Ana Frank FEMINISM AND ISLAM Turkish Women between the Orient and the West AnA FrAnk FEMINISM AND ISLAM Turkish Women between The orienT And The WesT TrAnslation: JeAn mccollisTer design: irenA Wölle PrinT: stane Peklaj PrinT run: 300 coPies, FirsT ediTion revieWed by: Aleš ČrniČ, Phd, universiTy oF lJubljanA moJcA rAmšAk, Phd, universiTy oF lJubljanA cover illusTration: osmAn hAmdi bey, girl AdJusTing vAse (1881), FrAgmenT © mirovni inšTiTuT And AnA FrAnk, 2014 The Publishing oF This book was mAde Possible by: oPen socieTy Foundations book series PoliTike ediTor: Aldo milohnić Publisher: PeAce insTiTuTe insTiTuTe For conTemPorAry sociAl And PoliTicAl sTudies meTelkovA 6 si-1000 lJubljanA e:
[email protected] conTenTs 7 INTRODUCTORY DILEMMAS IN REPRESENTATIONS OF WOMEN 8 Theoretical approaches and concepts 10 The logic behind Orientalist discourse 12 Orientalist representations of women 15 SOCIAL CHANGES WITH THE COLLAPSE OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE 15 Ottoman and Turkish Orientalists 20 The origins of Turkish feminism and Ottoman feminists 26 Ottoman reformers and the emancipation of women 29 TURKEY – THE CREATION OF A NATION-STATE 31 The Kemalist reforms and the understanding of modernization and secularism 39 Orientalized Kemalism and the project of the “new woman” 42 Symbolic battles for the representation of woman’s appearance 46 Kemalist feminists 51 PLURALISM, LIBERALISM, AND DEMOCRACY 52 Feminist pluralism in the late 20th and the 21st century 59 Islamic feminists 65 THE POLITICS OF DRESS AND THE DEVELOPMENT