
21 Days of Faith

Day 1 The Big Idea "Jesus believes in you!"

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19 (NIV)

In Jesus’ day they had a saying, "may you be covered with the dust of your rabbi." Here in the 21st century the whole concept of following a rabbi is totally foreign to us, however, in Jesus’ day to have a rabbi invite you to follow him was the greatest honor one could ever experience. It was every person’s dream to have a great rabbi come by and invite them to follow him. These great teachers would go around looking for people they believed had what it took to be what they were and do what they were doing. I have dealt with every personality type imaginable in my many years of pastoral ministry and I have never met a single person who didn’t want and need affirmation. Having Jesus, the Rabbi, who in the words of scripture “went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the Devil,” say, "I believe you can successfully follow me and be what I am" was just unbelievable.

So, think about this when you meditate today. This isn't just about you believing in Jesus, this is about Jesus believing in you. Jesus thinks you have what it takes to do be a lot more like him than you think. This really chokes me up because I know about all the bonehead things I have done and the sins I have committed. I am so unworthy to be covered “with the dust of my rabbi.” Do I expect your metamorphosis will be necessarily instantaneous? Of course not, but I know because of Christ love and power you are starting an amazing journey of transformation.

Get this one thing straight, “you belong to Christ and he is happy with you.” You don’t work for grace, you work from grace. So start each day confessing that you are a child of God who shares the heavenly father with his son Jesus Christ. The door to this new relationship with God was opened up by Christ life and sealed by his death on the cross.

Take a few seconds right now and pray that Jesus will show you what He is up to today, so you can follow Him and learn from Him. You will be glad you did.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Phil 21 Days of Faith

Day 2

The Big Idea: Jesus the judge who loves you

We were those who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead. And He ordered us to preach everywhere and to testify that Jesus is ordained of God to be the judge of all -- the living and the dead. He is the one the prophets testified about, saying that everyone who believes in Him will have their sins forgiven through His name. Acts 10:41-42

You have probably never heard it taught that Jesus was ordained of God to be a judge; but that is what Simon Peter, one of Christ closest associates, understood. Now, you might very well be thinking, "I haven't done anything really bad, why would I need to stand before a judge?" That's a really good point. Most people I know make some attempt at being kind and helpful to others, but can any of us really look at the 10 commandments and say that we have never broken any of them. Of course, there are really more than 10 commandments, that's just an overview of what a Holy God expects.

Here's an illustration that helps us to understand the futility of trying to get to heaven on the strength of our own goodness. Suppose a group of us decided we were going to swim from Boston Harbor to London. The most athletic among us would certainly outdistance the rest, but none of us would make it. That's the way it is with the high standards of a Holy God, none of us measure up. We all deserve judgment.

The word gospel means, "good news". Now, here's the good news. Our judge is our savior. Don't make the mistake that so many people do, which is to say, "no one has a right to judge me". Pride will keep you out of the presence of the righteous judge. In fact, let me urge you to "rush to judgment". Be quick to admit that you have broken God’s laws, and let Him decide the seriousness of your offenses. The Bible says, "The person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as the person who has broken all of God's laws". James 2:10. This simply tells us that there is as much mercy for the one who has broken all of the commandments as for the person who has only broken one.

If you will bow (figuratively) before Christ and admit your failure to perfectly keep God's law, He will come down from the judge's bench put His arms around you and say, "all is forgiven". Let me close with a passage that illustrates my point.

Then Jesus told this story to some who had great self-confidence and scorned everyone else: "Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a dishonest tax collector. The proud Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: `I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that tax collector over there! For I never cheat, I don't sin, I don't commit adultery, I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, `O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.' I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored." Luke 18:14 21 DAYS OF FAITH

Day 3

I hope are growing in you faith. Today we continue to talk about who Jesus is. Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. Without Christ there would be no Christianity. Now, I don't pretend to understand all the complexities of God's plan but that still doesn't allow me to simply dismiss it. Do we refuse to turn on the lights because we don't understand the concept of electricity? Of course not; we simply enjoy the benefits of electrical current, content in knowing that the people who need to understand are available when we need them. Today I want to talk to you about why Jesus Christ died on the cross.

THE BIG IDEA: Our debt is paid.

Jesus was given to die for our sins, and He was raised from the dead to make us right with God. Romans 4:25 (NCV) You may have heard this story in a recent message I preached, but I think it bears repeating. A couple years ago I was reading to my daughter Elyse, she was 5 year old. We read about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Elyse wanted to know why Jesus had to die. I explained to her that, Jesus had to die to pay the penalty for our sins. I could tell that this wasn't making a lot of sense to her, so I pointed to the reading lamp beside us. I said, "Elyse if you were to break that lamp I would forgive you, but that wouldn't replace the lamp. I would have to go out and buy a new lamp with my money since you don't have that kind of money." I went on to explain to her that she does not have the power to get that kind of money. I told her, that’s why Jesus had to die. Someone had to pay for the damage that Adam and Eve's sin had inflicted; plus the damage that we add with our own sin. You and I cannot possibly fathom the anarchy and sinfulness of what Adam and Eve did when they turned their back on God and gave the control of the world that God had created over to Satan. Basically, God had given them authority over creation in return for their friendship and worship; instead they made an agreement with an imposter to no longer need God and to no longer honor Him as God. They bought into the universal lie that they could be God. Now, it's easy to say, “Why didn't God just forgive them?”, but can you think of any civil society where there is no penalty for breaking the law. When laws are broken, whether they be civil law or God's law a sentence must be meted out. The criminals don't get to set the sentence, the judges and lawmakers do. Read Genesis chapter 1 thru 3 to refresh yourself on what we call, "The Fall." Have you seen the movie, "The Passion of the Christ"? If you did, wasn't there something inside of you that said, "This man Jesus, He did a noble, loving and necessary thing when He died on the Cross." Now, I know that everyone doesn't agree that we need a savior; in fact, you may be struggling with that concept yourself. What I am about to say to you may seem out of left field, but I think it's really important. If there is ample proof that Jesus rose from the dead then there's no argument. I have examined the evidence of the resurrection for myself and I am completely convinced that it really happened. Whether I can fully grasp what we call "redemption and atonement" or not, I sure like the warm feeling of turning on the light switch and seeing the lights come on. If you haven't done so already, why don't you simply look up to heaven and say, "Lord, I believe and I receive the freedom from the penalty of sins." P.S. I would love to get a reply from you. Email is a wonderful thing but it can be incredibly unreliable, especially when you are sending mass e-mails. I look forward to seeing you in service this Sunday.



Here's a story that explains the Christian faith so well. There was a famous tightrope walker named Jean Françoise Gravelet, known as "the Great Blondin". Trained in the European circus, he appeared at Niagara Falls and announced that he was going to cross the gorge on a tightrope. On June 30, 1859, he made his first walk. During that walk, he stopped, lowered a rope to the Maid of the Mist, pulled up a bottle, sat down, and had a drink. Then, upon the final ascent to the other side, he stopped and did a backward somersault. Other trips across the gorge would see him blindfolded, cooking an omelet, and even with his hands and feet manacled. He also pushed a wheelbarrow across. Before he began that particular stunt, the Great Blondin asked the gathered crowd, "Who thinks I can push this wheelbarrow across?" The crowd shouted, "We believe!" One man was shouting louder than all the others, "I believe you can!" To which the Great Blondin replied, "Then get in!" The man quickly disappeared! Many people say, "I believe" when it comes to faith in Jesus Christ, but how many will actually get into God's "wheelbarrow"? A flurry of recent survey research has found that, contrary to the secularism of popular culture, Americans believe in God and identify themselves as strongly religious. Nine out of ten say they have never doubted the existence of God. Ninety-six percent say that they believe in God. But analysts who have studied the data say the spirituality of many Americans might be only skin-deep. Many claim to be "Christian" or at least "religious", but when it comes to climbing into God's wheelbarrow and going out over Niagara Falls on a tightrope—in other words, when their faith gets tested—they quickly disappear. So, what is true faith? The Bible says: • We are saved by faith: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 • We are to live the Christian life by faith: Now the just shall live by faith. Hebrews 10:38 NKJV • Without faith, we cannot please God: So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Hebrews 11:6 True faith is faith that actually works. Faith that actually works is faith that actually gives you peace of mind because you have placed both your present circumstances and your eternal destiny into God's hands. Don't be like the guy who said he believed but then wouldn't get in the wheelbarrow; get in for the ride of a lifetime.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil

21 Days of Faith Day 5

Please take a minute to read the following verses. I want to use them to point out to you today a very important concept related to faith; I call it the "order of obedience". In the first passage the Apostle Paul writes about having a wrong relationship with the laws of God. By the way, the moral laws of God are really principles of success, but there's something very important that Paul wanted us to know. But now God has shown us a different way of being right in His sight—not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. Romans 2:21-22 So, what is Paul saying? He is saying following God’s rules cannot save you or bring you into right relationship with God. We cannot obey your way to eternal salvation. Remember the illustration we used about swimming the Atlantic Ocean; the athletes among us would go a lot farther than the rest of us, but they would drown to. You will drown spiritually if you try to be good enough in your own strength. Now, does this mean that God wants us to think we can do anything we want or that there are no consequences for bad behavior? This is ludicrous. No one wants to live next door to someone who is lawless. In the next chapter of Romans Paul shows an example of a man who obeyed God in the right way. Take a minute and read the next passage. Don't get hung up the word "circumcision". What’s important is that Abraham did something that God made it very clear he was supposed to do. Now then, is this blessing only for the Jews, or is it for Gentiles, too? Well, what about Abraham? We have been saying he has declared righteous by God because of his faith. But how did his faith help him? Was he declared righteous only after he had been circumcised, or was it before he was circumcised? The answer is that God accepted him first, and then he was circumcised later! Romans 4:9-10 The key for Abraham was that he did not obey God in order to earn God's favor. Abraham obeyed because he already had God's favor. A good example is the way my grown children are increasingly becoming a joy to my life. Jason and Christi often do things that bless and make me feel great. When they were small they would please me because I would punish them if they didn’t. Now, they please me because they respect me and love me. They are getting old enough now that they are starting to understand some of the sacrifices their mother and I have made over the years of their life. This is exactly how God wants you to obey Him. God doesn't want you to obey Him to get Him to love you; He wants you to obey Him because you are so grateful that He loves you. I have much more to say on this but for now let me give you a simple exercise; began saying these words under your breath as you go through your day for the rest of this week: “God I love you". You'll feel weird at first, but try it for a week and then tell me if you don't feel differently about your relationship with God. The more you love God and the more you aware that He loves you, the easier obedience will be. Be blessed, Pastor Phil 21 Days of Faith

Day 6

So far we have talked about who Jesus is. If you are interested in doing further reading on Jesus Christ I suggest you pick up a copy of "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell, ”A Case For Faith," by Lee Stroebel, or “A Case For the Resurrection” by the same author. Although I may disagree with you, I can certainly respect a non-believer who does his or her homework. I have a very difficult time respecting people who have never read a book that offers evidence of the validity of Jesus Christ and his claims or studied the Bible and yet reject his claim that he was indeed the promised savior of the world. If you have already decided to become a believer then the above books will bolster your faith and help you to respond intelligently and graciously to those who question your decision.

Now, I would like to address the subject of accepting Christians. I believe that one of God's primary purposes for my life is to be joined by the family of God. My guess is that some of you reading this have a greater problem accepting Christians than you do accepting Christ. Believe me I feel your pain. I too have had a harder time believing in church people than I have believing in Jesus Christ. I remember sitting in a coffee shop one time and a well known televangelist couple came on spouting all kinds of religious nonsense. I have heard them many times before but never in the presence of unbelievers. I want to stand up and say, "Folks - Jesus isn't like them." Later I thought about it and realized, "you know there are some pretty weird atheists out there too." There are probably some people in your biological family that you would rather not claim as well.

Let's stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater; the world is a much better place because of Christians and the churches they attend. Did you know Massachusetts born Clara Barton was inspired by a Christian named Henry Dunant to start the Red Cross? Mr. Dunant started the original Red Cross in Switzerland. He also played a leading role in the early growth of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association). A group of Christian women at a congregational church in Hartford started the first Boys and Girls Club of America. Goodwill Industries was started over a century ago by a pastor named Reverend Edgar J Helms; a minister in Boston's south end. In fact, the 7 largest publicly supported philanthropies all have either Christians or Jewish roots. Recently when I visited Mississippi I saw Christian organizations everywhere feeding, clothing and rebuilding. I even saw (literally) tons of food from one of those eccentric televangelists that has often embarrassed me with some of his pronouncements.

The truth is that we need the family of God warts and all. I am sure that Noah’s ark was not the sweetest smelling place in the world, but it sure beat the alternative. I love what Chuck Colson said about Noah's Ark. He said, "If it wasn't for the storm on the outside, you couldn't stand the stink on the inside."

The Bible says a lot about how we need to accept the family of God. The apostle Paul stated to one church that the reason he wrote them was so "you will know how to live in the family of God. That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth." 1 Timothy 3:15

I want you to think about the challenge of accepting Christians. Granted there will be hypocrites, false brethren and flakes in the church, but there will also be the most generous, caring and noble people you will ever have the privilege of knowing. I hope you will become one of those generous, caring, passionate and noble Christians that I have come to appreciate. And when you fall short I hope you are fortunate enough to be around Christians who will love you anyway.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil

21 Days of Faith

Day 7

Rick Warren in his best selling book, "The Purpose Driven Life" said, "You were formed for God's family.” At Bethany we really strive to be a connection place because we believe that it is a huge part of God's plan for our life, it is also one of the great privileges given by God. I am talking about being connected to God's family. Like I pointed out in the last e-mail, there are certainly some of us who are pretty strange, but there is also a wealth of unconditional love and acceptance within this group we call, "the family of God."

Here are some of my favorite passages on the subject.

Romans 12:5 Christ makes us one body ... connected to each other.

Hebrews 2:10 God is the one who made all things, and all things are for his glory. He wanted to have many children to share his glory.

Ephesians 1:5 God's unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure.

Ephesians 3:14-15 When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan I fall down on my knees and pray to the Father of all the great family of God --- some of them already in heaven and some down here on earth.

"The moment you were spiritually born into God's family, you were given some astounding spiritual birthday gifts: the family name, the family likeness, family privileges, family intimate access, and the family inheritance." Rick Warren

21 Days of Faith

Day 8

Today I want to continue talking about the importance of believing that you are "formed for God's family."

Perhaps you struggle with knowing which church is the right church. I would urge you to stay clear of any church that says, "Our church is the only church through which you can get to heaven." The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:4-6 (MSG) He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we've learned: that there's one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free.

Church membership within itself is not going to save you anymore than parking yourself in your garage is going to turn you into a car. It is only through a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that we can be assured of our eternal salvation. This doesn't minimize the importance of church membership it just puts it into the proper perspective.

Of primary importance is choosing a church where the leadership of the church where the Bible is honored as God's primary source of revelation. You need to be in a place where the leadership makes it clear that God's Word is the last word. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 17, Be responsive to your pastoral leaders. Listen to their counsel. They are alert to the condition of your lives and work under the strict supervision of God. Contribute to the joy of their leadership, not its drudgery. Why would you want to make things harder for them?" You only want to make yourself accountable to leaders that you can see evidence that they are accountable to God. Hebrews 13:17 (MSG)

I believe that pastoral accountability is so important, that is why I remain in a fellowship called "the Assemblies of God”. There are around 9,000 other Assemblies of God churches across the U.S. and more than that worldwide. There are men over me that you can call if you feel I am getting off the straight and narrow. (508-248-3711 Ask for Supt. Otis Stanley.) I have also joined a smaller and more intimate fellowship called John 17:23. Within John 17:23 I meet with a small group of 3 or 4 pastors for encouragement and more accountability. I know I am just a man but I don't want to disappoint you by failing to live a Christ-like life.

Besides, believing the leadership of the church is submitted to God you also need to be able embrace the core values, core beliefs and purpose of the church you attend. (I will give you those in a future e-mail.) The Bible says in Amos 3:3 Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Are the leadership and the families of the church going the direction you want to go and to take your family? This doesn't mean you have to agree with every decision that your church makes but you have to feel that these are people that you can partner with.

Now, for some of you reading this I know I am way ahead of you, since you haven't even decided whether or not you want to be in the family of God or not. I certainly hope you will make that initial decision to be a part of God's eternal family. Think about this; according to the Bible we will spend all of eternity with our spiritual family. This is why I think the decision to believe that you are formed for God's family is such an important decision. I actually love this part of my commitment to Christ. I have had so many awesome experiences with my spiritual family. Because we have all agreed to be under the authority of God's Word there's a safety there that exists nowhere else.

For further study I encourage you to get a copy of "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. This excellent best selling book is the best book I know for helping us to get our brains around the totality of the Christian life.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 Days of Faith

Day 9

A wonderful lady who signed a decision card on Easter Sunday e-mailed with asking for help in making a decision about choosing which church to attend. I was tempted to simple say, "Bethany is the church everyone should attend." The problem is Bethany is not the church that everyone should attend. I couple of years ago I met with a couple for lunch that had a few issues with our church. When I met with them I discovered that they didn't agree with much of anything that we were doing. They didn't like they way I was preaching, they didn't like the direction our small groups were going, they didn't like our music, and they wanted the church to be run by a board of elders. (Bethany is a pastor led, staff driven and congregationally affirmed church.) Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people offering constructive criticism but this couple simple didn't belong at Bethany. They were nice people, they loved God, but they needed to find a church where they fit and I told them so. I still see them once in a while; they even come to some of our events. They are not my enemies; they just don't have the same vision. I would be miserable in a church they ran and they are going to be miserable in a church that we run. Would God call someone to a church where they are miserable and causing strife? No way! Psalms 133:1-3 says, How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the fragrant anointing oil that was poured over Aaron's head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And the LORD has pronounced his blessing, even life forevermore.

Even though you are new at being a Christian or maybe you are not even a believer yet, you still need to go to church where you are in harmony with the direction that the church is going. Now, that is not to say that you should go to a church that doesn't challenge you. A lot of folks are looking for a church where they will only be told what they want to hear. That's not what I am talking about. At Bethany we are "calling everyone to positive change through the power of Jesus" so, obviously, we think that church ought to stretch you and grow you. Ephesians 4:15-16 says, We will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body (the local church) is healthy and growing and full of love.

Now, I don't believe that refusing to join a church is a healthy option. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT) says, Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. Here's quick list on questions to ask when choosing a church: 1. Does this church reverence and respect the Bible as God's Word? 2. Is Jesus Christ exalted in the sermons, music and practices? 3. Are you comfortable to bring your un-churched friends there? (We believe that church is for the un-churched.) 4. Do you think you can respect the integrity of the leaders? 5. Can you see yourself helping out and serving in that church? 6. Do you think this church is working at being emotionally and spiritually healthy? (A cult is church that got emotionally and spiritually sick.) 7. Do you agree with the core values, essential beliefs and purposes? (As promised I will send them in a later e-mail.) You will never find any institution on earth that is perfect or where everything is done entirely to your taste, but you can find a spiritual family that is healthy and holy. I really believe that Bethany is one of those healthy, holy and happy houses of worship. I also hope that Bethany is a good fit for you; if it's not, then I am just thankful that I had a chance to help you on your spiritual journey. Bon Voyage, Pastor Phil


DAY 10

Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25 (MSG)

And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved. Acts 2:44-47 (NLT)

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." Psalms 122:1 (NLT)

I want to share with you some final thoughts on God's plan for your proximity to the family of God. What would your family think if you never came home? Some of you reading this know exactly how it feels to have a family member who chose not to come home. Perhaps, it was a spouse or a parent who left your home and didn't come back. In the case of a parent, perhaps, they came to see you once in a while but it was obvious that it wasn't their home; they didn't live there anymore. Did you realize that your spiritual family gets lonely for you just like a kid whose dad or mom moved out gets lonely for them? Just like a parent loves to see siblings loving other, your Heavenly Father loves to see you spending time really loving your spiritual brothers and sisters.

Let's look back at the verses that we listed in the beginning to determine God’s plan for us to meet with our spiritual family.

1. According to Hebrews 10:25 meeting with your spiritual family keeps you connected with God.

I heard about a woman who called her pastor one day and said, "Pastor, I know I haven't been to church in 6 months, but I want you to know I am still a part of the body." The pastor said, "Take your finger and wiggle it please." She complied. The pastor then asked, "Now, if that finger left your body for six months would you still feel it was part of your body." She got the point.

Christ is like the head on your body and the local church is your body. We stay connected to Jesus Christ by staying connected to His body. The church doesn't replace Jesus Christ, but the church is your connection place. 2. Psalm 122:1 shows the attitude that we should have about getting together and worshipping with our spiritual family. Going to church and small group should be considered fun. I can't imagine going to a church where it's just like taking bad tasting medicine or undergoing a painful medical procedure to go; that's not what God ever intended. Getting together with our spiritual family is supposed to be like picnic not a funeral or really scary test in school.

3. According to Acts 2: 44-47 there are two ways that we are to enjoy getting together with our spiritual brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and grandparents. One way is the big weekend celebration. This was what there temple meetings were like in the book of Acts. The second way to meet your spiritual family is in a small group in the home. Both kinds of gatherings have their place. To be balanced I need to big meeting where I can more appreciate the majesty of God and accomplish what only a large group can accomplish. I need a small meeting where I can know and be known. The small group is where I experience personal growth and get a chance to really minister to others. The big meeting is where I get a vision of the big plan that God has for my life.

In order to connect with Gods family you will likely have to make some adjustments in your lifestyle. For most of us there is some competing distraction that we will have to eliminate in order to include the family of God in our schedule. Don't forget your spiritual family needs you just like your biological family does. If you are unsure that you can really fit the family of God into your life the way I am suggesting them I encourage you to continue to study the scripture and pray about whether this commitment is the right one.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil


DAY 11

I have communicated to you about who we believe Jesus is and God's plan to give you a spiritual family. Now, I would like to take the next step of faith. The next step of faith is to believe that God wants to do something wonderful within you. I like the “Gentleman's Wearhouse” commercial where the guy says, "You're going to like the way you look, I guarantee it." Well, I want all of us to embrace the transformation that God has for our attitudes and behaviors. "You are going to like what you become, I guarantee it."

I am not going to deceive you about the fact that God has a plan for shaping you and me into someone who is more like Jesus Christ. If you have come to the Christian faith with the idea that this is just another product for enhancing your enjoyment of life you are mistaken. I am not saying that the Christian faith will not enhance your enjoyment of life, it will, but God wants to return you and me to the original plan that he had for our lives. Would you agree that the world we live in is pretty dysfunctional? Would you agree that we humans don't always know how to solve our problems or the best way to live? This is why tens of thousands of Americans are hiring life coaches. Are you willing to at least consider letting God shape you into the person he wants you to be instead of being limited to your own best judgment? Now, this doesn't mean you will be asked to kiss your brains good bye or that you won’t still have daily opportunities to use your own best judgment. It simply means that you will open yourself up to the idea that many times God has a better way and whenever you can be clearly shown his way in the word of God you will acquiesce to God's direction.

I am intentionally making this a short communication because I want you to pause and think about the whole idea of change. Change is stressful, even positive change. Change is almost always resisted at first. Someone said, "Truth is almost always negative, the first time you hear it." You might even bristle at the idea that someone thinks you need to change, after all you are a good person, you have never killed anybody and you always try to be fair, honest and kind. But this isn't about you being a good person or not; this is about God being in charge. This is about God always knowing best. The Bible says that "all have ....fallen short of the Glory of God." Romans 3:23 No matter how good, kind and well intentioned I am, I am still going to fall short of the excellence of God. Only when I give God the steering wheel of my life can I hope to rise up to his excellence. Remember, "Good is the enemy of great." I want you to be great. I want you to really "like what you become."

I close with this passage in Ephesians 4:15 (NLT) “Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.”

What do you think this verse means? Would you be willing to consider a commitment to become like Jesus Christ? Do you think God will help you do that?

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 Days of Faith

Day 12

For as you know Him better, He will give you, through His great power, everything you need for living a truly good life. He even shares His own glory and His own goodness with us! And by that same mighty power He has given us all the other rich and wonderful blessings He promised; for instance, the promise to save us from the lust and rottenness all around us, and to give us His own character. 2 Peter 1:3-4 (TLB)

We are still talking about God's plan to make us like His son, Jesus. The good news is that you are not just commanded to be like Christ, which would be overwhelming; you are being introduced into a process. All you really have to do is say yes to the process. Every once in a while I will catch myself speaking, walking or reaction exactly the way my father would have done. Now, why is that? Two reasons: nature and nurture. I have my dad’s gene, that’s what I mean by nature. I also spent my formative years around him, that's what I mean by nurture. So, I don't have to struggle to be like my dad, it's natural. These are the reasons that you need to read your Bible daily, go to church, spend quality time with other believers, join a small group, listen to praise music and just be prayerful as you go through the day. As you do these things you are absorbing Christ behavior. Also, just like I received my dad's genes, you can receive God's Spirit. We receive the Spirit of Christ by asking God for it. It sounds too simple doesn't it? Try doing the two things that I am recommending: ask God to give you His Spirit, and purpose to spend quality time with Him. See if you don't start automatically acting like Jesus.

Try it, "you're going to like what you become."

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 DAYS OF FAITH

DAY 13

Jesus replied, "With all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God." John 3:3 (TLB)

Being shaped into the image of Jesus Christ begins with being born into the family of Jesus Christ. The man that Jesus made this statement to in John 3:3 was a religious leader in Israel, he was not a child, so this was a radical message. Jesus was basically saying to this learned man, that he would have to start all over again as a little child. This does not mean that we have to take a lifetime of learning and throw it away, but it does mean that all we have learned has to become secondary to what God knows.

The one quality that you have to possess is the quality of humility. This is why it is sometimes easier for people who have made a real mess of their lives to follow Jesus than it is for those who have had a great deal of success. This shouldn't be true because even the most successful among is a million miles from possessing the wisdom of God. However, if you have made some pretty good decisions in life and don't have any life controlling problems it just might be a little more of an effort for you to admit that you don't always know the way.

When we start following Jesus, every one of us, has to imagine ourselves as a helpless little baby who has to be taught everything and who is totally dependant on God. There's no creature on earth as helpless as a human baby. If you want to have real peace and to experience incredible personal growth, inform God today that you are willing to come off your pedestal where things of the kingdom are concerned. Pray this prayer, "Lord when it comes to spiritual things, help me forget everything I think I know and teach me only what you want me to know."

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 DAYS OF FAITH

DAY 14

"Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." Philippians 2:12-13.

When my brother was about to enter the second grade my mother witnessed a scene that she used to love to tell about. Toby, our cousin who had just finished the second grade and was going on to the third grade, apparently felt compelled to prepare Joe for the road ahead. My mother saw Toby put his arm around my brother as they walked and said, "Joe, don't let anybody ever tell you the second grade isn't hard."

We all need a mentor like Toby in our life that will break the news to us that becoming what God intends for us to become isn't going to be easy. The apostle Paul uses the word “work” to describe the process of becoming like Christ. As you can see, he uses the word “work” twice. One time he is referring to our work and then a few seconds later, he refers to God's work. Now, I don't try to impresses people with Greek words but once in a while it really helps to get our brain around something that God is trying to say to us, so here goes.

When Paul refers to our work, he uses the word katergazomai (Phonetic Pronunciation: kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee). This word means "accomplishment through toil". Paul had just got done talking about the concept of obedience. People who think that the concept of salvation by grace means that maturity is obtained with no effort are going to be sadly disappointed. To become like Jesus you are going to have to do some things that you don't want to do. Remember, I said some things, not a lot of things, just some things. I have known some people who don't even want to get out of bed and go to church on a regular basis. "Working out" also means doing tough things like forgiving your offenders and being kind to those we would rather treat with spite. Hold on minute before you hit delete.

When Paul refers to God's work, he uses the word "energeo." This word means to be mighty, active and efficient." So here's the deal, while you are working things out, God is busy working things in. God won't lower the standards to make Christianity easy, that's not how He does it; He increases your energy. If you will learn to cry out to God for help, He will energize you to work at the task of behaving like His Son. Do you know what happens when you work out regularly? Things that used to be work aren't work anymore. A while back, 15 minutes on the treadmill would have left me panting for air; now, I don't even break a sweat in 15 minutes. So, go ahead and tackle those big challenges, but make sure and rely on the power of God to work within as you work without.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil


DAY 15

In this whole matter of growing, stretching and becoming less like ourselves and more like the Lord Jesus Christ it is really hard to find balance. On one hand we can get into all kinds of unhealthy guilt over not measuring up while on the other hand we can be victims of insufferable pride over our accomplishments. It is so important that we understand what God wants is for all of us to be enrolled in the school of change. It is so important to be neither impatient with your development nor proud of your accomplishments. I call it, "getting in the rhythm of grace".

How do we do it you may very well ask? The key is simply to understand what your next step is. Don't try to go over every aspect of your life with a fine tooth comb. Being self absorbed is the least Christ like behavior in the world. Do this: Simply ask God to show you what your next step is.

Here's what the Bible says: (I call this the scariest verse in the Bible.) Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48 (NKJV) Is that scary or not? In once sense God's standards for us should cause us to tremble enough to make us realize we can't do this in our own strength. However, there is some insight we can gain from the word that Jesus actually used. Jesus used the word, "telios". “Telios” actually means "mature". Think of it this way, we expect our children’s behavior to be age appropriate; when they are, they are perfect. For example: if a 1st grader scores 100 on a test he or she is perfect. If a 6th grader scores 100 on a test they are perfect. Although, one took a much higher level exam, they are both perfect. In the same way, your Heavenly Father has current expectations of you right now that are appropriate for your level of experience. All you have to know right now is what God's next step for your life is. The Bible says, "To him that knows what to do and he does not do it, to then it is sin."

I am confident that there are one or two things that God is putting in your path right now. I am confident that He is giving you the knowledge of what to do; if not, search the Scripture, call me or another trusted Christians advisor. When you pass the test, your loving Heavenly Father will high five you and say, "Perfect!"

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil


DAY 16

One church denomination used to have as their slogan, "Saved to Serve". The only problem with a slogan like that is that it ignores several other key purposes that God has for your life. So far we have identified three: first of all, God made you to love you and to have you love Him back. This purpose can also be called worship. It is an understanding that I will get the most out of my life if I incorporate loving Him and honoring Him into everything I do. Secondly, we are "saved" to join a spiritual family and share our lives with other Christians. Whatever you do don't try to go to heaven alone, let's go together. Thirdly, you are created to be like Christ; that's what we've been talking about in the last few e-mails. This may seems like an overwhelming challenge, but it's not overwhelming if you work on the two easiest steps. First; loving God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength; and secondly, enjoying the fellowship of other Christians.

Now, we get around to what that church denomination named as its single purpose: It's true, you are saved to serve. I love this quote by George Bernard Shaw: "This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die." George Bernard Shaw (20th century playwright and literary personality.)

What greater purpose in life can there be than to serve God. Here are some of the things God has to say about the subject of serving:

"Get out of here, Satan," Jesus told him. "For the Scriptures say, `You must worship the Lord your God; serve only Him.’” Matthew 4:10 "If any of you wants to serve Me, then follow Me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves Me.” John 12:26 (MSG) Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember, that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and the Master you are serving is Christ. But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done; for God has no favorites who can get away with evil. Colossians 3:23-25 (NLT)

There are dozens of Scriptures I could give, but I'll let these suffice to get us thinking about our calling to serve God. I hope you will start praying about what it is you can do for Him.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 DAYS OF FAITH

DAY 17

You address me as 'Teacher' and 'Master,' and rightly so. That is what I am. So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other's feet. I've laid down a pattern for you. What I've done, you do. I'm only pointing out the obvious. A servant is not ranked above his master; an employee doesn't give orders to the employer. If you understand what I'm telling you, act like it—and live a blessed life. John 13:13-17 (MSG)

We're still talking about serving. The point of Jesus washing His disciple’s feet is not so we will literally wash each other's feet. Washing feet is not a custom in modern times; although, a foot washing ceremony is a very moving experience. There is a whole list of insights that can be gained from Jesus command to, "now wash each other's feet." • We must look for ways to refresh one another. Taking someone's kids for a day can be a way of refreshing them. Giving somebody who is busy doing a difficult or dirty job a hand can be on way of refreshing them. • We must remember to show common courtesy. A foot washing was a common courtesy that homeowners showed to their guest in those days. The world around us has become increasingly crude and impolite. We Christians need to stand out as people who specialize in showing common courtesy. • There must be no job that is beneath us. I remember driving up to the church one day and one of the men in our church who was a CEO at his company was on his hands and knees working in the flower beds. I was humbled by that as well as instructed. If you are to proud to be seen in the flower beds, setting up chairs or scrubbing flowers then you don't understand what it means to follow Jesus. I heard of a man who always went around the church after service picking up all the papers and bulleting that people left behind. One day someone who only knew the man at church was looking in the paper and saw that man's name listed as the 3rd wealthiest CEO in Los Angeles. He went to him later and asked: "Why do you do this when you could hire someone to do it?" The man explained that he was so grateful for how Jesus had saved him that he would never want to miss the blessing of serving the Lord.

We must start to understand that the reason Leaders at the church are seen serving is to show you how to serve. Whenever a leader does menial task it is never just so you can just sit and watch, or stand around and be served, it is you can observe how God wants you to serve. The church is like no other institution. The local church is your church; in fact, you are the church. I remember one time my wife was at the altar praying and a dear saint came and tapped her on the shoulder and said: "There’s no toilet paper in the bathroom." This lady had been in that church for years, she knew where the toilet paper was; she just got in her head that it was the leaders’ job.

Perhaps, you will have the joy of participating in a feet worship ceremony someday; although you might not think so, it can be a wonderful worship experience. However, the important thing is to look around daily for ways you can meet other's needs, especially the members of you spiritual family.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil


DAY 18

"God will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them." Heb. 6:10

Two days after my wife had a surgery, a knock came on the door about 5:30 in the evening and there was a lady in our church with her three children bringing a meal for us. I was truly humbled, in part because this is one of the busiest people in our church. This lady facilitates one of our ministries, works in our school office, plus she and her husband lead one of our small groups. I wish you could have seen the joy on her family’s faces as they left the food. (It made me pretty happy too; I didn’t have to make dinner.)

To hear some people talk about the unconditional love of God, you could get the impression that nothing impresses God. I have known some who look with pity on hard working Christians. They accuse the people who carry the load to keep the ministries of the church and the outreaches in the community going of trying to earn their salvation through works. These people don’t have a clue to how it really is. God is not up in heaven looking down at busy saints saying, “Those poor overworked people, don’t they know that I want them to sit around and meditate on my Word all the time.”

Listen, God is up in heaven smiling and applauding the hard work we do for one another. God loves to see us loving each other with our actions.

I don’t know about you, but I want to live in such away that God will be impressed with me. I want Him to be a proud father. Listen at what Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:1, “I am an apostle, God's messenger, responsible to no mere man. I am one who has actually seen Jesus our Lord with my own eyes. And your changed lives are the result of my hard work for Him. “

Of course, you need to have times of quiet meditation, and God has designed your body to need rest. He has also shaped us to serve Him. So, my advice is to make sure and put serving into your schedule along with times of rest and recreation.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 DAYS OF FAITH

DAY 19

Today I want to pose these questions: Does it make sense to serve God? What's in it for us? Will we have more money, better health, richer relationship if we minister to others? These are important questions for you to think about. Everybody has to deal with their motivations sooner or later. Some people are the type who just jumps in without analyzing anything too deeply. Invariably, there will be bumps in the road where they will stop and ask: "Wait a minute, why am I volunteering my time and energy?” I would rather have you ask questions now, than to go along with the momentum and then later feel that you have been manipulated or coerced into serving.

I am going to be right up front with you; I want to make a case for serving.

• Psychologically it makes sense to serve God. Psychologists have a term for what happens to people when they serve others; it's called "helpers high". The other day I spoke to the wife of one our hurricane relief volunteers, who have served the Lord on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. She said to me, "he will be going back". This man is having a blast serving the people whose homes have been ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. I have never met a happy selfish person in my life and I don't believe I ever will.

Your faith makes you offer your lives as a sacrifice in serving God. If I have to offer my own blood with your sacrifice, I will be happy and full of joy with all of you. Philippians 2:17 (NCV)

• Physically it makes sense to serve God. Americans are suffering today from too little physical activity; plus the psychological impact of thinking about another person’s problems is guaranteed to improve your vital signs. I have noticed that when I leave a hospital visit I am always humming a tune as I walk out the door. I can't quite explain it, but there's something about focusing on another person’s problems that leaves me feeling physically better. Whenever possible, I take the stairs too.

Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart. 1 Timothy 4:8-9 (MSG)

• Financially it makes sense to serve God. We all need favors sometimes. Favors save us money. I am talking about favors like child care, care repairs, or just being given a good deal on something. I have notices that people who live a life of service have a lot more people ready to help them out in their time of need, than those who live isolated selfish lives. The old saying: "whatever goes around comes around" is really true. Jesus said it another way…

If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving—large or small—it will be used to measure what is given back to you." Luke 6:38 (NLT)

• Spiritually it makes sense to serve God. There are two ways to measure spiritual reward: one is to anticipate what will be waiting on you when you leave this life. Remember, you will live far longer in the next life than you will in this one. Jesus said, “For I, the Son of Mankind, shall come with my angels in the glory of my Father and judge each person according to his deeds. And some of you standing right here now will certainly live to see me coming in my Kingdom." Matthew 16:27-28 (TLB) There’s another way to measure spiritual reward and that is by appreciating what the Bible calls "True Riches". It is sad to say, but most church goers don't know anything about "true riches". Luke 16:11 says “and if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” True riches have to do with a strong and vital relationship with God. True riches involve things like genuine love, unreasonable peace, and deep down goodness. If you will dedicate your life completely to God's service you will be wealthy in ways that you could never imagine. I will guarantee you that if you will serve God faithfully He will give you money or those things that money cannot buy.

Try God's way. You're going to like what you become.

Be blessed,

Pastor Phil 21 DAYS OF FAITH

DAY 20

Someone said: "The good news is for sharing." Unfortunately, a phrase like that sends icy fear through most of us, because we feel so overwhelmed at the thought of having to convince another person that they are wrong and we are right. Jesus said to His disciples before He left: "Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God's good news to one and all. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever refuses to believe is damned." Mark 16:15-16 (MSG) The problem is most of us don't really analyze this verse in the context of how Jesus and His disciples actually lived it out. We think have to get an armload of pamphlets, a bullhorn, go to the center of town and start announcing things like, "believe or be damned". Or we think we need to spend every break at work convincing our associates that they are believing the wrong things. Yes, you need to have a spine, but you need to work on a clear presentation of the Gospel (We have an excellent course that we teach called, "Witnessing Without Fear.") However, analyzing the way Jesus actually lived out His commitment to spread the Good News and what Mark 16:15 actually says is necessary if you want to be effective. (And not go insane over the command to preach the Gospel.)

First off, Jesus said: "Go into all the world ... Go everywhere." This means "get involved with people outside your church." Some people want to find a church they can hide from the scary old world out there. We have learned at Bethany that it is really effective and really a lot of fun to get involved in our community. Have you met all of the people on your street? If not, do it this week. Don't go over and hand them some literature about what you believe, go over just introduce yourself and start caring about them without an agenda.

Secondly, "announce the message of God's good news." The good news is that God wants to be their friend who will help them through this hostile world. The good news is that God wants to be on a first name basis with them. The good news is that they can pray to God and He will respond. The good news is that there is this enormous spiritual family that they can get to know.

Thirdly, "whoever believes and is baptized" is God's way of saying that we are to start including others in the life of our spiritual family. Sometimes that means inviting them to a church service or event, which may mean including them when you and your church friends go to a concert or a ballgame. Baptism is the last step in a person’s commitment to be truly included in a spiritual family.

Finally, let God and God's Word take care of the "whoever refuses to believe is damned." part. It's not God that damns people, it's Satan, it's the hostile world around us, and it’s the forces of evil that is the source of damnation. Jesus is the source of hope. You are called to give people the "Good News".

May you go and be successful at being the bearer of Good News to your world today.

In His Grip,

Pastor Phil 21 Days of Faith

Day 21

“He is no fool, who gives what He cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” -- Jim Elliott (Jim was killed by the Auca Indians in the mid-50's while trying to bring them the Gospel)

”Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth. For you died when Christ died, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your real life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 (NLT)

If you have made the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ then Colossians 3:1 is true of you. You have been “raised to new life with Christ”. If you are still contemplating such a decision then “a new life with Christ” is a possibility.

Americans are joiners; we join civic organizations, social causes, social groups, political parties, sports teams and internet chat clubs. There are literally millions of Americans that have joined fantasy sports leagues in recent times. I sat next to a Rhododendron club in a restaurant a few years back. They were discussing their passion for Rhododendron’s so loudly it was impossible for my brother and I to have a conversation. We have an insatiable need to connect and belong. If necessary we will hook up to explore the wonders of a single species of flower. Wow!!!

The Christian faith is not just another club to belong to or another cause to champion; it is a way of life. This way of life will permeate every thought, every decision and every relationship that you have. In fact, early believers were not called Christians; they were called “followers of the Way”.

”If Saul found any followers of Christ's Way, men or women, he would arrest them and bring them back to Jerusalem.” Acts 9:2 (NCV)

”And I persecuted the followers of the Way, hounding some to death, binding and delivering both men and women to prison.” Acts 22:4 (NLT)

“Then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to find Saul. When he found him, he brought him back to Antioch. Both of them stayed there with the church for a full year, teaching great numbers of people.” (It was there at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.) Acts 11:25-26 (NLT)

Now, don’t misunderstand me, I think the church is a great place to make social connection, to hang out with people who share similar interest and to launch worthy causes. (Consider our hurricane relief efforts and the upcoming blood drive that will be held at our facility.) I have thoroughly enjoyed my life with believers. But you will not last if you see Christianity as just another social club or good civic organization. This is a path that you are considering, not a pastime. Sometimes it will be a hard path. Jesus said “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14 Eugene Peterson in his awesome paraphrase says it this way; "Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.” Matthew 7:13-14 (MSG)

So, why would anyone choose to follow Jesus if it promises to be such a rigorous journey? Are we fools? The reason we follow Jesus is because He is the Son of God. The reason we embrace Christianity is because it is true. The reason that we commit to “the Way” is because it is the right way. Would you ever take a beautiful four lane highway that didn’t take you where you wanted to go? Of course not; it would be better to take a winding two lane road full of potholes that would bring you to your destination, right?

Now, I hope you will make a final and firm decision to go to heaven with me. There will be lonely times, but you will not be alone. You, me and a bunch of our friends are going to go together. It’s not going to be an awful depressing journey; at times it will be downright fun and it will always be an incredible adventure. We are going to learn and grow together. We are going to end up around the throne of God with the millions who turned their back on a passing world to have a permanent kingdom.

If these 21 days of faith e-mails have left you with unanswered question, concerns or intellectual loose ends that need connecting call me at the office or simply click reply to this e-mail. I want you to make an “eyes wide open decision.” Welcome to the greatest quest a man or woman could ever know.

In His grip,

Pastor Phil

P.S. If you like hearing from me regarding matters of life and faith then let me know. I am thinking about another series of e-mail communications about our life together in the Lord. Please let me have your critical analysis of these e-mails. What did you find most helpful, what did you find least helpful? What about the content or way it was presented was really beneficial? What about the content or way it was presented was not beneficial. What made you want to read on? What made you want to hit delete?