Meeting the information needs of Consumer/Survivors in the Area


June 16- 30, 2012

Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre of Toronto, 1001 Queen St. West, Toronto Phone Hours: M–F from 9–5 / Drop-in Hours: M–F from 9–4 Tel: 416-595-2882 [email protected]

Call for Submissions to Mad Pride Toronto 2012: Art Exhibition and Mad Market

Tuesday, July 10 to Sunday, July 15

Mad Pride is an arts, culture, and heritage festival created by psychiatric survivors, consumers, mad people, folks the world has labelled “mentally ill”, and those in solidarity with us.

Mad Pride is about: • remembering and participating in mad history • challenging discrimination • advocating for rights • affirming mad identities • developing and empowering mad communities • having fun!

Our lives and contributions are valuable and need celebration!

The Mad Pride Toronto 2012 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce its first juried Art Exhibition and invites submissions by psychiatric survivors, consumers, and mad people. Works may be two dimensional, sculptural, or time-based arts. For two dimensional or sculptural works, submissions should be in the form of jpegs with artists submitting no more than 5 works for consideration. For video or film works, submit in DVD form by mail or via an electronic link. Please include details on media, dimensions/duration, year completed, and how to contact you (phone or email). Successful candidates will be notified on July 7. Artists will be responsible for transporting their works to and from the show and may decide to remain at the site to both speak about their work and sell it.

Submission Deadline: Friday, June 29, 2012 Contact: Martine at [email protected] 

Community Announcements 1 – 7 Employment Matters 7 - 8 Places to go 8 - 10

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Tabling opportunities! The Mad Pride Toronto 2012 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the return of the Mad Market and invites submissions that are consumer/survivor driven. If you would like to display/sell your art, crafts, buttons, t-shirts, gear, knitting, zines, books, music, baked goods or promote your blog, website, group, network, idea, consider requesting a table at the Mad Market on July 11, 12, 13 and/or 15.

Submission Deadline: Friday, June 29, 2012 Contact: Joanna at [email protected] or 416-516-1422 x 262

Mad Pride is celebrated annually around the world.

Help us tell people about Mad Pride Toronto 2012 by distributing posters/brochures from our website at or emailing [email protected] for copies. The schedule of events from July 10 - 15 will be available in the July 1st edition of the C/S Info Bulletin – Our next issue!!

C/S INFO’S NEXT WORKSHOP IS ALL ABOUT THE PEER SUPPORT POSITIONS AT CAMH Join the Consumer/Survivor Info Centre on Monday, June 25 from 10:00 to 11:30 am for a free workshop.

CAMH has recently developed a number of peer support positions within its’ clinical programs, and many people with lived experiences of mental health and/or addiction challenges have expressed interest in assuming these positions.

In order to prepare people for the next peer support postings at CAMH, Diana Capponi will be speaking about some of the other qualifications looked for or required beyond personal lived experience of the mental health care system.

To increase your chances of being selected for a peer position, come and hear about the competencies, or skill sets that CAMH looks for when filling peer support worker positions. Always better to be prepared!!

Shannon Quinn a CAMH Peer Support Worker will also be present to talk about her work.

When: Monday, June 25th. 10:00 – 11:30 am. Where: B-40 Unit 4 – Basement – Notices will be posted.

The workshop will be held in our favourite place to have workshops — Room B40 in the basement of Unit 4 at CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health at 1001 Queen Street West. Everyone welcome, no need to pre-register, although for the purposes of getting enough refreshments, maybe give a call and we’ll keep count. Helen at the Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre of Toronto 416-595-2882 or [email protected]

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Self-Help Support group for people who hear voices..

Third Thursday of each month [not in August] Thur July 21st 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

This is an open group for anyone who hears voices - run by voice hearers for voice hearers. Everyone who comes hears voices too and / or has other experiences that other people may not understand

If you are interested contact us at

We will invite you and send you info where to come.

We do not broadcast the location - but we’re downtown and very TTC-able.

Note - The location is not great if steps are difficult for you.

If you hear voices you are not alone

• Hearing voices does not necessarily mean that you are ill. • but feeling like they ruin or control your life – or even if they just make it difficult to watch TV – can be a pain in the posterior. • and if they lead to you becoming isolated then you can certainly becoming very ill indeed. voices are real …. Millions of people round the world hear voices many have found ways to make their own life with voices easier by learning with and from others who share similar experiences.

In hearing voices we aim to

• create safe spaces for each other to talk and listen to each other about experiences with voices • share and learn about ways we can live with voices we hear. And we do this around the world in small groups linking up in a worldwide network and community. We don’t tell you what to do, what to think or say about your voices We hear voices too.

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and if you can afford $50 [includes breakfast & lunch for two days] you might want to come to ….

Holistic Mental Health Conference June 21st and 22nd where I’m leading a workshop:

Hearing Voices : A normal Human Experience That will include info about what’s happening in Canada and Toronto

More info and registration…

recoverynetwork:Toronto people can and do recover from “mental illness”

Founded and run by people who believe in recovery: because we are living it – and we’re connecting with others around the globe.

We believe… • all human experience is of value and meaningful - if only we can hold open our minds and hearts wide enough and for long enough to understand. • the rich and diverse range of human experiences cannot adequately be described or understood by biomedical or clinical theories alone - especially those that are distressing and difficult. • just as mental illness is complex so we must embrace that in our approaches to working with it, to healing and especially assisting others in healing • our whole society [and perhaps especially mental health institutions] are in recovery: as much in need of learning and of healing as any individual • simply, our present system has sucked for way too long and change is way overdue….

What we do…

• We share ideas, media reports and stories from around the globe, help you connect ideas and throw in some opinion and sometimes a bit of attitude. • Sometimes we’re deadly serious, sometimes deliberately provocative, sometimes we just wanna have fun. • We are interested in making available to everyone the many ideas and practices that can help people emancipate themselves and allow them to find their own ways to heal.

We’re free

We’re free to you and free of control by any organization, profession, politics or ideology.

Recovery 2.0 is coming. You can be a part it….

Find us at

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SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012 from 1-5 PM at THE 519 CHURCH STREET COMMUNITY CENTRE, Room 201 (just north of the corner of Church and Wellesley Streets)

Psychiatric survivors/consumers/current/former patients & allies are welcome to attend PSAT’s AGM.

Hear about past activities! Decide future directions! Debate bylaws! Elect board members for the year ahead! Celebrate the unveiling of a “Phoenix Rising” poster! Make history! This meeting is wheelchair accessible. Refreshments and light snacks will be available.

For more information please call: 416-661-9975 or 647-764-4781 For more information on PSAT please see:

Important info: Home Repairs Benefit applications must be in by June 30th

Hi Coalition members,

So we’ve let you know that the provincial budget contained some cuts that are distressing. One of them is the home repairs benefit – for those on ODSP (or OW) who own their place of residence.

The deadline to apply for this benefit is June 30th, 2012. They then expect to pay the money out to those qualified before the end of 2012 except in particular circumstances.

Apparently the Ministry will communicate with homeowners about the deadline and removal of this benefit – but I wanted you to know as soon as possible (because June 30th is coming quickly).

So if you are a homeowner on ODSP, or work with people in this situation, PLEASE speak to your ODSP worker immediately and make sure you take advantage of this benefit before it’s gone. It is still unclear what the municipalities will provide that might assist some people with the same types of repairs.

A reminder that there is a campaign underway to fight the cut to this benefit and the Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit. Please send an email today! odsp/ Naomi

Naomi Ives Peak (Our thanks, Naomi) Co-chair, ODSP Action Coalition

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Are You on ODSP or OW and Have to leave the Province? (Thanks to our colleagues at West End Legal Services in Ottawa for this helpful information which was in their newsletter, The Advocate). Section 7 of O. Reg. 222/98 under the Disability Support Program Act, 1997, states: A person who is absent for Ontario for a period greater than 30 days is not eligible for income support unless the absence has been approved by the Director, as necessary, a) for reasons of health; b) to enable the person to attend a post- secondary institution; or c) because of exceptional circumstances. The clinic appealed on behalf of a client to the Social Benefits Tribunal and their client was granted permission to leave the country for 4 months without any consequences to the ODSP benefits. They note that for the purposes of Ontario Works: a person who is absent form Ontario for a period greater than 7 days is not eligible for assistance unless the absence is approved by the Administrator as necessary for health or exceptional circumstances. Copies of the article are available at the C/S Info Centre.

C/S INFO CENTRE’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION WILL BE A FACEBOOK PAGE – COMMENTS, QUOTES… THIS ISSUE, IT’S A CALL- OUT TO ANYONE WHO HAS EVER VOLUNTEERED FOR THE C/S INFO CENTRE OR CSIRC AS IT WAS MORE POPULARLY KNOWN FOR A WHILE. BOARD MEMBERS, TAX VOLUNTEERS, ANYONE WHO HELPED OUT AT THE CENTRE OVER THE YEARS. We’re 20 years old this year and we’ll celebrate with a party at our Annual General Meeting in the fall. Before that, we want to collect written words, art, digital submissions, really anything you’d care to send us about The C/S Info Centre or The Bulletin over the years and what either might have meant to you. Please send us your contributions to the project. [email protected]

Accent on Ability presents: Peer Support/Recovery Groups for Consumer/Survivors WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) 8 weeks, 2 ½ hours per week • Learn about the recovery concepts of hope, personal responsibility, education, self-advocacy, and support. • Create a “WRAP Plan” in order to detect and deal with symptoms and crises. GAM (Gaining Autonomy with Medication) 5 weeks, 2 hours per week • Learn to self-manage your medication. • Understand safe approaches to reducing or discontinuing medication. Pathways to Recovery 12 weeks, 2 hours per week • Create a “Recovery Plan” using the exercises in a self-help workbook. • Explore different areas of your life including: Living Situation, Education, Assets, Vocational, Leisure & Pleasure, Health & Wellness, Intimacy and Sexuality, and the Spiritual. When: Tentatively Tuesdays 6:15 p.m. Starting in the fall of 2012 and continuing into winter/spring 2013. Where: The location will be near Woodbine and Danforth. How to Get Involved: Leave a message at the phone number or email address below and we will contact you. Enrollment will be limited to 10 participants per group. All groups are free of charge to participants. Contact Us: Phone: 416-760-2197 Email: [email protected] About Accent on Ability: The objective of Accent on Ability, a registered charitable organization, is to reduce poverty by developing education, training, and employment opportunities for consumer/survivors of the mental health (psychiatric) system. For further information go to

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CRCT is starting two CBT groups for individuals who hear voices, and are distressed by their voices. WHAT: offering 16 weeks group sessions. Participants will:

‐ learn self‐management strategies using CBT tools and principles [developing a tool box] to cope with voices, ‐ learning to identify triggers/cues for voices and what keeps cycle going, ‐ understanding meaning of voices, normalizing information about voices, ‐ sharing coping strategies and trying out new ones etc. with the ‐ Learn connection of thoughts, mood and behaviour and how this relates to voices. ‐ receive hand‐outs, reading material, & other resources.

WHEN: Every WEDNESDAY for 16 weeks, Downtown Group: Wednesday August 29th, TIME: 1 pm to 3 pm

Scarborough Group starting: Wednesday September 5th, TIME: 1 pm to 3 pm

For more information, please call Jamie Lemen at 416 482‐ 4103 x 229 for the downtown group and Judy Gabriel for the Scarborough group at x 222.

The downtown group will be held at CRCT's main boardroom – 366 Adelaide Street East, Suite 241 (Sherbourne and Adelaide). The Scarborough group will be held at 2660 Eglinton Ave East (Eglinton and Brimley). TTC & Refreshments will be provided.

We are currently scheduling pre‐group interviews for the Downtown group for the week of August 13th (downtown), week of August 20th (Scarborough) – for screening and orientating potential group members to group goals, structure, format & activities, as well as address any apprehensions the potential participant might have about being part of a group, and assessing individual needs, suitability for and expectations of group

Employment Matters

See page 2 for the announcement about the next C/S Info Workshop which is about Peer Support Work and the qualifications needed to work at CAMH as a Peer Support Worker

George Brown College Both of these training programs have been developed in conjunction with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and are meant for people with mental health and/or addictions issues. Orientation Sessions for New Training Opportunities at George Brown College will be held over the summer.

Assistant Cook Extended Training (ACET) Date 1: Monday July 16th at 10:30 am at St James Campus, 200 King Street East, in Room 128 Date 2: Monday August 13th at 10:30 am at St James Campus, 200 King Street East, in Room 128

The application deadline is October 19, 2012

Construction Craft Worker Extended Training (CCWET) Date 1: Tuesday July 24 at 10:30 at Casa Loma Campus, 146 Kendal Ave, in room E321 Date 2: Tuesday August 21 at 10:30 at Casa Loma Campus, 146 Kendal Ave, in room E321

The application deadline is February 8, 2013

Please RSVP at [email protected] or 416 415-5000 x 6790. Please give your name, phone number, indicate which info session you will be attending and the number of people attending.

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Free Online Computer Training More than 750 different lessons have been delivered to millions of people in over 200 countries and territories by The Goodwill Community Foundation International. Some topics include – Computer Basics, Microsoft Windows, iTunes, Email Basics, PowerPoint 2007, Facebook 101, Internet Basics, Blog Basics, and hundreds more. Begin learning today at Thanks to the Regent Park Employment Services for this great resource tip. Places to go… People to see… Free and Low-Cost Events for June 16 - 30, 2012

For TTC information call 416-393-4636 (INFO) or visit the TTC website.

ART Daily to July 29 from noon – 5 pm. That’s So Gay. An annual Pride art show highlighting the depiction of desire and challenging the binary view of “man” and “woman” as gendered identities. The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen Street West. 416-531-4635 FREE

CYCLING Sat 16 from noon – 4 pm. Cycle & Celebrate the . The Railpath is a beautiful and award-winning public space providing a safe space to walk, ride a bike and enjoy being active. Take part in a stress-free bike ride towards and back plus a bike rodeo for kids, bike repairs, live music, a scavenger hunt and more. The main meeting point is where Wallace Avenue meets the Railpath, just west of Symington Avenue. 416-588-6288 x 229 FREE

FESTIVALS Tues 19 from 11 am - 2:30 pm. Jump for Jamaica Summer Sinting. Enjoy a variety of happenings, food and all-ages fun including the “Jump for Jamaica” song and “The Jump” group dance. 1607 Eglinton Avenue West. [email protected] FREE

Thurs 21 from 1 – 8 pm. National Aboriginal Day. Participate in an Aboriginal ceremony and learn more about First Nations spiritual traditions, music and food. Historic Fort York, 250 Fort York Boulevard. 416-392-6907 FREE

Thurs 21 from 6 -10 pm. Night of the Sacred Sun: Summer Solstice Concert. Featuring a peace flag ceremony, potluck dinner, youth performances and concert followed by an outdoor drum circle and bonfire. Children's Peace Theatre, 305 Dawes Road. 416-752-1550 FREE

Sat 23 from 11 am - 5 pm. Parkdale Summer Kick-Off Bazaar. Featuring local artists and retailers. Experience the individuality of the Parkdale community. Queen Street West and Cowan Avenue. 416-516-8301 FREE

Sat 23 from noon – 6 pm. Traditional Outdoor Pow Wow. Traditional drummers and dancers, native crafts, children’s area, a traditional feast and giveaways. Wells Hill Park, 445 St Clair Avenue West, east of Bathurst Street. 416-651-6750 x 2232 FREE

Sat 23 from noon - 11 pm and Sun 24 from noon - 9 pm. Fairbank Village Multicultural Summer Fest. Rides, a kid’s zone, live music and big screen TVs to watch the Euro Cup Quarter Finals! Eglinton Avenue from Dufferin Street West to Chamberlain Avenue. 416-646-0661 FREE

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Sun 24 from noon – 4 pm. Leslieville Tree Festival. Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests, Councillor Paula Fletcher, Toronto Parks and community groups present a day of music, entertainment, kids’ activities and green education. Leslie Grove Park, 1158 Queen Street East. 416-413-9244 FREE

Fri 30 to July 1. Pride Toronto 2012. A celebration of everything LGBTQ with music, family events, street festivals and, of course, parades! Many events are FREE

FILM Sat 30 at 3 pm & 4:30 pm. Global Dance Film Series. Short films examining the international perspective on various forms of dance featuring dancers, directors and choreographers from Australia, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Toronto, NYC and the UK. Studio Theatre, Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000 FREE

Fri 29 at 7 pm. Bike-In Movie Night. Bike-themed movies at the Pavilions in the Don Valley. Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue. 416-596-7670 FREE

Film News Glen Dewar informs us that the Public Viewing Area at the National Film Board 150 John Street is scheduled to close in September and the movies will be put onto the web. More accessible, but less fun, for some at least… I wonder how many times over the 20 years of our history that we have announced NFB films and events here? Helen

LEARNING Fri 22 2:00 pm. Understanding Dementia. A representative from the Alzheimer Society of Toronto outlines signs and symptoms, risk factors, current research, programs and services available to persons living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Toronto Public Library, Don Mills Branch 888 Lawrence Ave E 416 395-5710 FREE

Sat 23 from 12:30 - 5:30 pm. Women of Colour: Reclaiming Our Future! An education awareness workshop for young women of colour living in the GTA, with the hopes of providing the young women with opportunities of peer mentorship. Oakdale Community Centre, 350 Grandravine Drive. 416-333-0949 [email protected] FREE

MUSIC Sat 16 from 2 – 4:30 pm. Canadian Titans of Roots. Singer-songwriters Dan Mangan and Kathleen Edwards perform from each of their new releases. Festival Stage, David , 55 John Street. 416-368-4849 FREE

Sat 16 at 8 pm. Balkan Beat Blowout. The North American debut of Frankfurt’s Shantel and the Bucovina Club Orkestra with Toronto’s Lemon Bucket Orkestra. Experience the sounds of Balkan gypsy music fused with klezmer, punk, hip-hop, rock and reggae. Festival Stage, David Pecaut Square, 55 John St 416-368-4849 FREE

Sun 17 at 7 pm. Symphonic Finale. A free outdoor concert by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, conducted by music director Peter Oundjian, debuting a Philip Glass composition in commemoration of the War of 1812’s bi-centennial. Festival Stage, David Pecaut Square, 55 John Street. 416-368-4849 FREE

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Fri 22 to July 1. Various times. Toronto Jazz Festival. Over 350 performances of local and international jazz artists. Venues throughout the city. 416-928-2033 Many concerts are FREE

Sun 24 from 1:30 - 2:30 pm. Music in the Orchard. Live music in the garden, rain or shine. Bring a blanket and enjoy music by VentElation Woodwind Octet. Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens, 284 Spadina Road. 416-392-6910 FREE

PROTEST Sat 16 from noon – 3 pm. World Naked Bike Ride: Toronto. THE global protest against oil dependency, now in 70 cities in 20 countries. All ages, everyone welcome, bare as you dare, fancy dress or simply come as you are. Gather at noon at Coronation Park, near the foot of Bathurst Street. Ride departs at 1pm. [email protected] and FREE

READINGS Wed 20 at 5 pm. (Image)Ning Queerness: A Photographer, Writers And Readers. Readings by Sarah Schulman, Zoe Whittal, Sky Gilbert, Kamal Al-Solaylee and Wayson Choy. U of T Arts Centre, 15 King's College Circle. FREE

Wed 20 at 8 pm. Occupy Issue Launch Party Masquerade. The Toronto Review of Books launches its Occupy issue. Poetry Jazz Cafe, 224 Augusta Avenue. 416-599-5299 PAY WHAT YOU CAN

Thurs 21 at 3 pm. Emily St. John Mandel. Meet the author of The Lola Quartet. Runnymede Library, 2178 Bloor Street West. 416-393-7697 FREE

THEATRE Sun 17 from 9 am – 6 pm. Clay and Paper Theatre’s Day of Delight. Theatre, music, dance, poetry, performance art and puppetry, all on the theme of Love, Courtship and Desire. , 875 Dufferin Street (across from the Dufferin Mall) 416-708-3332 FREE

Wed 20 to Sun 24 from 6 – 10 pm. Cooking Fire Theatre Festival. A celebration of theatre, food and public space with original plays such as an absurdist take on Toronto’s housing market and a visit to a wondrous clock shop. Delicious organic meals from the park’s bake ovens. Dufferin Grove Park, 875 Dufferin Street (across from the Dufferin Mall). 416-655-4841 PAY WHAT YOU CAN

To subscribe to The Bulletin call the Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre of Toronto at 416-595-2882 or email us at [email protected]. The Bulletin is published on the 1st and 16th of every month by C/S Info Centre–a Consumer/Survivor Initiative funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. It’s free to receive. If you don’t have email you may receive it by regular mail through the generous support of the Community Support and Research Unit of the Centre for Addiction & Mental Health. Disclaimer: The views expressed in articles, opinions and announcements published in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of our funder, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, C/S Info Staff, Volunteers or Board Members. Mailing Address: C/S Info, c/o CAMH, The Mall, 1001 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M6J 1H4 Please consider going green and getting your Bulletin by email if you have access to a computer now.

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