INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fuel Taxes...... 1 Moody Aviation Impact...... 1 Scattered & Broken Clouds...... 3 WPA Annual Meeting...... 3 Four Nuts & A Bolt...... 3 FATPNW...... 4 Robert Carr - Scholarship Winner...... 5 Westside Story...... 5 Report--Stehekin...... 6


President’s Fuel Taxes; Follow the Money By John Dobson The WPA is asking the State two questions: 1. How much of what we pay for a gallon Message… of fuel goes to taxes? funding shortfalls 2. How much of that tax goes to support How does our funding compare to other states? ADVOCACY . . . our aviation system? THE WPA AND For every gallon of fuel purchased we pay YOU . . . the following: What is the 1. Flowage Rate (local airport) $.03 / gal value of the WPA 2. WA State Excise Tax $.11/ gal for you? A good, 3. Federal Excise Tax $.24 / gal 4% valid question, in 4. Federal LUST Tax $.001 / gal deed. Our message 5. Federal Oil Spill Tax $.0019 / gal has always been 6. WA Oil Spill Tax $.00095 / gal one of preserving 7. State Sales Tax $ 6.5% (States Portion) your right to fly EXEMPTIONS to the WA State Excise 95% through Advocacy, Tax ($.11 / gal) apply to 96 percent of ALL John Dobson, Outreach, fuel transactions . . . Specifically Commercial WPA President Education, and Airlines. GA Users are NOT exempt. Social. For The WPA is acutely aware that our air- whatever reason there seems to be a major ports will need $3.6 Billion over the next 20 disconnect between the casual observer and years. That equates to $12 million per year. the work we do at the State level. So let’s talk WSDOT-Aviation Division has a funding State is among the lowest in state specifics for you! shortfall of $8.4 million per year. House bill, HB 2413, sponsored by Rep. There are two options to be considered. funding for airport investments. Dent (R-Moses Lake) was read for the first Amend the exemptions, or reallocate all or a (source: WSDOT Airport Investment Study) time on January 18, 2016. The focus of the portion of the 6.5% sales tax from the Gen- (Continued on page 4) eral Fund to the Aviation Division. Pass it on! Moody Aviation and its

impact on By Marian Heale Moody Aviation, a division of Moody Moody also adds significantly to the Bible Institute, has put down roots in “Operations”, or take-offs and landings, at Spokane as only an entity meaning to stay Felts Field, which in turn makes a difference long-term and contribute to the community in federal and matching funds available can. to the airport. The number of operations Though pilot and maintenance quoted annually also makes a difference certification is offered only to Moody in whether or not an airport is considered students planning on a life in Mission to require a control tower. Moody was a Aviation, Moody has made a large impact major factor in Felts being able to keep their on Felts Field, the General Aviation airport in Spokane. The institute (Continued on page 7) offers two training courses each year. The first consists of an IA Refresher Course which is Saturday, March 5, and the second is a two- day Aviation Safety Seminar Thursday and Friday, March 3-4. The courses are open to any aviation enthusiast who wants to attend. Wings Legislative Report

January 2016 By Blake McKinley, Jr. The 2016 legislature is in session. We medical certificate, they will be required to are taking the lead on a bill, with the help of obtain a one-time medical certificate. After Rep. Dent, which would change the aircraft obtaining the medical certificate (regular or registration penalty structure. Basically it special issuance) no further FAA medical would lower the penalty aspect and streamline certification will be required. If certain the collection process for WSDOT-Aviation. medical factors exist such as certain cardiac, At this point, Rep. Dent has introduced this psychological, or neurological conditions Doug Haughton’s grandson seems to speak pilot on a recent fly-out to Orcas Island. legislation. We are early in the legislative then a one-time special issuance medical Jim Posner’s beautiful aircraft can be seen out the window. session, stay tuned. will be necessary. This revision to medical I encourage our membership to keep certification would allow pilots to fly under an eye on the national issues, Pilots Bill visual or instrument flight rules in aircraft of Rights-2 (PBOR-2) and the User Fee weighing up to 6,000 pounds and carrying discussion. up to five passengers below 18,000 feet and Pilots Bill of Rights-2 continues to at 250 knots or below. make progress through Congress. The The User Fee discussion, also known medical reform portion to the third class as ATC privatization is probably the biggest medical process would allow pilots who concern once again facing General Aviation. have held a third class medical (regular or In every single country that has gone to this

special issuance) over the past ten years to fly system general aviation has been adversely

Bellevue, WA 98004-9721 WA Bellevue, without the requirement of obtaining another impacted. This is a move primarily driven by

PMB 397, 227 Bellevue Way NE Way Bellevue 227 397, PMB FAA medical exam. For those pilots with a the airlines. It is important to remember that Washington Pilots Association Pilots Washington medical certificate that lapsed over ten years ago, or for those who have never held a FAA (Continued on page 4) Page 2 - WPA Wings February - March 2016 Pierce County/Thun Field Airport View Property! 16715 Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 By Tom Jensen, Airports Director Thun Field, built in 1944, is just south of the City of Puyallup and offers spectacular views of Mt Rainier. The Airport has 211 single-engine and 20 multi-engine piston-powered. 16-34 Pierce County Airport (KPLU) is the your “Spamcan” (Cessna.) The Hangar Inn (3,650 ft long, 60 ft wide) has an asphalt surface and pilot-controlled medium intensity runway lights. Each end has precision approach path indicators for vertical guidance. Both ends have other airport under Pierce County Airports restaurant is a great stop for any of your runway end indicator lights. Runway 16 approach is visual. Runway 34 has a published non- and Ferry District manager Deb Wallace. three daily meals. precision GPS approach. Between the two airports, maintenance such Along with the Central Pierce Fire and NOTE: Data on this page comes from the WA Airport Information System Database (AIS). as mowing and expertise is shared, as reported Rescue on the SE corner of the field, there are AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS in the Oct-Nov 2015 WINGS issue, for great several serious, nationally-known businesses Location Service Classification Approach Legislative Dist: 25 Federal: General Aviation Airport Airport Elevation: 537 and efficient service to GA. on the airport, providing parts, service and Associated City: Puyallup Community Approach Category: B: 91 to < Lissa Smith, a long-time Stinson owner, training. Among these are outfits like Spencer County: Pierce State: Service 121 knots is the airport lead manager who is dedicated aircraft, NorthWest Propeller, Wings West to great service with a smile. (Why do I say (governor service)and AvStar, who specialize Organizational Structure Runway(s) Type of Airport Ownership Type: County Govt. Number: 1 FAA: IIB that? I’ve even seen her mowing on her day in Bonanzas and aircraft weighing. Clover Owner: Pierce County Type(s): Asphalt Description: Beech King Air off.) She even offers engine oil reclaiming for Park Technical College is next door to the aviation good citizens. fire station. Painting and “old aircraft” expert KPLU was started by the Thun family a services are also available AIRPORT ACTIVITY Activities Based Aircraft Cargo long time ago and until recently was managed The airport also hosts a Civil Air Patrol Based Transient AIS Last Updated: 12/1/2011 by son Bruce. (It will always be “Thun Field” base and has provided important support as a Agricultural Spraying Jet 0 Number of Cargo Carriers - to me.) base to many air search and rescue operations Air Ambulance Multi-Engine 10 Total Cargo Volume (Tons) - Medical Transport Single-Engine 220 Spanaflight, one of the airports’ FBOs, for the CAP and WASAR (Washington Air Airplane Parts Manufacturing Y Rotor Based 3 Ground Transportation provides an important webcam to WSDOT, Search and Rescue), both who serve WSDOT- Aerial Surveying Glider 1 AIS Last Updated: 12/17/2010 Wildland Firefighting Military 0 Bus Service fondly known as the “Spancam.” The Aviation in time of emergency. Skydiving/Parachute Drops Ultralight 0 Taxi Service Aerial Tours Seaplane 5 Marine Service cam has a great view of Mt. Rainier and Please visit KPLU the next time you’re Civil Air Patrol Total 239 Rail Service it is a terrific aid for deciding if the $100 hungry or need parts or service; it’s a great Cargo Activity Fixed Based Operators Shuttle Service hamburger is what you’re going to do in and friendly place. Flight Training AIS Last Updated: 12/29/2010 Limo Town Car Commercial Carrier Activity No. of FBOs 0 Other Ground Transportation

Comparison by State Classification Take Offs and Landings (Operations) Airport Classification Low High 100000 Based Aircraft 239 21 239 90000 Operations 90,006 - 90,006 80000 70000 60000 Commercial Enplanements* 50000 40000 2010 - 30000 2009 - 20000 2008 - 10000 *Enplanements are passengers boarding a commercial aircraft. Does not 0 include disembarking passengers. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PiercePierceFuel County/Thun Service County/Thun Field Field Military Itinerant 0 0 0 0 Military Local 0 0 0 6 16715 Meridian16715 MeridianE Puyallup, E Puyallup, WA 98375 WA 98375 80 LL Commercial Air Taxi 3388 3388 3388 3388 Airport BusinessesAirport100 LL Businesses and Visitors and Visitors Commercial Air Carrier 0 0 0 0 MoGas General Itinerant 37661 56463 56463 56463 EconomicEconomic andJetPierce A Fiscal and impacts County/Thun Fiscalcalculated impacts forcalculatedeach airport Field for each startairport with activity start with that activity can be that can be General Local 20589 30149 30149 30149 directly associateddirectly16715Helicopter associatedwithMeridian Fuel the airport, withE Puyallup, the namely airport, the WA namely businesses 98375 the businesses operating at operatingthe airportat andthe airportthe and the visitors travelingvisitors through traveling the through airport. theFor airport. economic For impacts, economic multiplier impacts, effects multiplier are estimatedeffects are estimated from this initialfromAirport activity this initialBusinessesas portions activity asof andwagesportions Visitorsandof wagesbusinessandandbusinessvisitor spendingand visitor are spending re-spent are re-spent within the localwithin economy. the local Impacts economy.of Impactsairport businessesof airport businesses are analyzed are within analyzed the defined within the defined economic impacteconomicEconomic region, impact and visitor Fiscal region, spending impacts visitoris spendinganalyzedcalculatedis statewide,analyzed for each since statewide,airportonce startvisitors since withonce land activityvisitors they that land can theybe may spendmaydirectly their spend dollars associated their throughout dollars with throughoutthe the state. airport, For the namely fiscal state.impacts, the For businesses fiscal taxes impacts, paid operatingto taxesvariousat paidthe typesto airportvariousand typesthe of jurisdictionsofvisitors jurisdictions from travelingthis business from through this and business thevisitor airport. activity and Forvisitor are economic estimated.activity are impacts, estimated. multiplier effects are estimated from this initial activity as portions of wages and business and visitor spending are re-spent NOTE: All impactsNOTE:within theAll are impacts local shown economy. arein 2010 shown Impactsdollars. in 2010of airportdollars. businesses are analyzed within the defined Printed: 3/22/2012 ECONOMICECONOMICeconomic IMPACTS impact IMPACTS region, visitor spending is analyzed statewide, since once visitors land they may spend their dollars throughout the state. For fiscal impacts, taxes paid to various types AIRPORTAIRPORTof BUSINESSES jurisdictions BUSINESSES from this business and visitor activity are estimated. Counties inCountiesNOTE: Impact All Region: in impacts Impact PierceareRegion: shown Piercein 2010 dollars. Direct Jobs:DirectECONOMIC Jobs: IMPACTSEstimated jobsEstimated on the jobsairport on footprint the airport (excluding footprint businesses(excluding businessesthat are not thataviation-dependent). are not aviation-dependent). Direct LaborDirect Income: Labor Income:Estimated incomeEstimated paid income to the Directpaid to Jobs the Directlocated Jobs on thelocated airport on footprint. the airport footprint. PROPOSED CHANGE IN WPA BY-LAWS Direct Output:DirectAIRPORT Output: BUSINESSESEstimated valueEstimated of original value business of original activity business that activityremains that in theremains economic in the impact economic region impact region (some business(some activity business will beactivity exported will be outside exported of the outside region). of the region). Counties in Impact Region: Pierce The stated mission of the Washington Pilot’s Association is printed in the By-Laws to read: Indirect/InducedIndirect/Induced Impacts: Impacts:Increases inIncreases regional impactsin regional from impacts the local from re-spending the local re-spending of direct dollars. of direct dollars. Direct Jobs: Estimated jobs on the airport footprint (excluding businesses that are not aviation-dependent). Total Impacts:Total Impacts: The sum of TheDirect, sum Indirect, of Direct, and Indirect, Induced and Impacts, Induced for Impacts, a total regional for a total impact. regional impact. Direct Labor Income: Estimated income paid to the Direct Jobs located on the airport footprint. “The mission of the Washington Pilots Association is to advance the interest EstimatedEstimatedDirect Regional Output: RegionalImpact from Impact AirportEstimated from Businesses Airport value of originalBusinesses business activity that remains in the economic impact region of General Aviation in Washington State through Advocacy, Outreach, (some business activity will be exported outside of the region). Estimated EconomicEstimated ImpactEconomic Impact Direct Direct Indirect/InducedIndirect/Induced Total ImpactTotal Impact Education, and Social Activities.” Jobs JobsIndirect/Induced Impacts: Increases in regional impacts 50 from the 50 local re-spending of direct dollars. 86 86 136 136 Labor IncomeLaborTotal Impacts:Income The sum of$ Direct, 3,900,000 Indirect, $ and 3,900,000 $ Induced Impacts, $ for a total 3,600,000 regional impact. 3,600,0007,500,000 7,500,000 Output Output $ 13,900,000 $ 13,900,000 $ $ 11,400,000 11,400,00025,300,000 25,300,000 It was recently noticed that the “Mission” has been written several different ways on Estimated Regional Impact from Airport Businesses different documents. One of these was, “To advance and protect the interests of VISITOR VISITORSPENDINGEstimated SPENDINGEconomic Impact Direct Indirect/Induced Total Impact Impact Region:ImpactJobs Region: WashingtonWashington State (once State visitors (once land visitors they may land spend they 50 maytheir spendmoney their throughout money thethroughout state). the 86 state). 136 General Aviation in Washington State through Advocacy, Outreach, Education and Total VisitorTotalLabor Spending: Visitor Income Spending:Estimated totalEstimated annual total spending annual by $ spending visitors 3,900,000 traveling by visitors through $traveling this through airport. this airport. 3,600,000 7,500,000 Social Activities.” Direct Jobs:DirectOutput Jobs: Estimated jobsEstimated supported jobs by supported the total $ byestimated the13,900,000 total visitor estimated expenditures.$ visitor expenditures. 11,400,000 25,300,000 Direct LaborDirect Income: Labor Income:Estimated incomeEstimated paid income to the Directpaid to Jobs the Directsupported Jobs by supported visitor expenditures. by visitor expenditures. Direct Output:DirectVISITOR Output: SPENDINGEstimated valueEstimated of original value visitor of original spending visitor that spending remains that in theremains state in(some the state visitor (some spending visitor spending It has been proposed that the WPA By-Laws be changed to read: Impact Region: dollars paiddollars Washingtonto businesses paid to State businesseswill be(once exported visitors will be out landexported of thethey state). mayout of spend the state). their money throughout the state). Indirect/InducedIndirect/InducedTotal VisitorImpacts: Spending: Impacts:Increases inIncreasesEstimated regional impactsin total regional annual from impacts thespending local from re-spending by the visitors local travelingre-spending of direct throughdollars. of direct this dollars.airport. “The mission of the Washington Pilots Association is: To advance and protect Total Impacts:TotalDirect Impacts: Jobs: The sum of TheDirect,Estimated sum Indirect, of jobs Direct, supportedand Indirect, Induced by and Impacts,the Induced total estimatedfor Impacts, a total regionalvisitor for a totalexpenditures. impact. regional impact. Direct Labor Income: Estimated income paid to the Direct Jobs supported by visitor expenditures. the interests of General Aviation in Washington State through Advocacy, EstimatedEstimatedDirect Regional Output: RegionalImpacts fromImpacts VisitorEstimated from Spending valueVisitor of original Spending visitor spending that remains in the state (some visitor spending dollars paid to businesses will be exported out of the state). Outreach, Education and Social Activities.” Total EstimatedTotal VisitorEstimated Spending: Visitor Spending: $ 2,635,200$ 2,635,200 Indirect/Induced Impacts: Increases in regional impacts from the local re-spending of direct dollars. Direct DirectIndirect/InducedIndirect/InducedTotal ImpactTotal ImpactAll State ImpactsAll State %Impacts State Impact% State Impact Total Impacts: The sum of Direct, Indirect, and Induced Impacts, for a total regional impact. This change will be brought before those at the general membership meeting in Puyallup Jobs Jobs 27 27 13 13 40 40 94,000 94,000 0.04% 0.04% $ 755,000 $ $ 755,000 619,000 $ 619,000 next February. Labor IncomeLaborEstimated Income Regional Impacts from Visitor Spending$ 1,374,000$ 1,374,000$ 3,311,700,000$ 3,311,700,000 0.04% 0.04% Output Output $ 2,200,000 $ 2,200,000$ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000$ 4,100,000$ 4,100,000$ 10,160,600,000$ 10,160,600,000 0.04% 0.04% Total Estimated Visitor Spending: $ 2,635,200 The Washington Pilot’s Association Board Direct Indirect/Induced Total Impact All State Impacts % State Impact FISCAL IMPACTSFISCALJobs IMPACTS 27 13 40 94,000 0.04% Labor Income $ 755,000 $ 619,000 $ 1,374,000 $ 3,311,700,000 0.04% EstimatedEstimated Taxes Paid Taxes to Each Paid Jurisdiction to Each Jurisdiction Type Type Output $ 2,200,000 $ 1,900,000 $ 4,100,000 $ 10,160,600,000 0.04% Cities Cities Counties CountiesSpecial DistrictsSpecial DistrictsState StateTotal TaxesTotal Taxes Airport BusinessesAirport Businesses $ $ - $ - $ 10 $ 10 $ 40 $ 40 292,000 $ $ 292,000 292,050 $ 292,050 Visitors VisitorsFISCAL IMPACTS $ 20,000$ $ 20,000 $20,000 $ 20,000 20,000 $ $ 20,000 127,000 $ $ 127,000 187,000 $ 187,000 Total Total $ 20,000$ $ 20,000 $20,010 $ 20,010 20,040 $ $ 20,040 419,000 $ $ 419,000 479,050 $ 479,050 NOTE: Tax NOTE:Estimatedestimates Tax include estimates Taxes Aircraft includePaid Excise to Aircraft Each Tax, Excise Property Jurisdiction Tax, Tax, Property Business Type Tax, & BusinessOccupation & OccupationTax, Sales Tax, AviationSales Tax, Fuel Aviation Tax, Fuel Tax, Washington Pilots State and Local State Utility and LocalTaxes, Utility Rental Taxes, Car Tax,RentalCities and Car Lodging Tax, and Tax. LodgingCounties Tax. Special Districts State Total Taxes Special Airport Districts Special Businesses include Districts Transit, include Schools, Transit, $ Hospitals, Schools, Fire, Hospitals, - EMS, $ Parks,Fire, EMS, Ports, 10Parks, Utilities, $ Ports, and Utilities, others. 40 and $ others. 292,000 $ 292,050 WPA Wings Visitors $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 127,000 $ 187,000 Association A Publication of the Washington Pilots Association Total $ 20,000 $ 20,010 $ 20,040 $ 419,000 $ 479,050 NOTE: Tax estimates include Aircraft Excise Tax, Property Tax, Business & Occupation Tax, Sales Tax, Aviation Fuel Tax, Executive Committee & Officers 227 Bellevue Way NE, PMB 397 State and Local Utility Taxes, Rental Car Tax, and Lodging Tax. Bellevue, WA 98004 President: John Dobson 206 786 6081 Special Districts include Transit, Schools, Hospitals, Fire, EMS, Parks, Ports, Utilities, and others. WPA Wings is published bi-monthly, (February, April, Past President: Les Smith 425 493 0451 June, August, October and December). Printed: 3/22/2012Printed: 3/22/2012Past President: Dave Lucke 509 326 2599 Submissions are welcomed! Please send articles via email to: [email protected] VP West: Jim Posner 360 626 4421 Send typewritten or handwritten articles to: VP East: Darold Shultz 509 999 5835 PMB 397, 227 Bellevue Way NE Printed: 3/22/2012 2016 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL SEASON Treasurer: Bud Smilanich 360 427 6844 Bellevue, WA 98004-9721 It is also the season for numerous other occasions and activities. While looking ahead Secretary: Marjy Leggett 509 547 4347 WPA WINGS is the bimonthly newspaper of the Washington Pilots Association (WPA), which represents the pilots of Washington to the holidays also think about your aviation community. Including friends, activities, State. Letters to the Editor are welcome. Letters must be signed flying in any general aviation aircraft seat, and supporting the organization that “has Directors: by the author and a contact phone number provided. your back”. Airports: Tom Jensen 360 825 6777 The WPA reserves the right to edit all letters and to refuse inappro- Membership: Amy Bellesheim 713 922 3011 priate advertising. Opinions expressed in WPA Wings, including 2016’s Washington Pilots Association promises to be better and stronger than ever. those in letters to the editor and advertisements, are the opinions Really. We have been talking about it and working towards that goal all year. Both at Safety & Education: Ken Davies 360 202 0836 of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the WPA. Legislative: Blake McKinley 509 924 0070 Information included in this publication is intended for entertain- chapter and state levels. ment and/or educational purposes only. The reader must not Dir at Large: Frank E. Hummel 206 499 9384 rely on the information contained herein to relieve him/her of the If you have not already done so PLEASE consider renewing your Washington Pilots responsibility to comply with Federal Aviation Regulations and Association membership for 2016 online at It’s easy. Communications: Marian Heale 509 624 1092 instructions. The reader is solely responsible for his/her own safety and in no case shall the publisher, staff, any officer or member Sincerely, of the Washington Pilots Association be held responsible for any WPA Website: use or lack thereof, that readers may or may not choose to make Frank E. Hummel, WPA State Director at Large of the information contained herein. WPA Chapter Membership Director Be smart, and please fly safely. February - March 2016 WPA Wings - Page 3 Four Nuts and A Bolt What Does Scattered And By Frank Hummel, WPA Paine Field Chapter Broken Cloud Layer Really Went flying today. Needed to seize the examinations. opportunity when I could. Aviating we went. By George Futas, CFII Happened to be a Saturday. Although 39 Minutes of flight time later I landed Mean For Pilots ?? conditions were VFR with an improving at Piece County Airport in Puyallup. The Saturday the 30-minute averaging period. trend for the day, looking outside easily four of us landed within minutes of one 19th was the first Flight category conditions: http:// would lead one to stay inside, light a fire another, walked into the airport diner, almost reasonable in the fire place, and ride out a gloomy day. had coffee and a meal, talked about flying, weather for VFR description/page_no/4 What follows below is a conversation and walked across the parking lot to the flight in several VFR (Green sky symbol) when ceiling between the Spencer’s Pilot Shop clerk and pilot shop where I started my bolt search. days. The METARs >3000’ AGL and >5 mi visibility; our party of four. Found the bolt section soon enough, at both airports, and MVFR (Blue) ceiling is between 1000’- First you need to understand I needed and the empty peg where the bag of right a couple enroute, 3000’ AGL and/or visibility 3- 5 mi; a bolt for the airplane. Of course not any sized bolts should have been. was MVFR IFR (Red) ceiling is 500’-1000’AGL bolt will do, it needs to be an airplane Except for the store clerk, only the four (Marginal VFR). and/or 1-3 mi visibility; qualified bolt. of us where there. The other three and clerk Ceilings were LIFR (Magenta) ceiling below 500’ This past August while cleaning were all talking airplanes and airplane typically Broken at 2500-2900, visibility AGL and/or less than 1 mi. visibility. Cardinal Air following the return from stuff. Even though my flying companions 10 mi, and forecasts for Broken 4000+ later As pilots we need to recognize that Wisconsin and reinstalling the rear seat were not there to buy anything, I waited in the day. Scattered could be almost Broken cover, and one of the seat anchor bolts did not want to my turn to ask the clerk if they might Three airplanes in our WPA Paine Broken could be almost Qvercast ! Also the rethread nicely. Its threads were buggered. have more of what I needed in the back. Chapter flew from KPAE to KBLI winds can change things quickly. Two hangar doors down was Bob. Bob Verifying with the defective blot I had with (Bellingham) for a fun brunch. One flew For our flight Saturday the lower level recently completed building his RV-7. I me what I was seeking, the clerk returned VFR under the clouds along the shoreline, winds were reported 10-15 kts, with gusts, reasonably suspected he might have spare with two handfuls of right sized bolt bags. one climbed VFR to on top and flew NW and at 5000’ were forecast 20-30 kts. So we parts. Indeed he had an exact replacement Gave me one and re-stocked the peg. I over the water, and then found a hole SW of expected clouds would form and holes open bolt and generously gave me one, refusing needed only one bolt to return to Bob, but KBLI, and the third payment of course. That’s how fellow happy to have a bag of ten to distribute to launched VFR and pilots roll, right? So I put it on my list to Bob and 612’s stock. A whopping $2.41 flew V23 on top purchase more of these particular bolts to for the bag of ten. then received and replenish Bob and Cardinal Air’s hangar Finished check out with the clerk. He IFR clearance to stock. At the Puyallup airport is Spencer’s asked the others if they needed anything. descend thru the Pilot Shop. A well-stocked shop for all They did not. The clerk observed we all clouds and complete the usual pilot supplies plus much more. knew one another. This conversation and ILS approach. Including fasteners for the kit builders ensued. The lunch out there. Clerk: Did you all come here together? discussion raised This past fall I flew down there Me: Yes. the question – what one evening after work to purchase said Clerk: Are you local? Did you drive does the Scattered bolt, only to find them closed having or fly? and Broken forecast switched to winter operating hours just Rich, Stephanie, Greg, and me: We really mean, the week before. Today presented another flew from Paine Field! especially to VFR opportunity. Clerk: (Looking out to the parking pilots? What does Saturday morning’s our WPA Chapter ramp) Which plane did you come in? MVFR (Marginal often gathers at the airport FBO to go Stephanie: See that row of four VFR) really mean to fly somewhere. Despite the gloomy day airplanes parked side by side? We came us ? How can VFR I taxied over to the FBO just in case in those. only pilots use the information to plan their frequently due to terrain and turbulence. anyone was hanging around for a fly out, Clerk: The four of you flew here with flights more safely. Also, with our famous convergence zone not expecting anyone to be there. I was four airplanes so this guy could buy a bolt? Some definitions are: N/S of KPAE the lower level winds could be wrong. Three other pilots and their planes Us: Yes. Cloud Cover: Few= 1/8 to 1/4 covered; higher. I was cruising on top at 5500 coming where poised at the FBO for a fly out when The clerk muttered something I did not Scattered = 3/8 to 4/8 covered; Broken = back to KPAE with 20 kt headwinds, saw I arrived. understand, but I do think he was a pilot 5/8 to 7/8 covered, where cloud (sky) cover a big hole and decided to fly under back to The Saturday fly out destination because he smiled. the airport. Guess determination process can be, well, Great to be in the saddle today. what, I found the involved. When today’s conversation For the record the four airplanes winds were: 30 Kts started I made my mission clear, I need a parked in a row supporting the “bolt at 2000’ at south bolt. We all checked and talked about the mission” were a Diamond, Skyhawk, of KBVS for about weather. Always good to do even though Bonanza and of course Cardinal Air. And 10 mi.! we all were reciting current and forecasted I did help persuade Greg to buy some T h u s f o r conditions based on each of our earlier airplane cleaning stuff. safety of your flight remember that Scattered can become Broken or Notice Of Annual Meeting Overcast quickly with winds above Washington Pilots Association 10 kts. at the cloud levels. Whether you John Dobson, President, Washington Pilots Association choose to bounce in turbulence 500’ The annual meeting of the WPA will last fall. Information about the WPA budget below the clouds, be on 20 February at the NW Aviation was printed in the WINGS that supported the and remain legal at Conference in Puyallup, Washington. The dues increase which was very well supported represents the summation total of the sky least 500/1000’ above terrain, or choose to meeting will start at 11:30 AM. Check the by the members. However, the by-laws condition element from the METAR report. fly on top, consider your alternatives if the program for exact location. A light lunch require that any dues increase be voted on METAR cloud reports: The vertical weather changes against your favor. Have will be served. Elections for officers will by a show of hands by members present at (directly overhead) distance visibility plenty of fuel and keep an eye behind you be conducted at the meeting and awards the annual meeting. So there will also be a to clouds from the AWOS location. To for you may find the 180 turn is your best presented. show of hands vote on the dues increase at compensate for the danger of rapidly alternative. Many of you are aware of the dues the meeting. changing sky cover, the averaging is Plan ahead to have fun, fly safely, and increase that was implemented by the board See you in Puyallup! weighted toward the first 10 minutes of the fly again another day !

Northwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show WPA Booth Frank Hummel, WPA Director-at-Large Again this year in Puyallup, Washington the Northwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show will be held Saturday and Sunday, 20-21 February 2016. In addition to the WPA General Membership meeting Saturday 12:00pm at the Northwest Aviation Conference, our Washington Pilots Association will be haveingits very own booth. If you are interested in helping to staff the booth, answering questions about our organization and why you are a member, you are most welcome to do so. After all we operate on shear volunteer power. If interested look for that email with WPA booth signup information. Or go to: go/20f044ca8a72aa02-northwest Helping to staff our booth or not, please stop by and say hello. Thank you. Page 4 - WPA Wings February - March 2016 WPA Chapters Around the State Most Chapters keep updated COLVILLE VALLEY - For current meeting web site, click on the Harvey Field Chapter, SHELTON-SANDERSON - The Shelton- information on the schedules, please contact Dave Garringer, and visit the Activities Calendar. For more Sanderson chapter meets 10am Saturdays website. Click on the “Chapters” tab [email protected], 509-684-1566. information contact Sandy Burn at 801- at Sanderson Pilot’s Center. for more information. DEER PARK - Deer Park chapter meets at 673-4380. SOUTHWEST/VANCOUVER - For meeting ANACORTES - The Anacortes chapter gen- the (KDEW) Administration NORTH SOUND/BELLINGHAM - The North information contact Bob Brown at 360- erally meets on the second Thursday of every Building on the last Thusday of the month, ex- Sound chapter meets every second Thursday 607-5060. third month (February, May, August and No- cept in February, November and December. of the month (except during June, July and SPOKANE - Meetings are usually held on vember) at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held in the The Administration building is located near August), at 7:00 pm at the Whatcom Edu- the third Wednesday of each month at the Micro Aerodynamics hangar on the airport. the south end of the airport. A potluck dinner cational Credit Union WECU® 600 Block of Mirabeau Park Hotel beginning at 6:00 PM. Contact Chapter President Karl Fischbach, begins at 6:30 pm, with an aviation-related Holly St. in Bellingham. For more info on the Meeting program information can be found at [email protected], 360-770-4260. program beginning at 7:15, followed by a North Sound chapter, contact Robert Powell For more information ARLINGTON - The Arlington Chapter meets short business meeting. Guests are always [email protected]. contact Chapter President Donna Childs the first Wednesday of each month at the welcome. For more information about Deer OKANOGAN & FERRY COUNTY- The at [email protected], 208 699 Buzz Inn Restaurant at 5200 172nd St NE in Park chapter and its activities, please Okanogan and Ferry County WPA Chapter 7394. Arlington (at the south end of the Arlington contact Darold Schultz at 509-999-5835. meets on the third Thursday of the month TRI-CITIES - The Tri-Cities Chapter meets Airport). A no host dinner is at 6pm and the GREEN RIVER – The Green River Chapter during late fall/winter to spring. Meeting at 6:30 pm at Bergstrom Aircraft FBO, Tri- meeting starts at 7pm. For more information meets on the 2nd Friday of February, April, locations alternate between Koala’s in Omak Cities Airport (KPSC), Pasco on the fourth contact Michael Tally, 425-359-0133. June, August, October and December and Whistler’s in Tonasket. Meeting times Wednesday of each month. For information BREMERTON - Check the website at for dinner and an aviation program. and locations during good flying weather contact Chapter President Mike White,, click the “Chapters” tab and For meeting information and other chapter vary. For information regarding a specific [email protected], 509-586-9785. click on Bremerton for detailed information. activities, including group fly-outs, WINGS meeting date/location, contact Lee Orr TWIN HARBORS - The Twin Harbors chapter Contact Chapter President Jim Posner, programs and other special events please at 509-486-4502 or Bob Hoffman at 509- meets the second Tuesday of the month at 415-990-0664, [email protected] visit 997-8141. 6:00 pm in Ocean Shores, location TBD. For for further information. GreenRiver/EnRoute_Monthly_Editions/ PAINE FIELD - The Paine Field chapter meeting details and more info, contact CLALLAM COUNTY - The Clallam County current.pdf or contact the Chapter meets the first Friday of most months for Fred Winge, [email protected] , 360- chapter meets on the third Thursday of the President Shane Mahoney at shane@ dinner and an aviation related program. 289-4186. month at Rite Bros (FBO) at Port Angeles, 360-802-2300. For detailed information on the monthly WENATCHEE - Don Flick, donaldflick@ Fairchild International Airport (CLM). Meet- HARVEY FIELD/SNOHOMISH - The Harvey meeting and other chapter activities, 509-885-6105 ings begin at 7:00 pm, and all are welcome. Field chapter meets on the second Saturday including group flyouts, maintenance YAKIMA VALLEY - The Yakima Valley chap- For more info on the Clallam County of each month, year round, at 10:00 am in seminars and special programs visit ter meets every Saturday morning at 8:30 at chapter, contact Jerry Nichols, oldnick@ Hangar 15 at Harvey Field. For more infor- or send email Yakima Airport. For chapter information,, 800-292-2978. mation on activities, please visit the WPA to [email protected] contact Les Flue at [email protected]. Flights Above The Pacific Stuart Island Cabin Northwest by Brice Van Baren Reserve Now! Flights Above The Pacific The WPA’s San Juan Jewel (PPR required) Northwest is an aviation community designed to offer Tom Jensen (253-833-6777) • [email protected] an outlet for aviators and flying enthusiasts to share their experiences in this beautiful region. Originally created as a Facebook group by Brice Van Baren, its total membership now tops 3000. Brice created FATPNW in February of 2012 because he felt a lack of connection between pilots in the area, and group where flyers posted pictures and wanted to reach out to those who shared his shared stories. same passion. The group began organizing seasonal “I found myself attending aviation Fly-In’s at local airports, holding events such related seminars and events, but never as the annual “Shop & Swap”, seminars, quite found the means to build lasting movie nights, all sorts of gatherings and WPA members work hard to make the Stuart Island ready for visitors friendships during these short activities” even tours of local towers and TRACONs. Brice reflected. Today, with over 3000 members, As an IT professional, Brice created FATPNW is considered one of the most Never FATPNW on Facebook one Sunday morning active GA communities in the PNW. Brice and literally watched it grow overnight. promotes the idea that everyone is welcome “At the beginning, the growth was very in this non competitive environment. Too surprising to me. It made me realized that “The purpose is really to offer a sense I was not the only one feeling a need for a of community for those who have a passion group like this.” for aviation. I love to hear that FATPNW Over time, membership began to members are taking initiative to meet even Early! include more than just pilots. Flight when nothing is officially scheduled by schools, FBO’s, controllers, mechanics, the group.” and aviation professionals started to join If you haven’t joined yet, you can find this dynamic group. Eventually, FATPNW FATPNW at grew to be more than simply a Facebook FlightsAboveThePNW/ Approach to Stuart Island in the San Juans – A WPA Perk

Legistlative Report President’s Message (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) bill is aircraft registration “simplification and fairness”. While 2012 Airport Economic Impact Study (WSDOT) most of the aircraft registration is about $65.00, there are fees 2013 Airport Pavement Studies (WSDOT) we each pay to use the system whenever we fly through the for being late to register. Passage of this bill will reduce the 2013 Establish the Aviation Caucus collection of fuel taxes and other aviation related taxes. More late fee progressive penalties from $400 down to $100. 2013 Contract Towers . . . protecting them importantly, the aviation system exists to benefit the entire In 2015, your WPA assisted in the passage of two 2014 Hangar use . . . Drafted a strong position statement population of the United States, aviators and non-aviators important bills. Passed in 2015 SB 5988 and SB 6057 in to the FAA through the movement of goods and commerce. Consequently, combination allocates 100% of aircraft Excise Tax funding to 2014 Airport Investment Study (WSDOT) it is appropriate that every citizen have some skin in the game the Aeronautics Account. Prior to signature 90% of the funding 2012-2014 MET Towers . . . Worked to regulate airspace through the tax system. We already have an efficient means went to the General Fund. That simple solution gained our encroachment. of collecting aviation related dollars, the best thing the FAA airports $637,000.00 (Times the Federal multiple equals $10.6 2012-2014 Worked to protect access to Pearson Airpark can do is be better at spending those efficiently collected tax million) for Washington airports! Note, $909,000 was returned 2009-2014 Vista Field dollars in the best leveraged fashion. Rep. Mike Pompeo to the state’s general fund in sales and B&O tax. 2012-2014 Land Use . . . Attempted to “require” noise (Kan.) is a leader in opposing user fees. His push is, “… that Your WPA assisted in an important victory. Defeated in and safety zones Congress take a commonsense approach to reforming the FAA 2010 the House and Senate attempted to pass a 1% Aircraft 2014 Silverpark planned near the Spokane Airport in a way that strengthens our entire air transportation system”. Excise Tax to be collected annually. For the average GA 2015 Airport Investment Study “Solutions” (WSDOT) In other words, the reformation process should not primarily aircraft that would have cost between $200 to $1000 every 2016 Aviation System Plan (WSDOT) benefit the airlines. year. For a Citation or Gulfstream owner the cost would have The reasons we fly are varied. For most of us the I would encourage you to contact your legislators regarding been SIX figures. excitement and thrill comes as part of a social function. Rep. Dent’s bill as well as your Congressional members In addition to actual legislation the WPA has been Look at the list above and ask yourself if it were not for the regarding the PBOR-2 and User Fee/ATC privatization to involved with or sponsored the following: WPA then who would have engaged at this level of detail for provide your input. Finally, if you have any concerns with 2009-2014 Long-Term Air Transportation Study preserving aviation in Washington State? So the next time factors affecting general aviation at the state or local level, (WSDOT) you fly to an airport for pleasure or business I hope you will please contact either myself, any state board member, or your 2011- 2012 RUS (Recreational Use Statute) remember that YOUR WPA membership had something to local chapter president. 2012 Lake Union, Overflight of National Parks do with it. February - March 2016 WPA Wings - Page 5 Westside Story Robert Carr: Successful WPA The Washington Pilots Association Scholarship Winner By John Miller, CFII, CFIG “West of the Cascades” Aviation Scene Report Robert Carr is a pilot’s pilot. When I met further hone his skills and get the required Robert he was the music director for the Spokane 40 hours. We finished the three hours before By Jim Posner – WPA’s VP-West – January, 2016 Catholic Church, which included being the choir the check ride and in September of 2015 he The formation Facebook group hosted a fly-in at the Skagit director and organist. Robert came to us from impressed Jay Bagley with his knowledge and of the new Skagit airport’s new restaurant (Flyers). Over 20 Southern California, started flying while in his instrument skills. There was never any Chapter is coming members of the Bremerton chapter attended as college, and learned that while he was making a question in this instructor’s mind that Robert a l o n g n i c e l y , did several members of the Paine Field Chapter. was going to do himself with Safety and There were over 150 people and 75 aircraft that proud. Education Director participated! The WPA could Ken Davies This group shot shows only some of the not find a recipient more spearheading the participants as many had to leave before the qualified or a candidate project. He writes: photo was taken and there were still folks more worthy to receive “ W e h a v e arriving afterwards a scholarship. Robert 10 signed up (the Work continues with the hangar was dedicated to the task, required number) I thought we had 12 but they associations and other pilots groups in Olympia willing to put forth the had not sent in the apps yet. to breathe some life into a effort and a skilled pilot; Ken Davies once-vibrant chapter. One of he also had a future goal Faisal Jaswal the officers of the large flying to join the United States Eric Noste club there came to the Skagit Navy. So, not only did Kellsey Pillar event so I had a chance to talk the WPA support a fine Harley Monk about getting together this year candidate, but also one Rob Wake to do more recruiting from Robert Carr goes Under the Hood to practice instrument work that was preparing for Bob Harrison this club. living from his music, his passion was aviation. an opportunity to defend his country. I am Mike Watkins The AOPA Events team Three-and-a-half years ago I met Robert at very please to say that Robert is now in Rhode Mike Rumbaugh arrived on Tuesday morning Spokane Airways. He was very well prepared to Island in Naval Officer Candidate School. On Mike Dyberg Hood Canal and Olympics in their Citation Jet – N4GA take a biennial flight review and a delight to fly completion he will head for primary navel There were two from Photo by Doug Haughton – to start the formal planning with. He was signed off, and I hoped to see him pilot training. Needless to say his instructor Friday Harbor that were process for the August 20th again in two years. But, it was to be much sooner has encouraged him to apply for fighters and a signing up.” Fly-In at the Bremerton airport. It’s a two-day than that. He called a few months later and chance for a carrier shot in the F-18. When this Doug Haughton and I attended the Green series of meetings. As details are solidified, asked about working on his instrument rating happens I’ve also asked him to sneak me aboard River Chapter Christmas Party in Auburn. A I’ll be soliciting volunteers for the event and which, considering very successful event with an auction for their the days surrounding it. Make sure that your his previous BFR, scholarship fund that netted several thousand calendar is marked for the event and stay tuned!! would be a great idea. dollars. Way to go, Shane! Jim Posner I had also joined the The Bremerton Chapter’s Christmas party F33A Bonanza – N335HP WPA and was aware was also a successful event. Cell (415) 990-0664 that they offered a On New Year’s Day, the FATPNW [email protected] scholarship for which I encouraged him to apply. Church employees do not have a lot of discretionary income. Learning that he must have the instrument written test completed, Robert immediately did the work to satisfy his written which he Mike Foster, left, longtime WPA member and Spokane Officer acts completed with flying as Safety Pilot as Robert Carr prepares to go under the hood colors. Robert applied for the scholarship and for a ride, but don’t hold out much hope! was so awarded. Over the next 18 months we This scholarship was a win, win, win, flew together, also employing safety pilots. I win: Win for Robert, win for the WPA, win ADVERTISE IN WPA WINGS! determined he was prepared for the practical for the USA and a win for his instructor. I’m test in a touch over 30 hours. sure he will not miss trapping the third wire Ad rates & info at Robert continued to use safety pilots to very often if ever.

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Line Services Main Facility Terminal Building 5505 E. Rutter Ave. 6105 E. Rutter Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Open M-F 8am to 5pm Arlington, WA, (AWO) Open Daily 8am to 5pm Open Saturdays (seasonal) Washington Sector Call: 425-314-4338 509-939-8197 509-534-7371 Web: • Email: [email protected] Page 6 - WPA Wings February - March 2016 Airports Report--Stehekin PAE Chapter Christmas Party By Tom Jensen Director and My Skyhawk in the Future On July 24, Leo Dondlinger and I the gravity fed irrigation intake for better dodged weather to sneak into Stehekin (6S9), water coverage. The NPS conducts annual of Flight Gallery By Stephanie Allen one of the state’s public use airports in the weed control through agreement within North Cascades National Park. We met with the SUP which includes needed volunteer It has been 10 years since the Future of invited to attend the gala as a guest of FOF. hard-working WSDOT airport manager support for weed pulling at the direction Flight opened. The Paine Field Chapter of I was asked to display my Lindy trophies. Paul Wolf and Jim Courtney, longtime of the NPS. Rock picking has been a staple WPA was their first party. We had 250 attend, When I found out the Erik Lindbergh was Stehekin Valley resident, local maintenance entertainment at 6S9, but all the melon-sized which included other organizations. Ten the MC, I thought it would be wonderful to contractor, and pilot to discuss airport ones are now MIA. years later, we came back to hold our 2015 take a photo of him standing by one of his maintenance and improvement plans for the YOU can help by commenting on Christmas Party in the Grand Lobby. We had grandfather’s legacies (the trophies) and of 2016 season. Paul is currently negotiating “2014-2017 Airport Layout Plans” under 89 attendees, with 90 seats available. We were course my aircraft. with the National Park Service (NPS) to “WSDOT-Managed Airports“ at wsdot. sorry we had to deny attendance for those It was an adventure to get my 1969 renew the airports Special Use Permit (SUP) YOU can also help by who requested to come after the reservations Skyhawk in the gallery through an opening as all yearly maintenance plans are required participating in WSDOT’s Adopt-an-Airport closed. Just a reminder that when a caterer is that was less than my wingspan. The QED to be submitted to and approved by the NPS. Program, as Stehekin currently needs your hired, the deadline is set by the caterer. So, was supposed to be in that spot, but tugging Please be sure to show your support in support. Thank you to the pilots from Felts next year, purchase your tickets early. Yes we into that area was a bit difficult. My Skyhawk 2016 for this valuable back county airport Field who have graciously offered support will be back to the Future of Flight on Friday, was there for one week. Upon departure, it by lending a hand at the next volunteer work in 2016. December 2nd 2016. took a little less than an hour to move it to the party tentatively scheduled this May/June. We were able to confirm Stehekin as This year, I challenged our Board of hangar door, there was a crowd watching. Most Updated announcements will be posted on a safe destination by searching <> which brings up the page. The NPS is currently considering RAWS weather station on the airstrip. With WSDOT’s request to renew the SUP and your no rain, light winds and a big dew point voice and attendance are needed. spread, we could be assured to make our WPA members have provided needed appointment with Paul. (The RAWS station help in the past with shovels and blisters is a utility not available through Flight when the irrigation system was installed Service, so jot it down.) years ago. Jim Courtney recently revised On our departure, we spotted and recorded coordinates of the lightning “smokers” which were the beginning of the Wolverine fire. Unfortunately, the terrain was deemed unsafe for access by ground personnel and that sucker blew up to 65,000 acres. It was one of the heavier smoke-producers of the 2015 fires. But like Paine Field Chapter Christmas Party the TSA says: “If you door prizes. They stood up to the challenge from Japan. I thought it strange that they see something, say and exceeded my expectations. Our members wanted photos of themselves with my airplane. Leo, Tom, Paul, and Jim working hard to improve the runway something,” so we did. say thank you to the following businesses for Skyhawks are the most common aircraft, over their very generous donations: D2 Portable 43,000 built, in the world. Maybe they were just EFIS, donated by Dynon Avionics valued at surprised that we could move it through such a $1095.00; Kenmore Air scenic flight for 2, small opening. Then Rich stated that they don’t donated by Kenmore Air, valued at $202; One have the opportunity to see small aircraft in Beaver Membership at HFF (includes flight) Japan. Now outside, ready for engine start, I donated by HFF, valued at $150; $125 Fuel looked back at the glass hangar doors to see a Card, donated by Castle and Cooke; 2 Hours lineup of people with cameras pointed. I guess of Flight Instruction donated by George Futas; we sometimes forget how lucky we are here in Coffee Table book of photos and note cards, the US to have this ability to fly. donated by Photos Happen, valued at $50; Lindy Trophies, Gold is 2008 Grand Jewelry by TGIB, and a Starbucks Gift Basket. Champion Contemporary and Silver is the In celebration of their tenth year, the FOF 2007 Reserve Grand Champion Contemporary. had a gala on December 17th. I, along with Contemporary period is for all aircraft HFF, MOF and FHC, were asked to display manufactured between 1955 and 1970 and aircraft. The idea was to have an aircraft for judged by the EAA’s Vintage Aircraft every decade since 1903. Association. Warbirds and homebuilts are in Rich and I were pleased that we were another category. JOIN WPA WPA is working on behalf of general aviation in the state of Washington.


800-275-7345 503-640-4686 Fax 503-640-3071 5625 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124 February - March 2016 WPA Wings - Page 7 Moody Aviation Impacts 2016 IA Refresher Course New Restaurant at SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 2016 (Continued from page 1) 0700 to 0730 Check In Richland Airport control tower two years ago when the Federal Government 0730 to 0820 Session I, Dean Wilkinson, AeroLEDs By Mike White was considering closing the tower. LED Aircraft Lighting - This session covers the benefits of LED Moody was founded in 1886 by evangelist and lights for aircraft and the installation and approval process. A n n’s B e s t businessman Dwight L. Moody in Chicago where the 0830 to 0920 Session II, Paul New - Cessna Pilots Association Creole & Soul main college campus remains today. The aviation training Inspections and Collaborations - This session covers the human Food Café is newly facility was established in 1946 when it became obvious factors involved with having one’s work inspected by others opened at RLD. - what should be looked for and why. The Collaborations that reaching many of those Moody wanted to serve could It’s owned and part covers the need to change the GA maintenance culture in only be done by air. operated by Ann which most mechanics shy away from sharing their collective & Will Lockhart, In 1967 the aviation division of the school moved to knowledge and accepting input from others. Tennessee. With a need to expand, in 2003 Moody Aviation formally of Baton 0930 to 1020 Session III, Ben McNamara - APS Brakes Rouge, LA. Ann’s began the move to Felts Field beginning with the A&P This session covers APS Brakes and how to obtain the best braking section. In 2005 the flight training classes moved to Felts features breakfast performance. from 6:30AM till and the first graduates were the class of 2007. 1030 to 1120 Session IV, Brian Cox - Tempest Plus Marketing 11:00AM and Lunch from 11:00AM till 3:00PM. For more advanced flight training there is a separate Group but closely related school at Felts known as the Spokane Aviation Spark Plug Design and Maintenance - This session covers Their specials include PO Boys, Crawfish Etouffee, Turbine Center. The Quest Kodiak, built in Sandpoint, the design, materials and manufacturing of spark plugs and Jambalaya, Collard Greens, Pecan Pie, etc. Ann’s is located in Idaho, was specifically designed for missionary aviation, includes service tips and tools for cleaning, rotating, gapping, the now unmanned tower building next to Sundance Aviation. and was initially intended to be part of Moody’s curriculum. testing, and installing aviation spark plugs. Fly on over to Richland and experience food unique to the However, the center became a separate organization, 1120 to 1210 Lunch Break, Lunch available for cash purchase. Northwest! Spokane Turbine Center, in 2008. Students from 18 1210 to 1300 Session V, Mike Busch - Cessna Pilots Association different missionary aviation organizations have taken The Rules of the Game: Maintenance Regulations for IAs - This courses at STC. session covers a wide-ranging discussion of key FAR’s in Another spin-off, this time from STC, is Parkwater Part 43, 65 and 91 that are most often misunderstood by IAs. Aviation, which is a for-profit company formed and owned Precisely how must an IA make an airworthiness determination? by STC. Parkwater provides factory-authorized Kodiak How about approval for return-to-service? What happens if an familiarization courses for all Kodiak operators. STC IA signs off an inspection with discrepancies? When is a post- has the only full-motion Kodiak simulator in the world, maintenance test flight required? When must manufacturer’s and customers have come from 15 different countries for guidance be followed and when can it be disregarded? Parkwater Aviation familiarization and recurrent flight What about Instructions for Continued Airworthiness and courses. These are the only aviation classes at STC not Airworthiness Limitations? What is the difference between specifically aimed at the mission aviation field. approved data and acceptable data? Between major and minor alterations? How about repair, overhaul, and rebuild? What As part of their community involvement program, STC aircraft components is a mechanic prohibited from repairing? has donated simulator blocks and introduction flights to local What replacement parts can be legally installed on a certificated nonprofit organizations and charities such as the WPA and aircraft? Are yellow tags, 8130-3 forms or other documentation EAA for their annual charity auctions. required? What are standard parts and when can they be used? Moody’s 2016 Safety Seminar How about owner-produced parts? What’s the difference The 2016 Moody Aviation Safety Seminars will offer between PMA, TSO, and STC and when are each of them classes such as aeronautical decision making as affected by required? What is the most serious regulatory violation that a pilot attitude, post-crash survival, tire maintenance, fatigue, mechanic can commit, and what are the penalties? and accident investigation. The classes will be offered on 1310 to 1400 Session VI, Joint Session with Paul New and Mike Thursday and Friday, March 3-4. Students can earn up to 4.5 Busch - Cessna Pilots Association FAA WINGS credits for attending both days. Registration A discussion of Maintenance Induced Failures (MIFs) and a time is recommended and for WINGS credit. Please register for for Q & A. each seminar at 1410 to 1500 Session VII, David Meyer - Textron Aviation Directions: Flying into KSFF: Park on the ramp west This session covers aviation publication updates, including: ICAs; of the tower. Walk through the old terminal building and TCDSs; Service Bulletins, Letters, Accessory Kits; Service east along Rutter Avenue to Moody Aviation. Driving: Take difficulty reporting; Airworthiness publication access with exit 286 from I-90. Turn north on Park Street, left on Rutter or without subscriptions. Inside Ann’s Best Creole & Soul Food, newest restaurant Ave. Moody Aviation will be on the right. 1510 to 1600 Session VIII, Chuck Roberts - FAA, FAA Updates on the Richland Airport Page 8 - WPA Wings February - March 2016 Green River Chapter Christmas AVIATION ACTIVITY CALENDAR Chapter Presidents, please verify time and location of meetings. Party and Fundraising Auction Any changes contact [email protected] By Shane Mahoney, President, Green River Chapter WPA FEBRUARY 2016 At the end of each year we use our voice well known to some of our members. Wed Feb 3 6:30 - 8:30pm Arlington Chapter Meets Buzz Inn Restaurant at December Chapter meeting to have some fun It even drew me onto the dance floor. If 5200 172nd St NE in Arlington (Arlington) and fundraise for the good of the community. anyone needs pictures to put any Green For several years we had a dinner and River Chapter members on the spot, I may Thu Feb 4 7 - 10pm Museum of Flight Wells Fargo First Thursday collected ‘Toys for Tots.’ We would also sell have them. KBFI (Museum of Flight) 50/50 tickets to fund a $1000 scholarship we Perhaps the best part of the evening was Fri Feb 5 10am - 1pm Arlington Chapter Meets - Arlington Flight Services Flight School (Arlington WPA) Sat Feb 6 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center (Shelton Chapter) Sun Feb 7 All day 50th Super Bowl - EAA Super Bowl Party and Chili Feed (Spokane Chapter) Tue Feb 9 6 - 8pm Twin Harbors Chapter Meets - Ocean Shores, TBD (Twin Harbors Chapter) Thu Feb 11 6 - 8pm Anacortes Chapter Meeting - Micro Aerodynamics hangar on the airport. (Anacortes Chapter) 7 - 9pm North Sound Chapter Meets - Whatcom Educational Credit Union (North Sound Chapter) Fri Feb 12 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) 7:30 - 9:30pm Green River Chapter Meets - Evergreen Sky Ranch (51WA) (Evergreen Chapter) Sat Feb 13 All day WAAAM Air and Auto Museum Open House - K4S2 - Ken Jernstedt Airfield - Hood River (WAAAM Air and Auto Museum) 10am - 12pm Harvey Field Chapter Meets - Snohomish Flying Service (Harvey Field) Desert Auction Action – only a Linda Latta cake could go for $1,000 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center (Shelton Chapter) awarded each year. In recent years we have the auction. Ahead of the evening, several of Tue Feb 16 8 - 10pm Olympia Chapter Meets - @ Pearson Air turned this event into more of a full-fledged the ladies made cakes and deserts to auction 8 - 10pm Okanogan & Ferry County Chapter meets alternating party with a fundraising auction. A couple off and members participated in soliciting between Omak and Tonasket years ago we were able to provide two $1000 donations. I want to thank the ladies and Wed Feb 17 6 - 8:30pm Spokane Chapter Meets - Mirabeau Park Hotel, scholarships as membership and attendance everyone who provided items. It shows what 1100 N Sullivan (Spokane Chapter) a group can accomplish! Thank you to all of the individual donators, Thu Feb 18 7:30 - 10:30pm Yakima WPA/EAA 206 Meets - KYKM - Hangar 1 at too many to list. And to these the Yakima Air Park, off Ahtanum Blvd. on 21st Ave commercial donators: Clay Lacy, (Yakima WPA regular meeting) GA News, Spencer Aircraft, SIM 8 - 10pm Clallam County Chapter Meets - @ Rite Bros. Aviation (Clallum County Chapter) Flight Center, Longhorn Catering, Kelly’s Mercantile, Steven Sogura, Fri Feb 19 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) Airport Management Group LCC Sat Feb 20 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center (Auburn location), now who have I (Shelton Chapter) forgotten? Wed Feb 24 7:30 - 10pm Tri Cities Chapter Meets - Bergstroms (KPSC) Curt Scott was the auctioneer (Tri Cities Chapter) with Donn Bauer as the guest auctioneer for a few special items. Thu Feb 25 6:30 - 8:30pm Deer Park Chapter Meets (Deer Park) They did a wonderful job! I had no Fri Feb 26 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) idea one cake was worth $1000 and Sat Feb 27 9 - 11am Pendleton EAA219 Pancake Breakfast - Pendleton, OR a photograph worth $1200. Yes, we KPDT (Pendleton EAA 219) raised a lot of money! Standing in 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center the front of the room was a special (Shelton Chapter) Judy Sindlinger enjoys Elvis up close and personal privilege as I was able to see so many laughing and so many expressions. MARCH 2016 started to increase. I wish I had a picture of the faces during the Thu Mar 3 All day Annual Safety Stand Down - Spokane Felts Field This year was no exception, in fact it cake auction. So much fun… (Moody Aviation) was exceptional. The party was a smashing It is absolutely impressive what the WPA Fri Mar 4 All day Annual Safety Stand Down - Spokane Felts Field success complete with food, live music, does. It is not just about flying and protecting (Moody Aviation) and dancing. Elvis was in the house with aviation interests. We support our local 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) Steven Sogura behind the makeup. Steven businesses, our community, and they support 6:30 - 8:30pm Paine Chapter Meets - KPAE (Paine Chapter) is a professional ‘Elvis’ with a beautiful us. It is a wonderful life we live! Sat Mar 5 All day IA Seminar - Spokane Felts Field (Spokane FSDO and Moody Aviation) 10am - 1pm Arlington Chapter Meets - Arilington Flight Services Flight School (Arlington WPA) Nominations for WPA Officers 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center (Shelton Chapter) and Directors are Open 5 - 8pm Annual WPA Scholarship Awards Banquest - Mirabeau The nominating committee for the WPA consists of the following officers: Park Hotel (Spokane Chapter) Past President Dave Lucke [email protected] Tue Mar 8 6 - 8pm Twin Harbors Chapter Meets - Ocean Shores, TBD (Twin Harbors Chapter) VP West Jim Posner [email protected] Fri Mar 11 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) VP East Darold Schultz [email protected] Sat Mar 12 All day WAAAM Air and Auto Museum Open House - K4S2 - The nominating committee would like to submit the following list of Ken Jernstedt Airfield - Hood River (WAAAM Air and people that have submitted their names to fill positions that are open this Auto Museum) 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center election cycle. Please respond to any member of the committee should (Shelton Chapter) you be interested in serving on the WPA Executive Committee 10am - 12pm Harvey Field Chapter Meets - Snohomish Flying Service (Harvey Field) President Vacant, need someone Wed Mar 16 6 - 8:30pm Spokane Chapter Meets - Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N Secretary Donna Childs, Spokane Chapter Sullivan (Spokane Chapter) VP East Tom Morris, Spokane Chapter 8 - 10pm Olympia Chapter Meets - @ Pearson Air 8 - 10pm Okanogan & Ferry County Chapter meets alternating Airport Affairs Tom Jensen, Green River Chapter between Omak and Tonasket Membership Brandon Freeman, Paine Field Thu Mar 17 6:30 - 8:30pm Okanogan and Ferry County Chapter Meets - Rotates Safety & Ed Ken Davies, Skagit Chapter (OKANOGAN & FERRY COUNTY) 7:30 - 10:30pm Yakima WPA/EAA 206 Meets - KYKM - Hangar 1 at Please submit your nominations to any committee member. the Yakima Air Park, off Ahtanum Blvd. on 21st Ave See you at the annual meeting !!! (Yakima WPA regular meeting) 8 - 10pm Clallam County Chapter Meets - @ Rite Bros. Aviation (Clallum County Chapter) Fri Mar 18 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) Sat Mar 19 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center POST YOUR EVENT (Shelton Chapter) Wed Mar 23 7:30 - 10pm Tri Cities Chapter Meets - Bergstroms (KPSC) (Tri Cities Chapter) TO THE CALENDAR!! Fri Mar 25 12 - 3pm Friday Harbor Fly Out - Friday Harbor (Bremerton Chapter) Sat Mar 26 9 - 11am Pendleton EAA219 Pancake Breakfast - Pendleton, OR KPDT (Pendleton EAA 219) Have an event coming up? 10am - 12pm Shelton Chapter Meets - Sandersons Pilot Center Go to: and post your event! (Shelton Chapter) SEE MORE AT WPAFLYS.ORG