RestoringHope ANNUAL REPORT 2016–2017 To strengthen the lives of those in need by giving help that empowers and hope that lasts. Dear Friends,

With a profound sense of gratitude, it is my joy to present this annual report for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. Your support of this ministry of hope and compassion is a powerful testament to the conviction that we have a responsibility to care for one another with kindness and love.

“Blessed are the open hands that embrace those in need and helps them: they are hands that bring hope,” says Pope Francis in his Message for the First World Day of the Poor. As we have received such saving hope ourselves in the merciful love of Jesus, he adds, so are we called to turn to “all those who stretch out their hands and plead for our help and solidarity. They are our brothers and sisters, created and loved by the one Heavenly Father.”

As you read this annual report, you will see how generously and fruitfully that call has been answered in our local Church. Behind all the financial figures and data are the faces of so many people whose lives are brighter today thanks to the dedicated efforts of Catholic Charities and the benefactors who make it all possible. Through the 58 programs operated in this area by this remarkable ministry, each year more than 142,000 women, men, and children from every background find much-appreciated material and spiritual help, including food assistance, housing, health care, immigration and refugee assistance, services for persons with developmental disabilities, job training, and more.

Each time we reach out our hand so that someone in need can encounter the consolation and love of Christ, we are restoring hope — or perhaps inspiring hope in them for the first time — and providing them the opportunity to build a better future for themselves and their families. By working together, we can continue to make a profound positive difference in the human family.

May the fruit of your generosity continue to provide the loving presence of the Lord in our community through the work of Catholic Charities.

Asking God’s blessings on you and your families, I am,

Archbishop of Washington

1 Providing a Place of Mercy and Hope Highlights We reached more than 142,000 people in the DC and Maryland region last year alone.

6,846 people volunteered with Catholic Charities last year. Developmental Disabilities Services 1% (Pages 16-17) We served 5 million meals to those in need.

 Family, Parish, & Community Outreach 8% (Pages 20-21) More than $18.3 million in pro bono services were provided directly to our clients.

 Homeless & Housing Support We distributed more than % (Pages 10-11) 1.1 14 million lbs. of food to local pantries.

Adult & Children Clinical Services Made possible because… 22% (Pages 14-15) 8,582 individuals made donations to Catholic Charities 55% Enterprise, Education, in the last year. & Employment (Pages 6-7)

Last year, we worked with 142,715 men, women, and children. As you can see, some of those services our best to capture an accurate picture of how many individual people we serve ­— sometimes it can came in the form of highly intensive, long-term care for a smaller number of people, like our work with be challenging, as many of our clients receive multiple services from more than one program, or are individuals living with developmental disabilities. Other programs, such as our Southern Maryland served repeatedly throughout the year. Food Bank and low-barrier shelters see a high number of people over shorter periods of time. We do

2 Summary Statement of Unrestricted Activities from the Statement of Activities of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington Financial Information for the year ended June 30, 2017. Audited financial statement information available at

Revenues Total Revenues $91,891,527.

United Way 0.15% $137,598. Legacies & Bequests 0.23% $215,107. For every $1 donated Archdiocese of Washington 1.58% $1,447,417. more than goes directly Grants 5.89% $5,410,708. $.85 Service Fees 10.59% $9,729,741. to helping people in need. Special Events & Miscellaneous 12.83% $11,792,779. Contributions & Capital Campaign 14.40% $13,224,878.

In-kind Contributions 19.96% $18,338,706. Government Contracts 34.38% $31,594,593.

Expenses Total Expenses $89,768,849. Audited Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets ($2,122,678.)

Fundraising 3.54% $3,179,930. Management & General 10.95% $9,825,222. Program Services 85.51% $76,763,697.

3 Enterprise, Education, & Employment


Last year our Enterprise, Education, and Employment programs Our Enterprise, Education, and serviced more than Employment programs offer both wide reaching food assistance and essential job training. Providing access to the skills and 49,000. services needed to break free from poverty.

1.1million lbs. ­— the amount of food supplied to local pantries by the Southern Maryland Foodbank.

34,460 people were able to buy nutritious, affordable food through SHARE Food Network. 55 Kyana knew she had to take things one step at a time when her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last year. She and her husband were raising three children, with a fourth on the way when they received the devastating diagnosis. As the family began to adjust to their new “normal” everyday life became a side act to the main show that was caring for a loved one with cancer.

But as time went on the challenges grew, Kyana quit her steady job as a sales manager to care for her husband full time. Shortly thereafter their financial struggles magnified. Paying their rent became harder and harder, until one day they were facing eviction. The family was referred to the Catholic Charities Southeast Family Center and received rental assistance from a Capital One Bank grant and later through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The family was able to stay in their home. The ability to stay in their home during this trying time was a huge relief, and one less stressor for the family.

But the care from Catholic Charities didn’t stop there. The compassionate staff welcomed the family with open arms and made sure Kyana, her husband, and their children ages 11-, 8-, and 2-years-old knew they had extra support to help them through this difficult time. When Christmas came around, the Senior Program Manager and staff at the Southeast Family Center made sure there were plenty of presents under the tree.

Sadly, Kyana’s husband lost his battle to cancer in August. He was able to remain in his home, spend precious time with his family, and meet his youngest child, born in February. Kyana has returned to work, and as she continues to care for her family she remains in touch with the staff at Catholic Charities, who have agreed to help with some burial costs for her husband.

6 ”They were there exactly when we needed them to be.”


8 1,500 — number of beds provided to homeless men, women, and children each night. Our Homeless and Housing programs are here to meet the needs of some of the region’s most vulnerable. Emergency low-barrier shelters meet the Our Rapid Rehousing and immediate need of a place to Transitional Housing programs sleep, but many of our housing in Washington, DC helped 130 programs focus on a long-term families and 70 individuals via goal of living independently. temporary rental assistance and case management services.

Last year, from single individuals to families, Catholic Charities’ Homeless and Housing Services programs assisted


9 Philip came to Catholic Charities through one of our low-barrier shelters. He had been struggling with mental illness for years. Medications that were prescribed to him either didn’t work, or he refused to take them. He had lost touch with his family, lost his job, his home, even his identification.

Then one day in 2008, things changed. While undergoing an evaluation at the shelter, his mental health problems were flagged, and he was brought to Anchor Mental Health for additional evaluation. The professional and caring staff at Anchor were able to help Philip get the appropriate medication, he began seeing a psychiatrist, and started seeing changes for the better.

As his mental state improved Philip was able to move into his own apartment through the Fortitude Housing program. He credits the twice monthly visits by a Catholic Charities Community Support Specialist with helping him maintain this independent life. Part of the program includes check-ins to see how he is doing, ensure he is showing up to work, taking his medication, following through with his therapy, and ensuring his overall wellbeing.

Through Catholic Charities and the staff at Anchor, Philip was able to get a driver’s license. Our Supported Employment Program helped him find work, in fact one of his jobs is as a medical services courier with Catholic Charities. But what helped Philip the most, and what he is most grateful for, is Catholic Charities helped him get back in touch with his family.

Despite many of his family living right here in the DC area, years of struggle had made it nearly impossible for Philip to keep in contact with them. As he began working towards a healthier mind, he knew a key component was reconnecting with his family. Now he is living in his own apartment, working two jobs, and able to see his family. Most importantly, he was able to reconnect with his grandmother before she passed away.

10 ”I can’t thank Catholic Charities enough for putting me in contact with my family.”


1212 3,707 low-income residents received pro bono legal services through Catholic Our Adult and Children Clinical Charities Legal Network last year. Services department brings the professional care so desperately needed to those most vulnerable. Whether it is pro bono legal assistance, lower-cost healthcare 4,146 for the uninsured, or emergency patients made nearly 14,000 services for those in crisis, we visits to our dental clinics in DC know poverty should not be a and Maryland. barrier to receiving high-quality care and services.

HHHHH Once again this year Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Services received a 5-Star rating from the DC Department of Behavioral Health.

Last year Adult and Children Clinical Services reached nearly


14 Supporting people from all individuals 80 walks of life is a cornerstone of participated in our Adult Day Catholic Charities services, and programs last year. our Developmental Disabilities programs are just another example of this commitment to serving those most in need. From 891 adults and our Child Development Center, all children are helped through the way through our adult day our Developmental Disabilities programs and group housing we programs. offer specialized care for every stage of life. These programs provide essential building blocks The Kennedy School has been for future growth, development, and progress. providing life, vocational, and educational skills since

1959 .

Last year, our Southern Maryland and Prince George’s County Employment Programs served


15 When Christopher first came to Catholic Charities he relied on a Dynavox speech device and sign language to communicate with others. After he was paired with his current employment specialist from the Kennedy Institute, Christopher was overheard talking to himself in very clear, understandable, full sentences. Knowing that communicating verbally could open more doors for Christopher, his employment specialist worked with his parents, brother, and sister to develop a plan to eliminate the speech device, and become less reliant on sign language.

As the plan was put into action, Christopher’s family and employment specialist were thrilled to see the progress he was making. In the beginning, the Montgomery County Employment Program provided supported employment services and coached him to complete his duties that required verbal interactions.

As his confidence grew, and he used his verbal skills more and more, growth opportunities began to present themselves. He began helping lifeguards at the Rockville Municipal Swim Center teach the 4 – 6-year-old swimming class, he then transitioned over to volunteering with an adult day care agency that serves individuals with Alzheimer’s, where his kindness and hard work were greatly appreciated.

Today, Christopher continues to receive supported employment job coaching services from Kennedy Institute and has achieved total success in communicating verbally. He is a full-time, fully-benefitted federal employee at the NSA Bethesda Naval Base supporting the veterinary division. This past April, Christopher received the Maryland Association of Community Services Achievement Award for his professional accomplishments.

16 ”Without the support of his family, Christopher would not be where he is today.”

17 Family, Parish, & Community Outreach


18 Last year, our volunteer force of 6,846 people contributed Our Family, Parish, and Community Outreach programs bring together 112,667 hours. a formidable team of volunteers, parish ministries, and local organizations working towards transformational change. When individuals and families turn to 1,464 the church we are there with social workers, food assistance, people received coats distributed medical care, a place to stay, and by the parish and school coat drive. much more. This work is primarily driven by our network of talented and skilled volunteers.

Our Prison Ministry Outreach provided information and referrals to

1,116 people.

Last year, these programs helped nearly

7,000. 19 Our Leadership

A distinguished group of community leaders serve on the Board of Directors. Each member is recommended by the Board of Directors for election by the of Washington for a three-year term of office.

Mr. R. Scott Pastrick Mr. Douglas Donatelli Mrs. Carol Bates Mr. Scott Brickman Bishop Mario Eduardo CHAIRMAN CHAIR EMERITUS Dorsonville-Rodríguez

Mrs. Debbi Jarvis Mr. William Kappaz Ms. Patricia McGuire Mr. Jeffrey Norris Dr. A. Enrique Segura

20 Mr. James Sullivan, Sr. Mr. Robert Trone Mr. Kevin Virostek Dr. Susan Timoney EX OFFICIO

Leadership and Executive Staff Catholic Charities Foundation Board

Msgr. John J. Enzler Joan Fowler Brown Special thanks to the members of our Board of Directors PRESIDENT & CEO CHIEF OF STAFF for the Catholic Charities Foundation, who oversee the Catholic Charities Endowment Funds:

Patrick Dunne Mary Jane Morrow CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER J. Michael (Mike) Kelly

Brian McQuade


21 A big family with even bigger hearts

Giving back is a family affair for the Kappaz’s, as their passion and generosity have impacted the lives of so many through their various business and philanthropic endeavors. Guided by their faith, the family has created a legacy of giving at Catholic Charities.

One example is the Michael H. Kappaz Workforce Development Program. Named for the family’s late patriarch, the program trains and certifies students in mechanical, electrical and job-site skills, and then places graduates with employers throughout the Washington metropolitan area. The training center is housed at the Spanish Catholic Center, a place very near and dear to the family.

For years this family has been answering the call of their faith to help those in the community less fortunate. From monetary donations, to speaking on behalf of the agency, volunteering, mentoring, promoting Catholic Charities, and much more, each and every member of the Kappaz family gives back.

The Kappaz family is a perfect example of living the faith. Their call to action comes not from serving those who are Catholic but rather because they themselves are Catholic.

22 Donors

July 1, 2016 — June 30, 2017

Special thanks to the Archdiocese of Washington and His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl for their ongoing support without which none of this would be possible.

Catholic Charities Gala, April 2017 /Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Individuals

Jorge and Ruthanne Lopez Stacie and Lou Christopher Mr. Kevin McConville $1,000,000+ $50,000–$99,999 John and April Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGrann Anonymous (2) Carol and David Bates Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McDaniel James R. and Martine A. Coleman M. Collins McHugh Mrs. Alice B. Clark Mrs. Charles A. Camalier, Jr. Mr. John J. McMackin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Conley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. McKenzie Anna and Robert Trone Reverend Monsignor John J. Enzler The Honorable Terrence O’Donnell Michael F. and Kathleen G. Curtin Mr. James McNellis Robert and Elizabeth Flanagan and Mrs. Margaret O’Donnell Ms. Eleanor T. Depenbrock Mrs. Nancy L. Miller $250,000–$999,999 Mrs. Chafica D. Kappaz Maureen Orth Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nassetta Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tobin Lennon Dr. Patricia O’Hare and Mr. William L. O’Hare Robert and Sharon Donohoe Karen and Thomas Natelli Anonymous (2) Kathleen and Chris Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Pohanka Mr. Joe Donovan and Ms. Jinny St. Goar Kathleen and Jeff Norris Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. G. Maurice DuFour Bill and Joyce O’Brien $100,000–$249,999 Mrs. Helene O’Neil Shere Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rigby Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Kaushik Patel Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Billings, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plamondon Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Tuohey III Bob and Anne Easby-Smith The Honorable Jerome H. Powell and Mr. Jonathan L. Billings John Whalen and Linda Rabbitt Mr. and Mrs. John Engler Ms. Elissa A. Leonard Patrice and Scott Brickman $25,000–$49,999 Kathie and Mike Williams MaryAnne Fiorita and Guido Adelfio Mrs. Ileana Quintas and Pat and Mary Anne Clancy Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gillespie Mr. Thomas Brackett Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Francis Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Glasgow, Jr. Robert and Rita Reaves Judith D. Antonelli $10,000–$24,999 Betsy and Pete Forster Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Regan Andrew R. and Gladis E. Bellamah Anonymous (2) Mr. John M. Grimberg Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Hathway Mr. Barry Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Canton Mr. John P. Andelin and William and Laura Kappaz Mrs. Pamela Holden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ossola Rossotti Mr. Louis Caruso † Ms. Virginia C. Geoffrey Mrs. Kathleen H. McGuan Grace and Charles Huebscher Jeanne Weaver Ruesch Stephen and Ellen Conley Mr. Wolfram Anders and Elizabeth and Dale Meers Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jaeger The Honorable Philip E. Ruppe and Dan and Gayle D’Aniello Mrs. Michele A. Manatt Mary Noel and Bill Page Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Jones Mrs. Ruppe Nicholas J. and Patricia Denovio Stephanie and Bill Angrick R. Scott and Courtney Clark Pastrick Ms. Maria Fabiana Jorge Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Ruppert Karen and Chris Donatelli Dr. Constance U. Battle Mr. James V. Reyes Ms. Christine Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ryan Mary and Doug Donatelli Margie and Bob Bedingfield Dr. Enrique Segura and Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Kelly Mrs. Dolores Silva-Smith William and Cheryl Easby-Smith Kevin and Jane Belford Dr. Alejandra Segura Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Kratz, Jr. Shawn and Janice Smeallie Mr. Emanuel J. Friedman and Mr. Rollin M. Bell III Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Lane Terry and Patty Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shaw Ms. Kindy French Mr. Edward E. Bintz Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lawler III Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Smith, Jr. Ron and Mary Jane Steele Paul and Martha Gaffney Joe Bruno Mrs. Denise M. Lee Ruth and Arne Sorenson Beth and John Veihmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kalis, Jr. Reverend Michael Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. P. Sullivan II Mr. and Mrs. James E. Koons Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carlson Ms. Kathleen Manatt Daniel Toohey† and Anne Toohey Brian and Elizabeth Lemek Giuseppe and Mercedes Cecchi Marianne and Aris Mardirossian Molly and Phil McCarthy

indictes a donor who is recently deceased. † 23 Mr. Nino R. Vaghi Cherrie Wanner Doggett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Nalls Dr. George Angelich Martie Kendrick Kettmer Mrs. Gertrude C. Viner Mrs. Mary Jo Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Noonan Ms. Maureen S. Baltay Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Magruder, Jr. Kevin and Mary Anne Virostek Rear Admiral Patrick W. Dunne and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ockershausen Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baptiste Ms. Ann Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Virostek Mrs. Dunne Janis M. Orlowski, MD and Ms. Sun Hye Bae Patrick and Vicki Malone Paul L. Warren and Dr. Robert W. Emery William J. McNulty Dr. Samuel Barone John E. McCarthy, Esq. Katherine Norton Warren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enzler Ms. Renee E. Ornburn Bass† Mr. David E. Bausch Mr. and Mrs. John McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Whalen Ralph and Nuni Fairbanks The O’Sullivan Family Mr. Joseph P. Bozik Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Joseph McIntyre Mrs. Agnes N. Williams Anthony and Anna Maria Falcone Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Paleologos Rosemary S. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McMurphy Colleen and John Williams Dr. Connie R. Faltynek and Palmer Staffing Services — Ray and Jeanette Brophy Esperanza C. Montero Mr. Kerry Wayne Wisnosky Dr. Robert Faltynek Victor & Carol Palmer Mr. James A. Brown, Jr. Ms. Valerie Murphy Dorothy Zolandz, Ph.D. Ms. Patricia J. Figge Mr. William F. Peel III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Ms. Erin O’Connor Maria Elena and Larry Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Penney Ms. Mollie L. Buckey Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Packard $5,000-$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Leland Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burke The Pereira Family Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bushey Mr. Juan Carlos Pereira Anonymous (6) Dr. Irma Frank and Mr. Richard Frank Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Price Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Abell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Greeves Mr. Martin Rodgers Mr. Scott D. Casavant Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn Kathryn and Shep Abell Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Gretschel Stephen and Ann Roth Mr. J. R. Chapeton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quinn Julia and Tony Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Halpin John Mosby Russell Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Coles Mary and David Ralston Mr. and Mrs. John P. Arness Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Higgins John and Virginia Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Collopy Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Risoleo Joan M. Bader The Honorable Sven Erik Holmes and Mr. William Sabo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Conlon Anne M. Roan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bass, Jr. Ms. Lois Romano Roberta and Steve Saxon Mrs. Ann E. Connell Tasha and Brian Rodgers Bob and Ellen Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hotka Mr. and Mrs. John G. Shooshan Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Connell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Ms. Carole J. Bittman Mr. John F. Jaeger and Dr. Karen Ivers Gabriela and Doug Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Corcoran Ms. Nancy Roualet Mr. Louis J. Boland, Jr. Bob and Lynda Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sporidis Ms. Monica Dolin Mr. and Mrs. Pedro J. Saavedra Mr. and Mrs. Sean Boland Margaret M. Johnston Mary Gay Sprague and William Hassler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Downey Dr. Ruth Dolores Sanchez-Way and Mrs. Michele Burke Bowe and Ms. Joy Jones The Honorable Michael Steele and Susan E. Duvall Mr. David Vincent Way Mr. James F. Bowe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kain Mrs. Andrea Steele Dr. and Mrs. William J. Edison Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis Scarff Dr. Susan E. Boylan and Richard and Ann Kane Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Steenland James and Randy Fama Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Brown Mr. Thomas T. Keane Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Knoll, Jr. Joan and Jim Sullivan Mr. Paul D. Finney † Mr. Daniel Schmelzer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Lavallee Mr. Patrick Sullivan Dr. Graham Frank Stephen and Patricia Schneck Mr. Arthur J. Brown Mr. Stephen Long Mr. Paul John Tagliabue Ms. Nicole Frazer Sal and Andrea Selvaggio Mr. and Mrs. Tony Brown Mr. and Mrs. William MacDonald Mr. Charles F. Tate Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Gans Kevin J. Sexton and Mary Dubois Sexton Stephen and Jeanette Bruce David Mahaffey and Melissa Turner and Eric De Jonge Brad and Nicole Garner Deacon and Mrs. James R. Shanahan Oliver and Bonnie Carr Virginia White-Mahaffey The Urgo Family Ms. Jane E. Genster and Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Smyth Mr. Daniel Christovich and Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Mahoubi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Urgo Mr. John J. Buckley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Soltesz Mrs. Lisa Kazor-Christovich Jennifer and Bill Manders Mr. Jon B. Utley and Mrs. Ana Maria Utley Eduardo Gerlein and Cristina Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Squier Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Collins Miss Aileen M. May Jeanne Vass Mr. Benjamin W. Giuliani Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stuart, Jr. Father Alain M. Colliou Bob and Judy McLaughlin Carol Cladny Yates Mr. Andres H. Gonzalez John and Polly Sturm Joan and Michael Conley Christopher M. McMackin, MD John and Mary Yerrick Ed and Sharon Gund Lila and Brendan Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Connors Jill and Paul McNamara Mr. Eduardo A. Zavala and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Donald Harlan III Mr. Richard A. Sullivan Mr. G. Drew Conway Mr. Mark R. Merley and Mrs. Maura Burke Ms. Michelle D. Harris Mrs. Ardis A. Hart Ms. Cleonice Tavani Dr. Juan José Daboub and Mr. and Mrs. Gerard E. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hartley Mr. Vincent Thomas Mrs. Glorybell Silhy de Daboub Mr. Vincent P. Mona $2,500-$4,999 Mr. Paul Holder J. Rock Tonkel, Jr. and Jill Shultz Tonkel Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Dell’Isola Mary Burke Morris Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fay John and Patricia Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Demaree W. Patrick Morris † Anonymous (4) Deacon and Mrs. Perry F. Iannaconi Mr. Joseph P. Vaghi III John and Linda Derrick Mary Jane Morrow and John Chisholm Ms. Eileen Andary Mr. Michael Jacobs and Ms. Ellen O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John Viner C. Maury Devine Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy Ms. Ashlyn Anderson-Keelin Maryanne and David Kane Mr. and Mrs. R. Louis Viner Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. Jamisen Myers Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Andrews Harry Kettmer and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wallerstedt

24 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Patrick Ward Ms. Rita A. De Lima Mr. Varghese George Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Ward Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dean Mr. Robert Gerken Mr. and Mrs. John Welch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dempsey, Jr. Mr. Stephen F. Gerrity Mr. and Mrs. Linden H. Welch Ms. Mary Karen Desantis Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gerth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Welch, Jr. Ms. Carrie Desmond Ms. Maureen Gevlin and Mr. Charles E. Roh Ms. Patricia Wells Mr. Sloan Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Williams Reverend Eamon Dignan Daniel and Christine Gill Charles J. and Virginia Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Director Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wootten Mrs. Ruth M. Doherty Miss Maria Y. Giraldo-Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Dolan, Jr. Bill and Cissy Glading $1,000-$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. James Dolan Mr. Robert L. Glass Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Donohoe Ms. Heather Godsmark Anonymous (12) Mr. Thomas J. Donohue and Mrs. Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Gonella Catherine and John Adams A. Donohue† Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Goodson Marguerite Adams Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dreux Mr. Nikhil Gore Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Address Ms. Margaret J. Drury Deacon and Mrs. James J. Gorman Mr. Augustine Kunle Adedeji Filling Cup of Joe Packages during Faith Day at Nationals Park Mr. Marc R. Duffy Frederick and Mary Graefe Mr. and Mrs. George Aguiar August 2016 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Dunne Mary and Pat Grant Mr. and Mrs. Jose Alfonso Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Durante Mr. Billy K. Gregory Mr. Scott G. Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bittman Mary Bee and Joe Ciminelli Ms. Nancy Elbin Ms. Angie Griswell Ms. Felicia Amissah Mr. Cory Black Mrs. Carolann Cirbee Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Ellis Minister Joseph Guerra Mr. Donald E. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Black Mr. Jeffrey S. Clark Mr. Colin England Mr. Adrian C. Hagerty and Mr. Anthony P. Angello Bill and Jackie Blandford Kevin and Nancy Clark Ms. Margaret A. Enzler Ms. Caroline Percopo Mrs. Victoria Ansari Mrs. Marie Veronica Bonkowski Mrs. Alexandra Clement Miss Yvette Escudero Mr. Patrick Hallahan Mrs. Tara Arras Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Borger, Jr. Mr. Peter Colarulli Mr. Gary Fegan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hare, Jr. Mr. Anthony Craig Asher Mr. Victor P. Branch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Collins Felix and Maria Ines Fernandez-Pizzi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Harlan II Mr. Alan Askew Mr. Michael Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conaghan Ms. Susan Finkle Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hartley Mr. Eugene F. Assaf Mr. Michael Briskey Ms. Mary C. Conlon Ms. Joanne P. Finley Mr. Vernon Hawkins, Jr. Daniel F. and Anne Asbill Attridge Karen Britto Mr. and Mrs. P. Brian Connolly Tom and Mary Firth Mr. Christian Hennemeyer Ms. Janet T. Augustine Mrs. Marika L. Brown Rear Adm. and Mrs. Peter C. Conrad Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore F. Fiscina Richard and Mary-Ellen Hibey Ms. Mary R. Babbitt Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Brown Mr. Kent C. Cooper and Geary and Judy Fisher Mr. George W. Hicks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Balfour Mr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Mrs. Patricia Ann O’Connor Ari Fitzgerald Hugh E. Hilliard, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robert Balkam Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Cordell Ms. Alice F. Fleury Dr. Edna Hirsch Mr. Richard J. Barber Mr. Jeffrey S. Bucher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Emmett T. Flood Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hitte Dr. Laura Barrosse-Antle Mr. Michael A. Bucher Dr. Ann H. Costello Ms. Donna Ms. Foo Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. Gregory Joseph Basiliko Mr. Michael Burlas Ms. Patricia G. Cousins Mr. and Mrs. William Sean Franey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hopke Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Baum Dr. and Mrs. James A. Butler Mr. Thomas J. Crage Mrs. Vincent Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horning Mr. Mike Baumann and Mrs. Terri Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cain, Jr. Mrs. Elisabeth J. Cremers Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Fuortes Mr. and Mrs. Dale H. Hoscheit Mr. George Beck John and Linda Carr Mr. James Scott Cruickshank Ms. Toni K. Gaines Ms. Colleen Mary House and Mr. John Gizzi The Honorable James A. Belson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casey Paul and Juanita Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher Ms. Katheryn A. Hovde Mr. Christopher Benich Dr. Kathleen Castiello and Mrs. Kathleen M. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hughes Ms. Teri Ann Benson Dr. Richard Castiello Mr. Daniel Cunningham Father Daniel Gallaugher Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Huke Mr. and Mrs. Teseo Bergoglio Mrs. Cynthia L. Cenname Ms. Madeline A. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gaspard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hutter Mr. Robert V. Bess Mr. Thomas B. Chapman and Ms. Sandra A. Cupples Ms. Livia N. Gatti Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Paul Interdonato Ms. Cecilia D. Bethke Ms. Mary Scott O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Curtin Ms. Rochelle M. Gay Mr. Raymond James Mr. John Bettini Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chappelle Mr. John M. Dalkiewicz Mr. George Gayno Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jarboe James D. Bishop, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Chisholm Mr. Gary Damone Terry M. Geldermann and Deacon Alexander Jeeves Mr. James K. Bishop Ms. Gloria Chou Dr. Christina Danko Edward S. Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenets

25 Paul Johnson Mr. Carlos Lamas Ms. Sylvia Maria Morales Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr. Marianne Stohlman Mr. J. Michael Joly Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lamb Ms. Paula C. Moroz Mr. Hector R. Rascon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Strosnider Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Jones Mr. John Landers Mrs. Elena R. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Patricio E. Ray Mr. Frederick M. Struble and Mrs. Mary Jo Joyce Jo Ann and Roger Lang Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morris Ms. Nancy Raybin Ms. Margaret M. Barnhill Shari and Davor Kapelina Mr. Don Langano Ms. Karen Morrissey Dr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Reaman Mr. Michael A. Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kappaz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lange Mr. and Mrs. David C. Moylan Mr. Frederick Reardon Ms. Mary Anne Sullivan Ms. Monica G. Kapps Dr. Ylene A. Larsen Ms. Carolyn A. Moynihan Kevin and Colleen Reed Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Ozgur Karaosmanoglu Mr. and Mrs. Climis G. Lascaris The Mudd Family Mr. and Mrs. James Regino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tanis Mrs. Edward W. Kay Officer Lucas Lawrenz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. George B. Rest Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Louis Taplin Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keegan Mr. John C. Lawton Ms. Theresa M. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reynolds Ms. Katharine Teitel Mr. Thomas Keet and Ms. Mary Espieg Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lee Tom and Denise Murphy William and Julie Ann Rhodes Ms. Catherine T. Toohey Dr. Adrianne Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Lee Mr. Pablo Musalem Mrs. Jeaneen Riely Frank Toohey and Mary M. McGrane Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Nassetta Mr. and Mrs. John Ritz Mr. Stephen Toomey Andrew and Ellen Kentz Mrs. Eileen M. Lichtenfels Ms. Betty Nava Jane Sullivan Roberts Mr. Henry W. Traylor Mr. Edward J. Kielty Ms. Nancy Eisold Lindsay Ms. Lauren Nelligan Steve and Cokie Roberts Raymond and Maria Turner Ms. Rita M. Killian Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Locher Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nelson Mr. James Robinson Mr. Sean Turner Ms. Allyn E. Kilsheimer Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Loftus Mr. John E. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Urgo, Jr. Mr. John Klein Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Long Mrs. Karen T. Nolan Mr. Brian Rodgers Drs. Vincent J. and Jeanne M. Vaghi Mrs. Barbara M. Kolb Dr. and Mrs. David Longnecker Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nolan Reverend Robert J. Rokusek Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Valcour Mrs. Mary J. Konrad Dr. John F. Loome and Melanie and Larry Nussdorf Mr. and Mrs. Matt Roland Dr. Shirley Van Milder Mr. Phillip Kronstein Dr. Mary Heather Sine Ms. Nancy Oakes Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rolle Mr. and Mrs. Stan Voudrie Dr. Tristram C. Kruger Dr. Fred Lough and Ms. Mary Lough Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeffrey O’Berry, Sr. Mr. Kenneth Rosen and Mrs. Ericka Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Laguarda Mr. James Lucier Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O’Brien Ms. Mary Lee Horsey Russell Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Waldron Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lake, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lutes Mr. John O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ryan Thomas Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Mike D. Wallerstedt Mr. Peter D. Maioriello Mr. Brian D. O’Neill Mrs. Juliet Sablosky Ms. Maureen Waters Mr. Perry M. Malouf Alicia R. and Long D.Y. (Cookie) Ong Jerry and Janet Scanlan Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Watson Mr. and Mrs. David Sheets Marriott Ed and Terry Orzechowski The Honorable Peter C. Schaumber and Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Weldon Katherine Marshall and Kirk Ruthenberg Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. Ottolini Mrs. Schaumber Mr. Ashton Williams Mr. Lawrence Marx Mr. Michael Owens Mr. and Mrs. David Schoenberger Mr. Dennis P. Williams Ms. Lynn Matrisian Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Panaro Father Alexander Scott Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Williams Ms. Margaret May Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Pane Mr. Joseph Seidel Ms. Roberta T. Williams Monica A. May Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Ms. Carol Shannon Mr. Sean C. Wood Mr. Mark J. Mazz Mr. Glen E. Parker, Jr. Mr. Robert R. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. James R. Worsley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCaleb Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Pasterick Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sheridan Mr. Stephen G. Yoder Ms. Mary C. McCarty Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo A. Perez Mr. John B. Shewmaker Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey McCormick Mrs. Carol A. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Shields $500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McElroy Mr. Stephen Petrany Ms. Mary M. Shimp W. David McGarry Mr. and Mrs. David S. Petron Mr. John Shottes Anonymous (20) Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGuigan Mr. and Mrs. Anderson W. Phillips III Donna Fitzgerald Shuler Charles and Siobhan Abell Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McKinless Joanne and Scott Pinover Mr. Justin Silvers Ms. Margaret C. Ahmann Dr. and Mrs. William A. McNamara, MD Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plamondon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sintentos Mr. Douglas Allston Gala Chairs­— Carolina Corredor Ms. Kathleen Merlo Ms. Joy Michelle Plemmons Brian W. Smith, Esq. Ms. Sonia Alvarez DeSouza and Andrea Cecchi at Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pluta Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith Ms. Felicia Amissatt Mr. and Mrs. Jim Millette Mr. Jose Porro Julia S. Hopping Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Argyros the Spanish Catholic Center Mr. Christopher Mills Ms. Lisa A. Potetz Mr. Joseph Gawlers Sons Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Austing Gala, October 2016 / Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Mark Minich, Sr. Ms. Mary Prahinski Miss Teresa Soto Mr. William R. Ayers Reagan Building Dr. Paolo Miotti and Dr. Gina A. Dallabetta Dr. Nirmala PuruShotam Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sterba Sister Mary J. Bader

26 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Carter Mr. William Deye Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Mr. William A. Kane, Jr. Mr. Stephen Baker Mr. Richard Carter Mr. Jeremy Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Fidencio Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James Kearney Mr. and Mrs. George L. Balboa, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Catliota Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Joseph Dionne, Jr. Mr. John S. Goodwin The Honorable Ann O’Regan Keary and Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Baran Ms. Lourdes A. Ceide Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dluhy William W. Gorman Mr. Thomas J. Keary Donald M. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Chappell Mr. Alfred S. Dominick III Mr. Frank Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Keefer Mr. and Mrs. Klemens Barth Dr. Jessalyne L. Charles Mr. David A. Donohoe Joyce T. Gwadz, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Keegan Mr. Daniel J. Beller Mr. Paul Choquette Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dugan Mr. John Hagerty Mr. Charles J. Kelly Mr. Herman J. Belz Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choquette Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hamel Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Michael Berard Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Clancy Ms. Kristine J. Dunne-Maher and Mr. John R. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Betancourt Mr. Charles Clark and Ms. Patricia Franco Mr. Christopher M. Maher The Honorable Harry Hannigan and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kelly, Jr. Ms. Kathleen M. Bialas Mr. James Daniel Clark Ms. Johanna Dwyer Mrs. Hannigan Mr. Brian Kenney Mark and Eleanor Bierbower Mr. Ernest Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dyer Ms. Janet Gail Hardy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Killeen III Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bodling Mr. and Mrs. James K. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. John P. Eger Mr. John Harney Mr. and Mrs. D. Patrick Kilner Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cline Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ehrhardt Mr. Anthony J. Harrison Mr. Denis J. King Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bowsher John T. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. Harvey Mr. Paul F. King Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boyden Mr. Michael Collins Ms. Mary Frances Elbin Ms. Jacquelyn M. Havens Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. William D. Commins Mr. Charles J. Engel III Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. David K. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Conlan Mr. Jorge Espinosa Mr. and Mrs. Burke F. Hayes Mrs. Jennifer Kotlinski Mr. John J. Brennan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Conley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Essaye Mr. Jeffery R. Hayward Mr. Francis A. Kozak Monsignor Mark E. Brennan Ms. Sheila Ann Conlon Mr. James G. Fegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hennemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Krizan Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan Brewer, III Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Connolly Mr. Charles R. Fendig and Mr. William J. Hermann Reverend Monsignor T. Ansgar Laczko Ms. Cindi Bright Mr. Jake Cooper Ms. Maria N. Fisher Dr. Eduardo Hernandez and Ms. Margaret Laramie Mr. James Brinkman Mr. Jeffrey D. Corsetti Mrs. Maria L. Ferriday Ms. Linda Rae Cabral Mr. Stephen A. Larocque Most Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cosgrove, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Tobin A. Finizio Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Hieb Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Lavetti Mrs. Kathleen Brooker Mr. Max Couchman Mrs. Jacquelyn G. Finn Bishop Richard B. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Lee Mrs. Alicia Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Hodziewich Ms. Eileen Catherine Lee Mr. Marty P. Brown Dr. Leonard Covello Ms. Linda J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoernig Mr. R. J. Lee Ms. Jill Bruno Mr. Robert E. Cowley, Jr. Ms. Margaret Mary Flanagan Mr. Colin P. Hood and Mr. John Bender Mr. Alex LePore and Mrs. Josephine LePore† Ms. Molly Bryson Miss Frances Cox Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flanagan Mr. Mark D. Hopson Mr. Robert Lesnick Mrs. Catherine Dillon Bullen† Ms. Louise K. Crane Adakou Foli Mr. Michael Houlihan Mrs. Anna Marie Levine Mr. Andrew Buonopane Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Cranston Ms. Theresa Ford Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hoyt Mr. Scott C. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Burgett Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Creamer Mrs. Caryne Forster Mr. Joseph Hrutka Mr. John Leyes Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. John T. Creaturo Ms. Margaret Frame Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert R. Hubble Mr. and Mrs. Andre Leyva Ms. Barbara Blair Busch Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Franey Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Huesmann Ms. Lori Lindholm Mr. Landon V. Butler Ms. Margaret A. Crowley Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Frensilli Ms. Kim Hulse Mr. Brenden C. Lohmeier Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cady Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Curvey Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Frick Mr. Frederick C. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lomaz Ms. Veronica Cajigas Ms. Patricia A. Daley Mrs. Anmarie Gaalaas Mrs. Andrea K. Husick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Looney Ms. Dawn T. Calabia Mrs. Angela R. Daly Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gaenzler Mr. Michael Iadarola Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch Ms. Margaret Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Daly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galligan-Stierle Dr. Karen Ivers Jaeger Mrs. Jane S. Lynn Ms. Mary Alicia Callahan Ms. Hoa Trang Dang Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Jagen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Lisa Lytwyn Mrs. Marie G. Callan Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Daniel Ed and Peggy Garlich Mr. and Mrs. David L. Jayne Mr. and Mrs. Darren L. MacLennan Ms. Sarah Cannova Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Dean Ms. Joan M. Gartlan Ms. Agnes K. Johnson Mrs. Kerstin Magee Lisa Cantu-Parks and Ryan Parks Mrs. Laura Decena Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Randall Jones Dr. Thomas F. Magovern Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Carberry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Delaney Mrs. Katharine Giacalone Captain Thomas E. Jones, USN, Ret., and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mallon Mr. Dennis A. Cardoza Ms. Genevieve Delbo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Glading Mrs. Irene B. Jones Chris Malone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carr Ms. Lori Dement Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Glynn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Jordan Ms. Maureen J. Malone Mr. Desmond Carrie Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jay Devecchio Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Gnatowski Ms. Mary Jo Kane Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll Ms. Ann Devine Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Goehrung Mr. Thomas Kane and Ms. Margaret O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Manderville

27 Mr. Anthony Marcavage Ms. Emily Moylan Mr. Bernard Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Sliwa Mr. Daniel Wells Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Marcell, Jr. Mr. James E. Moynihan and Mr. Jose Raimundo Ms. Anna R. Smith Mrs. Susan Welsh Mr. Daniel Marcin Ms. Kathryn Brims Mr. Enrique Humberto Ramirez Mrs. Aurelia C. Smith Mr. Waldemar J. Werner Ms. Elizabeth Mariani Mr. Tomasz Mroczkowski Monsignor Joseph A. Ranieri Mr. and Mrs. Steven O. Smith Mrs. Dorothy S. Whalen Mr. Drew Marrocco Professor Amy Mullin Dr. John Donald Rauth, Jr. Ms. Mary Lou Soller Mr. and Mrs. David Whipp Mr. C. Travis Marshall Mr. Kevin P. Mulvihill Mr. and Mrs. George K. Reese, Jr. Mr. Merlyn M. Soukup Mr. Glenn Dean White, Jr. Mr. Roger R. Martella Ms. Mary Natelli Ms. Karen Teresa Reidy Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Spalatin Mr. Richard C. Wigger Mr. Manuel Martinez Dr. Rosemarie Neuner Mr. Matthew Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bowie Roberts Mr. Thomas Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Martinic Mr. John Nolan Ms. Ursula R. Rein Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stack Mrs. Claire Wyrsch Mr. Francis Martorana Mrs. Irene A. Normandin Mr. Kevin Ricci Ms. Taylor A. Stephens Michael and Robin Yaghmour Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Massi Ms. Adrienne D. Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joseph Rice III Mr. Richard C. Stone Mr. David M. Yannucci Mr. George P. Matthews, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. O’Brien Mr. Rick Rice Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Storz Thomas D. Yannucci, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mayer Mr. Stephen J. Ochs and Mr. Robert B. Rice Mr. Matthew Sullivan Mr. Joseph Young Mr. Alexander M. Mayes Ms. Phyllis L. Ouellette Mr. and Mrs. David Barry Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Suraci Mr. David F. Zimmerman Mr. Peter McCamman Ms. Mary E. O’Connell Ms. Marilyn M. Riehl Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Swartz Mr. Andrew McCarthy Mrs. Helen S. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Riley Deacon Killian B. Swift $250-$499 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. McConville Ms. Carol O’Hallaron Mr. John F. Ritchotte Ms. Jennifer L. Swize Anonymous (29) Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. McGann Dr. and Mrs. William W. Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. David E. Rogers Mrs. Eva Maria Szalay Ms. Marcia A. Abbo Dr. and Mrs. James M. McGarrity Ms. Kristina R. Olsen Paul V. Rogers, Esq. Mr. and Mr. Stephen R. Tarrant Ms. Patricia E. Abell Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McGarry III His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley Mr. Peter Ross and Ms. Althea L. Harlin Mr. J. Michael Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Acker Mr. Patrick A. McGeehin Mr. Nicolas Orechwa Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Rossomondo, Jr. Mr. Timothy R. Tehan Rachel and Arif Ahmed Mr. Peter McGinnity Mr. P. DeClan O’Riordan Ms. Linda Rowe Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick D. Theurer Mrs. Laura K. Aldrighetti Mr. and Mrs. James M. McGuire Ms. Karen Ostlie Mrs. Dolores A. Royston Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. David Aleman Ms. Patricia McGuire Ms. Teresa B. Otero Mr. Bill R. Ruane Ms. Janet Timbie Ms. Jeanne Allen Mr. John J. McHugh Mrs. Eileen Page Mr. Carlos Ruiz Mr. Gordon Todd Mr. and Mrs. Jose Almario Mr. Arthur McIntye Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Ruppert Mr. David A. Torgerson Mrs. Amiee Aloi Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McKenzie Mr. Arthur J. Parker Cathy and Michael Rusnak Ms. Rosalinda R. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Arsenio Amores The Honorable Charles Thomas McMillen Walter and Donna Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Russell Mr. Anthony Tse Mr. Justin Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. McNish Mr. Stephen G. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Rob J. Ruyak Mr. and Mrs. David N. Turch Mr. and Mrs. John O. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. George McPhee Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pettit Mr. Lane Ryan Reverend Monsignor Peter J. Vaghi Mr. Paul R. Andrews, Jr. Mr. John Meiburger Mrs. Kathleen M. Phelan Mr. Lawrence B. Ryan Mrs. Janice Vargo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Anfang Dr. Margaret B. Melady Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Pica Ms. Maureen P. Sanelli Ms. Victoria Vaynberg Mr. Stephen Artner Ms. Ingrid Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scali Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Veith Ms. Lynnette Asselin Severino B. Mendoza Mrs. Joyce M. Piliero Mr. Peter Schalestock Mr. Gerard Velthaus Mr. Carlos Ayuso Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Merola Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pinto, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Schilke Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ventura Ms. Vanessa Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Merrick, Jr. Mr. Vincent J. Pistolessi Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schneider Ms. Alice C. Vermillion Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Bader Mr. Robert W. Metzler Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Poe Mr. Richard G. Schreitmueller Mr. and Mrs. Philip Verveer Ms. Olga Baeza Mr. Thomas E. Michalik Mr. Philip J. Pollastrino Ms. Josephine Scott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Villani Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Baine Mr. G. Paul Moates and Mrs. Annie G. Ponds Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seal Ms. Patricia S. Villareale Mr. Ronald R. Baker Ms. Constance A. Sadler Mr. Jesus M. Portillo Mr. John Sekel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vitak Mr. Louis A. Barbieri Ms. Nancy A. Monacelli Maureen and Jack Potter Mr. Joseph M. Sendry Mr. James Vitarello Joseph L. Barloon Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Morales Ms. Lindsay B. Powell Mr. Neil Sexton Mr. Timothy Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Barry Ms. Lisa Moran Ms. Susan E. Prahinski Lieutenant Colonel Michael Shavers, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. John Waksmunski Mrs. Marilyn M. Baumann Mrs. Mary Beth Morell Mrs. Lola Prats-Kamprad Mr. Elliott F. Simmons and Mr. John R. Wall Ms. Nenita E. Bayan Mr. Andrew Morris Ms. Georgette A. B. Price Ms. Denise Capaci Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bean Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William E. Primosch Ms. Alda Simpson Ms. Marie A. Warner Mr. Robert Beck Ms. Candis Morrison Mr. Martin V. Proctor Mr. Manav Singla Ms. Marguerite L. Wason Mr. James Begis Mr. and Mrs. Edouard H. Motte Ms. Pamela Ann Prue Mrs. Floranne Sirilla Ms. Jeannette Wedel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bellino

28 Mrs. Kimberly Bellissimo Ms. Cheryl S. Carson Mr. Joseph M. Deady Mr. and Mrs. John P. Falvey Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Goldsmith Ms. Ena Bendana Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cary Mrs. Malinda Del Mundo Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Fanjoy Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Gonzalez Mr. David V. Bernal Miss Joanne Casey Dr. and Mrs. Gael M. Delany Howard J. Faulkner Ms. Karen Granger Mr. and Mrs. George L. Bibbins Mr. Scott Casteel Mr. Donald L. Dell Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fazio Mr. George A. Gray Mr. Kevin Bilms Mr. and Mrs. James B. Castonguay Lieutenant Colonel William Dempster, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Feily Mrs. Kathy Greene Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bird Ms. Suzanne Cavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Dessureau Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fenwick Mr. Thomas Grenchik Ms. Kathleen E. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cavanaugh Ms. Diane Dewhirst The Honorable Michael Ferguson and Mr. Allen Griesert Mr. Julius H. Bochinski† and Ms. Mary Ann Cecil Mrs. Kathryn H. Didden Mrs. Ferguson Mr. William V. Griffith Mrs. Marian L. Bochinski Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Chaffee Ms. Nancy E. Diener Mrs. Barbara N. Ferrara Mrs. Patricia S. Grimm Mr. Pierre D. Boehler Mr. and Mrs. Artemlo C. Chapa Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fidler Ms. Helene Grove Kenny Mr. Vincent Bogan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Chernesky Miss Sarah D. Dinan Mr. Walter L. Finch Ambassador Jorge Guajardo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bogle Mrs. Joan G. Chiariello Ms. Donna M. DiRicco Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flanagan Mr. Patrick Guarnieri Mr. Matthew Bordash Ms. Carolyn P. Chiechi Mr. Michael Dittoe Ms. Digna M. Flores Mr. Alfonso Guzman Ms. Monica C. Borkowski Mr. Steven J. Choquette Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus A. Dmuchowski Dr. and Mrs. A. Patrick Flynn Colette and Ed Gwordz Ms. Helene L. Boroch Ms. Barbara Ann Chotiner Ms. Nina Dobson Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Flynn Mr. Robert T. Haas and Ms. Anne L. Roger Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cicotello Mrs. Edith H. Dolence Mr. John A. Foote Dr. and Mrs. Nadim G. Haddad Dr. and Mrs. Tom J. Boylan Dr. Michael C. Cimino Dr. Agnes H. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Forbes Ms. Catherine Hale Mrs. Cynthia W. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cioffari Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Donato, Jr. Ms. Kelli Anne Forbes Mr. and Mrs. David R. Haley Mr. Frederick Boyle Ms. Joan V. Cisz Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Gianpiero Forcina Ms. Michelle Hall Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley Ms. Mary Clark Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Francese Ms. Suzanne Hall Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Bradley Ms. Patricia A. Cloonan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dormer Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Frank Mr. Robert Hally Ms. Kristina Brain Mr. David Cloutier Ms. Margaret Mary Dougherty Mr. Matthew C. Franke Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Hamilton Ms. Cherri L. Branson Mr. Robert Cobbs Mr. Kevin Downey Mr. and Mrs. Jude Eric Franklin Mr. Neil Kendall Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bresson Mr. Juan Cockburn Mr. Matthew Downs, Esq. Dr. and Mrs. Tibor E. Frekko Mr. Charles E. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Brinkman Mr. James L. Cogan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Draddy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fuller Dr. James P. Hartley† and Mrs. Patricia Brockway Ms. Clare Coleman Mr. Andrew A. Dsouza Mr. James Gadwood Mrs. Rosemary Hartley Mr. and Mrs. David S.J. Brown Ms. Dolores D. Coleman Mr. Rae E. Dubois Ms. Jill Gaebl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Hayden, Jr. Mr. Frank M. Brown Mr. Abe Collier Mrs. Mary Jane Dubuc Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gahl Mr. Lawrence P. Hayes Ms. Lauri K. Brown Ms. Anne Conlan Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dudley Ms. Vernetta Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burke Hayes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell Mrs. Linda Dunn Mrs. Mary Galleher Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayunga Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Durkin Ms. Enid Manning Galliers Ms. Mary Beth Heathcote Mr. Douglas Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Spence Core Mrs. Marjory Gael Dusseau Mr. Carman L. Gannotti Mrs. Delia M. Hedlund Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Buche Mrs. Martha M. Corrado Ms. Dawn P. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garcia Mr. Michael D. Herman Mrs. Susan Buck Mr. James Kevin Costello Mr. J. P. Dziedziak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Garcia Ms. Maria G. Hessie Ms. Y. D. Buffet-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Costello Ms. Donna Eacho Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Garofalo Mr. Adam J. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James P. Burgess Ms. Patricia Coyle Ms. Kathleen Easby-Smith Ms. Catherine Garosi Mrs. Patricia Hill Mr. James A. Burke Ms. Susan M. Crawford Ms. Astrid Elodie Eding Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gaughan Mr. Frank Hodas Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Crippin Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gawne Reverend Dr. Carolyn V. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crisafulli Ms. Nancy Eibeck Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Geier Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hoffman Ms. Frances F. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Crone Mr. and Mrs. Emory Ellis Ms. Maureen Geimer Ms. Erin C. Hogan Ms. Virginia Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cullen Mr. Eugene R. Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Genovese Mr. Erich G. Holzapfel Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Callahan Ms. Julia F. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Enns Mr. Ryan C. Gerald Ms. Carolyn Grace Hoopes Mr. and Mrs. Abel W. Camara Ms. Kathleen A. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Erd Mr. Michael S. Giannotto Mrs. Dru Horin Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Canter Mrs. Helen Curtin Mr. James Esselman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gibney Mr. Jerome Hoskins Ms. R. F. Caporaletti Ms. Heather Daniels Mr. Timothy Evans Mr. John Gibson Mr. John Hoskinson Mr. Bruce Carlton Mr. Robert Daughters Mr. Salvatore Evola Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gilgunn Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hotvedt Mr. Frank Carnovale Mr. and Mrs. Craig Davidson Stephen R. Fahey, MD Mrs. Agnes R. Glass Ms. Maureen Hoyler Mr. Cyril Carroll Dr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II Mrs. Sonia G. Faletti Ms. Laurel W. Glassman Mr. and Mrs. David I. Huffman

29 Ms. Nancy P. Humphrey Mr. Stephen Krivda Mr. Christopher Manning Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Mercer Mr. John M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Brett F. Hunt Mrs. Barbara Kromer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alan Manning Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Meyers Mr. John T. O’Connor Mr. Paul Hurley Mr. L. Ted Kukoski Ms. Roselyn Manus Mr. Benjamin Milakofsky Ms. Esta O. Oduah Dr. Thomas Hutcheson Mr. David Kulig Mr. and Mrs. Fausto A. Marino Mr. and Mrs. John J. Miller Ms. Patricia A. O’Hara Ms. Mariangel Ibarra Captain Stephen G. Kupka, USN, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Markey Mr. Matthew Miller Ira A. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ichniowski Mr. David L. Kushner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Marlow Mr. John E. Minton Mr. Michael Ollinger Mr. and Mrs. Jose Luis Irigoyen Mr. Richard LaBonte Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Marrero Mrs. Susan Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. William C. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs Mrs. Mary Jeannine Ladd Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moebius Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Olszewski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Jeffs Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wayne Lalle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Martin Mr. Philip R. Monser Mr. Douglas E. Orth Ms. Anna M. Jelen Ms. Loryn M. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. John D. Martine Ms. Marta Monzon Ms. Elizabeth Osborne Ms. Deborah L. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. James C. Landers Mr. Harry S. Martinez Ms. Eileen Moran Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos Ms. Maria M. Johnson Mr. Richard F. Lang Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martino Mrs. Florence L. Moran† Ms. Alice Ostberg Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jones, Jr. Ms. Martha R. Lanigan Mr. Patricia W. Mascari Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Morrell Ms. Sandra M. Ostuni Ms. Tiphanie Jones Mr. Benjamin LaPrairie Mr. James G. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. Glenn G. Ottley Mrs. Hildegard N. Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laudicina Mrs. Therese J. Matan Mr. William B. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Oursler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph Mr. Larry Laughery Mr. and Mrs. Darrell C. Matics Mr. Garrick E. Muench Mr. W. Raymond Page Mrs. Joanne D. Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Mattingly Mr. Paul A. Muolo Mrs. Marilyn J. Panke Mr. John Kahler Mr. Matthew F. Lee Mr. Abel J. Mattos Ms. Stacy Murchison Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Para G. Donohue Kane Ms. Daniele F. Lees Ms. Lily Matusiak Mr. Conrad Thomas Murphy Mr. Robert Parker Mrs. Geraldine A. Kane Mr. Adrien L. Leger David Matuszewski Mr. Gerard Murphy Mr. John Parris Dr. and Mr. Elizabeth Piserchia Kaplan The Honorable Isiah Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy Dr. Delores L. Parron-Ragland Mr. Warren K. Kaplan Mr. Joseph Lenczycki, Jr. Mr. Pascal Mazuc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy Ms. Philomena Paul Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karam Mr. Philip Levitz Mr. James T. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perez Mr. George B. Karfiol Mr. Jonathan Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCaffrey Dr. Martha Murphy and Mr. Robert Mauri Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Perkinson Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Farias Limarzi Ms. Mary M. McCannon Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Perret, Jr. Mr. Catherine Kazmierczak Mr. Donald V. Lincoln Mr. Daniel McCarthy Ms. Maureen T. Murray Miss Patricia A. Pflieger Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Keegan Mrs. Katie Lindsey Ms. Jeanette Mccarthy Mr. Thomas J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Phelan Dr. H. Vincent Kelly Mr. John J. Linek Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCleary Mr. and Mrs. Lon E. Musslewhite Mr. and Mrs. John C. Piazza Mr. Thomas Kelly Mr. Victor E. Long Mr. and Mrs. James J. McConville Ms. Catherine M. Myers Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pierce Mr. William F. Kelly Mr. John R. Looney Mr. James M. McConville Mr. and Mrs. James C. Myers Dr. Raynald Pierre-Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Kennedy Robert Lorenzo, Esq. Mr. Thomas Craven McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nahas Dr. Anne-Maryse B. Pierre-Louis Mr. Patrick J. Kennedy Mr. Joseph Lotz Ms. Hilda McDougald Dr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Naranjo Ms. Manuela Pinto Pinto da Silva Mr. John H. Kenney Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Lowney Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. McGinnis Mr. Vince Natali Ms. Preeya Noronha Pinto Donald M. and Mary Dillon Kerwin Mr. John C. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. McGovern Mr. Christopher F. Naughten Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Pizza, Sr. Mr. Jack Khattar Ms. Mary F. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. McGuire Mr. Corey Neal Mr. Pierre Poisson Ms. Rana Kianni Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry Lynch Ms. Ann McHugh Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Polan Mr. Michael T. Kiley and Ms. Laura J. Power Mr. Russel Macahilig Mr. Robert McInerney Mr. Robert Bruce Newell Mr. Joseph W. Pope Ms. Denise King Mr. and Mrs. MacCartee Mrs. Dorothea C. McIntyre Mr. Kenneth Nickell Mr. and Mrs. John D. Porcari Ms. Joan Kinnaird Ms. Shannon MacIoroski Mr. and Mrs. John J. McKenna, Jr. Ms. Rose Nierras Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Powers, Jr. Ms. Joan L. Knight-Robinson Mr. Philip J. Magno Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin Mr. Raymond A. Nighan, Jr. Ms. Cynthia S. Prentiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koles Mr. Frank Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean Ms. Marie Antoine Noel Mr. Charles Russell Pucie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Koltes Ms. Patricia Maher Ms. Barbara A. McNamara Dr. Margaret Norton Paul and Judith Purta Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kolyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Joseph Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Justin McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O’Connell Ms. Suzanne Rabil Mr. Charles Yao Kouame Mr. John Makens Ms. Robin McNamara Ms. Valerie O’Brian Dr. and Mrs. William Rainford Mr. Thomas J. Krauth Mr. Joseph E. Malloy Mr. and Mrs. John C. McNerney Ms. Catherine L. O’Brien Ms. Ellen Ranochak Ms. Greta Kreuz Mr. Richard F. Malloy Mr. and Mrs. John M. McNichols Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rapczynski Mrs. Anne Kristobak Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Maloney, Esq. Mr. Donald Meier Mr. Christian O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Raymond Lieutenant Colonel Mary Krivda and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mandato, Jr. Ms. Roberta Mendaz Ms. Eileen O’Connor Ms. Jane E. Raymond

30 Ms. Barbara Reck Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Saponaro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Strenio, Jr. Mr. Todd Douglas West Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Redding Mr. Michael J. Scanlon Ms. Deborah Styles Mrs. Colleen White Dr. Robert W. Emery Ms. Kelly Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Scannapieco Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sullivan Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon Ms. Christin L. Engelhardt Mr. Cornelius Reidy Mr. and Mrs. David Schenkel Kathryn M. Sutton Mr. Michael Williams Reverend Monsignor John J. Enzler Mrs. Anna Reilly Mrs. Nancy P. Schiattareggia Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Sveikauskas Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Williams Mr. Thomas C. Fahres Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reilly Mr. Frank Schick Mr. Jack Edward Szafran Mr. David R. Williamson Mrs. Mary Fay Ms. Susan Loosbrock Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Schill Mr. and Mrs. Annop Tantisunthorn Dr. and Mrs. David Willis Mr. and Mrs. Raul Jose Fernandez Mr. Pablo V. Renart Mr. John E. Schmidtllein Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tanzi Ms. Nancy W. Wiltz Ms. Patricia J. Figge Ms. Mary Ann Reuter Mr. George A. Schneider, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Wines The Estate of Catherine O. Fiora Mr. Ronald L. Reynolds Colonel and Mrs. James Schoettler Mr. and Mrs. Keegin P. Teare Ms. Deborah L. Winters Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gaughan Ms. Barbara Stohlman and Ms. Mitzi J. Schroeder Ms. Patricia A. Tellish Mr. James A. Winters, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Glasgow, Jr. Mr. Matthew Rice Mr. Anthony Sciascia Mr. Robert H. Tenney Mr. Thomas Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Gonella Dr. and Mrs. James G. Richeson Ms. Palma Seeger Mr. Charles Tennyson Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph C. Worch Ms. Grace E. Goodell Ms. Monica O’Rourke Richmond Ms. Mary Jeanne Sella Major Kathleen Tenpenny Mr. Barrett Wragg Mr. John R. Hammond Mr. William J. Rickman and Ms. Sylvia W. Shaffer Mr. Michael Marshall and Ms. Michele Thiec Mr. Christopher A. Wray Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hand Ms. Janet H. Ransom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shahson Ms. Rita Thiron Captain Julian M. Wright and Mr. Timothy Hannan Dr. Pedro J. Rico Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Shanahan Mr. Eugene Tillman and Dr. Anne B. Wright Ms. Sharlene Hardy Mr. Donald A. Riedlinger Mr. and Mrs. Parshotam Sharma Ms. Bonnie Thomson Ms. June Wrona Dr. James P. Hartley† and Mr. Peter J. Riester Ms. Magdalena P. Shelton Mr. Robert W. Tobin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wuebker Mrs. Rosemary Hartley Mr. S. Timothy Riggott Miss Rita M. Shelton Mr. Fred L. Tolson, Jr. Mr. Jacob Yaniero Mrs. Rosemary Hartley Ms. Dorothea R. Riley Mrs. Nancy T. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Tracey Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Zarzecki Mrs. Albert Headley† Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter Dr. Joseph J. Shields and Mrs. Gayle Trotter Ms. Michelle Zeiler Deacon and Mrs. Perry F. Iannaconi Mrs. Suellen Rizvi Ms. Mary J. Verdieck Ms. Alice M. Turner Mr. Edward F. Zilcoski Ms. Gloria R. Johnson Mr. Thomas E. Roche Mr. Donald Wright Sigmund Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Turner Mr. Joseph S. Zimmerman Dr. and Mrs. William E. Keefe Ms. Janice M. Rodgers Ms. Gay H. Sills Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Untiet Mr. Edward J. Kielty Mr. Lawrence Rodowsky Dr. and Mrs. Richard Sinatra Captain Claude Valliere Good Samaritan Society Gretchen Koch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rodriguez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Sinderson Mr. and Mrs. Jose Veniard Anonymous (2) Ms. Elaine Kokiko Mrs. Jean W. Roesser Ms. Veronica T. Sison Mr. and Mrs. Wilfried C. Ver Eecke Mrs. Jeanne T. Abel Mr. Petri L. Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. Lex A. Rohan Mr. William Slade Mr. George Videll Kathryn and Shep Abell Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lawler III Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Rolwing Mr. John M. Smallwood Mr. Antoinette Vionnet Marguerite Adams Mr. Joseph W. Lowell, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Romaine Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Smee Mr. Bradley Michael Voight Ms. Kathleen A. Annulli Dr. John Lynch† and Mrs. Mary Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Roman Mr. Brian G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George F. Voris III Judith D. Antonelli Mr. and Mrs. Darren L. MacLennan Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ronan, Jr. Ms. Debra Smith Mrs. Alexandra M. Waclawiw Mr. and Mrs. John P. Arness Mr. Theodore F. Maggelet† Ms. Aurelia L. Ronquillo Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waechter Mr. Richard J. Barber Ms. Kathleen M. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Rosso Ms. Kathleen T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wallace Laura and Chip Bay Ms. Adelaide M. Miller Dr. Henry Roth and Dr. Lorraine Roth Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wallerstedt Dr. and Mrs. Fernand D. Bedard Mary Jane Morrow and John Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Denton J. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smyth Mrs. Joan Walsh Mr. Robert V. Bess Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morsberger Ms. Ellen Rowan Ms. Mary Ann Snow Mr. Richard F. Walsh James D. Bishop, Esq. Mrs. Mary V. Neuhauser† Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rowe Mrs. Ruth H. Sobolewski Philip J. Ward and Claire E. Cunningham Frederick J. Carberry Mrs. John P. O’Brien Mr. Benjamin M. Runyon Ms. Madeleine Soudee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Wasp Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Chap Dr. Patricia O’Hare and Mr. William L. O’Hare Ms. Janice Ryan Mr. Stephen J. Spadafora Ms. Alvera Wathen Mrs. Carolann Cirbee R. Scott and Courtney Clark Pastrick Mr. Timothy Ryan and Mr. James A. Sparrow Mr. Henry L. Wegner Dr. Ann H. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plamondon Ms. Michelle M. Mundt Ms. Diane M.W. Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weiswasser Mr. Edward Fenwick Daly Paul and Judith Purta Dr. and Mrs. Norman Salem, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vaughan Staros Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Weitzel Mr. Louis A. D’Angelo III Ms. Elizabeth K. Quinlan† Mr. Erik Salmi Mr. Henry Steinfeld Mr. Gary A. Weitzner Ms. Minta D. Davis Mr. Hector R. Rascon Mr. and Mrs. James P. Salmon Ms. Patti Stengel Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Demaree Mr. and Mrs. George K. Reese, Jr. Mr. Alberto M. Sanabria Ms. Patricia Ann Stephen-Blake Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wenisch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dempsey, Jr. Ms. Iris Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Sanneman Ms. Theresa N. Stewart Ms. Dorothy M. Wessel Ms. Marga L. Diagostino Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Rivera

31 Anne M. Roan Ms. Suzanne Charlick Mr. John Hagerty Mr. Djass Mbangdadji Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sagle Dr. Ruth Dolores Sanchez-Way Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cicotello Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Head Mr. James T. Mc Ginley Mr. Erik Salmi and Mr. David Vincent Way Mrs. Carolann Cirbee Mrs. Anne Healy Ms. Mary M. McCannon Mr. Robert Sapunor The Honorable Peter C. Schaumber Haven Clancy Ms. Mary Beth Heathcote Mr. Andrew McCarthy Mr. George A. Schneider, Jr. and Mrs. Schaumber Mr. Ronald F. Coene Mr. Michael Herlihy Ms. Katherine McClelland Mr. Anthony Sciascia Sal and Andrea Selvaggio Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Connolly Mr. Adam J. Higgins Ms. Hilda McDougald Ms. Palma Seeger Ms. Carol Shannon Mr. Jake Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McElroy Ms. Kathleen Sengstock Ms. Alise Simmons Mr. Max Couchman Dr. Thomas Hutcheson Mr. and Mrs. John J. McKenna, Jr. Mr. Neil Sexton Miss Teresa Soto Dr. Leonard Covello Mrs. Mary J. Hylind Ms. Barbara A. McNamara Ms. Carol Shannon Ms. Madeleine Soudee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Crone Mrs. Laura E. Irwin Deacon Jose Melendez Mr. and Mrs. Parshotam Sharma Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sturm Ms. Madeline A. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Merrick, Jr. Mr. Irvin A. Sherman The Urgo Family Ms. Heather Daniels Lieutenant Colonel Ronald M. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moebius Mr. John B. Shewmaker Mr. Nino R. Vaghi Mr. Robert Daughters Mrs. Maureen Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Molina Dr. Joseph J. Shields and Drs. Vincent J. and Jeanne M. Vaghi Ms. Cynthia E. Dekle Ms. Doris K. Jakubczak Ms. Marta Monzon Ms. Mary J. Verdieck Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wallerstedt Ms. Rita Deluise Mr. Oriel Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Morrell Mr. Justin Silvers Mrs. Patricia Weiler Ms. Lori Dement Ms. Maria M. Johnson Mr. Valerie J. Moyo Mr. and Mrs. Steven O. Smith Mrs. Frances Wesley Miss Mary Rose Depperschmidt Ms. Tiphanie Jones Professor Amy Mullin Ms. Mary Ann Snow Ms. Amy K. Westerman Ms. Mary DeShazo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Kan Dr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Naranjo Ms. Madeleine Soudee Ms. Nancy E. Diener Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keegan Mr. Vince Natali Mrs. Lucille B. Sparks Living Faith Society Mrs. Linda C. Doery Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Keegan Ms. Carole Anne New Mr. and Mrs. William Squier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dombo Dr. H. Vincent Kelly Ms. Marie Antoine Noel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stack Anonymous (21) Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Doran Mr. Michael T. Kiley and Ms. Laura J. Power Mr. C. Steve Obidike Mrs. Sheila M. Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Abram Mrs. Mary A. Etzel Ms. Rita M. Killian Mr. Conor O’Boyle Ms. Patricia Ann Stephen-Blake Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Acker Ms. Rita I. Fair Ms. Pamela J. Klobukowski Mrs. Eileen E. O’Brien Mr. Joseph E. Stone Reverend Father Francisco D. Aguirre Ms. Margery Farhat Mrs. Jennifer Kotlinski Mr. John M. O’Connor Mr. Michael A. Stumpf Mrs. Amiee Aloi Mr. Gary Fegan Mr. Charles Yao Kouame Mr. John T. O’Connor Ms. Jennifer L. Swize Mr. and Mrs. Arsenio Amores Ms. Joye Fenerty Mr. Phillip Kronstein Ms. Patricia A. O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tanis Mr. Anthony P. Angello Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Finamore Mrs. Mary Jeannine Ladd Dr. Delores L. Parron-Ragland Ms. Patricia A. Tellish Mrs. Tara Arras Mr. Walter L. Finch Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perez Mr. Charles Tennyson Ms. Sun Hye Bae Ms. Digna M. Flores Mr. Adrien L. Leger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Pessagno Ms. Rita Thiron Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bailey Dr. and Mrs. A. Patrick Flynn Ms. Donna M. Lewis Miss Patricia A. Pflieger Ms. Catherine T. Toohey Mrs. Leona Bannister Mr. John A. Foote Mr. and Mrs. Andre Leyva Ms. Mitzi S. Phalen Mr. Brendan H. Tracz Dr. Laura Barrosse-Antle Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Forbes Mr. Victor E. Long Dr. Raynald Pierre-Louis and Mr. Eugene J. Ushinski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bean Ms. Kelli Anne Forbes Mr. Joseph Lotz Dr. Anne-Maryse B. Pierre-Louis Mrs. Rosario B. Uy Mr. James Begis Ms. Marian W. Forte Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Lisa Lytwyn Ms. Roshini M. Ponnamperuma Mrs. Janice Vargo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bellino Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Fustero Mr. Thomas Mabon Mr. Harold W. Prince Ms. Alice C. Vermillion Ms. Kathleen M. Bialas Mrs. Jacqueline R. Gardiner Mrs. Kerstin Magee Mr. Paolo Puccini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Villani Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bodling Ms. Livia N. Gatti Mr. Philip J. Magno Mr. Bernard Rafferty Thomas Wallace Mrs. Marie Veronica Bonkowski Mr. and Mrs. James I. Gatton, Sr. Ambassador John F. Maisto Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rapczynski Ms. Maureen Waters Ms. Domnica E. Bottea Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gawne Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maloney Dr. Christopher R. Ratto and Mr. Waldemar J. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley Mr. George Gayno Mr. Pietro Marchitelli Dr. Allison Ratto Dr. and Mrs. David Willis Ms. Samantha Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Genovese Mr. Daniel Marcin Ms. Mary Ann Reuter Ms. Grace Wiltshire Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gibala Mr. and Mrs. Fausto A. Marino Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo J. Ribas Mr. Joseph Young Mr. Jeffrey S. Bucher Mr. Patrick Gleason Ms. Teresa Markle Mr. Patrick J. Ricchiuti Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Zarzecki Mr. Andrew Buonopane Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Gonzalez Mr. Drew Marrocco Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joseph Rice III Ms. Michelle Zeiler Father Keith T. Burney Mrs. Patricia S. Grimm Ms. Mary Catherine Martin Mr. John F. Ritchotte Mr. Edward F. Zilcoski Mr. Cyril Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Gross Mr. Robert A. Martin† Mr. Ivan Rose, Sr. Ms. Patricia Caulfield Mr. Adrian C. Hagerty and Mrs. Therese J. Matan Mr. and Mrs. Denton J. Rourke Dr. Jessalyne L. Charles Ms. Caroline Percopo Mr. Pascal Mazuc Dr. Claudia J. Rousseau

32 Organizations

Literacy (MCAEL) Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore Steele Foundation, LLC Faith Direct, Inc. $1,000,000+ Page Family Foundation The Bancroft Foundation The Steptoe Foundation First Saints Community Church Anonymous (1) Philip L. Graham Fund Briggs and Morgan, P.A. SunTrust Bank Fitzgerald’s Lakeforest Motors, Inc. The Clark Charitable Foundation The Robert Bensen Meyer, Jr. Cassin & Cassin, LLP SunTrust Foundation The Foundation of the Bar Association of Foundation, Inc. CCS Tom and Glory Sullivan Foundation, Inc the District of Columbia $250,000–$999,999 The W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc. Church of the Little Flower Toyota Dealer Match Program Holy Cross Health The William J. Shaw Family Foundation Inc. Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company Waldorf Toyota Hyatt Place Washington, DC/White House, Anonymous (1) Wonderful Life Foundation Crowell & Moring LLP Wisnosky Family Foundation Inc. and RLJ Lodging Trust Hotel Andreas Foundation The World Bank Community Cumvivium USA YourCause, LLC The Robert J. Kelly Revocable Trust Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Connections Fund Delta Dental Koons Arlington Toyota Far Southeast Family Strengthening The District of Columbia Bar Foundation Koons of Westminster Collaborative $5,000–$9,999 Equal Justice Works The Magnolia Family Foundation Fund Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous (1) Georgetown University Miller & Chevalier Chartered Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Anonymous (1) American Continental Group Graham Holdings n2grate Ayco Charitable Foundation Ameriprise Financial Greater Waldorf Jaycees Foundation Inc. Network for Good The Benevity Community Impact Fund Arlington Community Foundation $100,000–$249,999 The Estate of Margaret Shireman Headley P&A Family Foundation Inc. The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Arness Family Charitable Foundation William S. Abell Foundation Hogan Lovells US LLP Penney Design Group Foundation Association of American Medical Colleges Eric and Marianne Billings Foundation, Inc. Hunton & Williams Poor Robert’s Mission Catholic Charities USA Banco Ficohsa The Clark-Winchcole Foundation IBM Employee Services Center Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery Charles County Charitable Trust Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund The Community Foundation for the IQ Solutions County, Maryland Ernst & Young, LLP Bank of America National Capital Region J J F Management Services INC Robert W. Emery DDS PLLC Ferrero SpA Basilica of the National Shrine of the Forster Family Foundation Jim Coleman Toyota Saint Bernadette Fidelity Investments Immaculate Conception John C. Grimberg Company, Inc. Jones Day The Shooshan Company Fitzgerald Auto Malls Boland Services KPMG, LLP Kirkland & Ellis Foundation The Shrine of the Most Blessed Friedman French Foundation, Inc. Boone & Sons Jewelers L & N Andreas Foundation Koons Tysons Toyota Sacrament Heise Jorgensen & Stafanelli P.A. Carr Maloney P.C. Lemek LLC., DBA Panera Bread The John & Elizabeth Lane Foundation The Sidley Austin Foundation John J. & Helen M. McMackin Charitable Charles County Homeless & Emergency Lion Industrial Properties, LP Leonardtown High School Sidley Austin LLP Remainder Unitrust Shelter Committee National Philanthropic Trust M & T Bank Sisters of the Visitation of Georgetown Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding The Chesapeake Restaurant Group Prevent Cancer Foundation The J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott St. Andrew Apostle Church Trust, Inc. Chevy Chase Trust John A. Quinn Foundation Foundation St. Francis Xavier PEPCO Church of the Annunciation Securiport, LLC Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, Inc. St. Jerome Catholic Church RAST Foundation The Clark Construction Group, LLC United Way of the National Capital Area Matan Family Foundation St. John Neumann Catholic Church David K. Reyes Living Trust Clearview Foundation, Inc. McCullough Construction LLC St. Louis Community Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Community Foundation of Anne Arundel Meridian Capital Group, LLC St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church $50,000–$99,999 The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust County National Lutheran Communities & St. Michael the Archangel Church United Way of St. Mary’s County The Conway Family Foundation Bill Page Honda Services St. Patrick’s Catholic Church University of Notre Dame The Crimsonbridge Group Brown Advisory Our Lady of Mercy Church Trinity Health Vanguard Charitable Danac, LLC Capital One Bank PNC Bank Triumph Partners W. R. & Norma Ramsey Foundation Datawatch Systems CapitalSource Charitable Foundation Powell Family Charitable Trust TRUIST Wells Fargo DC Dental Society Foundation The Fernandez Foundation Retail Services & Systems, Inc. TW Perry Company Deloitte Services LP Healthcare Initiative Foundation The Ruppert Family Foundation, Inc. United Way of CEUWCM Dominion Foundation J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes $10,000–$24,999 Sheehy Auto Stores United Way of Charles County Foundation The Donohoe Companies Inc. Anonymous (1) Southern Company Urgo Hotels and Resorts Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Revocable Trust The Donohue Family Foundation, Inc. America’s Charities St. Bartholomew’s Catholic Church Vanguard Wellington Fund Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Ernst & Young Foundation

33 Washington Marriott Wardman Park Morvillo LLP St Thomas Young Adults Winston & Strawn Foundation Organization of Women of the Americas St. Catherine Laboure Catholic Church Zavala Harris Charitable Fund Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church Church St. Joseph’s Catholic Church $2,500-$4,999 Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church St. Martin’s Church Patterson Foundation St. Mary’s Catholic Church AIB/PSB Family Payroll Network, Inc. St. Mary’s Rod and Classic American Gas Association The PMI Foundation St. Patrick’s Church Arnold & Porter LLP Potomac Community Resources Stellar Solutions Foundation Ascension Health Ministry SVC Center Providence Hospital/Providence Health Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Ascentis Real Estate Partners Foundation The T. Rowe Price Program for Belair Auto Auction Regan, Zambri & Long, PLLC Charitable Giving The Scott and Patrice Brickman Family Ridgewells Catering T.J. Ettinger, Inc. Foundation Saint Peter’s Catholic Church The Talitha Cumi Foundation Inc. Bridgeway Community Church Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP The Trautschold Family Foundation, Inc. Brooklyn Community Foundation St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish UBS Financial Services Inc. Capital One Services LLC St. John the Baptist Catholic Church United Way of DEAP Castle Sprinkler and Alarm/ACE Fire St. Raphael’s Church United Way of Frederick County Charity Changer, LLC Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP United Way of Greater Atlanta Chopticon High School Catholic Charities Gala, April 2017 / Washington Marriott Wardman Troutman Sanders LLP United Way of Greater Philadelphia & SNJ The Church of St Teresa of Avila United Bank Park Hotel United Way of Williamson County CoBank United Planning Organization Walton Street Capital, LLC Constructora Solar Centro Americana, United Way of Calvert County The Covenant Community of Jesus LMEPAC Charity Program Custodial The Ward Foundation S.A. de C.V. United Way Suncoast Tampa Bay Area The Good Shepherd Account Washington Jesuit Academy Crowell & Moring Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Davinci Direct Cobham Management Services, Inc. Washington Nationals Baseball Club Da’Vita Foods Company, Inc. Vinson & Elkins LLP DaVita Markel Corporation White & Case, LLP Doctors Community Hospital The Wills Group, Inc. Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Maryland Association of Realtors Wiley Rein LLP Energy Federal Credit Union Driven Inc. Maximum Health & Fitness LLC Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP The Fishman Family Fund, an advised fund Encore Decor Inc. Mother Seton Parish Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & of the Brooklyn Community Foundation $1,000-$2,499 Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C. O’Melveny & Myers LLP Dicker, LLP Foley & Lardner LLP 2151 Associates, LP Exelon Corporation Our Lady Queen of the Americas Parish FTI Consulting Accelovance, Inc. Fairfax Residents Catholic Fund Peapod $500-$999 Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School AmazonSmile Foundation Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Pitcairn The George Wasserman Foundation The Antonin Corporation Folger Nolan Fleming & Douglas PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Academy Dental Care, LLC Robert Holder and Jane Holder AT&T Furey, Doolan & Abell, LLP Repair the World, Inc. Allstate Giving Campaign Foundation, Inc. Baker & Hostetler Ginsberg, Helfer, & Boyd, PLLC The Residences at Thomas Circle Baldwin & Briscoe, P.C. Holland & Knight LLP Bessemer Trust Company Gray Plant Mooty Foundation Rotary Club of Charles County Bank of America Employee Giving King & Spalding LLP Blessing Food The Hair Company Ruyak Cherian, LLP Campaign Leonardtown Church of The Nazarene Capital Impact Partners Help Association, Inc. Sacred Heart Church Bank of America United Way Campaign The Dr. Daniel F. Lynch Memorial Fund Catholic Health Association of the Holy Cross Church Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament Bion, Inc. The M&T Charitable Foundation Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Sanctuary Sodality Biscane Contractors, Inc. The Ada Harris Maley Memorial Fund Charles County Dermatology Associates Holy Redeemer Catholic Church The Shrine of the Sacred Heart The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Marymount University Cole Funeral Services PA Honeywell International Charity Matching Silicon Valley Community Foundation Church of the Resurrection The Miller & Chevalier Charitable Commonwealth Digital Office Solutions Jubilee Church Sizzling Platter, LLC CMR Insurance Agency LLC Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Katten Muchin Rosenman Foundation, Inc. Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Inc. Community Counselling Service Co., LLC Ministerio De Amor En Cristo Atlanta Herbert M. and Naomi Leavitt Trust Soltesz, LLC Cyclegiving Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc. Cooley LLP LeClair Ryan Southern Maryland Dental Society DePaul Catholic High School Inc.

34 DiPietro & Wise, LLC Wells Fargo Community Support Mr. Francis J. Falatko Mr. F. Joseph McGrane Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP $250-$499 Campaign Ms. Mary Fearman Mr. Patrick Michael McMurphy First Baptist Church of Waldorf Agilent Technologies Williams & Connolly Ms. Margaret Feeley Ms. Maria Mendez Ryan & Wetmore PC - CPAs Alex and Ani, LLC The Woods Academy Ms. Jacqueline Feeney Mr. Joe Merello The George Washington University All Faith Episcopal Church YourCause, LLC Trustee for Accenture Mr. Paul Finney Ms. Katherine Miller Hospital — Radiology Dept. Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church YourCause, LLC Trustee for TE Connectivity Ms. Kathleen Fisher Mr. Thomas Miller Gonzaga College High School Cassidy Law Mr. Ed Fones Mr. John Morella Groom Law Group, Chartered Catholic Daughters of America Gifts Given in Memory of Ms. Jean Funaro Mr. William Morris Henderson Legal Services, Inc. The Church of Jesus Christ of Mr. Walter Gallie W. Patrick Morris IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign Latter-Day Saints Ms. Susan P. Abaya Ms. Carol Gallina Mr. Will Morrow Jackson National Life Insurance Company Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church Ms. Aryana Abbott Ms. Catherine Gibson Ms. Elizabeth Moyer KaiserDillon PLLC IBM Computershare Ms. Rosemary Acquisto Mrs. Helen Gikovich Mr. Gene Mulligan Maryland State Council| Knights of DC USA Operating Co., LLC Mr. Timothy D. Akers Mr. John Gilder Ms. June Murchison Columbus Discalced Carmelite Friars Mr. John Albaneze Ms. Amabelle Glenn-Riley Ms. Frances Mutsch Lerch Early & Brewer, Chartered Elizabeth Seton High School Mr. Dwayne O. Andreas Ms. Mary Goldbeck Mrs. Evelyn Nalesnik Lexington Park Ford F A-18 Activities Fund Mrs. Dorothy R. Avery Mr. David Gormley, Jr. Ms. Janelle Nanavati Magna Legal Services Fresh Start Mortgage Consulting, LLC Mr. Benjamin Bahr Mr. Jack Graham Mrs. Debra Rose Nichols Morgan Stanley The GE Foundation Mr. James Bain Ms. Mary Jane Grefenstette Ms. Dorothy O’Connell Kelly O’Brien and Gere Hughesville Baptist Church Mr. Michael Barry Mr. Frank Grimes, Jr. Mr. Joseph O’Connell Planet Depos, LLC Insurance Auto Auctions Mr. Thomas M. Beenick Mr. Joseph Guarnieri Ms. Mary Jane O’Fallon The Primary Day School, Inc. JustGive Mr. Joe Beland Dr. James P. Hartley Father Agathangelus O’Herlihy Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. La Plata Lions Club Ms. Ellen Besket Ms. Maria Haywood Mr. Jacob Pando ROSS Companies Law Offices of Stephen L. Watsky Mr. James R. Boler Mrs. Diane Hemphill Mr. Joseph Pantalone Saint Patrick’s Church Mary’s Helping Hands Sister Celine Bombay Ms. Ann M. Hill Mr. Salvatore Papandrea Sayburr Construction LLC Mater Dei Council Charities, Inc. Ms. Mary Porcari Brady Mr. William Hill Mr. Robert Andrew Pastrick St. Anthony’s Church Ladies of Charity Most Holy Rosary Church Mrs. Doris M. Broderick Mrs. Katherine Hubert Ms. Regina H. Pearson St. Hugh of Grenoble Church Northrop Grumman Corporation Dr. Robert Buckley Mr. Carl Hynds, Jr. Mrs. Debra Pecikonis St. John Evangelist RC Church of Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Ms. Carole Bullen Ms. Mary Johnson Mr. Francis Jr. Pecikonis Columbia, MD. INC Saint Peter’s Parish Mrs. Bernadette C. Caldwell Mr. Ed Jones Mr. Edward Douglas Powell St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Salesian Society Inc Ms. Rosemarie M. Codus Mr. Michael Hegel Kappaz Mr. Arnold J. Prima, Jr. St. Mary’s County Tennis Association Inc. Sodality of St. Philip’s Church Mr. George Coker Ms. Dorothy Kelly Mr. Edward Puffer St. Nicholas Catholic Church Southern Maryland Mustang Club Ms. Meghan Tierney Coker Mr. Harry Kenney Mr. Hajj Rapheik St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Sovereign Military Order of Malta Mr. Patrick Joseph Colliton Father Raymond George Kenny Ms. Lauren Rice St. Vincent De Paul Society St. Joseph’s St. Dominic Church Dr. William Colliton, Jr. Ms. Barbara Van Ness Ketchum Ms. Mary Ridgely Church St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Mrs. Kathryn Connor Ms. Marina Kokotakis Ms. Bea Rocha T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. St. Francis Emergency Assistance Fund Ms. Barbara Corke Mr. Joseph Krauth Mr. Raymond Romaine Theological College Resident St. John’s Catholic Church Ms. Randon Costello Mr. Robert W. Langevin Ms. Mary J. Russell Activities Fund St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Mr. Gilberto Cotto Mr. John Timothy Lanigan Mr. Robert Russell Tri County Cruisers St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill Mr. Joseph Cusimano Mr. Steven Lewis Mrs. Genevieve Ryan UBS Employee Giving Program St. Vincent De Paul Society Ms. Greta Dallabetta Mr. Loreto Lorenzo Ms. Judy Ryan United Way of Central Maryland Stein Mitchell Cipollone Beato & Mrs. Yvonne Daughters Mr. Charles Maneri Shelia S. United Way of Greater Houston Missner LLP Ms. Anna May Dixon Dr. James K. Marsh Samir United Way of Rhode Island SunTrust United Way Campaign Mr. Thomas Driscoll Dr. Jim Marsh Mr. Frank P. Saponaro, Jr. United Way of the Coastal Empire Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland Mr. Robert Dunne Mr. Lee Maynard Mr. Edward Schmitt Wiley Rein, LLP United Way of Midland County Ms. Dolores Dyke Ms. Harriet McCarthy Mr. Robert Schwartz Woodmen of the World Waldorf Lions Club Mr. Emmanuel Eding Mr. Sean F. McCarthy Ms. Faye Sennett YourCause, LLC Trustee for PayPal Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Mr. John Etzel Mrs. Megan McConville Ms. Virginia Shahrok

35 Mr. Hajji Rahpeik Shahsavan Gifts Made in Honor of Mr. Paul Harney Mr. Robert Short Mrs. Rosemary Hartley Mathur Simlote Mr. Brent Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hennemeyer Mr. Ellsworth Edwin Sinclair Mr. Rocco Angello Mr. Vincent Hill Ms. Alexis B. Smith Ms. Katherine Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fay Ms. Patricia Smith Mr. Frank Barsotti Mr. John Hurley Dr. Ronald L. Sollock Mr. John Bass Mr. Joseph Hynds Ms. Ginny Bigelow Ms. Audrey Somerville Ms. Jeanne Isler Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Billings, Sr. Ms. Claire Jackson Ms. Charlotte Sorrells Ms. Carole J. Bittman Mr. Clyde Jaynes Ms. Hattie B. Spell Reverend Donald Brice Mr. Jim Jerome Mr. Jack L. Sprague Ms. Phyllis Broms Mr. Ed Jones Ms. Rosie Stapleton Mr. Patrick Broussard Mr. Justin Jones Mr. Alexander Stavovy Ms. Mary Patrice Brown Mr. MIchael Joyce Mrs. Ethel Stone Mrs. Guenevere Burke Mr. John Kane Nutritious and affordable food package from SHARE Food Network. Ms. Louise Ellis Strickland Ms. Eleonore Calis Ms. Dorothy Kelly Ms. Mary S. Sullivan Father Paul Campbell Ms. Mary Frances Kertz Mrs. Jacqueline Rishty Ms. Karen Webster Ms. Adrienne Szigety Ms. Lyla Carmel-Jessup Dr. Natalie Kirilichin Ms. Josefina Rivas Mr. Dan Wendt Mr. Joseph Szlasa Mr. Scott Case Ms. Maia Larsson Mr. Fredy Romero Reverend Monsignor Michael Wilson Ms. Ann Teare Mr. Dennis Cassidy Mr. Jim Le Gette Rosenbleets Mr. Tim Wise Mr. Joseph Tesoriero Mr. Daniel Christovich and Leadership Southern Maryland Class Mr. Bill Russo Mrs. Mary Ruth Yao Mr. Robert William Tobin, Jr. Mrs. Lisa Kazor-Christovich of 2012 Ms. Judy Ryan Ms. Mitzi Clark Mr. James LeGette Ms. Elizabeth Zygmunt Mr. Daniel W. Toohey Saint Joseph of Cupertino Saint Mr. David Cleveland Mr. Joseph Linggi The Honorable Frederick B. Ugast Thomas Aquinas Mrs. Genevieve Vetter Ms. Susan Coppola Mr. Zachary Loney Special Thanks to… Ms. Charlene Coyukiat Mr. John M. Lyons Mr. Erik Salmi Mr. Griffin Weber Van Sauter Architect of the Capitol Reverend Donald P. Worch Ms. Jeanne Crossland Mr. Russel Macahilig Charles County Charitable Trust Reverend William G. Curlin Mr. Eugene McCarthy Ms. Olivia Scalisi Mr. William Michael Louis Yancosky Charles County Government Ms. Ticia Curtis Mr. Kevin McConville Mr. Chris Schrader Ms. Sylvia Zorrilla City of Rockville Mr. J. Scott Curvey Mr. Tommy McGahee Sal and Andrea Selvaggio Mr. Kenneth Leroy Zwier District of Columbia Mr. James Curvey Mr. Gerard McLain Mr. Christian Shami Federal Emergency Management Agency Mr. Jeffrey Curvey Mr. Roger McPherson Mr. Patrick Shannon City of Gaithersburg Bequests, Estates, Ms. Ann Catherine Dallas Ms. Kay Mitchell Mr. Robert Shesser Montgomery County Government & Trusts Ms. Eleanor Davis Mr. James Moore Ms. Gladys Skinner Ms. Joan C. Devlin Mr. Gene Morris Mr. Curt Sloan Prince George’s County Government Anonymous (1) Mr. Rolando Diaz Mr. Martin Mullan Mr. Tony St Leger St. Mary’s County Commissioners The Estate of Frederick J. Carberry Reverend Monsignor John J. Enzler Ms. Brooke Myatt The Shelter Staff State of Maryland The Estate of Catherine O. Fiora Ms. Jan Esler Ms. Louise Myer Ms. Eva Stone U.S. Department of Agriculture The Estate of Margaret Shireman Headley Mr. Eric Ewen Mr. James T. Nalls, Sr. Ms. Kathy Stranahan U.S. Department of Defense The Robert J. Kelly Revocable Trust Mr. Jim Feroli Ms. Arleen LaBella O’Brien Ms. Nora Stranahan U.S. Department of Education Herbert M. and Naomi Leavitt Trust Mr. Nicola Ferrante Mr. John O’Brien Ms. Hannah Thompson U.S. Department of Health and John J. & Helen M. McMackin Ms. Rowena Figueroa Mrs. Laurie Parris Mr. Oakleigh Thorne Human Services Charitable Remainder Unitrust Mr. Bill Ford Mr. Patrick J. Patton Mr. Nathan Tillman U.S. Department of Homeland Security The Estate of G. Raymond Pelkey Mr. Dave Gilsinn Ms. Madeleine Peckham Ms. Clotilde Moratilla Torregrosa U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development David K. Reyes Living Trust Mr. Leonard S. Gradowski Ms. Susanna Pinto Ms. Cathryn Tsu Beth and John Veihmeyer U.S. Department of Interior Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Revocable Trust Mr. Matt Gross Mr. Jonathan Prettyman Mr. Bob Gullo Mr. Toni Radler Mr. Joseph J. Walsh U.S. Department of Justice Ms. Eileen Hadley Ms. Kay Redfern Mr. Dave Ward U.S. General Services Administration

36 We are truly blessed to be part of the work Catholic Charities does. Our roles as President and CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington continue to be an honor and a privilege. Each day we are fortunate to support some of the most dedicated people in the region as together we serve those most in need.

This year in particular has been filled with stories of inspiration and great rewards. We developed new partnerships within the community, saw incredible volunteers share their skills and passions with those most in need, and of course, witnessed countless success stories in our 58 programs across D.C and five Maryland counties.

As Pope Francis says, the Body of Christ can be seen “through charity and sharing, in the faces and persons of the most vulnerable.” This is why we, at Catholic Charities, strive every day serve those who are most vulnerable, and work to meet the needs of our community.

We know that many of the people who come to us in need are victims of circumstance, and struggling to find hope and compassion as they deal with housing, financial, family, or health issues. Through our dedicated staff and passionate volunteers, we continue in our mission of “Restoring Hope.”

Whether people seek help for legal issues, immigration services, crisis counseling, food and nutrition programs, refugee programs, low-cost health and dental care, or, as is often the case, people come to us seeking multiple services. This is why Catholic Charities has such success in the outcomes of those we serve and none of it would be possible without supporters such as yourself.

Our deepest prayers and thanks are with you and your family for including us in your life.

Msgr. John Enzler R. Scott Pastrick President and CEO Chairman of the Board

37 Catholic Charities Non-profit of the Archdiocese of Washington US Postage 924 G Street, NW PAID Permit No. 06644 Washington, DC 20001-4532 Richmond, VA

924 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001

GRAPHIC DESIGN For Help (202) 772-4300 Oltjen Design Associates To Help (202) 772-4394

WRITING & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT TEAM Tara Arras, Lesa Rair, Katie Atmonavage, Combined Federal Campaign # 83997 Sean Wood, David Edmondson United Way # 8054