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Penpalling. Connecting World Postcrossing. Connecting world. Hello Natalia, I'm afraid I can't tell you the name of the students, spanish Law is very strict protecting children. If you don't mind ask your students to write "Dear penfriend". Our students are going to send each postcard individually, so each of yours will have a postcard And a stamp. They will write some lines about them. Our school address is CEIP Marqués de Suanzes Avda 25 de Septiembre, 1 28027 Madrid España We'll be waiting for your postcards Regards 2 классы - Испания (Мадрид) Наши открытки. 2 класс А с открытками из Индонезии, Южная Джакарта. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesia independence. 3 класс Б с открытками из Индонезии, Южная Джакарта. 3 класс - Индонезия (Джакарта) 3 класс Д - США (Акрон, Огайо) 5 класс - Индонезия (Джакарта) English Russian Gado-gado ( also knows as Гадо-гадо это Индонезийский Lotek) is Indonesian salad of салат(также называемый Lotek) slightly boiled, blanched or из слегка варенных, steamed vegetables and hard- бланшированных или boiled eggs,fried tofu and приготовленных на пару овощи и tempeh, lontong (rice яйца вкрутую, жаренных тофу и wrapped in a banana leaf), темпенг и лонтонг ( рис, served with a peanut sauce обернутый в банановом листе), dressing. подается с ореховым соусом. -ТОФУ English Russian The term gado or the verb Термин Гадо или глагол menggado means to consume menggado означает потреблять something without rice. Gado-gado literally means "mix-mix" since it is что-либо без риса. Гадо-Гадо made of rich mixture of vegetables буквально означает «Микс – such as potatoes, longbeans, bean микс», так как оно сделано из sprouts,spinach,chayote,bitter богатой смеси овощей, таких как gourd , corn and cabbage, with картофель,фасоль, ростки tofu, tempeh and hard-boiled eggs, all mixed in peanut sauce dressing, фасоли, шпинат, горькая тыква, sometimes also topped with кукуруза и капуста, тофу , темпе (ферментированный продукт питания, приготовляемый из соевых krupuk and sprinkles of fried бобов, популярный в Индонезии и других странах Юго-Восточной shallots Азии), яйца вкрутую. Все перемешивают в арахисовом соусе, а иногда и Крупук покрывают сверху крупуком , и чипсы, изготовляемые жаренным луком –шалот. из крахмала либо муки различных видов, а также из измельчённых сушёных белковых продуктов (креветок, кальмаров, рыбы и др.), национальное Темпе блюдо Индонезии и Малайзии. Hello Natalia, 5 класс - США (Tequesta, I hope this finds you well! Florida) Thank you for responding! I am organizing the classes for our school. The teacher that will be corresponding with you is Scot Piglia. He has a great class! You should get an email from him in a few days. [email protected] They are already working on letters and projects to send to you. Do you have a way to see PowerPoint projects? This is such an exciting opportunity! Thank you for being willing to connect across the other side of the world! Be more than well, Carolyn Sant Angelo NBCT 7th Grade Science 6 класс Д – США (Бивертон, Мичиган) Hi, Natalia: I have about 86-120 depending on which classes I count. Since they are mostly Science classes, the theme would probably need to be something that we can say is related to science. Animals, weather, oceans, energy, alternative energies, seasons, geology, water, wildlife, plants, nature, . .Could be almost anything, technology, robots, . If I include my reading class, then I can expand further. What type of cards would you like to receive from us? Are some handmade cards okay??? I was hoping we could gather postcards and mail them in a package to reduce the cost. Do we want to just send each other a bunch or do we want to try to match students 1-1? My school address is: Beaverton Jr/Sr High School c/o Kathy Jenkins 3090 Crockett Beaverton, MI 48612 Good Morning!!! We're excited. The letters your students wrote arrived today! Have a fantastic day! Sincerely, Kathy Jenkins 6 класс – США Michigan, Beaverton .
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