Running head: SF VS. ARIAL: WORDS, NUMBERS, ANALYTIC THINKING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sans Forgetica font may help memory for words but not for numbers, nor does it help analytical 10 thinking 11 12 Lucy Cui a, Jereth Liu b, and Zili Liu a 13 Dept. of Psychology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA a 14 Geffen Academy at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA b 15 16 Corresponding author: L. Cui, Pritzker Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095;
[email protected] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SF VS. ARIAL: WORDS, NUMBERS, ANALYTIC THINKING 2 1 Abstract 2 Recently, the new Sans Forgetica (SF) typeface, designed to promote desirable difficulty, has 3 captured the attention of many researchers. Here, we investigate whether SF improves memory 4 for words, memory for numbers, and analytical thinking. In Experiment 1A, participants studied 5 words in Arial and SF and then completed an old-new recognition test where words retained 6 their study fonts. While participants correctly identified significantly more words as ‘old’ in SF 7 than in Arial condition, this difference can be explained by a higher tendency to respond ‘old’ for 8 words in SF than Arial. In Experiment 1B, participants studied words in Arial and SF and then 9 completed an old-new recognition test on those words in either Arial or SF. Participants had 10 significantly higher sensitivity indexes (d’) when words were tested in SF than in Arial, but no 11 other effect was found for d’ or correct identifications. Experiment 2 had a 2 (font: Arial vs.