HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, January 12, 2011 262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 January 12, 2011 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, January 12, 2011 The House met at 10 a.m. and was (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE.—Mr. Good- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I object. I called to order by the Speaker. latte, Mr. Johnson of Illinois, Mr. King of would like to have the resolution read, Iowa, Mr. Neugebauer, Mr. Conaway, Mr. f if possible. Fortenberry, Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. Thompson of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- PRAYER Pennsylvania, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Stutzman, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. tion is heard. The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Fincher, Mr. Tipton, Mr. Southerland, Mr. The Clerk will report the resolution. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Crawford, Mrs. Roby, Mr. Huelskamp, Mr. Mr. PASTOR from Arizona. I with- With the psalmist, we pray for this DesJarlais, Mrs. Ellmers, Mr. Gibson, Mr. draw the objection. Congress and the Nation: Hultgren, Mrs. Hartzler, Mr. Schilling, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘Come, let us bless the Lord at all Mr. Ribble. objection to the request of the gen- (2) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.—Mr. times. Let praise always be on our lips. tleman from Texas? Bartlett, Mr. Thornberry, Mr. Jones, Mr. There was no objection. If the Lord is your boast, be humble, Akin, Mr. Forbes, Mr. Miller of Florida, Mr. listen and be moved. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. The resolution was agreed to. Glorify the Lord with me. Together Turner, Mr. Kline, Mr. Rogers of Alabama, A motion to reconsider was laid on let us reverence the Holy Name. When Mr. Franks of Arizona, Mr. Shuster, Mr. Con- the table. in difficulty, we looked for the Lord. away, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Wittman, Mr. Hun- f Then from all our terrors we were set ter, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Coffman of Colorado, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Platts, Mr. Rigell, Mr. Gib- EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE free. son, Mrs. Hartzler, Mr. Heck, Mr. Schilling, REGARDING ARIZONA SHOOTING When most vulnerable, we called out Mr. Runyan, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I ask to the Lord, and we were rescued from Mr. Griffin of Arkansas, Mr. Palazzo, Mr. all our difficulties. West, Mrs. Roby, Mr. Brooks, and Mr. Young unanimous consent that it shall be in So reverence the Lord with all the of Indiana. order at any time on the legislative saints, for those who revere the Lord (3) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE.— day of January 12, 2011, to consider in will lack no blessing.’’ Mr. Barton of Texas, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Whit- the House without intervention of any field, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. Pitts, Mrs. Bono point of order a resolution relating to In the midst of everything, let us Mack, Mr. Walden, Mr. Terry, Mr. Rogers of seek the Lord both now and forever. recent events in Tucson, Arizona, if of- Michigan, Mrs. Myrick, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. fered by the Speaker or his designee; Amen. Murphy of Pennsylvania, Mr. Burgess, Mr. such resolution shall be debatable for 6 f Bilbray, Mr. Bass of New Hampshire, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Gingrey of Georgia, Mr. Sca- hours equally divided and controlled by THE JOURNAL lise, Mr. Latta, Mrs. McMorris Rodgers, Mr. the majority leader and the minority The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Harper, Mr. Lance, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Guthrie, leader or their respective designees; Mr. Olson, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Gardner, Mr. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- and the previous question shall be con- Pompeo, Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois, and Mr. sidered as ordered on such resolution ceedings and announces to the House Griffith of Virginia. his approval thereof. and any preamble thereto to final (4) COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES.—Mr. adoption without intervening motion. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- King of New York, Mr. Royce, Mr. Lucas, Mr. nal stands approved. Paul, Mr. Manzullo, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Biggert, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Gary G. Miller of California, Mrs. Capito, objection to the request of the gen- f Mr. Hensarling, Mr. Garrett, Mr. Neuge- tleman from Virginia? PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE bauer, Mr. McHenry, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. There was no objection. Bachmann, Mr. Marchant, Mr. McCotter, Mr. Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, pur- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman McCarthy of California, Mr. Pearce, Mr. suant to the order of the House of from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH) come forward Posey, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Westmoreland, today, I offer a resolution (H. Res. 32) Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mr. Huizenga of Michigan, and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- expressing the sense of the House of legiance. Mr. Duffy, Ms. Hayworth, Mr. Renacci, Mr. Hurt, Mr. Dold, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Grimm, Representatives with respect to the Mr. KUCINICH led the Pledge of Alle- tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on giance as follows: Mr. Canseco, and Mr. Stivers. (5) COMMITTEE ON RULES.—Mr. Bishop of January 8, 2011, and ask for its imme- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Utah, to rank immediately after Ms. Foxx. diate consideration in the House. United States of America, and to the Repub- (6) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, FRASTRUCTURE.—Mr. Young of Alaska, Mr. lows: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Petri, Mr. Coble, Mr. Duncan of Tennessee, H. RES. 32 f Mr. LoBiondo, Mr. Gary G. Miller of Cali- fornia, Mr. Johnson of Illinois, Mr. Graves of Whereas on January 8, 2011, an armed gun- ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN Missouri, Mr. Shuster, Mrs. Capito, Mrs. man opened fire at a ‘‘Congress on your Cor- STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE Schmidt, Mrs. Miller of Michigan, Mr. Hun- ner’’ event hosted by Representative HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter, Mr. Reed, Mr. Harris, Mr. Crawford, Ms. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, kill- Herrera Beutler, Mr. Guinta, Mr. Hultgren, ing 6 and wounding at least 14 others; Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, Mr. Barletta, Mr. Cravaack, Mr. Farenthold, Whereas Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy by direction of the Republican Con- Mr. Bucshon, Mr. Long, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Mee- Morris, John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan ference, I offer a privileged resolution han, Mr. Hanna, Mr. Fincher, Mr. Landry, Stoddard, and Gabriel Zimmerman lost their and ask for its immediate consider- Mr. Southerland, Mr. Denham, and Mr. lives in this attack; ation. Lankford. Whereas Christina Taylor Green, the 9- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Mr. HENSARLING (during the read- year-old daughter of John and Roxanna lows: Green, was born on September 11, 2001, and ing). Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous was a third grader with an avid interest in H. RES. 33 consent that the resolution be consid- government who was recently elected to the Resolved, That the following named Mem- ered as read and printed in the RECORD. student council at Mesa Verde Elementary bers be and are hereby elected to the fol- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. School; lowing standing committees of the House of EMERSON). Is there objection to the re- Whereas Dorothy Morris, who was 76 years Representatives: quest of the gentleman from Texas? old, attended the January 8 event with b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 J:\BR_BACKUP\H12JA1.000 H12JA1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 263 George, her husband of over 50 years with timidation and threats of violence cannot si- To all of the dedicated professionals whom she had 2 daughters, and who was also lence the voices of any American; that we rely on to make this institu- critically injured as he tried to shield her (9) honors the service and leadership of tion work, to each of you: thank you from the shooting; Representative Gabrielle Giffords, a distin- for what you do. And to GABBY’s staff— Whereas John Roll, a Pennsylvania native guished member of this House, as she coura- who was 63 years old, began his professional geously fights to recover; and and their families: please know that career as a bailiff in 1972, was appointed to (10) when adjourning today, shall do so out our hearts and prayers go out to each the Federal bench in 1991, and became chief of respect to the victims of this attack. of you. judge for the District of Arizona in 2006, and This body has yet to fully register was a devoted husband to his wife Maureen, b 1010 the magnitude of this tragedy. We feel father to his 3 sons, and grandfather to his 5 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- a litany of unwanted emotions no reso- grandchildren; ant to the order of the House of today, lution could possibly capture. Whereas Phyllis Schneck, a proud mother of 3, grandmother of 7, and great-grand- the resolution shall be debatable for 6 We know that we gather here without mother from New Jersey, was spending the hours equally divided and controlled by distinction of party. The needs of this winter in Arizona, and was a 79-year-old the majority leader and the minority institution have always risen above church volunteer and New York Giants fan; leader or their designees. partisanship. And what this institution Whereas Dorwan Stoddard, a 76-year-old The gentleman from Virginia (Mr.
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