colleagues pragmatism, her bipartisanship, her of Judge Roll, Dorwan Stoddard, Doro- that our communities depend upon. willingness to learn, her dedication to thy Morris, Gabe Zimmerman, Phyllis Mr. Speaker, we pray for our friend give, her compassion for her job and for Schneck, the community of Tucson and and colleague, Congresswoman GABBY each of us, and her spirit to continue southern Arizona, all Arizona, this Na- GIFFORDS. That she survived her striving to make the Eighth Congres- tion. Our hearts are heavy, but our wounds is a miracle but no surprise to sional District of Arizona and America prayers are with all of you. those who know her and admire her a better place to live and work. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- spirit, determination, and conviction. Hopefully, it won’t be much longer er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman Congresswoman GIFFORDS was at- until we see her here, her smiling face from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH). tacked while doing her job to the best with us again, doing what she loves, Mr. KUCINICH. We are one as we pay of her ability. She wasn’t in an ornate and working hard for the people of our tribute to Congresswoman GIFFORDS congressional hearing room or on the country. and all the other victims of violence in floor of the House. She was back home, Our prayers go to GABBY, all the vic- Tucson. Our gathering reflects the on the sidewalk of a supermarket, lis- tims, and the families of the deceased. truth of America’s first motto, which tening to the concerns of her constitu- I reserve the balance of my time. is above this Chamber, E Pluribus ents. That too, Mr. Speaker, is what Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Unum—Out of Many, We Are One. makes this country great. That, too, such time as he may consume to the It is vital that we acknowledge our must never change. gentleman from Arizona (Mr. oneness, not just as a Congress, but as In our great State of Arizona, there SCHWEIKERT). a Nation and as a world. In that appre- is much to mourn after Saturday’s

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tragedy. But make no mistake, there GABBY has the grit of a fighter and wave, shock at learning the news of the are also many things that elicit great the tenacity of a woman on a mission. carnage; incredulity at even the possi- pride. It is that heart and that grit and that bility of such a senseless act; sadness We are proud of the brave civilian tenacity that I pray will continue to for those injured or killed and for their and professional first responders whose serve her well and speed her recovery. families; confusion by this inexplicable quick response time and decisive ac- I hope the day is coming soon that I violence; anger at the lunatic respon- tions prevented more loss of life and get to greet GABBY with open arms and sible for this; inadequacy to com- greater injury. We are proud of the welcome her back to the floor of this prehend the mind that conceives such amazing work performed by the sur- House. There is so much that we have an act; respect for those expert hands geons and the medical teams at the yet to do together for Arizona, for this and minds working to heal the casual- University of Arizona Medical Center, country. I look forward to working ties; honor for those who sacrificed and whose skill and expertise shined during with GABBY on the issues of our day helped in a moment of real crisis; hope trying times. and hearing her spirited voice. for a full recovery for Congresswoman And above all, Mr. Speaker, we are Let me add further the acts of a GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and all battling proud of the six who perished and of criminal will not stop us from meeting their injuries; recognition that life and Congresswoman GIFFORDS, all of whom our people. We will not be deterred. We liberty are precious and fleeting; love were simply doing their duty as good will not be intimidated, and we will not of our country and the blessing of lib- Americans: they as active citizens and abandon the people of Arizona because erty that we all enjoy; steadfast in our she as their worthy Representative. of the murderous acts of a deranged commitment to preserving our great Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- killer. Nation; humbled by our mutual respon- er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman GABBY read the First Amendment on sibility as citizens charged with that from Michigan. the floor of the House just days before Mr. LEVIN. We all come together in preservation; reverence for our Lord, she was shot. That amendment pro- the aftermath of the overwhelming the only one who knows the answer to vides that the people shall have the tragedy at Tucson to remember all of the why, and strength from His grace right to petition their government, and the victims and also to fervently hope, and His love and His mercy. gives the people of this Nation a voice still in disbelief. So we resolve to use this unspeakable to speak on the issues important to Our colleague, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and senseless tragedy as an oppor- epitomizes what a public servant them. GABBY did not just read the First tunity to better ourselves as a people, should be—fully dedicated, principled, Amendment; she lived it. She was liv- to recommit ourselves to the tireless caring and reaching out to all constitu- ing it on the very day someone tried to preservation of our Republic and to re- ents and to all our colleagues. Time kill her. affirm those fundamental principles of will tell with clarity exactly what are Let us continue to pray for the recov- liberty and American representative the appropriate lessons for all of us to ery of the wounded. Let us pray for the government. learn from the Tucson tragedy. full recovery of GABBY. Let us pray for May God place His healing hand on In the meanwhile, our focus is, in- the families who lost a loved one. Let all affected by this heinous event, and deed, very personal. In the holiday card us pray for the mothers and fathers may God bless the United States of that GABBY sent to me, she wrote her who lost a child, and let us pray that America. God will continue to guide us in every- best wishes for a joyful new year and b 1110 continued writing that we will have thing we do. our work cut out for us. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- The new year is now far, far less joy- er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- ful. So our hope in the prayer we are from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE). woman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE sending with love to GABBY and to Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise JOHNSON). Mark is that GABBY will be able to join today to honor and offer prayers for Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of us as we take on the work cut out for my friend and colleague, Congress- Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong us to which, GABBY, you have devoted woman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff support of the resolution before us your whole self so fully. and all the victims of the tragic and today and think it is fitting and proper Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, let me just senseless shooting in Tucson. that we take this opportunity to pause say how nice it is to have you presiding She is a brilliant and caring public and remember those who lost their and another Arizonan controlling time servant. She loves this country as all lives and were wounded in the tragedy on that side and so many in the delega- Members of Congress do. that occurred last Saturday in Tucson, tion here today. We are a close delega- At times like these, words are always Arizona. tion. inadequate to express the full extent of It is really hard to comprehend how I yield such time as he may consume our grief. What we can do is pray, re- such senseless acts of violence can hap- to the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. flect, and seek to gain some meaning- pen. And yet while we may not be able GOSAR). ful perspective from this time of great to fathom why this tragedy occurred, Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I stand sorrow. the harsh reality is that six innocent here today with a heavy heart as I give Mr. Speaker, this terrible act, what- people were killed, including a 9-year- my prayers to Representative GIF- ever the cause, does violence to the old child, and another 14 individuals FORDS and her family, as well as my democratic principles our country was were wounded, including our own condolences to the other victims of the founded on. friend and colleague, Representative rampage in Tucson. I speak not just for As I pray for the victims of this ter- GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. As we speak, she myself and for my family, but for the rible event, I also pray that our coun- remains in critical condition in the in- citizens of my district in Arizona and try can move forward from this trag- tensive care unit at the University so many others who are saddened and edy with that love and respect that Medical Center in Tucson, fighting for outraged by this senseless act. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS has for human her life. GABBY is more than Arizona’s third dignity. Those of us who know GABBY know female Congresswoman. She is first and Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield that she is a real fighter and that gives foremost an American who devoted such time as he may consume to the us optimism that the final outcome much of her life to public service. gentleman from Georgia (Mr. PRICE). will be a good one and that she will be There are risks with public service. We Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, returning to this institution that she cannot deny that. But GABBY has pow- tragedy is always accompanied by so loves and still fight for what she be- erful beliefs, and she came to DC to many thoughts and emotions. The irra- lieves in. represent the people of her district, and tional violence visited upon our Nation A number of my colleagues have spo- everyone knows she is tireless. last Saturday in Tucson brought a new ken about the many ways in which

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Representative GIFFORDS has touched the tables about what had happened. Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield their lives here in Congress, and I We condemn this senseless act of vio- such time as he may consume to the would like to echo some of those senti- lence. gentleman from Texas (Mr. CARTER). ments. As the ranking member on the Congresswoman GIFFORDS is a dedi- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I come Science, Space, and Technology Com- cated public servant and has served the over here today because about 3 weeks mittee, I have seen firsthand the way people of Arizona for over 10 years. She ago, 4 weeks ago, on a plane coming her passion, commitment and com- was elected to the House of Represent- back from Washington, DC. flying to petence have been used to voice her atives in 2006. She is known as a stead- Dallas, where I changed planes and also help for our Nation to move forward in fast leader in Congress for her con- GABRIELLE GIFFORDS changed planes, a positive way. She has been very ac- stituents. I would see her often on the was my first opportunity to interact tive as a member of the committee airplane as we would travel back every with this young lady. I watched her sponsoring and cosponsoring numerous weekend. She is known by each of us as visit with the fellow travelers on the pieces of legislation relating to re- a kind and wonderful person who serves plane. She espied a couple of her con- search, innovation, renewable energy, with honor and who is a very deeply stituents and talked with them. She space exploration, and math and genuine and a warm person with visited with me. And then as we shared science education. They have included friends on both sides of the aisle. a cart to our changing gates, I was just touched by what a really, really nice the Solar Technology Roadmap Act, All Members of this body understand person she was. the Science Parks Research and Inno- the high honor it is to serve our con- vative Technologies Act, the NASA Au- We interact in this building and we stituents every single day and I would have our debates and so forth, but I got thorization Act of 2010, and America like to join my colleagues in standing COMPETES, as many other important a chance to just ride and talk about together today to guarantee that the family and talk about life with a pieces. She has been tireless in car- inhumane acts of this last Saturday rying out her oversight responsibil- charming, intelligent and quite hon- will not deter us from our duty. This estly captivating young lady. And ities. heartbreaking event has left Ameri- As chairman of the Space and Aero- that’s why I came down here today, be- cans astonished and speechless. Those cause you don’t cross paths with indi- nautics Subcommittee in the 111th participating as Members of Congress Congress, she conducted numerous viduals like that very often. And when today should stand up and say that we you do, it’s a blessing that comes into hearings on a wide range of issues re- will stand behind GABRIELLE and look lated to NASA, civil and commercial your life. forward to her safe return to be with And then when I turned on the tele- space activities, international coopera- her colleagues. We offer a prayer for vision and discovered that this blessing tion in space, civil aviation, and earth her support. had been attacked by this vicious, vi- observations, among others. Her will- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- cious attack that took place in Ari- ingness to work hard, to get the facts er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- zona, and not only was this sweet life and exercise tough love on the agencies woman from Illinois (Ms. SCHAKOW- placed at risk but a 9-year-old child she oversees has earned her the respect SKY). was killed senselessly, others were of Members on both sides of the aisle. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. I am very grate- murdered, others were wounded on the In addition, while she is not afraid to ful to join my colleagues on both sides streets of Tucson in the United States express her views directly, she always of the aisle to mourn the tragic loss of of America at a congressional event. has done so with civility and grace. six lives and the many who were in- Mr. Speaker, Congresswoman GABRI- b 1120 jured who wanted nothing more than ELLE GIFFORDS, the one I know and re- to participate in a simple but precious It makes you stop and pause and spect, we hope to see her return soon. opportunity to meet directly with their think. We have to get back together It is still hard for me to comprehend and work on these issues. We have to Congresswoman, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. that such evil could befall her and the get civility into the world. other victims of last Saturday. I know There will be time to reflect on po- And I am concerned about the vio- I speak for all Members in saying that tential remedies that could prevent or lence. Violence has entered our House our thoughts and prayers are with each diminish the threat that has so person- and injured one of our own and killed of them and their families. We look ally touched us all, but today I simply one of our own. I hope justice is swift forward to the day when we can wel- want to send my love to GABBY and to and I hope justice is severe. But as we Mark and the rest of their family. We come Ms. GIFFORDS back to the House go forward, we need to work together floor and join together with her to do have all had the opportunity to focus to secure not only this House, but to the Nation’s business. on you, GABBY, the brilliant, effective, secure this Nation. Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield warm, courageous person and leader Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- such time as he may consume to the that you are. You brought us together er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- gentleman from Texas (Mr. SESSIONS). to focus on just how meaningful your woman from Maryland. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I join friendship is to us, to me. Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise with my colleagues today with respect I also want to take this opportunity today in honor and prayer for our to the delegation from Arizona who to thank my dedicated staff here in friend and colleague, Congresswoman suffers and yet today comes to the Washington and at home in the district GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, a delightful per- floor of the House of Representatives and all the staff that work with us. sonality, a dedicated legislator, and a to do their duty. To the colleagues of Thank you for your daily efforts and powerful advocate for her constituents. Ms. GIFFORDS who today join in sup- sacrifices, the long hours and the com- Sitting next to her on the Science and port, not only in prayerful support but mitment to your constituents, our con- Technology Committee, you only had as we stand together we speak clearly stituents. The tragedy of this event to be there to know and feel her pas- to say that the support for Congress- and the loss of Gabe Zimmerman and sion for NASA, solar technology, inno- woman GIFFORDS and all the victims of the wounded staff has brought home vation and research. It has rubbed off. this tragic shooting and their families just how important you are to all of us As we pause to reflect on the terrible need to be remembered, and we offer and to everything that we do here. tragedy that took place in Tucson, we full support. Let us take this sad moment to seek know that Congresswoman GIFFORDS I was deeply shocked and saddened by peace and love, to honor those who was simply doing what she does so these heartbreaking events and I join were killed, and fervently pray for well, meeting with the constituents of my colleagues and I know all of Amer- those who were injured, including our Arizona’s Eighth Congressional Dis- ica looked on TV on Saturday as we all beloved colleague GABRIELLE GIFFORDS trict and hearing their different points condemned not only in our own hearts and look forward to the day when she of view. This is a sentiment that is re- but also as our families spoke around will return to us in full health. flected in Congresswoman GIFFORDS’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 own words when she said, ‘‘My position that we recall vividly and fondly. For stand with our 9-year-old daughters . . . is to listen to my constituents . . . me, she is a refreshing, frank, and in- who are fostering a budding interest in then ultimately make sound, rational spiring younger member of the House our representative democracy. Let us decisions that are going to be bene- sisterhood. She is whip smart and a se- stand with our 76- and 79-year-old ficial for the Eighth Congressional Dis- rious and disciplined legislator. She is mothers and fathers who seek only to trict. That’s my job.’’ the kind of person we need so badly in forge a relationship with their elected Mr. Speaker, I join the Nation in ex- this Chamber doing the people’s busi- representatives and to impart a wis- pressing my sorrow for the senseless ness without rancor or vitriol. dom that comes with long life as a cit- and tragic loss of life—Christina Tay- Though the attack occurred in Tuc- izen of this country. And let us stand lor Green, Dorothy Morris, U.S. Dis- son, it was an attack on all of us, and with our servant leaders of all ages and trict Court Judge John Roll, Phyllis it strikes very close to home. Just a parties and to spend every day in a pas- Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and Ga- week ago today, I sat near GABBY at a sionate effort to better a great Nation briel Zimmerman—and to all those in- New Democrat lunch in the Capitol and a beautiful ideal. jured, including our friend and col- Visitor Center. The group was assess- We do them honor if we continue, not league, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and her ing the recent election, and her con- with idle speculation, but with a re- staff. We will keep you and your fami- tribution to the discussion was per- newed commitment to exercise the lies in our hearts, thoughts, and pray- sonal, impressive, and well delivered. rights of liberty and freedom. We begin ers. But 7 days is a long time in politics, the long road to healing by fervently We are deeply grateful for the heroes, and our world here is in upheaval. praying for peace in our world, peace in sung and unsung, who showed great Beyond the heroic efforts of Tucson’s our country, and peace in our hearts. courage and sacrifice and continue to emergency and medical teams, the God bless the victims of Saturday’s do so in caring for their friends, family, FBI, and the Capitol Police, the alleged violence and their families. God bless and community. gunman must be fairly and swiftly America. And now may the peace of To GABBY; to Mark Kelly, her hus- prosecuted. But there is more. The God which surpasses all human under- band; her staff, we pray that your bur- Congress family must take additional, standing and all human misunder- dens are lifted and that the dark days prudent steps to protect our staffs and standing be with us all. become light. May God bless you and constituents from random violence at b 1130 strengthen you. May God bless this our public events or offices. I serve Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- Congress, and may God bless America. here, as we all do, in loco parentis and er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield take this very seriously. woman from Guam (Ms. BORDALLO). such time as he may consume to the And finally, we should revisit sen- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WALDEN). sible Federal laws to control access to in support of the resolution today and Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise on guns and ammunition. At a minimum, to honor the six individuals who lost behalf of the people of Oregon’s Second I believe we must promptly restore the their lives; and my friend and my col- District to offer my deepest sym- expired Federal ban on extended maga- league, GABBY GIFFORDS, who is cur- pathies to the families of the victims zine clips. I personally would urge us rently fighting for her life; and the 13 of Saturday’s senseless shooting in also to reenact the 1994 ban on assault other wounded victims of Saturday’s Tucson. Americans see each of us tak- weapons, which I was proud to support, tragic shooting in Tucson. Gabe Zim- ing this personally, because Congress- and to bar sales of Saturday night spe- merman, Federal Judge John Roll, woman GIFFORDS and her staff were cials. Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck, doing what each of us does in our own Mr. Speaker, we can’t roll back last Dorwan Stoddard, and the innocent 9- way: We go home; we reach out to lis- Saturday, but we can and must learn year-old Christina Taylor Green, all ten to people who agree and disagree, its lessons. who passed away on Saturday in such a and we practice the art of democracy. Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 senseless act of violence that was a di- It is a practice so fundamental to our minutes to the gentlewoman from Wy- rect attack on our democracy. Nation that families bring their young oming (Mrs. LUMMIS). Being the extraordinary public serv- children who are interested in public Mrs. LUMMIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ant she is, GABBY had taken her first service; senior judges attend to discuss support of this resolution. I rise to add opportunity in the 112th Congress to Federal policy, and citizens come to the voice of the people of Wyoming to organize an event to learn of her con- get help with their Medicare or Vet- the chorus of united Americans reach- stituents’ concerns and their hopes. erans Affairs benefits. No one comes ing out in prayer to the victims in Ari- The victims had all peacefully gath- thinking such a despicable act of vio- zona and to the families of those whose ered at a local mall to participate in lence will occur. lives were stolen from them. the democratic process. The basic exer- Despite deep philosophical dif- On January 6, Representative cise of democracy was interrupted by a ferences, sometimes argued vigorously GABRIELLE GIFFORDS took to the floor disturbed individual bent on anger at and vociferously in our meetings, of this House and eloquently read to us the system. This needless and des- Americans share a common belief that the First Amendment of our Constitu- picable act of violence has no place in violence has no place in democratic tion. She gave her own strong emphasis our society and should give us all cause discourse. to the phrase that grants Americans to reflect on the level of political dis- In Romans 12:1, Paul writes, ‘‘Don’t the right to peaceably assemble. Two course in this country. be overcome by evil, but overcome evil days later, she and her constituents But while we recognize the tragedy with good.’’ We stand together across have had their God-given rights vio- that occurred and pray for the quick America committed to this calling and lently taken from them. recovery of those injured and those in the belief that the great good in In the midst of our national grief, the who died, let us not overlook the many America will always overcome the iso- desire to make sense of the senseless is acts of bravery and heroism on Satur- lated evil. profound. We err if we attempt to ra- day. May God’s healing hand be on our tionalize what is wholly irrational and As we piece together the events of colleague and those affected and bring to understand what cannot be under- last Saturday, my thoughts and pray- comfort to all. stood. The Apostle Paul writes, ‘‘Now ers go out to GABBY and the others who Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- we see but a poor reflection as in a mir- have been killed or injured. Let this er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- ror.’’ tragic event serve as a reminder of the woman from California (Ms. HARMAN). Instead, let us all stand with the gen- obligation that we have as elected Rep- Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, as tlelady from Arizona in her time of resentatives of the people to be respon- GABBY’s colleagues, we all have had trial and in defense of the Constitution sible in our leadership and be careful of moments with her, so many memories which she is striving to uphold. Let us the words that we choose.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 271 I will keep the victims and their fam- think these noble intentions were ex- look forward to her returning. I pray ilies in my thoughts and prayers, and I ploited to carry out such a terrible for her return. I am praying for her know that all of my colleagues will do tragedy. staff and praying for the other victims. so as well. To quote Dr. Martin Luther King, I just want to hold up one victim this GENERAL LEAVE Jr.: ‘‘We must disagree without becom- morning. I didn’t know Dorwan Stod- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask ing violently disagreeable.’’ dard, but through a close network of unanimous consent that all Members The thoughts and prayers of the resi- friends, I had the opportunity to learn may have 5 legislative days in which to dents of Florida’s 18th Congressional a little bit about Dorwan Stoddard. He revise and extend their remarks and in- District are with GABBY’s family and shielded his wife with his own body, clude extraneous material on H. Res. with the families of all those affected saving her life but losing his own. He 32. by this senseless tragedy. and his wife were having breakfast and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Mr. Speak- decided they wanted to go to the ‘‘Con- gress on the Corner’’ to give GABBY en- FRANKS of Arizona). Is there objection er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- to the request of the gentleman from woman from California (Ms. MATSUI). couragement for the new year and the Virginia? Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise new Congress to encourage her. He loved the Bible. He loved the There was no objection. today to honor the victims of the Tuc- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, it is now son shooting, including our colleague scriptures in their simplest and purest form and just wanted to internalize my honor to yield 2 minutes to the and friend, GABBY GIFFORDS. I have them and live them, which is evidenced gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- seen GABBY’s commitment and dedica- in his life. He was very involved in LEHTINEN). tion to her constituents firsthand. I church work. He ran the Benevolence Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I have had the pleasure to work with her Program, which lived up to Christ’s thank our leader for the time. as we promoted efforts to restore our challenge to feed the hungry and clothe Just a few days ago, one of our own, Nation’s competitiveness and specifi- the poor. We know that he internalized Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, cally to help create clean energy jobs. the scripture because of his last act. was gravely injured as a result of a ter- GABBY is smart, courageous, dis- And I don’t know this, but I think I can rible act of an unbalanced individual. ciplined, and effective. And as we have say without fear of contradiction there Americans were profoundly shocked all seen over the last few days, her were many times he was probably sit- and saddened and continue to be by strength is unwavering. ting in church, the minister was deliv- this deplorable act of violence which Last Saturday, GABBY organized an ering a sermon on marriage, and I am resulted in the unjust deaths of six in- event to talk to her constituents about sure the text was Ephesians 5:25 when nocent individuals and a struggle to their priorities, about their concerns it said: Husbands, love your wives, as survive for others, including our own and their hopes. It is heartbreaking Christ loved the church and gave him- GABBY. and a tragedy that six innocent people self up for her. What love he had for his Among those who lost their lives, we lost their lives and an additional 13 wife, and what faith he had in God. know that the list is lamentably long: have been critically wounded, all while the Honorable John Roll, a Federal trying to participate in and strengthen b 1140 judge who went by just to say hi to his our democracy. Throughout his life, he aspired to do friend, GABBY; and Christina Taylor We are all now reflecting on what good. Through his life, let us all aspire Green, a 9-year-old girl, who had just brought our country to this point and to do our best. been chosen to serve in her school’s how to move forward. As everyone in Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam student council and was taken to this Chamber can attest, being a Rep- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- GABBY’s ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ resentative is more than a job title. It tleman from Texas. event by a family friend who wanted to is what we do, and it is who we are. We Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam get her interested in public affairs; and meet with our constituents. We listen Speaker, today we are one, and we are Gabe Zimmerman, a member of to them. We advocate for their best in- resolute. We are one because we understand GABBY’s loyal staff who had an enor- terests. mous heart and was recently engaged Mr. Speaker, I would also like to that there really is but one race, and to be married. take a moment to honor the other vic- that is the human race. We are one be- It is difficult to make sense of this tims of this horrific tragedy: 9-year-old cause, as Dr. King put it, all of human- tragedy, but all Americans stand with beautiful Christina Taylor Green, re- ity was created by one common Cre- ator to live in harmony—from a bass GABBY and her family and the families cently elected to the student council; of all the victims throughout this pain- Gabe Zimmerman, a dedicated staffer black to a treble white. We are one, and we are resolute. ful time. Many of us count GABBY not who was just on the cusp of his own We are resolute in our belief that one just as a colleague but as a friend. I life, recently engaged; Federal Judge day our friend, our sister, will return had the privilege of getting to know John Roll, a highly respected jurist to the floor of this Congress, to this GABBY as a member of our Foreign Af- who just came by to thank GABBY for Hall, and she will stand at this podium, fairs Committee. She has always dem- her support of the judiciary; Phyllis and she will be welcomed by her col- onstrated a strong commitment to Schneck, who was a tireless volunteer leagues as she returns and takes her serving her constituents, our men and at her local church; Dorwan Stoddard rightful place in the Halls of the Con- women of our Armed Forces and our who shielded his dear wife; and Doro- gress of the United States of America. Nation. And that is exactly what we thy Morris who was married to her hus- We are one, and we are resolute be- must do. We must not waver in our du- band a long time who was also there cause we believe that an innocent baby ties to serve those whom we are proud- but who survived. was taken from us. That innocent ly and yet humbly asked to serve. My thoughts and prayers remain baby, though she is not with us in the Our Republic was founded on the with GABBY and with each victim and physical, will forever be with us in the premise that the people have the right their families. spiritual as long as we remember who and the duty to petition their Rep- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I she was and never forget that we can- resentatives and to express their views, yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from not allow the innocent to be stolen and GABBY truly embodies that prin- Kentucky (Mr. GUTHRIE). from us without our taking the time to ciple. She has always been accessible. Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I ap- pause and be grateful for the time that She has always been eager to listen to preciate the opportunity to be here to we had with the innocent. her constituents. Representatives like offer my thoughts and prayers for We are one, and we are resolute. GABBY are what has made America an GABBY, our colleague. Like all of us, We must also be resolute in a basic example of freedom and democracy the any interaction I ever had with her was premise that Dr. King called to our at- world over. It is truly reprehensible to always pleasant and memorable, and I tention, and that is that we must learn

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to live together as brothers and sisters, meet with Speaker PELOSI on many oc- As the Speaker said, when one of us is or we will perish together as fools. casions, and to share many activities. attacked, all of us are attacked. This We are one, and we are resolute. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS is a tremendous experience has been painful to all of us Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I now Member of this House—bright, caring, and hits too close to home. yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from beautiful—and we all pray for her re- Professionally, I was fortunate to Minnesota (Mr. PAULSEN). covery and that she comes back and have worked with GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, Mr. PAULSEN. Madam Speaker, I works with us. or GABBY, as she is affectionately rise today in tribute to my friend and I listened to her remarks on tele- called. We both serve on the Science colleague, Representative GABRIELLE vision when she talked about words and Technology and Foreign Affairs GIFFORDS, one of many victims of a having consequences and her brother- Committees. She is passionate, bright, very senseless act of violence this past in-law, who is up in space, saying the and a delight to be around. GABBY is a Saturday. same thing. It’s true. Words have con- talented lawmaker who always works I have had the pleasure of knowing sequences, and we all need to be more effectively across the aisle to get GABBY and her husband, astronaut concerned about how we speak about things done for the American people. I Mark Kelly, for several years—even be- political opponents or people who have am honored to have been one of those fore either of us stepped foot in this different perspectives than we do on she chose to work with. Chamber. In my district office, there is political issues. She always told me Arizona and Texas are sunshine States and we need a photo of GABBY, myself, and others We are all Americans. We are all who were part of an Aspen Institute- human beings. We all have similar to harness that energy. I agreed with her, and together we introduced and Rodel fellowship program, which was goals and similar aspirations; and even passed the Solar Technology Roadmap created to explore the responsibilities though we may differ on philosophy, Act. She often talked about being from of public leadership; advance thought- that doesn’t make us communists or border States and that we needed secu- ful, civil, bipartisan dialogue; and help socialists or Birchers or whatever. We rity to protect our way of life. We America’s young leaders achieve their are all trying to make this government passed a $600 million appropriation for full potential. GABBY is so much about work. more resources on the border. all of these ideals. One thing that we know about the As everybody knows, she is a staunch Quite often, I found myself looking person who did this shooting, besides advocate for NASA, and she is married at this photo over the last few days; the fact that he needed mental health to an astronaut. She passionately de- and I couldn’t help but think that all treatment and was obviously crazy, is fended the space program; and we of our communities could use a few that he didn’t like government. Gov- worked together, with many others, to more individuals like GABBY, whose ernment is good, and one thing we save the Human Spaceflight Program. bright smile and kind heart have come should learn from this is that govern- In fact, the last time I saw GABBY, a to define her tenure here in Congress. ment can be and is a good force. It is a week ago, we were getting off the ele- For many of us here today, the news lot about what America is. People who vator over there to vote on the floor of the tragedy was gut-wrenching. It’s tear down government are doing a dis- here, and we talked about NASA. hard to believe that, just a few days be- service to all of us, and they provide an She said in her classic way, Yeah, but fore this senseless attack, my family atmosphere in which people think that we can always do better. That was her and I were out visiting at the Air and anarchy is an answer. It is never an an- spirit—we can always do better. Space Museum at Dulles Airport when swer. Orwellianism is a philosophy that We often talked about putting to- we heard someone shout out my name. ought to be followed, and it isn’t. gether a delegation of Members to wit- I turned around, and it was GABBY’s GABBY works as a Congressperson to ness the last shuttle flight, the one husband, Mark, with GABBY and her make government work for her people, that her husband, Mark, is com- parents in tow. We spent the next sev- and that’s what she was doing with her manding. I hope we will still have that eral minutes sharing a positive outlook program on Saturday. The staffers who opportunity. about the new Congress that was up- were there were working on the week- So when I received the news that she coming and, as friends often do, recall- end, as many staffers do, and they had been shot, it had a profound and ing some of our good memories, such as work long hours. They love govern- personal impact upon me—for, above when I joined GABBY with two of my ment and they love people, and they all, she is my friend. She is a bright daughters at one of Mark’s space shut- try to make a difference. ray of sunshine in what is too often a tle launches in Florida. So I think we just need to remember dark world. Over the past few days, there have that we are all human beings, that we of a tough election, she been many moving tributes to GABBY, all have similar goals and aspirations, often talked about moderation and of and all of them are true. She leads by that government can and is good, and toning down the partisan rhetoric to example with her fighting spirit, her it is the representative body of the get things done for the American peo- diligent work ethic and friendly, con- United States of America. If you don’t ple. I know that it is her sincere hope stant smile. It is my hope that we can like the government, you don’t like the that, as her wounds heal, so, too, will the wound inflicted upon this Nation follow in GABBY’s footsteps over the country, and I love the country and so and that the political discourse in this next several weeks and, as hard as it did GABBY. may be, can show the same bright Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I now country will be restored to one of civil- smile and kind heart that she has yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from ity. shown all of us. Texas (Mr. MCCAUL). b 1150 My thoughts and prayers remain Mr. MCCAUL. I thank the gentleman. I pray for her and all those affected with GABBY, her husband, Mark; and Madam Speaker, we gather here by this horrible tragedy. I pray that their family; and with GABBY’s staff— today in this House and as a Nation to one day she will return to this floor all of the victims and their families mourn the tragic events in Tucson, Ar- and join her colleagues, and I am con- who are a part of this tragedy. izona; to honor those who lost their fident that she will. For above all, she Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam lives and those still fighting for them; is a passionate fighter and an eternal Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- to honor the heroic acts on that dark optimist. tleman from Tennessee (Mr. COHEN). day; and to condemn the perpetrator So keep fighting, GABBY, for we need Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I, as for this senseless act of violence. you and more people like you in this some of the future speakers here, are The last few days have been surreal. world. May God bless you, and may He members of the class of 2006, which When I first heard the news, I was hold you in the palm of His hand. Representative GIFFORDS was a mem- shocked and disturbed that one of our Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam ber of. We had the opportunity to go own had been shot—someone I am priv- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- through the orientation with her, to ileged to call a friend and a colleague. tleman from New York (Mr. CROWLEY).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 273 Mr. CROWLEY. I thank my friend gun control—and mental illness, which Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam from Arizona for yielding me this time. we do not give enough time to in this Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the as- First, Madam Speaker, I want to rec- country—it is the beauty of this sistant to the leader, the gentleman ognize and give thanks to the leader- woman and what she reflects upon this from South Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN). ship of the House—in particular NANCY institution. Mr. CLYBURN. I thank the gen- PELOSI, and more so this morning to Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I tleman for yielding me the time. Speaker JOHN BOEHNER—for this beau- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Madam Speaker, the Book of Micah, tiful resolution that we have before us Texas (Mr. GOHMERT). the religion that GABBY practices, today. I said on Sunday that his re- Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, raises a question: What would the Lord marks were appropriately brief when GABRIELLE GIFFORDS is always a bright require of thee? he said, ‘‘An attack upon one of us is spot in this rather dull, moody, self-ab- And the question is answered in an attack upon all of us.’’ It could not sorbed body called Congress. She is Micah 6:8: To do justly, love mercy, have been better said in reflection upon easy to work with no matter on which and walk humbly. what took place in our country on Sat- side of the aisle we happen to be. We all I cannot think of anybody whom I urday. Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmer- find ourselves being criticized, but few have ever served with who personified man, Christina Green, Dorothy Morris, of us have been able to respond with that passage more than GABBY GIF- Phyllis Schneck, and Dorwan Stoddard the grace and class with which GABBY FORDS. all were taken from us too soon by a has. In my faith, I practice that which is crazed and depraved individual. Today, we mourn the loss of all those found in the Book of Luke, the 10th I wanted to take a moment to also killed during the evil shooting spree in chapter, where we get the story of the mention the wonderful staff of GABBY Tucson. I know we are praying for the Good Samaritan. The question was GIFFORDS. I had the opportunity on victims’ families, that somehow, asked of the lawyer who wanted to Saturday afternoon, being in Wash- through their devastating loss and know what was required to have life ington, to stop by her office and imme- heartbreak, they may still find that everlasting. In the answer, the master diately was moved by the palpable peace that passes all understanding. said to him: In this and other things, sense of love and affection that was For those who have survived the as- love thy neighbor as thyself. throughout their room, not only for sault, may they find healing in the GABBY GIFFORDS is our neighbor, not just here in this body, but she is our GABBY, but for all the victims and par- shadow of the Almighty. ticularly their fellow colleagues. Hearing so much these days about neighbor on this great planet, because I also want to take this opportunity the need for congenial discourse, we we learn from that story that being to thank all of our staffs—whom maybe might look at GABBY GIFFORDS as a liv- one’s neighbor is not dependent upon many of us in Congress take for grant- ing example of how we go about dis- one’s religion, nor is it dependent upon ed—for their tireless work and their ef- cerning the roadmap to get to the de- one’s ethnicity. forts to serve the people of our con- sired decorum. I’m sure both sides of b 1200 stituency and of our great country, not the aisle wish the other side worked Being one’s neighbor is dependent always reflecting upon sometimes the with others as well as GABBY does. She upon whether or not we have the ca- danger that we can’t avoid. makes people here in Congress smile pacity to show compassion. GABBY GIF- GABBY GIFFORDS and I go back even just by showing up. FORDS is our neighbor, and I’m pleased prior to her getting elected. I had the Her flights to and from Washington, to honor her today. great opportunity to endorse her early D.C., often had us on the same flight to Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I now in her primary because I was so moved and from the Dallas/Fort Worth airport yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from by the moxie and the strength of hub. GABBY knows I love chocolate, so New Jersey (Mr. LANCE). GABBY GIFFORDS when I visited Ari- when she sees me on her flight, she al- Mr. LANCE. Madam Speaker, I rise zona. She often would say to me when ways lights up and says something today in support of this resolution. she was around Mark, you know: Mark like: LOUIE, I was hoping you would be We come together to extend our always tells me, JOE CROWLEY, that I’m on my flight. I need some chocolate. thoughts and prayers to those who his second favorite Member of Congress GABBY always finds something for were killed and to those who were and you’re the first. She said that, I which she can look forward. Our pray- wounded during the horrific attack in think, because she knows how I was un- ers remain with her. Tucson on Saturday. abashed about my admiration for her. This is no time for assigning blame As we gather in the people’s House, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ROS- to anyone but the gunman. This is a we pray for the recovery of our col- LEHTINEN). The time of the gentleman time to note the positive influences league, Representative GIFFORDS, and has expired. from those who were harmed. This is a the others who were wounded, includ- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam time to note and perpetuate the good ing those who serve the public in the Speaker, I yield an additional 30 sec- in their lives so that they live on Congresswoman’s office. We mourn the onds to the gentleman from New York. whether their heart beats or not. This loss of Judge Roll; Gabriel Zimmer- Mr. CROWLEY. The last conversa- is a time to learn from GABBY, who has man; the 9-year-old girl, Christina Tay- tion I had prior to this incident was a heart that both still beats and still lor Green; and the others who were last Friday when she asked me: JOE, inspires. We can learn from her at- senselessly killed that terrible morn- can I chair the new Dem Task Force on tributes and her ability to smile even ing. Energy? She was trying to convince me at those of us with whom we disagree While the horrific events in Tucson somehow that I had to let her do this. as we pray for the opportunity for her provide a stark reminder of the fra- And I just said: GABBY, you’re not a smile to regain its vitality so she can gility of human life, we are also re- freshman Member of the House. Yeah, go back to spreading her sunshine to minded that we meet on the floor of you’re going to do that. Don’t worry all the places that need it. the House of Representatives in what about that. May God bless GABBY GIFFORDS and Franklin Roosevelt, and more recently But she was always trying to con- all of those who are suffering because George W. Bush, have called ‘‘the warm vince. She’s a star. We know it. Every of this heinous attack as only He courage of national unity.’’ We have Member here knows it, Democrat and knows their most specific needs. May heard the inspiring stories of those Republican. This woman has something God further provide the comfort and whose selflessness protected the lives that many of us wish we had, and that peace that only comes from the em- of others. is an inner beauty. And if we can take brace of His loving arms. Violence has no place in the life of something away from this event, this Let me just close by saying that the American Nation. This tragedy will tragic event, aside from the issues of when I see her again, I’m going to have strengthen, not weaken, our resolve to rhetoric and aside from the issues of plenty of chocolate just for her. serve the true principles of democracy.

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Many people don’t realize that most And that’s just the way it is. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, last Members of Congress go home every Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Wednesday, this Nation and the world weekend. We don’t live in Washington. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- witnessed the orderly transfer of power We work in Washington, and we com- tlelady from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). in this House when mute. And she was headed to the air- Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. I thank passed the Speaker’s gavel on to port, excited to go back and see the the gentleman for yielding. Speaker JOHN BOEHNER. That simple people that she represents. Congresswoman GIFFORDS loved act occurred without violence. It oc- And then Saturday morning, an evil- America, and she loved America’s val- curred without soldiers in the streets doer came to a public gathering and at- ues, and America blessed her with op- or a massive show of force by the po- tacked GABBY. He really attacked our portunities. American values give us lice. For most Americans, indeed for Nation, because there was a crowd of all the opportunity to do our best and most people working in this building, citizens, old and young, that was to be our best. Last Saturday, Con- the day was rather ordinary. peaceably assembling to learn more gresswoman GIFFORDS was at her Our lack of political violence, our about America—to participate in the best—meeting the people of Arizona, of tradition of resolving policy arguments American process in dealing with their Tucson, and the United States of in the legislature and the courtroom is representative, GABBY GIFFORDS. America. one of the greatest gifts that the We should remember the victims that But Congresswoman GIFFORDS would Founders and all of the generations were shot and killed that day. The evil- also ask us to do our best. And as the that followed them have left to us. But, doer, his name is not important. He Bible has said, she was a woman who as we were so cruelly reminded last should be held personally accountable used her talents well. Saturday, our peaceful civil discourse for his actions. His trial should be She would also want us to acknowl- can never be taken for granted. It is a swift. If convicted, his punishment edge the Americans who have poured gift that must be safeguarded. should be severe. But it is the victims out their hearts during this tragedy all Last Saturday, our colleague, GABBY that we honor, that we remember in over this Nation. GIFFORDS, set up shop outside a local this cruel episode of evil. b 1210 Safeway in Tucson to engage her con- You know, Christina Taylor Green, a stituents to perform the central role of 9-year-old girl, just elected to the stu- Americans did their best Saturday. representative democracy—listening to dent council in her third grade class. And good Americans lost their lives the people. The hatred exhibited by the She liked politics. She wanted to be being good Americans. We know of would-be assassin, before and during more involved, and that’s why she was those who lost their lives and offered the shooting, was an assault on that there Saturday morning with GABBY to us a sacrifice: Christina Taylor connection between those of us who GIFFORDS. She was born on 9/11, a 9- Green, Dorothy Morris, Judge John have the honor to serve and those we year-old girl, her life stolen in her Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stod- represent. youth. dard, and Gabriel Zimmerman of her My heart goes out to GABBY, her fam- All of us who are parents, grand- staff. ily and staff, and to the families and parents, we never want to see our child We are well aware of what happened. friends of Federal Judge John Roll, or someone else’s child taken before And we say to Congresswoman GIF- Congress staffer Gabe Zimmerman, their time. But that’s what happened FORDS, keep on fighting for your life, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, to Christina Taylor Green, apparently along with others who were wounded, Dorothy Morris, and Christina Taylor a wonderful, wonderful young person. while the heroes of that day, Mr. Her- Green, who was born on September 11, You know, GABBY GIFFORDS is a nandez and others, reflect on the hor- 2001, and who deserved a longer life fighter, and she fights for her beliefs, ror. But hopefully, they know that than this. make no question about it. Everybody they did their best. And to GABBY and her staff here in who knows her, knows where she Now it is time for us to do our best, the gallery today, there is one day that stands on issues. My grandmother de- to be a servant leader, giving to others we look forward to above all others, scribed her years ago without even first, showing by example. It is so very and that is the day that GABBY walks knowing it. My grandmother was prob- important that we do so in her name. back onto this House floor and stands ably the most influential person in my To Captain Kelly, a brave American before this podium and is recognized. life. My friends on that side of the aisle and family, we stand by you, we stand We know that day will come, and we would appreciate the fact that she was by your side. You will not stand by pray that it comes soon. a Yellow Dog Democrat and never for- yourself. To Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I now gave me for being a Republican. But staff, we stand with you, and we pray yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from she made a comment about people like for you and your loss and those who are Texas (Mr. POE). GABBY. She said, ‘‘There is nothing wounded. Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, it more powerful than a woman that has We are committed to both our free- was a Saturday morning, clear skies, made up her mind.’’ GABBY GIFFORDS is dom of expression and our job to create and a wonderful day, and GABBY GIF- that woman. a more perfect Union. And yes, in the FORDS was doing what really she liked The SPEAKER pro tempore. The words of , as I offer them to do best, what many of us like to do time of the gentleman has expired. today, Mark’s twin brother, ‘‘We have best—talking to people that we rep- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I a unique vantage point here aboard the resent and listening to those people yield the gentleman an additional 30 international space station. As I look back home. seconds. out the window, I see a very beautiful Friday, before she left for Tucson and Mr. POE of Texas. She’s made up her planet that seems very inviting and I left for southeast Texas, we were mind about her beliefs. She’s made up peaceful. Unfortunately, it is not. talking here on the House floor. GABBY her mind about the will to represent These days, we are constantly re- and I are friends. I have been to Iraq the people in Arizona. And I believe minded of the unspeakable acts of vio- with her. And we were talking about she’s made up her mind to survive, be- lence and damage we can inflict upon border security. In fact, she had invited cause only 5 percent of gunshot wounds one another, not just with our actions

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but also with our irresponsible words. gresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS in the honors this nation with his service as a NASA We are better than this. We must do House of Representatives, and I look forward Astronaut. better.’’ to serving with her again very soon. She em- Space station Commander Scott Kelly led I agree, we can do better. And we can bodies the kind of goodness, selflessness, NASA in a moment of silence Monday Janu- follow these words. caring and passion for helping others that ary 11, 2011, as he struggled with the sense- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The make her constituents in Tucson and through- less shooting of his sister-in-law, GABRIELLE time of the gentlewoman has expired. out the state of Arizona justly proud. GIFFORDS. He was in outer space at the time Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS loves of the shooting. Flight controllers in gentlewoman an additional 30 seconds. her district, the state of Arizona, and loves our fell silent as Scott Kelly spoke via radio from Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Non- great country. She loves America’s values and space. ‘‘We have a unique vantage point here violence is a powerful and just weapon America blessed her with opportunities. Amer- aboard the International Space Station,’’ he which cuts without wounding and en- ica’s values give us all the opportunity to do said. ‘‘As I look out the window, I see a very nobles the man who wields it as a our best and to be our best, and Congress- beautiful planet that seems very inviting and sword that heals. Let us use non- woman GIFFORDS did just that, making the peaceful. Unfortunately, it is not. These days, violence in our expression. Let us de- most of her talents. Congresswoman GIF- we are constantly reminded of the unspeak- nounce violence. And as Martin Luther FORDS was at her best last Saturday meeting able acts of violence and damage we can in- King would tell us, that we can be a with the people. She is truly a ‘‘servant-leader’’ flict upon one another, not just with our ac- people of peace. And I know that we like all of us, in this august legislative body. tions, but also with our irresponsible words. know the words of John Lennon, ‘‘Let Congresswoman GIFFORDS would also ask We’re better than this. We must do better.’’ it be.’’ But the truth will let us be free. us to do our best and to acknowledge the Congresswoman GIFFORDS is now fighting And I look forward to the gentlelady Americans who poured their hearts out during for her life along with others who were wound- from Tucson, Arizona, being here with this tragedy. Americans in Tucson and across ed on that fateful day while the heroes of that us. God bless you, and God bless Amer- the country did their best to respond to this day reflect on the horrible tragedy that oc- ica. tragedy last Saturday, and many good Ameri- curred and hopefully, remaining cognizant that I rise today to voice my strongest, sincerest cans lost their lives being heroic Americans. they did their best in the most trying of cir- and most heartfelt support for House Resolu- I pay tribute to the six individuals who lost cumstances. Now it is time for us to do our tion 32, ‘‘Expressing the Sense of the House their lives on Saturday, January 8, 2011, at best, to be servant-leaders giving to others of Representatives with Respect to the Tragic the ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ event in Tuc- first and leading by example. Shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, son, Arizona. The assassin’s bullets did not To Captain Kelly and his family, we stand 2011.’’ This resolution rightly condemns the discriminate; they took the lives of young and by your side; you do not stand alone. To Con- horrific attack which occurred that fateful Sat- old alike. We mourn the loss of Gabriel Zim- gresswoman GIFFORDS’ staff, we stand with urday at the ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ event merman, the Community Outreach Director you too and extend our heartfelt condolences held by our beloved colleague, Representative who shared Representative GIFFORD’s passion on the loss of your fellow staff member, Ga- GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. Representative GIF- for personally connecting with constituents at briel Zimmerman, and our prayers for your FORDS was doing something she loved to do; the local level to improve the quality of their wounded fellow staff members. something so fundamentally important to lives and to simply be a good friend and We are committed to both our freedom of which every member of Congress can relate. neighbor. We mourn the loss of nine-year-old expression and our Constitution’s constant She and her dedicated staff were truly bring- Christina Taylor Green, who lost her life on pursuit to create a more perfect union. We as ing Congress home to the constituents on that tragic day. She serves as an example for a nation are better than what occurred in Tuc- ‘‘Main Street’’ and making sure that they knew us all. She had just been elected to her school son on Saturday, and we are showing it today their national government was accessible to student council, and she attended the ‘‘Con- and must continue to show it every day them, cared about them, was there to listen to gress on Your Corner’’ event with great inter- henceforth. As we approach the holiday com- their concerns and to work together with them est. At the tender age of 9, she was already memorating the life of slain civil rights leader, to make this country a better place, beginning a leader with a promising future. We also pay Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I am reminded of with their own community. our most sincere tribute to and mourn Federal his commitment to nonviolence. Dr. King’s It is only fitting, that on the opening day of Judge John Roll, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis timeless words ring especially true at this time. the 112th Congress, Representative GIFFORDS Schneck and Dorwan Stoddard, who also He reminds us that ‘‘Nonviolence is a powerful read from the First Amendment of the Con- needlessly lost their lives that day while exer- and just weapon, which cuts without wounding stitution which states that ‘‘Congress shall cising their right to peaceably assemble and and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a make no law . . . abridging the freedom of participate in our democracy. sword that heals.’’ speech, or of the press, or the right of the Furthermore, I pay tribute to the many he- In the wake of this shocking event and at people peaceably to assemble, and to petition roes of all ages who demonstrated the most this crucial moment in our nation’s history, I the Government for a redress of grievances.’’ unselfish bravery and came to the aid of all call for a commitment from all of my col- This devastating tragedy touched the hearts those in attendance at the ‘‘Congress on Your leagues in the United States Congress to act and minds of not only the good people of Tuc- Corner’’ event. Among those, we admire the and speak with a renewed and inspired sense son, Arizona, but indeed the very hearts and 61 year old Patricia Maisch, who bravely of civility and respect for one another in our minds of all Americans. At that moment, ev- risked the loss of her own life and effectively discourse. I call for a restoration of the time eryone in America, and in many places disarmed the shooter as several men pounced honored history and tradition of this great leg- throughout the world, collectively identified on him and threw him to ground. As they islative chamber, which includes an atmos- with the good people of Tucson. We felt their struggled to hold him down, Maisch joined the phere of decorum, comity, collegiality, and re- shock, we felt their pain and we shared their group of people wrestling on the ground, spect, even while we discuss the most hotly anguish over the senseless killing and injury of clinging to the gunman’s ankles, and she debated issues of our day. innocent people who simply gathered at a grabbed the gunman’s bullet clip before he We have before us a great opportunity to comfortable, well known local establishment to could reload and continue his savage attack. lead by example and remind the people of this participate in our great democracy with their Patricia Maisch humbly said, ‘‘I am not a hero. nation and throughout the world about what friend and Congresswoman, GABRIELLE GIF- The other guys are. I just assisted getting the makes our democracy truly unique and spe- FORDS. We mourn the needless loss of life and clip.’’ cial. We need only recall that we are here as condemn this atrocious infliction of pain, injury Congresswoman GIFFORDS is also close to the duly elected Members of Congress to rep- and suffering. We pray for the swift healing of her family and married to Captain Mark Kelly, resent the people of our districts, our states all wounds, both physical and spiritual, for who honors this great nation with his service and this country. We can demonstrate we truly those who suffered from this tragedy. We pay as a NASA Astronaut at the Johnson Space reflect the voices of the people who sent us tribute to the value and sanctity of every life, Center in Houston. This tragic event occurred here. As we go about conducting the nation’s and we count our blessings. on the eve of Mark Kelly’s planned command business, we can comport ourselves with re- Among those blessings, I am privileged to of the last shuttle mission to the Space Sta- spect and dignity toward one another even count the time I spent serving alongside Con- tion. His twin brother, Captain Scott Kelly, also when we disagree. A nation is watching. What

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 we do at this critical time is of great impor- important that our friend and col- ing in personal verbal attacks against tance. league GABBY GIFFORDS needs to know those with whom we differ on impor- We have the rare opportunity to honor those how much we all appreciate her friend- tant questions of the day. tragic victims of January 8, 2011, by setting a ship and admire her character and her But let me say we must also resist, in new national tone of civility. Then, our con- courage to be an example of what true these moments of heartache, the temp- stituents will know that we truly speak for public service is about. One great les- tation to assign blame to those with them. I urge my colleagues to join me in this son I learned from GABBY GIFFORDS is whom we differ for the acts of others. commitment. her comment that words do have con- No expressed opinion on the left or the Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I sequences. And I have also learned a right was to blame for Saturday’s at- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from couple more phrases—cut the rhetoric, tack. And we must resist efforts to sug- Ohio (Mr. TURNER). let’s lower the temperature in our dis- gest otherwise. Because to do so has Mr. TURNER. Madam Speaker, I am course with one another. the potential to inhibit and erode our saddened to take part in today’s trib- And there is also an island expression freedom. ute to our colleague GABRIELLE GIF- that goes like this: E pala le ma’a ae le So we rise to mourn with those who FORDS, who was so senselessly shot this pala le tala—meaning while rocks and mourn, to grieve with those who weekend; her outreach coordinator, stones may deteriorate or erode, words grieve. We cannot fail to be moved by Gabe Zimmerman, who was killed in never die. I pray we will find that bal- the tragic events in Arizona. We must the line of duty during the incident; ance and move our country forward to not fail to pray earnestly for all those two other staff who were wounded solve the problems our country is affected. And we will not fail to defend while supporting the Congresswoman; greatly confronted with at this time. our freedom lest it be one more victim and all of those who were killed, Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I of the horrific event in Tucson on Sat- wounded, and impacted by this terrible yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from urday last. tragedy. Indiana (Mr. PENCE). Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Congresswoman GIFFORDS was per- Mr. PENCE. I thank the distin- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- forming the most fundamental duty of guished majority leader for yielding tleman from New York (Mr. HIGGINS). a Member of Congress, listening to her time. b 1220 constituents. All Members of Congress Like every American, I will never take the role of being an advocate for forget where I was last Saturday. My Mr. HIGGINS. I thank the gentleman their constituents seriously. For Con- wife and I were shocked and saddened for yielding. gresswoman GIFFORDS, it’s promoting when we learned of the attack on our Madam Speaker, the outpouring of solar energy production to boost the colleague GABBY GIFFORDS, her staff, support from every corner of western local economy, or being a voice for and her constituents. GABBY’s a hard New York for the victims of the attack military families, and working to se- worker, a talented legislator. But as in Tucson has been overwhelming and cure the border with Mexico. has been said poignantly on this floor inspiring. Today I stand here to say not as a so much better than I will ever be able It is on behalf of western New York Republican, not as a Democrat, but as to today, she is a dear person and a that I offer our prayers to my friend an American that violence has no place unique individual who is universally and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, and to in our society. And I wish and pray for liked in the House of Representatives. all the injured and our sympathies to peace and justice for all of those who We are praying for her recovery, the the families and friends of Gabe Zim- have been involved in this tragedy. recovery of all those injured, and the merman, John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, My thoughts and prayers, as well of comfort of the families of the fallen. I Dorwan Stoddard, and Christina Taylor those of my family and the people of rise with gratitude to the leadership of Green. Ohio’s Third District, remain with Con- both parties in this institution for Some are suggesting that violence- gresswoman GIFFORDS, her staff, her moving this thoughtful resolution to themed political rhetoric contributed constituents, and their families. the floor. Today the American people to this tragedy. I think it would be Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam speak with one voice. We will condemn wise to reflect on how we characterize Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the dis- these unspeakable and evil acts. We our political opponents and how we tinguished gentleman from American will remember the injured and the lost. conduct our debate. Undoubtedly our Samoa (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA). And we will gently reaffirm our ideals. debate could benefit from more light Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam This act was an unspeakable act of and less heat, from more humility and Speaker, our hearts and prayers go out violence. And those responsible must less hostility. to our colleague and friend GABBY GIF- be prosecuted to the fullest extent of But this attack was carried out by a FORDS and her family. And equally the law. But as we mourn with those man who appears to have been severely noted are six of her constituents and who mourn, two words of gentle admo- mentally ill, and we may never under- fellow Americans who died as a result nition. First, we cannot fear free as- stand why he did what it is he did. of this tragic incident, and several oth- sembly because of the acts of a single Our best response to this atrocity is ers who were injured and wounded at assailant. We live in an open society to reject fear and intimidation and to this time. We also pray for God’s good and enjoy representative democracy embrace the work in our communities grace and comforting Spirit to be upon under our Constitution. Our system de- with joy, openness, and dedication. them as well. pends on regular and informal contact That is the type of public service that I deeply appreciate the initiative and with our elected Representatives. And GABBY believes in, and I urge my col- leadership of both parties to bring this neither the public nor its servants leagues to follow her example. resolution to the floor for consider- should be dissuaded from participating Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I ation, not only to give special tribute in public assembly because of the des- yield 2 minutes to the chairman of the to our colleague and friend GABBY GIF- picable acts of a single deranged per- Education and Workforce Committee, FORDS, for her courage and commit- son. the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. ment to public service, but to also give Lastly, I understand the pain that KLINE). us all an opportunity to seriously re- Saturday last has caused for so many Mr. KLINE. I thank the gentleman flect on what we need to do to change in this body and around the country. for yielding. the atmosphere, if you will, of what we But we cannot fear free and open de- Madam Speaker, Saturday was a do and say not only among ourselves, bate. Democracy depends on heavy dark day for the residents of Tucson, but to our fellow Americans through- doses of civility. And as my colleagues Arizona, and our Nation. out this great Nation of ours. know, I have always sought to model In the blink of an eye the lives of I’m not much for giving speeches, that, here on the floor and elsewhere. men, women and children who were Madam Speaker. But today I felt it was We should always refrain from engag- going about their daily routines were

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 277 forever changed. One troubled, twisted Madam Speaker, I recall a short time I look forward to her speedy recovery soul robbed six innocent individuals of ago, after the election in 2006, I came and her return to this floor, where she their lives and cast a dark shadow over in a freshman class. All the Members can once again provide her talents and a fundamental right of our democracy, here, when they come here together her leadership as she would once again the exchange of ideas between a Rep- right after the election, they get to- lead us in our efforts to bring about a resentative and the community she gether as freshmen. You have gone better understanding, not only of the represents. through a debate, you have gone space and this role of our planet in the Madam Speaker, in an effort to find through an election, and you look cosmos, but also our own personal un- meaning in this tragedy, it is tempting around and you are meeting people derstanding to each other and to our to assign blame or to draw conclusions from across the country. constituents. in support of a larger pattern, but what I remember in that class when we It was a sad day on Saturday, and it we witnessed this weekend is void of looked across there were a lot of dif- will be a bright future when GABRIELLE rationale. We must recognize the dis- ferent people, but GABBY’s smile just returns to this floor. aster for the senseless act it is, but we lights up the room. She didn’t sit back Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, it is should not stop there. to wait to talk to everybody on dif- now my honor to yield 3 minutes to the As the men and women we represent ferent sides of the aisle. She did it just chairman of the Republican Con- mourn those who were lost and rally to as she has done every day on this floor, ference, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. support a brave public servant who is walked right up, introduced herself and HENSARLING). battling for her life, we in this body says how can we work together. When Mr. HENSARLING. I appreciate the have a responsibility to lead the way. you look just last week, GABBY was sit- gentleman from Virginia, the distin- We must demonstrate our resolve to ting on this floor, standing right in guished majority leader, for yielding. continue the important work of listen- this well, reading the Constitution, the Madam Speaker, I haven’t come to ing to our constituents and legislating First Amendment, going home, doing the House floor with any prepared re- on their behalf. We must press on, what she has done many times before, marks. Frankly, I am not sure my vo- undeterred by panic, in carrying out listening to her constituents, what all cabulary, I am not sure my thoughts the work we have been elected to do. of us do. can do the moment justice. We must demonstrate that America is What has transpired, we cannot let I would say, in the victim that we strong, her institutions are happen. We cannot be deterred, just know, Congresswoman GIFFORDS, unshakeable, and her people are brave from that same aspect that GABBY GABBY, if there is a sweeter, a kinder, and determined. gives the strength as she fights right a more gentle Member of the House, I Madam Speaker, I join my colleagues now, and we cannot forget those that know not their name. in expressing condolences to the family lost their lives. So many of us consider her to be a and friends of the victims of this trag- We cannot forget the Federal Chief friend. I think if there were a poll of edy and sending my prayers to our col- District Justice John Roll; Gabe Zim- Members of the House, she would prob- league, GABBY GIFFORDS, in her time of merman, working for GABBY’s staff; 9- ably be voted least likely to offend any need. May she find the strength to re- year-old Christina Taylor Green, being human being, which makes this inci- cover and join us in leading the way elected in student council, just want- dent, this tragedy so unfathomable. We forward. ing to meet her Representative and a all pray for her full recovery. This Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam neighbor taking her down; also Doro- House is not whole without her smile, Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- thy Morris, Dorwan Stoddard or Phyl- without her voice, without her pres- tlewoman from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOL- lis Schneck, doing what they thought ence. LUM). was every American’s right to do and Madam Speaker, I did not know Gabe Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, give their opinion. Zimmerman; but I know a lot of great this House and this entire Nation ex- That’s what this floor has to be com- Americans, young people, who decide tend our support, love and best wishes mitted to, that’s what this floor has to to dedicate themselves to public serv- to our colleague, Representative continue to fight. That is exactly what ice and work on my staff, and I know GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and to all those GABBY continues to fight for and will how they are a part of my extended wounded in Saturday’s shooting. We continue as we go. family. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam also mourn the deaths, the tragic b 1230 senseless deaths of six Americans who Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- were participating in street-corner de- tleman from California (Mr. I didn’t know Dorwan Stoddard, mocracy with their Congresswoman. GARAMENDI). Phyllis Schneck, Dorothy Morris, but My Minnesota constituents feel the Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, they’re parents, they’re grandparents, pain and loss inflicted by a few seconds on behalf of the men and women of the they’re spouses, and we think of our of gun violence. A St. Paul constituent 10th Congressional District, I rise in own family. I didn’t know Judge John visited my office on Monday and wrote support of this resolution and bring to Roll. But, again, somebody who com- a note to Congresswoman GIFFORDS, this floor their condolences and pray- mitted their life to public service. And and the note said: ‘‘I pray for your re- ers for the six who were murdered in last but not least I don’t know Chris- covery. I want you to be strong and Tucson and for GABBY and for her tina Taylor Green. I didn’t have that continue to be the fighter that you are speedy recovery. pleasure. A 9-year-old child thrilled to so you can continue to serve the people Patti and I send along our own spe- learn about our representative democ- of America.’’ cial prayers and condolences. For those racy and brought down in an act of I too am praying for you, GABBY, for of us that have had the privilege of evil. I never met her. But I think about Mark, for your family, and for all of working with GABRIELLE, I add my own my 8-year-old daughter, and I think the families who are in pain and those special thoughts. about my 7-year-old son, and how they in mourning. I came to the Committee on Science learn about their father’s business. May such unspeakable acts of vio- and Technology where she was the And so all of us come together in this lence end in this country, and may all chairwoman of the Subcommittee on time of mourning but this time of reso- Americans find the strength to live in Space and immediately saw her incred- lution. We mourn the loss of these peace. ible intelligence, her charm and wit as great American citizens, but we resolve Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, it is she conducted numerous hearings, and that the representative democracy, now my honor to yield 3 minutes to the came to understand her commitment that the traditions of the House will majority whip, the gentleman from to America’s science and technology not be a casualty of this tragedy. The California (Mr. MCCARTHY). and space as she led our committee to people’s House will be open. The Mem- Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I the reauthorization of the NASA pro- bers representative will be accessible. thank the gentleman. grams. It can be no different in this country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hours. And let us, in the words of Rep- curred last Saturday to her and to time of the gentleman has expired. resentative GIFFORDS delivered here on those other people. Our prayers obvi- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I the floor of the House, let us agree to ously are with her, with the families of yield the gentleman an additional 30 forgo some of our individual interests those who were murdered, and for the seconds. and intemperance to allow the space swift recovery of everybody who was Mr. HENSARLING. We cannot allow for open dialogue, debate and discus- injured in that shooting. I rise in sup- the tragedy to be compounded by sion. port of the resolution and I thank the changing the way we conduct the peo- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, it is leadership for bringing it. ple’s business. This cannot happen. And now my honor to yield 2 minutes to the The second paragraph of the resolu- so we come here today to mourn, but chief deputy whip on the Republican tion says, Whereas on January 8, 2011, we come here to be resolved that this side of the aisle, the gentleman from an armed gunman opened fire at a individual who is responsible for a hei- Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM). ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ event nous, evil act will not succeed in inter- Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, I hosted by Representative GABRIELLE fering with the people’s business in the thank the leader for yielding. GIFFORDS in Tucson. people’s House. Godspeed in her recov- You know, one of the untold stories I want to explain what it was she was ery to GABBY, our colleague. of the House of Representatives is the doing, because it’s at the heart of our Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam connections that Members have with democracy. We’ve heard about it from Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- one another that really never show up, other speakers. We do something like tleman from New Jersey (Mr. HOLT). except among ourselves. I had a unique GABBY’s ‘‘Congress on Your Corner,’’ Mr. HOLT. I thank the gentleman. connection with GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, I which we call, ‘‘Government in the Madam Speaker, we come to the floor still do, and that is when we came in in Grocery.’’ Other Congressmen and with respect, compassion and yes, love this class of 2006, we were both invited women do similar things. It’s about lis- for those who have lost loved ones in to participate, one on one or two to- tening to your constituents. It’s about Tucson last Saturday and for those gether, in a series of interviews that being accessible in a less formal set- who are recovering from the physical was hosted by National Public Radio, ting than on the floor of the House of and psychological wounds. We also the show All Things Considered. I had Representatives or in an assembly hall come to pay tribute and show love and not met GABRIELLE before that and we but where people feel comfortable talk- send our best wishes to Representative started this dialogue back and forth ing to you. So comfortable and so suc- GIFFORDS and to Mark Kelly. I hope and really enjoyed that. And I found cessful was her ‘‘Congress on the Cor- they feel our love. Our colleague is a that she had this very refreshing and ner’’ that she had the littlest, most in- beautiful person and everything one winsome approach, as we all know, to nocent person in Christina Taylor would want in a congressional rep- how she would handle herself and how Green, a 9-year-old, to one of Arizona’s resentative—thoughtful, engaged, com- she conducts herself. most powerful, experienced people, in passionate, optimistic and a genuinely So it’s really no surprise to me that the chief district judge, John Roll, good person. We also recognize those we’re hearing hopeful news about her coming to a very informal setting, at a who responded, staff members quietly medical condition based on a disposi- grocery store, to talk about America, going about making democracy work, tion of perseverance. And I thought to talk about their hopes, their desires, bystanders, medical responders and that the conversations that I was in- their concerns. This is what it’s all surgeons, ordinary people doing ex- volved in with her brought a brightness about. traordinary things. to public life and brought something The SPEAKER pro tempore. The This hits us on more than a personal that as I heard from constituents that time of the gentleman has expired. level, though. Each year, there are would listen to her, they would say to Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the many thousands of Americans felled by me, I can see how you would like serv- gentleman an additional 30 seconds. gunfire. Each is a personal tragedy to ing with people like that. And that is Mr. PERLMUTTER. This woman was the victim’s loved ones. The Tucson sort of the lost lead, I think, in some conducting something so essential to shooting strikes a blow to our ability ways about the House of Representa- the fabric of our democracy. to govern ourselves, to maintain a tives. 1240 peaceful society. The rights to assem- We were heartsick on Saturday when b bly peaceably and to speak freely are we heard that news. I know many of And to the grocery stores, the coffee preserved not just for their own sake, my constituents who are to their knees shops, and the flea markets, those that but, as the geniuses who established in prayer for GABRIELLE and for the provide these venues where people feel this country recognized, it is through victims of that shooting. And so as I comfortable to come and express their those rights that we can create a soci- think we all reflect on the gift that we views, just, thank you. ety that protects and extends life, lib- have been given, we have a great exam- I do these kinds of events every other erty and happiness. ple in GABRIELLE GIFFORDS in some- Saturday. We obviously have to work There are lessons to be drawn from body who understands the nature of de- with the different grocery stores and the events about our understanding of mocracy and real willingness to serve, law enforcement to see if we can con- people with mental illness and their and we wish her the very best and pray tinue to operate in these fashions, but screening and treatment. There are les- for her complete recovery. this is what it’s all about. sons to be drawn about our gun crazy Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam GABBY GIFFORDS is as good as they culture. There are lessons to be drawn Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- get. We pray for her speedy recovery, about the ever-present inflammatory, tleman from Colorado (Mr. PERL- and we thank her for her service. dehumanizing rhetoric, but let us defer MUTTER). Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, it’s those discussions for the moment and Mr. PERLMUTTER. I thank the gen- now my honor to yield 2 minutes to the recognize that we are a strong, pros- tleman from Arizona. chairman of the Rules Committee, the perous and supportive country because Madam Speaker, I had the oppor- gentleman from California (Mr. of our representative democracy and tunity to know GABBY before we were DREIER). our freedom to assemble and speak. elected to the Congress. She was in the Mr. DREIER. I appreciate our distin- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The State legislature in Arizona; I was in guished majority leader for yielding time of the gentleman has expired. the State legislature in Colorado. She me this time. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the was one of the youngest people ever Madam Speaker, obviously, this is, as gentleman an additional 30 seconds. elected to the State legislature there everyone has said, an extraordinarily Mr. HOLT. Let us in Congress not in Arizona and she has been a friend of challenging time for this institution. withdraw. Let us hold more outreach, mine for some time now. I am having a And we have to remember that this in- more town halls, more sidewalk office hard time processing what actually oc- stitution is the people’s House, and so,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 279 by extension, this is a challenging time ceedings will now resume on the reso- appear to continue to be good, which is for the United States of America. lution (H. Res. 32) expressing the sense so gratifying and so heartening to all When we think about the victims of the House of Representatives with of us. And we all look forward to the ranging in age from age 9 to 79, and respect to the tragic shooting in Tuc- day when she’s back here standing on when we think about our colleague, son, Arizona, on January 8, 2011. this floor with the rest of us. who is at this moment wounded and re- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam covering, it is, as my friend from Colo- tion. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- rado has just said, extraordinarily far The SPEAKER pro tempore. When tlewoman from Florida (Ms. CASTOR). reaching. And we need to expend time proceedings were postponed earlier Ms. CASTOR of Florida. I thank Mr. and energy soul-searching. And I think today, 4 hours and 6 minutes of debate PASTOR for yielding. that last Saturday’s tragedy is going remained on the resolution. Madam Speaker, on behalf of my to lead all of us to do that. The gentleman from California (Mr. community in Florida, the Tampa Bay I do believe that engaging in civil DANIEL E. LUNGREN) has 2 hours re- area, I rise to honor my friend and col- discourse is something that is essen- maining, and the gentleman from Ari- league, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff tial, and I believe it is what our fram- zona (Mr. PASTOR) has 2 hours and 6 and the other victims of the Arizona ers wanted us to do. I regularly say in minutes remaining. shooting tragedy. The arc of time of this House that James Madison wanted Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ service to there to be a clash of ideas, and I think fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield such her community and in the U.S. House that we need to make sure that that time as she may consume to the gen- so far has proven to be a time of continues. tlewoman from North Carolina (Mrs. change and challenge. But at the same time, I think it’s im- MYRICK). b 1400 Mrs. MYRICK. I thank the gentleman portant for us to remember that we are Through it all, Representative GIF- for yielding the time. not dealing, based on every shred of FORDS has been a model public servant. evidence we have now, with anything I think like everyone else who is When we were sworn in 4 years ago, here, I’m here today in support of this political as it relates to what took Congresswoman GIFFORDS and I arrived place on Saturday. As George Will said resolution, not only because it recog- as part of a class, Republican and Dem- over the weekend, there are 308 million nizes what happened in that tragic sit- ocrat, that had very high ideals. She Americans, and a few of them are un- uation that just shocked and saddened was a leader from the very beginning. hinged. And we need to remember that. all of us on Saturday, but I think most We adopted ethics reform. We bolstered But while we remember that, I think people in America were really just in a veterans. We sought modern solutions it’s imperative for us to do everything state of shock and not actually know- for energy challenges. We helped more that we can to remember the responsi- ing what to do at that time when we students attend college. And she, par- bility that we have, to remember the saw what was happening, not just to ticularly, promoted scientific innova- great people who are public servants our friend, GABBY GIFFORDS, who is a tion. and serve as our staff members and are friend with everyone here, but also to She sought a seat on the Armed Serv- regularly on the front line, and to do all of the other families that were ices Committee at a time when our everything that we can to ensure, as we touched by this. country was struggling with the war in proceed as an institution, that we do It goes so deep in the Tucson commu- Iraq. She sought that seat because she our job and, as Speaker BOEHNER has nity when you look at the six people wanted to ensure that the military per- said, don’t do anything that will im- who gave their lives and the people sonnel and the bases in her district had pinge on our responsibility to the who are still in the hospital fighting a champion—and did they ever. American people. for their lives and all the heroes of that Congresswoman GIFFORDS rose quick- Our thoughts and prayers are with day. We keep hearing story after story ly to become a leader on solar energy our colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, and after story of the heroes that emerged, and on immigration reform. GABBY with all of those who were victimized just ordinary, everyday Americans who works to strike a balance with prag- last Saturday. do what we do in situations like that. matic policies that actually work. And The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We don’t think about ourselves, but we whether it was President Bush or ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further come forward to help the other person. President Obama, Congresswoman GIF- proceedings on this resolution will be And there were so many people like FORDS spoke up boldly for additional postponed. that who literally saved lives, GABBY’s resources on the U.S. border. staff members, who were so heroic at f I know it sounds like a modern fairy this time, and just the shock that all of tale, that a beautiful, smart congress- RECESS them I know are still going through. woman marries an astronaut, but a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- But I know that they are really heart- love of science and a love of their coun- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair ened by the fact that most people in try brought them together. She was a declares the House in recess subject to America are just reaching out to them, champion for NASA and space explo- the call of the Chair. and people are saying, what can I do, ration before she married Captain Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 42 how can I help, where can I be of serv- Mark Kelly, but she has become one of minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- ice to this situation? the greatest advocates for the mission cess subject to the call of the Chair. And that’s what we do in America is of NASA. we come together. We pull together. In 2007, our economy began to con- f We say, okay, we need to be Americans tract and people lost jobs, and Rep- b 1355 and Americans first. And I think that’s resentative GIFFORDS stood up to fight what we’re seeing out of this. And I AFTER RECESS for them, for help for the Tucson area just hope that we, throughout this and for our great country. It has not The recess having expired, the House country, can continue to maintain that been easy, but GABBY does not give up. was called to order by the Speaker pro feeling of goodwill toward one another, As one of the more youthful Members tempore (Mrs. BONO MACK) at 1 o’clock of wanting to help one another, of of Congress, Congresswoman GIFFORDS and 55 minutes p.m. wanting to reach out to one another has served at a time when the first f and wanting to work together no mat- President of our generation was elect- ter where we are in the country, be- ed. EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE cause that’s what makes us great. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The REGARDING ARIZONA SHOOTING So our prayers and our support are time of the gentlewoman has expired. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- with GABBY and with the others, and Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, pro- they will continue to be. The reports gentlewoman an additional 15 seconds.

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Ms. CASTOR of Florida. It is a time spirit of GABBY GIFFORDS, we should re- country, to wish our good friend GABBY of hope and promise, but in the middle affirm and rededicate ourselves to pub- a complete recovery and to come back of a time of great economic challenge lic access, public engagement. here, and we offer our thoughts and for Arizona, for Florida, and for all of I don’t think it would be honoring prayers for our country. God bless America. But GABBY GIFFORDS has an her great work that she and we expect America. optimistic eye to the future. She be- for her to carry on if we didn’t get Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam lieves that working together we can right back out there and engage in a Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- solve many of the challenges before us. spirited conversation about the shape tleman from Maryland (Mr. VAN HOL- And in her honor we must recommit to and destiny of our democracy. And so I LEN). doing so. think it is important to make a very Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, From the stories of the victims and bold statement that we will reaffirm many of us have just come from a con- the heroes in Tucson, it is obvious that our dedication to having a robust, open gressional prayer service for the vic- it is a community composed of remark- access, and free democracy by not let- tims of the terrible tragedy in Arizona able individuals. And it may explain ting forces of fear and hatred, despera- where we sang ‘‘Heal Us Now.’’ why the Tucson area has sent such a tion and madness deter us from this We all know in this body that GABBY remarkable public servant to represent very important and noble enterprise. GIFFORDS is one of our brightest lights: them. God bless America, and we wait for smart, fair, courageous, and consid- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- and we look forward to a speedy recov- erate of people of all points of view. fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- ery from our colleague, GABRIELLE GIF- She is a very effective legislator and a utes to the gentleman from Louisiana, FORDS. caring and thoughtful friend. And the Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Dr. FLEMING. people of Arizona could not have a bet- Mr. FLEMING. I thank my friend fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- ter representative in this United States from California. utes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Congress. Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- NEUGEBAUER). On Saturday, she was doing the job Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, port of House Resolution 32. Last week, she loves so dearly and takes so seri- I wish I didn’t have to rise today in in an act of cowardly violence, our ously: meeting with her constituents support of this resolution because it friend and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, and listening to their concerns when was a sad day for America last Satur- was gunned down at a public event in- this senseless act of violence occurred. day. We come together to grieve for those tended to give her constituents a forum But let me say this: On behalf of the to express their opinions. While our who were killed, including GABBY’s tal- people of the 19th Congressional Dis- ented and energetic outreach director, Nation honors, mourns, and remembers trict, whom I represent, we send our those hurt and killed in this senseless Gabe Zimmerman; to pray for the heartfelt condolences to the families quick recovery of those injured; and to tragedy, it is imperative that we and the friends and the loved ones of strengthen our resolve as public serv- honor those who, in a moment of chaos those who were killed in this senseless and violence, took heroic actions that ants to not let these acts deter us from attack. the important work we do and from saved the lives of many, including We also offer our prayers for GABBY GABBY. who we are. and the others who are making recov- America was founded on the idea ery from this act as well. You know, as b 1410 that the people have direct access to I read through this resolution, and as GABBY GIFFORDS is a person who is their elected representatives, and as many of you like I have been watching always thinking of others—her con- long as I serve, I plan to continue that TV, Saturday was a bad day. It was a stituents, her staff, her colleagues. I tradition. As Speaker BOEHNER so elo- horrible day for America. Dana and I spoke with her frequently during the quently put it, no act, no matter how were in the grocery store shopping very tough campaign she went heinous, must be allowed to stop us when I got the notice that my friend through, and she was always just ask- from our duty. GABBY, our colleague GABBY, had been ing how were her colleagues doing. Our thoughts and prayers are with shot, along with others. It was terrible. Today, in that same way, GABBY would Congresswoman GIFFORDS, her family, As we have gotten an opportunity to want us to be thinking and praying for and all those who suffered from last watch over the last few days, what we the others—for her fallen and injured week’s events. learned is that out of this horrific act, constituents and for her heroic staff. Finally, God bless GABBY GIFFORDS. we saw some of the things that make Gabe Zimmerman died doing what he God bless the victims of this tragedy. America great. We saw people tackle loved, serving the people of Arizona. God bless this institution. And God the attacker. We saw people offer as- His many good works are a testament bless the United States of America. sistance to GABBY and others. We saw a to the selfless works of public service Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam man shield his wife from the attacker. performed by congressional staff every Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- We saw the first responders do remark- day for the people of our districts and tleman from Minnesota (Mr. ELLISON). able work in getting people to the hos- our Nation. Mr. ELLISON. I thank the gentleman pital in what would be record time. We GABBY GIFFORDS has always con- for yielding me this time. saw so many of the good things about ducted herself in a manner that brings On behalf of the people of the Fifth America at a time when we saw one of honor on this people’s House. She pas- Congressional District of Minnesota, the bad things. sionately advocates for the positions let me offer my heartfelt condolences You know, as I was walking over and issues she cares so deeply about to those brave Americans who lost here, I was thinking about Wednesday, but always in a way that is respectful their lives in the tragedy at Tucson, I guess a week ago today, coming down of opposing views. She is a fierce com- and let me offer wishes of a very speedy on the elevator with Mark and GABBY petitor, but is always considerate of recovery for those people who are and her parents. We had a wonderful others. wounded, including our own friend and visit. I have had an opportunity to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS. And also, serve on the Science Committee with time of the gentleman has expired. let me offer congratulations to those GABBY. I went to lunch with her. She Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the heroic people who jumped up to help has a little interest in space, in case gentleman an additional 30 seconds. their fellow Americans at a time of you didn’t know it. And how some- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. That is why she tragedy and need. times we take for granted our friends was such a good role model for Chris- It would be very human for anyone to and acquaintances and life itself, and tina Taylor Green—the 9-year-old girl be a little bit shy about coming to a how in just a moment life can change. born on that terrible day of September public event after hearing about a trag- So today we offer this resolution to 11, 2001, and who was gunned down on edy like this. But I think that in the recognize some good things about our another awful day for our Nation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 281 Christina Taylor Green, Gabe Zim- On January 8, 2011, in Tucson, many To the staff of Congresswoman merman, and four others are, trag- people got up that morning and made a GABBY GIFFORDS, we want to thank you ically, no longer with us. As we mourn choice to do the right and good thing. for your service to our country and for their loss, we also pray for the full re- Only one person got up that morning your sacrifice to our country. covery of those who were injured. and decided to do an evil and destruc- To my friend GABBY GIFFORDS, who I GABBY GIFFORDS’ light continues to tive thing. came into Congress with in 2006, we shine, and she will continue to inspire We cannot and will not allow the cru- love you and Mark. We miss you and young and old throughout Arizona and elty of one person to overshadow the Mark terribly. We are praying for your our Nation. God bless GABBY GIFFORDS goodness that each of his victims rep- recovery. We know you are getting and all the victims of this horrible resents. We in this Chamber are not stronger every day, and we can’t wait tragedy. helpless. We offer our prayers for those to see you back here in the House Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- who died and for a speedy recovery for again in the very, very near future. fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- those who have survived. May God bless you, and may God utes to the gentlewoman from Missouri And, to GABBY, I know we all join in bless our beloved country. (Mrs. EMERSON). saying: Hurry back. This House needs b 1420 Mrs. EMERSON. Madam Speaker, you. We love you. you know, we all get to know a person But we can do more. We can set an Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- through the words of others. For our example that creates a fertile environ- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- utes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. colleague GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and for ment for constructive discourse that everyone affected by the violence in extends beyond the confines of this OLSON). Mr. OLSON. I thank my colleague Tucson, the outpouring of prayer and Capitol. from California. Despite the heartache and the trag- emotion really tells the story of how Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- edy of last Saturday, we find solace we are all touched by these sad events. port of the resolution before the House I think all of us draw strength from and inspiration that, in our Nation, the and to pay tribute to my colleague and one another in hearing the personal United States of America, the goodness dear friend, GABBY GIFFORDS. I have stories of relationships that they have of the many will always triumph over been privileged to call her a friend as had with GABBY, and it really does help the evil of the few. the chairwoman of the Space and Aero- us. I thought it would be important for Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- nautics Subcommittee while I was the us to also hear just a couple of stories, fornia. Madam Speaker, it is my pleas- ranking member. just a couple of sentiments, from some ure to yield 2 minutes to the gen- We found that we share a deep pas- of GABBY’s friends and supporters back tleman from Florida (Mr. MACK). sion for space and NASA, and we have home because they know GABBY, per- Mr. MACK. Madam Speaker, I rise worked closely on these issues to- haps, in a little different way than we today with sadness in my heart and a gether. In sitting in a hearing that do. bit of anger about what happened in GABBY was running with your eyes Carol Frazier writes, ‘‘Many prayers Tucson. closed, you would be hard pressed to and much love to you and all the vic- I cannot help but think that, on that know who was the Republican and who tims of this stupid tragedy. GABBY, you morning, a colleague of ours was doing was the Democrat. And as a freshman are what we need in Congress. I was so what she enjoyed, doing what is ex- Member in Congress, it was heartening impressed with meeting you—that you pected of a Member of Congress—meet- to know that while the controversial looked me in the eye and truly listened ing with her constituents, talking issues of the day may divide us, there to what I was saying.’’ about the important issues of the day. is also room for collaboration and A high school friend, Erika Noebel, She went to work that morning, to the unity on both sides of the aisle. That writes, ‘‘Your entire UHS family is grocery store, to listen to her constitu- was because of GABBY. pulling for you. We just love you so ents. For someone to show up and pull I have no better bipartisan friend in much and are so proud to be your con- the trigger is something that I don’t the Congress than GABBY GIFFORDS. stituents.’’ think any of us will ever forget. Madam Speaker, she is warm and kind, Scott Smith writes, ‘‘I hadn’t even I pray for GABBY. My thoughts and but the GABBY I know is also tough. heard of you until this tragic event, prayers go to all of the family members She will pull through this with her GABBY, but you are in my thoughts, who have been affected by this tragedy. husband, Mark, by her side. I wouldn’t and I very much hope you pull through We hope and we cannot wait for that bet against her. this, especially because you were doing day when GABBY comes back to this Other Members of our House family your job talking to your constituents floor—when she walks through that need our support too. I would like to when this happened.’’ door, when she joins us again, when she say a prayer for Gabe Zimmerman and I think, like all of us here in the casts a vote. Most importantly, his family, GABBY’s staffer who lost his House of Representatives, Cathy though, I cannot wait to see that smile life, as well as Ron Barber and Pam Paredes expresses her sentiments best: on her face. No matter who you are, Simon, her other staffers who were vic- ‘‘Love you, Gabby. Stay strong. We are whenever you met GABBY, she always tims in this horrible, horrible tragedy. here for you.’’ greeted you with a smile, with kind- We must also remember the others God bless GABBY GIFFORDS. ness in her heart, with determination who lost their lives or were seriously Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam and strength. injured. They are in our hearts and Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- GABBY, we are praying for you. We prayers as the Nation begins the heal- tleman from Texas (Mr. GONZALEZ). pull for you. Our hearts and prayers are ing process. Mr. GONZALEZ. Madam Speaker, I with you. You are missed, and we look Madam Speaker, I am going to close am from San Antonio, and in my home- forward to seeing you back on the floor my remarks by talking to my friend as town, about a year and a half ago, a of the House. if she was here because in many ways convenience store owner was murdered Thank you and God bless you. she is. by a robber. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The brother of the slain owner ob- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- time of the gentleman has expired. served that both his brother and the tleman from Indiana. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- murderer got up that same morning Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. On be- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield the and made conscious choices: His broth- half of all of the people of northern In- gentleman an additional 30 seconds. er chose to go to work and support his diana, we want to express our prayers Mr. OLSON. I thank my colleague family—a right and a good thing. The and thoughts for the victims and the from California. murderer made a choice to rob and families of those killed and injured in GABBY, I know you feel things and kill—an evil and a destructive thing. Arizona. you hear things. When asked, you

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I will see you when you get military heroes who are fighting to re- wrong with receiving an email that back in this Chamber. cover from their wounds. I pray that says, ‘‘I’m concerned and looking for a Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam GABBY GIFFORDS will be provided with good old-fashioned lynching.’’ For Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- a similar resolve. those who debate and protest, it’s not tlelady from Massachusetts (Ms. TSON- I pray for those who lost their lives okay to spit, to say racial slurs, to say GAS). and the families of their loved ones reload, or to arm, in reference to de- Ms. TSONGAS. Madam Speaker, I who now struggle with grief. And I bate, and it’s also not okay to say a rise today to express my deep sym- think particularly, having been a group other than yourself is a Nean- pathy for the victims of the tragedy in former prosecutor, of Judge John Roll, derthal and they want people to die Tucson, Arizona, this past Saturday. whose loss is being deeply felt by our quickly. Like all of us, I mourn for the grievous colleagues in their public service from b 1430 harm that came to those who attended the judiciary. While this tragedy was Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ Congress on not related to his duties per se, it is a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Your Corner; for our colleague, GABBY, reminder that our judges too often face time of the gentlewoman has expired. a courageous and conscientious law- threats that impinge on the independ- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the maker whose recovery and good health ence that they must be accorded for gentlelady an additional minute. we all yearn for today; for a 9-year-old our system of government and freedom Ms. RICHARDSON. For our courts, child bursting with innocent enthu- and, just as importantly, justice, to even in 1919 and 1931 in the cases of siasm and great promise; for a re- prosper. Schenk v. United States and Near v. spected jurist engaged in a simple act Lastly, I want to express deep condo- Minnesota, our forefathers had the wis- of friendship; for a kind and accom- lences to the family of Christina Tay- dom to know that the most stringent plished staffer; for a loving husband lor Green, whose grandfather, Dallas protection of free speech would not who instinctively shielded his wife Green, is a member of the Philadelphia protect a man in falsely shouting from the rain of bullets, and for a hus- community. This tragic incident ‘‘fire’’ in a theater and causing panic. band, also lovingly protective, who was brought it home in a very personal way So who would tell me that it would unable to stave them off; and, finally, a to the people of my region. Let us be appropriate that on August 17, 2009, widowed retiree still giving to her com- allow this horrible tragedy to inspire that it would be appropriate for a man munity, all so abruptly and violently all Americans to become better instru- to carry an AR–15 rifle and a pistol losing their lives; and for those who are ments of peace. only feet from our President. thankfully recovering, all engaged in Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam And now, for those of us who are here the abiding promise of democracy, Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- today, we turn to the resolution on the coming to talk with their Congress- tlelady from California (Ms. RICHARD- floor. woman, gathering in the parking lot of SON). On page 4, sections 7 and 8, the reso- a local supermarket on a Saturday Ms. RICHARDSON. Madam Speaker, lution says that we would have the morning. I concur in expressing the sense of the right of people to peaceably assemble This horrific incident has raised House of Representatives with respect and that all would participate without many serious questions about appro- to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ari- being silenced for fear of intimidation. priately identifying and caring for zona, on January 8, 2011. I’m sad to say that, yes, even in this those who suffer from mental illness, Like all Americans, on Saturday own Chamber on these grounds, I don’t about the accessibility of violent weap- morning I was not only saddened, but I think we’ve always fulfilled those ons, about the tone and language of our was sick to my stomach while I words of ‘‘peaceable assembly free of politics today, and about the solemn watched the horrible attack against intimidation.’’ obligations of elected office in a demo- We, too, must not react. But it’s time cratic society—of those serving, of my colleague, my office mate for 2 to act, not just in legislation, but to do their staff, and of constituents eager to years, Congresswoman GIFFORDS— what Congresswoman GIFFORDS asked participate and be heard. known as ‘‘GABBY’’ to me—and her But today we honor with our words staff, her constituents, and all Ameri- us to do—to reduce the divisive tone in those who tragically lost their lives cans. this country. Maybe if we start as lead- and those harmed by this senseless act We know now that on January 8 Con- ers, others will follow. I express condolences. I pray for of violence. We pray for GABBY and all gresswoman GIFFORDS reached out and those still recovering; and we remem- sought ‘‘new ways to reduce the highly those on their recovery, and I also ber their families and loved ones now partisan divisive tone that all too often commit to work on this issue and to struggling with the immensity of their dominates our public discourse.’’ work with my colleagues. losses. In the days ahead, however, we Today, I am going to do exactly that, Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- must honor and remember them with not in words of criticism, but thoughts fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- our actions. of observation and a desire to help. utes to the gentleman from New York Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- For lawmakers, whether Federal, (Mr. GIBSON). fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- State or local, this tragic incident Mr. GIBSON. I thank the gentleman utes to the gentleman from Pennsyl- must make us reevaluate our spending for yielding. vania (Mr. MEEHAN). priorities and accept the fact that our Madam Speaker, I rise today on be- Mr. MEEHAN. I want to thank my continued failure to adequately fund half of the people in upstate New York friend for yielding. mental illness is a mistake. For agen- to express our deepest condolences and Madam Speaker, I rise and join my cies, whether they be educational, sympathies to all of those affected by colleagues—and in fact fellow citizens military or private vendors and busi- this horrific tragedy. We pray for those from across this Nation—in thought nesses, we must be diligent in con- who lost their lives and for the recov- and prayer following the tragic assault necting the dots and making use of ery of those wounded in the attack. on GABBY GIFFORDS and 19 others in good technology to have real-time in- I first met GABRIELLE GIFFORDS Tucson. I pray that in these critical formation. many years ago at hours GABBY GIFFORDS will heal and For parents, whether your child, who where we were graduate students to- begin the path to a fuller recovery. will always be your child regardless of gether in the mid-1990s. I did not know

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Also, I served on the Armed Services worked toward improvement, finding a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Committee and got to know her very way to reach a positive agreement. I time of the gentlewoman has expired. well. We traveled on two trips—one to found myself continually impressed Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the Afghanistan and one to Iraq. It was the with her ability to see workable solu- gentlelady an additional 30 seconds. week before her wedding to Mark that tions to issues, even when we did not Mrs. DAVIS of California. She cares we traveled, and she talked about look- agree on the issue. GABBY is fun, pas- about their concerns, fears, and hopes ing forward to her marriage and to fu- sionate, intelligent, highly competent, and knows how to work with people ture trips. And just last week, we dis- and focused. She is a person who turns from all political persuasions. cussed going to Afghanistan again. words into action, something that My heart goes out to everyone af- So I look forward to GABBY’s speedy should be valued now more than ever.’’ fected by this massacre, and the shock recovery, for her return here to the GABBY, Cornell prays for you, and the from it reverberates throughout my House, and for that trip that we will citizens of upstate New York are reach- community and our country. take to Afghanistan to go greet our ing out to all of those families affected So I am listening to my constituents men and women in harm’s way. by this senseless act of violence and that hope that this tragedy will engage May God bless GABBY. May God con- praying that they may find peace, com- us anew in serious and civil discourse tinue to bless the United States of fort, and healing. on how we can leave a better world for America. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam our children and our grandchildren. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- That is what GABBY strived to do daily. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- tlelady from California (Mrs. DAVIS). It is what she would want us to be tleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- Mrs. DAVIS of California. I come doing right now. MENAUER). here today shaken by an act of horrific Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Mr. BLUMENAUER. I appreciate the proportions and yet heartened by boun- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 min- opportunity to come together to ex- tiful acts of the human spirit. We are utes to the gentleman from Pennsyl- press our sorrow and support for our comforted that in these times, the pain vania (Mr. SHUSTER). friend and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, and the shock can be lightened, if only Mr. SHUSTER. I rise today with a and the 19 other victims of this sense- temporarily, by knowing that the good heavy heart to join my colleagues in less rampage. overwhelms the bad. I think that is support of this resolution and to honor I cherish the time I spent with GABBY how GABBY would want us to reflect the innocent Americans whose lives in Tucson to promote the livability of today. were so senselessly and tragically al- her community. There I’ve seen first- We grieve for the losses and the pain tered by the events in Tucson last hand the respect Congresswoman GIF- felt in the community of Tucson for or- week. FORDS commanded from the entire dinary people who we learned are quite GABRIELLE GIFFORDS was embodying civic leadership. I witnessed the emo- extraordinary. the very essence of what it means to be tional connection between GABBY and We know the tireless efforts of our an elected Representative in our great her political supporters. They knew own staff who come to work every day Republic by meeting and listening to that she was somebody special, and you with one goal in mind—to help people. her constituents last Saturday. Gabe could see that she treated each and That’s why we mourn the loss of Gabe Zimmerman, Ron Barber, and Pamela every one of them the same way. Zimmerman. Simon were there, too, doing their jobs But most of all, I come here today to like thousands of other dedicated con- b 1440 send, in the most public way I can, my gressional staffers who support us and Then there is the bond between love and Mi Shebeirach—a Hebrew the work we do here every day in GABBY and her terrific team. It makes prayer for the sick which celebrates Washington and especially back in our it so jarring, the loss of Gabe Zimmer- the spirit of healing to those recov- districts. man, the wounding of Rod Barber and ering from their wounds, and particu- The Americans who lost their lives Pam Simon of her office. Her out- larly to my dear friend and colleague, on Saturday and the innocent victims standing staff is representative of the Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. who were wounded were performing amazing men and women, over 10,000 in People beyond GABBY’s district are their civic duty to take an active role all, here on Capitol Hill and back learning about the political acumen of in their government, and among them home, who make the government proc- this talented and engaging leader. As were 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green ess possible. They are like family, not public servants, we do our jobs by lis- and Pittsburgh native Judge John Roll. just for GABBY. We must do all we can tening to the American people—by In our disbelief of the events last to protect the safety of staff and the looking constituents in the eye, assur- week, let us not forget the heroism of employees who serve our country every ing them that we want to help, letting those who subdued the attacker pre- day. them know that we understand with a venting further loss of life. They put Finally, this is about our relation- nod, a handshake, and most often a their own lives on the line to protect ship with GABBY and our responsibility hug, as GABBY frequently was known to their neighbors. They represent the to heal and repair. The path forward is do. To have that important connection best of America and shine in our dark- illustrated by GABBY herself, the best so shaken by the attempted assassina- est hour. example I know of someone who uses tion of our colleague and friend is dev- We will not allow this tragedy to her intelligence, charm, passion, and astating. weaken our resolve or to undermine commitment to bring people together. But GABBY, of all people, was an ex- the sacred responsibility that we as Then they can sort out the difficult ample of what it means to be connected elected officials have to serve the peo- issues that way, and move forward with to your district. I know she wouldn’t ple we represent. To allow this act of the same good humor, skill, and results stand for this kind of violence, but she violence to keep us from our duties as GABBY. As she recovers, I hope we also wouldn’t stand for allowing it to would be a disservice to the people we can honor her service and sacrifice by stop us from our service. honor today, especially GABBY. doing all that we can to restore that Whenever she talked about her con- GABBY was a friend of mine. We first spark, that civility, and that commit- stituents, she prefaced it with, ‘‘I real- became friends when I looked at her ment to civilized discourse.

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Madam Speaker, that’s a tall order. So with that, the prayers of this Na- let us pray for GABBY that she comes Can we beat the odds? Our dear friend tion go to all. God bless our country, back and she fights for what she be- GABBY will show us how, as she is beat- God bless the victims. lieves in. ing the odds right now. I am confident Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- I welcome her spirited debate and her her recovery will be a triumph of her fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 min- smile and her Pollyanna point of view. spirit, will, and intellect, and be a fur- utes to the gentlelady from Ohio (Mrs. But let us hope that all of those that ther inspiration to us all. SCHMIDT). have been touched by this tragedy can Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, I heal and heal in a short run. Thank fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- rise today to recognize and honor our you. God bless this country, and God utes to the gentleman from New York colleague GABBY GIFFORDS and to bless all in it. (Mr. REED). mourn the loss of those that died in Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I rise Tucson on Saturday, and to also pray Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- today without a script, but to send my for those who have been affected by tleman from Georgia (Mr. BISHOP). thoughts and prayers, and those of all this great tragedy, and to applaud the Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. I thank the of the thousands of people from my dis- courage of those who risked their own gentleman from Arizona for yielding. trict, out to the Congresswoman’s fam- lives so that others might live, and to Madam Speaker, my wife, Vivian, ily, to the Congresswoman herself, and thank the first responders and the and I were shocked and saddened to to all the families that were affected health care professionals whose quick learn of the awful events in Tucson, by such a tragic day in our Nation’s action and work saved their lives. Arizona, last Saturday. First and fore- history. You know, Madam Speaker, nobody most, our prayers are with GABBY GIF- We shall never forget what happened ever thought Saturday would happen, FORDS, her family, her staff, and the last Saturday. But as I walked into especially GABBY. She was just out other victims of the senseless tragedy. work today, and I saw the sun breaking there doing her job. And when you Since she was first elected in 2006, as it was coming up and shining on the think of the 20 families, and the com- GABBY GIFFORDS has been one of the dome of the Capitol, it was a glorious munity and the Nation, and how we brightest lights in this Congress. I have sight. Because what it reminded me is have been affected by this act of vio- gotten to know her personally in the that even in our darkest days this Na- lence, you think of the little girl that , and she is my tion always will rise again. And as we went there to meet her Congresswoman friend. I have been especially impressed stand here rightfully and pay our re- who never came home. You think by her intelligence, her warm person- spects to our dear colleague and the about the person that took her, that ality, and her singular ability to bridge families that suffered so much, and are wonderful neighbor who now will al- differences and bring people together. suffering as we speak, let us not forget ways think about what if I hadn’t done These qualities, and the fact that she that this Nation will rise, and we will this, what if I hadn’t said would you was attacked while serving her con- persevere. like to come? stituents, make the situation all the Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Madam Speaker, there are so many more heartbreaking. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- people affected by this tragedy. And no In the book of Isaiah, it is written, tlelady from New York (Mrs. MCCAR- one can ever understand the mind of a ‘‘Come let us reason together.’’ Let us THY). person that would do this random act then take this opportunity to pause Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. The of violence. But we as a Nation can and reflect on the lives of the victims, great State of New York certainly come together. We can recognize the the heroism of the first responders, and sends their wishes and their prayers to courage of those that helped stop him. the bedrock principle of American de- the great State of Arizona. New York We can recognize the courage of those mocracy—reaffirmed in the resolution State went through a horror the same that are fighting for their lives, espe- before us today—the right to assemble as Arizona is going through now. It’s so cially our GABBY. We can pray espe- peacefully and to petition the govern- parallel it’s scary. Six killed, 20 in- cially that this Nation will never again ment for the redress of grievances. jured, my husband dying, murdered, see that kind of tragedy. b 1450 my son shot. But this is really a mes- And most importantly, Madam sage of hope because my son did sur- Speaker, we as a Nation—and I know We must not let violence or the vive. Many of the victims survived. people have said to me, well, what can threat of violence deter us from rep- But I think the wonderful thing that we do? We as a Nation can pray. Get resenting our constituents and doing needs to be out there are the prayers down on our knees every morning and the Nation’s business. God bless GABBY that came through from all parts of every night. Pray for GABBY. Pray for GIFFORDS, the other injured, the fami- this country. her family. Pray for those folks that lies of those who were killed, the peo- GABBY’s staff, you are suffering ter- are suffering in the hospital. Pray for ple of Arizona and the United States of ribly. Those that have died, your fami- those moms and those dads and those America. lies are suffering terribly. And those brothers and those sisters and those Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- that have been wounded have to go aunts and those uncles and those fornia. Madam Speaker, it is my privi- through the pain to heal. What I will grandparents that will never touch the lege to yield 2 minutes to the gen- say to all of you, time will heal you. family members again. Pray for tleman from New Jersey (Mr. FRELING- You will never forget, but time will GABBY’s staff. Mourn the loss of her HUYSEN). make you smile again. staffer. Mourn the loss of all six who Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam GABBY would be so proud of this perished. But most importantly, to Speaker, Saturday was indeed a grim Chamber today. One of the things that pray that the folks that have been af- day for our Nation. It was the day our GABBY is known for is how bipartisan fected can have the courage to go on. beloved colleague, GABRIELLE GIF- she is. And she has brought this Cham- You know, we had a prayer service. FORDS, was attacked while doing her ber together. It’s just a shame that a And Cantor Leon Sher wrote a beau- job listening to her constituents. It tragedy has to bring us all together. tiful song. And at the end of the song was GABBY herself who aptly said just You know, GABBY’s going to be fine, he says: last year that the term ‘‘representa- and she will be back here. And she’ll be We pray for healing of the people, tive’’ is more of a job ‘‘description’’ over there hugging people, talking to We pray for healing of the land. than a job ‘‘title.’’ people. But that’s what we as a Nation And peace for every race and nation, As we all work to represent our con- have to learn. We can disagree, but we Every child, every woman, every stituents and our States and Nation, need to work together. That is what man. the Speaker is correct when he said GABBY wants, and that’s what she’ll I don’t think any words can sum up that ‘‘an attack on one who serves is push when she gets back here. what we need to do here now today. So an attack on all who serve.’’ Last

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weekend, GABBY’s efforts to serve her And if GABBY were able at this mo- the time-honored traditions that keep constituents brought her staff, herself ment, we know she would be embracing it strong. Neither we nor our constitu- and her constituents into a line of fire the victims of the fallen and their ents, all 300-plus million of them, will from a deranged man who shot 21 de- loved ones. be intimidated by the violent actions fenseless, innocent citizens. This is a moment for America to of the few. Six people died and many were take stock of itself. No one should have As Americans, we will come together wounded. Phyllis Schneck was a 79- to endure what these citizens have had and mourn for those who lost their year-old native of New Jersey who to endure. Frankly, no one should have lives that day, and we will honor the lived during the summer on Old Lake had to endure the mean-spirited and survivors and heroes of this tragedy End Road in the Green Pond section of inciteful political campaigns GABBY that stood strong together in the face Rockaway Township in my congres- did. of madness. sional district. She was one of those. In the sweep of history, this attack Madam Speaker, I join all my col- Mrs. Schneck and her late husband, was an attack on liberty. It desecrates leagues here today to express my sup- Ernie, lived for years in Towaco, and our worth as a people. We must all port for this resolution, and I know I they were active members of the Oak search our souls. How could such a hei- speak for all of my constituents in the Ridge Presbyterian Church. She was a nous act transpire? 13th District of Illinois when I say that member of the Montville Women’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The we share in the loss of our friends from Club. She was a mother, grandmother time of the gentlewoman has expired. Arizona, and our thoughts and prayers and great grandmother. Hers, as were Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the are with their families at this difficult the others, were lives well lived. gentlelady an additional 30 seconds. time. Madam Speaker, our minds reel from Ms. KAPTUR. If the evidence shows Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Saturday’s violence. Our hearts ache that unaddressed mental illness, cou- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- pled with guns and disturbing Internet for those slain and injured and their tleman from Missouri (Mr. CLAY). postings were contributing factors, as families and friends. However, as is so Mr. CLAY. I thank the gentleman when two Capitol Police officers were often the case when an act of random from Arizona for yielding. cruelty bewilders and depresses us, ex- gunned down just a decade ago outside Madam Speaker, I rise in support of ceptional displays of generosity, cour- this Chamber, then Congress must fi- this bipartisan resolution and to offer age and heroism can serve as a potent nally, finally engage that which to my thoughts and prayers for the swift counterweight. These acts are a re- date it has been unwilling to fully em- healing and complete recovery of my minder of the extraordinary selfless- brace and understand. When human friend and colleague, Congresswoman ness that people are capable of. tragedy falls at your knees, do you GABBY GIFFORDS. Let’s remember and salute those acts look away, or do you stoop to pick up In addition to the dedicated members today. Mark and GABBY, we are think- the pieces and ask why? Why? ing of you. We are behind you all the May God bless America. May the of her staff who were also wounded and time. We love you. campaigns of 2012 be conducted in a all of the other innocent victims of this Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam manner that brings credit to our Na- unconscionable act of violence, I want Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- tion’s highest aspirations, mindful of to express my sincere sympathies to tlelady from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR). the suffering that has occurred. And the families of U.S. District Court Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise may God give America and her leaders Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, a in support of the resolution and join and her people great wisdom in the valued member of our congressional my dear colleagues and on behalf of the days ahead. family, Dorwan Stoddard, Dorothy people of northern Ohio, who join citi- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Morris, Phyllis Schneck and most espe- zens across our Nation in pouring out fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- cially Christina Taylor Green, a re- compassion and healing to the families utes to the gentlewoman from Illinois markable 9-year-old child who had just and citizens of Arizona who have been (Mrs. BIGGERT). won her first election to the student so harmed and wounded at liberty’s Mrs. BIGGERT. Madam Speaker, I council and wanted to speak to her doorstep, the U.S. House of Representa- rise today with a heavy heart to ex- Congresswoman about a career in pub- tives. press my condolences to the families lic service. Let our prayers and comfort flow to and loved ones of Congresswoman Madam Speaker, as Speaker BOEHNER the victims, to the healers, to those GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staffer, Gabe so aptly noted just moments after this who must carry forward with full mem- Zimmerman, and all the victims of last tragedy occurred, an attack on one ory and understanding of what has Saturday’s shooting. who serves is an attack on all who transpired and why. Let us strive to do Like all my colleagues here today, I serve. I would venture to say that all of and to be so much better as a people. have struggled to make sense out of us who have the high honor of serving Our collective feeling of brotherly and this horrible tragedy since first hear- in this body, the people’s House, have sisterly love and the unity that flows ing the news that our good friend and searched our souls to try to understand from it holds the power to heal. colleague had been viciously attacked. the nature of this attack on the very We all feel that desire. Our constitu- As I watched the news and learned core of our democracy. ents feel that desire. Congresswoman about the innocent lives that had been Like most of us, Congresswoman GIF- GABBY GIFFORDS, our beloved col- cut short, it became painfully clear to FORDS knows that there is simply no league, is fighting to show us the way me that nothing will ever be able to ex- substitute for spending time with your forward. We pray for her and her fam- plain such an atrocity. constituents. The plain truth is that ily. We pray for all victims and their Politics is the art of genteel dis- you cannot effectively represent your families. We pray for all those who are agreement. Actions like those we wit- community in Congress unless you taking this difficult journey with nessed last Saturday have no place, no make time to interact with the people them. excuse, no explanation, nor rationaliza- who hired you for this job. What a remarkable young woman tion in our democratic system. And as for me, I will continue to do GABBY is. She represents the highest What I do know is that GABBY is that because I truly believe that even aspirations of America. She is kind, fighting hard for her life, fighting with in the face of this kind of mindless vio- talented, highly motivated, effer- the same tenacity that fueled her pas- lence, constituents have a right to vescent and so in love with her hus- sion for public service, and I take com- question their Members of Congress di- band, Mark. We know GABBY is a fight- fort in the knowledge that my friend is rectly. And we, who have been en- er and so very enjoyable to be with. winning that battle. trusted with the honor of public serv- We embrace her, her family, her staff Like GABBY, we must never stop ice, must never allow fear or threats to with the same affection as would she. fighting for our great democracy and undermine that fundamental principle.

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Speaker, I rise today in support of merman, a faithful public servant who Mr. ALTMIRE. On behalf of the House Resolution 32. used his life to make a difference in his Fourth Congressional District of west- I had the opportunity to work with country and for his community; and of ern Pennsylvania, I rise to pay tribute Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS Judge Roll, husband and father, com- and offer our deepest sympathy and over the last 2 years on the House mitted to justice and the rule of law; of condolences to the 20 victims of the Armed Services Committee, and I have Dorothy Morris, beloved wife of George tragedy in Tucson. And as a member of always admired the gentlelady from Morris, who also was critically wound- the class of 2006, I grew to know GABBY Arizona for her dedication to her con- ed as he tried to shield her from the quite well, and we look forward to the stituents and to our Nation. bullet; and of Phyllis Schneck, loving day, hopefully very soon, when she will This resolution before us today con- mother of three and beloved grand- join us back here in this Chamber. And demns in the strongest possible terms mother of seven; and of Dorwan Stod- I know her well enough to know that the horrific attack which occurred last dard, who acted with great love in giv- her first priority on a day like today Saturday in Tucson, Arizona. This res- ing his life to save his wife. We remember these extraordinary would be to honor the 19 constituents olution offers the heartfelt condolences people and the others who were in- who were taken and affected by this to the families, friends, and loved ones jured, and we remember the heroes who tragedy, especially the six who lost of those who were killed in that at- came to the aid of fellow citizens, these their lives. tack. It expresses a hope for the rapid ordinary yet great Americans reflect- So it is in that spirit that I honor, and complete recovery of those wound- ing the best of our Nation and its citi- and we all honor in this Chamber, 63- ed in the shootings. It applauds the zenry. And we join together today to year-old U.S. district judge John Roll, bravery and quick thinking exhibited by those who prevented the gunman condemn this violent rampage. a Pittsburgh native, an active Catholic But let us also join together to ex- parishioner; 9-year-old Christina from potentially taking more lives. It recognizes the service of the first re- press our appreciation for those who of- Green, a Pennsylvania native, third fered themselves up in service, like grader who had already told her par- sponders to race to the scene, and the GABBY, Gabe and Judge Roll, and all health care professionals who tended to ents she was looking forward to a ca- who were there participating in our reer in public service and attending the victims. This resolution stands firm in the be- representative Republic. Let us reach college, she hoped and said, at Penn out one to another in common purpose. lief in a democracy in which all can State; 30-year-old Gabe Zimmerman, It has been said, God has not called us participate and in which intimidation Gabrielle’s staffer, newly engaged, to see through each other, but to see and threats of violence cannot silence master of social work, who dedicated each other through. Let it be so. his life to public service; 79-year-old the voices of any American. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- This resolution honors the service Phyllis Schneck, New Jersey native, fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- church volunteer, loved cooking and and leadership of Representative utes to the gentleman from Virginia GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, a distinguished spending time with her family; 76-year- (Mr. GOODLATTE). old Dorwan Stoddard, devout Chris- Member of this House, as she coura- Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I tian, survivor of 17 heart stents, who geously fights to recover. am shocked and saddened by the sense- died saving the life of his wife, a grade Madam Speaker, when adjourning less act of violence that occurred Sat- school friend; and 76-year-old Dorothy today, let us do so out of respect for urday against Congresswoman Morris. We pay tribute to them all, and the victims of this attack. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff and we thank them for their service to this Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam members of the Tucson community. country. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the dis- Just 2 days before this horrific attack, And we will not let this attack deter tinguished gentlewoman from Ohio GABBY joined me and many other Mem- us from carrying on the business of the (Ms. SUTTON). bers of Congress in reading aloud the American people and engaging in civil Ms. SUTTON. Madam Speaker, we U.S. Constitution on the House floor. It discourse in our representative democ- know GABRIELLE GIFFORDS as a col- was my honor to yield to GABBY to racy. league and a friend, a member of our read the First Amendment. And on Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam congressional class of 2006, the major- Saturday, she and those participating Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distin- ity makers. She is an outstanding pub- in her Congress on the Corner event guished gentleman from Washington lic servant whose sole and constant were exercising their First Amendment (Mr. LARSEN). commitment is to help make her dis- freedoms of free speech and to peace- Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Madam trict and our Nation as great as it can ably assemble. Speaker, what does the Lord require? be. It is unconscionable that anyone Do justice, love mercy, and walk hum- The shooting that has left GABBY would take violent action to deprive bly with God. These words from the fighting to recover and that has someone of their life and liberty. Our prophet Micah are as true today as claimed the lives of her outreach direc- thoughts and prayers are with GABBY, they were when first spoken. They pro- tor, Gabe Zimmerman, and five other her family, her staff and others who vide guidance to how we in Congress innocent victims was horrific and stun- were affected by Saturday’s tragic can lead by example for everyone in ning. Our thoughts and prayers go out events in Tucson. While this tragedy this country as we try to come to to GABBY, her husband, Mark, and their serves as an unfortunate reminder of terms with the tragedy in Arizona. family and to all of the victims and evil actions, it must also remind us of We can work with each other with their families. the good in people as we hear the sto- justice, with mercy and humility in In recent days the Nation has learned ries of the heroes of that day, people our hearts. When Micah said these much about GABBY and her commit- who gave their lives, people who saved words, they were guidance. Today they ment to kindness and service. We’ve other lives. are a plea. And I know that we can learned also of other extraordinary We as Members of Congress cannot heed these words. Americans present on that day. We allow this senseless act of violence that Madam Speaker, I ask that we keep learned of Christina Taylor Green, a occurred against Congresswoman GIF- all the victims and the families of this child full of grace born on 9/11, taken FORDS to deter us from our jobs or

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FORDS read on the floor on Thursday. to them about her constituents in Tuc- Like other Members, I have found the Amendment I: ‘‘Congress shall make son and an issue that mattered to her. current state of affairs is also some- no law respecting an establishment of That is what impresses me about Rep- what new to me. religion, or prohibiting the free exer- resentative GIFFORDS. It is a model One of my colleagues, as we were cise thereof; or abridging the freedom that I think we can all remember and going to the memorial service, ob- of speech, or of the press; or the right continue to follow as we do our best for served to me that he had as a judge of the people peaceably to assemble, our constituents. sent large numbers of people off to jail, and to petition the Government for a Madam Speaker, I close by saying I but he had never been as concerned redress of grievances.’’ wish all the best to the families, the about his own personal safety and that Madam Speaker, I don’t know if Ms. victims, and our thoughts and prayers of his family as he is today. Our Found- GIFFORDS spoke on the floor after that. are with them. ing Fathers wanted our system of gov- Those may have been the last words Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- ernment to be a vigorous one, full of she uttered on the floor of the House. I fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- enthusiastic and vibrant debate. But I join my colleagues in praying that we utes to the gentleman from South don’t believe that they wanted to see will see her again on this floor exer- Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN). the kind of debate and discussion that Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. cising her precious freedoms. we are seeing both in this place and in Madam Speaker, let me preface my re- God bless her and all of the victims other places of public assembly. marks by saying I barely know GABBY. of this tragedy. I want to read a few of the state- As a freshman Member of the House, I Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam ments that I have seen that I find to be was sworn in last week with a lot of Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- pretty awful. Here is one: colleagues I hope to get to know over tleman from Utah (Mr. MATHESON). ‘‘People are really looking toward the coming days. But I rise today in Mr. MATHESON. Madam Speaker, on those Second Amendment remedies and concert with my friends and colleagues Saturday morning in Tucson, it started saying, my goodness, what can we do to out in a very good way. It started out on both sides of the aisle to express the sadness and grief that all in our coun- turn this country around? I’ll tell you, with a number of people who wanted to the first thing we need to do is to take engage in one of the great American try feel over the loss of life in Tucson this past weekend. (blank) out.’’ That blank is for the traditions, a tradition of our govern- name of the person. ment which is that we have a discus- The citizens of South Carolina mourn with our Nation, and we lift up in pray- The next one: ‘‘I want people in sion of ideas. That is what America is (blank) armed and dangerous on this about, a competition of ideas. And so er the family and friends of the victims in Arizona. Much of the coverage and issue of the energy tax because we need we had Congresswoman GIFFORDS and attention has been centered around our to fight back.’’ we had her staff and we had members wounded colleague, GABBY. My family ‘‘I want to kill (blank) with a shov- of the community gather. That is a and I join in praying for her healing, el.’’ positive start to that day. Of course and for the others who have been ‘‘Every night I get down on my knees that positive start was destroyed by wounded. and pray (blank) will burst into the tragic acts which have been re- I also want to celebrate the lives of flames.’’ counted by so many on the floor. the six who were lost: 9-year-old Chris- ‘‘Our Nation was founded on violence. We all step back in shock and horror tina Taylor Green, an inspiration to us The option is on the table. I don’t and sadness at what took place in Tuc- all; Judge John Roll; congressional think that we should ever remove any- son. It is an attack on the individuals staffer Gabriel Zimmerman; Pastor thing from the table as it relates to our that clearly affects all of their lives. It Dorwan Stoddard; Dorothy Morris; and liberties and our freedoms.’’ is also an attack on what this country Phyllis Schneck. ‘‘Don’t retreat, reload!’’ is about. It is important that as we While we mourn their loss, we also The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hope and pray for the recovery of the remember what they meant to their time of the gentleman has expired. victims, and we hope and pray for un- families, their friends, and to their Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the derstanding for the families of the vic- communities. I join with all of my fel- gentleman an additional 30 seconds. tims, and we mourn the loss of those low Americans in honoring their lives Mr. DINGELL. I thank the gen- who perished that day, it is important and in praying that God’s comfort may tleman. that we also recognize that they were rest upon their families. May God bless I would observe, we saw the district great Americans who were there to ex- them and may He continue to bless of GABRIELLE GIFFORDS had crosshairs ercise their right of assembly, and the America. put on it. As a lifetime rifleman and great American tradition which rep- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam shooter, I know what crosshairs signify resents what this government is all Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the dean when you put them on somebody, and I about, which is we can sit down and of the Congress, the distinguished gen- know what happened. have discussions. We can disagree with tleman from Michigan (Mr. DINGELL). One other quotation: ‘‘If ballots don’t each other. It is okay to disagree with Mr. DINGELL. I thank my dear work, bullets will.’’ each other. That is the strength of this friend for yielding me this time. So here we have a denigration of the country. That is the idea behind Amer- Madam Speaker, I rise, as do all of great debate and the system of govern- ica, that we have the opportunity to my colleagues, with sincere condo- ment of ours where threats are made. look for the best ideas from wherever lences to the families who lost loved Members of this body have a duty to they come. ones in the horrific events of last Sat- speak out, as do members of the media When it comes to public service, it urday. The victims amongst them were who have been saying these kinds of would be good for all of us to recognize a young student, a number of congres- things and leading us into a time when the ideals of our colleague, GABBY GIF- sional staff members, one of our dear we create a threat not just to the lives FORDS. She was a good friend, a good friends and colleagues who has served and well-being of our Members but also colleague, someone who had the right with distinction and remarkable abil- to the lives and well-being of this coun- ideas and motivations when she first ity and grace, and an outstanding Fed- try and its debates. got to Congress, and continues to rep- eral judge. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- resent those motivations. She is some- During my career in Congress, I have fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield myself one who is smart, articulate, looking witnessed horrific events: the assas- such time as I may consume.

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Madam Speaker, last week GABBY Madam Speaker, it is with a heavy tives that would weaken our democ- GIFFORDS did speak the words of the heart I stand today to support this res- racy and diminish our way of life. An First Amendment here on the floor. olution and to encourage Congress- attack on one citizen, while engaging They talk about the right of citizens of woman GABBY GIFFORDS, her family in our representative democracy, is an the United States to come and plead and all victims of the Arizona shoot- attack on all citizens and the very their case to their Members of Con- ing. I am in prayer for their well-being, foundation of our democracy. gress and to seek the redress of their their healing and their peace. Let us resolve, in honor of all the vic- grievances. I think our Founding Fa- GABBY and I served together on the tims in Tucson, that every Representa- thers anticipated that we would be in- Science and Technology Committee, tive and every citizen continue to meet volved in robust and vigorous debate, and we lived in the same DC apartment on corners across America to work but they also hoped that we would uti- building. I learned of her passion for through our differences, to find com- lize some sense of civility as we did so. people and for her commitment to mon ground and to make progress I would like to read an e-mail that I service. In her honor, I call for a return working together. received in my office from a con- to compassion and an abandonment of To GABBY and every person impacted stituent that I think would bring a hate-laden rhetoric. by this tragedy, we resolve today to al- smile to the lips of GABBY GIFFORDS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, ways be in your corner. and it responds in some way to what ‘‘Returning violence for violence mul- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- the gentleman from Michigan has just tiplies violence, adding deeper dark- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- said. ness to a night already devoid of stars. utes to the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. These are those words: Darkness cannot drive out hate; only LATTA). Mr. LATTA. I thank the gentleman ‘‘Dear Representative LUNGREN: I love can do that.’’ write to share with you my feelings If I could speak directly to the Amer- for yielding. Madam Speaker, I rise on this sad upon hearing the news of the terrible ican people, I would ask them to com- day to join my colleagues in recog- shooting in Tucson, Arizona. I find I bat this great darkness with love, not nizing the lives of those affected by the am overwhelmed by emotions. In the with fear. I would ask them to combat horrible tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, past, and I suspect in the future, I have this great darkness with a tide of hope this past weekend. disagreed with you on many of the po- and faith and perseverance and to un- litical things that you have said and As we reflect on this tragic event, derstand our unity. the one thing that must be remem- done. I have voted against you. I have Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- bered is that our colleague from Ari- even felt and expressed frustration and fornia. I reserve the balance of my zona, Congresswoman GIFFORDS, was anger about you. I wish now to state time. simply doing her job, a job that she that if unlikely circumstances arose Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam loves to do. Meeting with her constitu- and I were in a position to protect you Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- ents and providing them with assist- from physical attack, I would do what- tleman from Missouri (Mr. CARNAHAN). ance is the basic duty of any Member ever I possibly could to preserve your Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, I of Congress. The best and only way for safety and your person at whatever rise today to recognize and lift up in Members of Congress to carry out their risk to myself. our prayers my friend and colleague oaths is to be with, listen to, and see b 1520 from Arizona, Congresswoman GABBY what our constituents are experi- GIFFORDS; the dedicated public serv- ‘‘Our democracy and freedom cannot encing. The nameplates on the front of ants on her staff and the citizens en- survive if elected officials feel threat- our offices read ‘‘Representative.’’ Con- gaged in the most fundamental prac- ened and find themselves having to gresswoman GIFFORDS was doing just tice of our American democracy— consider their physical safety as they as we do day in and day out—rep- meeting with their Representatives at make the decisions and fill the respon- resenting our citizens at home and here a Congress on Your Corner public sibilities of office. Please continue to in Washington. event. In the aftermath of this horrific do your job as a Member of Congress as The loss of life and injury suffered by attack, we have learned a lot about the best you can. I will continue to dis- the victims will always be remembered lives and actions of the victims and he- agree with you when and as needed. I by this body. Whether it was Federal roes of last Saturday. They reflect the am just one man, but all of us citizens Judge John Roll; Gabe Zimmerman, very best of America. can only do what we can do. Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ staff mem- GABBY not only spoke out regarding ‘‘I, for one, will never threaten, en- ber; or 9-year-old Christina Taylor the importance of government by the courage or resort to any violence what- Green, all of those who lost their lives people, but she lived it every day. Last soever while debating, disputing, and or who were injured will hold a special week, I sat here on this floor of the arguing politics. For whatever tiny place in our hearts, thoughts, and pray- House, in line with GABBY and our col- weight I count for in the great sea of ers. leagues, as we read the U.S. Constitu- Americans, I want you to feel safe from We cannot let this random act of hei- tion. The section that she read from any harm. nous violence deter us from our duty to ‘‘Make your decisions, and vote your this very podium was the First Amend- serve our constituents, and I know we votes in Congress—please try and not ment, which protects the right of the will move forward together as a strong- be such an idiot Republican about it— people to peaceably assemble and to er united House. and know that you are safe in the petition the government for a redress Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Third District for all of your life if I of grievances. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- shall have any say in the matter. I remember thinking to myself what tlewoman from Pennsylvania (Ms. ‘‘Thanks for all the work that you an ideal section for GABBY to read be- SCHWARTZ). do. Most sincerely . . . ’’ cause of her great example as an en- Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, That’s a message that I know GABBY gaged public servant and as truly being last Saturday in Tucson and across the would want us to embrace and one that a Representative who stays close to the country, so many Americans, including would not only give her resolve but people. myself, were horrified and deeply sad- would, hopefully, attract her sense of This resolution before us today is dened by the mass shooting at a con- humor as well. necessary and appropriate but, by gressional outreach event hosted by I reserve the balance of my time. itself, will not be long remembered. U.S. Representative GABRIELLE GIF- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam What will be remembered is our re- FORDS. The senselessness, the violence Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- solve, our unified national resolve, to and the magnitude of death and injury tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. FUDGE). stand against extreme and divisive were stunning and alarming. Ms. FUDGE. I thank the gentleman rhetoric and against building barriers It is a personal tragedy. It is a na- for yielding. between citizens and their Representa- tional tragedy. It is heartbreaking and

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So as we think about ities and is a value we all hold as who were wounded. I pray for law en- the tragedy of so many outstanding Americans. So even as we mourn, as forcement investigating this cowardly Americans who have lost their lives, I Americans, we cannot allow this to di- attack. I pray for the medical workers, implore each and every one of us to minish or deter our civic interactions. that their work heals those who have continue in the spirit of unity, support, I ask for my colleagues to join to- been injured. I pray for this House, its and love that often overflows during gether in honoring those who were leaders, fellow Members and their tragic events. May we continue in such killed. My thoughts and my deepest staffs. And I pray for our country, ask- spirits to prevent further acts, for we sympathies are with them and with ing God for His blessings during this all know that only love drives out ha- their loved ones. time of grief. tred and only good drives out evil. And, to GABBY, GABBY is our col- This attack hits each of us in a per- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- league and she is our friend. I share in sonal way, but we must resolve to fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- acknowledging and honoring her com- move forward, representing the men utes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. mitment to public service and her prin- and women who sent us here to do our BRADY). cipled leadership on behalf of her con- Nation’s work. Mr. BRADY of Texas. Madam Speak- stituents. She has a deep passion for Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam er, we gather here today to honor the who we are as Americans and for work- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- victims and the heroes of the tragic ing to find that common ground to tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE). shooting that took place in Arizona meet our Nation’s challenges. Her Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I rise this past weekend. inner strength, determination, and her to express my sincere condolences to GABBY GIFFORDS is one of the best good spirit are all serving her well as the families of the victims of this this institution has to offer. I have had she struggles to recover from her senseless tragedy and to the family of the honor of working with her on wounds. Reports from her doctors have our colleague, Congresswoman GABBY NASA issues in support of human been remarkably positive. GIFFORDS. I hope and pray for her spaceflight. So my heartfelt thoughts and prayers quick recovery. And to the people of GABBY embodies the type of public are with GABBY and with all those in- the Eighth Congressional District of servant many of us strive to be: smart, jured, and I wish them swift and full Arizona, we know what you’re going kind, and dedicated, fulfilling her duty recoveries. I extend those thoughts and through: the life of a 9-year-old who representing her constituents. That’s prayers to her husband, Mark; to all wanted to be a student council rep- why she was holding a public meeting the families and friends of the victims; resentative and was elected to that, on the first weekend of the new ses- to GABBY’s staff; and to all those af- Christina Taylor Green; Federal Judge sion. fected by this senseless shooting. John Roll, father and grandfather; I pray for her strong recovery and for I love this country deeply and the Phyllis Schneck, a former Jerseyite her family and staff, and I look forward values we all share. It is my hope that who still loved the New York Giants to working with her once more in this our Nation will come together to honor who, as you may know, play in New body. those who perished and to affirm our Jersey; Gabriel Zimmerman, com- I think in the darkest moments in commitment to move forward in a way mander of outreach, who did such a our history we also see the brightest that allows us to voice our differences great job for her; and two 76-year-olds, stars. Those stars are the men who and to debate the solutions to our chal- Dorothy Morris and Dorwan Stoddard, wrestled the gunman to the floor, the lenges while respecting our shared love who shielded his wife so that she would woman who kicked the magazine away, and dedication to our great Nation. live. the loved ones who protected their Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- I thank the leadership for bringing spouses and children, the intern who fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- forth this resolution, first acknowl- had enough first aid training to put utes to the gentleman from Arkansas edging the victims of the tragic shoot- pressure on GABBY’s head wound, the (Mr. GRIFFIN). ing in Tucson, Arizona, and also con- first responders who responded to that demning the act of violence which was scene, and the medical teams that got b 1530 a product of hatred that threatens the most of the victims into the operating Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. I thank democracy of this Nation in which all rooms in under 38 minutes. the gentleman for yielding me time. can participate and in which intimida- GABBY’s staff so clearly reflects her Madam Speaker, I rise today in mem- tion and threats of violence cannot si- character and leadership. Gabe Zim- ory of the victims and in support of my lence the voices of any American. Con- merman lost his life fulfilling his duty, colleague from Arizona, her staff, the gresswoman GIFFORDS, her staff mem- and two others were wounded. We pray loved ones of the victims, and those bers, and constituents were exercising for their recovery and for Gabe’s fam- who bravely and skillfully responded to this very privilege on Saturday, Janu- ily and friends in this time of tragedy. the attack. ary 8, as well as the right afforded to The efforts of her intern, Daniel Her- My freshmen colleagues and I have all of us under the First Amendment of nandez, may very well have saved only been here for a few short days, but the Constitution. GABBY’s life, and we will always be in Representative GIFFORDS we see the It is ironic that gun violence has, grateful for his quick actions. temperament and dedication needed to throughout our history, brought down We also pray for the other victims of be good representatives of the people. leaders—Abraham Lincoln, 150 years this unspeakable act of violence: for She embodies these qualities and is an ago, who said all people should be free; Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Mor- example for everyone here in the peo- our President, John F. Kennedy in 1963, ris, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, ple’s House. during that time; his brother, Bobby and Judge John Roll. We pray for swift Let us not forget the personal side of Kennedy, 5 years later; Mohandas Gan- and fair justice for them as well. this tragedy. Those lost include two dhi, who brought India into independ- As we stand here today, Democrats dedicated public servants, a devoted ence; Tom Mboya, a Kenyan who and Republicans, we are steadfast in great-grandmother and a loving wife, a talked about a united Africa; Yitzhak our determination to keep representing heroic husband whose last action was Rabin, who, if he had lived, I think our constituents. We will not let the protecting his wife, and a 9-year-old in- there would be peace in the Middle tragic events in Tucson change the way

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 we represent the people. We will in- moment because first of all, let’s re- No. You know, the speech, the lan- stead look to Saturday’s heroes as a re- spect the investigation that’s being guage has gotten very hostile and peo- minder of the real strength that is conducted by the law enforcement offi- ple’s attitudes toward Washington have America. cers across this country, the Federal, been very hostile, and I don’t really As Americans, we know that adver- local, and State agencies. Let’s respect want to do anything that would show sity, however tragic, makes us stronger their continued efforts in weeding that I’m the Washington person. That’s and brings us closer together. That is through the information that they’re how bad the atmosphere is. what GABBY would want. We look for- gathering. Let’s be patient when we I couldn’t help but thinking about ward to the day we welcome her back think about legislation and laws that that when I heard about the shooting to this Chamber. God bless America we might be passing that could inhibit on Saturday. and all her citizens hurting in the wake that investigation or maybe even in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of this tragedy. hibit some of the freedoms that we time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam today enjoy, patience in allowing them Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- to gather the needed information gentleman an additional 30 seconds. Mr. ENGEL. You know, in this coun- tleman from Maryland (Mr. SARBANES). where we can base good decisions on try we do our political discourse with Mr. SARBANES. I thank the gen- building good laws that protect the balance, not bullets. And although the tleman for yielding. citizens of this great Nation. assassin tried to murder a U.S. Con- In the last few days, I have run into And lastly hope. Hope, which is a gresswoman, he really was trying to scores of people of my district, the thing we all hold near and dear to our stick a stake or murder American de- Third District of Maryland, who have hearts, hope that this country con- mocracy. All of us on both sides of the expressed their shock and their sadness tinues to maintain its freedom, hope in aisle are not going to let him. We are at the events that occurred in Tucson the American people, hope that we can going to continue to do what we’ve last weekend. On their behalf and for all stand together after this tragedy. If done before—going out in the street, myself, I want to express our deep con- there is a silver lining in this tragedy, meeting people, taking care, and help- dolences to the families of all those it is the hope and the strength and the ing our constituents. We are going to trust that the people of this country who were victimized by this tragedy. continue to attend town hall meetings A word about GABBY GIFFORDS, our can build together to keep this country and do the kinds of things that GABBY colleague. She and I came in together free. would want us to do. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam in the same class. We began in January I look forward to GABBY returning of 2007. She is everything that a Rep- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- here. I look forward to working with tleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL). resentative in this body should be. She her again. GABBY GIFFORDS is the best is thoughtful. She is hardworking. She Mr. ENGEL. I want to first say I’m so America has to offer, and we honor her is compassionate and, to a fault, she is proud of all of my colleagues on both and all of the other victims of the attentive to the concerns of her con- sides of the aisle who have spoken shooting today. stituents. That is why she was there at today. GABBY has brought us all to- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- that supermarket last Saturday. gether as never before. fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- We pray for her speedy recovery. We I’m a good friend of GABBY GIFFORDS. utes to the gentleman from Louisiana pray for the recovery of all those who She’s a good friend of mine. I first met (Mr. SCALISE). survived this terrible event. We mourn her before she ran for Congress when a Mr. SCALISE. Madam Speaker, it is the loss of those who perished, and we mutual friend said to me, You ought to with a heavy heart today that I join send our thoughts and prayers to their meet this lady. She wants to run for my colleagues in paying respects to the families. Congress and wants some advice. victims of the senseless tragedy that Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Would you give it to her? I called took place last weekend in Arizona. I fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- GABBY. She called me back. We spoke. extend my prayers to the families of utes to the gentleman from Wash- And she decided to run, and we’ve been those who lost their lives, to the ington, the former distinguished sheriff good friends ever since. wounded, and the recovering, and to of King County, Mr. REICHERT. My colleagues have all said it today: our dear colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS. Mr. REICHERT. I thank the gen- GABBY is as kind and as sweet and as GABBY is an energetic Member of tleman. nice a person as you could ever meet. Congress who works and enjoys and Madam Speaker, there are a few She’s considerate, she’s thoughtful, treats all of those she meets with de- words that have touched me over the she’s caring, smart, hardworking. It’s cency and kindness. I was here with last few days that I would like to hard to believe that anyone would her just last week while we read the share. First, thankfulness, thoughtful- want to harm her. She was doing what United States Constitution on the floor ness, prayerfulness, patience, wisdom, she always did—going out in service of of this House. GABBY so eloquently and hope. her constituents, helping her constitu- read from that bedrock of our democ- ents, going out to a shopping center. racy the First Amendment. In a direct b 1540 You know, I have another connection reflection of her passion for interacting First we should remember those who with GABBY. My son Jonathan attended with those she represents, GABBY read have lost loved ones, keep them in your the University of Arizona, just grad- of the established right of the people to thoughts and prayers. They’ll not need uated this year. And she and I spoke peaceably assemble. them just today, but they’ll need them many times about Tucson. I have been All of those gathered in Tucson on in the weeks, the months, and the to Tucson many, many times in these Saturday were engaging in what should years to come. A pain that will never past 5 years. I’ve even shopped in the have been a peaceful activity that is leave their hearts. Safeway, tragically, where the gunman absolutely fundamental to our form of Second, thankfulness. We sure thank shot all of the people, including GABBY. government—spending time with the God for GABBY’s remarkable recovery You know, GABBY said something to gentlelady who so proudly advocates and pray that her recovery continues me this past August as we recessed. I on their behalf here in the United in a speedy way and in a way that served as the chair of the Western States House of Representatives causes her to recover to the point Hemisphere Subcommittee of the Among the fallen were Phyllis where she can return to this House and House Foreign Affairs Committee and Schneck, a great-grandmother; Doro- work with us again. GABBY served on my subcommittee, thy Morris, a devoted wife; Gabe Zim- And I think of patience and wisdom— and we talked about having a field merman, a public servant; John Roll, and I’m addressing the Speaker but hearing in Tucson. And when I said to an honorable judge; Christina Taylor asking the Members of this body to her, Let’s try to do it in September or Green, a 9-year-old girl who just want- think about patience and wisdom in a October of this year, she said to me, ed to learn more about government;

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The inexplicable vi- ers from across the political spectrum tional 30 seconds. olence of last Saturday is a stark, trag- are discussing the vital need to turn Mr. GRIMM. As we move forward, let ic reminder that we must never waver down the rhetorical volume and dial us remember that, while we should re- in our steadfast support of the First back extremism for the sake of our Na- main aware of the danger around us, Amendment and the precious freedoms tion. we cannot live in fear or isolate our- it affords us every day. selves in a bubble. Today, I mourn with b 1550 As our colleague, GABBY, and all of my colleagues and the Nation, and I those directly affected by this tragedy We all are praying for GABBY’s recov- will continue to pray for those lost and continue to heal from Saturday’s in- ery and for the families of those who to pray for Congresswoman GIFFORDS comprehensible events, let us remem- were killed and wounded Saturday. Let and the others injured in the attack ber the victims and their loved ones in each of us resolve to do all we can to and that they will have a full and our thoughts and in our prayers and in protect our democracy from those who speedy recovery. our actions. As those of us here have would deny and subvert it. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam known, and as people all throughout Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the dis- the Nation are witnessing, GABBY GIF- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- tinguished gentleman from Michigan FORDS is a fighter. Let’s keep in our utes to the gentleman from New York (Mr. PETERS). prayers the hope that she once again (Mr. GRIMM). Mr. PETERS. Madam Speaker, it is joins us back here on the floor of this, Mr. GRIMM. I thank the gentleman with a heavy heart that I take to the the people’s House. from California for yielding. floor of the House today to pay tribute Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Madam Speaker, I thank you for the to the fallen, but also to honor the he- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- opportunity to come to the House floor roes, to express grief in the wake of tleman from Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH). to honor the victims of the tragic tragedy, but also to express my heart- Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Speaker, shooting in Arizona. The six individ- felt gratitude to those who showed in- Congresswoman GABBY GIFFORDS is one uals killed and the 14 wounded, includ- credible bravery in the face of evil. of the kindest, most thoughtful and ing Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- Madam Speaker, I come to the floor hardest working elected officials any- FORDS, were victims of a heinous and of the House today to honor my col- where. It is a shame that it took a des- despicable act of violence. On behalf of league and friend GABBY GIFFORDS, be- picable act to shine this bright spot- the constituents of the 13th District of cause I want every American to know light on GABBY. She is what virtually New York, I want to extend my deepest that she exemplifies what every Amer- every American would say they want sympathies to the victims, their fami- ican wants to see in their Member of in a Member of Congress—smart, open, lies and friends, and to the staff of Con- Congress. The GABBY I know is smart friendly, intellectually honest, and gresswoman GIFFORDS. We will con- and hard working. The GABBY that very brave. She cares passionately tinue to keep them in our thoughts and southern Arizona knows is personable about all of her constituents and, as prayers. and accessible. The GABBY we all know she was demonstrating on Saturday, As we come together as a Congress is dedicated and humble. what they think. and a country to mourn and reflect, I GABBY takes her job representing Ar- Speaker BOEHNER was absolutely cor- urge my colleagues not to lose sight of izona seriously. She works hard to ef- rect when he said an attack on one what we have been called here to do fect change on the issues that matter Member of Congress is an attack on all, and what we are here to accomplish. most to her southern Arizona constitu- but Saturday’s attack was more than Congresswoman GIFFORDS was doing ents. We both served on the Committee an assault on a Congresswoman. It was the exact thing I hope we will all con- on Science and Technology in the last an attack on American democracy. tinue to do—going out into her commu- Congress, and I was privileged to be GABBY was doing what her job title im- nity and taking the time to meet with, able to collaborate with GABBY on her plied—listening to her constituents at to talk to, and most of all, to listen to signature issue—solar energy develop- an event set up like hundreds before, her constituents. This is what keeps us ment. She worked tirelessly to create conducting the business essential to ef- connected to the heartbeat of our dis- not only clean energy for America, but fective representation. Dozens of citi- trict. This is what allows us to effec- also new jobs for Americans. zens were actively participating in our tively serve our constituents and our We are both residents of border democracy, asking questions and ex- country. This is what democracy is all States, albeit different borders, and I pressing themselves. The attack on about. This is what we have been elect- was proud to cosponsor her legislation GIFFORDS was an attack on them as ed to do. to help give businesses the tools nec- well. Additionally, I implore my col- essary to enforce immigration stand- Earth-shaking tragedies sometimes leagues to resist the innate temptation ards. I admired her strong commitment create the opportunity for our society to enact reactionary legislation or call to our national defense and her tireless to have a reasoned discussion on criti- for extreme measures that could ad- dedication to the men and women who cally important issues that we often versely impact the institution of the serve our country in uniform. But even cannot have under normal cir- House of Representatives. Giving due more than her legislative prowess, it is cumstances. In the wake of catas- respect to the Capitol Police and the her smile and friendly nature that trophe, our hope is that such a discus- FBI, we should allow them to do their makes her a beloved figure here in the sion can strengthen our democracy and jobs, to thoroughly investigate, and af- Halls of Congress as well as in her help our Nation emerge stronger. ford them the time to offer us rec- home district. And we all pray for her Responsibility for this weekend’s ommendations for our safety and that speedy recovery. shooting in Tucson rests solely on the of our staff and constituents. We also mourn the loss of those who shoulders of the madman who pulled I hope that moving forward we will were senselessly murdered while par- the trigger. However, it is our responsi- not let this incident create distance be- ticipating in the most fundamental bility, as citizens in the world’s strong- tween ourselves and those we have democratic tradition—talking with the est democracy, to seriously consider been sent here to represent. We cannot people who represent us; victims like 9- the impact that the accessibility of let this senseless, this completely year-old Christina Taylor Green, who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 was just elected to her student council. families in my prayers. I also offer my make our children proud of us, do it in Christina attended Representative GIF- deepest condolences to the families of a way that is respectful and tolerant. FORDS’ Congress on Your Corner event Christina Taylor Green, U.S. District That is exactly what GABBY GIFFORDS because she cared about her commu- Judge John M. Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, did while she was here, and it is ex- nity, and a neighbor thought she would Phyllis Schneck, Dorothy Morris, and actly what she will do when she re- enjoy it. Dorwan Stoddard. turns. But while this tragedy has extin- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- guished lives of promise, it has also re- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the dis- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- vealed some incredible heroes. Today tinguished gentleman from New York utes to the gentleman from California we stand shoulder to shoulder and pray (Mr. ISRAEL). (Mr. ROHRABACHER). for the speedy recovery of our friend Mr. ISRAEL. I thank the gentleman Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speak- and the other wounded victims. from Arizona for yielding. er, I rise in support of the resolution. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Madam Speaker, the violence in Tuc- The tragedy we discuss today is of time of the gentleman has expired. son and the shooting of my very good enormous consequence to the families Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the friend GABBY GIFFORDS is not a time of those who were killed and wounded gentleman an additional 30 seconds. for partisanship and it is not a time for and, of course, our hearts go out to Mr. PETERS. And I just say to all, politics. It is a time for reflection, and them, especially to the member of our God bless the victims and their fami- I have three brief reflections to share own family, congressional family, to lies; God bless all those who are griev- with my colleagues. the Giffords, but all those who were ing, and God bless America. I knew GABBY pretty well. We killed or wounded in this senseless vio- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- weren’t best friends, but we were good lence that took place in Arizona. This, fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- friends. I was with her and her hus- of course, is not just of great con- utes to the distinguished gentleman band, Mark, on the day that Mark pro- sequence to them but of great con- from Texas, Dr. BURGESS. posed to her. We were in New York, and sequence to all of us. Mr. BURGESS. I thank the gen- GABBY and I had several events to do. There are things that we must learn, tleman from California for yielding. And Mark kept asking if GABBY could and there are events like this that hap- Madam Speaker, I stand today in leave early, and I kept saying no. And pen that will help us shape what we support of the resolution; I stand today finally, Mark said, There is no choice. will do in the future. One thing we in support of the victims of the dev- She’s leaving early. must not let this do is to reduce the ac- astating events of last Saturday, and I I later learned that the reason that tual contact between the American people and their elected representa- stand today in honor of one of our own, she had to leave these events early was because Mark took her to the Mer- tives. Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. chant Marine Academy in Kings Point We will not let the acts of a de- Congresswoman GIFFORDS was the mented individual reduce the right of youngest woman elected to the Arizona and proposed to her. Most of my con- the American people to have direct State Senate and now, at the Federal stituents now know GABBY GIFFORDS. Few know that this important day in contact with their Member of the level, continues to serve the constitu- House of Representatives, and we will ents of her hometown with enthusiasm her life occurred on Long Island. Second reflection, I believe that not let this senseless act of violence di- and distinction. It was in this spirit of GABBY would have been uncomfortable minish or in some way stampede us statesmanship that she participated in with the attention that she is getting into in some way diminishing the free- her Congress on Your Corner event at today and over the past several days. I dom and reducing the freedom of the the grocery store in Tucson, Arizona. believe she would want Americans American people themselves. This event characterizes the Congress- more focused on the 9-year-old girl who Finally, let me just say there is a woman’s approach to her constituents. was killed, on the Federal judge who positive lesson to be learned from this She recognizes the importance of re- was killed, on the congressional staffer tragic event, and that is we must make maining open to the people—retail rep- who lost his life, on the others who sure that we treat each other better resentation—absolutely necessary in were killed and wounded. here in Congress, and those of us who order to fully grasp the extent of the And my final reflection is this: I be- are active in the political arena need needs and views of those she served. lieve that we should reject the notion to understand we need to be kinder to Congresswoman GIFFORDS epitomizes that GABBY’s colleagues in Congress each other. Even as we disagree with the term ‘‘public servant,’’ under- need to hide from our constituents, each other fervently on policy, there is standing that she works for the people that we should reduce our exposure. no reason for us to have insinuations first, last, and always. This is not the time for us to hide from about negative values of the person on Congresswoman GIFFORDS was doing our constituents. This is the time for the other side of the argument. the work of the American people when us to reassert our connection with our We need to make sure that we exem- her life was threatened. And after she constituents. And this isn’t the time plify for the American people that peo- recovers, I have no doubt that she will for us to hide our opinions. ple can disagree on fundamental issues, return with that same energy and de- This is a time for us to reassert our even have basic differences in value termination. opinions, but to do it without vilifying systems and what their goal is for our I look forward to working with her one another. There is a way to have government, but still respect the other again. I had the opportunity to partner opinions without necessarily demean- person’s opinion and treat the other with her on the Congressional Motor- ing one another. We have the right to person with kindness and dignity. cycle Caucus in support of motorcycle our opinions, but not to be called any That’s one lesson that we need to learn safety awareness, and I saw that en- more or less of an American with a dif- and to make sure the American people ergy and enthusiasm firsthand. ferent opinion. see us as an example of that. One of our primary freedoms that our Opinions and the expression of those Ronald Reagan used to say, be really forefathers upheld was the right to life. opinions are the essence of democracy. tough when it comes to policy but, After years of fighting on behalf of oth- They are American. And it is fitting DANA, be really nice to people. Well, ers, Congresswoman GIFFORDS must that GABBY GIFFORDS on this floor, at that’s how Ronald Reagan ended the now fight for her own life. And let us that podium last week, read the First Cold War. He was really tough on com- also remember the doctors and the Amendment in the Constitution, which munism, but he was very kind to those nurses, the first responders who played talks about our right to have opinions. people who worked in the Soviet such a pivotal role in preventing an Union, which later led to that disinte- even greater loss of life last Saturday. b 1600 gration. I will keep Congresswoman GIFFORDS We should continue to express those Today we need to be kinder to each and those who were injured and their opinions but do it in a way that would other. We need to be respectful of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 293 fact that people on the other side of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without sign, a few things that she is going to issues are as intelligent as we are and objection, the gentleman from Iowa read, prepared to ask good questions as moral as we are, but that doesn’t (Mr. BRALEY) will control the time. and keep her eye on the conversation mean we shouldn’t use tough language There was no objection. and the debate the whole time we are about those issues. Let’s be kinder to Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- in there. That is just GABBY; she is al- each other and let’s send that as a fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- ways working, she is always thinking. present, a get-well message to GABBY, utes to the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. b 1610 because there is no one else that exem- TIBERI). plified that better than her. We know Mr. TIBERI. Madam Speaker, I rise You turn to her and ask her a ques- that. today to honor the victims of Satur- tion. She always has a smile or a little The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. day’s shooting in Tucson and pray with joke or is ready to make a plan for EMERSON). The time of the gentleman all of us for them and their families. some kind of an outing or a field trip has expired. This senseless tragedy has struck at or something that we could all do to- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- the very foundation of the United gether. She is a wonderful colleague, as fornia. I yield the gentleman 1 addi- States of America, attacking a rep- we can see today, well respected by tional minute. resentative to Congress, a congres- both sides of the aisle, well regarded by Mr. ROHRABACHER. Congress- sional staffer, innocent bystanders in all colleagues, whether they agree or woman GIFFORDS and I were on sepa- front of a grocery store. But there were disagree, and highly well regarded back rate sides of a major issue, an issue of heroes who showed up that day: the in- in her home community where she had great concern to me. I have been on the tern, Daniel Hernandez, who came to another hard-fought election but came through. Science Committee for 22 years, and GABRIELLE GIFFORDS’ aid; the witnesses Our thoughts and prayers are with she was for a totally different approach who immediately tried to help those her. I know GABBY is on the Armed to the American space program than I who were injured; the civilians who have been on. We had some very seri- Services Committee because she’s a bravely stopped the shooter from injur- fighter. She’s a fighter for the people ous debate on that issue. ing and inflicting more harm on others; I will tell you not only was she kind she represents, and I do believe she’s the emergency room personnel; the and articulate, but she was brilliant— fighting in her hospital room today, emergency personnel overall whose de- which of course I didn’t necessarily fighting for her life alongside her hus- cisive action saved other lives. These want her to show that brilliance in her band. are the true examples of the spirit of arguments against my arguments. But Our thoughts and prayers are with what America is all about. I remember right here on this floor, the others who died alongside where It’s important to remember that this after a major debate that we had, I GABBY was lying, who came to that was an outrageous act by a deranged walked over to her when the gavel event and were injured, innocent vic- individual. Despite all the talk about went down and people were leaving, tims—a young woman and a staff mem- tone and rhetoric, it’s important to re- and I said, you know, you did a great ber who was dedicated. member that we all on this House floor job for your position today. I really re- Many of us realize when we take this can disagree without being disagree- spect you more than some of the people job on that we take a risk, but we often on my side of the issue, because you able. forget the risk of those who serve with The fact is that as public officials, were articulate, you took your respon- us, those young people who come out Madam Speaker, being accessible to sibility seriously, you have presented and stand beside us, the risk that they your arguments. I just want you to the public is an important part of our are also taking just to be with us ev- know how much I admire that in you. jobs, and we cannot let this tragedy erywhere we go. Keep it up and I know you will be stop us from doing our important I also want to mention someone else Speaker someday—and I shouldn’t say work. We are Members of the people’s who I was asked to mention who wasn’t that to my colleagues over here. I don’t House, and the minute we start sepa- appearing in the resolution that we say that often to my colleagues on the rating ourselves from the people is the talked about earlier today, but Dr. Ste- other side of the aisle. minute that we weaken our Republic. ven Rayle, a former emergency room But that’s the type of spirit that she The events in Tucson remind us how physician was just a few feet away had, and I would hope that we send fragile our lives are. We pray again for from GABBY when the shooting began. that message to GABBY and to the rest the victims and their families, and we In the terrifying moments after the of the American people today. remember what really matters and shooting, Rayle was able to use his Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam that civility should rule the day. trained first responder skills to triage Speaker, I yield myself such time as I Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- what I can only imagine was a terri- may consume. er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- fying scene. And we owe him a great On behalf of Congresswoman GABBY woman from Maine (Ms. PINGREE). deal of gratitude. GIFFORDS, the families of the victims, Ms. PINGREE of Maine. I thank my The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the people recovering in Tucson and colleague from Iowa for yielding the time of the gentlewoman has expired. my fellow Arizonans, I want to express time. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- a sense of gratitude to all the Members Madam Speaker, it’s hard, after a tlewoman 30 additional seconds. here who have spoken and will speak, long day like this when all of us are Ms. PINGREE of Maine. I just again for your prayers, for your condolences feeling so sad and discouraged about want to thank Dr. Rayle for his her- and your affection you have given all the challenges that have been faced by oism and for his being there with of us. GABBY and her family and others, to GABBY in the first possible moments. We thank you very much from the actually think of anything that hasn’t We owe him our gratitude, and every- bottom of our hearts. We hope that been said. But I want to reiterate what one else who worked so hard to make some of the expressions you have given so many of my colleagues have said, so sure that people were safe as quickly as of showing respect, more respect to many of us who consider ourselves possible at that scene. each other, more love for each other friends of GABBY, who are so proud of And I echo the remarks of my earlier and disagreeing, debating, but not the work that she has done, who know colleague, DANA ROHRABACHER. I hope being disagreeable, will help us do the what a hard fighter GABBY is and hope this all reminds us to think about how business of this House. that she continues to pull through we speak, to think about how we speak Madam Speaker, I yield the balance every day. with each other, how we conduct our of my time to the distinguished gen- I sit near GABBY on the Armed Serv- business, and how we move forward. tleman from Iowa (Mr. BRALEY), and I ices Committee, and I have never seen This is a solemn week. We will have ask unanimous consent that he be al- GABBY walk into a hearing room with- many solemn weeks ahead of us, and lowed to control that time. out a pile of letters that she plans to we have a lot of work to do.

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I thank the gen- Americans in mourning for those who GABRIELLE GIFFORDS was reaching tleman for yielding. lost their lives in this weekend’s hei- out and listening to her employers, the Madam Speaker, I rise today to offer nous event and in praying for those, in- American people, and they had come to a prayer for our Nation. President cluding our dear friend and colleague, offer her their guidance, advice, and Abraham Lincoln, during the height of Congresswoman GIFFORDS, who are counsel. In this respect, the attack on the Civil War and during a very low fighting to recover. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and her constitu- point in American civility, once told a I have had the honor to serve with ents struck at the very heart of our hushed crowd: ‘‘My dream is of a place GABBY, like many in this body, on the process of representative democracy, and a time where America will once Armed Services Committee since we that very point where the American again be seen as the last best hope of were both elected in 2006, and I’ve al- people communicate their views to Earth.’’ ways been struck by her intelligence their elected representatives. That is My friend, all of our friend, Arizona and by her commitment to her con- the linchpin in the entire process of Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, stituents. self-government. has believed in that dream for her en- When she and her constituents were This was not only an attack on those tire life. Today, she represents a bea- attacked on Saturday, she was car- who serve; it was an attack on every con of hope, perhaps ‘‘our’’ last best rying out the most central of our re- citizen who steps forward to offer hon- hope, to restore some measure of civil- sponsibilities as elected representa- est advice and counsel and, yes, even ity to the important public debates of tives, as was already mentioned, and criticism to those they have selected to our day. that is making ourselves available to serve them and to serve the Nation. This is not a time to be finger point- our constituents. That this horrific at- It is the nature and strength of ing. Rather, this is a time, in memory tack occurred in the middle of a gath- participatory democracy to have sin- of all those who died or who were in- ering that is the basis of our represent- cere and passionate differences of opin- jured during this dark day in our his- ative democracy is a reminder to us all ion. But in moments like this, we see tory, to start talking again like friends that we must all remain constantly the very best of the American people and neighbors. committed to upholding the principles come forward. We put aside our dif- Right now, we should be praying for upon which our great Nation was ferences and disagreements, and we GABBY and all of the other victims of founded. stand together as one Nation, the this horrible ordeal. We should be As we come together to offer our American Nation; one race, the Amer- searching our soul as a Nation, asking prayers to all those involved, I hope ican race; one people, the American one important question, a question that we will carry forward the senti- people. Men and women of goodwill Abraham Lincoln confronted every sin- ment that so many have expressed in cease to be Republicans or Democrats. gle day of his Presidency: How have we the last few days, including on the We suspend our political agendas; we allowed hateful rhetoric to paralyze floor of this House of Representatives, silence the partisan recriminations, our national debates? that our country’s commitment to pas- and we stand together as Americans. Yes, we all have different points of sionate debate is the heart of our de- By doing so, we pay supreme honor to view, but we should discuss them, and mocracy, but that debate must also be our fellow citizens who were felled in we should debate them without resort- rooted in civil discourse and mutual re- the exercise of their rights and respon- ing to name-calling or questioning spect. We can, and we should, debate sibilities as a free people. We salute the each other’s motives. GABBY has al- with vigor the pressing challenges fac- heroes who, without a moment’s hesi- ways stood for civility. She is the most ing our Nation, but we must do so in a tation, rose to resist and stop this cra- delightful and the kindest Member of way that moves our country forward ven and depraved attack, and we assure Congress, and I think we’ve all said and that is constructive. In part, that the world, as Lincoln said, that ‘‘gov- that. Her never-ending smile and her will require us to recommit ourselves— ernment of the people, by the people, unfailing willingness to work in our recommit ourselves—to civil discourse for the people, shall not perish from Nation’s best interests have earned her and honest debate as well as to remain- the Earth.’’ the respect of people everywhere. ing accessible to our constituents and Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- I, like all of my colleagues, cannot listening to all viewpoints. er, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to wait for the day when GABBY walks We are a Nation, I believe, that re- the distinguished gentleman from back onto this floor and she joins us. jects violence. And on a day when we Texas, another colleague from the She is a strong woman with a very un- saw really the very worst of humanity, Armed Services Committee, Mr. REYES. breakable spirit and a passion for life, we also saw the very best: individuals 1620 her family, her friends, and our great who were willing to lay down their b Nation. lives to save others. Let those folks Mr. REYES. I thank my colleague for Let us all pray to give GABBY the serve as our inspiration, and let us con- yielding. strength to carry her through the dif- tinue to keep all those affected in our Madam Speaker, today I rise on be- ficult days ahead. I believe with all of thoughts and prayers and continue to half of the people of the 16th Congres- my heart that GABBY was put on Earth move forward in America in a con- sional District of Texas to express our by God to make a difference. And she structive, positive, and mutually re- community’s profound sadness in the has. I know, because she’s made a dif- spectful manner. wake of Saturday’s senseless act of vio- ference in my life. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- lence that claimed the lives of six So the next time that a debate heats fornia. Madam Speaker, I am privi- Americans and has left our esteemed up and threatens to get ugly, let’s re- leged to yield 2 minutes to the gen- colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, fighting member our responsibilities as leaders. tleman from California (Mr. MCCLIN- for her life and has affected 13 others. Let’s remember what Abraham Lincoln TOCK). Ironically enough, last week on said. Let’s take a deep breath and Mr. MCCLINTOCK. I thank the gen- Thursday we had a meeting of the Bor- ‘‘agree to disagree agreeably.’’ Let’s do tleman for yielding. der Caucus. GABBY came to that meet- that for GABBY. Madam Speaker, I haven’t gotten to ing, and we discussed the agenda for Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- know GABRIELLE GIFFORDS very well the 112th Congress. I can tell you that er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman yet, and I thank God that by His grace she is a tireless champion on border from Iowa (Mr. LOEBSACK). I haven’t lost the chance to do so. I issues. She is an incredible Member,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 295 dedicated to representing the people of While this tragedy reminds us of how Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- her district, and I have had the pleas- fragile life is, it also shows us what we fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- ure of working with her on border can truly be thankful for. utes to the gentleman from Michigan issues, on military issues, and on intel- I want to commend and thank all of (Mr. HUIZENGA). ligence issues on many occasions. the Federal, State, and local officials Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. I thank Over the last few days, my office has for all of their efforts over the last my friend from California for yielding received an outpouring of support for week. These everyday heroes are often me this time. GABBY, for her family, and for her staff, unsung despite the dangerous situa- Madam Speaker, I rise in support of as well as everyone else who was af- tions they are placed in. Americans ev- this resolution today. fected by this tragedy. erywhere are also thankful for those I, like all of my colleagues, was Madam Speaker, when I was in my who showed courage to stand up in the shocked and very sobered by these congressional district this past Sun- face of danger: events. I was especially touched as a day, I was approached by a gentleman Daniel Hernandez, Representative new Member seeing the location and who I recognized who said something GIFFORDS’ intern, the hero who assisted the situation and the circumstances. to me that I thought was very touch- Congresswoman GIFFORDS by per- This is something we all have done as ing. He said: Congressman, I often dis- forming triage immediately after the Members. As a former district director agree with you on many issues, but I shooting. for a former Member of this body, my want you to know that I’m praying for Bill Badger, a retired Army National heart especially goes out to the family your friend from Arizona and for you. I Guard colonel who tackled the gunman of Gabe Zimmerman, of Ron Barber hope she keeps up the fight and pulls despite being grazed by a bullet in the and Pamela Simons, to all the staff through. back of his head. who have ever served Members in this I expressed my appreciation on behalf People like Daniel and Bill serve as House, both here in Washington and of all of us and shook his hand. real-life examples of what it takes to out of that district. We want to say Madam Speaker, in the aftermath of be a hero. As we mourn our losses, we thank you for your service. We want to this tragedy, one of the best ways that are grateful for such courageous acts. say that our hearts and thoughts and I know of to honor the victims is to Our prayers are with Congresswoman prayers are with those families that come together as Americans, as so have been touched. And rest assured, GIFFORDS, her staff, all those we lost or many Members have said, and to speak were injured, and their families. All of your safety is on top of our mind for us with one voice against the violence and us are searching to make sense of this all. the hate that claimed the lives of both As a father, I mourn the loss of a 9- situation. As we do, we must maintain Republicans and Democrats, Americans year-old daughter. I too have a 9-year- our support for those seeking recovery all both young and old. old daughter, and I think all of us as and pray for the well-being of all those Our thoughts and our prayers today parents cannot help but look at this involved. and since Saturday have been with and be heartbroken. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- GABBY, her family, as well as all of the As an American, this is an assault on victims and their families affected by er, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to our humanity. This is not the first this terrible tragedy. It is now up to us the distinguished gentleman from Cali- time this has happened in our Nation’s to move forward in the same spirit that fornia (Mr. BECERRA). history. It is a sad day nonetheless. We they have shown as they persevere Mr. BECERRA. Madam Speaker, I are again asking God to heal our land. through this terrible time. thank the gentleman for yielding. We will rise to this challenge as a peo- With that, it rests on us to be better. To our friend and colleague, GABBY ple. I will continue to do my job as a As Mark’s brother said from space: It is GIFFORDS, to the victims and heroes in duly elected Member of this body. I a peaceful planet. It looks peaceful. Tucson, and to all of their loved ones, know my staff will do its job. I know Sadly, it is not; but we can do better. our thoughts and prayers are with you. all of my colleagues’ staff will do their We must do better. You have won our hearts with your job as well; and we as a body, most im- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- courage and example in these difficult portantly, will continue to do the peo- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- times. GABBY, knowing your ethic of ple’s work as we move forward through utes to the gentleman from Pennsyl- hard work, your tenacity and deter- this tragedy. vania (Mr. THOMPSON). mination, and knowing you as a fighter We again will rise to this challenge, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. for what you believe in, I simply say to and we pray that healing and grace and Madam Speaker, today our thoughts you: keep at it, don’t stop. Fight, fight, peace be brought to all of the victims. and prayers are with all of those who fight. And we look forward to seeing Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- were taken from us last week in this you here and welcoming you here in er, I yield 2 minutes to the distin- horrific tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. your House, the people’s House. guished gentlewoman from Con- Our Nation stands with Congress- Times like these make it unmistak- necticut (Ms. DELAURO). woman GIFFORDS in her recovery, her ably clear how important second Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, this family, her staff, and all of those who chances are. Not everyone in Tucson weekend we honor a truly historic have been impacted by this tragic will have that second chance. How American who, through unyielding event, including the family of Gabe lucky we are that we can pick up the struggle, bent the trajectory of our Na- Zimmerman, GIFFORDS’ director of baton for them and finish the job of tion closer to justice. ‘‘Violence . . . community outreach, and Federal seeking justice and making our democ- solves no social problems,’’ that man, Judge John Roll, who both died during racy a more perfect Union. Dr. Martin Luther King—himself a vic- the shooting. America, this is our second chance. tim of violence—wrote. ‘‘It only cre- We also stand with Christina Taylor This is our opportunity to shine. Let us ates new and more complicated ones.’’ Green who lost her life that day. Chris- make our work, whether here as duly The shootings in Arizona remind us of tina had hoped to go to Penn State one sworn Representatives of the people or the truth of these words. They show day and pursue a career of helping oth- as the media or as responsible citizens that the world is still a dangerous ers. Penn State is one of the top public of America, let us make our work place for those who stand up for civic universities in the country, and it is lo- count. duty. cated in my congressional district. I It is our turn to show courage and to I do not have to tell this body that share those same aspirations and have be an example as we move forward, GABBY GIFFORDS has been an exem- no doubt that Christina would have doing our part to build a better Amer- plary Member of this House. As a small achieved her dreams and been success- ica. We owe that to GABBY and the businesswoman in her earlier career, ful in the career path of her choosing. good people of Arizona. Let’s honor she has worked hard to see that the I offer my deepest condolences to her them by hitting that second chance out economic concerns of Arizona’s fami- family. of the park. lies are heard in Washington. As one of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 the growing number of women Mem- Services Committee and the Science I join our entire country in con- bers here, she has been a powerful voice and Technology Committee during the tinuing to pray for the recovery of our on immigration reform, energy inde- 110th Congress. I have always known friend and colleague, Congresswoman pendence, reducing drug trafficking her to be a thoughtful legislator and a GABBY GIFFORDS. She is a hardworking and cartel violence along the border, dedicated public servant and have al- and highly respected Member of this and the continued importance of ex- ways appreciated her cheerful disposi- Chamber, and she is a true advocate for ploring the stars. tion. Throughout her tenure in Con- her home State. gress, Representative GIFFORDS has dis- b 1630 In 2008 I had the privilege of joining tinguished herself as one of the Mem- her in Tucson for a discussion on the As a third-generation Tucsonian, she bers of this body who works well with need to improve mental health care for has brought an Arizonan’s love of the our colleagues on both sides of the our servicemembers returning from the sun to her advocacy of renewable en- aisle. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know ergy and the benefits of solar power for My prayers continue to be with her she cares passionately about this issue all Americans. and her family, and I look forward to as she does about so many other issues More importantly, however, GABBY is the day when she walks back onto this important to her constituents. an exemplary person. She is fun to be House floor. May God bless Congresswoman with. She is a dear friend of mine, a Madam Speaker, we must also not GABBY GIFFORDS, her family, her friend to my family—my stepdaughter, forget the other individuals who were friends, and all those in Arizona who Anna Greenberg, is her pollster—and I victims of Saturday’s attack. One of have been affected by this tragedy. know that, wherever you stand in this the casualties was 9-year-old Christina Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Chamber, she was a friend to you. She Taylor Green, who was born on Sep- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- never had anything but a smile for tember 11, 2001, and was recently elect- utes to the gentleman from Virginia anyone, left or right. ed to serve on her school’s student (Mr. RIGELL). For this, simply for serving her con- council. Driven by her interest in poli- Mr. RIGELL. I thank my colleague stituents to the best of her ability, she tics, she had gone to GABBY’s event last from California. was shot in the line of duty. Saturday to learn more about our Fed- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- At this very moment, she fights for eral Government. The tragedy of her port of this resolution today. life in Arizona—a life that has already death reminds us all of the fragile na- We gather here to remember the in- been cruelly denied six others in this ture of life and what it means to be a nocent people whose lives were cut tragedy, including a longtime officer of public servant. tragically short by the horror that un- the court, a staffer just like the young Additionally, we all know the critical folded in Arizona on Saturday. We also role that our staff members play in men and women we rely on every day, gather to honor and pray for our col- helping us carry out our duties and and a little 9-year-old girl. league, Representative GIFFORDS, and better serve our constituents. Like us, The troubled individual who per- the others wounded in that attack. members of our staffs are dedicated petrated this evil is now in custody, It was a real privilege for me to par- public servants. That is why it is truly and time will tell what moved him to ticipate in the reading of the Constitu- heartbreaking that a member of Ms. commit this unspeakable act. Yet, for tion with GABBY, and I anxiously look GIFFORDS’ district staff, Gabe Zimmer- those of us here in this room, we all forward to her return to the House man, lost his life in this senseless at- have to do more to drain our politics of floor. tack while two other members of her the venom where such hatred breeds. Joined by so many in Virginia’s Sec- At this moment, above all, I pray for Arizona-based staff were injured. In the midst of one of the darkest ond District, I offer my heartfelt con- GABBY’s recovery and for the others I hours of our country in recent mem- dolences to all of those affected by this do not know, and I mourn those who ory, let us also thank those whose tragedy. I commend the citizens, the were lost. courage and bravery, whether in help- first responders, and the health care Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- ing take down the gunman or in assist- professionals who bravely worked to fornia. Madam Speaker, it is my pleas- ing in providing care for the injured, protect and save lives. ure to yield 2 minutes to a member of deserve recognition. We thank them for We are blessed to live in a country our committee, the gentleman from their valor. where freedom and the opportunity to Georgia, Dr. GINGREY. Madam Speaker, during times of peacefully assemble and petition our Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. I thank my tragedy, we depend on steady leader- elected officials, even at a grocery colleague from California for yielding ship to guide us through our grief. I store, is a cherished right. We uphold time. commend the leadership of both parties that right today, and we stand united I rise in strong support of this resolu- for remembering that there is much in condemning this senseless act of vio- tion. more that unites us than divides us. lence. First and foremost, I would like to Again, I pray for the recovery of our My wife, Teri, joins me and all of this extend my prayers and wishes, as well colleague, Ms. GIFFORDS, and for all of body in praying for those who lost as those of my constituents in north- the victims of the Tucson shooting. their lives, for those who were wounded west Georgia, to my colleague Rep- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- and their families. resentative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her er, I yield 2 minutes to the distin- May God bless America and bring family and staff, and to all the other guished gentleman from Maine (Mr. peace to America. victims of the shooting. What took MICHAUD). Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- place was an unspeakable tragedy, and Mr. MICHAUD. I thank the gen- er, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to it has absolutely no place in our soci- tleman for yielding. the distinguished gentlewoman from ety. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Nevada (Ms. BERKLEY). Madam Speaker, on Saturday morn- strong support of this resolution. Ms. BERKLEY. I thank the gen- ing, Ms. GIFFORDS was hosting an event All of us on Capitol Hill were dealt tleman. fundamental to our duties as Members with the shocking news that Congress- Madam Speaker, I don’t think there of Congress—meeting with and listen- woman GABBY GIFFORDS and her staff are enough words to express my feel- ing to our constituents so that we can were shot and that her director of out- ings at this time, and I am sure the best represent them in Washington. It reach, Gabe Zimmerman, was killed. words that I have will never be ade- is painfully sad and sobering that, in This tragedy makes me think of my quate to truly share my grief with my the process of doing her job, GABBY was own staff and the great work that they colleagues and with our country. brutally attacked. do each and every day for me, rep- As with all of the Members of Con- I had the pleasure of serving with resenting the people I was elected to gress, my thoughts and prayers are GABRIELLE on both the House Armed represent. with those who lost loved ones in the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 297 aftermath of this senseless act of vio- I rise today to join my colleagues in merman, gave the ultimate sacrifice in lence. My heart is hurting for those offering my prayers and condolences to the exercise of our democracy. who were injured—some catastroph- the victims of Saturday’s senseless vio- This tragedy gives us great pause as ically, some still fighting for their lence in Tucson. To the families and we begin the work of the 112th Con- lives. loved ones of those who lost their lives gress and serves as a painful reminder I love GABBY GIFFORDS. I don’t think or were injured, know that every Mem- that our democracy is built upon the there is a better example of a true pub- ber of Congress and their staff stand ability of our citizens to participate lic servant than this remarkable with you today. fully in their democracy, and we must woman the country has gotten to know This legislative body was designed to protect that. These have been tragic over the last few days. She is kind and be a forum for the will of the American hours for our country, for those who caring and dedicated, and the very fact people, and Congresswoman GIFFORDS lost loved ones, and for those who were that she was doing her Congress on has always met her constituents in ac- injured and their families. On behalf of Your Corner just 4 days from the time cordance with that spirit. She and her the people of the First District of she was sworn in for another term staff members who accompanied her on Rhode Island and my colleague, Con- gives you some idea of how dedicated that Saturday possessed a deep under- gressman JIM LANGEVIN of the Second she was to her job. standing that a Representative of the District, we send our sincerest condo- While I watched in horror, like most people’s House must listen and remain lences from our entire State to all of the country, and was riveted to my as accessible as possible to the people. those who have lost a loved one as a re- television set this weekend, I also The citizens who lost their lives Sat- sult of this hideous attack. We also ex- couldn’t help but marvel at those who urday morning were exercising their tend our thoughts and prayers to Con- rose above personal fear, who had the patriotic duty to participate in the gresswoman GIFFORDS, her staff and presence of mind and who, in spite of democratic process: a widely respected her constituents, all of whom were vic- their own personal safety, tackled the Federal judge; a dedicated church serv- tims of this tragedy. And we pray that perpetrator of this heinous crime; at ant; a great grandmother who deeply those injured have a speedy and full re- the young intern who possibly saved believed in her country; a former sec- covery. GABBY’s life by his medical attention retary and homemaker; and a 9-year- May God grant our Nation and all the to her; and at those who attended the old girl, herself a leader, getting an victims peace and comfort. And may wounded and comforted the bystanders. early glimpse of how our democracy we renew our commitment to the These are the true heroes in our coun- works. And it is with an especially ideals that have made America great, try—the medical personnel, the hos- heavy heart that we mourn the loss of including the free exchange of ideas pital administrators and staff. Gabe Zimmerman, a dedicated member and a democracy that continues to lis- The entire citizenry of Tucson has of Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ staff and ten carefully to the people we serve. given us hope for our Nation as they a member of this congressional com- Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I have risen to this occasion and have munity who was also a tireless servant yield myself such time as I may con- demonstrated to the rest of us how to the people of Arizona’s Eighth Dis- sume. good we are in times of trial. trict. That those voices and lives were Last Saturday, Congresswoman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cut short is a national tragedy of the GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and many others time of the gentlewoman has expired. highest order. were victims of a brutal and brazen at- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- This is a heartbreaking moment in tack as they participated in a Congress tlewoman an additional 30 seconds. the history of the House of Representa- on Your Corner event. Six people were Ms. BERKLEY. I’ve gone through tives and our Nation, but we cannot killed and many more were injured. many stages of grief in the last few allow this tragedy to put us on the de- Like many of my colleagues, I have days. First, I was heartsick at the fensive. We cannot retreat from our re- had the pleasure to work with Rep- news. Then I was angry. And now I’m sponsibilities to be accessible and re- resentative GIFFORDS and can attest resolved. sponsive to the will of the American that she is a thoughtful, kind, and won- b 1640 people. derful person. My prayers are with her I am going to do my own ‘‘Congress I look forward to the day when Con- and her family as she begins the road on the Corner’’ in honor of GABBY this gresswoman GIFFORDS rejoins us in this to recovery. coming Friday because nobody, no lone Chamber. Until then, we can strive to- My thoughts are also with the fami- gunman, nobody can stop the demo- wards the lofty standard she has set. lies of those who were killed. No words cratic process and stop us from doing We can find inspiration in her steadfast can ease the pain of their families, and our job of interacting with our con- commitment to those she serves, and our country shares in the grief of six stituents. we can draw strength from her unwav- lives cut short. The goodness that On behalf of myself and my family ering belief in democracy. Dorothy Morris, Judge John Roll, and the people that I represent from Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, southern Nevada, I send our collective er, I yield 2 minutes to the distin- Gabe Zimmerman, and 9-year-old condolences to those people that have guished gentleman from Rhode Island Christina Taylor Green brought to this lost loved ones in Tucson. And our and Providence Plantations (Mr. world will never be forgotten. thoughts and prayers to the survivors. CICILLINE). It is during moments of tragedy that We wish them all Godspeed. God bless Mr. CICILLINE. I thank the gen- Americans forget our differences and them, and God bless this great Nation. tleman for yielding. unite around common goodness. We Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Madam Speaker, I rise in support of love our country and our countrymen. fornia. Madam Speaker, before I yield 2 this resolution and in honor of the vic- We will never let any one act or one in- minutes to the gentleman from Iowa tims and those left suffering as a result dividual deter us from living in free- (Mr. LATHAM), I ask unanimous consent of last weekend’s devastating tragedy dom and without fear. As Members of that the gentleman from California in Arizona. Congress, we refuse to be cowed by (Mr. CALVERT) be allowed to control In what can only be described as a senseless violence. Our duty is to our the balance of my time. brutal act of domestic terrorism, Con- constituents, and we will fulfill that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without gresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, duty without reservation or hesitation. objection, the gentleman from Cali- members of her staff, and other mem- The lesson from last Saturday can be fornia (Mr. CALVERT) will control the bers of the Tucson community are now found in the courageous acts of strang- time. fighting for their lives. And six inno- ers and neighbors who banded together There was no objection. cent others, including a 9-year-old lit- amid violence to help others and con- Mr. LATHAM. I thank the gentleman tle girl and the Congresswoman’s direc- front a madman. Let us honor Rep- from California for yielding. tor of community outreach, Gabe Zim- resentative GIFFORDS’ intern, Daniel

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 Hernandez, who did not hesitate to The true nature of America is the ju- I just wanted to reflect on three things come to her aid, and three incredible diciousness and careful reasoning of that occurred there that really were Arizonans who, without regard for the Federal judge who gave his life by meaningful for me. their own lives, tackled and subdued happenstance on that day at that mo- One was after the prayer service, the the attacker. ment. The true nature of America is staff of GABBY GIFFORDS were gathered, Whatever the deranged purpose of the the three brave Arizonans who ran to- and we had an opportunity to meet shooter, it has only served to strength- ward a man with a loaded gun who was them and shake their hands and talk to en our resolve and the greatness of our firing away, threw their bodies at him them a little bit. And I was just taken country and to marvel at the bravery and saved the lives of countless others aback, first of all, by how young they and kindness of our fellow Americans, around them. were and how optimistic they were, of who without thought of their own safe- Saturday was a horrendous day, but course optimistic about her because ty acted in the face of evil. It is their let us be resolved that it will not be they really feel and they’re praying, stories of bravery that will be remem- marked in history by the manifesta- and we all do, that she has a full recov- bered and held up as an example of an tion of evil that it represents, but by ery. exceptional nature of our great Amer- the manifestation of optimism and dili- But I can’t help but reflect on the ican character. gence and selflessness and goodness fact that not only the Congresswoman As we move forward from this hor- that truly reflect the spirit of the but her staff were so dedicated. I would rible event, let us keep the feelings of American people. often talk to GABBY on the floor often- brotherhood and compassion that May God bless our colleague and all times in the back of this room; and as should not only exist in the wake of a those who suffered through this long many have said, she was wonderful. tragedy, but in our everyday lives. nightmare. She was so enthusiastic about her job, God bless our dear friend, GABBY GIF- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- about her constituents. She is also a FORDS, all those who were injured, the fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- beautiful person. And I was just so families of the fallen, and God bless utes to the gentleman from Alabama happy to hear that after the operation America. (Mr. ADERHOLT). that they were optimistic about her re- Madam Speaker, I yield the balance Mr. ADERHOLT. First of all, I would covery, and it seems like every day she of my time to the gentleman from Cali- like to join in with my colleagues in gets better. So I’m really looking for- fornia (Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN), and I condemning this act of violence and to ward to her coming back here. ask unanimous consent that he be al- express my deepest condolences to all And I want to pay tribute to her lowed to control that time. of the families who were killed in the staff. I mean, obviously three of them The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without attack on January 8, 2011, in Tucson, were injured. One was killed. That per- objection, the gentleman from Cali- Arizona. son was killed, and all of them were fornia may resume. I join millions of others in praying facing the reality, unfortunately, that There was no objection. for the recovery of all of those that we do face now that when we do out- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- were injured. Especially we pray for reach, that there is a certain amount er, I am delighted to yield 2 minutes to our colleague, the Honorable Rep- of danger. But I also think that it’s the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. resentative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. It has really important for us to say that we ANDREWS). been my privilege and honor to work are going to fight against that. We are Mr. ANDREWS. Madam Speaker, we with her, especially on the well-being going to continue to be out there meet- are gathered here this afternoon to of this Nation’s space program, and I ing with our constituents, and we want show respect and affection for our be- pray for her full recovery and God’s people to come and meet with us. loved colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, to strength for her husband and her entire The second thing was the House mourn the dead, and to provide support family. Chaplain. At the prayer service today for those wounded in body and in spir- In a Nation where there is freedom, he said that the Arizona victims were it. some individuals will choose to do evil, essentially martyrs to the cause of We also have a special responsibility and certainly no law can cure the America because they were out there here this afternoon to tell the truth human heart. I do pray for the individ- participating in democracy. And I real- about the nature of America. Our chil- uals who are suffering from anger, like ly think that that’s true, that the need dren and people all over the world saw those of the accused, that they will to participate in the democratic proc- acts of heinous violence on Saturday, find the counseling and healing that ess is what this is all about. And to the and many think that that represents they need. extent that we reinforce that in the the true nature of America. We are Actions like this, which include the aftermath of this tragedy is really im- here today to say it most emphatically tragic death of a 9-year-old child, are portant. does not. not normal. And the last thing I would say is The true nature of America is not an But even in tragedy we see the great some of the Members today, and par- evil, haunted person killing innocent strength of this Nation. We see the he- ticularly when he spoke at people. The true nature of this country roic actions of individuals, private and the prayer service, he said that we is the diligence of GABRIELLE GIFFORDS professional, who helped subdue the have to be inspired to better the lives as she stood there listening to her con- attacker and who helped the wounded of others. stituents so patiently. The true nature survive. And we see a nationwide out- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of America is the optimism of a 9-year- pouring of concern and prayer for time of the gentleman has expired. old girl eager to become involved in GABBY GIFFORDS and all of those that Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- the political process. The true nature were injured. And of course that rises tleman an additional 30 seconds. of America is the ultimate act of self- far above political differences. Mr. PALLONE. And I noticed that lessness as a long-term husband inter- May God bless the families and bless the little girl, Christina Green, the one poses his body between that and the us in our work here this year in the who unfortunately passed away, actu- bullets and saves the life of his beloved 112th Congress. ally told her parents that she wanted wife whom he met in grammar school. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- to have a career that involved helping er, I yield 2 minutes to another fine those less fortunate than her. And I b 1650 gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAL- think if there is anything that we can The true nature of America is the LONE). do in the aftermath of this tragedy, as skill and heroism of the young intern, Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, ear- ED PASTOR said at the prayer service, 5 days in the service of Congresswoman lier this afternoon many of us attended let us be inspired to better the lives of GIFFORDS, who rushed to her side and a congressional prayer service for the others. Let’s try to make something very likely saved her life with his skill. victims of the shooting in Arizona, and positive of this tragedy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 299 That little girl was so much in my b 1700 Thursday, shortly after we were sworn heart when I heard about her and her She and I have served together on the in, I walked just outside the floor. She wanting to have a career in public serv- House Armed Services Committee. And met me outside, and she extended her ice and her being there at this outreach she was very gracious on the morning hand to me. And she said, ‘‘Hello, I am center because of that desire. of President Obama’s swearing in. She GABBY GIFFORDS. You must be new.’’ Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- offered to share her blanket with me as And I said, ‘‘Well, I am new. I am fornia. Madam Speaker, I am very we both braved the cold during the in- STEVE SOUTHERLAND.’’ She goes, pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- auguration. We kept each other warm, ‘‘Where are you from, STEVE?’’ And I tleman from Florida (Mr. STEARNS). and we had warm dialogue and happy said, ‘‘Florida.’’ She said, ‘‘Let me in- Mr. STEARNS. I thank my distin- moments. troduce you to some people that will guished colleague; and on behalf of my- GABBY and her staff were performing help you.’’ And she walked down the self and my constituents from the a fundamental duty of a Member of hall and out to the steps, and she intro- Sixth Constitution District in north- Congress: That is listening to the con- duced me to numerous, numerous floor central Florida, we offer our thoughts cerns of her constituents. Our democ- staff. I did not have any other encoun- and prayers to our colleague racy depends on this type of open and ter with her except for that 5-minute GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and her family. informal meeting of elected officials brief time. I also join the American people in ex- and the people that they serve. We can- And on Saturday, when I learned of tending our condolences to the other not let this cowardly act of violence the events that had occurred in Tuc- victims of this terrible event. This is a prevent us from engaging with our con- son, it was with horror that I got heartbreaking loss. stituents. I encourage my colleagues to home, and I turned on the television, But I’m encouraged by the positive take appropriate caution but to con- and I realized that it was that wonder- news from her doctors. And I commend tinue holding constituent meetings and ful, sweet person who with kindness those medical professionals in Tucson do the job we were elected to do with- and gentleness introduced me to the for their dedication and outstanding out fear. To do otherwise would allow staff. And so it is with a burdened work. Obviously, we look forward to the gunman a small taste of victory heart today that I want those in this GABBY coming back to the House floor. and would diminish our democracy and Chamber and the people of America to We miss her warm demeanor and her dishonor the victims of this senseless know that the citizens of Florida’s Dis- courageous qualities. act. trict Two are heartbroken as well. We In paying our respects to her and the I look forward to GABBY’s speedy re- are praying for each and every one af- others harmed and killed in this sense- covery and to working with her on the fected. less act of violence, we must make it Armed Services Committee again soon. And I want to make sure that we go clear that we will not be deterred from And I would like to say a few words from here to continue, in honor of meeting with the American people. The about Federal Judge John Roll, who those who have given their lives and act of this deranged individual should lost his life on Saturday. Judge Roll those who have been affected, to create not alter the routine duties of our of- was with Congresswoman GIFFORDS the a more perfect Union, that we work fice. I’ve had 560 town meetings in my day of the shootings to press for fund- hard to secure the blessings of liberty. district. I understand what it must be ing to relieve overcrowding in his dis- For that is how we will be known by to remain accessible to my constitu- trict. the world. Not by our security, not by ents. An attack on any single Member The SPEAKER pro tempore. The our policy, but by the civility, by the is an assault on this institution, and time of the gentleman has expired. love we show and care for one another. we must carry on in our commitment Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- That will make us a shining city on a to an open and representative govern- tleman an additional 30 seconds. hill. And that’s what I am committed ment. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Judge Roll to doing. So I extend my best wishes to my had been a lifetime servant of his com- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- colleague for a satisfactory and swift munity and his State, 63 years old. And er, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to recovery. I also share my deepest sym- as Justice John Roberts said, Judge the distinguished gentleman from the pathies with the families of the victims Roll’s death is a somber reminder of Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Mr. who were injured and killed in this in- the importance of the rule of law and MCGOVERN). comprehensible act. the sacrifices of those who work to se- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Let me close with two Bible quotes, cure it. appreciate the opportunity to speak from Psalm 46:1, ‘‘God is our refuge and Finally, I would like to recognize the here today. As has been said over and strength, an ever-present help in trou- other victims. I won’t name them, and over, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS is a smart, ble’’; and 1 Peter 3:14, ‘‘But even if you I do not know them personally, but I gifted, and compassionate Member of should suffer for what is right, you are want to express my sympathy and con- Congress. It is a privilege to be her col- blessed. Do not fear what they fear. Do dolences to their families. league and friend. Arizona is privileged not be frightened.’’ Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- to be represented by a person of her Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- caliber. er, I yield 2 minutes to the distin- utes to the gentleman from Florida My wife, Lisa, and I pray for her re- guished gentleman from Georgia (Mr. (Mr. SOUTHERLAND). covery. And our thoughts are with her, JOHNSON). Mr. SOUTHERLAND. I thank the her family, her friends, and her com- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam gentleman from California for yielding. munity as they come together in the Speaker, I rise in support of this reso- Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- aftermath of this terrible act of vio- lution that recognizes the tragedy in port of this resolution. The thoughts lence. I look forward to seeing GABBY Tucson on Saturday. I’m deeply and prayers of Florida’s Second Con- back here where she belongs, on this shocked and saddened, and I’m praying gressional District I deliver. Our hearts floor, advocating on behalf of her con- for GABBY, her family, staff, and the are broken over the events of Satur- stituents. other victims of this senseless act of day. We want to deliver today our I served in this House for many years violence. thoughts especially to those families as a congressional aide. And since I’ve In times like these, words often fail who lost their loved ones, the six fami- been elected to Congress, I’ve come to to describe our anguish and pain. As a lies who are today memorializing them appreciate even more the generous and fellow Member of the class of 2006, I’ve and planning those details. selfless service of our staffs. So I am gotten to know Congresswoman GIF- I also want to make sure that I ex- especially touched and grieved by the FORDS well and have developed enor- press my appreciation for the short murder of Gabe Zimmerman, who mous respect for her intellect and her time that I had a privilege of speaking served as GABBY’s director of commu- love for this country. with Representative GIFFORDS. Last nity outreach.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 For those whose lives were lost— We found the opportunities to work ago, and I quote: ‘‘Let us dedicate our- Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Mor- across the aisle on several issues just selves to what the Greeks wrote so ris, Judge John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, after we returned. And those are the many years ago: ‘to tame the savage- and Dorwan Stoddard, who was related strong memories that compel me today ness of man and make gentle the life of to one of my own staff, my sympathy, to stand up and say that I have grown this world.’ ’’ condolences, and prayers are with their to respect and admire the efforts of Get well soon, GABBY. We need your families and loved ones. this courageous young woman as she leadership, your strength, your cour- I believe so very strongly that we served here in Congress. age. You are in our thoughts; you are here in this House, and all of us as As we saw the unforeseeable and in our prayers. Americans, must come together and tragic circumstances of this past week- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- transform this tragedy into something end, we realized that there are cir- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- positive and hopeful. We live in a coun- cumstances that face us all. And I utes to the gentleman from Pennsyl- try that is too polarized. And we live in would recognize right now that vania (Mr. PLATTS). a country where a culture of violence is GABRIELLE GIFFORDS decided to do her Mr. PLATTS. I thank the distin- all too common. If this horrible act of job no matter the risk. She served with guished gentleman from California for violence results in all of us becoming courage, determination, with openness yielding to me. more civil to one another, in taking a and a forthrightness to her constitu- Madam Speaker, I rise in humble and more careful look at the words and im- ents that should be a model to all of us. solemn support for House Resolution agery we use when talking to and I know that she is an inspiration for 32. about one another as we deal with dif- me today as she struggles to regain her I also rise to express my heartfelt ficult and controversial policy debates, health and to regain her position here gratitude to our distinguished Speaker, if it results in concrete ways to begin serving the American people. the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. BOEH- to reverse this culture of violence, then I have been able to support many of NER), and all Members of the House our Nation will triumph over this pain GABRIELLE GIFFORDS’ initiatives in the leadership, Republican and Democratic and loss. past. It’s my privilege today to lend alike. The thoughtful and compas- Today is a time to grieve, to mourn, my support to this resolution. I pray sionate manner in which they have to express sympathy. But unfortu- for her speedy recovery and for the re- united the Members of this great insti- nately, in the aftermath of this trag- covery of those injured on that fateful tution in prayerful support for our be- edy, too many of the old fights resur- day. I pray for the comfort of those loved colleague and friend, Congress- faced. The left blamed the right, the who lost loved ones. May God bless woman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and all of right blamed the left, everybody GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. the victims of the January 8 attack in blamed the media, op-eds were written, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- Tucson, Arizona, is sincerely appre- and bills were introduced. But Madam er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- ciated. Speaker, none of that will bring back woman from New York (Mrs. MALO- Madam Speaker, as with all Ameri- those who were lost. None of that will NEY). cans, I was deeply saddened and horri- put a 9-year-old girl back at the break- fied upon learning of the senseless and fast table where she belongs. b 1710 violent attack on Congresswoman GIF- Like many of my colleagues, on Mon- Mrs. MALONEY. I thank the gen- FORDS, members of GABBY’s staff, and day I participated in a national mo- tleman for yielding. citizens of Arizona’s Eighth District. ment of silence. The best thing about Madam Speaker, like so many of my This act of violence was an unthink- that moment was that for just a colleagues, I knew GABBY GIFFORDS to able attack on a dedicated public serv- minute or two the noise stopped. We be a warm and caring friend, a rising ant and her constituents. paused and we reflected. And I hope star in the House with a moral compass It was also an attack on one of the that we can do more of that in the as sure as it is true. That is why she re- most important cornerstones of our months and years ahead. cently spoke out against the rising tide Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- form of representational democracy— of hate speech in our country and the fornia. Madam Speaker, it is my pleas- the duty of elected officials to reach lack of civility in our political process. ure now to yield 2 minutes to the gen- out to the citizens they serve. It is im- While it may be too early to come to tleman who has returned from New perative that we not allow the tragic any conclusions about the con- Mexico (Mr. PEARCE). events of January 8 to prevent elected Mr. PEARCE. Madam Speaker, it’s sequences of the recent and tragic officials from fulfilling this duty to re- my distinct honor to rise today and events, it is never too late to reflect on main in close contact with their con- call Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- lessons we have learned from earlier stituents and well grounded in their FORDS not only a colleague, but a such tragedies and take them to heart. concerns. friend. I had the pleasure of working Guns kill. And those who glamorize On behalf of my wife, Leslie, and our with this fine lady from Arizona on gunplay do no service to humanity. family and all residents of Pennsylva- several initiatives, beginning very Words matter. And those who use in- nia’s 19th Congressional District, I early in her first term. The districts flammatory rhetoric to achieve cheap offer our deepest sympathies to the that we serve are very similar, south- political gain wound our country and families, the friends, and the coworkers ern New Mexico, southern Arizona. We weaken the ties that bind us. of those who were taken from us in this share the southern border. We have Democracy triumphs. The funda- attack. Please know that you and all issues of public land, public access, re- mental wisdom that has distinguished the victims of this terrible tragedy are sources. So many of our perspectives our Nation and led her to greatness re- and will continue to be in our thoughts originate from the same sort of dis- sides in our unwavering commitment and prayers. May God watch over you trict. to settle our disputes with ballots, not as he continues to watch over our I got to know GABBY just in her first bullets. grieving Nation. month here. In February, we went to- My thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- gether to Iraq to visit soldiers. To- Congresswoman GIFFORDS—I hope for er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- gether we would sit down and visit her swift and complete recovery—and woman from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN). with young men and young women who to her family and to all the friends and Ms. BALDWIN. I thank the gen- were defending our country, who were family members of the victims of that tleman for yielding. fighting for the freedom of the Iraqis tragic event. Madam Speaker, I rise to express my there. And we just grew a common As we approach the observance of thoughts and offer my prayers and bond in the service and the recognition Martin Luther King Day, let us recall those of my constituents for my friend of those who were serving in an even the words of Robert Kennedy that were and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, who more difficult circumstance. said on that tragic day so many years lies critically wounded; and for her

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 301 staffer, Gabe Zimmerman; for the pre- ents. And I think we all know and rec- This is the very type of neighborhood cious patriot, Christina Taylor Green; ognize that we in this Chamber are office hours that so many of us hold. I for Dorothy Morris, Judge John Roll, more visible and more accountable have held many of them throughout Phyllis Schneck and Dorwan Stoddard, than ever before. central Texas. And this is the very who lost their lives in this senseless On Saturday, a madman, a monster, type of accessibility and openness that tragedy; and to their families. attempted to assassinate our beloved is fundamental to our democracy and Our thoughts and prayers, too, go out colleague. She was shot in the line of critical to a society that recognizes to the other innocent victims of this duty, the duty of listening to, so that that change is achieved through bal- tragedy, including congressional staff- she could more effectively represent lots, not bullets. ers Ron Barber and Pamela Simon and those constituents. It was a duty that Less than a year ago, another dis- their families, and our heartfelt grati- she and many of us do love and do turbed individual expressed his anger tude to all those brave souls who re- treasure that interaction with our con- by crashing his airplane into a building sponded valiantly and quickly, pre- stituents. in Austin, Texas, that housed IRS em- venting even more death and injury. Today, more so than ever, as Mem- ployees, causing great death and de- And to the people of Arizona, who love bers of Congress are called to that struction. Incredibly, a Facebook page their State and our democracy, to you duty, we realize that it goes with us was erected quickly in his honor. What we express our solidarity. wherever we go. Every trip to the gro- I said then I would reemphasize today: GABBY, as we all know, is one of the cery store, to church, to a soccer game, We must turn down the volume on hate nicest, most decent, dedicated, con- can turn into a town hall meeting. to discourage more such horrors. cerned, and compassionate Representa- That accessibility to those who count Debate, vigorous debate, is at the tives in this body. The fact that she on us to make the right decision is very heart of our democracy. Some- and her staff were gunned down while something that we cannot give up. times it is heated and strongly worded. doing their jobs, doing exactly what is Even though this past weekend’s Such strong discourse helps us to set required in a democracy, makes this events have devastated us, we must not America’s course. But violence is not tragedy even more unfathomable. compound the tragedy by being de- discourse. It debases our democracy. And so I am concerned about the im- terred from those duties. Violence can kill a human being, but it pact of this tragedy on our democracy. The shooting occurred on Saturday, cannot kill the truth. In a free and We cannot have a well-functioning de- and on Sunday I kept a previously open market of ideas, truth will ulti- mocracy without ample interaction scheduled district appointment at Fort mately prevail. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther and discourse between members of the Campbell. That Army post is home to King, Jr., whose life and work we cele- public and their elected officials. the 101st Airborne when they are not brate this very month, ‘‘I believe that Directly or indirectly, this tragedy deployed, as they currently are in Af- unarmed truth and unconditional love invites us to examine the way we con- ghanistan. These public servants know will have the final word in reality. duct business on all levels. There is no what the senseless loss of an honored That is why right, temporarily de- question that political discourse has friend, colleague, even a hero feels like. feated, is stronger than evil trium- become toxic at times, and I hope that They also know better than anyone phant.’’ We pray for those lost and the out of this tragedy comes a renewed else that service is often most valuable many who still suffer from this great commitment to civility. when it is performed in the face of fear, tragedy. I applaud Speaker BOEHNER and uncertainty, or hostility. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Leader PELOSI for setting the right So many of my constituents have fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- tone. We have a moment now to look asked what will this mean for how we, utes to the gentleman from Pennsyl- prospectively at how we debate issues as Members, carry out our jobs. I think vania (Mr. FITZPATRICK). of great import. we will all be more careful when we un- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dertake our duties. We know we are re- I rise today to humbly add my voice to time of the gentlewoman has expired. sponsible not only for our own safety; the remarks made so eloquently by my Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- we are responsible for the safety of our colleagues. tlewoman an additional 30 seconds. staff, our constituents who bring issues I had the honor of personally meeting Ms. BALDWIN. I hope we seize this to us. And in this, I hope our service Representative GIFFORDS for the first moment to come together as a Con- does credit to the men and women in time just last week, here in the Cham- gress and ask, How can we bring re- uniform. ber; and although my service in the newed civility to consequential debate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The House has thus far only overlapped and create a new environment in which time of the gentlewoman has expired. ever so briefly with hers, GABBY’s atti- people can differ without demonizing Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- tude of service and spirit of commit- others? fornia. I yield the gentlewoman an ad- ment to those that she represents was People reach different conclusions ditional 30 seconds. immediately apparent. about the important topics of our time, Representative GIFFORDS was prac- b 1720 but each of us, like GABBY, seeks office ticing one of the most basic and impor- because we want to make life better for Mrs. BLACKBURN. I hope our service tant duties that a Member of Congress the people we represent. We want a bet- does credit to the men and women in will have, making herself available to ter America. uniform who have served us so very constituents, when a gunman viciously GABBY, keep fighting the good fight. well. God bless GABBY GIFFORDS, bless and inexplicably attacked her and 19 We need you and America needs you. her staff, her constituents, the other others. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- innocent victims, bless this House and It is difficult to find explanation for fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- our great Nation. such a tragic event. And while an ex- utes to the gentlewoman from Ten- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- planation will always elude us, we can nessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN). er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman find comfort in the prayer of a friend Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT). and constituent from my home district I, like our colleagues, am rising in sor- Mr. DOGGETT. Our energetic and in Pennsylvania, Rabbi Ira Budow. row today to address the events that talented colleague GABBY GIFFORDS Just this past Monday evening before occurred in Arizona this past weekend. was doing what she does so well, the a town hall meeting in Bucks County, Our thoughts and prayers are with all core responsibility of every Member: Rabbi Budow prayed. He said, ‘‘I pray of those victims, with their families, listening to her constituents in an open that the disaster in Arizona serves as a and with our colleague, GABBY GIF- public forum. Young and old, Ameri- wake-up call for our country and re- FORDS. She was doing what we all do— cans of all political philosophies gath- sults in a more caring and loving at- hearing the concerns of her constitu- ered to meet with her. mosphere for us all. At the end of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 day, we are all Americans and rise and nection with an increasingly negative ute to those who lost their lives, and to fall together.’’ tone of our political discourse, I think thank those who helped the injured and I’m proud to support the resolution. this tragedy should give us all pause to prevented further loss of life. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- reflect. Just as we have all come to- This is a devastating and emotional er, I am happy to yield 2 minutes to gether today to honor the victims of week for all of us here in Congress, for the distinguished gentlewoman from this tragedy, I believe we can honor our staff, and for America as a whole. Hawaii (Ms. HIRONO). GABBY by going forward with a height- The senseless and atrocious loss of life Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I rise ened commitment to respect each in Tucson has infringed upon our sense to join my colleagues today in support other, listen to each other’s points of of safety and decency. It has also left of this resolution and associate myself view and come up with policies that us grieving for a colleague, for her with the eloquent and heartfelt expres- will strengthen our Nation. We must go staff, and for the six Americans who sions of condolences and comfort from forward together. Mahalo nui loa. lost their lives last Saturday, as re- my colleagues from both sides of the Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- cited by my colleague from Hawaii just aisle. And hearing the wonderful sto- fornia. Madam Speaker, it is my privi- now. ries about GABBY told on this floor help lege to yield 2 minutes to the gentle- Representative GIFFORDS—GABBY to capture the warmth and humanity that woman from New York, Dr. HAYWORTH. so many of us—is truly a treasured is GABBY GIFFORDS. Ms. HAYWORTH. Madam Speaker, I Member of this body. She is a gifted The shock, horror, and tears that fol- rise to honor the victims of Saturday’s legislator, frequently leading her col- lowed the unfolding of the terrible senseless and atrocious attack. Con- leagues on issues like solar energy, news from Arizona, it’s like just yes- gresswoman GIFFORDS and her staff are space endeavors, veterans health care, terday. Here was GABBY, out on the constantly in the thoughts and prayers and comprehensive immigration re- first day after we finished votes to of her colleagues in the House. And as form. But GABBY is also known around meet with her constituents at a Con- a mother, I am most profoundly sad- Capitol Hill as a smart, generous, and gress on your Corner, an event that dened by the loss of the youngest vic- unfailing dedicated public servant and many of us do in our own districts. She tim, Christina Taylor Green. Christina friend. She is the one who would be was joined by her dedicated staff and a was only 9 years old. helping to plan a baby shower for one large number of constituents who She belonged to history at the begin- of her colleagues, to reach across the wanted to talk with her, including a ning of her life, and she belongs to his- aisle to lend a supportive hand to a col- third grader so excited to meet with tory at the end of her life. She was league in need of advice or a laugh, to her Congressperson, who had just been born on September 11, 2001; and Chris- take time to offer a hand to a staffer elected to an office in her elementary tina was acutely aware of the impact after a long day at work. school. that day had on our Nation. But she al- I also think of GABBY as a unique and I send my condolences on behalf of ways found the positive and hopeful in all-too-rare representative in this Con- all of the people of Hawaii to the fami- that dreadful event. She would often gress. She prefers considerate and de- lies of those who lost loved ones in this tell people she was born on a holiday, tailed debate over harsh and angry senseless act of violence. And I’m going and she said it was a holiday because it rhetoric. She chooses her words to say their names again because they gave hope to say that and people came thoughtfully, and has spoken out must not be forgotten: John Roll, 63, together on that day. She wore red, against violent language and the con- chief judge for the U.S. District of Ari- white, and blue; and she was vocal sequences such careless acts create. zona; Gabriel Matthew Zimmerman, 30, about her patriotism and her pride to So I would argue if we really want to Representative GIFFORDS’ director of be an American. pay tribute to GABBY here today, may community outreach; Christina Taylor And in addition to being extremely her service not be an exception to the Green, 9 years old, a beautiful and patriotic, Christina was an inquisitive rule. We in this Chamber have the op- bright girl who should have had a and mature young lady who had re- portunity to live every day by the chance for a full life; Dorothy Morris, cently taken an interest in the most words we are speaking today. 76, whose husband was critically in- fundamental of American rights, civic Madam Speaker, the sorrow and grief jured trying to protect her during the engagement. She had just been elected of Saturday’s tragedy will echo for shootings; Phyllis Schneck, 79, mother to her own student government, and many years to come. As we pray and of three, grandmother of seven; Dorwan she was attending Saturday’s event to take stock of this tragedy, I am also Stoddard, 76, who shielded his wife, meet her Congresswoman and learn concerned by the ease with which a Mavy, who was also wounded. more about government. clearly troubled young man could ob- Our prayers are with those who are As we grieve for her loss, it is impor- tain a firearm. And I believe that this struggling to recover from their inju- tant to pay tribute to the model young incident also illuminates a serious gap ries, including our dear friend and my citizen Christina was and for us to in our mental health system, one classmate, GABBY, GABBY’s husband, honor her memory. As adults, we can where far too many ill people slip Mark Kelly, and all of the family mem- all learn from Christina’s positive out- through the cracks. The price for these bers of the victims. We are all one fam- look on life, love of country, and par- failings is all too often paid, as in this ily. As we say in Hawaii, ohana, united ticipation in government. case, by friends and neighbors. We owe in our collective grief and prayers. Even during these very dark and it to the victims of this horrific trag- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The painful times, we should take solace in edy to improve our mental health sys- time of the gentlewoman has expired. knowing that with children like Chris- tem. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- tina growing up in our society, our Na- tlewoman 30 additional seconds. tion has a bright future. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. HIRONO. I thank the gentleman. time of the gentlewoman has expired. The day before this terrible tragedy, b 1730 Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- GABBY had reached out to a friend of Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- tlewoman an additional 30 seconds. hers, Kentucky Secretary of State er, I am delighted to yield 2 minutes to Mrs. CAPPS. We owe it to the vic- Trey Grayson, a Republican, to talk to the gentlewoman from California (Mrs. tims of this horrific tragedy to improve him about ways that we all could tone CAPPS). our mental health system; and, in addi- down the political rhetoric and par- Mrs. CAPPS. I thank my colleague tion, to address gun violence. We can tisanship. from Iowa. do better. Let us resolve to do so. Like At this point we don’t know what Madam Speaker, I rise to express my everyone here and countless at home, I drove the gunman to commit this hor- strong support for H. Res. 32, a resolu- am praying for GABBY’s swift recovery, rible act of violence. Regardless of tion to honor GABBY GIFFORDS as she for her constituents who lost their whether his actions have a causal con- recovers from her injuries, to pay trib- lives, and for our country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 303 Let us adopt this resolution today in resentatives their ideas and, yes, their result, of the 2.6 million people that honor of our beloved friend GABBY and grievances. the States know should be disqualified the victims of this senseless tragedy. I look forward to 2 years from now from buying firearms, less than 20 per- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- and 2 years after that and 2 years after cent are actually on that list and so fornia. Madam Speaker, at this time I that, to sitting here on this floor with disqualified. In fact, less than 4 percent do not believe I have any other speak- GABBY and waiting until she is called of Arizonans who the State knows ers. I reserve my time to close. upon to read the First Amendment. should be disqualified from purchasing Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- firearms are actually on that list and er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman fornia. Madam Speaker, contrary to unable to purchase those firearms. from California (Mr. SHERMAN). my previous statement, I do have an- b 1740 Mr. SHERMAN. We come together other speaker. At this time I would today as a Nation to mourn those who like to yield 2 minutes to the gen- So perhaps we could consider fol- died in Arizona and to pray for the full tleman from Tennessee, Dr. ROE. lowing up on this resolution with some recovery of those still lying in hospital Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Madam concrete steps to prevent this from beds in Tucson. Speaker, I rise in support of this reso- happening again. I know it is impor- GABBY GIFFORDS has captured the lution, and I join my colleagues in de- tant to protect one’s individual free- love and admiration of this entire nouncing the horrific attack that oc- doms, but a little 9-year-old girl should country as America has come to know curred against one of our own this past also have the freedom to visit with her her through news reports, just as we weekend, and took the lives of six inno- Congresswoman, secure in the knowl- have come to know her over the last 4 cent people, including a staff member, edge that her Congress has the courage years as the most delightful and engag- Gabe Zimmerman, and a beautiful 9- to take reasonable steps to protect her ing Member of this House, and as a year-old child. We continue to pray for and our country from such senseless vi- woman who brought intelligence and Congresswoman GIFFORDS and all those olence. determination to the service of this injured, and the families of the de- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- country. ceased. fornia. I reserve the balance of my The last time I had a chance to spend As Members of Congress we have two time. time with GABBY was just 6 days ago. responsibilities after such an attack. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- We were here on the House floor. As it First, we must vow that we will never er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman happens, we sat next to each other as let the work of a madman stop us from from Connecticut (Mr. COURTNEY). we waited our turn to be assigned a doing our work on behalf of the Amer- Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, portion of the Constitution to be read. ican people. Secondly, we will make it the horror of Saturday’s bloodshed in We had a chance to listen to each pas- clear to all that while we have dis- Arizona, the senseless loss of life, and sage, to speak briefly about some of agreements, we are all still Americans, the cowardly attack on GABBY GIF- the salient provisions. And as they got and we respect each other. Words mat- FORDS has for many Americans raised down the line to where we were sitting, ter. When we show Americans that we the question of whether we as a Nation it became apparent that GABBY would can disagree substantively and respect- have lost our way. Many wonder, if an be called upon to read the First fully, we bring our entire country clos- act so benign as GABBY’s effort to lis- Amendment to the Constitution, and er together and show the world why ten to her neighbors in the Eighth Con- that I would be called upon to read the America is the greatest force for good. gressional District of Arizona can be considerably less august Third Amend- There is a song Sarah McLachlan the target of such violence, whether ment. sings, ‘‘Angel’’—we place them in the there is hope and a future for our de- For just a selfish instant, I wondered arms of angels. And may God bless this mocracy. why luck couldn’t have been just a lit- family and these people who endured One voice from our recent past sug- tle different. If we had been sitting just this horrific event. gests there is still hope for that fragile one seat over, then I could have stood Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- ideal. On April 4, 1968, Senator Robert here and talked about freedom of reli- er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman Kennedy spoke in Indianapolis, Indi- gion and freedom of speech. But provi- from Virginia (Mr. MORAN). ana, shortly after the slaying of Martin dence had determined otherwise, had Mr. MORAN. Madam Speaker, GABBY Luther King at a time when political determined that GABBY GIFFORDS GIFFORDS is a wonderful human being violence wracked our Nation. This is should stand on this floor and have the and a treasured colleague and friend. what he said: honor of reading the First Amendment, But this resolution, as important and ‘‘We have to make an effort in the an amendment that is best known for appropriate as it is, stops short of any United States. We have to make an ef- its earlier clauses but which ends with collective commitment to prevent this fort to understand, to get beyond these the words that enshrine the right of type of tragedy from happening again. difficult times.’’ the people peaceably to assemble and It happened because of a combustible He then said, ‘‘My favorite poem was to petition the government for a re- mix of: one, a highly charged, Aeschylus, and he once wrote, ‘Even in dress of grievances. antigovernment political environment; our sleep, pain which cannot forget The day after she read those words at two, easy access to weapons whose only falls drop by drop upon the heart, this podium, she flew home to Arizona purpose is to kill large numbers of until, in our own despair, against our so she could stand in front of a human beings; and, three, mental ill- will, comes wisdom through the awful Safeway, intending to meet people ness. grace of God.’ ’’ peaceably assembled, and listen to peo- Not too long ago, another mentally He concluded that what we need in ple petition for a redress of their griev- ill person used the same kind of weap- the United States is not division. What ances. on to kill 32 innocent people on the we need is not hatred. What we need is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Virginia Tech campus. In response we not violence and lawlessness. It is love time of the gentleman has expired. passed legislation eventually that en- and wisdom and compassion toward Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield the gen- abled States to provide the names of one another. tleman an additional 30 seconds. people that they judged were too men- GABBY GIFFORDS’ work at that Tuc- Mr. SHERMAN. I was relieved yester- tally imbalanced to be buying guns and son shopping mall on January 8 and all day when doctors said that they were provide those names to the National those present and all those victimized confident that the assassin had not Instant Criminal Background Check by a coward’s bullets were affirming taken GABBY’s life. And I am confident system. We authorized $250 million to Senator Kennedy’s vision that peaceful that that assassin did not take from enable them to do that. But since then, dialogue and understanding is the true our people the right to peaceably as- we have appropriated each year less calling of the American people, not di- semble and to tell their elected rep- than 10 percent of that amount. As a vision and violence.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 As one who entered Congress with Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- sion for the values of this country, val- GABBY in the class of 2006—a tight-knit fornia. I continue to reserve the bal- ues that brought us here in the first group that has met every Wednesday ance of my time. place. That is a remarkable story that over the last 4 years—it has been an Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- we have heard unfolding about our honor to watch her on the Armed Serv- er, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to good friend GABBY GIFFORDS since this ices Committee, advocating for the Air the distinguished gentleman from horrible tragedy first took place. Force and for military families. Even Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS). All of us in this body share a unique during the lame duck session, she was Mr. CUMMINGS. I thank the gen- sense of responsibility for what hap- a leader in enacting the GI Bill Patch, tleman for yielding. pened to our dear friend, to her coura- which will make sure that the Guard Madam Speaker, like every speaker geous staff and to the incredible people and reservists will not be left out from today, I rise with a very heavy heart. who showed up to participate in democ- the GI Bill’s educational benefits. She Our friend GABRIELLE GIFFORDS lies in racy at that Safeway in Tucson on Sat- is an extraordinary person this country a hospital bed, fighting desperately for urday. I know that a lot of us had this needs if we are going to overcome the her life. shared experience of horror on Satur- many challenges that we face today. At the same time, dozens are in day as we watched these horrible im- Madam Speaker, I strongly support mourning for those killed in the sense- ages appear in front of our eyes. passage of this resolution, which is an less slaughter, including Judge John I want to briefly talk about my good affirmation that we will not surrender Roll and our own Gabe Zimmerman— friend GABBY. our way of life to the forces of lawless- Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ director of It is ironic that on this day when our ness and hate. public outreach. President is in Tucson, honoring the On behalf of the people of eastern We join them in a grieving process memory of those who lost their lives Connecticut, I want to express our awe that is painful beyond words. and those struggling to put their lives and reverence to the examples of To those families, particularly that back together, that my connection human courage and excellence which of Gabe’s, who reached out in GABBY’s with GABBY and President Obama go GABBY GIFFORDS and the other victims voice each and every day, we weep for back to the exact same day. It was Sep- in Tucson displayed to the world last your loss and know of the constant tember 29 of 2006. GABBY and I were Saturday. ache left in your hearts by the sudden both candidates for Congress. We met Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- loss of those you loved, and we are at an event, and there were things fornia. I continue to reserve the bal- blessed to join you in the celebration of about her that leaped off the page im- ance of my time. their lives. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speak- mediately. As we mourn those who were lost, we er, I am proud to yield 2 minutes to the b 1750 triumph, with equal emotion, in mir- gentlewoman from the District of Co- acles. By the mercy of God and the It was her passion for why she was lumbia (Ms. NORTON). swift hands of our medical heroes, running, it was her fearlessness, and it Ms. NORTON. I thank the gentleman was that smile that you’ve heard peo- for yielding. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and many of those ple talking about that could light up a Madam Speaker, a gunman has un- wounded by this madman have been room. derestimated the will and undaunted saved. We got to talking about each other bravery of GABBY GIFFORDS. When I heard of this tragedy, I imme- Tragically, we have lost Gabe Zim- diately asked the question that each of and what we had in common; and I merman, her director of community us here must have wondered dozens of learned that her brother, Alex Giffords, outreach; her constituents; Judge John times: How could anyone hate or seek had been a place kicker at Iowa State Roll; Christina Taylor Green; Phyllis to harm this wonderful public servant, University, where I graduated from col- Schneck; Dorwan Stoddard; and Doro- this beautiful person, who has never lege and where I was an unknown walk- thy Morris, all of whom were engaged spoken a cross word or shown a down- on under Earl Bruce. And we talked in the very civic activities we most en- cast expression throughout her time in about that. And I have in my office courage, along with 13 others who were this great House? this little print of Beardshear Hall at injured along with Congresswoman Though these answers are painfully Iowa State University that my friend GIFFORDS. slow in coming, I pray her return to GABBY gave to me that she got from Together, these Americans have the warm embrace of her family will be her brother Alex because she knew this brought this House together as never swift. was important to me. This little pic- before for a much needed time of re- More selfishly, because she is my ture is an emblem of what an amazing flection. I am heartbroken for all who friend and because I see in her the pure human being GABBY GIFFORDS is be- were in the line of fire and for their heart of a servant, I pray she will re- cause she was always thinking more of families. turn to this Chamber as soon as pos- her friends than she was of herself. I focus now on GABBY because I can- sible to continue her work for the peo- I got on a red eye after first meeting not get her out of my consciousness. I ple of Arizona, whom she so treasures. GABBY GIFFORDS and flew back to my am trying to understand her prescient GABBY knows at her core that she is an district and met an unknown Senator fearlessness of her own safety in the ordinary lady called to an extraor- from Illinois who had just gotten elect- days before the attempt on her life dinary mission. ed named for the very given what has happened to civil dis- GABBY, you are a champion among first time. That’s what is great about course in our country. champions, a friend among friends, and this country is these random meetings Can GABBY’s selflessness and her con- a fighter among fighters for the com- that we have with amazing people from cerns for our country give us the for- mon good. We are all pulling for you. all over the country who we meet on titude to follow her example in assum- Get well soon. We can’t wait to have the House floor, many of whom came in ing that it is not the safety of Members you back. in one of the largest classes in recent that is at risk? Do we dare follow Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- memory. You heard them come to the GABBY in her search for ways to be at fornia. I continue to reserve the bal- floor today and talk about someone once resolute and respectful? ance of my time. they barely knew or may have met Remarkable courage and determina- Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I yield myself briefly or didn’t know at all, because tion have made GABRIELLE GIFFORDS such time as I may consume. that is what binds us together is the the living manifestation of what Mem- Madam Speaker, this body is numb. spirit, the history of this Chamber and bers of this institution and the citizens We forget that we are a family, a dys- what it has meant as the people’s of our great country want to be. May functional family at times, but that we House. GABBY GIFFORDS’ words prove as con- are a family. We all get to know each That is why it is incumbent on all of tagious as her courage. other, and we all have a common pas- us to take away as a lesson from this

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 305 tragedy a renewed sense of respect for will have a speedy and full recovery. Today, however, is a day to honor the tragic each other and for the common purpose We pray for those who have lost their loss of life that took place last Saturday and that brought us all here together in the lives. We pray for this institution, that to also pray for the continued strength and full first place. we will take the correct lessons out of recovery of Rep. GIFFORDS and the others I talked about how we are a family. this tragedy. And when I use the word who survived. Every Thanksgiving our family has a ‘‘tragedy,’’ it is a tragedy on the side of Rep. GIFFORDS is a brilliant woman who rep- tradition of watching a movie called those who were attacked and the insti- resents the best of what a Member of this ‘‘Home for the Holidays’’ about a very tution that was attacked. It is, how- body should be. She keeps an abiding focus dysfunctional family. The star of that ever, the product of a criminal act, and on serving her constituents and, last Saturday, movie is Holly Hunter. In one of the we should understand that. she was in the midst of an open air forum, closing moments of this movie—which Madam Speaker, it is always within ‘‘Congress on Your Corner,’’ where she and like all good movies makes you laugh, our power to either take the proper les- her staff had assembled a portable congres- makes you cry and makes you think— sons from a particular incident or to sional office to, literally, take the best of their Holly Hunter’s father is down in the discard them, to think deeply about legislative and constituent service ability di- basement watching old home movies them or think of them superficially. I rectly to the people who elected her to serve. and he’s talking to her about one mo- believe that the fact that we have dedi- Madam Speaker, last Saturday, Rep. GIF- ment in his life that took 5 seconds and cated this entire day to trying to find FORDS and her staff were operating in the best made all the difference in the world in the right lessons out of that and to traditions of this Congress and in the best tra- his relationship with his daughter. And give proper respect to those who suf- ditions of our democracy. That is why it still he said, You were fearless, huh? Fear- fered in this tragedy is evidence of the seems incredible to me that Americans as di- less. fact that we will attempt to take the verse as nine–year–old Christina Taylor Green That is my friend, GABBY GIFFORDS. proper lessons out of this. to 79–year–old Phyllis Schneck, a mother of She is fearless in what makes this job One is, of course, that this is the peo- three and grandmother of seven, should come worth having. That is why we have a ple’s House. If you read the Constitu- to this public forum only to lose their lives to responsibility—to her and all the peo- tion, article I, it is clear that the a deranged assailant with a gun. ple who lost their lives and who showed House of Representatives is meant to This simply should not happen in our coun- up at that town hall meeting because be the closest to the people of any of try but, sadly, far too often it does. they care about this country—to make the Federal institutions. We all, in a Madam Speaker my prayers and support re- a difference going forward in how we real sense, no matter where we come main with Rep. GIFFORDS and her husband, talk to each other and how we care from, are institutionalists in that we Captain Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut, their about each other. love this institution—we fought in family and the team of medical professionals As we look forward to next Monday, many ways to get here—but we honor and first responders who have done an amaz- we should remember what Martin Lu- one another by showing respect to one ing job in helping Rep. GIFFORDS and the ther King, Jr. taught us, that ‘‘the another and we honor our constituents other survivors to continue to improve. I also moral arc of the universe is long, but it as well. extend my condolences to the six Americans who lost their lives that day including Gabriel bends toward justice.’’ We have a col- Speaker BOEHNER has said, ‘‘An at- Zimmerman, Rep. GIFFORDS’ community out- lective duty, all of us, to make sure tack on one is an attack on all.’’ That reach director, who lost his life in the midst of that we bend that arc sooner and is true. Perhaps several hundred years ago the writer and the poet, John serving his community. quicker so that the American people At another day and at another time I will Donne, said it best. He said, ‘‘No man is realize that we are all in this together amplify my voice and advocacy in a manner an island, entire of itself. Every man is and that this is the people’s House for that I hope will make a dent in the wanton pro- a piece of the continent, a part of the a reason. liferation and availability of guns in our society main. If a clod be washed away by the I want to thank my Republican col- to those who clearly should not have them. sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a leagues for their extreme sensitivity But, for now, I wish God’s peace and healing and their devotion to this important promontory were, as well as if a manor power upon GABBY GIFFORDS and the other resolution, and I thank my colleague of thy friend’s or of thine own were; survivors of this tragic event. from California for helping us put this any man’s death diminishes me, be- I also pray for our President and for our Na- resolution together today. cause I am involved in mankind. And, tion as we assemble in a spirit of community Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- therefore, never send to know for tonight, in Tucson, in a national service of ance of my time. whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.’’ prayer and reflection for the victims of this Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, it is with a tragedy and for our Nation. fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield myself heavy heart that I rise this morning to pay trib- Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. Madam such time as I may consume, and I rise ute to my esteemed colleague from the great Speaker, I rise today to join my colleagues in in enthusiastic support of H. Res. 32. state of Arizona, U.S. Rep. GABRIELLE GIF- recognizing my friend, Congresswoman Madam Speaker, I am privileged and FORDS, who with God’s grace is still alive and GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, members of her staff, humbled to be able to close out this de- appears to be heading toward a promising re- and other victims of the senseless attack bate. I am not, as some who have come covery. I am grateful to God for His divine which took place on January 8, 2011 in Tuc- to the floor, a close personal friend of intervention in the lives of those 13 other vic- son, Arizona. GABBY GIFFORDS; but I have, as have tims who, along with Rep. GIFFORDS, were GABBY is kind, brilliant, beautiful, charming, others, been under her spell here. I shot last Saturday at a shopping mall in Rep. intellectually curious, honest, and a powerful have had the chance to talk with her GIFFORDS’ Tucson, Arizona district. Right now, presence. She is truly one of the most amaz- on several occasions in an informal set- news accounts indicate that those 13 people ing people I’ve met in my life. She is devoted ting, and I might mention that on each will survive their injuries. to public service for all the right reasons—to of those occasions she reminded me But, Madam Speaker, six people, including make America stronger, safer, better–edu- that she used to be Republican. I don’t a nine–year–old girl, did not survive last Satur- cated and to protect America from its en- know if that was her way of thinking day’s gunfire by a young man who, by every emies. She is thoroughly dedicated to her dis- that maybe we could have a rapport— account, is clearly mentally unbalanced. It is trict and selflessly serves her constituents. Her you didn’t really need that with her be- my opinion that under no set of circumstances constituents, even those who do not always cause of her openness and her smile, should the gunman have been able to pur- share her political views, respect her for being but it was interesting. She always did chase a handgun with a 30-round magazine. ready to help them and fight for what is right. it with a smile, and she always did it That young man was able to wreak all this I know my colleagues on both sides of the with an invitation to engage with her havoc in a matter of a few minutes before sev- aisle recognize her as a person of great integ- that is the mark of her. eral courageous Americans rose to the occa- rity who fights tirelessly for her principles. We pray, all of us together, that she sion as they quickly wrestled the assailant to Madam Speaker, my thoughts at this time and those others grievously wounded the ground. are with my friend GABBY. We are all hoping

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 and praying for her complete recovery, as well without degrading the debate into petty name- Madam Speaker, as we struggle to make as for the families of those who were killed calling. sense of these horrific events, one thing re- and those who were wounded and are strug- As one of my colleagues said recently about mains perfectly clear to all of us in public life: gling to recover. Violence and threats have no a verbal attack made against him, ‘‘It’s not this type of incident cannot be condoned—and place in our democracy. what you meant to say that matters, or even our accessibility to our constituents cannot be Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I stand how I understand it. What matters is how your curtailed—if our nation is to endure as a united today with my colleagues and our na- words are interpreted by the least sane person democratic republic. tion as we remember those killed and wound- in my district.’’ Before I close, I again wanted to join my ed during the shootings on Saturday in Tuc- I look forward to the day—hopefully soon— colleagues in remembering all the victims and son, Arizona. when we will see GABBY back on this floor, rededicating ourselves to the enduring Amer- To the families, loved ones and friends of fighting for her constituents in southern Ari- ican values which Congresswoman GIFFORDS those who suddenly and senselessly lost their zona. and her staff embody: openness, accessibility, lives, I join my colleagues in extending our Until then, instead of pointing fingers and and a sincere commitment to serve those who most sincere condolences and hope that they playing the blame game, let’s take this tragedy we represent. find comfort during these extremely difficult as an opportunity to return civility to our de- Mr. MCKEON. Madam Speaker, I rise today days. mocracy. to join the entire House Armed Services family To those still recovering in the hospital, in- Mr. TIERNEY. Madam Speaker, I join my in my shock and sadness at the shooting of cluding our respected colleague and dedicated colleagues in supporting this resolution. On Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and public servant GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, we offer behalf of the hundreds of thousands of resi- members of her staff. The tragic events that our prayers for healing of the physical and dents and families I represent in Massachu- occurred this past Saturday give us all reason emotional wounds inflicted during this setts, I respectfully offer my deepest sym- to come together and reflect on the frailty of unprovoked and despicable attack. pathies and condolences to the families, human life—my thoughts and prayers go out We also stand united today in expressing friends and loved ones of those who were to GABBY, to her family, and to all the victims our deepest gratitude to all who demonstrated killed last Saturday in Tucson, Arizona. I want of this heinous crime. Violent acts of this na- true courage and extraordinary heroism in that to express my support for those who were in- ture have no place in our democratic society, grocery store parking lot to prevent more lives jured. Let’s hope their recovery is swift. and it is my hope that justice will be swift for from being lost and provide care for their Our focus right now must remain on hon- those who perpetrated this attack. I spoke with GABBY just before the holidays neighbors in need. oring the lives that were lost and the lives that Lives were lost and forever changed in an will never be the same as a result of this un- and am reminded of her tireless efforts to work across party lines in representing Arizo- instant on Saturday. The anguish and sorrow speakable attack. However, as we turn to na’s 8th Congressional District, as well as her will linger much longer. each other, seek solace and mourn, we can- unwavering support for our men and women in That is why it is important to solemnly honor not lose sight of the fact that extraordinary uniform. Today we rise to honor the service of the memories of the victims of this dark day heroism and selfless courage could be found Representative GIFFORDS and offer our and, as the resolution we are voting on today amid the horror of that day. The worst of trag- thoughts and prayers for her, her family, and states, reaffirm our belief in a democracy in edies brought out the best of humanity, as it so often does. There were men and women of all victims of this attack. which all can participate and in which intimida- Mr. MARINO. Madam Speaker, I rise today all ages, who, in some cases, were injured tion and threats of violence cannot silence the to express my heartfelt sorrow for the tragic themselves, shielding children from harm, voices of any American. and senseless attack on Representative Mr. CARDOZA. Madam Speaker, I rise tending to the injured, and apprehending the GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff and constitu- gunman. All of them put their own lives at risk today to say a few words honoring my friend ents. I especially want to offer my condo- to help save others. and colleague, Rep. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. lences to the families of Christina Taylor I’d also like to convey the heartache and I first came to know GABBY when she joined Green, Judge John Roll, Dorothy Morris, Phyl- concern of my constituents—and all Ameri- the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate, lis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and Gabriel cans—for my colleague, Congresswoman fiscally conservative Democrats of whom I Zimmerman. Their memories will live on in the GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. As so many have noted, have served as co-chairman. hearts of all Americans. I came to know—and admire—GABBY more GABBY is a smart and honorable member of I would also like to send my best wishes to when I travelled to her district in southern Ari- Congress, but even more so, she is a great those who were wounded during the attack, person—a warm, caring, thoughtful, and a zona to host a town hall on agriculture with particularly our colleague Representative GIF- hard-working public servant who strives and her. FORDS. We hope for your speedy and com- As all who have met her know, GABBY is a succeeds in making a real difference for the plete recovery. bright, energetic young woman who is deeply people and community she represents. Our Also important to remember are the heroic committed to public service. That inner hearts go out to GABBY’s husband, Mark Kelly, actions of the individuals who put their lives on strength will no doubt carry her through this her parents and family, and her dedicated staff the line to bring down the gunman before he tragedy and to a full recovery. in Washington and Arizona. had the opportunity to reload his weapon. As painful as it may be too admit, this trag- It is well-known now that this shooting oc- Without your quick thinking and brave inter- edy was not unexpected. GABBY’s office had curred while Congresswoman GIFFORDS was vention this tragedy could have been much been the target of violence before. conducting a ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ worse. And, as all of us who have held public event, which gives her constituents an oppor- Finally, it is important to recognize the events over the past few years know, the tunity to meet directly with her and raise emergency responders, nurses, doctors, and anger and vitriol has been escalating. issues or ask questions of concern. All of us all medical personnel who have worked tire- Sadly, it was only a matter of time before conduct events like this in some form as often lessly throughout these difficult times. Your ef- hateful speech turned to hateful action. as we can because it is such a fundamental forts undoubtedly saved lives and your dedica- Passionate public debate is essential to our aspect of our job. As Speaker BOEHNER said tion cannot be praised enough. democracy. It is what our founders fought and last week, ‘‘this is the people’s House.’’ Mov- Again, my thoughts and prayers go out to died for, and it is what made the United States ing forward, even in this time of grief and sad- the victims and their families. unique among nations at our birth. ness, I believe it is important to keep it that Mr. OWENS. Madam Speaker, I rise today But we must maintain respect and civility in way. Rather than inappropriately increasing to pay tribute to Congresswoman GABRIELLE our discussions. Elected officials have a re- the barriers between us and those who we GIFFORDS, her staff, their families and every- sponsibility to set an example and behave like represent, we must stay committed to engag- one affected by the tragic events of January 8, statesmen. ing in precisely the kind of activities that Con- 2011 in Tucson, Arizona. The media have a responsibility to encour- gresswoman GIFFORDS and her staff under- It has been my honor to work with Con- age debate, without feeding the flames of took last Saturday. We must continue to travel gresswoman GIFFORDS here in Washington, anger. around our communities and be in contact and to call her a friend. Congresswoman GIF- And the public has a responsibility to stand with those we represent. We must be more FORDS has earned her reputation as a prag- up and be strong voices in our democracy, accessible, not less. matic, rational and clear-minded lawmaker,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 307 and we are all better for having served with large body of Congress. Over the years I grew Schneck, age 79, who was spending the win- her. My wife and I have had the opportunity to amazed at how hard you worked, and it made ter in Arizona; and Dorwan Stoddard, a 76- spend time with her and her husband, who are me wonder if you ever had time for yourself. year-old retired construction worker, who truly patriotic and dedicated Americans not de- Obviously meeting and marrying Mark, an ad- shielded his wife Mavy, who sustained injuries serving of this fate. mired astronaut, gave you an added value to in the shooting. And also slain was Gabe Zim- The details of this horrifying event are still life. This might be why you always came to merman, the 30-year-old community outreach coming to light, but in these uncertain times it work so happy. I pray that you never lose your director for Congresswoman GIFFORDS, a con- is my hope that we can come together to bring happiness, as it always lightens up the room gressional staffer like the thousands of dedi- relief to the victims and justice to those re- for others. But I do worry about how tough cated public servants we have the privilege of sponsible, not point partisan fingers or score your district has made your campaign de- working with in this House. Just there doing a political points. We owe it to those lost or mands, and thus on your personal life. job he loved serving the people. wounded in this senseless crime to grieve for Your recovery keeps me smiling, after the I haven’t had the privilege of getting to know the fallen, pray for those in recovery and re- tears of tragedy, to watch you—once again— GABBY as well as some have, but she and I flect on how we might better serve our office show me—while sitting in the Chamber—the shared an interest in keeping the space pro- and the work of this great nation. marred of politicians on your Blackberry. gram strong. I pray for her full recovery and Madam Speaker, I know I speak for all my GABBY you are the only member that has the look forward to working with her again when colleagues in wishing her a speedy recovery. full schedule of NASA launches and landings she returns to this House. From what I know I look forward to working with her again soon at your finger tips. This is just another exam- of her through other colleagues, GABBY GIF- in the halls of Congress. ple of how clever you are in application of FORDS epitomizes what every member of this body aspires to be: a dedicated, courageous Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, technology to political life style. Saturday was a tragic day for America. Like So today our colleagues stand in the Cham- public servant with a heart of service and an optimism about America that is infectious. most Americans, my wife Vicki and I felt a pro- ber to salute you, to mourn the loss of other Madam Speaker, we honor the memory of found loss because of the senseless attacks wonderful people, and to begin the dialogue those whose lives were taken last Saturday at a Congress on your Corner event held by on what we have learned from your tragic en- and express our heartfelt condolences to their Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. counters. families and friends, and we pray for those GABBY serves with me on the House Armed I hope that we can learn and honor the vic- who were wounded that they will recover Services Committee, and all of us who have tims, with smarter gun control and better fund- quickly, including our colleague, GABBY GIF- worked with her hold her in the highest re- ing for mental health treatment. And I hope we FORDS. gards as a hard-working public servant. The can develop a better understanding that hate Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, violent attack on a Member of Congress, her talk and negative campaigning leaves the today we honor Congresswoman GIFFORDS. staff, and innocent constituents was not only wrong impression for young people growing The House stands together in support of her attack against humanity; it was also an attack up in our society. A democracy based on neg- and in condemnation of a senseless attack on our freedom and democracy. ative talk can not survive. that severely injured her and claimed six lives. Throughout the history of our Nation, Ameri- I pray that you fully recover. I lost my 17- I have served with Representative GIFFORDS cans have stood together in times of tragedy. year-old sister from a horse accident, while on the Science Committee, and am grateful Today we gather to honor that tradition and she was visiting me in Colombia during my for this opportunity to speak about her char- display our unwavering support for GABBY and time with the Peace Corps. It was just months acter and professionalism. the other victims and families affected by this after my mother had died of cancer. My sister Representative GIFFORDS is a warm, friendly attack. Let one man’s senseless act not over- Nancy died because of the lack of medical individual who is genuinely interested in oth- shadow her service, or the lives of those who care available in the rural hospital. So I am ers, and who always maintains an upbeat atti- were tragically lost. extremely relieved that the availability of good tude. Vicki and I continue to pray for her full re- medical science and a rapid response saved She works hard to improve the lives of her covery, for her family and staff and all of those your life. constituents, and is engaged and energized whose lives were gravely impacted and for- We all look forward to seeing you back on about issues of concern to them. She also ever changed. the floor of the House of Representatives. You goes out of her way to be accessible, which Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, oh sister how have always been the spirit of public service, is exactly what she was doing when this trag- I have cried, prayed, and listened to stories and will continue to be forever more. God edy occurred. about you. I am so sorry for your pain of bless you GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. The reprehensible attack that took place has losses, and your pain through your recovery. Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I join with my united us as Members of Congress and re- But I am, at the same time, so proud of you colleagues today to honor the 6 who died and minded us that while the act of a lone gunman and delighted you are alive. the 14 who were wounded, including our own cannot always be prevented, we must make For all the wrong reasons, today the world colleague GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, in the horror sure that justice prevails and that our demo- rightfully knows what a remarkable person you which unfolded last Saturday morning in Tuc- cratic ideals remain secure. We hope and pray for Representative GIF- are. They know how fortunate our country has son, Arizona. FORDS’ full recovery. I was at home Saturday checking my been to have you in public service. You still Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, I rise haven’t stopped serving, because your injured iPhone when I saw the shocking news of the today to honor the memories of Gabe Zimmer- life has given hope to millions that you will re- shootings and that Congresswoman GIFFORDS man, Judge John Roll, Christina-Taylor Green, cover—and that those with like kinds of inju- and her staff were among the victims. What I Dorothy Morris, Dorwan Stoddard, and Phyllis ries may also have a chance. You are a na- read was hard to comprehend. She and her Schneck. I rise also to voice my sincere hope tional role model for public service—brave, staff were doing their jobs, back in her district for the recovery of our friend and colleague, kind, friendly, accessible and effective. on a weekend, meeting with constituents in Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, and the While praying for your life I recalled every the finest example of representative govern- others who were injured in Saturday’s terrible conversation we had and each photo I have ment. And in a split second, the lives of those shooting. The loss to the Congressional com- taken of you and Mark. there were forever changed, and in a larger munity and to Tucson has already been great. I remember when you were first elected in context, all of our lives have changed. We can only hope the loss will not become your great class of freshman. I was so proud My heart and prayers go out to those who even greater. to meet the woman that took ’s lost their lives and to their families. There was Representative GIFFORDS serves a politically place. You had been a Fulbright Scholar in 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, there to divided community. As long as I have known Mexico. We talked about your student life meet her representative because she wanted her, she’s worked honestly and tirelessly to there and my similar age experience of being to become involved in government; Dorothy bridge that divide. There are few greater goals in Peace Corps in South America—how we Morris, there with her husband of over 50 in public life than bringing people together and had parallel experiences serving in the Ari- years, George, who was critically injured trying creating unity. Whatever your politics, Rep- zona and California legislatures. to shield his wife from the shooting; federal resentative GIFFORDS is a listener and a seek- Starting with that first conversation, we both district Judge John Roll, who had just come er of solutions. In politics and in life, that is a knew we were like brother and sister in a from Mass, which he attended daily; Phyllis rare thing.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 She spread that ethic to her staff, as Tuc- few others. I sincerely hope the next is not an- witnessed first-hand her dedication. son knows very well. Gabe Zimmerman, her other tragedy. With that hope, today I add my GABRIELLE’s passion for her job is evident to director of community outreach, had an incred- voice to the many who call for a stronger na- all those who know her, and it is no surprise ible and contagious desire to help people and tional family. There is nothing more important. to me that GABRIELLE was doing what she make their lives better. When we speak of Mr. RUNYAN. Madam Speaker, along with loves most on that horrible Saturday. I look public service, we sometimes forget the many the rest of the American people, I was forward to her full and speedy recovery, and unelected but no less dedicated men and shocked and saddened by news of the Janu- I anxiously await her return to Congress. women whose work enriches the city, district, ary 8, 2011 attack on Congresswoman While I am hopeful about GABRIELLE’s re- state or country they serve. Tucson, and I GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her Congressional staff, covery, I am heartbroken over the deaths of hope the country, will never forget public serv- Judge John Roll, and her constituents at a the six innocent people caught at the wrong ants like Gabe. He will be missed by more public event in Tucson, Arizona. place, at the wrong time. Christina Taylor people than he could ever know. Congresswoman GIFFORDS is a dedicated Green, who was only 9 years old, was re- Judge Roll was a strong, honest and effec- public servant who was engaging in the most cently elected to her school’s student council tive advocate for the American justice system, important role we have as Members of Con- and hoped to speak with a government official and his loss will be deeply felt. Christina gress: interacting with and listening to our con- that tragic day. Pennsylvania native and Fed- Green, at only 9 years old, had already made stituents. January 8, 2011 was indeed a sad eral judge, John Roll, was hoping to meet with an impression on everyone around her and day for our Nation and this sick and senseless his Congresswoman to discuss overcrowding will be long remembered. Dorwan Stoddard, a act of violence in Arizona has no place in our of prisons. Gabriel Zimmerman was struck committed and long-time church volunteer, re- society. while carrying out his duties as the Congress- portedly died saving his wife’s life by shielding My thoughts and prayers are with Congress- woman’s Director of Community Outreach. her from gunfire. Dorothy Morris and her hus- woman GIFFORDS and the other victims of this Dorothy Morris, Dorwan Stoddard, and Phyllis band, George, were together on that tragic unfathomable attack. May their families and Schneck were going about their regular Satur- day as they had been for the past 55 years of friends find comfort and strength in knowing day activities and hoped they would get a their happy marriage, and her daughters and the American people are with them in spirit chance to speak with their member of Con- family will hold her memory very close. Phyllis during this difficult time. gress. Schneck was an outgoing mother and grand- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, Madam Speaker, I hope that all those mother known for her generosity and devotion today I extend sympathies and well wishes to touched by these tragic events find peace and to her family, and our thoughts go out to her my colleague, Congresswoman GABRIELLE comfort. Saturday, January 8, 2011 should be and her loved ones today. GIFFORDS of the 8th Congressional District of a reminder to all Americans that there is no Alongside the victims of this tragedy, I the State of Arizona. I wish a speedy recovery place for violence in a free political process. I would like to take a moment to recognize the for this remarkable woman who has dedicated continue to pray for those that were lost and many heroes of that day—people who offered her life and career in service to her constitu- for the recovery of those who were wounded, medical assistance, alerted law enforcement, ents. and I hope we as a country can move forward prevented further violence or assisted in too I would also like to extend my deepest con- and learn from this tragedy. Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, today I many other ways to count. This resolution dolences to the families of the victims who rise in support of House Resolution 32, ex- names Patricia Maisch, Army Col. Bill Badger, were fatally wounded: nine-year-old Christina pressing the sense of the House of Rep- Roger Sulzgeber, Joseph Zimudio, and Daniel Taylor Green, Congressional Staffer Gabe resentatives with respect to the tragic shooting Hernandez, Jr. To that list we can add brave Zimmerman, Federal Judge John Roll, and Ar- people like Steven Rayle, an MD who was at in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011. Last izona citizens Dorwan Stoddard, Phyllis the event and offered emergency medical at- Saturday’s senseless and vile act of violence Schneck, as well as Dorothy Morris. To the tention to the wounded, and many others wounded Congresswoman GIFFORDS at an people of Tucson, Arizona affected by this whose names may emerge over time. event with her constituents. Six Americans It is in the spirit of unity that we all go for- random, senseless act of violence, my were tragically killed and 14 others, including ward together. As difficult as this time has thoughts and prayers remain with you. relatives of the slain, are recovering. been for Tucson and the Nation, this can be As they work through the ineffable tragedy First, above all else, I want to express how a moment when the best is truly in each of us. which befell this community on Saturday, Jan- deeply saddened I am by this weekend’s uary 8, 2011, I must commend the tireless ef- This can be a time when the truest values of events. Congresswoman GIFFORDS is a dedi- humanity join us all—values that let us mourn forts of Pima County’s first responders, as well cated public servant, a cherished colleague, appropriately, reflect together, take time for as the efforts of bystanders in their role to re- and a friend. I join with all Americans in wish- ourselves, and bring us closer. At this mo- store and maintain order during this tragedy. ing GABBY and the other wounded a speedy ment, there is no greater goal than to heal our With their efforts, lives were saved. recovery. I also mourn the loss of those who wounds and grow stronger. America is mourning both for the victims of passed. Gabriel Zimmerman was Congress- Out of great tragedy and sorrow, there will this tragedy and for the assault against our woman GIFFORDS’ community outreach direc- be a new America. Pain brings people to- constitutional right to peaceably assemble. tor. Dorwan Stoddard, a retiree, was waiting in gether and reminds us of the time we all share That our citizens can fall under attack while line with his wife to speak to the Congress- on this Earth. It also reminds us of the value upholding our Democratic values is deplor- woman and protected his wife from the gun- of being good to one another, and how easily able. We must never allow an act of violence man’s bullets. The youngest victim was 9- we forget ourselves in a heated moment. Pain, to thwart this right. year-old Christina Green who had just been as horrible as it is, is inevitable. Our lives can- I ask my colleagues to join me in support of elected to her elementary school’s student not be free of it. What matters now—what al- the Resolution before this chamber today council. Dorothy Murray was a retired home- ways matters—is how we respond to it. which condemns this indiscriminate act of vio- maker and her husband was among the in- Our most important response will not be po- lence and honors Representative GIFFORDS as jured. Phyllis Schneck, also a retiree and a litical—it will be simply human. It will be to she fights to recover. New Jersey native, spent winters in Arizona. build bridges and remember those who have Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Madam Chief Judge John Roll was a respected jurist died. Public life should be about bringing peo- Speaker, I rise today to offer my condolences who served on the federal bench since 1991 ple together; so should private life. We are regarding the terrible events that took place on and became Chief Judge in 2006. stronger and more human when we are to- Saturday, January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Ari- Last Saturday, Representative GABRIELLE gether. That’s true of a family, a community, zona. The attempted assassination of Rep- GIFFORDS was doing the people’s business, and a country. In a very real sense, a coun- resentative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and the killing meeting constituents in front of a local grocery try—our country—is a family. Families may of six people, including a 9-year-old child, a store and explaining how government, can im- fight, disagree and say things they regret, but federal judge, and a congressional aide, is an prove their lives. She was doing her job: con- in the end, they come together. They rejoin unspeakable tragedy. necting her constituents to their government. their hands and make peace. This is a time to Congresswoman GIFFORDS is not only an The tragic event should cause us all to stop make peace in America. esteemed colleague of mine, she is my friend. and consider what more we can to do to There are few occasions to offer a call for It has been an honor to serve alongside of her change the tone of our national politics. In re- national unity, and in our lifetimes there will be on the Armed Services Committee, and I have cent years, it seems that politicians and other

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 309 public figures have increasingly utilized polit- lution 32, expressing the sense of the House our representative democracy—it is indeed ical rhetoric that includes violent imagery to of Representatives with respect to the tragic government of the people, by the people, for make a point. We can do better. We must do shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, the people. better. 2011. Our thoughts and prayers are with the I hope we will all look towards GABBY’s ex- As someone who knew the late Dr. Martin victims and their loved ones, including my ample and use it to guide us towards a better Luther King, I have drawn inspiration during friend and colleague GABBY GIFFORDS, the Gif- public discourse with each other—I think we this crisis from one of his statements. Dr. King fords staff, and all who are mourning this trag- can all agree that too often these days our po- believed that ‘‘nonviolence means avoiding not edy in Arizona and across the Nation. litical rhetoric has gotten overheated and vitri- only external physical violence but also inter- The events of this weekend are difficult to olic. Lower our voices and raise our commit- nal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to comprehend. GABBY is a champion for her ment to peaceful resolve. shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.’’ As constituents and it was because of her devo- I want to make this very clear, this is not we approach the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., tion to them that she was outside a local gro- about being on the left or the right—the shoot- holiday, I hope we can reflect on these words cery store the Saturday morning when she ing in Tucson was an attack on all Americans and his teachings and make our world a more nearly lost her life. As the tragedy unfolded, from a perpetrator who tried to strike at the just and peaceful place. she was surrounded by a group of dutiful staff very heart of our great democracy. Mr. LUJA´ N. Madam Speaker, it is with a and constituents, including an intern who may Being from Paterson, NJ and it being the heavy heart that I rise today to mourn the vic- have saved her life, and many who so unbe- day after Alexander Hamilton’s birthday, I am tims of Saturday’s tragic shooting that took the lievably lost their own lives or were injured. reminded of one of the greatest political de- lives of six people, injured numerous others, I have gotten to know GABBY through our bates in the history of our Nation between and left our friend and colleague, GABRIELLE shared efforts to advance renewable energy Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. GIFFORDS, fighting for her life. In an instant, policies, including our working together on the The nature of the debate between Hamilton the Tucson community, and indeed the entire Sustainable Energy and Environment Coali- and Jefferson was as monumental in their day country, was shocked by the senseless vio- tion. She’s bright and engaging, and is always as it is in ours—their arguments went to the lence and saddened by the loss. bringing in fresh ideas to achieve solutions to very core of our Nation in its infancy and the For four years, GABBY GIFFORDS has been a our Nation’s energy problems. My heart is with issues they debated remain contested to this well-respected member of this body, serving her and her husband at this moment as she day—yet despite the gravity of their discussion her constituents with determination and dis- fights for her recovery. If there is anyone who not once did they cross the line from fierce tinction. To those who know her, it comes as can pull through, I believe it will be GABBY. disagreement to considering violent solutions. no surprise that she is fighting with such te- It is in times like these that I believe our Na- I hope we will use this occasion to pause nacity to recover from this severe injury. I wish tion can rise above our past and shine brighter and recognize that in our great Nation we her all the best on a full and speedy recovery than we have before. While it will take time to each have a responsibility to stand shoulder- and look forward to the day when we will wel- learn exactly why this has happened, I hope to-shoulder with our fellow citizens in times come her back to this chamber. that as we heal, our Nation will find a way to both good and bad. I know I join with my constituents in New be more compassionate, understanding and Names of the Victims: Chief Judge John Mexico in honoring those who lost their lives peaceful. Roll, 63; Christina Taylor Green, 9; Dorothy in this heinous attack, those who wanted noth- Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I rise with Morris, 76; Phyllis Scheck, 79; Dorwan Stod- ing more than to be part of our democratic all of my colleagues here to honor the victims dard, 76; and Gabriel ‘‘Gabe’’ Zimmerman, 30, process and speak with their elected rep- of the tragedy in Tuscon and to speak of our (GIFFORDS’s staff as a Community Outreach Director). resentative or dedicate themselves to public great colleague GABBY GIFFORDS. service. Their memory will not be forgotten. We are all encouraged by the signs of re- Mr. SERRANO. Madam Speaker, it is with My thoughts and prayers are with all of those covery that GABBY is showing every day she heartfelt sadness that today I remember those involved in this tragedy as well as their fami- has been in the hospital. Our prayers are with who lost their lives in this tragic shooting in lies and friends during this difficult time. her, her husband Commander Mark Kelly and Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 2011. I remem- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, her entire family. ber those who reacted with bravery in trying to today I rise with a heavy heart at this moment As Co-Chair of the Traumatic Brain Injury stop the gunman. I remember those who were of great sadness in our nation’s history. The Taskforce I know GABBY faces a long road. wounded and even now are fighting to recover violence we witnessed last weekend in Ari- We know she is receiving the best care in the from their wounds. I remember all of the family zona still seems so unreal, so shocking, so world—but even more importantly we all know members who are struggling with great losses. unbelievable. Only a few days ago, Rep- that she’s a fighter and that’s exactly what Finally, I remember with hope for her speedy resentative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS stood in the she’s doing now. recovery, Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. well of the House reading the First Amend- On Monday in honor of the victims in Tuc- This is a sad time for our Nation, a time ment, and today she is fighting to regain her son I called for a Week of Solidarity in the 8th when we reflect on how all too often violence ability to speak. District of New Jersey. strikes and randomly takes some of our best I keep hoping that in the midst of this great I love that word ‘‘solidarity’’ and all it rep- and brightest. All of the lives that were lost tragedy, we will say enough is enough. I keep resents. I wanted all our faith leaders to hold were special to those who loved them—to hoping we will finally find it necessary to teach services and events this week—in order for their spouses and their children and their the way to love, the way of peace and non-vi- our collective community to reflect on this na- grandchildren. Judge John Roll was a public olence, not only to our children, but that we tional tragedy and pray for the victims and official serving our country with distinction and will embrace it among ourselves as adults and their families and for all of America. dedication. Christina Taylor Green was a as national leaders. We pray a special prayer As tragically occurred in Tucson, too many young child with an interest in learning more today for all of the people of Arizona, but es- of our communities have been afflicted by gun about how government works. I hope that in pecially GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and her husband violence—as a nation now is the time to heal the future our children will be able to meet Mark Kelly. with our words and find unity where there may with their representatives without endangering Representative GIFFORDS is one of the most be strife. their lives. hopeful, optimistic people you would ever want I find it especially appropriate that the end As a Member of Congress who has worked to meet. She is wonderful. She is smart, and of this week will culminate with the observ- with Representative GIFFORDS, I am especially she is beautiful. I hope that one day soon she ance of Martin Luther King Day—a man who touched by this senseless tragedy. Represent- will rejoin us in this chamber. My thoughts and gave our entire Nation the chance to find soli- ative GIFFORDS is a very friendly, hard working prayers are with the victims and the families of darity with each other—it is a bond that serves colleague. She is someone who is easy to get all those who were hurt, those who are still us well in the wake of this tragedy. along with and always willing to chat and lend struggling to be made whole, and with the The victims in Tucson truly embody the a helping hand. She was doing what is ex- families of all those who were slain. May God greatest spirit of our Nation, you had individ- pected of all of us who represent our constitu- bless them all in these difficult hours. uals from every different background, both ents—we meet with our constituents and we Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, it is with a young and old, coming together as citizens to listen to their concerns and we try to help heavy heart that I rise to support House Reso- take part in one of the most essential rites of them. That is what we were elected to do—

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and so it is especially hard to see that one of and all others who were hurt or killed in the our colleague, Representative GABRIELLE GIF- our own was injured while doing—what we all tragic and senseless attack in Tucson, Ari- FORDS, and those killed and injured in a do—our job. zona. senseless shooting during a Congress on Please let me conclude by saying that my Everywhere that I went at home, my con- Your Corner event in Tucson, Arizona. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who stituents responded with outrage, but also colleague GABBY was doing her job to serve died or were injured and with the families who prayerfully to this horrendous event. Our the constituents of the 8th Congressional Dis- loved them. My prayers are with Representa- churches devoted Sunday services in memory trict of Arizona, those who were killed and tive GIFFORDS as she recovers and my hope of those who died, offered prayers for speedy wounded were there to participate in the is that soon she will be back with us here in and full recovery tor those injured, for the af- democratic process we hold dear. As the na- the House of Representatives where she be- fected families, for the residents of the district tion mourns with the victims’ families, we learn longs. and for our nation as well as in grateful tribute about these innocent Americans whose lives Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise to ask to all who responded and continue to respond. were cut short by this unspeakable crime all Americans to join me in my prayers for We joined our fellow Americans in the mo- against our democracy and our humanity. Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS’ speedy ment of silence on Monday. Dorothy Morris, age 76, known to her and full recovery. I extend my thoughts to her I, like all of my colleagues, and all public fig- friends as ‘‘Dot,’’ was a retired homemaker husband, Captain Mark Kelly, their family, and ures understand and accept the risks of being and secretary who lived with her husband of those of all the staff and constituents who in public office and we and those charged with 50 years, George, at a retirement community were innocent victims of this traumatic event. the responsibility of protecting us act to miti- just north of Tucson. When the shots rang out, At a time like this we should also remember gate these risks. However we are here to rep- George, a former Marine and retired airline that all of our staffs could be in harm’s way, resent the residents of our districts and are pilot, threw himself on his wife in an attempt just by working with us. Staff is a vital part of committed to doing what is needed to do so to shield her from the bullets. George survived our lives, and without them we would not be to the best of our ability. That means that we after suffering two gunshot wounds; Dorothy able to function. While everyone is concerned must meet, listen and interact with our con- did not. about Members’ safety, I think we should also stituents as much as possible. This incident Judge John Roll, age 63, was the chief be concerned for our staff. will not prevent us from doing so, judge of Arizona’s Federal district court. Ap- But just as we continue to carry out our du- Such act of violence on GABBY, her staff pointed to the Federal bench in 1991 by Presi- ties, it is the responsibility of everyone, but and constituents is a threat to the virtue of dent George H.W. Bush, Judge Roll was a particularly those who have a public platform, open government and has no place in our de- widely respected jurist by his colleagues. to be responsible in what they communicate to mocracy. Concern for safety should not stand Known for this deep Catholic faith, it is re- the public and how. between public officials and the people. My ported that Judge Roll was simply stopping by There are many who warned that the in- the event to say hello to his friend, GABBY, constituents in Upper Manhattan have a spe- creasingly inflammatory rhetoric of the past cial understanding of this tragedy because of after morning mass. Judge Roll is survived by year, especially as the campaigns got under- his wife, Maureen, their three sons, and five the amount of gun violence we have in the way, could lead to some kind of violent action. district. grandchildren. That being said I do not intend to point fin- Phyllis Schneck, age 79, a widow and re- GABBY is one of the most charming and bril- gers or cast blame, but ask only that each and tired homemaker, was a native of Rutherford, liant stars I have seen in Congress. She is a every one of us here and across this country New Jersey, where she would return during true dedicated public servant who works tire- honestly and fully examine our hearts, our the hot Tucson summers. Phyllis is known by lessly for the people of her district and our consciences and our past words and actions her three children, seven grandchildren, and great country. I have great love and affection and ensure that going forward all that we do great-granddaughter as a talented cook, and for GABBY and I look forward to seeing my and say reflect respect and unity instead of she spent much of her retirement volunteering dear colleague and friend back in Washington discord, divisiveness and violence. at her church. According to her daughter, very soon. As someone who has abhorred violence Phyllis was a registered Republican who was Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today and worked for peace all of my life, I have had not involved in politics, but Representative in support of H. Res. 32 and to offer my the great privilege and honor of joining my dis- GIFFORDS was ‘‘the first person she really took thoughts and prayers for my friend and col- tinguished colleague JOHN LEWIS and the Faith a liking to.’’ league GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, as well as the 18 and Politics Institute almost every year that Dorwan Stoddard, age 76, was a Tucson other victims of Saturday’s unthinkable tragedy they have held it on the civil rights pilgrimage native and leader in his church. Dorwan at- in Tucson. to pay tribute to all who work for justice and tended the event with his wife Mavy, a high I hope and pray for the wellbeing of all equality but also to renew my dedication to school classmate who he reunited with and those battling for their lives and offer my deep- non-violence and my commitment to furthering married after both their former spouses est condolences to those who did not sur- the beloved community envisioned by the Rev. passed away. After seeing Mavy shot and vive—Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wounded, Dorwan threw himself on her and Judge John M. Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan It is a spiritual, renewing and life enriching— shielded her from the spray of bullets. As Stoddard, and Gabe Zimmerman. My heart for some, life changing experience—and I Dorwan’s stepdaughter noted, ‘‘What a way to goes out to the families and loved ones of all would urge as many as can to attend this go, as the hero, he lived that kind of a life.’’ involved. year. Gabe Zimmerman, age 30, was the Director Congress on Your Corner is democracy in Our colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, as many of Community Outreach for Representative action. Ms. GIFFORDS, her staff, and everyone have already said and everyone now knows is GIFFORDS. Oftentimes the face of Representa- attending Saturday’s event were doing what a special person. Many of us supported her tive GIFFORDS’s office to her constituents, as this country is built on: participating in a con- during what was an extremely difficult and un- one of his colleagues said, ‘‘Gabe helped peo- versation between an elected official and the necessarily bitter campaign. She may not ple for a living.’’ Gabe was engaged to be people she represents. As sadness gives way have always voted as I would have wanted married with a wedding date set for 2012. to reflection, I hope we will remain committed her to, but she is without a doubt fearless and The youngest victim, Madam Speaker, was to that ideal. faithful in the representation of her district and Christina Taylor Green, age 9, a third grade Just 2 years ago, I was a new member of all of us respect her highly and love her dear- student at Mesa Verde Elementary School. this body. GABBY GIFFORDS greeted me with ly. We thank God that she is progressing well Christina had recently been elected to the stu- warmth, kindness, and friendship. With all my and we pray for her full and speedy recovery. dent council and was inspired into politics by heart, I hope to one day return the favor. This body is incomplete without her presence. President Obama’s 2008 campaign. A neigh- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker, I As we approach the hard fought for Martin bor brought Christina to the event to meet her rise to join my colleagues in support of this Luther King holiday, let us all rededicate our- Congresswoman. Born on the fateful day of resolution and to offer heartfelt sympathies oil selves to the principles he espoused, commit September 11, 2001, Christina was taken from behalf of myself, my family, staff and the peo- ourselves to continuing his legacy and to her parents and this nation on January 8, ple of the U.S. Virgin Islands to the people of being drum majors for justice and peace! 2011. the Eighth District of Arizona, our colleague Mr. HONDA. Madam Speaker, I rise today Madam Speaker, today, with the passage of GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff, their families in support of House Resolution 32, honoring House Resolution 32, the People’s House

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One of the ‘‘I am so sad to hear about the shooting. I ‘‘A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and small ways we can honor their memory is to pray for your recovery. I want you to be strong an uncontrolled, uncontrollable mob is only the carry on with that discourse, opening our and continue to be the fighter that you are so voice of madness, not the voice of the people. doors to the American people, listening to their you can continue to walk and serve the people ‘‘Whenever any American’s life is taken by concerns, and exercising the free exchange of of America. Thank you for your service. Your another American unnecessarily—whether it is ideas that has marked our nation throughout district is giving up a lot for America and my done in the name of the law or in the defiance its history. thoughts are with you.’’ Kao Ly Ilean Her, St. of law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, last Sat- Paul, Minnesota. or in passion, in an attack of violence or in re- urday in Tucson, Arizona our colleague, Rep. ‘‘My heart goes out to the Giffords family. I sponse to violence—whenever we tear at the GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, was shot by a disturbed was born and raised in Tucson, and now fabric of life which another man has painfully gunman while she was meeting her constitu- serve in the Minnesota House. To think our and clumsily woven for himself and his chil- ents. This shooting resulted in the death of six public servants are under attack is so sad. We dren, the whole nation is degraded.’’ Americans who were participating in the most pray for you GABBY. We pray for the victims.’’ Now is a time for reflection. My prayers and common of events in this democracy, a meet- Nora Slawik, Maplewood, Minnesota. condolences are with the fallen victims’ fami- ing with their congresswoman. Fourteen addi- ‘‘Our thoughts and our prayers are with all lies and with those, including GABBY, who are tional Americans were wounded in the attack, the victims of the Arizona shooting!’’ Susan making their way along the long road to recov- including the critical wound suffered by Con- Zumberge, St. Paul, Minnesota. ‘‘Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, ery from the injuries they suffered. May our gresswoman GIFFORDS. the other victims, their loved ones, and the nation honor the loss of innocent lives with On January 10, 2011, dozens of concerned people of your congressional district. We hope greater peace and understanding. and compassionate Minnesotans visited my that if any good will come of this horrific event, Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, West Vir- St. Paul District Office to express their support it will be that people will once again realize ginians’ hearts are heavy for our fellow citi- for Congresswoman GIFFORDS, the victims, that our fellow citizens, regardless of political zens lost last weekend in Tucson, Arizona. To and the people of Tucson. They also ex- views, are human and deserve to be treated those recovering, our dear colleague, GABBY pressed their heartfelt condolences to those with respect and civility. Our words can have GIFFORDS, our thoughts and fervent prayers who were killed. consequence so far beyond our intent.’’ Steve are offered. With the consent of the concerned citizens Schaus & Angela Braun, St. Paul, Minnesota. Our country’s resolve is strengthened each who I have the honor to represent, I submit the eloquent words of Minnesotans who send ‘‘My heart is terribly heavy with this horrific time it is tested. Citizen participation is the event. For any public servant to be struck democratic bedrock of our more perfect Union. their prayers and support for Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and all of those whose down while serving the people is an appalling Representative GIFFORDS understands the lives have been hurt by this senseless act of affront to every citizen. For innocent and ran- value of constant constituent conversation, dom people to be struck down in this way is and her example shines as a beacon for pub- violence. I join them not only in praying for healing and peace, but I will continue to dedi- an affront to all humanity. Let us all pray for lic office holders throughout our Republic to cate myself to working to make a more peace- the families of the victims, and work for peace follow. ful and less hostile America. among all people.’’ Ross Willits, St. Paul, Min- May GABBY’s dedication to others serve her The following comments were made by Min- nesota. recovery, as the blessings we celebrate in the nesotans who visited my St. Paul district office ‘‘Gabby, you are in my thoughts and prayers Book of Ruth, ‘‘a restorer of thy life, and a on Monday, January 10, 2011. These mes- as you recover. I am deeply saddened that nourisher of thine old age.’’ sages of support and sympathy were tran- someone like yourself who has willingly given Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, today I scribed directly from their individual hand- of themselves has become a victim of such a join with my colleagues in condemning the written notes. senseless act. We pray that the rhetoric that savage attack in Tucson last Saturday that ‘‘My prayers and thoughts are with the Con- inflames will be replaced by words of coopera- shattered the lives of so many innocent vic- gresswoman and her staff. This act of horrific tion and collaboration in our houses of Con- tims, and their families and friends, and broke violence was a response to the everyday work gress. Blessings to you and your family.’’ the heart of a nation. Since the news of this that public officials do on a daily basis to Jeanne Sedgwick, St. Paul, Minnesota. awful tragedy, I have prayed through tears for serve their constituents. Congresswoman Gif- ‘‘There are no words at my command to ex- comfort, and for peace in the midst of the fords and her staff’s work exemplifies this. I press my sorrow at what happened and my storm, for the families of the six people whose hope that the Congresswoman can continue to warm best wishes to all you so affected by lives were senselessly ended by a gunman do this important work.’’ Henry Parker, St. truly cruel and senseless violence.’’ Elmer who had no concern for human life. I have Paul, Minnesota. Pierre, St. Paul, Minnesota. also been praying for healing for those who ‘‘ ‘It is here my daughters, that love is to be ‘‘Rep. Giffords: Please accept my deepest were injured; among them a respected col- found, not hidden away in the corners but in condolences. I also wish you immense league and friend, GABBY GIFFORDS. the midst of occasions of sin. And believe me, strength and courage.’’ Heather Meyers, GABBY and I came to Congress together in although we may more often fail and commit Eagan, Minnesota. 2006. Over the years we have often voted dif- small lapses, our gain will be incomparably the ‘‘As someone who has been involved in pol- ferently. From time to time, we found our- greater.’—Saint Teresa of Avila’’ Loren itics for years and met many members of Con- selves at opposite ends of the table during Cramer, St. Paul, Minnesota. gress, I was horrified as I watched the events media interviews, offering contrasting view- ‘‘I’m so sorry to hear of this violent attack in of this past weekend unfold. I was deeply sad- points. But the moment we stepped away from Tucson. I hope for and pray for Giffords and dened by this attack and I want to show my the set, we greeted each other as we often did others.’’ Mary Doran, St. Paul, Minnesota. support for the victims and their families. I on the House floor, as friends, with a hug, a ‘‘Keep up your work. We need you now hope and pray for a speedy recovery and I be- warm smile, and a few precious moments of more than ever.’’ Jason Garrett, St. Paul, Min- lieve that Congresswoman Giffords’ service conversation. I cherished those times with nesota. and devotion to her country is truly heroic. GABBY, and I look forward to renewing them ‘‘God bless America. Thoughts and prayers You are in the hearts and minds of all Ameri- as she recovers and returns to the good, faith- to the victims and their families.’’ Nicole Ly, cans. God bless.’’ John Moore, St. Paul, Min- ful, and hard-working service that she has Oakdale, Minnesota. nesota. given to the people of Arizona’s 8th District. ‘‘Our thoughts and prayers are with you, ‘‘I offer prayers for Representative Giffords, I am rejoicing to hear the doctor’s prognosis your staff, and your family during this difficult her family, and all others affected by this of recovery for GABBY, but my heart is broken time. You have the nation behind you with an senseless, terrible tragedy. The wounded and for the families of the six victims who lost outpouring of love and well wishes.’’ Shelly killed, especially Christina Green and her fam- loved ones in that unconscionable act last Sat- Schafer, Woodbury, Minnesota. ily. May you be comforted and strengthened

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 by the prayers of our nation.’’ Florence fection for ‘our dear Gabby’. The road ahead Expressing fear for our country and the safety Steichen, St. Paul, Minnesota. is difficult for all of us. I wish you strength in of our representatives was a helpful and im- ‘‘We need better gun control measures and your recovery and wisdom for all Americans mediate necessity. The shock remains al- an increase in civil discourse—sending pray- as we reconcile the meaning of this tragedy though many of us, as was Gabby herself, ers to the families who lost loved ones in this with our own actions as citizens. To be truly feared the new language and images pre- senseless act of violence and also to the fam- free from violence and persecution, we must sented often now in a repetitive fashion filling ily of Congresswoman Giffords for her speedy persist in our efforts to maintain an open soci- the airwave and filling especially vulnerable and full recovery.’’ Lyn Burton, St. Paul, Min- ety where we can disagree peacefully and minds with pictures of weapons as political nesota. move forward together. My best to you and tools. We shared emails then too, as we heard ‘‘Congresswoman Giffords: Thank you for your families.’’ Minnesota State Rep. Erin Mur- and watched the rhetoric become louder and your service. Thank you for your support of phy, St. Paul, Minnesota. scarier. Helpless to counteract these emo- health care reform. Prayers for you and your ‘‘To Congresswoman Giffords, victims, and tional appeals, we signed petitions con- family for strength in adversity.’’ Mary J. Pohl, their family and friends: My heart goes to all demning them. We still wait helplessly for the St. Paul, Minnesota. of you, and I continue to pray for all of you. apology that will not come. We pray for cool ‘‘The rhetoric of violence, scapegoating and Public service is noble work, and it is difficult. down and safety.’’ Janyce Kovash, St. Paul, demonization must end! My sympathy to Rep. Thank you for all you do, and know the good- Minnesota. Giffords, her family, her staff and all victims of will of the people of our state and country is ‘‘ ‘Violence is a cycle,’ said Dr. King. When violence in Tucson.’’ Richard Lee Dechert, with you at this very difficult time. Together, met with senseless actions against public Maplewood, Minnesota. we will heal and find grace in our democracy.’’ servants and the public at large, we must ‘‘My prayers, thoughts, and heartfelt sym- Minnesota State Rep. Kate Knuth, New Brigh- strive to do justice to the sacrifice and heroism pathy go out to Congresswoman Gabrielle ton, Minnesota. of so many—by reaching out to those who Giffords’s family, friends, and supporters. My ‘‘My heart bleeds for all of you. Courage.’’ serve and thanking them by tamping down the daily prayers will include the wishes for the Ted King, Minneapolis, Minnesota. rhetoric and respecting those of all political long term recovery of Congresswoman Gif- ‘‘May you experience a speedy recovery. persuasions. And also by answering the call to fords. I express my heartfelt thoughts and Thoughts and prayers for you and your fam- justice and caring for our friends and neigh- prayers for the Federal Judge, the young girl ily.’’ Peter Austin, Minneapolis, Minnesota. bors. We will never have a satisfactory answer and all others who died or were harmed by ‘‘May you heal and feel better in time. You to the question ‘why?’ but we can use the mo- this uncaring perpetrator.’’ Fred Gates, St. are in our prayers. May God be with you. You ment to consider for fully ‘how?’—How do we Paul, Minnesota. are in our thoughts as you recover from this ensure that this never happens again? My ‘‘Please know that you are loved and sup- tragic event.’’ Paehin Young, Minneapolis, thoughts and prayers are with the families of ported in vastly greater measure than the dis- Minnesota. those who lost their lives, especially Gabe tortion and hatred that made this unspeakable ‘‘Thank you for all your service to the coun- Zimmerman, who gave his life in service to the tragedy possible.’’ Lori Stee, St. Paul, Min- try. My thoughts and prayers are with you and people of Arizona. It could have been any of nesota. your staff. We need more people like you.’’ us. I also wish Rep. Giffords a speedy recov- ‘‘My thoughts are with Rep. Giffords’ family Sam Dougherty, St. Paul, Minnesota. ery and hope to see her return to the House as they support Gabrielle’s recovery and with ‘‘Our prayers go out to those affected by and serve her constituents.’’ Devin Driscoll, St. the others affected by this violent act. We are this attack’’ Kevin Weingart, Coon Rapids, Paul, Minnesota. incredibly lucky to live in a country where polit- Minnesota. ‘‘Please accept my deep sympathies for ical violence is extremely rare. The rhetoric ‘‘My thoughts are with you and your commu- your current situation. We as, U.S. citizens, that creates a context for violence must cease. nity in this time where senseless violence has are a very special society. Those that attempt Hate is not a response for disagreement.’’ changed how everyone feels. Public servants to steal our lives, and the lives of our friends, Anne Claflin, St. Paul, Minnesota. and those who engage in our government and will find that we are strong in the face of ad- ‘‘I extend my deepest condolences to Con- the political process should not fear for their versity. The actions against the U.S. citizens gresswoman Giffords and all the victims of this safety. I hope that everyone affected by this in Tucson, including Rep. Giffords, are a trag- senseless tragedy. There are consequences tragedy can come together in solidarity. Thank edy that I hope is never repeated. Trusting in to the violent rhetoric that plagues the political you for your service and bravery.’’ Meagan God’s healing and your full recovery.’’ Jim landscape today—it’s the innocent and the Bachmayer, Minneapolis, Minnesota. McKie, West St. Paul, Minnesota. brave that suffer.’’ Dr. Mary de Leon-Denton, ‘‘May the sun rise in your hearts and souls. ‘‘Thank you for all of your work and service. Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Our deepest condolences, warm wishes and My thoughts and prayers are with you and ‘‘My prayers are with you and especially I never-ending prayers are with you.’’ Jill your family and we hope you have a speedy pray that somehow, someway, some good will Curran, Larry Wichlans and Family, St. Paul, recovery.’’ Warren Claflin, South St. Paul, Min- come of this horrible tragedy.’’ Michael Minnesota. nesota. Michauk, St. Paul, Minnesota. ‘‘I feel so saddened by the events in Tuc- ‘‘This weekend’s events were a sad re- ‘‘Congresswoman Giffords, I give you my son, AZ. My sincerest sympathies go out to all minder of the consequences that can arise deepest and heartfelt support to the service the victims. God bless, Gundy.’’ Gundy when political rhetoric becomes hateful or vio- and honor you give to our country. The need- Gunderson, Oakdale, Minnesota. lent. Angry, upset and unbalanced people re- less violence and anger that has been shown ‘‘A truly tragic moment in our nation’s his- spond in unpredictable ways. Thank you, Rep. in our country over politics has to stop. It is tory. My prayers and support are with the vic- Giffords, for your service to your district and sad that something like this had to happen in tims and our nation’s leadership as we strug- your country. Thank you to the staff that helps order for the dialogue to begin to change how gle with the complex issues that led to this you in this work. No American should ever we promote change with deepest prayers and violent event.’’ Cheryl Westman, St. Paul, Min- fear violence as a consequence of participa- sympathy to all harmed.’’ Aaron Crawford, St. nesota. tion in our democracy.’’ Paul Rohlfing, lives in Paul, Minnesota. ‘‘Thank you for doing this, our prayers are Minneapolis, works in St. Paul. ‘‘In this time of great sorrow and shock, my with the Giffords family. This is not what our ‘‘Our thoughts and prayers are with you and great hope is that all this will serve to wake up country is about. It is time to come together.’’ your family from the St. Paul Federation of those in our nation who don’t believe that gun Jody Prip, New Prague, Minnesota. Teachers in St. Paul, Minnesota.’’ Julie Haw- violence is a huge problem that needs to be ‘‘Blessings of hope and prayers for each kins, Inver Grove, Minnesota. addressed—yet again. Our thoughts and pray- one of the innocents killed and injured in this ‘‘I feel anguish at this terrible violence ers are with all of you—and with our country!’’ tragedy. This feels the same as the tragedies (senseless) and the resulting loss of life and Julie B. Goldstein, St. Paul, Minnesota. of Bobby Kennedy, MLK and 9/11. God help hurt. Gun violence is too prevalent in our soci- ‘‘To Congresswoman Giffords, her family us all—if we calm down—we will get through ety and too many unstable people have too and those injured and killed: This morning I re- this.’’ Robert F. Riesert, St. Paul, Minnesota. easy access to guns. I do lay some blame on ceived a note from two constituents—St ‘‘Following the violence, it has been a pain- radio shows with hosts that stoke the flames Paulites in the summer and Arizona snowbirds ful and angry weekend—much of it emailing of people’s anger and sit back and say they in the winter. Gene and Ginny shared their af- my own vitriolic reaction to personal friends. have no responsibility. Please continue to get

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 313 stronger and the keep the faith.’’ Julia Fish, St. have been injured by this senseless act of vio- cent citizens—is wrong. That our political dis- Paul, Minnesota. lence. May we, as citizens of the United course has gotten so angry that it fed this ‘‘In these challenging times, know that the States, and as members of our global world, young man’s delusions is wrong. We must al- thoughts, prayers, and best wishes of all continue to foster peaceful solutions to vio- ways remember there are other Loughners out Americans are with you and your family. We lence that surrounds us.’’ Mary Tacheny, St. there. May all those wounded hail those who mourn the loss of life, and share your vision Paul, Minnesota. died and may we all learn from this.’’ Laura of a healthier and stronger country. One of my ‘‘My prayers go out to you, you who were Neritt, St. Paul, Minnesota. close friends works in Congresswoman injured or killed, your families, your friends, ‘‘Thank you and thanks to all our U.S. rep- McCollum’s office in St. Paul. I know how hard your loved ones. My prayers go out to you, resentatives for your dedicated service. Our our public servants work, and you must be so you who witnessed the violence, you whose freedom sits with all of us as you represent we proud of the bravery of your young staff intern, lives won’t be the same. I pray for the person all the people. I pray for your good health and Daniel. I am sorry beyond words that this hap- who did this. Only God understands. I pray for protection.’’ Carol Gariann, Shoreview, Min- pened. Peace to you, and all who were im- our country to find peace. God bless you all. nesota. pacted by this tragedy.’’ Adam Robinson, St. May somehow, some good come of this.’’ ‘‘My condolences to the shooting victims, Paul, Minnesota. Laura K. Kochevar, St. Paul, Minnesota. their friends, and families. My thoughts and ‘‘Our thoughts and prayers are with the fam- ‘‘I thank all public servants and especially prayers are with all of you, and all who feel ilies involved in this terrible tragedy. Hopefully their staff for their dedication to the people the pain of this tragedy.’’ Mark Jenkins, Maple- this will become a time of healing, and a time they serve. As a former staffer, my heart goes wood, Minnesota. when the vitriol between opposite sides out to all the families directly affected by this ‘‘My condolences go out to the families of ceases. We pray that Congresswoman tragedy. Also I send the thoughts and prayers the victims of this horrible tragedy. My heart Gabrielle Giffords and all the wounded re- to every Member of Congress and their staff goes out to you all.’’ Kenneth Sinn, St. Paul, cover. Our condolences go to those who lost to get through this and pray that our country Minnesota. their lives in Tucson. We pray for the safety of will learn from this and stop the incendiary ‘‘Rep. Giffords—you are right. We will be all public officials, and the continuing health of rhetoric. Thank you.’’ Kathleen Murphy, St. mellowing the rhetoric. Let’s listen to the Pima our nation.’’ Tom and Susan Pugh, South St. Paul, Minnesota.. County Sheriff.’’ Rick Cardenas, St. Paul, Min- Paul, Minnesota. ‘‘We are all saddened by this tragedy. As nesota. ‘‘Our thoughts are with you as you recover Speaker Boehner said, ‘An attack on one who ‘‘Like Congresswoman McCollum, I am from this brutal and senseless attack. I am serves is an attack on all who serve.’ We all shocked at this event and want you all to confident you will continue to serve the people stand with you and your staff in solidarity as know I am thinking of you. Some good may of Arizona and the United States. To the fami- we grieve this incident and work to make come from this evil, however, as people are lies who are struggling with this unimaginable sense of this senseless event. We thank you now discussing the role inflammatory speech loss, the thoughts and prayers of the nation for your sacrifices in service to the people of may play in today’s America.’’ Bernice Vetich, are with you.’’ Samantha Gemberling, St. Arizona’s 8th District. May you all have a St. Paul, Minnesota. Paul, Minnesota. speedy recovery and also never forget those Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Madam Speaker, I rise ‘‘I wish Congresswoman Giffords, and all who were lost, and use the memories we have in support of the resolution. It is with a heavy heart that I come to the others who were wounded, a steady and com- as a guide and inspiration for the future. God- floor today to offer these thoughts on the trag- plete recovery. I also wish to extend my sym- speed, Gabe Zimmerman, Christina Green, ic events of this past Saturday in Tucson that pathy to you who lost family members. All of Judge John Roll, Dorothy Morris, Dorwan took the lives of Judge John M. Roll, Christina you are in my thoughts and prayers.’’ Cheryl Stoddard, and Phyllis Schneck.’’ Melissa Taylor Green, Dorwan Stoddard, Dorothy Mor- Kenney, St. Paul, Minnesota. Jamrock, St. Paul, Minnesota. ris, Gabe Zimmerman, and Phyllis Schneck ‘‘My prayers are with Congresswoman ‘‘Change-makers walk a difficult and scary and gravely injured Congresswoman GABBY Gabrielle Giffords and all who have been in- path. But one that gives us hope and energy. GIFFORDS and many others. jured or killed in this vicious act of violence Thank you for walking, for walking yours with Just last week my wife Joyce and I had the against persons serving US citizens as part of courage and pluck. My heart aches for the vio- opportunity to visit with GABBY in Statuary Hall this great democracy—also with all who love lence, pain, and fear that has been done to all before the ceremonial swearing-in. them. To be engaged in dialogue on the of you and us. I send you my heartfelt wishes As in so many of my other interactions with issues—to engage civilly in our civic process for healing, safety, and peace.’’ Sheri Smith, her, GABBY was gracious, energetic, and will- needs to be returned to our democracy from St. Paul, Minnesota. ing to offer a lending hand as I got settled. citizens to the media to the halls of Congress. ‘‘Love will conquer all. Remember you have We took a few photos and talked about Committed to civil civic engagement and to the support of the people. Be well.’’ Chuck ways we would work together in good spirits. prayers for our prayers for our nation as we Repile, St. Paul, Minnesota. Of course, GABBY and I also went back-and- move forward from this tragedy, I remain,’’ ‘‘My deepest sympathies for Congress- forth about our favorite rivalry, ASU versus U ‘‘Ginger’’ K. Virginia Hidsfrom, St. Paul, Min- woman Giffords, her staff, and their families of A. nesota. during this difficult time. I wish the Congress- GABBY takes enormous pride in her job rep- ‘‘My family and I were stunned to hear of woman and all those injured a speedy recov- resenting the communities and people of the this senseless violence. You are in our ery.’’ Cameron Erickson, Eagan, Minnesota. 8th district. thoughts and prayers. Our heartfelt condo- ‘‘To all parties involved: This is a tragedy in My wife Joyce and I send our thoughts and lences go to the families of those killed, and every sense. Not only for Rep. Giffords, Chief prayers to Mark during this difficult time. We we pray for ongoing strength for those wound- Justice Roll, and the other civilians involved. are deeply appreciative of Mark’s generosity in ed and their families.’’ Kathleen Proctor, Lau- Now, more than ever, it has become apparent sharing GABBY with us in Washington and Ari- derdale, Minnesota. we are a broken, divided nation in need of re- zona. ‘‘To all in Tucson, AZ affected by this pair and healing. We must disconnect from It is also important to not forget that these senseless tragedy: You have support from us hateful political rhetoric and campaigns and individuals lost their lives or were injured while in Minnesota by way of encouragement during come together in this time of tragedy. God they were exercising their right to participate your time of pain and grief. We will advocate bless the Giffords.’’ Louise Dickson, North and have a say in our nation’s republic. for a return to civil discourse in the US rather Oaks, Minnesota. Indeed, they became victims while exer- than vitriolic campaign language that goes on. ‘‘To all AZ residents: This is truly a tragic cising a fundamental right that has served as May your pain and anguish turn into positive time, not only for the families of those directly the backbone of our nation since its found- communication among people in every com- affected by this horrible incident, but all resi- ing—a right our nation’s founders sacrificed so munity of our country.’’ Joanne Tromiczak- dents of the 8th district and the state. They dearly for. Just as the victims of this past Sat- Neid, St. Paul, Minnesota. have lost their representation and voice in DC urday’s tragedy did as well. ‘‘My heartfelt wishes and prayers to Con- and in government—the foundation of our We are stunned by the tragedy, but we re- gresswoman Giffords, her staff, and constitu- country. That a mentally ill young man did not main resolute in our commitment assemble ents she proudly represents. My heart, mind, get the help needed, was allowed to legally peacefully and engage civilly in the type of and soul grieve for those who have died and purchase a weapon, and used it against inno- discourse that is fundamental to our republic.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 Although words may not be sufficient to trying to shape, but it extends well beyond The shots fired in Tuscon claimed the lives capture the sorrow and grief we are experi- these four walls . . . to the thousands of peo- of several Americans, from a federal judge encing, Joyce and I send our thoughts and ple who provide us with staff support here in with decades of service to our country, to a prayers to GABBY, Mark, Roxanna and John the Capitol and in our home districts . . . for young child participating in our great democ- Green, the parents of Christina Taylor Green the men and women who are the face of our racy for the very first time. and the loved ones of Judge Roll, Dorwan government, performing essential federal work Tragedies like this one tear at the fabric of Stoddard, Dorothy Morris, Gabe Zimmerman, every day in communities across our nation our democracy, which is woven together by Phyllis Schneck, and the Tucson community. and especially for the public, which has placed the everyday conversations that take place be- Our hearts and prayers are with you. its trust in us. tween ordinary people and those they elect to Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- There are sure to be multiple legislative pro- represent them in government. er, I rise to join my colleagues and the rest of posals in response to this week’s tragedy, but What started out as a routine morning in the Congressional community in extending my perhaps the best response is more simple and American political life—an elected representa- prayers and support to the victims of the hor- more personal. Speaker BOEHNER said an at- tive listening to the thoughts and concerns of rible shooting this past Saturday in Tucson, tack on one of us is an attack on all of us, and her community—ended in senseless blood- Arizona, and to their families and friends. Our it will take a collective response from all of us shed. friend and colleague, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, to temper our rhetoric and return to a level of As we pay tribute to those who fell victim to continues to fight for her life. She and 13 oth- discourse that honors the victims of this this violence, and as we pray for the swift re- ers were wounded in this unspeakable trag- week’s senseless tragedy. covery of Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- edy, in which six people were killed, including Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise in FORDS, we must also reaffirm ourselves to the three retirees, a nine-year old child, a federal condemnation of the senseless attack that work being done that morning before those judge and a member of Representative GIF- took place on Saturday, January 8th in Tuc- shots rang out. FORD’s staff. son, Arizona targeting Congresswoman Congresswoman GIFFORDS enjoys such re- During the past two years it has been my GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and other innocent men, spect in this body not only because of her in- pleasure to serve with GABBY GIFFORDS on the women, and children. tellect and warmth but also because of her House Foreign Affairs Committee. She is an The families and friends of those victims commitment to directly engaging with people. intelligent and dedicated public servant. During who died in the attack—Gabriel Zimmerman, She believed—and every day put into action— my term in this body, I benefited from watch- U.S. District Judge John Roll, Phyllis Schenck, that with sincere, hard work we can forge ing and working with GABBY. I know that the Dorwan Stoddard, Dorothy Morris, and nine- common ground, in our communities and as a House of Representatives, and indeed, the en- year-old Christina Taylor Green—are in all of nation. tire country have benefited from her work and our thoughts and prayers. It is heartbreaking In a few days, when this body reconvenes that this chamber will feel her absence until that so many lost their lives as a result of the and we resume the business of moving our she fully recovers and is able to return to the actions of one highly disturbed individual. nation forward, let us honor Congresswoman House floor. We also hope and pray for the health of GIFFORDS by keeping that sense of common This past Saturday was yet another tragic GABBY GIFFORDS and fourteen other innocent purpose in the forefront of our minds as we reminder of the prevalence of violence in our individuals who were injured in this premedi- work to overcome the many challenges faced society. Our primary concern at this moment tated and indiscriminate act of violence. I pray by our nation. must be with the victims and their families and that they will gain the strength to recover Ms. WATERS. Madam Speaker, the shoot- friends. We must help them work through their physically and emotionally from this horrific ing of Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, grief. We must help the injured through their event. and the killing and wounding of members of recovery process. GABBY GIFFORDS is a warm, kind, and spir- her staff and community attending her ‘‘Con- There is no silver lining when six people are ited woman and a dedicated and hardworking gress on your Corner’’ event, was a national murdered. However, if we do not learn from representative. It is all the more tragic that this tragedy. this tragedy, then we will be doomed to repeat violent act occurred as she was fulfilling her It is most appropriate that we speak out to it. Madam Speaker, I would submit that our most basic duty as a representative—solving share our sadness, sorrow and grief as well political rhetoric has become grossly over- government problems for her constituents and as our hopes for healing and recovery. heated, and it’s time for all of us to take a step listening to their concerns and opinions about I am encouraged that GABBY continues to back and reflect on the effects of the vitriol. federal issues. defy the odds and is showing signs of The philosopher, Voltaire, once wrote, ‘‘I de- I commend the heroes of January 8th. With- progress. She is truly a survivor, with a strong test what you write, but I would give my life to out the heroic actions of bystanders who sub- will to live. I know that she faces a long and make it possible for you to continue to write.’’ dued the shooter and those who administered difficult path to recover from her injuries, and He was articulating a crucial component—per- first aid to the victims, as well as the first re- I hope that our support—together with the haps THE crucial component—on which our sponders and medical personnel who saved prayers and well wishes offered by the people nation was founded: That no matter how much victims’ lives, the toll of fatalities and injuries of Arizona and indeed all of America—will help I may disagree with your opinion, it is essen- surely would have been far worse. her and her family now and in the weeks and tial that you have the right to express it. If anything positive could come of this horri- months ahead. But too often, lately, it seems that we can- fying event, I hope that self-reflection will re- Even as she copes with her own severe in- not merely disagree with one another’s opin- sult in a return to civility in our political dis- juries, I am sure that GABBY is thinking of all ions or policies. Instead disagreements be- course. Elected officials, media personalities, the others who were killed and injured during come personal. Verbal attacks devolve into and political activists should make a real effort the attack on her. Gabe Zimmerman, her di- harsh questions about motives and character. to turn down the temperature in heated rhet- rector of community outreach, was killed. Two Debates about policies or proposals sink to oric, carefully considering the actions it could more members of her Congressional staff, fear-mongering and rhetorical claims that the incite, even if unintended, and the public at Ron Barber and Pam Simon, were injured in fate of our Republic lies in the balance. large must reject the incendiary language that the shooting. Congressional staff members Those of us in this chamber, and others in has become too common. help us, to help our constituents, but they elected office, understand the rhetorical nature Those who died in Tucson on Saturday will often are not recognized or appreciated. Let of such comments, but can we be absolutely not be forgotten, and justice will be served for us all remember that our staffers—and gov- certain that such verbal attacks are not being the attacker who caused such heartbreak for ernment workers generally—are committed to misconstrued in a culture of increasing anger so many. We all pray for the families of the public service. They work hard, make many and a greater acceptance of confrontation? victims, the recovery of the survivors, and a sacrifices, and they provide valuable, essential Absolutely, we must preserve each person’s more civil and peaceful tomorrow. service. fundamental First Amendment rights, but can Mr. DEUTCH. Madam Speaker, just days We are thinking also of residents of the Tuc- we not agree that we ought to disagree in a ago, our nation was shaken by the brutal act son community who attended this event to more agreeable fashion? As elected Rep- of violence committed against Congress- meet and speak with their elected representa- resentatives, our words certainly do have con- woman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and the constitu- tive, never sensing that they would be in sequences for the policies and actions we are ents waiting in line to speak with her. harm’s way.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 315 Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, crazed gunman attempted to kill one of this changed so many lives forever and to re- John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, and Dorwan Stod- body’s finest members and our good friend, nounce the barbaric actions taken by a single dard were all killed in this senseless, brutal at- Congresswoman GABBY GIFFORDS, while slay- individual. We also honor those bystanders tack. ing six others and wounding many more, and first responders who reaffirmed our faith I join my colleagues in expressing condo- GABBY was gunned down while doing the in humanity by risking their lives to save oth- lences to their families, friends and loved very thing she was elected to do—listening to ers. ones. her constituents and soliciting their feedback. Today marks a time of healing as we cele- In a matter of seconds, the gunman reck- She was participating in a proud tradition of brate the lives of those who were lost. GABBY lessly and viciously sprayed bullets in all direc- representative democracy, where democrat- is a colleague and a friend who is known for tions. In addition to killing six people and ically elected representatives interact with the her civility and willingness to reach out. Her wounding Congresswoman GIFFORDS, he in- constituents they represent in Washington. office was just a couple of doors down from jured thirteen other people. We pray for their When the gunman pulled the trigger he was mine on the fifth floor of Cannon our freshman full and speedy recovery. attacking not just a good and decent Member year and I was her colleague on the House In a democracy, it is not only common but of Congress and her constituents, he was also Science and Technology Committee through moreover essential that citizens and their rep- attacking the freedom-loving people of Amer- the 111th Congress. She is a consummate resentatives freely communicate and ex- ica who every two years send public servants professional who is dedicated to her constitu- change ideas, even opposing opinions. Unfor- like GABBY to Washington to handle their inter- ents and her country. tunately, violent events like the shooting in ests in the Capitol. Our prayers are with her and the other vic- Tucson have a chilling effect on our ability to We must not tolerate this violence and the tims as they recover from this horrifying event. engage in our civic duties without fear. We assault it represents on our democratic way of As we move forward, we should take strength must not give in to fear. At the same time, we life. Make no mistake; there is no room for vio- in the outpouring of support from all corners of absolutely must all do whatever is necessary lence in our vigorous national debate. our country. I pray for God’s peace for all the victims of to restore safety and security. We must re- Ms. CHU. Madam Speaker, this weekend, a this tragic attack and swift healing for all dedicate ourselves to ending violence and pro- horrible tragedy befell the city of Tucson, the those, especially GABBY, who are still fighting moting peace, and we must take necessary, State of Arizona and the Nation. One of our to recover. The House of Representatives is commonsense steps to reduce the potential own, Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, not whole without the smiling face of GABBY for killings like this. was doing her duty as a Member of Congress. and I eagerly await the day when she returns Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. She was out in the neighborhood, talking face to work on behalf of her constituents. They Madam Speaker, I rise today to strongly sup- to face with her constituents about their con- could ask for no finer person to represent port the resolution honoring the victims of the cerns and their problems. ‘‘Congress on Your them in Congress. Arizona tragedy. Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. I Corner’’ was an event she had done before I condemn the senseless act of violence rise today on behalf of my district in Orange with success and she wanted to start the New that ended six lives too soon and injured many County to offer my prayers and condolences Year with an open door to her constituents. others, including one of our colleagues, Rep- to all those wounded and killed in the recent When she arrived at the local Safeway, resentative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS of Arizona. and tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona. I dressed in a red blazer, black slacks and Representative GIFFORDS is an indefatigable want to honor my colleague and dear friend, black pumps, she greeted those in attend- advocate for her constituents and a strong be- ance, hugged each of her staff and gave a Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, who liever in the value of public service. She has remains in critical condition and those who lost short speech. Then, constituents began asking worked day and night to improve her commu- their lives, Gabriel Zimmerman, Christina questions, getting their photo taken, and ask- nity and help those around her in need. Even Green, John Roll, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis ing for help. It was then, only minutes after the when she’s had a strong disagreement with a Schneck and Dorwan Stoddard. event began, that a young man, armed with a colleague—on either side of the aisle—she GABBY was doing what all Members of Con- semiautomatic handgun with 33 deadly was always willing to work with those col- gress must do, interact with their constituents rounds, directly faced GABBY and shot her leagues again. For her, disagreements do not and provide a venue for them to petition their point blank in the head. But he didn’t pause; foreclose cooperation. She truly embodies government. It is a sad day in America when he kept shooting. With such rapid fire, those what it means to be a public servant. the basis of our democracy, the interaction be- waiting in line to speak to GABBY had no I want to commend the quick and heroic ac- tween elected officials and those they rep- chance to escape his wrath. tions of the brave citizens who responded that resent, is put into jeopardy by those who wish What happened in Tucson was not just day. In a frightful situation, when the natural to do us harm. about unspeakable tragedy. It was about he- response is to run in fear, Patricia Maisch, Those lost on that day were robbed of life roic actions. When the gunman turned to flee, Roger Sulzgeber, Joseph Zimudio, and Daniel too early, like nine-year-old Christina Green, a brave but wounded bystander grabbed the Hernandez, Jr. took actions to help the injured whose life was bookended by tragedy. She shooter, as others came to his aid. One coura- and stop the attack. They risked their lives for was born on September 11, 2001, but strove geous older woman, Patricia Maisch, tried to the safety of others, and without their actions, at such a young age to be engaged in her wrestle a second magazine full of another 33 it is likely many more lives may have been community. Or the life of GABBY’s close aide, deadly bullets from him to protect others from lost. Gabriel Zimmerman, who at 30 years old had his indiscriminate gunfire. She began shouting Acts and threats of violence such as these made public service and helping those in the at him, even as she remained in danger. She have no place in our society and the voices of Eighth District of Arizona his purpose in life for raised the questions many of us asked when the American people will not be silenced or di- the last 4 years. Judge John Roll dedicated we heard of his horrible actions: ‘‘How could minished because of these acts. his life to public service and understood the you be so hateful? How could you do this?’’ As we pause to reflect on the tragic events risks associated with controversial issues. And As the paramedics and emergency respond- of Saturday, we should make special efforts to to remember those that left so many loved ers attended to the scene, the true sorrow of remember those whose lives were senselessly ones and memories behind, Dorwan Stoddard, the event became clear. Twenty patriotic taken: Gabe Zimmerman, Christina Taylor Dorothy Morris, and Phyllis Schneck. Americans were shot, many severely. Six of Green, Judge John M. Roll, Dorwan Stoddard, I await the day that we welcome our col- them lost their lives for no reason other than Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck. We should league back into the House chamber and will that they participated in the democratic proc- remember their families in our prayers—and continue to pray for those still in the care of ess. ask that they be comforted in their grief. doctors and those who have passed on. This tragedy has touched our Nation to its Like so many others, words cannot ade- Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Madam Speaker, I very core. The fact that this horrific event quately express my shock and sorrow over rise in support of the resolution before us hon- would occur during such an open democratic this tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with oring the victims and heroes of the tragic event has chipped away at our innocence as all the affected families. shooting in Tucson, Arizona, this past week- a country. The fact that some would rather Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, last Saturday end. turn to bullets instead of words to address dif- our country suffered a terrible blow. In a Today’s action is a reflection on the victims fering opinions makes us feel as though our senseless and despicable act of violence, a of a deeply tragic, singular incident which democratic process is under siege.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 However, it is my hope that the lives of We must continue to remain accessible to our get. My thoughts and prayers are with Con- those six brave souls will not be lost in vain, constituents while taking appropriate meas- gresswoman GIFFORDS, her family and her and that we can become even stronger as a ures going forward to protect their safety. staff. My staff is my family, and I cannot com- Nation. Our Nation was founded on the As we pray for GABBY’s recovery and for the prehend why anyone could or would hurt a premise that the American people have the families and friends of all of those impacted by group of honest, hard-working people united in right to elect their own leaders, to have their Saturday’s tragedy, let us honor their legacy their desire to serve the people of southern voices heard, and have a say in their own by striving to reinforce the spirit of Democracy Arizona. government. We fought, and many died, to in which the victims sought to engage in on I also join the Nation in honoring the lives of protect that right. And no one is allowed to Saturday in Tucson. Together as a nation, we the six brave Americans who lost their lives in take that away from us. can have a vigorous debate without compro- this senseless act of violence and in offering The American democratic process should mising the civility and respect for one an- my support and best wishes for a speedy re- not be one of anger and hateful words, but of other’s human dignity that is core to our great covery to all those affected by this tragedy. discourse and discussion. After all our country Nation’s principles. GABBY GIFFORDS is a good heart, a great has been through to protect our freedoms, we Mr. HALL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to mind, and one of the nicest Members of Con- must maintain respect for one another and un- speak in support of my friend and colleague, gress with whom I have had the honor of serv- derstand that the ability to share differing opin- GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, who four days ago was ing. When I last saw her, at the airport just ions is at the core of what makes our Nation the target of a malicious, senseless attack in hours before the attack, she was going home so great. Tucson, Arizona. In the aftermath of this trag- to do exactly what we all do—what we were So it is in the spirit of respect and democ- edy, 6 have lost their lives, 12 were wounded, elected and what the people of this country racy that I support this resolution. My prayers and GABBY is still in the hospital fighting for expect us to do—working with constituents, go out to the families of the victims, all of the her life. She is a dear friend, and one of the listening to their concerns and being respon- survivors, and to my friend GABBY GIFFORDS, most sincere, conscientious, and thoughtful sive to their needs. for a speedy and full recovery. To those who members I have had the pleasure of working Saturday’s attack came as a shock to me lost loved ones, words simply cannot express with. not just as a member of Congress, but be- my feelings of sadness at such a devastating GABBY has so many friends in Congress cause the violence reached beyond the realm loss. and is an outstanding Congresswoman for her of politics, and took the lives of innocent, ordi- Mr. HEINRICH. Madam Speaker, I rise district and for the Committee on Science, nary Americans who took time out of their today to pay tribute to the many victims of Space, and Technology. She has served the busy lives to participate in our democracy. As Members of Congress, when we sign up Saturday’s tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, last 2 years as the chairwoman of our Space to serve our country we understand there is and to voice my hope for a full recovery for and Aeronautics Subcommittee and has done an inherent risk. But we never imagine our each of the survivors, particularly my col- a magnificent job overseeing our Nation’s space program. The passion that she brings mere presence could so endanger innocent league and friend, Representative GABRIELLE with her is always evident and she has been constituents wishing to voice their opinions. An GIFFORDS. On behalf of me, my family, my attack at an event of this kind is an attack staff, and the constituents of New Mexico’s willing to ask the tough questions and work across the aisle in support of what she be- against that which makes our Nation great and First Congressional District, I express our lieves. must not be tolerated. heartbreak at the attempted assassination, the GABBY loves her district and her constitu- GABBY is famous for her smile that could devastation of so many innocent lives, and the ents, and she is always finding a way to work light up a room and her fearless tenacity to senseless attack on our nation’s Democratic her home state of Arizona into the discussion. reach across the aisle to find solutions for the process. I have been to her district with her to support problems facing this Nation. In a tight race in Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the solar energy and to the Cape with her to sup- a politically diverse district, GABBY was re- victims of this senseless tragedy, and espe- port the Shuttle flights. Perhaps it hurts even elected three times because of her ability to cially to the friends and families of Judge John more that this shooting took place at an event find consensus in a sea of chaos and her will- M. Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Christina Taylor that was organized so she could listen to her ingness to fight, not for the left or for the right, Green, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck and constituents and discuss how she represents but for what’s best for the people of Arizona. Dorwan Stoddard. We are grateful for the he- their interests. She was doing her job, being If we, as a nation, can learn from our mistakes roes who courageously intervened, the first re- accessible, and listening to the people she and take something away from this tragedy, sponders and health care professionals and represents. let it be that we follow her footsteps and use those who continue to assist the survivors in GABBY is a beautiful young lady with a our office and our government to unite rather their recovery. beautiful family, and a stepmother of two than divide our healing Nation. Though she remains in critical condition, I young children. It’s hard to understand how Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam know GABBY, and can attest to her nature as someone could do something like that. In a Speaker, I rise today in honor of a dear friend a fearless fighter. We’ve worked closely to- moment’s time, one person destroyed the lives and colleague Congresswoman GABRIELLE gether on the House Armed Services Com- of so many innocent victims. Events like this GIFFORDS, as well as all of those who lost their mittee as clean energy advocates and as New remind us of how fragile life can be and how lives or were injured during the tragic events Democrats. As the only member of Congress in the blink of an eye, everything can change. of January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona. with a spouse on active-duty, she is a tireless I’ve been around a long time and have seen Today the House gathers at an incredibly advocate for military families and is unques- too many terrible senseless events; these are sad moment for our country. The events of tionably one of the most talented Democratic times when you feel helpless, and all you can January 8, 2011, are reprehensible and truly leaders of my generation. With all of that in do is pray and come together to display soli- heartbreaking. I speak today of my close mind, I am optimistic and hopeful that she will darity and support for those who have been friend and an esteemed colleague in the Blue overcome this tragedy. Her recovery is impor- affected. I will continue to pray every day for Dog Coalition, GABBY. Her leadership and tant to our nations’ future. GABBY, her husband Astronaut Mark Kelly, her compassion for the people she represents is a Sadly, Saturday’s assassin took advantage family, her staff, Judge John Roll, little 9-year testament to the meaningful work she has ac- of an event which embodies the very essence old Christina Green, and the families of all the complished during her tenure as a United of public service and the right to assemble victims in this tragedy. States Representative. The legacy she has without fear. Like GABBY, I hold these kinds of Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, last weekend, created is one of moderate and pragmatic ‘‘Congress On Your Corner’’ events in my dis- the world watched as what began as a sunny leadership—qualities that are essential to the trict to hear directly from my constituents, Saturday morning in southern Arizona ended people of Arizona she so strongly represents, whether they agree with me or not. Listening in tragedy and horror for our Nation. Violence and to our country as a whole. to our constituents is a fundamental duty of of this kind has no place in America, and our In 2009, I had the opportunity to visited each Member of Congress and provides an grieving Nation will spare no expense to find GABBY in her district. It was apparent how extraordinary opportunity to talk one-on-one in out how this tragedy happened and ensure many folks she has touched with her work in an inclusive and equitable environment. That that it can never be repeated. the Arizona State Senate and the House of our constituents would have to worry about vi- Last Saturday was a dark day in our Na- Representatives. Her passion for public serv- olence as part of that process is unthinkable. tion’s history and a day which I will never for- ice is truly an example we should all embrace.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.001 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 317 I would also like to recognize and honor the To those families who are living this un- My thoughts and prayers are also with all victims who lost their lives during this horrible speakable tragedy, we extend our condo- the families of GABRIELLE’s constituents who tragedy: Christina Green, Dorothy Morris, lences and prayers to your family. And we were victims in this horrific attack. They were Judge John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan pray for a speedy recovery for our dear Col- doing what we hope our constituents will do Stoddard and Gabriel Zimmerman, the Con- league, Congresswoman GABBY GIFFORDS, every day. Come to our events and lend us gresswoman’s aide. and the other great Americans who are victims their wisdom and ideas. These civic minded I pray for a speedy recovery to everyone in- of this tragedy. Americans make our jobs possible and we jured during this tragic event and hope for Mr. TONKO. Madam Speaker, I rise today grieve over losing them. GABBY’s quick return to Congress to do what on behalf of Congresswoman GIFFORDS, her As I think about the event that GABRIELLE she loves most, represent the people of Arizo- staff, the injured, those who lost their lives and hosted on Saturday and the kind of Arizonians na’s 8th all of their families and loved ones—all of who attended her event, I am reminded of the Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, I am extremely whom remain in our thoughts and prayers fol- very best in the American people. A young girl saddened by the senseless act of violence lowing this past Saturday’s horrible and tragic born in the depths of tragedy who wanted to that occurred in Arizona. My thoughts and event. Having the opportunity to serve with make the world better for her classmates and prayers go out to my close personal friend, GABBY on the Science and Technology Com- her generation. A husband who’s final act was Representative GIFFORDS, her family and all mittee in Congress has truly been a blessing protecting his wife. A passionate advocate for the victims of this terrible tragedy. as she embraces the human spirit in all her justice who wanted to share his thoughts with Representative GIFFORDS is a hard-working, work. his Representative. They were all people who compassionate Member of Congress. This GABBY is not a weathervane politician—she wanted to make a difference in the direction of past weekend’s event is particularly tragic be- takes courageous votes that are supported by the country they loved and their attendance at cause she was doing what all Members her keen intellect and engaging personality. Saturday’s event was no less than the dream should be out doing, showing her dedication to Her quick wittedness and joy in providing serv- and vision of our founding fathers. her constituents and out listening to folks back ice through her work as a Representative I don’t know whether the heated political home. stands as testimony to us all. rhetoric caused the terrible events on Satur- During her time in Congress, I have worked She is one of our Nation’s brightest young day. We may never know the answer to that with her on various initiatives through the ef- leaders—intelligent, dedicated, effective and question. But surely we can all agree that our forts of the . I have al- fair. politics have been too divisive, our debates ways been particularly impressed with her I wish her and all the other injured victims too heated and our words too harsh. commitment to fiscal responsibility, deficit re- in this senseless tragedy a quick and speedy In the honor of the victims of Saturday’s at- duction, and advancing innovation and tech- recovery. tack, we must rededicate ourselves to civility. nology. She is a long-term thinker who has Mr. WALZ of Minnesota. Madam Speaker, To passionate, but never angry, public debate. To respectful disagreements. To rededicate worked to promote initiatives that are impor- today I rise after some of the saddest days I ourselves to accessibility to the people we tant to both her district and the country. have ever lived through. A friend and a col- I would like to send my deepest sympathies league, an exemplary member of this body represent and to the notion that debate with- out violence is the cornerstone of our rep- to the families of Gabe Zimmerman, a com- was gunned down while doing her job. Inno- resentative democracy. mitted member of her team in addition to cent lives were lost and a Nation grieves for Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I join my col- Judge John M. Roll, Christina Taylor Green, their family and friends. leagues in honoring Representative GIFFORDS, GABRIELLE is one of the finest public serv- Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck, and Dorwan mourning the victims of this senseless shoot- ants I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Stoddard. These individuals were engaging in ing, and lauding the heroism of those who en- When GABRIELLE and I first arrived here in the the political process in the best way possible, dangered themselves to help those who were beginning of 2007, it was with a deep pride in by speaking directly to their representative. injured. The exchange of ideas is critical to our de- our home districts and the commitment that Saturday’s horrific shooting in Tucson of mocracy and it’s important that Members of we would do whatever it took to work hard for Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, mem- Congress continue to provide forums in which the people we were so honored to represent. bers of her staff, a federal judge, and innocent to meet with and listen to constituents. I have GABRIELLE’s passion for her job and her con- bystanders should never have happened. and will continue to make town halls and lis- stituents is an inspiration to me and to this Representative GIFFORDS was performing the tening sessions a priority in western Wis- Congress. My greatest hope is that she will re- most fundamental duty of a Member of Con- consin. At this time, we should also take this covery as quickly as possible and come back gress—she was making herself available to moment to remember that we can fight hard to join her colleagues who miss her. My wife her constituents. It is something we all do— for the principles in which we believe with civil- Gwen and I are praying for her recovery and and something I strongly believe we must con- ity and consideration without compromising our thoughts are with her wonderful husband tinue to do. our values or the values of others. Mark and her wonderful family. My thoughts are with the victims, their family I also want to thank all the first responders, Gwen, my staff and I all grieve for the loss members and their friends at this time. law enforcement and medical personnel of her Director of Outreach, Gabe Zimmerman I hope that we can learn from this tragedy. whose quick actions helped prevent further and we are praying for the speedy recovery of Violence has no place in our democracy. loss of life. These individuals provide an in- Ron and Pam, two staffers who are still recov- While the details of the shooting are still com- valuable service to all of our communities and ering from gunshot wounds. ing to light, we can all agree that political rhet- I thank them for their dedicated work. In a story this week, Doug Hart, oric and imagery that condones or encourages I wish GABBY and all others involved a president for the Arizona Alliance for Retired violence—whether from activists, party organi- speedy recovery. Americans said of Gabe, ‘‘He just had a heart zations, or politicians—is unacceptable. We Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, I have for people.’’ Politico also reported Gabe told can have differences of opinion on policy and come to the well today, not to make a long the in 2007, ‘‘We serve who still treat each other with humanity. speech, for my colleagues have spoken so walks into our office and we don’t even ask Mr. BOSWELL. Madam Speaker, I rise well, but to extend the heartfelt tribute to the what party they belong to.’’ In Gabe’s memory, today to recognize Congresswoman affected families on behalf of the people of the let us continue to serve our constituents to the GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, who is a courageous first district of North Carolina. best of our ability, regardless of their political leader and fierce ally for her State of Arizona Madam Speaker, we must seize this sense- beliefs. And today, let us remember Gabe and and for all Americans. Congresswoman GIF- less and tragic event as an opportunity for us all those members of our own staff who come FORDS, her staff, and her constituents were to reconcile our differences and reduce the to work every day dedicated to helping the subjected to a tragic act of violence on Janu- political tone in this country. The American Americans we serve. ary 8, 2011, when a gunman opened fire at a people are demanding that we represent them I also want to express my deepest condo- public event for the Congresswoman in Tuc- with civility and a sense of enforcing the Con- lences to Judge John Roll’s family. In the sto- son, Arizona. The entire State of Iowa is pray- stitution to keep America strong and provide ries that have emerged in recent days, we can ing for her recovery, and for the family mem- for the general welfare. see he was a dedicated public servant and a bers and loved ones of every American af- I pledge my part in making that happen. distinguished member of our judicial system. fected by the Arizona shooting.

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Madam Speaker, Congresswoman GIF- It is imperative that we begin to learn every- government views. When I heard the news, I FORDS and I served on the House Armed thing we can from what happened in Tucson. thought, ‘‘Not GABBY?’’ Services Committee and are both members of If we do not take what measures we can to She is also deeply committed to the prin- the Blue Dog Coalition. I know firsthand her prevent such violence from occurring in the fu- ciples of public discourse and vibrant democ- commitment to making our Nation better for all ture, we not only do a disservice to those who racy that brought her face to face with her Americans. She is a tireless advocate for were harmed and killed on Saturday, but we constituents on Saturday. She simply rep- every man and woman in uniform and their betray our commitment to the participatory resents the very best of what a public servant families. Today, we are all praying not only for principles on which our democracy, which should be. her recovery, but for her return to Congress. must serve as a political and social example So I would be misleading you if I said I un- When Congresswoman GIFFORDS, her staff, to other nations, was founded. We should re- derstand why this happened, I do not. Per- and her constituents gathered to participate in examine how we treat and care for those suf- haps it is impossible to make sense of a mind one of the most basic American rights in our fering mentally in our country. We must thor- so full of hate, so deranged and so broken. great Nation—the right to civil discourse—no oughly discuss how individuals become eligi- And I cannot tell you with any certainty that one expected the day to end tragically. The ble to purchase automatic weapons. And we the acrimony and political vitriol that are so shooting on January 8, 2011, is a national must learn to communicate about our dif- prevalent in our society today contributed to tragedy and an attack on the right of every ferences in ways that are more thoughtful and spurring this madman. But I fear that his deep- American to participate in free and open dia- civil and that better promote aspiration to seated distrust of our government contributed logue with the men and women they elect to those qualities in all who hear or read our to his actions. represent them in Congress words. We must move forward—but how? How do I would like to recognize Congresswoman I continue to hope and pray for a full recov- we honor the victims of this tragedy? How do GIFFORDS’s staff members who were wounded ery for Congresswoman GIFFORDS and the we protect our society from such hatred? in the shooting, including Gabe Zimmerman, other injured victims and for a healing within I have looked in my own heart, and what I who lost his life, and the five other Americans for all those hurt internally by Saturday’s know is that we need each other right now. who were killed: Christine-Taylor Green, Doro- events. Our Nation must continue to grow and Though our hearts are heavy, we must be thy Morris, U.S. District Court Judge John become stronger in the face of this tragedy. steadfast in our determination to uphold the Roll, Phyllis Schneck, and Dorwan Stoddard. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam American spirit and the principles of our de- We are all praying for their families and loved Speaker, I solemnly rise in support of this res- mocracy for which GABBY has so vigorously ones. olution. fought. Madam Speaker, today, our hearts are with I believe we should use this moment to re- We come together today in tribute to Con- our friend, Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- mind each other, remind all Americans and re- gresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and all of FORDS. mind the world that the strength of our convic- the innocent victims of a deranged gunman’s Mr. OLVER. Madam Speaker, on Saturday, tions, the strength of our democracy, comes actions in Tucson, Arizona. Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, along This past weekend, our Nation witnessed a from our unity of purpose. with members of her congressional staff and Yes, as public servants and passionate ad- horrifying and tragic act of violence that took constituents, were senselessly shot while at- vocates we have, and we will, disagree on the lives of six, and left many others wounded, tending a ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ event in policies of the day, sometimes vigorously. including our friend and colleague, GABBY. Tucson. Those killed by the gunman—U.S. That is as it should be. District Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, GABBY is one of my closest friends and my But I have no doubt that every person in Christina Green, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis thoughts and prayers are with her husband this chamber loves our country, staunchly de- Schneck and Dorwan Stoddard—were citizens Mark, GABBY’s parents, and their family as fends our Constitution, and brings to this body participating in the democratic process, meet- they struggle to get through this unimaginable a desire to see a more perfect union. Let us ing and speaking with their Member of Con- tragedy. show the world the truth of these words. gress. I pray for her full recovery and the recovery I can say it no better than the words that Like everyone else, I was shocked by the of the other victims of this horrific act of conclude our Declaration of Independence. In news. This kind of deadly violence shakes a senseless violence. I also pray for the Tucson this sacred document, our founding fathers community and a nation to its core. The rapid, community and for our Nation. call for us to ‘‘mutually pledge to each other life-saving action of Tucson’s emergency re- While she and the others wounded in this our lives, our Fortunes, our sacred Honor.’’ sponders and medical professionals and the attack struggle to recover, we pause to honor Indeed—if we are not joined in the united acts of courage displayed by those at the those we have lost. effort to strengthen our democracy—then we event do, however, serve to remind us that the They were Americans from every walk of risk allowing those that hate all that we stand kindness of the human spirit can fight back in life, and from every season in the journey of for, rip us asunder. even the darkest of moments. My thoughts life. They died exercising freedoms that make As Speaker BOEHNER so eloquently said, and prayers are with all those in Tucson, in this country so special—the freedom to peti- ‘‘An attack on one who serves is an attack on particular the families of those who were in- tion their government and speak freely to their all who serve.’’ So we must pledge to come jured or killed, and especially with my friend elected representatives. together, to work together, and to be together. and outstanding colleague in the House, They include: Let us rededicate ourselves to doing so with GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. Christina Taylor Green, a 9-year-old girl just a new tone of civility in our public discourse. In the four years I have served with Con- elected to her student council who wanted to Let us show the world that there is so much gresswoman GIFFORDS, she has been a stal- see her Congresswoman in action; more that unites us than divides us. wart supporter of her district, her State and A Federal judge—John McCarthy Roll—who And when we do disagree, we know that we America’s interests at home and abroad. It is stopped by to thank his colleague for working solve those differences not with violence, but impossible not to admire her commitment to with him on immigration matters; with words and with our vote. the job of Representative and the passion with Gabe Zimmerman, a 30-year-old congres- We are united in the pursuit so eloquently which she pursues her interests and policy sional caseworker who brought compassion to put by President Abraham Lincoln, ‘‘that gov- agenda. I am proud to serve on the Sustain- his community outreach work; and ernment of the people, by the people, and for able Energy and Environment Coalition, where Three additional victims who were vibrant the people, shall not perish from the earth.’’ GABBY is an influential advocate for renewable and active retirees like so many in my home I finish by noting that GABBY has always ex- energy. She is a positive, moderate, thoughtful district in South Florida—Phyllis Schneck, 79, emplified the Jewish ideal of tikkun olam—re- voice in our Caucus, and it is my greatest Dorwan Stoddard, 76, and Dorothy Morris, 76. pairing and healing the world. May we all hope that she will recover from this terrible Now, anyone who knows GABBY, knows that come together in this beautiful message of tragedy and return as soon as possible to her she is one of the most kind, thoughtful, and healing—for our wounded world, our beloved job. We certainly need her and miss her. optimistic people you will meet. She has the friend, and all the victims of this tragedy. I don’t believe that I have ever seen her sunniest disposition and sees the good in ev- May the strength with which GABBY has without a smile on her face, which is quite a eryone—even people who most wouldn’t. So it healed the world, and the spirit of tikkun olam feat for someone working on Capitol Hill. She is particularly unbelievable that she would be in turn heal her, the other wounded, and the is a wonderful, upbeat and remarkable person. the target of a deranged individual with anti- families of those who lost loved ones.

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Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, it is with a GIFFORDS and all others wounded in this ter- saved many lives. The actions of these indi- somber heart that I rise to voice my strong rible tragedy. viduals and the outpouring of support from support for H. Res. 32. Mr. BISHOP of New York. Madam Speaker, around the country give us all strength during This resolution condemns the horrific attack I rise today to join my colleagues in supporting this difficult time. that took place in Tucson this past weekend, the Resolution before us today, and to ex- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam honors the memory of all those who lost their press my deepest condolences for the families Speaker, I rise to join my colleagues to honor lives in the attack, and expresses hope for a of those killed in the tragic shooting in Tucson, those who died and were wounded in Tucson, complete recovery for all those wounded in Arizona, on January 8. I also offer my prayers Arizona this past Saturday. The senseless the attack, including our friend and colleague, for a speedy and full recovery to my friend rampage took the lives of six remarkable peo- Representative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, as well as to ple and forever altered the lives of their fami- Today—we recognize and honor the service all those wounded in the attack. lies, 13 other people who were wounded, and of Representative GIFFORDS, a dedicated pub- This past Saturday was a dark day for this each of their families. This tragedy has lic servant and truly exceptional Member of chamber and our nation. GABBY GIFFORDS is touched the soul of our Nation and we will not Congress. one of the hardest-working members of this forget it. We also recognize the bravery of those he- House, and has proven herself to be an ener- Like my colleagues and Americans through- roes and first responders, who saved lives and getic representative of her district’s interests out our country, I am deeply saddened and prevented the deranged gunman from doing and a thoughtful stateswoman. She is loved disturbed by the events that took place as our further damage. and admired by her colleagues and her con- colleague, Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- The ability to resolve problems and conflicts stituents in the Eighth District of Arizona, who FORDS, conducted her outdoor constituent in a non-violent manner is a bedrock value of are fortunate and grateful that she survived town meeting in Tucson. To the families of our system of government. this terrible attack. those who died I offer my heartfelt condo- Saturday’s cowardly attack is an assault on But there are six others who will not be re- lences. And for my colleague, GABBY, as we the very principles that we as Americans hold turning to their families and friends as a result call her, and her family, and to the other vic- dear. of this tragedy, and I know GABBY would want tims and their families, I offer my prayers as I urge my colleagues to cast a vote to con- the focus to be on them. One of the six, they receive urgent medical treatment and demn hatred, and honor those innocent indi- GABBY’s Outreach Director Gabriel Zimmer- begin their recovery. viduals who were impacted by this heinous act man, was a Federal employee killed while I share in the comments that so many of my colleagues have already made about GABBY. of violence. helping GABBY better represent her constitu- She has worked hard and contributed much. The thoughts and prayers of Barbara and I ents. go out to the families of those who lost their Madam Speaker, I grieve for our nation She is a highly respected colleague and a lives in this terrible tragedy, and we continue when a 9-year-old girl seeking to meet her courageous representative for Arizona and our country. The attack on Congresswoman GIF- to pray for a full recovery for Representative Congresswoman becomes a target for murder. FORDS and her staff and constituents is deplor- GIFFORDS and all other victims. I fervently hope that all Americans, especially able and represents an attack on all Ameri- Madam Speaker, I rise to add some addi- those of us honored with the public trust, view tional remarks to my earlier statement in sup- cans. this tragedy as a moment to take personal re- I also join my colleagues in saluting the her- port of H. Res. 32. sponsibility for building a safer, more civil and oism of four men and women who subdued In this time of grieving for all of us, it is im- better future. the shooter and attended to GABBY imme- portant we take this moment to recognize and ABBY We are praying for you, G , and for the diately after she was shot. These men and honor the six individuals who lost their lives in families of all those affected by this senseless women truly made a difference on that Satur- this heinous crime. tragedy. day. They deserve our praise and admiration. Christina Taylor Green was a 9-year-old Mr. SIRES. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Madam Speaker, the responsibility for this child, recently elected to the student council at honor of Congresswoman GABRIELLE GIF- tragedy lies with the shooter, someone who Mesa Verde Elementary School. FORDS, her staff, and all the victims of the Tuc- had earlier been identified as needing mental Dorothy Morris, 76, was married to her hus- son tragedy. health care and who should never have been band George for over 50 years. George was On January 8, Representative GIFFORDS able to obtain a gun. Thankfully, he is in cus- also at the shooting and courageously tried to was hosting an event to simply engage with tody and his fate is now in the hands of our shield his wife from the attack. her constituents. At that event, a man fired law enforcement and judicial system. John Roll, 63, had an outstanding legal ca- shots at the Congresswoman, her staff, and But while he will be tried for his act, this at- reer, culminating in his service as Chief Judge the assembled crowd. tack has raised in all of us a deep and gnaw- for the District of Arizona. He and his wife Due to this senseless act, six people are ing question that must be unanswered. How Maureen had three children and five grand- dead and fourteen others are injured, including can we improve ourselves after this tragedy? children. the Congresswoman, who remains in critical Everyone who meets Congresswoman GIF- Phyllis Schneck, 79, a New Jersey native, condition. FORDS knows she is not an angry woman. She was spending the winter in Arizona. She was I have had the pleasure to serve on the has sought to balance the diverse interests of a church volunteer and a proud mother of House Committee on Foreign Affairs with Con- her district while doing what she believes to three, and grandmother of seven. gresswoman GIFFORDS, and it has been noth- be in the best interest of our country. Yet she Dorwan Stoddard, 76, was also a church ing less than an honor to work with her. Her was attacked, vilified and denounced by ex- volunteer and also shielded his wife, Mary, passion and commitment to her constituents treme political factions who sought to demon- during the attack. and her country is unyielding, and she has al- ize her for what she believed as a member of Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, was engaged to be ways approached her work in Congress with Congress. married and was known throughout the com- the attention and respect that it deserves. I We cannot undo the events of Saturday, munity as a man of great character for his was shocked and saddened to hear of this at- January 8, but we can and should commit our- work in Representative GIFFORDS’ office. tack. selves to a more responsible level of political Let us stand together to honor the lives of On Saturday morning, six people attended discourse in America. I hope we can all learn these individuals, and offer our heartfelt con- an event held by their local representative, from the events in Tucson, that in the name of dolences to the families, friends, and loved and for this, they lost their lives. In a demo- GABBY and all of the victims of this deadly ones they leave behind. cratic country that symbolizes hope and free- shooting, we can commit ourselves to I urge my colleagues to reaffirm our commit- dom for so many, it is difficult to witness and strengthen our Nation, not fight each other, to ment to a democracy in which all peoples can impossible to understand this hateful act. be able to disagree with each other without participate without intimidation or fear of vio- My thoughts and prayers, along with those hating or demonizing one another for it. lence, and support today’s resolution. of all Americans, go out to the Giffords’ family, Madam Speaker, thank you for this oppor- Again, the thoughts and prayers of Barbara the families of the Congresswoman’s staff, tunity to pay tribute to Congresswoman GIF- and I go out to the victims and families im- and all those impacted by this tragedy. FORDS, her staff, her constituents, and every- pacted by this tragedy, and we continue to I would also like to thank that day’s heroes one touched by the tragedy that unfolded on pray for a swift recovery for Representative for their quick reactions that undoubtedly Saturday in Tucson.

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Mr. DESJARLAIS. Madam Speaker, I rise streets of Baghdad together. I was so im- Madam Speaker, let us, as Members of today in support of House Resolution 32. pressed by her courage and commitment to Congress, reaffirm our commitment to work on I am pleased that Members of the House of the troops on the frontline. behalf of our constituents—those who sent us Representatives came together today to speak It is unthinkable to me that GABBY was safer here to represent their interest. Let us do our with a unified voice in both condemning this in Baghdad than here in her own country. part to build a better Nation and world. heinous attack, and expressing our condo- Every American has a right to express their Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I join our lences to the friends and families of all the in- opinion on whatever issue they choose, but colleagues today in offering my condolences nocent victims that were killed or wounded there is no place in our society for this kind of to the victims and families of last weekend’s due to this horrific act of violence. hatred and violence. No one should have to shooting in Tucson, Arizona. They are in our This resolution reaffirms the democratic think twice about their safety when they go to thoughts and prayers during this extremely dif- principles that Congresswoman GIFFORDS her- speak to their Congressman or attend a town ficult time. Our friend Congresswoman GIF- self espoused when she read the First hall meeting. This has been an attack not only FORDS remains in the hospital, and we are Amendment of the Constitution during the on GABBY, her staff and her innocent constitu- hopeful that her recovery will continue to opening week of the 112th Congress—the ents, but the democratic process itself. progress and that she will be back here on the right of the people peaceably to assemble, With every negative, we should put forth our House floor in the near future. and to petition the government for a redress of best effort to find a positive. It is my hope that The passage of a few days has done little grievances. this horrific tragedy will bring our country and to make this attack any more comprehensible. It is critical that we send a message that our Congress together. Our forefathers cre- As much as anything, it is a chilling reminder threats of violence and intimidation will not ated a great system of government. Unfortu- of the fragile nature of our lives. It gives us all prevent Americans from participating in the nately, I don’t think the spiteful partisanship of pause that GABRIELLE was hurt doing the democratic process. today is what they had in mind. We must be same things that we do every day as part of It is my hope to once again work alongside tolerant of other views—to tone down the ill- representing our constituents, that staff mem- my colleague, Congresswoman GIFFORDS, as natured rhetoric—and discuss our opinions re- bers were killed and injured as part of their we seek to find solutions to problems that we spectfully. The negative and personal attacks service, and that in a public setting such as face as a nation. against one other must stop. this we cannot absolutely guarantee anyone’s May God bless the victims of this tragedy, I hope that GABBY makes a speedy recovery safety. their families and all Americans. and can soon return to this floor where she As I said immediately after the event, with- Mrs. CAPITO. Madam Speaker, I rise today will continue to be an example of courtesy and out drawing conclusions about what happened in support of House Resolution 32 to honor civility to us all. I yield the balance of my time. here, I hope that as a country we agree to the victims of the senseless act of violence Ms. CLARKE of New York. Madam Speak- tone down the volume and animosity that has that took place in Tucson on Saturday. er, I rise on behalf of the people of New become so much a part of our political dis- Six members of the Arizona community lost York’s 11th congressional district to offer my course. We can disagree without being en- their lives and one of our own, GABBY GIF- thoughts and prayers to Congresswoman emies. Madam Speaker, contrary to popular belief, FORDS, has been gravely injured. It’s hard to GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff, constituents, most, if not all of us, ran for office because we find the words to describe the deep sorrow we and all those affected by this tragic shooting. want to help people—because we believe we all feel for the families and friends of the I am truly shocked, horrified and deeply sad- have something to offer through public serv- shooter’s victims. dened by this senseless act of violence. I take ice. That is certainly true for GABRIELLE. His actions have shown us human behavior time to reflect on those who lost their lives, in- Through our grief, despite the potential risks, at its darkest, but the heroes of the day rep- cluding a Federal judge, a 9-year-old girl, and I think we still all agree that this work is worth resent our society at its best. The innocent by- one of Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ staff. I pray doing, that we can and do make a difference, standers quickly rallied to curtail the gunman for a swift recovery for the wounded and offer and that with GABRIELLE as our example, we and perform triage on the victims. The Amer- my heartfelt thanks to those who rushed in to must push ahead as a country, as a society, ican people are humbled by the bravery of offer aid. to help each other the best that we can. ABBY those who put themselves in harm’s way and I consider G , as she is affectionately Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, it is under grateful for the talented first responders and called, to be a wonderful colleague whom I somber circumstances that this body gathers medical professionals who have compas- have the pleasure of serving alongside on im- here today. On behalf of the people of Colo- sionately cared for the wounded. portant issues such as immigration reform. rado and the constituents I represent in the As we’ve all come to know, GABBY is a fight- She has demonstrated exemplary leadership First District, we send our prayers and com- er. With the help of the thoughts and prayers and is a very well respected Member of the passion to all who are mourning the events of of millions of Americans who are wishing for House of Representatives. last weekend and trying to come to terms with her speedy recovery, GABBY has beat the While we do not know the motive, we do the grief this incident has caused. odds and has thus far made a remarkable turn know that the time has come for us to tone As two of three women in the U.S. House for the better. We should all be inspired by down our rhetoric and partisanship. We are re- of Representatives from the Rocky Mountain GABBY’s strength. sponsible for our words and must respect West, GABBY and I spoke often about the Madam Speaker, we cannot forget that this those who hold different points of view. Our sometimes difficult task of staying close with tragedy occurred as GABBY was performing constituents and the world at large should see family and loved ones, while shuttling back her most fundamental duty as an elected rep- us as examples of civility, peaceful debate and and forth across long distances between our resentative: listening to the people. This attack democracy. Regardless of one’s political affili- homes and Washington. She has always been is quite literally an assault on the very demo- ation, we must learn to respectfully agree to enormously dedicated to her family, and in the cratic values which we seek everyday to up- disagree. There are several issues before wake of this tragedy we see the love her fam- hold in this Chamber. As we struggle with how Congress that would benefit all Americans and ily and community has shown her in return. to handle the aftermath of this tragedy, let us many people overseas but often times have While GABBY was the victim with whom I reflect on the values that make our country been marginalized by partisanship. Our con- shared a personal connection, the tragedy of great. stituents expect us to work for them and not last weekend runs far deeper than just reflect- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, allow politics to get in the way of governing. ing on the attack on our colleague. What hap- my heart goes out to all of the victims of the Finally, this shooting has many of us think- pened to GABBY and 19 others on that sunny terrible tragedy—those that were killed or in- ing about the security and safety of our con- Tucson morning, happened to all of us—to all jured, their families and the entire Tucson stituents when we are back home holding Americans. The victims came from all walks of community. I extend my condolences to all of town hall meetings, meeting with constituents life, each one representing their own unique the members of the Arizona delegation. and doing the people’s work. Many people die story, yet each one also reflecting in many My thoughts and prayers are with GABBY. I or are wounded daily from gun violence and ways, people we all know and love. From the know she is a fighter. I recall our trip together many suffer from mental illnesses that are ei- young girl with dreams of changing the world; to the Middle East. We met with the presi- ther not properly diagnosed or treated. This to the dedicated staffer committed to serving dents of Israel, Lebanon and Syria before we tragedy provides the opportunity to further dis- his country and helping the people of home- traveled to Iraq, where we walked down the cuss mental health and gun control legislation. town; to the man willing to give his own life to

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Americans with varied I hope we can dedicate this session to her, of a former Marine quietly living out her Gold- views gathered peaceably to discuss how they conducting our debate on health care and en Years with her husband—all these brave could work together to improve their commu- other issues with passion and conviction, but souls unite us all in the common dreams and nity. We all now know how this public gath- also with maturity and respect. As we take up blessed experiences we hold as Americans. ering that aimed for positive community action our important business, let’s do it in a manner Last Saturday, that unity was assaulted as ended tragically. A mother of two and wife of worthy of GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. As a tribute to a single, deranged gunman attempted to cut fifty years, Dorothy Morris; Judge John M. her, to those who died, and to everyone through the very bedrock of our democracy, Roll, a devoted husband, father and grand- whose lives are forever changed by this by attacking an event at which a Member of father; Church volunteers, Phyllis Schneck and senseless shooting, let’s do our work in a way Congress was performing her most funda- Dorwan Stoddard; Gabriel Matthew Zimmer- that showcases the very best of our democ- mental responsibility—meeting with her con- man, a 30 year old Congressional staffer, en- racy, just as it was on display in that shopping stituents. The attack felt particularly heinous gaged to be married; and Christina Taylor center the morning of January 8. against a Member of this institution in which Green, a third grader, there to meet a role Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Madam each of us have been asked by voters to model—Congresswoman GIFFORDS—were all Speaker, first and foremost today, my serve largely because of its proximity to the senselessly taken from us. thoughts and prayers are with Congress- people. While shocking, this horrific event cannot be woman GIFFORDS, her staff, the other victims And while these events have understand- allowed to detract from our obligations to our of the shooting and their families and friends. ably renewed discussions about congressional constituents or the need to peaceably assem- As Members of Congress, it is our duty and security, we must ensure that these efforts do ble, a right GABBY so eloquently conveyed to our privilege to reach out to our constituents to not leave us insulated from our constituents. us earlier this month on the House floor. foster open discussions and exchanges of We each have an obligation to protect our- With courage, confidence, and the same ideas. It’s what makes this institution truly the selves, our constituents, and our staff. But our grace Congresswoman GIFFORDS has dis- people’s House and it’s one of the reasons professional obligation mandates that we re- played, we must work with and for each other many of us decided to run for office in the first main accessible and inviting, because it is in these hard times and in the months and place. GABBY was doing this work when this through us that the every American from Tuc- years ahead. In this time of great sadness, I senseless tragedy occurred. A lone gunman son, Arizona, to Portland, Maine, has a voice offer all the victims, their families, friends, and interrupted a routine Congress on your Cor- in the corridors of Washington, D.C. neighbors my deepest and most heartfelt pray- ner, killing six and wounding a dozen more, in- Finally, it is important to remember that ers and well wishes. God bless you and God cluding our colleague GABBY. these were the actions of one individual clear- bless America. At this somber time, I would like to echo the ly in need of mental health assistance. While Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I have words of Speaker BOEHNER, ‘‘An attack on it is too early to know what motivated him to the privilege of serving with GABBY GIFFORDS one who serves is an attack on all who violence, no one can deny that the level of po- on both the Science, Space, and Technology serve.’’ We cannot let the actions of one indi- litical discourse in this country is not meeting Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, vidual challenge one of the most basic tenets the standard to which we should hold our- and she has always stood out as someone of of our free society—the right to peaceably as- selves, nor meeting the standard our country’s great energy, intelligence and integrity. She is semble. It is worth noting that Congress- founders envisioned for our great nation. Far exactly what you want a member of Congress woman GIFFORDS read the first amendment to too often we have failed to find a way to, as to be, and a role model for young women who our Constitution here on the House floor just Speaker BOEHNER put it last week, ‘‘disagree want to serve their communities through elect- without being disagreeable.’’ days before this tragic event. It is my hope that the events of the past ed office. I look forward to the day when Congress- weekend serve as a wake-up call for everyone This unspeakable, gruesome attack has woman GIFFORDS returns to the House floor to and remind us all that we need to reject extre- shocked and saddened us all. But one thing it continue her work on behalf of the people of mism and violence, respect those who answer will not do, in this body, is conquer our spirit the eighth district of Arizona. In the meantime, the call to public service, and strengthen our or stop us from doing our jobs. GABBY GIF- my thoughts and prayers are with all affected country with our every deed—just as those in FORDS was wounded because she saw it as by this unthinkable event. Tucson have done since that fateful day. her duty to engage directly with the people for Ms. RICHARDSON. Madam Speaker, I con- GABBY is a friend and treasured colleague, whom she works, hearing their concerns and cur in the expressing the sense of the House and my deepest condolences extend to her fielding their questions, putting them in touch of Representatives with respect to the tragic family, as well as the friends and family of the with their government. That is how we do it in shooting in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, constituents and staff members wounded or a democracy, and the violent acts of one mad- 2011. killed in the unspeakable attacks of January 8, man will not change that. Like all Americans, on Saturday morning I 2011. God bless them; God Bless this Body, Those who were tragically killed in the at- was saddened and sick to my stomach when and God Bless the United States of America. tack were holding up their end of the demo- I watched the horrible attack against my col- Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- cratic bargain—active citizens eager to con- league Congresswoman GIFFORDS, known as port of the Resolution Honoring Congress- nect with their representative. Also, there were GABBY to me, her staff, her constituents and to woman GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and the victims other public servants, a federal judge who had all Americans. of this weekend’s horrific shooting. sat on the bench for nearly 20 years, and a We now know, on January 7, Congress- I have had the opportunity to serve with member of Gabby’s staff, whose dedication re- woman GIFFORDS reached out and sought Congresswoman GIFFORDS on the Foreign Af- minds me so much of the young people who ‘‘new ways to reduce the highly partisan divi- fairs Committee. In our time serving together, work for me. My heart goes out to those who sive tone that all too often dominates our pub- I have witnessed a courageous, hardworking, loved Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, lic discourse.’’ Today I am going to do exactly admirable public servant, dedicated to her John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard that: not in words of criticism, but thoughts of constituents and to this Nation. and Gabriel Zimmerman. Even as we mourn observation and desire to help. Most importantly, GABBY is highly regarded their deaths, may we celebrate their rich and For law makers whether federal, state or and a family person. Just a few months ago, glorious lives. Let’s also send our get-well local . . . This tragic incident must make us GABBY’s cousin, Elisa Giffords, told my wife wishes to all of the wounded and our undying re-evaluate our spending priorities and accept how proud she and her family are of Con- gratitude to the first responders, including the the fact that our continued failure to provide gresswoman GIFFORDS and that they all know courageous intern who may have saved adequate funding for mental illnesses is a mis- how important she is to her constituents. GABBY’s life. take. Those who know GABBY best, her family, love There is every expectation that GABBY will For the agencies, whether they be edu- and respect her. make a full recovery. And hopefully she will cational, military, or private vendors/busi- GABBY GIFFORDS has developed a reputa- return to the House of Representatives to con- nesses . . . we must be diligent in connecting tion as an astute public servant. The commu- tinue a promising career in public service. I the dots, doing the extra work, taking the time

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.002 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 to think out of the box, stop working in silos ing with constituents and providing an oppor- The question is on the resolution. and to insist on utilizing technology for good tunity for them to ask questions and express The resolution was agreed to. like the real time utilization of information. concerns in an open and free environment. It A motion to reconsider was laid on For the parents, whether your child, who will is this proximity to the people we represent the table. always be your child regardless of their age, that we most cherish as Members of the f should not be allowed under our own roofs to House of Representatives. My number one APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO turn their rooms, garages or backyards to a priority, which I’m sure is shared by all of my PERMANENT SELECT COM- private area one fails to tread. colleagues, is to be accessible and available MITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE For protectors and preservers of the law, it to the families and communities in my district. is not okay to tell me there is nothing wrong While we may never understand the motive or The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without with someone sending a hate e-mail saying, reasoning behind the violent event on that objection, pursuant to clause 11 of rule ‘‘I’m concerned it’s time for a good old fash- day, it felt to many like an attack on all of us, X, clause 11 of rule I, and the order of ioned lynching/tar and feather.’’ our democracy, and on the freedoms that we the House of January 5, 2011, and not- For those who debate and protest, it is not work to protect each day as elected officials. withstanding the requirement of clause okay to spit, say racial slurs, to say reload or As so many Americans have done throughout 11(a)(1)(C) of rule X, the Chair an- to arm in reference to a debate; neither is it our history, bystanders became heroes and nounces the Speaker’s appointment of okay to say a group other than yourself is a their actions prevented an even worse catas- the following Members of the House to Neanderthal and they want people to die trophe. I am thankful for their quick actions the Permanent Select Committee on quickly. and grateful to our entire nation for standing Intelligence: For our court, even in 1919 and 1931 in the together as one community in support of the Mr. THORNBERRY, Texas; cases of Schenk v. United States and Near v. people of Tucson and speaking with one voice Mrs. MYRICK, North Carolina; Minnesota, had the wisdom to know ‘‘the most that this senseless act of violence has no Mr. MILLER, Florida; stringent protection of free speech would not place in a civilized democracy. Mr. CONAWAY, Texas; protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a the- GABBY’s passion for public service is un- Mr. KING, New York; atre and causing a panic.’’ matched, and this is clearly evident in her Mr. LOBIONDO, New Jersey; Tell me how anyone, any court, or any leg- work ethic on the House Armed Services Mr. NUNES, California; islative body could justify a man carrying a AR Committee, where we both serve. I greatly ad- Mr. WESTMORELAND, Georgia; 15 rifle and a pistol, feet not miles from where mire her ability to be a tough advocate for her Mrs. BACHMANN, Minnesota; our president was speaking that . . . That district, while always looking for ways to reach Mr. ROONEY, Florida; was not right in August 2009, last Saturday, across regional, partisan, or ideological bound- Mr. HECK, Nevada. today, or tomorrow. aries to find common ground to move forward There was no objection. And now for those of us, we turn to this res- on an important issue. She is always warm, f personable and professional, and she stands olution on the floor today, page 4, sections (7– ADJOURNMENT 8) the resolution references: strongly and passionately for what she be- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Right of the people peaceably to assemble, lieves in and what she believes is best for her All can participate without being silenced constituents in Arizona. Last week, when we fornia. Madam Speaker, pursuant to with intimidation, spoke on the House floor, she discussed her Senate Concurrent Resolution 1, I And threats of violence. desire for the House to quickly consider legis- move that the House do now adjourn. I have watched right here in this room and lation to create more jobs in our districts. Even The motion was agreed to; accord- on these grounds, leaders not fulfilling this after an exhausting election cycle, she never ingly (at 6 p.m.), pursuant to Senate words of ‘‘peaceable assembly free of intimi- broke her focus and was ready to move for- Concurrent Resolution 1 and pursuant dation.’’ ward on day one to get our economy back on to House Resolution 32, the House ad- We too must not just react, but now is the track. journed until Tuesday, January 18, My life changed forever at the age of 16 time to act. Not just in legislation but in what 2011, at 2 p.m., out of respect for the after an accident that left me paralyzed. I won- victims of the attack in Tucson, Ari- Congresswoman GIFFORDS asked us to do: dered what life could possibly have in store for ‘‘reduce the divisive tone.’’ Maybe if we start zona. me next. Yet as I lay in my hospital bed, I was as leaders, others will follow. f overwhelmed with the outpouring of support I express condolences to the families of from my friends, family and neighbors. Along EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, those who lost their lives, I pray for strength with my faith, which pulled me through one of ETC. for those who survived and have long roads to the darkest times in my life, it was also the Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive recovery, and I commit to do work on this generosity and concern from my community communications were taken from the issue and how I work with you my colleagues. that ultimately made me want to give back Speaker’s table and referred as follows: As Representative GIFFORDS’ husband holds through a career in public service. I want to her hand as she heals, I am ready for her to 64. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- share this strength with those who are injured ment of Health and Human Services, trans- return to hold her hand as we as a country now and fighting to recover, and let them mitting the Department’s report entitled, heal as well. know that many wonderful possibilities lie ‘‘Report to Congress on Head Start Moni- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise ahead. toring for Fiscal Year 2008’’, pursuant to Sec- today with a heavy heart to join my colleagues Next week, we will continue our work, the tion 641(e) of the Head Start Act; to the in support of H. Res. 32, a resolution express- work of the people, but I am grateful for this Committee on Education and the Workforce. ing the sense of the House of Representatives opportunity to pause and reflect on this na- 65. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Pro- with respect to the tragic shooting in Tucson, tional tragedy. Madam Speaker, thank you for Arizona, on January 8, 2011. My thoughts and tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s bringing forward this resolution and for allow- final rule — Alaska: Adequacy of Alaska Mu- prayers go out to those who were lost: Chris- ing all Members of the House to express their nicipal Solid Waste Landfill Permit Program tina Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, John Roll, condolences to those who were lost and sup- [EPA-R10-RCRA-2010-0953; FRL-9247-6] re- Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and Ga- port to our friend, Representative GIFFORDS, ceived January 4, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. briel Zimmerman, and to their friends and fam- her staff, and all of those in Tucson and 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and ilies and all those in the community whose across the nation as we begin to heal together Commerce. lives they touched. Words can not begin to ex- from this tragic event. 66. A letter from the Director, Regulatory press my sorrow about their passing. I am Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Management Division, Environmental Pro- also praying for a full and quick recovery for fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield back tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s final rule — Testing of Certain High Produc- those 14 individuals who were injured, includ- the balance of my time. tion Volume Chemicals; Second Group of ing my good friend and colleague, Represent- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Chemicals [EPA-HQ-OPPT-2007-0531; FRL- ative GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. ant to the order of the House of today, 8846-9] (RIN: 2070-AD16) received January 4, On Saturday morning, GABBY was out in her the previous question is ordered on the 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the community, as she often was, hosting a meet- resolution and on the preamble. Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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67. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. Mr. WALDEN, Mr. WEBSTER, Mr. Management Division, Environmental Pro- COBLE, Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. WHITFIELD, Mr. tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s COLE, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. CRAVAACK, WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. WITT- final rule — Approval and Promulgation of Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. MAN, Mr. WOLF, Mr. WOMACK, Mr. Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; CRITZ, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. DAVIS of WOODALL, Mr. YODER, Mr. YOUNG of Revisions to Rules and Regulations for Con- Kentucky, Mr. DENHAM, Mr. DENT, Alaska, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. trol of Air Pollution; Permitting of Grand- Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, JOHNSON of Ohio, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. fathered and Electing Electric Generating Mr. DOLD, Mr. DREIER, Mr. DUFFY, WEST, Mr. YOUNG of Indiana, Mr. Facilities [EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0031; FRL- Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina, Mr. MCCARTHY of California, Mr. DON- 9248-9] received January 4, 2011, pursuant to DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mrs. ELLMERS, NELLY of Indiana, Mr. WALSH of Illi- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Mrs. EMERSON, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. nois, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Energy and Commerce. FITZPATRICK, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. HECK, Mr. 68. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, FLEISCHMANN, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. FLO- STUTZMAN, Mr. PEARCE, and Mr. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, RES, Mr. FORBES, Mr. FORTENBERRY, MICHAUD): transmitting the 2010 annual report on the Ms. FOXX, Mr. FRANK of Massachu- H.R. 4. A bill to repeal the expansion of in- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholar- setts, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. formation reporting requirements for pay- ship Program, pursuant to Public Law 106- FRELINGHUYSEN, Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. ments of $600 or more to corporations, and 309, section 304; to the Committee on Foreign GARDNER, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. GER- for other purposes; to the Committee on Affairs. LACH, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. GIBSON, Mr. Ways and Means. 69. A letter from the Chairman, Merit Sys- GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. GOHMERT, By Mr. SCALISE (for himself, Mr. tems Protection Board, transmitting a re- Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. PETERS, Mr. port entitled ‘‘Whistleblower Protections for GOWDY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. GRAVES of ROSS of Florida, and Mr. CRAVAACK): Federal Employees’’, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Missouri, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 262. A bill to require any amounts re- 1204(a)(3); to the Committee on Oversight GRIFFIN of Arkansas, Mr. GRIFFITH of maining in a Member’s Representational Al- and Government Reform. Virginia, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. GUINTA, Mr. lowance at the end of a fiscal year to be de- posited in the Treasury and used to reduce 70. A letter from the Director, Office of GUTHRIE, Mr. HALL, Mr. HANNA, Mr. the Federal debt; to the Committee on House Special Council, transmitting the Office’s HARPER, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. HAS- Administration. Performance and Accountability Report for TINGS of Washington, Ms. HAYWORTH, By Mr. ACKERMAN: FY 2010; to the Committee on Oversight and Mr. HELLER, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. H.R. 263. A bill to amend chapter 44 of title Government Reform. HERGER, Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER, Mr. 18, United States Code, to restrict the ability 71. A letter from the Director, Peace Corps, HUELSKAMP, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michi- of a person whose Federal license to import, transmitting the Inspector General’s semi- gan, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. HUNTER, Mr. manufacture, or deal in firearms has been re- annual report to Congress for the reporting HURT, Mr. ISSA, Ms. JENKINS, Mr. SAM voked, whose application to renew such a li- period April 1, 2010 through September 30, JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Il- cense has been denied, or who has received a 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. linois, Mr. JONES, Mr. KELLY, Mr. license revocation or renewal denial notice, Act), section 5(b); to the Committee on Over- KING of New York, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. to transfer business inventory firearms, and sight and Government Reform. KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. KISSELL, for other purposes; to the Committee on the 72. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Ad- Mr. KLINE, Mr. LABRADOR, Mr. LAM- Judiciary. ministrator for Operations, NMFS, National BORN, Mr. LANCE, Mr. LANDRY, Mr. By Mr. THOMPSON of California: Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, LANKFORD, Mr. LATHAM, Mr. LATOU- H.R. 264. A bill to permanently prohibit oil transmitting the Administration’s final rule RETTE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. LEE of New and gas leasing off the coast of Mendocino, — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone York, Mr. LEWIS of California, Mr. Humboldt, and Del Norte Counties in the Off Alaska; Steller Sea Lion Protection LOBIONDO, Mr. LONG, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. State of California, and for other purposes; Measures for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Is- LUETKEMEYER, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. to the Committee on Natural Resources. lands Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska [Dock- MACK, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. MARCHANT, By Ms. NORTON: et No. 101006495-0498-01] (RIN: 0648-BA31) re- Mr. MARINO, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. H.R. 265. A bill to provide for the admission ceived January 6, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. MCCAUL, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. of the State of New Columbia into the Union; 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural MCHENRY, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. MCKIN- to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Resources. LEY, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mr. ment Reform, and in addition to the Com- 73. A letter from the Director, Regulatory MEEHAN, Mr. MICA, Mrs. MILLER of mittee on Rules, for a period to be subse- Management Division, Environmental Pro- Michigan, Mr. GARY G. MILLER of quently determined by the Speaker, in each tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s California, Mr. MILLER of Florida, case for consideration of such provisions as final rule — Guidelines for Awarding Clean Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. MURPHY of Penn- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Water Act Section 319 Base Grants to Indian sylvania, Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. NEUGE- concerned. Tribes [EPA-HQ-OW-2011-XXXX; FRL-9247-8] BAUER, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. NUNES, Mr. By Ms. NORTON: received January 4, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. NUNNELEE, Mr. OLSON, Mr. PAUL, Mr. H.R. 266. A bill to provide for the treat- ment of the District of Columbia as a State 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- PAULSEN, Mr. PENCE, Mr. PETERSON, for purposes of representation in the House tation and Infrastructure. Mr. PETRI, Mr. PITTS, Mr. PLATTS, of Representatives and Senate, and for other Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. f purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- POSEY, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. ary, and in addition to the Committee on PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS QUAYLE, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. REED, Mr. Oversight and Government Reform, for a pe- REHBERG, Mr. REICHERT, Mr. RENACCI, Under clause 2 of rule XII, public riod to be subsequently determined by the Mr. RIBBLE, Mr. RIGELL, Mr. RIVERA, bills and resolutions of the following Speaker, in each case for consideration of Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. ROGERS of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- titles were introduced and severally re- Kentucky, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, ferred, as follows: tion of the committee concerned. Mr. ROGERS of Michigan, Mr. ROHR- By Ms. NORTON: By Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- ABACHER, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. ROONEY, H.R. 267. A bill to provide for the treat- fornia (for himself, Mrs. ADAMS, Mr. Mr. ROSKAM, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ment of the District of Columbia as a State ADERHOLT, Mr. AKIN, Mr. ALEXANDER, ROSS of Florida, Mr. ROSS of Arkan- for purposes of representation in the House Mr. AMASH, Mr. AUSTRIA, Mrs. BACH- sas, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. RUNYAN, Mr. of Representatives, and for other purposes; MANN, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. BARLETTA, RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. RYAN of Wis- to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BARTON of Texas, consin, Mr. SCALISE, Mr. SCHILLING, addition to the Committee on Oversight and Mr. BASS of New Hampshire, Mr. Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. SCHOCK, Mr. Government Reform, for a period to be sub- BENISHEK, Mr. BERG, Ms. BERKLEY, SCHWEIKERT, Mr. SCOTT of South sequently determined by the Speaker, in Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. BILI- Carolina, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. each case for consideration of such provi- RAKIS, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mrs. SESSIONS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. SHUSTER, sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the BLACK, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. BONNER, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, committee concerned. Mrs. BONO MACK, Mr. BOUSTANY, Mr. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. SMITH By Mr. CAPUANO: BRADY of Texas, Mr. BROOKS, Mr. of Texas, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. H.R. 268. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- BROUN of Georgia, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. STEARNS, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. SULLIVAN, tion Campaign Act of 1971 to reduce the limit BUCSHON, Ms. BUERKLE, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. TERRY, Mr. THOMPSON of Penn- on the amount of certain contributions Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. CALVERT, sylvania, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. which may be made to a candidate with re- Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. CANSECO, Mrs. TIBERI, Mr. TIPTON, Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. spect to an election for Federal office; to the CAPITO, Mr. CARDOZA, Mr. CARTER, TURNER, Mr. UPTON, Mr. WALBERG, Committee on House Administration.

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By Mr. CAPUANO: by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. SUT- H.R. 269. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- TON, Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. LEE of Cali- tion Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit the risdiction of the committee concerned. fornia, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. STARK, Mr. conversion of leadership PAC funds to per- By Mr. GALLEGLY (for himself, Mrs. RANGEL, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. VAN HOL- sonal use; to the Committee on House Ad- BLACKBURN, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. ROHR- LEN, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. MCCOLLUM, and ministration. ABACHER, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. HONDA): By Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado: Mr. SHULER, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. YOUNG H.R. 287. A bill to provide housing assist- H.R. 270. A bill to provide for a 10 percent of Alaska, and Mr. CAMPBELL): ance for very low-income veterans; to the reduction in pay for Members of Congress, to H.R. 280. A bill to prohibit offices of the Committee on Financial Services, and in ad- make Federal civilian employees subject to a legislative branch from entering into a con- dition to the Committee on Ways and Means, period of mandatory unpaid leave, to reduce tract for the provision of goods or services for a period to be subsequently determined appropriations for salaries and expenses for within the Capitol Complex with any con- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- offices of the legislative branch during fiscal tractor who does not participate in the E- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- year 2012, and for other purposes; to the Verify Program for employment eligibility risdiction of the committee concerned. Committee on House Administration, and in verification, and for other purposes; to the By Ms. HIRONO: addition to the Committees on Oversight and Committee on House Administration. H.R. 288. A bill to establish a pilot program Government Reform, and the Judiciary, for a By Mr. GALLEGLY: to provide assistance for partnerships sup- period to be subsequently determined by the H.R. 281. A bill to provide for an exchange porting applied sciences in renewable energy; Speaker, in each case for consideration of of lands between the Secretary of Agri- to the Committee on Education and the such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- culture and the United Water Conservation Workforce. tion of the committee concerned. District of California to eliminate certain By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. By Mr. FORTENBERRY: private inholdings in the Los Padres Na- GALLEGLY, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- tional Forest, and for other purposes; to the H.R. 271. A bill to direct the Secretary of lina, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. HOLT, and Committee on Natural Resources. Agriculture to establish a program to pro- Mr. REYES): vide covered institutions loans for conver- By Mr. GALLEGLY (for himself, Mrs. H.R. 289. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- sion to use of biomass for energy generation; BLACKBURN, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. ROHR- enue Code of 1986 to encourage teachers to to the Committee on Agriculture. ABACHER, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. BILBRAY, pursue teaching science, technology, engi- By Mr. FORTENBERRY: Mr. SHULER, and Mr. CALVERT): neering, and math subjects at elementary H.R. 282. A bill to require Federal contrac- H.R. 272. A bill to amend the Consumer and secondary schools; to the Committee on tors to participate in the E-Verify Program Product Safety Improvement Act to exempt Ways and Means. for employment eligibility verification; to ordinary books and paper-based printed ma- By Mr. HUNTER (for himself, Mr. the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addi- terial from the lead limit in such Act; to the BILBRAY, and Mr. ISSA): tion to the Committee on Education and the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 290. A bill to amend title 36, United Workforce, for a period to be subsequently States Code, to ensure that memorials com- By Mr. FORTENBERRY: determined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 273. A bill to amend section 520 of the consideration of such provisions as fall with- memorating the service of the United States Housing Act of 1949 to revise the require- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Armed Forces may contain religious sym- ments for areas to be considered as rural cerned. bols, and for other purposes; to the Com- areas for purposes of such Act; to the Com- By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- mittee on Natural Resources. mittee on Financial Services. By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of self, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. HAS- By Mr. FORTENBERRY: Texas: TINGS of Florida, and Mr. BACA): H.R. 274. A bill to rename the Homestead H.R. 283. A bill to amend the Fair Labor H.R. 291. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- National Monument of America near Bea- Standards Act to provide for the calculation enue Code of 1986 to expand the availability trice, Nebraska, as the Homestead National of the based on the Federal of the Internal Revenue Service’s Taxpayer Historical Park; to the Committee on Nat- poverty threshold for a family of 2, as deter- Assistance Centers; to the Committee on ural Resources. mined by the Census Bureau; to the Com- Ways and Means. By Mr. FORTENBERRY: mittee on Education and the Workforce. By Mr. LEE of New York: H.R. 275. A bill to authorize the Secretary By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- H.R. 292. A bill to amend title 44, United of the Interior to expand the boundary of the self, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. States Code, to eliminate the mandatory Homestead National Monument of America, HONDA, Ms. MOORE, Ms. LEE of Cali- printing of bills and resolutions by the Gov- in the State of Nebraska, and for other pur- fornia, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HASTINGS ernment Printing Office for the use of the poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- of Florida, Mr. FRANK of Massachu- House of Representatives and Senate; to the sources. setts, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. CLEAVER, Committee on House Administration. By Mr. FORTENBERRY (for himself, Mr. RUSH, Mr. DICKS, Mr. HINOJOSA, By Mr. STEARNS: Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, and Mr. and Ms. CLARKE of New York): H.R. 293. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- KISSELL): H.R. 284. A bill to authorize funds to pre- enue Code of 1986 to exclude executive H.R. 276. A bill to amend title 38, United vent housing discrimination through the use branch officers and employees from non- States Code, to allow for the transfer of edu- of nationwide testing, to increase funds for recognition rules relating to the sale of prop- cational assistance under the Post-9/11 Edu- the Fair Housing Initiatives Program, and erty to comply with conflict-of-interest re- cational Assistance Program to certain de- for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- quirements; to the Committee on Ways and pendents to be used for special education; to nancial Services. Means. the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: By Mr. STEARNS: By Mr. FORTENBERRY: H.R. 285. A bill to designate Pakistan H.R. 294. A bill to create a commission to H.R. 277. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- under section 244 of the Immigration and Na- develop a plan for establishing a Museum of enue Code of 1986 to provide an exception to tionality Act to permit nationals of Paki- Ideas; to the Committee on Natural Re- the reduction of renewable energy credit for stan to be eligible for temporary protected sources, and in addition to the Committee on certain authority under the Farm Security status under such section; to the Committee House Administration, for a period to be sub- and Rural Investment Act of 2002; to the on the Judiciary. sequently determined by the Speaker, in Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- each case for consideration of such provi- By Mr. FORTENBERRY: self and Mr. OLSON): sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 278. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 286. A bill to direct the Secretary of committee concerned. enue Code of 1986 to provide for tax exempt Labor and the Secretary of Commerce to cre- By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: qualified small issue bonds to finance agri- ate a job training program and an economic H.R. 295. A bill to amend the Hydrographic cultural processing property; to the Com- stability program to stabilize the workforce Services Improvement Act of 1998 to author- mittee on Ways and Means. and promote economic growth in the John- ize funds to acquire hydrographic data and By Mr. FORTENBERRY: son Space Center region; to the Committee provide hydrographic services specific to the H.R. 279. A bill to prohibit any Federal on Education and the Workforce, and in ad- Arctic for safe navigation, delineating the agency or official, in carrying out any Act or dition to the Committees on Transportation United States extended continental shelf, program to reduce the effects of greenhouse and Infrastructure, and Financial Services, and the monitoring and description of coast- gas emissions on climate change, from im- for a period to be subsequently determined al changes; to the Committee on Natural Re- posing a fee or tax on gaseous emissions by the Speaker, in each case for consider- sources. emitted directly by livestock; to the Com- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- risdiction of the committee concerned. H.R. 296. A bill to resolve the claims of the dition to the Committee on Ways and Means, By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- Bering Straits Native Corporation and the for a period to be subsequently determined self, Mr. MICHAUD, Ms. RICHARDSON, State of Alaska to land adjacent to Salmon

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Lake in the State of Alaska and to provide CUMMINGS, Mr. TOWNS, Ms. WILSON of tion of the land and naval forces, as enumer- for the conveyance to the Bering Straits Na- Florida, and Mr. ELLISON): ated in Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 of the tive Corporation of certain other public land H. Res. 36. A resolution recognizing the sig- United States Constitution; and the power of in partial satisfaction of the land entitle- nificance of Black History Month; to the Congress to make law regarding the com- ment of the Corporation under the Alaska Committee on Oversight and Government pensation for the services of Senators and Native Claims Settlement Act; to the Com- Reform. Representatives, as enumerated in Article I, mittee on Natural Resources, and in addition f Section 6, Clause 1 of the United States Con- to the Committee on the Budget, for a period stitution, as amended by the 27th Amend- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY ment to the United States Constitution. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- STATEMENT Mr. FORTENBERRY: visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of H.R. 271. committee concerned. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARTER: the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: H.J. Res. 19. A joint resolution dis- tives, the following statements are sub- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United approving a rule submitted by the Depart- mitted regarding the specific powers States Constitution. ment of Health and Human Services relating granted to Congress in the Constitu- By Mr. FORTENBERRY: to ‘‘Health Insurance Issuers Implementing tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 272. Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements joint resolution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Under the Patient Protection and Affordable lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United Care Act’’; to the Committee on Energy and fornia: Commerce. States Constitution. H.R. 4. By Mr. FORTENBERRY: By Mr. BOEHNER: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 32. A resolution expressing the H.R. 273. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- sense of the House of Representatives with This bill makes changes to existing law re- respect to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ar- lation pursuant to the following: lating to Article 1, Section 7 which provides Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United izona, on January 8, 2011; considered and that ‘‘All bills for raising Revenue shall agreed to. States Constitution. originate in the House of Representatives.’’ By Mr. FORTENBERRY: By Mr. HENSARLING: By Mr. SCALISE: H. Res. 33. A resolution electing Members H.R. 274. H.R. 262. Congress has the power to enact this legis- to certain standing committees of the House Congress has the power to enact this legis- of Representatives; considered and agreed to. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United By Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia (for him- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution. self, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. LEWIS of Geor- States Constitution. By Mr. FORTENBERRY: gia, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. BISHOP By Mr. ACKERMAN: H.R. 275. of Georgia, and Mr. DAVID SCOTT of H.R. 263. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Georgia): Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 34. A resolution expressing condo- lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United lences to and solidarity with the people of Article I, Section 8, Clause 3; Article I, States Constitution. the Commonwealth of Australia as they Section 8, Clause 1. By Mr. FORTENBERRY: struggle against deadly floods that began on By Mr. THOMPSON of California: H.R. 276. December 24, 2010; to the Committee on For- H.R. 264. Congress has the power to enact this legis- eign Affairs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. BER- Article I, Section 8, and Article IV, Section States Constitution. MAN, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. 3, of the Constitution of the United States By Mr. FORTENBERRY: RANGEL, Ms. CLARKE of New York, grant Congress the authority to enact this H.R. 277. Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. HASTINGS of Flor- bill. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ida, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. TOWNS, Ms. By Ms. NORTON: lation pursuant to the following: WATERS, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. H.R. 265. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United BORDALLO, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Constitution. CAPUANO, Mr. COHEN, Ms. EDWARDS, lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. FORTENBERRY: Mr. ELLISON, Mr. FARR, Mr. AL Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1 of the Con- H.R. 278. GREEN of Texas, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. stitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- GUTIERREZ, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. JACKSON By Ms. NORTON: lation pursuant to the following: of Illinois, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, H.R. 266. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Constitution. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. LEWIS of lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. FORTENBERRY: Georgia, Ms. MOORE, Mr. MORAN, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Con- H.R. 279. NADLER, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PRICE of stitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- North Carolina, Mr. RUSH, Ms. LINDA By Ms. NORTON: lation pursuant to the following: T. SA´ NCHEZ of California, Mr. H.R. 267. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United SERRANO, Mr. SIRES, Mr. STARK, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Constitution. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. GALLEGLY: WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. WATT, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Con- H.R. 280. WILSON of Florida, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, stitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Ms. WOOLSEY): By Mr. CAPUANO: lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 35. A resolution recognizing the an- H.R. 268. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 & 4 of the U.S. niversary of the tragic earthquake in Haiti Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution, giving Congress the power to on January 12, 2010, honoring those who lost lation pursuant to the following: regulate interstate commerce and exclude il- their lives, and expressing continued soli- Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United legal aliens. darity with the Haitian people; to the Com- States Constitution. By Mr. GALLEGLY: mittee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. CAPUANO: H.R. 281. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- H.R. 269. Congress has the power to enact this legis- self, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. BACA, Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. THOMP- lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. SON of Mississippi, Mr. RUSH, Mr. Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United Constitution, relating to the power to make HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. SERRANO, States Constitution. all laws necessary and proper for carrying Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. ROSS of Arkansas, By Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado: out the powers vested in Congress. Also this Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. H.R. 270. legislation can be enacted under the author- MCGOVERN, Mr. SIRES, Ms. JACKSON Congress has the power to enact this legis- ity granted in Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2, LEE of Texas, Ms. SEWELL, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: relating to the power of Congress to dispose MEEKS, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. The constitutional authorities on which of and make all needful rules and regulations MOORE, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mr. this bill rests are: the power of Congress to respecting the territory or other property COHEN, Ms. NORTON, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. make rules for the government and regula- belonging to the United States.

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By Mr. GALLEGLY: lations respecting the Territory and other of South Carolina, Ms. FOXX, and Ms. H.R. 282. Property belonging to the United States.’’ HAYWORTH. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitutional authority is also found in H.R. 69: Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Clause 18 of Article I, Section 8, which states HERGER, Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado, Mr. DUN- Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 3 & 4 of the that Congress has the authority to ‘‘make CAN of South Carolina, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. U.S. Constitution dealing with the ability to all Laws which shall be necessary and proper BURTON of Indiana, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. KING regulate interstate commerce and exclude il- for carrying into Execution the foregoing of Iowa, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. AKIN, Mr. FRANKS legal aliens. Powers, and all other Powers vested by this of Arizona, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: Constitution in the Government of the RIBBLE, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Ms. H.R. 283. United States, or in any Department or Offi- FOXX, and Ms. HAYWORTH. Congress has the power to enact this legis- cer thereof. H.R. 97: Mr. PENCE, Mr. CANSECO, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of GIBBS, Mr. KING of Iowa, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. Commerce Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 3); Nec- Texas: SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. Renacci, Mr. HEN- essary and Proper Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 18). H.R. 291. SARLING, Ms. HAYWORTH, Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: Congress has the power to enact this legis- MCKEON, Mr. LONG, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. CARTER, H.R. 284. lation pursuant to the following: and Mr. HUELSKAMP. Congress has the power to enact this legis- The constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 103: Mr. LAMBORN and Ms. FOXX. lation pursuant to the following: to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 104: Mr. RIBBLE. General Welfare Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 1); cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- H.R. 111: Mr. DICKS, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. Commerce Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 3); Nec- stitution (Clause 1), which grants Congress HIGGINS, Ms. CHU, Mr. RAHALL, and Mr. essary and Proper Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 18). the power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, ADERHOLT. H.R. 121: Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. ROSS of Flor- By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and ida, Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. WEST- H.R. 285. provide for the common Defence and general MORELAND, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. PETERS, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, LOBIONDO, Ms. HAYWORTH, Mrs. McMorris lation pursuant to the following: Imposts and Excises shall be uniform RODGERS, Mr. CRAVAACK, Mr. BRADY of Naturalization Clause (Art 1 sec. 8 cl. 4) throughout the United States. Texas, Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. GARDNER, and By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: By Mr. LEE of New York: Mr. CRAWFORD. H.R. 286. H.R. 292. H.R. 122: Mr. CALVERT, Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- JONES, Mr. LONG, and Mr. WOODALL. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 125: Mr. REHBERG and Mr. DUNCAN of General Welfare Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 1); Article 1, Section 5, Each House may deter- South Carolina. Commerce Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 3); Nec- mine the Rules of its Proceedings. H.R. 126: Mr. FORBES, Mr. FLEMING, and Mr. essary and Proper Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 18); By Mr. STEARNS: MCCOTTER. Property Clause (Art. IV sec. 3 cl. 2). H.R. 293. H.R. 127: Ms. BUERKLE, Mrs. ELLMERS, Mr. By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas: Congress has the power to enact this legis- WALSH of Illinois, Mr. REED, Mr. MCCLIN- H.R. 287. lation pursuant to the following: TOCK, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. BUCSHON, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. HUELSKAMP, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. BROOKS, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. DUNCAN of South General Welfare Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 1); By Mr. STEARNS: Carolina, Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. HUN- Commerce Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 3); Nec- H.R. 294. TER, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. essary and Proper Clause (Art. 1 sec. 8 cl. 18). Congress has the power to enact this legis- GARRETT, Mr. WOMACK, Mr. CANSECO, Mrs. By Ms. HIRONO: lation pursuant to the following: SCHMIDT, Mr. FLORES, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. H.R. 288. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. CAMPBELL, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. NUGENT, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: DENHAM, and Mr. BRADY of Texas. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: ‘‘The Con- H.R. 295. H.R. 140: Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. gress shall have Power to lay and collect Congress has the power to enact this legis- GOHMERT, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay lation pursuant to the following: CONAWAY, Mr. SCALISE, and Mr. CULBERSON. the Debts and provide for the common Article I, Section 8, Clause 3. H.R. 143: Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. CRAWFORD, Defence and general Welfare of the United By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: Mr. CHAFFETZ, Ms. BUERKLE, Mr. GOODLATTE, States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 296. and Mr. WITTMAN. shall be uniform throughout the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 155: Mrs. BLACKBURN and Mrs. MCMOR- States. lation pursuant to the following: RIS RODGERS. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: ‘‘The Con- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 and Article H.R. 166: Mrs. BLACKBURN. gress shall have Power . . . To regulate Com- IV, Section 3, Clause 2. H.R. 171: Mr. WITTMAN. merce with foreign Nations, and among the By Mr. CARTER: H.R. 177: Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. SCOTT several States, and with the Indian Tribes.’’ H.J. Res. 19. of South Carolina, Mr. JONES, By Ms. HIRONO: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. CRAVAACK, and Mr. ROSS of Florida. H.R. 289. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 198: Mr. Daniel E. LUNGREN of Cali- Congress has the power to enact this legis- This bill is enacted pursuant to Amend- fornia. lation pursuant to the following: ment X of the United States Constitution. H.R. 206: Mr. MCCLINTOCK. H.R. 212: Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: ‘‘The Con- f gress shall have Power to lay and collect LANKFORD, and Mrs. ELLMERS. H.R. 217: Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina, Mr. Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay ADDITIONAL SPONSORS KINZINGER of Illinois, Ms. FOXX, and Mr. the Debts and provide for the common Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors YOUNG of Alaska. Defence and general Welfare of the United H.R. 236: Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 247: Mr. RENACCI. shall be uniform throughout the United tions as follows: H.J. Res. 1: Ms. HAYWORTH, Mr. BILIRAKIS, States.’’ H.R. 2: Mr. CRAWFORD and Mr. QUAYLE. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, and Mr. Sixteenth Amendment: ‘‘The Congress H.R. 21: Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. WALBERG. shall have power to lay and collect taxes on LATTA, and Mr. LONG. H.J. Res. 2: Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. MARCHANT, incomes, from whatever source derived, H.R. 44: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. without apportionment among the several H.R. 59: Mr. WITTMAN, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, Mr. ROONEY, and Mr. States, and without regard to any census or DUNCAN of South Carolina, Mr. GRAVES of WALBERG. enumeration.’’ Georgia, Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado, Mr. H.J. Res. 4: Mr. WEST. By Mr. HUNTER: BILBRAY, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. LATTA, Mr. H.J. Res. 9: Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. BRADY of H.R. 290. COLE, Mr. KLINE, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. LAMBORN, Texas, Mrs. SCHMIDT, and Mr. LONG. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, and H.J. Res. 11: Mr. WESTMORELAND and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. PEARCE. ROSS of Florida. The Constitutional authority for the War H.R. 61: Ms. HAYWORTH. H. Con. Res. 3: Mr. CHAFFETZ and Mr. Memorial Protection Act is found in Section H.R. 68: Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. WALBERG. 3, clause 2 of Article IV, which states in part HERGER, Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado, Mr. H. Res. 11: Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mr. that ‘‘the Congress shall have Power to dis- OLSON, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. RIBBLE, MORAN, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. ELLISON, and pose of and make all needful Rules and Regu- Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. DUNCAN Mr. AL GREEN of Texas.

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H. Res. 15: Mr. TURNER, Mr. WITTMAN, Mrs. ida, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. WOMACK, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. MYRICK, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. BROOKS, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. CARTER, Mr. GOH- NEUGEBAUER, and Mr. HUELSKAMP. HANNA, Mr. FORTENBERRY, and Mr. LONG. MERT, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. FLORES, Mr. BRADY H. Res. 25: Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. AL GREEN of H. Res. 23: Mr. POMPEO, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. of Texas, Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. MILLER of Flor- Texas, and Mr. MCKINLEY.

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IN HONOR OF PAUL OYASKI RECOGNIZING MR. FRANK EDWARD cluded the renovation of multiple schools and EMORY, SR. ON THE OCCASION the construction of the Darden Middle School OF HIS RETIREMENT FROM and the John W. Jones Elementary School. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ELECTED OFFICE Mr. Speaker, in addition to his countless OF OHIO gifts to our community, he has given me true IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD friendship, by which I have been enormously honored. He has been married to Athalene Wednesday, January 12, 2011 OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dancy Emory for more than 50 years. They Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased are the proud parents of two sons, Frank, Jr. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 to bring to your attention the 33-year public and Randolph, who have blessed them with service career of Paul Oyaski who is retiring Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to four grandsons. from his post as the Director of Cuyahoga pay tribute to an extraordinary American who I ask my colleagues to join me today in rec- County’s Department of Development on Jan- has devoted his life to building the community ognizing the commitment, dedication and suc- uary 14, 2011. in which he lives—Wilson County, North Caro- cess of Frank Edward Emory, Sr. on the occa- Director Oyaski has directed with distinction lina. As a passionate, empowering and inspi- sion of his retirement from elective office. the Department of Development since 2004, rational leader, Frank Edward Emory, Sr. has f leading a staff of 62 in Ohio’s largest county worked tirelessly to improve the lives of those around him. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL which serves all the people of Ohio’s 10th DEBT Congressional District and surrounding dis- Mr. Emory is a native of Johnston County, tricts. He has administered federal funding North Carolina. He received his college edu- from the U.S. Department of Housing and cation at A&T College—now A&T State Uni- HON. MIKE COFFMAN Urban Development through the Community versity—in Greensboro, North Carolina. After OF COLORADO Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for completing his education, Mr. Emory became IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 51 Cuyahoga County municipalities with fewer a distinguished extension agent and later Wednesday, January 12, 2011 served as assistant director of Urban Affairs at than 50,000 residents. His department has Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, North Carolina State University. managed a $75 million budget supplemented today our national debt is In 1970, Mr. Emory was elected to the City by the CDBGs, the American Recovery and $14,019,559,567,587.86. of Wilson Board of Education (later Wilson Reinvestment Act, the Department of Energy, On January 6, 2009, the start of the 111th County Board of Education) and remained in and the Environmental Protection Agency. Congress, the national debt was this capacity until 1984 when he was elected Through Paul’s leadership, the people of Cuy- $10,638,425,746,293.80. ahoga County were served ably and the fed- to the Wilson County Board of Commis- This means the national debt has increased eral dollars we appropriated were used wisely sioners. He was the first African-American to by $3,381,133,821,294.06 since then. and with the people’s needs first and foremost serve on these boards. This debt and its interest payments we are on the agenda. During his tenure as Director, Mr. Emory has been a wonderful example of passing to our children and all future Ameri- he received numerous awards from the public faith in God and community, and faith that we cans. and private sectors. may someday realize a place where equality and opportunity flourish. He has been a spe- f Prior to his service at the county level, Paul cial friend and leader who truly understands THE STEM EDUCATION TEACHER Oyaski served as the Mayor of Euclid, Ohio people and their issues. He is always ready to TAX INCENTIVE ACT OF 2011 from 1996 to 2003. As mayor of a city with a work with anyone willing to improve the total population of 53,000, Mayor Oyaski became community. HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO familiar with the administrative responsibilities After 40 years of continuous service, Mr. associated with the CDBG program. He led OF HAWAII Emory has decided to retire from elective of- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Euclid to receive the Livable Cities Award from fice. And while his retirement will be a tremen- the U.S. Conference of Mayors in 2000 for dous loss, Mr. Emory leaves a great legacy Wednesday, January 12, 2011 positive race relations. He was also spokes- that will continue to enrich and strengthen the Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, the latest re- man for the First Suburbs Consortium which community for many years to come. sults of international tests just came in. On the represents Euclid and 14 other inner-ring sub- Mr. Emory’s remarkable tenure included the Program for International Student Assessment, urbs of Cleveland. development and construction of numerous PISA, 15-year-olds in the United States rank Before his election as Mayor, Paul Oyaski county facilities as well as the expansion and 25th in math—below average—among their served the City of Euclid with distinction as a development of critical emergency services in- peers in the Organisation for Economic Co-op- member of the City Council, the Director of cluding emergency disaster response, central- eration and Development, OECD, nations. Our Community Services and Development, and ized communications, rescue services, and full 15-year-olds rank 17th place—only average— as Law Director. Paul graduated from the Ohio countywide paramedic services. in science. To compete for the jobs of the fu- State University School of Law with honors, Mr. Emory was a key leader in expanding ture, the United States can and must do bet- earned his Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum recreation opportunities, improving services for ter. Laude from Cleveland State University, and is seniors, enhancing cable television services, Today I introduce the Science, Technology, a proud graduate of Euclid Senior High School improving health care facilities and the coun- Education, and Mathematics, STEM, Teacher where he was a member of the National ty’s road system. Tax Incentive Act of 2011, one small step to Honor Society and received his letter for var- Mr. Emory has also been a strong and con- help restore our strength in STEM education sity soccer. sistent supporter of economic development and our nation’s economic competitiveness. Mr. Speaker and honored colleagues, throughout the region, and a tireless advocate Research has shown that teacher quality is please join me in wishing Paul Oyaski well as for improving education. He strongly supported the most important factor affecting student he retires from a long and illustrious career in funding for the Wilson County Public Schools achievement. We need more highly effective the public sector working with the people of and Wilson Community College. He also sup- teachers to help excite and inspire our stu- his hometown of Euclid, and Cuyahoga Coun- ported state and local bond issues for school dents about Science, Technology, Engineer- ty for these many years. and community college construction, which in- ing, and Math. This bill will provide a tax credit

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 329 to encourage those who major in STEM fields of the arts. The City’s Arts Council, the Rotary nounced his intention to retire in February to join and stay in the teaching profession. Club, the Schools Foundation, other commu- after 39 years with the Authority. The tax credit can be used to help repay un- nity groups, and many individuals comprise a Mr. Hacker began his career with the NHA community dedicated to young musicians and in 1972 as Administrative Assistant. He was dergraduate tuition, and is 50 percent greater elevated to Assistant Executive Director in for qualified STEM teachers who teach in artists. It is indeed a testament to the commu- 1983 and to Executive Director in 1999. high-needs schools. nity, Mr. Speaker, that the trip to London was When asked to reflect upon his career he In Hawaii, I have visited dozens of schools even possible. Raising money is never easy, stated, ‘‘When I first assumed my position at and STEM teachers who are working day in, especially in our economic climate. However, NHA, our housing portfolio consisted of 226 day out to inspire the next generation of lead- the people of Mercer Island generously gave units of federal public housing located in 4 ers. These teachers engage their students to help make the dream trip a reality. developments along with 223 units of sub- through innovative programs like Waianae Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate director sidized housing. Today, the NHA portfolio High School’s Searider Productions and robot- Bixby for his tireless efforts, Mercer Island Su- consists of 1,034 units of affordable housing perintendent Gary Plano for his support, operated under federal, state, and manage- ics initiatives, where our students compete ment portfolios. New housing opportunities successfully across our islands, nationally, and Mayor Jim Pearman and the City Council for have always been difficult to obtain in New- internationally. their support, and the people of Mercer Island ton due to factors that we are all familiar The Hawaii Department of Education’s win- for their generosity. Above all, I would like to with. Our accomplishments have been ex- ning Race-to-the-Top plan outlines efforts to thank the members of the band for working traordinary. increase students’ access to highly qualified every day to create a product that is respected ‘‘We have received over 7.5 million dollars teachers in STEM and other hard-to-staff sub- and admired around the world. since 1992 for capital improvement funding from HUD to renovate and support our feder- jects. This bill can help supplement Hawaii f ally funded portfolio. Some of the work DOE’s efforts. NEWTON HOUSING AUTHORITY items include Section 504 handicap modifica- For his work on this bill in past congresses, HONORS JONATHAN HACKER tions at our developments, replacement I thank my former colleague Congressman heating plants, replacement windows, roofs, Vern Ehlers, Republican of Michigan. Although kitchen and bath modernizations, new fire he retired from his role as a legislator in De- HON. BARNEY FRANK alarm systems, balcony and canopy repairs, cember 2010, I look forward to his continued OF MASSACHUSETTS an emergency fire stopping project, and contributions as a nuclear physics professor. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other improvements that make the lives of Thank you also to the other members of the Wednesday, January 12, 2011 our residents easier and safer. During the initial years of the federal capital improve- Congressional STEM Education Caucus for Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, ment program, these grants were competi- their partnership in this and other initiatives to after 39 years of dedicated service in the im- tive in nature. Our competitive proposals promote STEM Education. portant cause of providing housing for people generated HUD grants in excess of 4 million f in need in our society, Jonathan Hacker is re- dollars. tiring next month as Director of the Newton ‘‘On the State side, funds have been more MERCER ISLAND HIGH SCHOOL Housing Authority. difficult to come by. However, we managed MARCHING BAND Throughout the period when many in this to accomplish a one million dollar building envelope project, an emergency generator country mistakenly put excessive focus on project which provides emergency electricity HON. DAVID G. REICHERT pushing homeownership for lower-income peo- to our disabled residents at the New Hyde OF WASHINGTON ple in cases where it was not appropriate, apartments, a replacement window program, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan Hacker worked tirelessly on behalf building re-siding project, electric baseboard Wednesday, January 12, 2011 of providing decent rental housing for people replacement project, drainage and surface in that category. As he noted recently, ‘‘When improvements to the New Hyde site and have Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in I first assumed my position at NHA, our hous- additional projects currently in the planning recognition of an outstanding marching band ing portfolio consisted of 226 units of federal and design stage. State funded projects that in my district—the Eighth District of Wash- are presently in the process of being federal- public housing located in 4 developments ized (Echo Ridge and Nonantum Village) are ington—that recently returned from a once-in- along with 223 units of subsidized housing. a-lifetime trip to London to perform in the invi- receiving significant infusions of funds, Today, the NHA portfolio consists of 1,034 which will improve the infrastructure of tation-only New Year’s Day Parade there. It units of affordable housing operated under these properties and enhance the lives of our isn’t the first time the band has performed on federal, state, and management portfolios.’’ residents. a grand scale and to a grand audience and it This feat—more than doubling the number of ‘‘Our real property acquisition program most certainly won’t be the last. rental units available—is a rare example, un- has been amazingly successful, recently The Mercer Island High School marching fortunately, of work by someone who under- yielding 48 units of affordable housing with band, composed of approximately 200 young local inclusionary zoning funding, Commu- stands the best way in which to respond to nity Preservation Act participation, and people, returned from their whirlwind trip to housing needs. London just a few days ago. And although the conventional bank financing. The Newton Public housing has not been a fashionable Housing Authority with the Commissioner’s winter storms slowed down 87 of the band’s cause for many years, and our society has support elected to receive 6 million dollars members, Mr. Speaker, their performance suffered from that. Jonathan Hacker was in cash payments from developers of two lux- went off without a hitch. They marched from never deterred by these attitudes from working ury developments which would have other- Trafalgar Square to Big Ben and on to the hard on behalf of people in need, and not just wise provided 9 units of family housing for a steps of Parliament. The bells of Westminster people in that sector but the entire City of finite period of time. Our election to receive Abbey sounded out and the entire experience Newton benefitted greatly from his work. As cash has created appropriate sized housing conveniently located close to public amen- was, as their director Parker Bixby put it, NHA Chair Tom Turner said in the announce- ‘‘surreal.’’ ities, which will remain affordable in per- ment of Mr. Hacker’s retirement, ‘‘Jonathan petuity. NHA has demonstrated that it is the One of the more notable things about the will be greatly missed. He has an amazing low cost producer of affordable housing ac- Mercer Island High School marching band’s background and work ethic as well as 39 quisition in our city. This program creates trip to London, Mr. Speaker, is that this is not years of housing authority experience.’’ the quickest path to creating permanently the first time the band has performed at such Mr. Speaker, in the hopes that Jonathan affordable housing. a prestigious event. In 1996, the band per- Hacker’s example will inspire others to work ‘‘On other fronts, great accomplishment formed at the Tournament of Roses Parade in as he has on the best solution to our housing and personal satisfaction has come from our Pasadena and played there again in 2006. needs, I ask that the statement from the New- actions on behalf of victims of Hurricane What’s more, the band will return to Pasadena Katrina, bringing Habitat for Humanity to ton Housing Authority on his retirement be Newton, devising an emergency management for the Parade next year, as well. The band’s printed here. and evacuation plan for our residents, imple- engagements are well documented and inter- JONATHAN HACKER, NEWTON HOUSING menting and upgrading our Information nationally known. AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO RETIRE Technology systems, dedicating units in our The community of Mercer Island, with a Jonathan L. Hacker, Executive Director of Wyman Street property for temporary emer- population of 22,890, is remarkably supportive the Newton Housing Authority has an- gency housing, federalizing two state funded

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 330 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 developments, being named by HUD as a IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN ROLAND HONORING WILLIAM (BILL) High Performing Housing Authority on mul- SALCER NESMITH tiple occasions, and being honored in Novem- ber 1999 when HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo named us as ‘. . . the nation’s finest . . .’ in HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS OF FLORIDA a Washington, D.C. awards ceremony. We OF OHIO were instrumental in gaining the necessary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support from the Nonantum community to Wednesday, January 12, 2011 allow Nonantum Village Place, a HUD 202 de- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 velopment to become a reality. We have had Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in numerous financial audits including the re- honor William, Bill, Nesmith, who will retire cently completed FY 2009 A–133 audit which honor of Captain Roland Salcer, the longest from his position as Hillsborough County’s fire have all been without finding or rec- working policeman in Ohio’s history. Captain chief on January 15, 2011. ommendations. Salcer retired on January 1, 2011 from the Mr. Nesmith has provided Hillsborough Cleveland Heights Police Department after 60 ‘‘We provided much comfort to Mr. Bill County with 41 years of service in the fire Britt, the ‘Hermit from Chestnut Hill’. He years of dedicated service. community. After spending 24 years with along with a number of truly homeless indi- Born on December 27, 1924, Captain Ro- Tampa Fire Rescue, he joined the viduals residing outdoors received our care land Salcer was raised in East Cleveland and Hillsborough County Fire Rescue as assistant and personal resources. Although for the knew at an early age that he wanted to work chief in 1994 and just 2 years later became most part we were unsuccessful in encour- as a policeman. Before achieving his goal of fire chief. aging these folks to obtain our public hous- becoming a police officer, Captain Salcer Under his leadership, the Hillsborough ing units, we provided clothing, bedding, served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army’s tank County Fire Department merged with meals and financial assistance where we corps for three years during World War II. Dur- Hillsborough’s Emergency Medical Services to could during the coldest times of the year. ing his stint in the Army he fought in the his- become Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, ‘‘During the blizzard of 1978, we provided toric Battle of the Bulge. which he oversaw. Hillsborough County Fire food, water, and medical supplies including On January 1, 1951 Captain Salcer began Rescue saw immense growth after this, more prescription medications to our residents. his career with the Cleveland Heights Police than doubling its number of firefighters. Since motor vehicles were not permitted to Department as a third-class patrolman. For the During Chief Nesmith’s tenure as Fire Chief, be on the streets during this emergency we past 33 years he has served as a captain. eight new fire stations were opened and received special authorization to carry out During his tenure with the Cleveland Heights equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. In our mission. We made the necessary arrange- Police Department, Captain Salcer formed addition, he was instrumental in ensuring that ments with local family owned businesses to open their doors to us, extend credit, and Ohio’s first suburban police narcotics unit, all engines and ladders were staffed with provide emergency supplies so that we could played an integral role in a 1971 drug bust, paramedics, providing Hillsborough County’s bring sustenance to our residents. and only used his firearm once. He has a stel- residents with the highest level of pre-hospital lar reputation as a reliable officer who has al- care. ‘‘There have been so many important ac- ways treated people with dignity, fairness and Mr. Nesmith has a quite impressive rep- complishments over the years, each that im- pact our residents. It would not be possible respect. Not only is Captain Salcer the oldest ertoire of accomplishments that coincide with to highlight them at this time.’’ and longest working police officer in Ohio’s his career. He was able to continue his formal history, he is also the second longest working education, receiving a bachelor in arts and a Mr. Hacker acknowledged the current officer in the country’s history. master in arts in industrial technology edu- members of the NHA Board of Commis- cation from the University of South Florida. He sioners for their commitment, dedication, Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me and professional manner in which they have in honor of Captain Roland Salcer. At the age served on numerous boards and committees, approached their positions. ‘‘Howard Hay- of 86, Captain Salcer has served and pro- including the International Association of Fire wood, Rick Kronish, Mary Panaggio, Jeff tected the people of Cleveland Heights with Chiefs and Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association, Sacks, and Tom Turner have each made a courage for 60 years. and has been the recipient of the Harvey difference in the lives of those under our um- Grant Excellence in Rescue Award and brella. It is, after all, about those under our f Hillsborough County’s Distinguished Service care. I am pleased with the recent appoint- Award. ment of Rick Kronish to our Board as the HONORING THE CAREER OF MIN- Public servants like Mr. Nesmith keep our representative of organized labor. Rick’s NESOTA TWINS PITCHER BERT communities safe in our most pressing times background in finance and his affiliation BLYLEVEN of need. His talents will be missed, and I wish with the New England Council of Carpenters him the best in the future. will be an asset as the Newton Housing Au- f thority moves forward. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM ‘‘As I move into retirement, I am com- OF MINNESOTA JAMES MANNING, JR. fortable knowing that I have done the best IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES job possible in my capacity of Executive Di- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. rector. I leave the Newton Housing Author- OF NEW JERSEY ity with solid financial reserves, a caring and Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today dedicated staff, and innovative and progres- to recognize former Minnesota Twins pitcher IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sive programs in place. The overall excellent and 2011 inductee into the Major League Wednesday, January 12, 2011 health of the Newton Housing Authority will Baseball Hall of Fame, Mr. Bert Blyleven. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to afford my successor the ability to move for- Mr. Blyleven pitched for 22 years at the ward with the strength to address the chal- recognize the service of Mr. James Manning, major league level, including 11 seasons as a lenges that lie ahead.’’ Jr., to the people of Neptune, NJ. Mr. Manning member of the Minnesota Twins. During his stepped down from his position on the Nep- When asked to comment on Mr. Hacker’s career, he amassed an astonishing 3,701 tune Township Committee on January 1st of retirement, NHA Chair Tom Turner stated, strikeouts and used his magnificent curveball ‘‘Jonathan will be greatly missed. Re has an this year after 15 years of dedicated and to help pitch two teams to World Series vic- amazing background and work ethic as well uncompromised service to the people of his as 39 years of housing authority experience. tories, including the 1987 Minnesota Twins. hometown and the people of Monmouth Coun- I am hopeful that his relationship with the Since 1996, Bert has been a proud member ty and our great State of New Jersey. NHA can continue on some level going for- of the television broadcasting team for the As a lifelong resident of Neptune, Jim, as he ward.’’ Minnesota Twins and has delighted hometown is known to his friends, joined the Neptune Mr. Hacker plans to spend more time with fans with his color commentary. Township Committee on January 1, 1996, as his family, including two wonderful grand- Mr. Blyleven is a mainstay of the Minnesota one of the youngest elected officials in the his- children, improving his golf game, enjoying sports community and his election to the Hall tory of the Township. But this was not the first the outdoors and developing new interests. of Fame is long overdue. He is hereby circled. act of public service for Mr. Manning. Jim was

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 331 already living the words of the great President two loss season, this outstanding football team The women’s tennis team has won the last Abraham Lincoln who said, ‘‘He has the right proved that hard work, dedication, and skill six MEAC tennis crowns and made as many to criticize who has the heart to help.’’ By the are the perfect recipe for champions. These appearances in the NCAA Tennis Champion- time of his first successful election, he had al- football players were led to the championship ship, while the men’s squad has earned six of ready served on a number of municipal boards title through the tireless leadership of their the last seven MEAC titles and as many and worked in many campaigns and volunteer head football coach, Mike Jinks and his com- berths to the NCAA Tournament. Prior to organizations. His election was recognition mendable staff. I congratulate the educators being named director of athletics, Johnson and reward for his service to the residents of and leaders of this superb team, including the served seven years as the senior woman ad- the Township; recognition which was rein- leadership of athletic director Robert Lehnhoff. ministrator and associate athletic director for forced five more times as he continually won Key players on this team include Malcolm the university. During that time she helped reelection no matter the political environment. Brown, running back and Most Valuable Play- usher in a new era in SC State Athletics, as- Mr. Manning during his 15 years of service er during the championship game and Ryan sisting in the planning, directing, and coordi- was honored by his peers to act as mayor in Simmons, linebacker and Most Valuable De- nating of all areas of the department of ath- 1998, 2003 and in 2007. He also served nu- fensive Player during the championship game. letics. merous times as deputy mayor and police Although these young players stood out during Johnson began her illustrious career in ath- commissioner and served on many boards as the final game, it was the hard work and com- letics at SC State in 1983 when she became a governmental representative and liaison to mitment from the entire team that lead Steele the first woman to be appointed to a full-time departments such as Administration, Finance, to their first title. This is not only a victory for coaching position as an assistant on the Lady Police, Courts and Public Safety as well as the players, students and faculty, but for the Bulldog basketball team. Since that time, she the Board of Health and Welfare. He also parents, community and fans as a whole. has served the university in a number of ca- made great strides in increasing the service Steele High School is part of the Schertz pacities, including head volleyball coach, head while controlling the costs associated with the Cibolo Universal City Independent School Dis- women’s tennis coach, and assistant women’s Department of Public Works to which he trict and opened in the fall of 2005. By 2006, basketball coach. She also spent two terms as served as liaison during his entire tenure on this school set the area record for most wins the school’s interim director of athletics. the Township Committee. by a new school and has continued this win- Johnson’s success as a leader in athletics is But as any great public servant, his service ning tradition since its inception. grounded in her success as a player. On the did not define him but was a compliment to I am honored to praise the accomplishments basketball court she became a part of SC the individual. A native of Neptune and son of of Cibolo, Texas’ home team, the Steele State history early on when, she helped the Flo and James Manning, Sr., Jim worked for Knights varsity football team as the 5A Divi- Lady Bulldogs capture the 1979 AIAW Na- 12 years for Jersey Central Power and Light sion II State Champion. Congratulations. tional Championship with a 73–68 win over and today is employed serving the citizens of f Dayton in Fargo, North Dakota. After her play- the State of New Jersey in the Department of ing career, Johnson continued to help her Labor in the area of Workforce Development. TRIBUTE TO CHARLENE JOHNSON alma mater and the women’s basketball pro- During his time with Jersey Central he also gram. As a member of the coaching staff, she served his brothers and sisters in the labor HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN was instrumental in keeping the Lady Bulldogs movement for 5 years as the vice president of OF SOUTH CAROLINA among the top teams in the Southeast. In 1990, Johnson guided the Lady Bulldog IBEW Local 1309. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volleyball team to its sole Mid-Eastern Athletic Mr. Manning has two children, son Michael, Wednesday, January 12, 2011 19, and daughter Melanie, who is 15, in whom Conference championship, earning MEAC he takes great pride. He also over the holi- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Coach of the Year honors for her efforts. She days asked Ms. Lori Davis to become his wife pay tribute to a trailblazing woman in the field also earned MEAC Coach of the Year acco- and join him as he embarks on this new of athletics, who represents our shared alma lades for women’s tennis in 1986. phase of his life. mater with tremendous leadership. Charlene In recognition of her efforts, Johnson was I know that though Jim has left elective of- Johnson is being honored by the Baltimore inducted into the SC State Athletics Hall of fice, he will not leave the service to the people Alumni Chapter of South Carolina State Uni- Fame in 1998 as an administrator and re- of his hometown. I want to add my thanks to versity on January 16, 2011 for her 28 years ceived special recognition in 2000 as a mem- those of the citizens of Neptune Township for of outstanding contributions to the University’s ber of the 1979 AIAW National Championship his years as a dedicated public servant and Athletics Department. It is my honor to join my team. Mrs. Johnson, who earned both her my best wishes for his continued success. fellow alumni in applauding her great work. bachelor’s (1980) and master’s (1987) from SC State, is married to Virgin Johnson, Jr., f Charlene Johnson is currently serving her seventh season as athletics director at South and they are the proud parents of two chil- CONGRATULATING THE VARSITY Carolina State University. After guiding the dren: Taylor and Virgin (Trey) III. FOOTBALL TEAM OF BYRON P. Department in an interim capacity in 2003, Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues STEELE II HIGH SCHOOL IN Johnson was elevated to the athletics director to join me in recognizing the significant con- CIBOLO, TEXAS on a permanent basis in the spring of 2004. tributions of Charlene Johnson as an athlete, Her influence is being felt well beyond the a coach and an athletics administrator. She HON. HENRY CUELLAR Orangeburg campus. In 2007, Johnson be- has built an outstanding legacy at South Caro- lina State University, and is a trailblazing role OF TEXAS came the first female to serve as chairperson model for women pursuing careers in univer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Directors of Athletics in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference. She has also served on sity athletics. I congratulate her on a job well Wednesday, January 12, 2011 several NCAA committees. done and thank her on behalf of all South Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The 2010–11 athletic season marks Mrs. Carolina State alumni for her many contribu- congratulate the varsity football team of Byron Johnson’s 28th year as a member of the SC tions to the university. P. Steele II High School in Cibolo, Texas on State Department of Athletics, making her one f winning the 2010 University Interscholastic of just three athletics staff members with more IN HONOR OF JUDGE JEAN League 5A Division II Football State Cham- than 25 years of service to the University’s MURRELL CAPERS pionship. This is Steele High School’s first athletics department. During her tenure as di- state championship. The Steele Knights foot- rector of athletics, three different SC State ball team victoriously ended a long season on teams have brought home conference cham- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH OF OHIO December 18, 2010 at Dallas Cowboys Sta- pionships, with three earning NCAA tour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dium in Arlington, Texas. nament appearances. The Bulldog football A crowd of more than 37,000 watched the team won the 2008 and 2009 Mid-Eastern Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Steele Knights varsity football team win 24–21 Athletic Conference titles and made back-to- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in over the Wildcats of Denton Guyer High back trips to the prestigious FCS playoffs, and honor of Judge Jean Murrell Capers, a coura- School. In their extremely competitive 14 win, was league Co-Champion in 2004. geous woman whose very productive life

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 332 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 serves as example of what can be accom- Center in Gary, Indiana. The Gary Frontiers Alberto has worked tirelessly advocating for plished through determination and dedication. Service Club, which was founded in 1952, civil and human rights in our community. Both Judge Capers will celebrate her 98th birth- sponsors this annual breakfast. with the County and in his capacity as a com- day on January 11, 2011. Her 98 years have This year, the Gary Frontiers Service Club munity activist and volunteer, he has worked been filled with selfless service to others. will pay tribute to several local individuals who toward building opportunities in housing, em- From 1949 to 1956 she served on the have for decades unselfishly contributed to im- ployment, education, business and govern- Cleveland City Council, becoming the first Afri- proving the quality of life for the people of ment for Santa Clara County’s diverse com- can-American women elected to the city coun- Gary. Those individuals who will be recog- munity. cil of a major city. Between 1960 and 1964 nized as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Marchers His experiences outside of the County she worked as assistant attorney general and at this year’s breakfast include: Karen Free- speak to his dedication. He began his career from 1964 to 1966 she was special counsel to man-Wilson, the late Reverend Dr. Benjamin with the Mexican-American Chamber of Com- the Ohio Attorney General. In 1977, she was J. Holmes, Robert L. Nichols, Bishop Ben- merce, held leadership positions in the Mexi- appointed as an Ohio Municipal Judge and jamin A. Sanders, William A. Shields, Ph.D., can-American Political Association, and has was subsequently reelected to a 6 year term. and Deputy Mayor Geraldine Tousant. Addi- served on many non-profit boards of directors Judge Capers fulfilled her campaign promises tionally, Martha Morgan Naylor will be honored and advisory boards. by assisting many black Clevelanders in find- with the prestigious Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Congress wishes Mr. Carrillo the very ing positions with the city and by speaking out Drum Major Award, an award given out annu- best as he continues this new chapter in his against injustice, including segregation in the ally to outstanding individuals of the Gary life in retirement. local taxi cab industry. She continues today to community. Ms. Johnnie Rogers will be recog- f work as an attorney with a special focus on nized as the 2010 Frontier of the Year, which elder law, advocating for victims of social in- marks the first time a woman has been hon- IN HONOR OF SARAH BRACHMAN’S justice. ored with this distinguished award. ADVOCACY FOR DOWN SYNDROME Judge Capers is one of the original mem- Though very different in nature, the achieve- bers of the Women’s Advisory Council of the ments of each of these individuals reflect HON. PETE SESSIONS Women’s Division previously known as the many of the same attributes that Dr. King pos- OF TEXAS Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, now sessed, as well as the values he advocated. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Ohio Department of Job and Family Serv- Like Dr. King, these individuals saw chal- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 ices. In 1941, she won Cleveland’s tennis lenges and faced them with unwavering championship which was organized by the city strength and determination. Each one of the Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recreation department. She went on to teach honored guests’ greatness has been found in honor Sarah Brachman, the National Down health and physical education at Central High their willingness to serve with ‘‘a heart full of Syndrome Society’s 2011 Advocate of the School and has worked throughout her life to grace and a soul generated by love.’’ They set Year. support youth, encouraging them to strive to goals and work selflessly to make them a re- Sarah Brachman has interned countless achieve academic and social success. ality. hours for my office as well as our colleague She was elected to the Ohio Women’s Hall Mr. Speaker, I urge you and my other distin- Congressman BEN CHANDLER. Some of her of Fame in 1997. In 2010, she received a guished colleagues to join me in commending duties have included, but not limited, to the Cleveland Marshall College of Law honorary the Gary Frontiers Service Club officers: Presi- expansion of membership for the Congres- doctorate of laws degree, 64 years after grad- dent Oliver J. Gilliam, First Vice President sional Down Syndrome Caucus while gar- uating from that institution. That same year, Sean Jones, Second Vice President James nering support for legislation important to the she was named one of Cleveland’s ‘‘Most In- Piggee, Treasurer/Seventh District Director caucus’ initiatives. Sarah single-handedly re- teresting People.’’ Floyd Donaldson, Recording Secretary Melvin cruited over 30 Members of Congress to join Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Ward, Financial Secretary Sam Frazier, and the caucus. in honoring Judge Jean Murrell Capers. Corresponding Secretary Ferba Hines, as well Sarah courageously speaks with individuals f as Breakfast Chairman Clorius L. Lay, and groups about her daily life as an individual Videographer Otho Lyles, Master of Ceremony who lives with Down syndrome. As a direct re- DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Clause Dowers, the honorees, and all other sult of Sarah’s dedication and leadership, MEMORIAL BREAKFAST members of the service club for their initiative, countless individuals have been educated on determination, and dedication to serving the the concerns of the individuals with Down syn- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY people of Northwest Indiana. drome. OF INDIANA f Mr. Speaker, I ask my esteemed colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to join me in congratulating Sarah Brachman CELEBRATING THE ACCOMPLISH- for her devoted service as an advocate for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 MENTS OF MR. ALBERTO Down syndrome. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, as we cele- CARRILLO f brate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and reflect on his life and work, we are re- HON. HONORING JOSE F. ALIAGA minded of the challenges that democracy OF CALIFORNIA poses to us and the delicate nature of liberty. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MIKE ROGERS Dr. King’s life, and, unfortunately, his untimely Wednesday, January 12, 2011 OF MICHIGAN death, reminds us that we must continually IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work to secure and protect our freedoms. Dr. Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. King, in his courage to act, his willingness to Speaker, I rise today to honor the career and Wednesday, January 12, 2011 meet challenges, and his ability to achieve, accomplishments of Mr. Alberto Carrillo, Sr. a Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, embodied all that is good and true in the battle dedicated employee of the Office of Human today I rise to honor Jose F. Aliaga for his out- for liberty. Relations of Santa Clara County. standing work as a civil servant in his home The spirit of Dr. King lives on in the citizens Prior to our election to the House of Rep- country of Peru and the United States of of communities throughout our Nation. It lives resentatives, I served 14 years on the Board America. on in the people whose actions reflect the of Supervisors for the County of Santa Clara Jose Aliaga first arrived in the United States spirit of resolve and achievement that will help and so I am well aware of the important work to pursue a college education at the University move our country into the future. In particular, done by the County’s Office of Human Rela- of Michigan, where he recently earned his di- several distinguished individuals from Indi- tions. They work diligently with our extremely ploma this past December. As a political ana’s First Congressional District will be rec- diverse community to build positive inter-group science major, Mr. Aliaga learned about the ognized during the 32nd Annual Dr. Martin Lu- relations, to eliminate prejudice and discrimi- democratic process in America and looked for ther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast on Saturday, nation and to foster the peaceful resolution of ways to use this knowledge to strengthen the January 15, 2011, at the Genesis Convention conflict. diplomatic and economic relationship between

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 333 Peru and the United States. He worked to pro- Mr. Pringle is a graduate of Mount Saint HONORING STEPHANIE AUER mote trade between America and Peru and Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Maryland and led one of the first trade missions from the Georgetown University Law Center, where he HON. STEVE STIVERS United States prior to the Free Trade Agree- was the criminal procedure project editor of OF OHIO ment. the Georgetown Law Journal. From 1982 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition to his diplomatic work, Jose through 1983, Mr. Pringle served as law clerk Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Aliaga has continued to further his role as a to the Honorable Clement Haynsworth, Jr. of leader to children in Latin America. He found- the fourth circuit. He also worked as an asso- Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on ed the Aliaga Foundation to provide impover- ciate at the Washington, DC law firms of behalf of the people of Ohio’s 15th Congres- ished children in the jungle of Peru with Hogan & Hartson and Ross, Dixon & Masback sional District and the citizens of Columbus, books, pencils, food and medicine and con- but soon returned to Belmar, New Jersey in Ohio, to honor the life and memory of Steph- tinues to foster positive relations between the 1987 to open a solo law practice. Mr. Pringle anie Auer. Stephanie will always be remem- United States and Peru by promoting student is currently the managing partner of Pringle bered for her willingness and commitment to exchanges between universities. Quinn Anzano, P.C., a 25 person law firm with serve others. Her positive outlook and sunny disposition brought great joy to those who Today I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- offices in Belmar, Morristown and Trenton, knew her, and the many contributions she ognizing Jose F. Aliaga. I commend Mr. Aliaga New Jersey. made as a volunteer to a number of worthy on his dedication to strengthening ties be- Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing causes improved the lives of people both here tween America and Peru. He is to be ap- Mayor Kenneth Pringle’s 20 years of service and around the world. plauded for his continuous contribution to the to the borough of Belmar. Mr. Pringle’s lives of children in Latin America. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Steph- achievements make him a deserving recipient f anie graduated from Manificat High School of this body’s recognition. and attended The Ohio State University. Upon IN RECOGNITION OF MR. KENNETH graduation, she was employed in the insur- PRINGLE f ance industry as an underwriter and worked at HONORING JONATHAN D. OLSEN Wells Fargo Insurance Services. Along the HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. way, Stephanie touched the lives of many of OF NEW JERSEY us, and I am fortunate to be among those to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DUNCAN HUNTER call her friend. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 OF CALIFORNIA Stephanie made her family and friends a priority in her life and was always there for Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others. She led by example and inspired oth- recognize Mr. Kenneth Pringle, mayor of Wednesday, January 12, 2011 ers to step up to the plate. Whether it was Belmar, New Jersey. Mr. Pringle will be retir- teaching young girls, volunteering at a local ing from his position as mayor after serving for Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to clinic or sharing the Gospel in Cambodia, she 20 years. Surrounded by family, friends and honor Jonathan D. Olsen for his involvement demonstrated her faith and values through her colleagues, Mr. Pringle’s efforts and dedication in the San Diego community. Jonathan is a actions and in the way she lived her life. will be recognized at an awards dinner on lifelong resident of Santee, California, having graduated from Santana High School and fi- Stephanie touched the lives of so many January 22, 2011. This celebration is well-de- people and she will be missed by all those served in light of Mayor Pringle’s 20 years of nalizing his bachelor of arts degree in 2011. Jonathan has served as the president of the who knew her. Her devotion to her family, service as an admirable public servant to the friends and church will be long remembered. constituents of Belmar. Santee Chamber of Commerce, is leading a Mayor Pringle has served as the mayor of successful organization and serves the com- f Belmar from 1990 through 2010. The longest munity with distinction. He is a thriving busi- PERSONAL EXPLANATION serving mayor of Belmar, Mr. Pringle is a nessman in Santee, having worked in the staunch advocate for environmental issues Santee community management and operating several business endeavors. He has great HON. ADRIAN SMITH and maintaining clean beaches. He has suc- OF NEBRASKA abilities in working and managing his family’s cessfully sought the implementation of a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES smoke-free policy along the beaches in doughnut shops and other businesses. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Belmar. This policy acts as a model for var- Jonathan also has been active in the devel- ious towns throughout New Jersey. During his opment of the special edition of the Echo, the Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, on tenure, Mr. Pringle has also supported the im- Santee Street Fair, Business Expos, the San- January 6 and 7, 2011, I was out of town due plementation of ‘‘green’’ and ‘‘sustainable’’ liv- tee Car Show, and the Santee Chamber of to a family situation. Unfortunately, I was not ing throughout Belmar. He has also advocated Commerce Awards Night. Under his leader- present for rollcall votes 8, 9, 10, and 11. against offshore drilling, hosting numerous ship, several successful community events Had I been present, I would have voted events and press conferences in Belmar relat- were organized. These include the Miss San- ‘‘yea’’ on all four. ing to this topic. Mayor Pringle’s outstanding tee-Teen Pageant, Sunrise Santee Morning f contributions to the borough of Belmar con- mixers and programs, business-after-five HONORING JONATHAN SANFORD tinue to resonate and positively affect the lives monthly business networking meetings, San- of the residents. tee Day at the County Fair, Fall Frenzy-City Mr. Pringle has served on various commit- Wide Sale and Craft Fair, SCORE Counseling- HON. BARNEY FRANK OF MASSACHUSETTS tees, enhancing his experience and ability to SBA counseling, installation and retreat plan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assist constituents. Mr. Pringle served as ning and numerous ribbon cutting and grand chairman of the Belmar Charter Study Com- opening ceremonies. Jonathan is also involved Wednesday, January 12, 2011 mission from 1989 through 1990, past chair- in speaking to high school and college stu- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, man of the Belmar Housing Authority and a dents concerning their goals and aspirations. today I want to honor the career of Jonathan member of the Belmar Planning Board and Mr. Speaker, it is a great honor to stand in Sanford, an international trade and finance counsel to the Red Bank Planning Board. He recognition of Jonathan Olsen for his tireless specialist in the Foreign Affairs, Defense and is also a member of the Board of Trustees of work as a member of the San Diego commu- Trade Division of the Congressional Research the Monmouth Ocean Development Council nity. Such an extraordinary level of dedication Service. Mr. Sanford is retiring after 39 years and has served on the Board of Directors of serves as an example to others and show- of federal service, including the last 38 years New Jersey Transit Corporation. Mr. Pringle is cases the goodness that community service, as a CRS expert where he became a serious a founder of the Belmar Improvement Fund. charity and strong local leadership could have student of the Congress and demonstrated a He was also instrumental in the forming of the on impacting the lives of others. I ask that my capacity for integrating substantive knowledge Belmar Arts Council. Mr. Pringle’s unending colleagues join me in paying tribute to Jona- on a wide range of issues with a practical un- advocacy and hard work have undoubtedly than and wishing him continued success in the derstanding about how to move things for- helped countless people throughout Belmar. future. ward.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 334 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 Mr. Sanford’s combination of personal skills, Prior to his work with the city of Essexville, suffer the most severe deprivations and con- high professional capacity, mastery of a very Mr. Majerczyk worked for the city of Petoskey, sequences. According to UNICEF, a lack of complex set of international financial issues, the city of Traverse City and the Teamsters security and the ‘‘hard living conditions’’ in the and his sophisticated understanding of the po- State, County and Municipal Workers Local camps have been major factors increasing the litical process made him ideally suited for his 214. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree risk of violence against women and girls. work teaching, informing, and advising policy from Central Michigan University and has sev- Our Haiti efforts must prioritize—less with makers and their staffs—and he did this eral public service and mediation certifications. words and with more deeds and actions—the throughout his career with unflagging enthu- Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- rights of vulnerable Haitian women and girls. siasm and without any trace or pitch, of atives to join me in congratulating Dale And first and foremost, must be their imme- course, of partisanship. Majerczyk as he retires as the city manager of diate protection against these despicable as- Over a span of almost four decades, Mr. the city of Essexville and I wish him the best saults which violate basic human rights. We Sanford has helped keep Members of Con- in his future endeavors. must strengthen the UN peacekeeping mission gress and their staff well informed through his f and the Haitian police so they can make stop- prolific written work—which was consistently ping these attacks a priority. thoughtful, responsible, and balanced in its ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE According to Amnesty International, the risk analysis—and by his readiness to engage in EARTHQUAKE IN HAITI of rape and other forms of gender-based vio- active policy discussions that were so evi- lence in Haiti’s camps has increased ‘‘dramati- dently shaped by a creative mind and a vast HON. GWEN MOORE cally’’ in the past year and ‘‘Women and girls, institutional memory. OF WISCONSIN already struggling to come to terms with the His expertise on international financial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grief and trauma of losing their loved ones, homes and livelihoods in the earthquake, are issues include exchange rate systems, bilat- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 eral and multilateral debt relief efforts, recon- living in camps in tents that cannot be made struction of the Iraqi economy, a thorough un- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, this week marks secure, with the constant threat of sexual vio- derstanding of the international financial and the one year anniversary of the horrific earth- lence. Without access to medical care and multilateral development institutions, as well quake that struck our neighbor Haiti last year, with little prospect of receiving any support or as the central role of Congress in the formula- killing over 200,000 men, women, and children seeing their attackers brought to justice, sur- tion of U.S. policy at these institutions, and including U.S. citizens. I join my colleagues in vivors see no end to their plight.’’ countless others. commemorating this somber event and in re- The U.S. and international community then To many of his colleagues and the people affirming the commitment of our nation to con- must drastically increase their attention and with whom he’s worked most closely over the tinue to work with the Haitian people and gov- focus on preventing this violence against years, Mr. Sanford is nearly an institution him- ernment to not only rebuild Haiti, but make a women and girls immediately. It is also critical self within this venerable institution of Con- better Haiti. for the U.S. to push the Haitian government gress, and that seems appropriate to me be- There has been progress in the recovery and other international donors to include cause of the passion with which he was dedi- from the devastating earthquake and I applaud women and girls in the rebuilding and recov- cated to the role and responsibilities of this the individuals within the State Department, ery decisionmaking process and plans. legislative branch, and to its people, and its USAID, the U.S. embassy in Haiti, and the Their have also been reports of significant purpose, and to everyone we all work here to- many people from communities throughout our delays in moving the aid that Congress ap- gether to serve. country, including my district in Wisconsin, proved for Haiti relief, recovery, and rebuilding I want to take this moment to congratulate who have volunteered, donated money, and out of the federal agencies and into the hands and to thank Mr. Sanford not only for his many gone to Haiti in the past year to try and make of partners on the ground in Haiti. What we contributions to the Congress for so many life a little better for those who have suffered need to see in 2011 is not a trickle of assist- years but also for his legacy of service to pub- so much. I also want to highlight and applaud ance but a downpour and I hope that these lic policy and to the public good. His many the brave men and women in our military who unnecessary delays have been resolved and decades of close support to the Congress, his were our nation’s first responders during the the Administration will move to ensure that this work ethic, his standards and his character all deadly and dark first days of this catastrophe relief gets to the Haitian people. come together to me in a way that I think best and in the months following the earthquake. We also need to continue to make efforts to exemplifies the meaning of public service. For many Haitians, these men and women strengthen the ability of the Haitian govern- f were the first face of hope in a hopeless situa- ment to take the lead in responding to the tion. long-term rebuilding and recovery needs of the HONORING DALE MAJERCZYK Nonetheless, we are all aware of the var- Haitian people. U.S. aid to Haiti, to the max- ious challenges that Haiti continues to face imum extent possible, must be directed HON. DALE E. KILDEE and will face for the foreseeable future. We all through or with the input of the duly-elected OF MICHIGAN see the tent cities. Over a million people are Haitian government. While the well-docu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES still waiting for both ‘‘temporary’’ and perma- mented problems with recent elections make nent housing solutions. Dozens of issues, from this goal even more difficult in the short term, Wednesday, January 12, 2011 resolving disputes over land ownership to rub- I think we all understand that the future for Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ble removal still need to be addressed. For far Haiti depends on it having an effective, ac- honor Dale Majerczyk as he retires as city too many, permanent housing solutions are no countable, and transparent government that manager for the city of Essexville Michigan. closer today than they were on January 13, responds to the needs of its people. After 15 years as city manager, Mr. 2010. Ramping up housing efforts is also critical at Majerczyk’s last date will be on Friday, Janu- Other challenges remain. A cholera out- this moment. More than 1 million people—ap- ary 14th. break has killed over 3,500 people and affects proximately 380,000 of whom are children— During his tenure as city manager, Mr. over 150,000 more. Millions of cubic meters of still live in crowded camps. USAID has re- Majerczyk has worked to improve the city of rubble still remain in Port Au Prince. Add to ported that it has spent over $100 million for Essexville. He was instrumental in securing this mix the controversy and ‘‘irregularities’’ emergency and transition shelters, including funding to reconstruct streets, upgrade the surrounding the recently held Presidential and temporary shelters designed to last up to three waste treatment plant, develop the industrial Parliamentary elections and there are plenty of years. By the end of 2010, its temporary solu- park, build a new Department of Public Works obstacles to rebuilding Haiti. These come on tions were able to house almost 60,000 Hai- facility, develop a brownfield plan for the city, top of the challenges existing pre-earthquake. tians. It is an understatement to say more fund landfill testing, and secured funding for a Additionally, I am distressed and disgusted needs to be done. sewer project. He has represented the city by the recent reports about the continuing sex- Additionally, in the mix of all this, sometime with various local, state and national organiza- ual violence and assault being committed in this year, the President must also decide tions. He helped start Kids Fest and assisted these camps against women and girls. When whether to continue Temporary Protected Sta- local businesses with expansion and develop- displacement occurs, whether because of con- tus (TPS) for Haitians in the U.S. After the ment. flict or natural disaster, women almost always earthquake, at the urging of a number of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 335 Members of Congress including myself, Presi- Health and Safety Training, Youth Program, We must work to build capacity in Haiti; dent Obama extended TPS for Haitians in the First Aid and Babysitter Training, Free Learn work with the government to provide real, U.S. preventing them from being deported to to Swim and the Aquatics Program, First Aid long-term development; create real jobs and the devastated country citing among other rea- Demonstrations, Wellness Days, Health Fairs, viable homes; and foster economic growth and sons, that these individuals ‘‘personal safety Care and Share, Project SHARE, and her vitality for Haiti and the Haitian people. would be endangered by returning to Haiti.’’ work with FEMA and the 2005 Flood Disaster Mr. Speaker, today we remember those who That original order will lapse in a few months. and the outstanding work during the 9/11/2001 were killed. We must also re-dedicate our- It is clear however that Haiti is still in the midst disaster organizing response volunteers. selves to providing real, long-term assistance of the earthquake caused crisis that led to In addition to the passion of her career, and support for Haitians looking to rebuild TPS being granted. Bonnie Ann Heath counts the greatest joys in their country. Lastly, even with the best intentions and the her life as those of her loving husband Mal- [From Foreign Policy Magazine, Dec. 2010] most diligent of efforts, problems and chal- colm, her children Alene, Mellora, Derron; her 5 LESSONS FROM HAITI’S DISASTER: WHAT THE lenges will continue to affect the rebuilding ef- four grandsons, Colby Matthew, Noah and EARTHQUAKE TAUGHT US ABOUT FOREIGN AID forts in Haiti. A cholera epidemic, Hurricane Zachary; other family and friends; for they (By Paul Farmer) Tomas, highly controversial recent elections, have been steadfast in their support and love 1. JOBS ARE EVERYTHING you name it, it appears it will happen to Haiti. during the countless hours of work as a pro- All humans need money—they need it to Therefore patience is crucial. We must rededi- fessional woman. buy food and water every day. And no matter cate ourselves to a long-term commitment to I ask that this House once again join with how hard the government or the aid industry tries, people will want for all three things our neighbors in Haiti. me in celebrating and honoring the accom- until they are employed. Mr. Speaker, we all have an important role plishments of Bonnie Ann Heath. The Cortland The world pledged some $10.2 billion in re- to play in Haiti’s recovery as it continues on community, this country and our world are bet- covery aid to Haiti after Jan. 12’s dev- this long road from tragedy to triumph. We ter places thanks to the great work and dedi- astating earthquake. Imagine how many peo- know that many hard months remain ahead cation of Bonnie. ple that money could employ, putting them to work on tasks like removing rubble (only and much hard work needs to be done. f I want to make clear to the Haitian people 2 percent of which has been cleared to date), that the U.S. government commitment to help- COMMEMORATING THE ONE-YEAR rebuilding key government buildings, and planting trees in a country that is almost ing them rebuild is no less clear or strong ANNIVERSARY OF THE HAITI EARTHQUAKE entirely deforested. And yet so far, just today than it was on that terrible January day 116,000 people have been employed in this one year ago. This is a key moment for Haiti way. Haiti has 9.8 million people, and at and for testing our commitment that was so HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY least half were unemployed even before the evident in the days following January 12, OF ILLINOIS earthquake. If we focused our efforts on the 2010. Normal will not come soon enough for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES singular task of getting them jobs—even if we did nothing else—Haiti’s reconstruction the Haitian people. As we commemorate the Wednesday, January 12, 2011 tragic events that took place one year ago, let could be a success. us redouble our commitment, support, and ef- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise 2. DON’T STARVE THE GOVERNMENT forts to rebuild Haiti. today to commemorate the one-year anniver- The international community doesn’t know best. Local people do. NGOs like the f sary of the Haiti earthquake, to remember those who died, and to pay tribute to the re- one that I am lucky to work with cannot re- HONORING THE SERVICE OF place the state—nor can the United Nations markable perseverance of the Haitian people. or anyone else. We don’t have the expertise, BONNIE ANN HEATH, EXECUTIVE A year ago today, a massive earthquake and we won’t stay forever. We don’t have the DIRECTOR OF THE CORTLAND caused almost unimaginable loss of life and same stake in building a community that COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE devastation in Haiti. Some 250,000 people the locals themselves have. And if aid is to AMERICAN RED CROSS UPON were killed, over a million displaced from their work, it can’t fall apart when the experts THE OCCASION OF HER RETIRE- homes, and much of the capital was reduced leave. MENT to rubble. On this, almost everyone agrees. But the opposite approach has characterized Haiti I traveled to Port au Prince in early March, relief. The dollar figures tell the real story: HON. RICHARD L. HANNA and I was inspired by the hope and courage A mere 0.3 percent of the more than $2 bil- OF NEW YORK of the Haitian people, even in the face of un- lion in humanitarian aid pledged by major IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES imaginable loss. In the days and months after donors has ended up with local authorities. the earthquake, Americans responded with im- That money will hardly compensate for the Wednesday, January 12, 2011 mense generosity, donating their money, time, 20 percent of civil servants who died in the Mr. HANNA. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the and expertise to help alleviate human suffering quake. House join me in recognizing the service of in Haiti. More challenges followed, however, in Some donors argue that the Haitian gov- ernment is rife with corruption and mis- Bonnie Ann Heath, executive director of the the form of violent storms, political upheaval, management—and that infusing it with Cortland County Chapter of the American Red and a cholera epidemic that has already money will only make matters worse. But we Cross upon the occasion of her retirement claimed the lives of over 3,500 people and need to strengthen the public sector, not after outstanding leadership in this capacity sickened 150,000 others. weaken it. And that will take a working from May 14, 1984 to December 31, 2010. Today is also a somber reminder of how budget. It’s impossible to be transparent and We celebrate the collective combined years much more we must do. The heartfelt out- track your budgets when you lack com- in which Bonnie Ann Heath began her career pouring of support from around the world in puters, electricity, and even the personnel to as a volunteer with the American Red Cross the days following the earthquake has not do so. Until the government has the re- sources it needs, Haiti will remain the repub- in 1973, as secretary-bookkeeper from 1977– translated into meaningful progress toward re- lic of NGOs. 1979 and worked for the RSVP Program from construction and development on the ground. 3. GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO GO HOME TO 1979–1984 before being named the executive One year after the earthquake, it is simply un- Today, some 1.3 million Haitians live in director in 1984. acceptable that over a million displaced peo- tent camps amid often squalid conditions— Bonnie Ann Heath inspired, taught, nur- ple still live under tents, while much of the yet no one has been able to convince them to tured, encouraged, showed great compassion, capital is still covered in rubble. It is unaccept- resettle. Why don’t they want to leave? Be- direction and organizational skills to countless able that so many Haitians lack access to cause there is nothing to draw them back. numbers of youth, members of the Armed clean drinking water, sanitation supplies, and Many of these displaced men and women Forces and their families, community volun- medical care. didn’t own the houses that collapsed around teers with the American Red Cross, in both Recently, my good friend Dr. Paul Farmer them; they rented them—often under very unfavorable conditions. They were in debt to programming and in the face of disaster. published an article in Foreign Policy maga- bad landlords. They had no schools or clin- We remember the active involvement of zine outlining five lessons of the Haiti earth- ics. Bonnie Ann Heath in Red Cross programs quake. I hope my colleagues will have the op- Enticing them to return home will mean such as Blood Services, Disaster Services, portunity to review this important article below. providing exactly what they lacked before:

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The tent camps may well become ices including emergency disaster response, It will also be important going forward that semipermanent homes if those services don’t centralized communications, rescue services, there be a transition away from dependency also exist in the cities, villages, and towns. and full countywide paramedic services. on traditional U.S. government assistance and 4. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT Mrs. Edwards was a key leader in expand- instead a renewed focus on innovative public- At least half of aid money probably never ing recreation opportunities, improving serv- private partnerships and grassroots, civil soci- reaches its recipients, eaten up by overhead; ices for seniors, enhancing cable television ety efforts. often it’s even more. I know of no other busi- services, improving health care facilities and To ensure that U.S. foreign assistance to ness or enterprise in which this would be an the County’s road system. She has also been Haiti remains transparent and effective, I also acceptable operational strategy. Equally a strong and consistent supporter of economic plan on introducing legislation to that end this frustrating, sometimes the money doesn’t development throughout the region, and a tire- Congress, calling for increased and sustained show up at all. Of the donor dollars promised less advocate for improving education. oversight over U.S. funding to Haiti. for 2010, Haiti has so far received a mere 38 Finally, though the official OAS report has percent, or $732.5 million, excluding debt re- With her background in public education, lief. Nine months after the disaster, not a Mrs. Edwards was a tireless supporter of fund- not yet been released, it appears that certain cent of the U.S. donation for Haiti’s recon- ing for the Wilson County Public Schools and changes will need to be made to ensure that struction has been disbursed; it’s tied up in Wilson Community College. She also sup- the true will of the Haitian people in electing appropriations. Imagine trying to re-engi- ported state and local bond issues for school their future representatives is honored and re- neer a devastated country when your budget and community college construction, which in- spected. is at the mercy of political whims in foreign cluded the renovation of multiple schools and The Haitian people deserve a leader who lands. the construction of the Darden Middle School believes in effective, good governance and the 5. RELIEF IS THE EASY PART and the John W. Jones Elementary School. rule of law. Disaster relief is not reconstruction. We Mr. Speaker, in addition to her countless And it is only in adherence to these prin- haven’t rebuilt Haiti despite giving 1.1 mil- gifts to our community, I have been blessed ciples, that Haiti’s recovery may be successful. lion people access to drinking water; we with her lifelong friendship, by which I have didn’t remake the country with the 11,000 la- f been enormously honored. Mrs. Edwards was trines that have been installed. ‘‘Building FEDERAL FURLOUGH BILL Haiti back better’’ means sustaining those married to the late James Edwards and con- temporary gains and adding education, tinues to own and operate the family business, health care, services, and good governance. Edwards Funeral Home of Wilson. Mrs. HON. MIKE COFFMAN What’s most important in getting started? Edwards has two adult daughters, Angela OF COLORADO Economic growth. Yet it is a challenge hard- Edwards Jones (Tyrone) and Carla Edwards IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ly mentioned in aid documents or strate- Williams (Daryl). She is also a proud grand- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 gies—coming up only twice in the United Na- mother and great grandmother. tions’ most recent 44-page report. Poverty of I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, the kind that was so acutely revealed this as a former small businessman and former January can’t be defeated until there is a nizing the hard work, dedication and success brighter economic future for the millions of of the Honorable Josephine Farmer Edwards state legislator, I am horrified at the unlimited Haitians who are ready to seize it. on the occasion of her retirement from elective ability of the federal government to deficit spend. Small businesses have to balance the f office. f books, or they go out of business. And unlike ON THE OCCASION OF MS. JOSE- the spendthrift ways prevalent in this building, PHINE F. EDWARDS’ RETIRE- HAITI EARTHQUAKE state governments generally have to balance MENT FROM ELECTED OFFICE ANNIVERSARY their budgets. Recently, at least 24 states, and nearly 3⁄4 HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN of a million workers, have undertaken a budg- OF NORTH CAROLINA OF FLORIDA et-cutting maneuver that I believe we should IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consider at the federal level: short term em- ployee furloughs. These states, across the na- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Wednesday, January 12, 2011 tion, along with city and county government Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, January counterparts, recognize that occasional worker pay tribute to an extraordinary American who 12, 2010, Haiti was devastated by the most furloughs are necessary to cut budgets and has devoted her life to building the community powerful earthquake to strike that nation in hold down spending. It also has the benefit of in which she lives—Wilson County, North over 200 years. ensuring that federal workers are not sheltered Carolina. As a caring, thoughtful and pas- The wave of destruction to follow was un- from the realities of life in today’s economy. sionate leader in the community, Josephine precedented. The federal government continues to grow, Farmer Edwards has worked tirelessly to im- In just 35 seconds, one-third of the country and continues to rack up debt. I would like to prove the lives of those around her. had been directly impacted by the worst nat- make the U.S. Government as cost conscious Mrs. Edwards is a native of Nash County, ural disaster to ever hit the Western Hemi- as the states. My legislation is a start. It will North Carolina. She graduated from Nash sphere. make Federal civilian employees subject to a County Training School, earned a bachelor’s Today, one year later, we mark the somber non-consecutive two week furlough next year, degree from Fayetteville State College (now anniversary of this tragedy and honor those correspondingly reduce appropriations for sal- Fayetteville State University), and a master’s who lost their lives that day. aries and expenses for offices of the legisla- degree from Pennsylvania State University. Remarkably, in the midst of such devasta- tive branch, and provide a 10 percent reduc- She put that education to work as a classroom tion, the people of Haiti have forged on. tion in pay for Members of Congress. An ex- teacher for 38 years in Nash and Wilson coun- And yesterday, I was honored to have the ception is provided for national security or rea- ties, and later taught adult education. opportunity to travel to Haiti and visit with sons relating to the public health or safety, in- In 1986, Mrs. Edwards was elected to the some of these men and women as they work cluding effective law enforcement. This bill will Wilson County Board of Commissioners and tirelessly to rebuild their lives, their commu- save the federal government over $5.5 billion. has distinguished herself as an elected official nities and their nation. Furlough Fridays and other such ideas are for the past 24 years. Mrs. Edwards has now I was struck by their enduring resilience and becoming a common occurrence for state and retired from elective office but leaves a great inspired by their perseverance. local governments. They present slight prob- legacy that will continue to enrich and Sustainable recovery in Haiti will depend on lems but they provide large solutions to the strengthen the community for many years to strong leadership by the Government of Haiti, budget troubles we face. I believe that man- come. a concrete effort to stop corruption, and the aged appropriately, with due allowance for

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Pat’s tireless passion for community momentum residents have built here and service has contributed immensely to the bet- throughout the country over the past several HON. KEN CALVERT terment of the community of Corona, Cali- years for full democracy. However, I have not OF CALIFORNIA fornia. She has been the heart and soul of included a bill to fully or partially retrocede the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many community organizations and events District of Columbia to the State of Maryland, Wednesday, January 12, 2011 and I am proud to call her a fellow community ideas that also have been mentioned for many member, American and friend. I know that years. Few District residents have indicated Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to many community members are grateful for her support for retrocession approaches, and, in honor and pay tribute to an individual whose service and salute her as she receives this our experience, even fewer Maryland public dedication and contributions to the community prestigious award. officials and residents support them. It is in- of Corona, California are exceptional. Corona f consistent with the District’s pursuit of self-de- has been fortunate to have dynamic and dedi- termination to impose upon another jurisdiction cated community leaders who willingly and un- INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW CO- without consent from that jurisdiction. selfishly give their time and talent to make LUMBIA ADMISSION ACT, THE D.C. residents are entitled to nothing less their communities a better place to live and DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EQUAL than full and equal citizenship, which can only work. Pat Miller is one of these individuals. On REPRESENTATION ACT AND THE be achieved through statehood. Accordingly, January 15, 2011, Pat will receive a pres- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSE the first bill I introduced when I came to Con- tigious honor when the Corona Chamber of VOTING RIGHTS ACT gress in 1991, the New Columbia Admission Commerce names her Citizen of the Year for Act, would have made the District of Columbia 2010 at the organization’s 96th Annual Awards HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON the 51st state, the State of New Columbia. and Installation dinner at the Eagle Glen Golf OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The New Columbia Admission Act would cre- Club. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ate a state from essentially the eight home- Pat Miller and her late husband, Roger, town wards of the District. However, the state Wednesday, January 12, 2011 owned and operated the Thomas Miller Mor- would have no jurisdiction over the federal ter- tuary for many years before they turned over Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ritory in the District of Columbia, consisting of day-to-day operations to their son Chris and introduce three bills that provide different ap- most of the Washington that Members of Con- his wife Rhonda. The mortuary has been an proaches for obtaining congressional rep- gress and visitors associate with Washington, integral part of the community of Corona, and resentation and full democracy for the more DC, the capital of our country. The U.S. Cap- has provided care and solace to many families than 600,000 American citizens who reside in itol premises, the principal federal monuments, who have lost loved ones. the nation’s capital and pay the full array of federal buildings and grounds, the National In addition to her role as a business owner federal taxes that support the government of Mall and other federal property here would re- in the community, Pat Miller exemplifies the the United States, but have no voting rep- main under federal jurisdiction, as elsewhere. word ‘‘volunteer.’’ She has spent her life do- resentation in Congress. These bills are the Our bill provides that the State of New Colum- nating her time and attention to various clubs, New Columbia Admission Act, the District of bia would be equal to the other 50 states in organizations and activities. In 1985, she Columbia Equal Representation Act (formerly all respects, in that the residents of New Co- served as the President of Soroptimist Inter- titled the No Taxation Without Representation lumbia would have all the rights of citizenship national of Corona, and remains a life mem- Act) and the District of Columbia House Voting they are entitled to as taxpaying American citi- ber. Through Soroptimist she became involved Rights Act. These are the first bills of our Free zens. New Columbia would have two senators with the Riverside County Coalition for Alter- and Equal D.C. series—bills that address the and, initially, one House member. natives to Domestic Violence. missing rights to self-government and democ- The New Columbia Admission Act has re- Thanks to the diligent efforts of Pat, and a racy that other American citizens enjoy—to be ceived significant support in the House in the group of core volunteers, the services pro- introduced in the coming weeks. I have intro- past. In 1993, we got the first vote on state- vided by this organization have expanded tre- duced all three of these bills during different hood for the District of Columbia, with nearly mendously. The organization is now known as periods in the past. I introduce them today 60 percent of Democrats and one Republican the Corona Outreach office, and the facility after listening to residents at the many Com- voting for the New Columbia Admission Act. has grown from one small shelter to a 45-bed munity Conversations I have held in each The Senate held a hearing on its companion facility. Pat also served on the Board of Direc- ward of the District since a dangerous gun bill, introduced by Senator Ted Kennedy, but tors and Advisory Board for many years. Her amendment—which would have eliminated all declined to hold a markup in committee or to accomplishments did not go unnoticed, and of the District’s gun laws and would have done consider it on the floor. Soon thereafter, the Pat was awarded the Women Helping Women much more—forced delay of the District of Co- District, which is the only U.S. city that pays Award in 1985 and the Golden West Regional lumbia House Voting Rights Act in April 2010. for state functions, found it necessary to ask Award Program. These Community Conversations, as well as the federal government to take over the cost Additionally, Pat donated much of her time other constituent meetings and correspond- of some state functions, posing fiscal barriers to volunteering with the school district as she ence, have indicated that these three bills to entry into the Union on an equal basis, and raised her children, Chris and Stephanie. She have significant support among D.C. residents. the Democrats lost control of the House. This has remained active member of the PTA, the I introduce them today, a week after the new temporary setback led me to introduce the Corona-Norco School District Advisory Com- House majority eliminated the District’s vote in second best option then available, a bill for mittee, and now has a renewed interest now the Committee of the Whole, despite a finding Senate and House representation for D.C. that her grandchildren are in school. by the federal courts that this vote is constitu- Today, I also introduce the District of Co- For many years, Pat served on the Corona tional. Recognizing that the House would not lumbia Equal Representation Act, which would Regional Medical Center Foundation Board consider any approach to representation and give the District of Columbia two senators and, and chaired the main fundraising black tie din- full democracy for D.C. residents at this time, initially, one House member. With statehood ner several times. In fact, she is now in her I am introducing bills that each had majority delayed, Senator JOSEPH LIEBERMAN and I in- 15th year serving on the Corona Regional support in the District among residents during troduced this bill for several years as the No Medical Center Governing Board of Directors. the years that each was under consideration. Taxation Without Representation Act. The Other organizations fortunate enough to D.C. residents, in their quest for full democ- House, which was controlled by Republicans, have Pat’s attention include the Women’s Im- racy, have always embraced the approach did not act on the bill. The Senate held hear- provement Club of Corona, Navy League, that appeared most timely and possible. Be- ings and marked up the bill in 2002, but did Children’s Home Society, Pink Ladies Hospital cause we are blocked from pursuing any ap- not bring it to the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E12JA1.000 E12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 338 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 Today, I also introduce the District of Co- Her trial convened on August 14, 1944 at The bill builds on the Perkins Career and lumbia House Voting Rights Act, a bill for one the Randolph County Courthouse, which was Technical Education Act to help students learn House member, initially, for D.C. residents. In then presided over by Judge Charles William practical skills for future careers in renewable 2005, when I continued to be in the minority, ‘‘Two Gun’’ Worrill, who kept two pistols on energy and STEM fields. Partnerships will also then-Representative Tom Davis and I the bench. With an unconcerned lawyer by her receive priority if they can demonstrate long- partnered on a bipartisan bill, the District of side, a jury of twelve Caucasian men—hardly term sustainability without continued federal Columbia House Voting Rights Act, giving a jury of her peers—found her guilty in a trial funding. House votes to Democratic D.C. and Repub- and deliberation that, together, lasted less Hawaii is at the forefront of innovation in the lican Utah. The D.C. House Voting Rights Act than four hours. Judge Worrill sentenced Ms. renewable energy sector, and I have visited marked the first time in decades that we Baker to be executed. However, Governor many existing cross-sector partnerships in achieved large House and Senate majorities Ellis Arnall granted Ms. Baker a 60-day re- wind, solar, biofuels, and other renewable en- for voting rights for D.C. residents, and prieve so that the Board of Pardons and Pa- ergy technology. It is my hope that this bill will brought the city closer than we have ever role could review the case. help support the very best of these collabora- come to voting representation in more than In January 1945, the board denied clem- tions in Hawaii and around the country, to cre- two centuries. This bill likely would be law ency. She then was taken to Reidsville State ate jobs and train the next generation of re- today had the gun lobby not insisted on add- Prison on February 23, 1945. Ms. Baker’s newable energy workers. ing an amendment that would not only have execution date was rescheduled for March 5, For his work on this bill last Congress, I eliminated the District’s gun laws, but also 1945. She is the only woman to be executed thank my former colleague, Congressman Pat- would have added measures making the na- by electrocution in the State of Georgia. rick Murphy of Pennsylvania, the first tion’s capital a virtually gun law-free jurisdic- She went to the electric chair calmly and veteran in Congress and a fighter for STEM tion. bravely. Her last words were, ‘‘What I done, I education in Pennsylvania and nationwide. In introducing these bills, we lay down a did in self-defense, or I would have been killed marker of our determination to never relent or myself. Where I was I could not overcome it. f retreat until we have obtained each and every God has forgiven me. I have nothing against right to which we are entitled, whether through anyone.’’ HONORING THE LIFE OF A HIS- the frustration and anguish of the Ms. Baker is buried in the cemetery at Mt. TORIC HMONG LEADER: GEN- incrementalism that Congress has always Vernon Baptist Church in Randolph County, ERAL VANG PAO forced upon us or with the full and complete where she once worshiped. In 1998 a group of set of rights, which would be achieved through church members finally marked her grave. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM statehood. We will be watchful to both make In August 2005, the State Board of Pardons OF MINNESOTA and seize every opportunity to pursue our and Paroles posthumously pardoned Ms. rights, regardless of who controls Congress. Baker, acknowledging that the 1945 decision IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We accept no imposed limit on our equal to deny clemency to Ms. Baker was ‘‘a griev- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 rights as American citizens, and we will pur- ous error’’ and that she could have been sue them all until the day when there is no dif- charged with the lesser crime of voluntary Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ference in citizenship between residents of the manslaughter, which would have prevented to honor the life, service and sacrifice of Gen- District of Columbia and other American citi- the sentence of capital punishment. eral Vang Pao, who passed away yesterday zens. Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that the dedica- evening in Clovis, California. General Vang tion of her tombstone today can heal the Pao was a historic Hmong military leader who f wounds of the past. May Lena Baker now truly led his people against communist forces dur- IN HONOR OF LENA BAKER rest in peace. ing a turbulent time in Laos from 1961 to (POSTHUMOUSLY) f 1975. In this country, General Vang Pao served as a civilian leader who continued to HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. THE RENEWABLE ENERGY AP- lead the Hmong American community for PLIED PARTNERSHIPS (REAP) nearly four decades. OF GEORGIA ACT My heart-felt sympathy goes out to General IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vang Pao’s family and to all the Hmong-Amer- Wednesday, January 12, 2011 HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO ican families in Minnesota and across the U.S. OF HAWAII Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Over the years, I had the honor of joining IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to pay tribute to Lena Baker. Today, her General Vang Pao at many events such as: family dedicates her tombstone, 65 years after Wednesday, January 12, 2011 the Hmong American New Year celebrations she was laid to rest at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, Hawaii, like the and the July Soccer Festival celebrations in Church in Cuthbert, Georgia. rest of the United States, is entirely too de- St. Paul, as he had always come to the Twin She was born June 8, 1900 near Cuthbert, pendent on imported fossil fuels. We must Cities to join the Hmong community for those in the small community of Cotton Hill where speed up the development of renewable en- events. Most recently, I had the great honor of her family worked as farmers. Ms. Baker ergy technologies that can help wean us from joining him for the grand opening celebrations worked as a maid, cleaning houses and doing our oil dependence and create economic of the Hmong Village Center on the Eastside laundry to support her three children. She also growth at home. If we sow the seeds of re- of St. Paul on October 30, 2010. Although frail was employed by Ernest B. Knight, a local newable energy innovation today, we will be from his failing health and sitting in his chair, gristmill owner. able to reap the benefits for years to come. the General was in good spirit and spoke elo- On April 29, 1944, Ms. Baker was forced Today I introduce the Renewable Energy quently to a large gathering crowd at the cele- from her home by Ernest Knight and taken to Applied Partnerships (REAP) Act. This bill will brations. Sadly, this was the last time I saw the gristmill, where she was held against her create a Department of Energy pilot program him. will. According to court testimony, Knight bran- to provide grants to partnerships which will in- General Vang Pao’s influence has touched dished the iron bar that was used to lock the clude community colleges and universities, the Hmong-American community deeply, and I door. Ms. Baker, fearing for her life, attempted businesses, nonprofits, labor organizations, know the community will continue to share to leave and the two ‘‘tussled’’ over a pistol. state education agencies, National Academies, and cherish the memories of his legacy for fu- During the struggle, the gun went off, killing and other public agencies. These partnership ture generations to come. In honor of General Knight. Ms. Baker testified that she walked im- grants can be used to train teachers, recruit Vang Pao’s lifetime of service to his people mediately to the house of County Coroner, J. students, design renewable energy instruc- and loyalty to the U.S., I am pleased to submit A. Cox, and confessed to the accidental death tional programs, and encourage collaboration this statement for the CONGRESSIONAL of Ernest Knight. between faculty and industry partners. RECORD.

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