The Inventory

of the

Townsend Hoopes



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center HOOPES, TOWNSEND

Deposit: July 1971


Box 1 A) Book


1) Xerox of typescript with some holograph corrections, Ca. 350 pp.


2) Drafts of chapter I. (#2).

a) Typescript with holograph corrections, 45 pp.

b) Typscript and xerox of typescript with holograph corrections,

46 PP• c) Xerox of typescript with holograph corrections, 45 pp.

d) Xerox of typescript, 45 pp.

3) Draft of Chapter II. (#3).

Typescript with holograph corrections, 26 pp.

4) Drafts of Chapter III. (#4).

a) Typescript, 37 pp.

b) Typescript, xerox of typescript, and holograph, 53 pp.

5) Draft of Chapter IV. Typescript and holograph, 59 pp. (#5).

6) Draft of Chapter VI, Xerox of typescript, 20 pp. (#5).

7) Draft of Chapter VII. Xerox of typescript, 15 pp. (#5).

Bnx 2 8) corrected proof pages. (//6).

9) Correspondence. September 1968-August 1970. (#6)

43 TLS ., 3 Xerox TLS

72 CTL from TH 1 Xerox ALS

8 ALS 6 Memos


Franklin, George S. (Executive Director, Council on Foreign

Relations, Inc.). TLS, September 12, 1968. TLS, October 10, 1968. page 2

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

Nixon, Richard. Xerox TLS, January 27, 1969. (See original

in Box 3, folder 9).

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. TLS, September 16, 1969.

TLS, September 23, 1969.

Wyle, Frederick S. TLS, November 21, 1969.

Stetson, Charles P. ALS, October 10, 1969.

Gottlieb, Sanford (Executive Director, SANE). TLS, November 17, 1969.

McGovern, George. Xerox TLS, November 4, 1969.

Black, Alexander (Vice-President, Fruehauf Corp.). TLS,

November 3, 1969.

Forrestal, Michael. TLS, November 10, 1969.

Fitt, Alfred B•. (). TLS, November 13, 1969.

Harriman, W. Averell. TLS, November 7, 1969.

Kellen, Konrad. TLS, October 31, 1969,

Bancroft, Harding F. (Executive Vice-President,

Times). TLS, December 8, 1969.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. TLS, December 16, 1969.

Baldwin, Robert H.B. TLS, January 7, 1970.

May, Benjamin M. Jr, (140 Broadway, Easton, Pennsylvania).

TLS, January 15, 1970.

Shelton, Turner B. (i..merican Consul General, Bahamas).

TLS, February 5, 1970.

Hagel, Raymond C. (Chairman of the Board, Crowell, Collier).

TLS, February 16, 1970.

Mondale, Walter F. (Senator, ). TLS, March 20, 1970. page 3

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

B) Arti~les, reviews by TH, etc. (#7).

1) Review of PROPAGANDA MACHrNE by Senator J.W.Fulbtight.

The New Republic, January 23, 1971.

a) Xerox of typescript, dated January 7, 1971, 7 pp.

b) Copy of printed article.

2) "Legacy of the in Indochina". Foreign Affairs, July 1970.

a) Early draft dated April 1970, titled "Vietnam and the Cold

War Legacy". Xerox of typescript with holograph notation, 23 pp.

b) Dated April 1970 and titled "Vietnam and the Cold War Legacy".

Xerox of typescript with holograph corrections, 23 pp.

c) Reprint of article.

d) Correspondence, 1970.




2 Xerox TLS


Clifford, Clark M. Xerox TLS, June 24, 1970.

3) "Lyndon Johnson and the Month of March". For New Republic,

March 1970.

a) Dated March 1, 1970. Xerox of typescript with holograph

corrections, 9 pp.

b) Carbon typescript with holograph notation, 8 pp.

4) "What Is Negotiable If We Declare for Total Withdrawal?".

New York Times Magazine, May 9, 1971.

a) Xerox of typescript with holograph corrections, 15 pp.

Dated April 10, 1971.

b) Letters, April 1971. 3 CTL page 4

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

5) "Nixon Policy Is to Stay in Vietnam" by TH and Paul C. Warnke.

Washington Post, June 21, 1970.

a) Dated June 10, 1970. Xerox of typescript with holograph

c@rrections, 12 pp.

b) Xerox of printed article, 5 pp. titled "Nixon Is Really

Just Digging In.'.'

c) Letters, June 1970.


6) "Memorandum For the President's Committee on

Information Activities Board". Dated June 1960.

Addressed to Mr. Mansfield C. Sprague, Chairman.

Xerox of typescript, 17 pp.

7) CBS News Special: "LBJ: The Decision to Halt the Bombing",

February 6, 1970. TH associated with production.

Mimeograph with holograph notations, 38 pp.

C) Talks, Speeches, etc. (118).

1) "Remarks by Townsend Hoopes D,;:puty Assistant Secretary of Defense

(ISA) to the Fifth Marine Division Association. 26 June 1965".

Typescript, 2 copies, 6 pp. each.

2) "Remarks by Townsend Hoopes Principal Deputy assistant Secfetary

of Defense/ISA To the 20th Annual Conference of the Military

Government Association April 22, 1967". Xerox of typescript, 9 pp.

3) "Remarks by Honorable Townsend Hoopes Under Secretary of the

Air Force to Chamber of Commerce- Rotary Club, Buffalo, New

York, March 21, 1968.".

Xerox of typescript, 25 pp. PAGE 5

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

4) Address, June 14, 1968 to United States Military Academy Senior

Conference. "The Soviet Military Threat to the Middle East".

a) Typescript, 22 pp.

b) Printed report of Conference containing Hoopes' speech.

5) "The Current International Environment". Given to The National

War College, Washington, D.C., August 21, 1968.

Xerox of typescript, 2 copies, 29 pp. each.

6) 11 Strategic Forces and Related Issues". Given to Commonwealth

Club of California, San Francisco, California, September 13, 1968.

Xerox of typescript, 19 pp.

7) "Statement for the Yale Panel, June 14, 1969". Given to Yale

Reunion of the Class of 1944.

a) Typescript with holograph notation, 4 pp.

b) Xerox of typescript with holograph notation, 4 pp.

8) "Young Presidents Organization Humanities Seminar- Cybernation

And Society. A Brief Summing Up At The Final Session by Townsend

Hoopes, January 30, 1970".

~: Xerox of typescript, 2 pp.

9) "Remarks By Townsend Hoopes, Groton School Prize Day, June 5, 1970"

Typescript, 4 copies, 8 pp.each.

10) "Nixon's Indochina Policy". Given to the 183rd Presbyterian

Assembly, May 22, 1971 at Rochester, New York.

Typescript, 2 copies, 5 pp. each. page 6

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

Correspondence. (#9)

Box 3 A) Re: Philip Potter allegation in Baltimore Sun.

Stratton, Samuel S. TLS, February 23, 1971.

Hoopes, Townsend. Letter to the Editor (Baltimore Sun and Washington

Post). Xerox TLS, February 26, 1971.

Hoopes, Townsend. CTL to Samuel S, Stratton, March 1, 1971.

B) Miscellaneous, 1966-1969.




1 Telegram

1 Memo

2 Xerox memo

2 Xerox TLS


Vixon, Richard. TLS with envelope, January 27, 1969. -, 7 i :~.cConnell ,· John P. (Chief of Staff, U. S .Air Force). ALS, signed JP

February 3, 1969.

Westmoreland, Gen. w.c. (Chief of Staff, U. S.Army).

TLS, June 18, 1969.

TLS, no date

TLS, June 6, 1969.

Typescript of answers to TH's questions

by Gen. Westmoreland, 8 pp.

Holograph notes, 8 pp.

Miscellaneous manuscript pages. Typescript with holograph

correctioris~·ca. 20 pp. page 7

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

"Notes on the Arthur Schlesinger article entitled 'A Middle

Way Out of Vietnam'". Xerox of typescript, 4 pp.

"Quotes from Geyelin's Book LYNDON B. JOHNSON AND THE WORLD"

dated January 8, 1969. Typescript, 9 pp.

"Excerpts of background Notes from ",

March 1969. Typescript with holograph corrections, 24pp.

Printed Matter

A) Articles by TH. (#10).

1) "The President Is the Problem".

a) The New Republic, March 6, 1971, page 23.

b) The Indochina Hermorrhage, published by The New Republic,

c. 1971.

2) "The Nuremberg Suggestion". The Washington Monthly, January 1970.

a) Copy of magazine with article on page 18.

b) Xerox of article about "The Nuremberg Suggestion" by

Judith Coburn and Geoffrey Cowan in The Village Voice,

December 4, 1969.

c) Cowan, Geoffrey. TLS, December 9, 1969.

Hoopes, Townsend. CTL to Cowan, December 29, 1969.

3)"LBJ 1 s Account of March, 1968". The New Republic, March 1L1, 1970.

Page 17.

4) "Creativity: Key To Organizational Renewal". Reprint from

Business Horizons, Graduate School of Business, Indiana University.

5) "The Corporate Planner (New Edition)". Reprint from Business

Horizons, Graduate School of Business, Indiana University. page 8

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

6) "Legacy of the Cold War in China".

a) Reprinted from Foreign Affairs, July 1970. 1 copy

b) Published by Businessmen's Educational Fund with Foreword

by Alfred P. Slaner. 1 copy.

7) "Overseas Bases in American Strategy". Reprinted from Foreign

Affairs, October 1958.

8) "Civilian- Military Balance". The Yale Review, Winter 1954.

Xerox copy laid in as well.

9) "NATO Strategy and Europe's Atomic Fear". The Yale Review,

Winter 1958. Xerox copy laid in as well.


Garthoff. Tearsheets of Yale Review, Winter 1959, Xerox copy

laid in as well.

11) "The Persistence of Illusion: The Soviet Economic Drive and

American National Interest". The Yale Review, Spring 1960.


B) Articles about or mentioning TH. (#11).

1) Universal Military Training. First Report to the Congress by

the National Security Training Commission, October 1951.

Hoopes mentioned on page 111.

2) "Former Under Secretary Speaks Out On Vietnam" by Benjamin F.

Schemmer. Armed Forces Journal, September 20, 1969. Page 20.

3) USAF Command and Staff including Office of the Secretary of the

Air Force, Organization Chart, August 7, 1968. page 9

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Deposit: July 1971

4) Article on The Overseas Press Club Awards.

Hoopes won for best book on foreign affairs,

Dateline 1970.

a) Copy of magazine with TH mentioned on page 24.

b) Xerox of newsclip about awards.

c) Seating list at dinner. Mimeograph, 8 pp.

d) Program and menu of dinner.

e) Anthony, Carolyn (McKay Company). TLS, February 13, 1970.

5) 7 newsclips.

Scrapbook (Wrapped Separately)

Mostly connected with THE LIMITS OF INTERVENTION. With pieces by or

about TH; containing newsclips, tearsheets, xerox copies, photographs,

letters, etc. Some laid in loose in back of scrapbook.

Including letters:

Acheson, Dean. TLS, October 20, 1969.

ALS, May 17, 1970.

TLS, April 27, 1970.

Manning, Robert. TLS, October 17, 1969.

Symington, Stuart. TLS, October 27, 1969.

Westmoreland, W.C. TLS, November 6, 1969.

Frankel, Max. TLS, November 18, 1969.

Muskie, Edmund S. TLS, Novemberl9, 1969.

Church, Frank. TLS, October 29, 1969

Pell, Claibrone, TLS, November 7, 1969. HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda; February 1972

Memorandums and Articles

Box 4 A) Boland and Cornelius (Shipping firm, Employed Hoopes from August

to December 1946).

"Recruitment of Top Men for Government Positions". Author unknown.

August 17, 1946. Carbon typescript, 10 pp. (#1).

B) The Jackson Committee (The President's Committee on International

Activities. Hoopes was assistant to the Secretary of Defense for

National Security Council Affairs). (#2).

1) "Planning" by Vannevar Bush, September 6, 1952.

Mimeo typescript, 9 pp.

2) "Organization,.for Strength" by Vannevar Bush, October 11, 1952.

Mimeo typescript, 15 pp.

3) "Communist P11:1opaganda" Author unknown, Ca. November 1952.

Mimeo typescrtpt, 10 pp.

4) "Organization of National Security Counc;il" by TH, no date.

Carbon typescript, 6 pp.

5) "Recommended Changes in the Department of Defense". Author and

date unknown. Carbon typescript, 7 pp.

6) Six memorandums by TH.

a) To Wayne Jackson, February 6, 1953. Carbon typescript, 2 pp.

b) To Mr. Nash, "NSC Organization and Procedures", February 13,

1953. Carbon typescript, 5 pp,, initialled by TH.

c) To W.H.Jackson, March 31, 1953. Carbon typescript, 2 PP•

d) To W.H.Jackson, April 13, 1953. Carbon typescript, 3 PP•

e) To Mr. Tufts, April 23, 1953. Carbon typescript, 5 PP•

f) To W.H.Jackson, May 11, 1953. Carbon typescript, 2 PP• page 2

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

7) Other memorandums:

a) Black, Lt. Colonel to Mr. Nash, "Basic Problems Facing the

Jackson Committee", January 22, 1953. Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Henry, Barklie to W.H.Jackson, May 6, 1953. Typescript, 5 pp.

c) Washburn, Abbott to Mr. Streibert, August 5, 1954.

Carbon typescript, 1 p.

d) Jackson, W.R. to J,H.Whitney, September 9, 1954. Carbon

typescript with holograph note, 3 pp.

8) "Organization of US Effort". Report to President by Jackson

Committee, June 1953. Mimeo typescript, 13 pp.

9) Correspondence. 2 TLS and 2 CTL including:

Eisenhower, Dwight D. TLS, October 14, 1954 with envelope.

Lovett, Robert A. (Secretary of Defense). CTL to President

Truman, November 18, 1952.

Washburn, Abbott. TLS, September 13, 1954.

10) Miscellaneous items.

a) Committee discussion, February 28, 1953. Typescript, 4 pp.

b) Xerox of newsclip, New York Times, February 28, 1953,

c) White House press release, September 3, 1954. Mimeo, 2 pp.

d) List of TH's appointments, September 8, 1954. Typescript, 1 p.

C) Council on Foreign Affairs of which TH a member. (1/3).

1) Memorandum for James Perkins by TH, June 5, 1958. Mimeo, 2 pp.

2 copies.

2) "Strategic Bases and Alliances" by TH, Jure 10, 1958. Mimeo, 20 pp

(3 copies).

3) "Problems of an Effective Deterrent in the Early 1960's" by

Albert Wohlstetter, April 1, 1959. Mimeo, 2 pp. page. 3

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

D) Cresap, McCormick and Paget (Management Consulting Firm in which

TH a partiner). (#4).

1) "In corporation" by TH, March 6, 1962.

a) Carbon typescript, 9 pp.

b) Interoffice conrespondence re: "Incorporation". 2 CTL and 2 TL.

2) ''The Conculting Market- CMP 's Share" by TH, September 10, 1962.

Xerox of typescript, 10 pp.

3) Organizational Division Staff Meeting, September 10, 1962.

Mimeo, 10 pp.

4) Memorandums.

a) Hoopes, Townsend to McCormick and Paget,"Proposed Retirement

Plan", January 8, 1962. Xerox of typescript, 10 pp.

b) Hoopes, Towasend to McCormick & paget. "Financing for

Partnership", May 5, 1964. Carbon typescript, 2 pp.

c) Hoopes, Townsend to McCormick. 11 Causes for Discontent",

June 17, 1964.

1. Holograph notes, 3 pp.

2. Carbon thpescript, 4 pp.

d) Kuskner, A. to McCormick. "Firm Growth", no date.

Carbon typescript, 5 pp.

5) Material concerning International Labor Organization.

a) "Previous Surveys of ILO". Author unknown, 1962.

Carbon typescript, 10 pp.

11 b) "Survey by Independent Experts of the Organization of CI0 •

Author unknown, 1962. l, Carbon typescript, 2 pp.

·2.; Typescript stencil, 2 pp.

3 • Mimeo , 1 p • page 4

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

c) CMP Proposal for ILO.

1. Holograph notes, 8 pp.

2. Carbon typescript of informal draft, 10 pp.

3. Xerox typescript, 12 pp.

d) Correspondence.

1. Interoffice.

4 initialled TL

3 TL unsigned


2. With ILO


l CTL 1 Xerox 6) Announcement: of TH resignation, November 20, 1964.

Mimeo, 1 p. 10 copies.

E) Defense Department Organization (TH was an advisor). (#5).

1) "Defense Organization" by TH, December 23, 1957. Carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, 13 pp.

2) "Stragegy and our Military Organization" by TH, 1958,

Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 15 pp.

3) "Memorandum for President's Committee on U.S.Information

Activities Aboard" by TH. June 1960. Mimeo, 18 pp. (5 copies),

4) "Report to Senator Kennedy", Committee on the Defe~e Establish­

ment, December 5, 1960. Mimeo, 19 pp.

5) Correspondence, 1958-1961.


12 CTL by TH 1 Xerox TL

1 CTL Including: Clifford, Clark. TLS, February 27, 1961. Gilpatric, Roswell, TLS, February 22, 1961. Symington, Stuart. 2 TLS, January 24 and April 4, 1961. page. 5

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

Printed Material

Box 5 A) Articles by TH in chronological order. (If 6) •

1) "Civilian-Military Balance"~ The Yale Review, Winter 1954.

2) "Overseas Bases in Ameriean Strategy". Reprint from Foreign Affairs,

October 1958. 5 copies.


Garthoff. Tearsheets from Yale Review, Winter 1959. 2 copies.

4) Letter to Editor, Washington Post, March 1970. Xerox copy.

11 5) "Groton School Prize Address • Groton School ~arterly,

December 1970.

6) Review of THE by Neil Sheehan. The Washington

Post, August 17, 1971.

B) Aritlces mentioning TH. (#6).

1) Universal Military Training. First Report to Congress by the

National Security Tra~ning Commission, October 1951.

TH mentioned on page 111.

2) Roche, John P. 11 Johnson, Vietnam, and Instant History".

The New Leader, April 13, 1970.

3) Simpson, Smith. Review of THE LIMITS OF INTERVENTION by TH. \ /

The Foreign Service Journal, April 1970.

4) Editorial. Life, Ca. May 1970.

5) Leonard, John. Review of "Dick Cavett Show", Ca. Fall 1969.

6) Advertisement for 21st Annual National Book Awards. THE LIMITS

OF INTERVENTION nominated. Book World, March 1, 1970, 7) Glover, Malcolm. Report of TH's address at Commonwealth Club.

San Francisc~ Examiner, September 14, 1968. page 6

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

C) Other Article~ (#6)

Newspaper clipping of a 1948 letter of General Eisenhower to

Leonard V, Finder. Newspaper and exact date unknown,

Addresses and Comments by TH. (#7)

1) "Differences Between Republicans and Democrats", Delivered

at Yale Class Dinner, September 29, 1960.

Mimeo, 3 pp. 2 copies.

2) "Remarks at Wedding Reception". Delivered October 17, 1964.

a) Typescript, 2 pp.

b) Mimeo, 2 pp. 3 copies.

3) "Statement Before the Joint Economic Committee", January 5, 1971,

a) Holograph notes, 2 pp.

b) Typescript, 19 pp.

c) Correspondence


5 CTL by TH


Proxmire, William, TLS, November 25, 1970,

Stark, John (Executive Director, JointEconomic Committee).

TLS, February 3, 1971.

Correspondence 1948-1971.

30 ALS 18 CTLS

362 TLS 16 ANS

1064 CTL, most from TH 48 Xerox

These are:

A) TH's resignation as Assistant to Congressman W.G,Andrews, Chairman of Hn11sP nf RPnrPsPntRtives Committee on Armed Services, CTL to W.G.Andrews. HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

June 15, 1948. (4 copies). (//8).

B) Letters of opinion relating to J. Robert Oppenheimier, 1954-1955.


C) General Business and Personal Correspondence, 1959-1971. (#9-21).

1959-1962 (119)

1964-April 1965 (#10)

Box 6 May 1965-December 1965 (fill)

January 1966-August 1966 (//12)

September 1966-December 1966 (#13)

January 1967-July 1967 (lfllf)

August 1967 (#15)

Box 7 September 1967-December 1967 (#16)

January 1968-March 1968 (#17)

April 1968-June 1968 (#18)

July 1968-December 1968 (#19)

Box 8 January 1969-February 1969 (#20)

1971 (//21)


Acheson, Dean. 2 TLS, April 25 and May 3, 1960.

Anderson, Robert (State Department). ALS, August 5, 1967.

Bailey, John M. (Chairman, National Democratic Party Committee).

TLS, September 21, 1964. · ·

Baird, Charles F. (Under Secretary of the Navy). TLS, August 8, 1967.

Bancroft, Harding. TLS, May 13, 1960.

Barnett, A. Doak. TLS, May 9, 1960.

Bennett, Charles E. (Congress, Florida). TLS, August 8, 1967.

Blakefield, William H. (Brig. General, U.S.A.). TLS,

September 16, 1966. HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972 Blatnik, John A. (Congress, Minnesota). TLS, August 11, 1966.

Blouin, F,J, (Vice Admiral, U.S.N.). 2 TLS, August 5 and 15, 1966.

Bolling, Richard (Congress, Missouri). TLS, March 13, 1968.

Bordon, W,Liscomb, Xerox TLS, December 22, 1954.

Bowles, Chester, TLS, June 30, 1965,

Brewer, William D, (State Department). TLS, August 29, 1966.

Bundy, McGeorge. TLS, November 14, 1962.

Burns, Findley (American Ambassador, Jordan). TLS, August 6, 1967.

Bush, George (Congress, Texas). ALS, August 4, 1967.

Carpenter, John W. III (Lt. General, U.S.A.F., Commander Air

University). TLS, November 24, 1967.

Carroll, George A. (Assistant to Vice-President Humphrey). TLS,

November 18, 1968 with copy and 2 resum~s.

Cater, Douglass (White House aide),

Xerox TLS, January 20, 1955.

2 TLS, June 22 and November 24, 1964.

Chafee, John H. (Governor, Rhode Island).

TLS, December 27, 1967,

CTL to Brown University, December 27, 1967.

Charles, Robert (Assistant Secretary of the Air Force). ALS,

August 8 , 196 7 .

Clifford, Clark M. 3 TLS, May 18, 1960; April 4, 1968; December 18, 1968.

Cross, James Eliot, TLS, July 8, 1964.

Dinstein, Dr. Z. (Deputy Minister of Defence, Israel). 2 TLS,

July 22 and September 12, 1966.

FUt, Alfred B, (Yale). TLS, March 3, 1971.

Forrestal, Michael V. TLS, October 8, 1968.

Fulbright, William, TLS, March 11, 1971. page 9

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

Gardner, John W. TLS, August 20, 1968.

Gerrity, T.P. (General, U,S.A,F.) TLS, August 31, 1967.

Geva, Joseph (Military Attach1, Israel). TLS, October 11, 1967;

ALS, August 9, 1966.

Gilpatric, Roswell. TLS, SEptember 14, 1967,

Ginzberg, Eli (Columbia Uni.versli.ty). TLS, January 13, 1968.

Goldberg, Arthur J. TLS, February 15, 1967.

Green, Fitzhugh. TLS, August 15, 1966.

Green, Marshall (U,S,Ambassador, Indonesia). TLS, June 22, 1965.

Greene, Wallace M,, Jr, (General, Comma:1dant Narine Corps).

TLS, August 17, 1967,

Griffin, Charles Donald (Admiral, U.S.N.). 2 TLS, September 19, 697

and November 5, 1965.

Gullion, Edmund A. (Dean, Fletcher School). TLS, February 15, 1967.

Halaby, Najeeb E, TLS, January 14, 1969.

Hardy, John S. (Lt. General, U,S.A,F.). TLS, August 18, 1967.

Harlow, Bryce N, 2 TLS, July 19, 1965 and November 28, 1968 with

copy; ALS, August 10, 1967.

Harriman, W. Averell. ALS, March 8, 1971,

Harris , Hugh P . TLS (copy), January 25, 1968

TLS (Copy, April 15, 1968.

Hart, Parker T, (U.S.Ambassador, Turkey), TLS, April 4, 1966.

Hebert, F. Edward (Congress, Louisiana). TLS, October 16, 1968.

Holden, Reuben. TLS, April 5, 1967.

Hughes, Thomas L, TLS, August 9, 1966.

Humphrey, Hubert H, TLS, August 16, 1967.

Ignatius, Paul R. (Secretary of the Navy), TLS (Memo), October 13, 1967. TLS, November 31, 1967. page 9

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

Gardner, John W. TLS, August 20, 1968.

Gerrity, T.P. (General, u.s.A.F.) TLS, August 31, 1967.

Geva, Joseph (Military Attach1, Israel). TLS, October 11, 1967;

ALS, August 9, 1966.

Gilpatric, Roswell. TLS, SEptember 14, 1967.

Ginzberg, Eli (Columbia UniversLty). TLS, January 13, 1968.

Goldberg, Arthur J, TLS, February 15, 1967.

Green, Fitzhugh. TLS, August 15, 1966.

Green, Marshall (U.S.Ambassador, Indonesia). TLS, June 22, 1965.

Greene, Wallace M., Jr. (General, Comma:-.1d.snt Harine Corps).

TLS, August 17, 1967.

Griffin, Charles Donald (Admiral, U.S.N.). 2 TLS, ~September 19, 697

and November 5, 1965.

Gullion, Edmund A. (Dean, Fletcher School). TLS, February 15, 1967.

Halaby, Najeeb E. TLS, January 14, 1969.

Hardy, John S. (Lt. General, u.s.A.F.). TLS, August 18, 1967.

Harlow, Bryce N. 2 TLS, July 19, 1965 and November 28, 1968 with

copy; ALS, August 10, 1967.

Harriman, W. Averell. ALS, March 8, 1971.

Harris, Hugh P. TLS (copy), January 25, 1968

TLS (Copy, April 15, 1968.

Hart, Parker T. (U.S.Ambassador, Turkey). TLS, April 4, 1966.

Hebert, F. Edward (Congress, Louisiana). TLS, October 16, 1968.

Holden, Reuben. TLS, April 5, 1967.

Hughes, Thomas L. TLS, August 9, 1966.

Humphrey, Hubert H. TLS, August 16, 1967.

Ignatius, Paul R. (Secretary of the Navy). TLS (Memo), October 13, 1967. TLS, November 31, 1967. page 10 HOOPES, Tm.JNSEND Addenda: February 1972

Kauffman, Draper L. (Rear Admiral- Superindent, Jfaval Academy).

TLS, September 28, 1967.

Kaul, M.G. (Minister of Coordination, India). 2 TLS,

August 10, 1966 and September 1, 1967.

Kim, Sung Yong (Lt. General, Chief of Staff, Korea).

TLS, December 26, 1968.

Kinney, Andrew John (Major General,~U.S.A.F.). TLS,

December 7, 1967.

Knowlton, Winthrop (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury).

2 TLS, July 1, 1966 and March 9, 1971.

Komer, Robert William (Special Assistant to the President}.

TLS, August 11, 1966.

Koster, Samuel William (Major General, Superintendent, U.S.

Military Academy). TLS, October 7, 1968.

Lawrence, Justus Baldwin. TLS, December 22, 1965; TLS (Memo),

August 24, 1967.

Lemnitzer, L.L. (General, U.S.A.: Supreme Allied Commander,

NATO), TLS, August 28, 1967.

Linds~y, John V. TLS, May 6, 1960.

Lodge, George C. TLS, April 15, 1971.

Lovett, Robert A. TLS, May 10, 1960.

Luehman, Arno H. (Major General, U.S.A.F.- Commandant Air War

College). TLS, August 12, 1966.

McCarthy, Richard D. (Congress, New York). 2 TLS, November 9 and

17, 1967.

McConnell, John P. (General U.S.A.F., Chief of Staff). TLS, September 13, 1967. ALS~ February 2, 1968. page 11

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

McGiffert, David E. (Under Secretary of the Navy). ALS,

August 5 , 196 7 .

McNamara, Roberts. TLS, February 29, 1968.

McNaughton, John T, (Assistant Secretary of Defense),

2 TLS, May 26 and July 10, 1964.

Manning, Bayless TLS, May 17, 1960; TLS, November 25, 1968.

Maroun, Autrey,.J. TLS, October 13, 1967.

Meeker, Leonard C. (State Department), ALS, Jmly 25, 1967.

Mitchell, James M. (Director, Brooking~ Institute), TLS,

June 9, 1965.

Mondale, Walter F. TLS, March 22, 1971.

Moorhead, William S. (Congress, Pennsylvania), TLS,

May 19, 1960.

Moorman, Thomas (Lt. General, u.s.A.F._ Superintendent Air Force


3 TLS, August 31; October 12; November 24, 1967.

TLS (Copy), January 16, 1969.

Morris, Thomas D. (Assistant Secretary of Defense). TLS, August

15, 1966.

Newcomer, Henry C. TLS, August 2, 1967.

O'Keefe, Arthur B. (Deputy Attorney General, Connecticut).

TLS, September 11, 1964.

Packard, George R. TLS, November 11, 1967.

Paget, Richard M. 2 TLS, August 10, 1966 and August 7, 1967.

Paul, Norman S, (Under Secretary of Defense). 3 TLS, July 10,

1964; August 4, 1967; September 30, 1967 page 12

HOOPES, TOWNSEND ~ddenda: February 1972

Pell, Claiborne. TLS, August 12, 1966.

Rowen, Henry TLS, May 10, 19 60. iSerr.11'e~ Dh,o) Saxbe, William B. TLS, March 31, 1971,

Schlesinger, Arthur. 4 TLS, May 9, 1960; January 9, 1967;

September 3, 1967; February 19, 1968.

Sharp, Mlysses S. Grant (Admiral U,S,N,, Commander-in-Chief­

Pacific). TLS, November 8, 1965,

Shelton, Turner B, (Consulate General, Bahamas). TLS,

January 23, 1968,

Smith, Bromley (White House). TLS, July 9, 1964.

Spivy, B.F. (Lt. General, U.S.A., Director Joint Chiefs of

Staff). TLS, December 30, 1967,

Symington, James W. (Congress, Missouri). TLS, March 10, 1971.

Symington, Stuart. 2 TLS, June 8, 1959 and January 12, 1961;

TLS signed by secretary, September.7, 1960.

Talbot, Phillips (U.S.Ambassador to Greece). TLS, August 5, 1967

Tanuenwald, Theodore (Judge, United States Tax Court).

3 TLS, August 7, 1967; October 7, 1967;

Mar ch 6 , 196 7 .

Vance, Cyrus. TLS, February 28, 1968.

Vogt, John W. TLS, August 11, 1967.

Waltz, Robert W. (Brig. General, U.S.A.F.). TLS, November 22, 1967.

Whitmore, James (Actor), TLS, January 14, 1969.

Wittbrodt, Edwin S. (Brig. General, U,S,A.F.). TLS,

October 28, 1968.

Witter, Dean. TLS, October 11, 1966. page 13

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 19 72.

Wolf, Jose~J. (State Department). TLS, August 7, 1967.

Wright, Jerauld (Ambassdor to Taiwan).TLS, May 24, 1965.

Yarmolinsky, Adam. 3 TLS, March 29, 1967; April 18, 1967;

October 1, 1968.

Miscellaenous Material

A) Biographical Information. (1/22)

1) 1951 resume..I Carbon typescript, 5 pp. 2 copies,

-t 2) 1957 resume. Carbon typescript, 4 pp. 4 copies.

3) 1967 announcement of appointment as Under Secretary of Air

Force. Background information,

a) Mimeo, 2 pp. 9 copies,

b) Mimeo, 1 p. 7 copies,

4) 1969 resum~. Xerox of typescript 1 2 pp. 7 copies.

B) Travel for Defense Department. (#23). December 1964-December 1968.

1) Travel forms (Vouchers, bills, etc.). 8 original, 32 xerox,

53 carbons.

2) Correspondence for travel arrangements. 4 TLS and 7 CTL.

C) Personal Matters (Insurance forms, etc.) November 1964-February 1969

13 original, 32 carbons, 11 xerox, 12 mimeo.


A)Government documents pertaining to TH, 1946-1969. (#25).

1) Xerox of Marine Corps Honorable Discharge, 1946.

2) Honorable Discharge from Marine Corps, 1957. page 14

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addenda: February 1972

3) Certificate of appointment as Deputy Assistant Secretary of

Defense, International Security Affairs, December 1, 1964.

Signed by Robert S. McNamara.

4) Certificate of appointment as principal Assistant Secretary of

Defense, International Security Affairs, September 21, 1966.

Signed by Robert S. McNamara.

5) Resolution of U.S.Senate confirming TH as Under Secretary

of the Air Force, August 24, 1967. Signed by France R. Valee,

Secretary of the Senate.

6) Certificate of appointment as Under Secretary of the Air Force,

September 13, 1967. Signed by Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert S.


7) The Exceptional Civilian Service Award, Janaary 20, 1969.

B) Photographs. (#26).

1) Seven photographs of TH.

2) Advertisement for TH lecture.

3) Photograph and press release (3 mimeo pages) about USAF guitarist

C) JohnT. McNaughton Memo. (//26).

1) Newspaper clipping of McNaughton death. National Ob}3etver,

July 24, 1967.

2) Hoopes, Townsend. TLS to Internation Security Affairs staff,

July 20, 1967 with 4 CTL copies and a photograph of McNaughton.

McNaughton died July 19, 1967.

Box 9 D) Scrapbooks.

1) Scrapbook #1, 1947-1948. Mainly newspaper clippings of world

affajrs with a letter: Hoopes, Townsend. TLS to Bryce Harlow,

Ca. 1947. page 15

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Addend.a: February 1972

2) Scrapbook 112 with photographs of TH':s tours.

a) March to April 1965. Kore.a, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Japan.

b) September 1965. Greece and Turkey.

c) September 1966. Newspaper clipping relating tlo TH's

appointment as principal Assistant Secretary of Defense, ISA.

d) March 1967. Middle East.

Box 10 3) Photograph album of party for John T. McNaughton, July 1967.

4) Photograph album of party for TH, September 1967.

6) Photograph album of swearing in ceremonies as Under Secretary

of Air Force, October 1967.

HOOPES, Townsend


November 1973-February 1974


THE DEVIL AND JOHN FOSTER DULLES. Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1973.

Boxes 11-12: 1. Setting copy of typescript with halo. corr. & printer's

markings, 899 p. (Box 11, Folders #1-#3; Box 12, #1)

Box 12: 2. Epilogue. Xerox of typescript, 15 p. (#2)

3. General Bibliography. Typescript with holo. corr. &

printer's markings, 3 p. (#2)

4. Notes. (#2)

a) Holograph, 48 p.

b) Typescript with halo. corr. & printer's markings, 70 p.

c) Xerox of typescript with holo. corr. & printerfs mark­

ings, 65 P•

5. Index. Typescript with holo. corr. & printer's markings,

98 p. (//3)

6. Acknowledgements. Typescript with halo. corr., 2 p., &

TLS from ATLANTIC MONTHLY to Little, Brown, Mar. 26, 1973.


7. Additions & Replacement Copies. Typescript with holo. corr.

& printer's markins, 15 p. (#3)

Box 13: 8. Galleys. (#1)

9. Research Notes. "Princeton Notes Manuscripts through 1952-

53 (some Manuscripts documents)". Holograph, 163 p. (#2)


Addenda: July 19, 1974


Little, Brown, & Co., 1973.

Box 14 A. Forms of the manuscript.

1. Halo., 99 p., 1st draft of section: Dulles & The Middle

East (part II), Sept. 2, 1971. (#1)

Box 14 2. Halo., typescript with halo. corr., typescript xerox with

15, & 16 halo. corr., carbon typescript with halo. corr., 1455 p.,

2nd draft. (Box 14, Folder 2)

(Box 15, Folder 1)

(Box 16, Folder 1)

Box 16 3. Xerox typescript, 480 p., 2nd draft. (#2)

Box 17 4. 1 set page proofs. (#1)

B. Notes.

1. Halo., orange spiral notebook, ca. 90 p. (#2)

2. Halo., 85 p., entitled "Oral History Book Notes".

Box 17 & 3. Halo., typescript with halo. corr., typescript xerox with

18 halo. corr., carbon typescript with halo. corr., 358 p.,

assorted notes. (Box 17, Folder 3)

(Box 18, Folder 1)

Box 18 c. Research Material. (#2)

1. Articles (14).

2. Pamphlets (7). Including catalog of The Dulles Oral History

Collection, Princeton.

3. Separate sheets, 1 p. each (4), Feb. 9, 1959. Hoopes, Townsend page 2 Addenda: July 19, 1974

4. Dulles, John Foster, xerox TLS to President Eisenhower

requesting leave of absence for short period; Fe.-b q.) /qg:,7,

Eisenhower, President D. D•• xerox TLS to John Foster Dulles

accepting his resignation_, Ap121l Ito J 1Q5'-l.

5. Photo of Dulles

D. Correspondence concerning the book. (#3)

Dec. 15, 1969-Feb. 27, 1973.

2 ALS, 17 TLS, 17 CTL, 5 xerox TL, xerox TLS.


Harlow, Bryce,(executive} TLS, June 3, 1971.

Manning, Robert, TLS, Feb. 24, 1971; TLS, Nov. 4, 1971;

xerox TL to Julian Bach of Little Brown, Nov. 13, 1970.

Murphy, Robert, D. ,( Chairman of Corning Glass Int.')

TLS, Feb. 2, 1971.

O'Connor, Roderic L., former government official to

John W. Hanes, Jr., CTL with halo. note, Feb. 10, 1971.

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., TLS, Sept. 30, 1971.

1971 from Townsend Hoopes to--

Bryce, Harlow, CTL, June 17, 1971.

Hughes, Hon. Thomas L., President Carnegie Endowment Int.

Peace, CTL, June 17, 1971.

Kennan, Hon. George F., former ambassador, CTL, June 17, 1971,

Macomber, Hon. William B., Deputy Under Sec. of State,

CTL, June 17, 1971.

Manning, Robert, CTI,, June 17, 1971. Hoopes, Townsend page 3 Addenda: July 19, 1974


Allison, John M., TLS, Dec, 1!

Brady, Upton (V,P, Atlantic Monthly), TLS, Nov, 17.

Kohler, Foy D. (former ambassador), TLS, Aug. 16;

TLS, Sept. 26.

Manning, Robert, TLS, Aug. 9.

1972 from Townsend Hoopes to-­

Allison, John M., CTL, Dec. 7.

Effets, Hon. Herman~ (former ambassador), CTL, July 31.

Hughes, Emmet J. (author, journalist), CTL, Sept. 6.

Kohler, Hon. Foy D., 2 CTL, Aug. 3, & Sept. 5,

Manning, Robert, CTL, May 18.


Apr. 1971--Aug. 21, 1972. 6 TLS, xerox TL, 3 CTL.


Bundy, William P., TLS, May 17.

Clifford, Clark, TLS, Nov. 12.

Muskie, Sen. Edmund, TLS, Apr.


Hoopes, Townsend, to Sen, George McGovern, CTL, July 3;

xerox TL, July 5.


# 521

Outline of Inventory

Addenda June 1979 - July 1992







VII, OFFICIAL RECORD OF HONORABLE TOWNSEND W. HOOPES: Under Secretary of the Air Force October 1967 - February 1969 Loose-leaf notebooks of photographs, etc.


Hoopes, Townsend

# 521

Addenda June 1979 - July 1992


A. Books

Box 19 1. THE LIMITS OF INTERVENTION: An Inside Account of How the Johnson Policy of Escalation in Vietnam was Reversed. McKay, 1969.

Point Paper.

Proposed Articles, Dec. 6, 1968.

Book Outline. Dec. 23, 1968.

Research Material.


Proposed Interpretation. March 1971.

Preface, Acknowledgements, Photo Captions.

Rough draft of Bibliography.

Research Material.

3. DRIVEN PATRIOT: The Life and Times of . By Townsend Hoopes and David Brinkley. Knopf, 1992.

Chapter drafts. Holograph.

Rough chapter drafts. Typescript.

Page proofs. Chapters 21, 28.

Box 20 Interviews. Notebooks, in holograph. Typescripts.

Box 21 Research: Published articles, monographs (3 folders)

Box 22 Official speeches, statements, Congressional testimony.


Box 22 Family Correspondence & Related Papers. Most photocopies; some originals. Incl.

Forrestal, James:

2 ALS, n.d., and telegram, 1947 to his wife. Photocopy TLS January 14, 1945, ~ecember 5, 1945 to son Michael TLS, Jan 10, 1948. to son Michael

Forrestal, Mike:

TLS April 19, 1947 Photocopy, TLS April 28, 1947 Photocopy, TLS August 2, 1948

Forrestal, Peter:

Photocopy TLS, to mother, n.d.

O'Hara, John TLS 10/24/?

Final Months & Death

Photographs: photocopies and prints (many from repositories such as FDR Library and Princeton) A few originals.

Papers on Dwight Davis.

Papers on or by .

Correspondence re writing & publication, 1990-1991.

Forrestal Memorial, Beacon, NY. File of photographs, clips Box 23 B. SHORT PIECES: Speeches, Reports, Position Papers, Articles, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, Fiction, etc. Some with relevant correspondence.

Student Papers, 1940s. 1940s 1950s incl. Notebook of World Tour, 1957. Box 24 1960s 1970s Box 25 1980s 1992s Re Driven Patriot Miscellany


Box 25 C. POETRY

By TH for special occasions. 6 items For TH 1 item


A. Chronological 1940s - 1980s (2 folders 1949s - 1972s 1974s - 1985s

Box 26 B. Alphabetical (as arranged by TH) 1970 - 1971

A-F G-M N-R s-z

C. About THE DEVIL AND JOHN FOSTER DULLES 1970-1974, 1975, 1985 (2 folders)

Research Permissions, editorial commentary, Bancroft Prize.

Box 27 D. About DRIVEN PATRIOT, 1988-1992 Writing, publishing Research, legal questions, (2 folders)

III, PHOTOGRAPHS 1940s - 1980s

A. Of TH, alone, and with others, including some with family.

B. Of others:

James Forrestal. Inscribed to TH, 1948.

Robert McNamara. Inscribed to TH.

The Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense for International Affairs. Signed by each. 1966.

Jimmy Carter and Zbi~niew Brzezinski. Inscribed by ZB 1977.


Swearing in as Undersecretary of the Air Force October 2, 1967.

Bancroft Prize Awards (won for the DEVIL and JOHN FOSTER DULLES) April 4, 1974


Box 27


Package #2 1942-1943 Yale Football Season Clips, photographs, program.

Box 27 Pages removed from scrapbook. 1967. Death of John McNaughton, Secretary of the Navy-Designate Appointment of The Under Secretary of Air Force.


Box 28 A. By TH 1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1972 1973-1979 1980-1989

Box 29 B. About TH 1960-1969 including reviews of THE LIMITS OF INTERVENTION 1970-1980s. Resume.

Box 30 C. THE DEVIL AND JOHN FOSTER DULLES Reviews 1973 1974 1975 and undated Publicity 1974 Bancroft Prize Award and Nomination for National Book Award.


Reviews, publicity, proof of dust jacket, 1991, 1992.

E. Research

About Vietnam, Cambodia


Box 30

VII. OFFICIAL RECORD OF HONORABLE TOWNSEND W. HOOPES. Under Secretary of the Air Force October 1967 - February 1969

Blue loose-leaf notebooks stamped in gold, each containing photographs, (color and black and white, most 8x10") of events in U.S. and abroad. A few letters, documents and clippings also inserted. Almost all photographs identified.

Box 31 Vol. I August 24 - October 7, 19,7

Box 32 Vol. II October 16 - January 30, 1968

Box 33 Vol. III February 1968 - May 12, 1968

Box 34 Vol. IV May 12, 1968 - September 12, 1968

Box 35 Vol. V September 12, 1968 - October 14, 1968

Box 36 Vol. VI October 14, 1968 - January 14, 1969

Box 37 Vol. VII October 16, 1968 - January 29, 1969

Box 38 Vol. VIII January 29, 1969 - February 14, 1969


Hoopes, Townsend 1/16/01 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. CSL from TH to William van den Heuvel, 1 p., 6/5/00, 2 copies; includes 5 p. of photocopied newspaper columns. 2. CSL from TH to Ambassador Alfred Moses, 1 p., 6/15/99. 3. CSLS from TH to Evan Thomas, Washington Bureau Chief for Newsweek magazine, 1 p., 3/17 /96, photocopy. 4. CSLS to TH from John M. Blum, Professor of History, Yale University, 1 p., 4/10/97. 5. CSL from TH to "Tobe and Pete," 2 p., 12/25/00. 6. CSL from TH to John Eaton, 1 p., 12/25/00. 7. E-mail (signed printout) from Thomas Hughes to Ann Hoopes, 1 p., 12/17/00. 8. E-mail (printout) from "Marianne" to Ann Hoopes, 1 p., 12/17/00. 9. CSL from TH to John and Diana Norlander, 1 p., 12/15/00. 10. CSL from TH to the Honorable Russell E. Train, 1 p., 12/9/00. 11. CSL from TH to Kitty Carlisle Hart, 1 p., 12/6/00. 12. CSL from TH to "Blair and Georgia," 2 p., 12/3/00. 13. CSL from TH to Peter Brown, 2 p., 12/3/00. 14. ALS from Peter Brown to TH, 1 p., 10/2/00. 15. CSL from TH to Frank MacMurray, 2 p., 11/2/00. 16. CSL from TH to "Alex and Twinx," 1 p., 10/15/00. 17. CSL from TH to Chet Posey, 1 p., 10/21/00. 18. CSL from TH to "Toby," 1 p., 9/14/00. 19. CSL from TH to "Peter and Terry," 1 p., 9/14/00. 20. CSL from TH to "Alex and Twinx," 1 p., 8/24/00, 2 copies. 21. CSL from TH to Peter Hoopes, 1 p., 7/5/00. 22. ALS from Peter Hoopes to TH, 1 p., 6/29/00. 23. CSL from TH to Fred Graefe, 1 p., 1/10/00. 24. CSL from TH to Chase Untermeyer, 1 p., 11/26/99. 25. Autograph postcard signed, from Chase Untermeyer to TH, 7/19/99. 26. CSLS from TH to Chase Untermeyer, 1 p., 6/28/99. 27. ALS from Chase Untermeyer to TH, 2 p., 5/31/99. 28. CSLS from TH to Bryce Templeton, 1 p., 12/21/00. 29. CSLS from Bryce Templeton to TH, 3 p. total, 8/1/00; includes photocopied book review.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 1 of 3 30. CSL from TH to Bryce Templeton, 1 p., 7/27/00. 31. CSL from TH to , 1 p., 4/20/00. 32. Fax from TH to his son Toby Hoopes, 5 p. total, 11/2/00; invludes CSL from TH to ''Peter and Terri," 2 p., 11/2/00; photocopy of "The Stupidity Issue," column by Michael Kinsley from The Washington Post, 10/24/00. 33. CSL from TH to Warren Zimmerman, 1 p., 9/20/00. 34. ALS from Warren Zimmerman to TH, 1 p., 10/14/00. 35. Re: Yale ""Club. a. CSLS from "Boaz" [TH] to "Patriarchs Fagin, Homunculus, Long Devil, Piffco, Barebones, Bohunkus," 1 p., 4/18/00. b. ALS from "S-d" [John B. Goodenough] to TH, 2 p., 4/30/00. c. TLS from "P-ff-o" [Stuart Little] to TH, 1 p., 5/2/00. d. CSLS from "F-g-n" [James Buckley] to TH, 1 p., 5/7/00. e. CSLS from "B-r-b-n-s" [Jeffrey Walker] to TH, 1 p., 5/19/00. f. ALS from "B-h-nk-s" [James Whitmore] to TH, 5 p., 4/27/00. B. Professional. 1. CSLS from Peggy Woolridge at Naval Institute Press to TH, 1 p., 9/11/00. 2. CSL from TH to Peggy Woolridge, 1 p., 9/3/00. 3. CSLS from Peggy Woolridge to TH, 1 p., 7/14/00. 4. CSL from TH to Alice Mayhew at Simon and Schuster, 1 p., 6/8/00. 5. CSL from TH to John Ryden at Yale University Press, 1 p., 5/18/00. 6. CSLS from Tina Weiner at Yale University Press to TH, 1 p., 6/9/00. 7. CSL from TH to Grace Profitalov at Yale University Press, 1 p., 6/28/00. 8. CSLS from Ali Peterson at Yale University Press to TH and Douglas Brinkley, 1 p., 6/15/00. 9. CSLS from TH to Barbara King at the Parks and History Association, 1 p., 6/27/00. 10. CSLS from Gentry Davis at the Parks and History Association to TH, 1 p., 7/14/00. 11. CSL from TH to Bruce Babbitt, 1 p., 6/9/00. 12. CSL from TH to Bruce Babbitt, 1 p., 5/11/00. 13. CSLS from John Ryden at Yale University Press to TH, 1 p., 5/24/00.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 2 of 3

II. Manuscripts. A. "Classical America," remarks by William J. van den Heuvel at the Presentation of the Arthur Ross Awards, at the National Academy of Design, CS, 6 p., 5/1/00. B. "In Context of Cold War - Why Vietnam?," speech ty TH at the Naval Institute seminar, CS, 3 p., 3/6/96, 2 copies. 1 C. "John Page - 70 \" poem by TH, 1 p., n.d., photocopy. D. "Carol Singing-December 19, 2000," speech by TH, CS, 7 p., 12/19/00. E. "Justice Bye-Bye" and "Long Ago and In a Dream," lyrics by TH, CS, 1 p., dated New Year's Eve 2000. F. "Remembering Chester Kerr," speech by TH, given in New Haven on 5/1/00, cs, 3 p. G. "How Did the National Security Act Change the Way We Develop Military Commanders?", speech by TH given at the U.S. Naval Institute conference, Cantigny, Ill., on 3/8/00, CS, 1 p.

III. Financial Material. A. Royalty statement for TH re: DRIVEN PATRI OT, 1 p., 8/10/00.

IV. Printed Material. A. Promotional printed photo of Al Gore and Dick Gephardt, sent to "Ms. Hoopes." B. 2 photocopies of "Al Gore for President," editorial from The Washington Post, Oct. 2000. C. "When Ache is Enough, by Jane Horwitz, article in The Washington Post, 1 p., 10/10/00, photocopy.

V. Professional Materials. A. Press release re: TH's book (with Douglas Brinkley) FDR AND THE CREATION OF THE U.N., from Yale University Press, 8 p., n.d.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 3 of 3

Hoopes, Townsend 06/12/00 Addenda Box 38 I. Correspondence. A 35 TLS from TH to various friends and family, 06/11/99-05/05/00. Names include: 1. Peter Hoopes (total: 4). 2. Tom, Briggs and Cecily. 3. Tucker Malarkey (includes 3 fax between TH and TM). 4. Michael Krepon. 5. Robert Carnathan. 6. Wendy and Dick. 7. Sabra Jones. 8. Richard Holbrooke. 9. John Voorhees (total: 5). 10. Mark Pellew. 11. Charlie Whitehouse. 12. Douglas Brinkley. 13. Andrea, 14. John and Sue Drumm. 15. Roger and Betty. 16. Mrs. Moss Hart. 17. T.W. Hoopes III. 18. Sara Lynn Hoopes. 19. Board of Governors of Chevy Chase Club. 20. Alex Hoffman. 21. John Ryden. 22. Chet Posey 23. Chester Posey. 24. Warren Zimmerman. B. To TH from friends and family. 06/05/97-05/14/00. 1. TLS'. a. Dr. Howard Gotlieb, 06/05/97. b. Philip Wright, 07 /16/99. c. Chester Posey, 07/16/99. d. Michael Krepon, 08/23/99. e. Ruth Sachs, 01/31/00. f. John Caffee, 05/14/00. g. Sabra Jones, 09/27/99. 2. TNS. a. Ben Wells, 06/07 /97.

Hoopes (06/12/00) 1

3. ALS. a. John Eaton, 01/21/00. b. John Voorhees. 1) 02/17/00. 2) 02/22/00. 3) 03/11/00. c. Sara Lynn Hoopes, 03/18/00. II Manuscripts. A. By TH. 1. "Memorandum for Bill Vanden Henvel," 04/05/00. 2. "New Years Eve Speech," 12/30/99. 3. "How did the National Security Act Change the way we Develop Military Commanders," 03/08//00.

Hoopes (06/12/00) 2

Hoopes, Townsend 5/31/02 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Correspondence.

A. General. 1. 30 CSLS, CS, e-mails to and from TH, 4/19/99- 5/3/02; includes printed materials.

(Hoopes, Townsend 5/31/02) Page 1 of 1

Hoopes, Townsend 1/22/03 Preliminary Listing


I. Manuscripts. A. "Some Thoughts on Winding Down International Tensions," by Alan G. Kirk, 2 p. with holograph notes and corrections, 11/21/02. [F. 10] B. A TEXTURED WEB, plot synopsis, 2 p.

II. Professional Material. A. Press release, 1 p. (4 copies).

III. Printed Material. A. "Townsend Hoopes to Lecture About Middle East," newspaper article, lp., November, 2002.

IV. Miscellaneous. A. Notes re: personal telephone numbers.

V. Correspondence. A Personal, 2002. 1. 2 ANS, 3 TL, 1 TLS, 3 e-mails between TH, family and friends. [F. 11] 2. Fax to TH from "Pete," 1 p., 5/26/02. 3. Notecard from Gillian Sorenson to TH, 5/16/02. B. Professional, 2001- 2002; includes 29 TLS, 24 TL, 5 faxes between TH and various people, printed, financial material. [F. 12]

(Hoopes, Townsend 1/22/03) Page 1 of 1

Hoopes, Townsend 4/25/03 Preliminary Listing


I. Correspondence. A. Re: the death ofTH's brother, 1986; includes ANS, 2 TLS. [F. 19] B. Re: op-ed piece by TH, 1/2/86, includes 2 newspaper articles (photocopy), ANS, 4 TLS, with TH's carbon copied replies, TS. C. Re: Senator John Chafee and President Clinton impeachment; includes printed material (photocopy with notes), 2 faxes, 6 CSLS, 1 TLS, 2 ANS. D. Re: TH's retirement from Association of American Publishers, 1/86; includes telegram, 21 TLS to TH, 2 carbon copy replies, TS from TH, 3 ANS.

(Hoopes, Townsend. 4/25/03) Page 1 of 1

Hoopes, Townsend 3/4/04 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. 3 TLS between Mr. and Mrs. John Voorhees and TH, 3/2/03- 7/14/03; re: illness and death of John Voorhees. [F. 20] 2. Memo from TH to Briggs Cunningham, 9/29/03. 3. 2 TLS and 2 ALS between Walter Curley and family and TH, May 2003 - Sep. 2003; includes photocopied clipping of article on life of John Curley, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7/30/03. 4. TLS to Mrs. Phillip Geyelin re: death of her husband, 2/7/04. 5. TLS to Raz Klaman re: death of William Butts Macomber, 11/29/03; includes speech in memoriam, 4 p., 1/20/04. 6. 3 TLS exchanged between HT and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor re: Supreme Court decision on Bush v. Gore, Jan.- Feb. 2001. B. Professional. 1. 27 letters re. political affairs and opinions, 9/01-1/7/04; inc. emails, manuscripts, and printed material. II. Manuscripts. A. Essays. 1. "Notes on the Muslim Summer School," 950 words, 9/30/03. 2. "Lessons in Democracy," Washington College Magazine, December 2003.

Hoopes, Townsend (3/4/04) Page 1 of 1

Hoopes, Townsend #521 1/16/07 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Professional Material. A. File of printouts ofTH's computer files, 10/17/97 - 9/26/04; approx. 400 items; includes manuscripts, correspondence. [F. 21-22]

Hoopes, Townshend (1/16/07) Page 1 of 1

Hoopes, Townsend #521 9/4/08 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Manuscripts. . A. "The Inadequacy of Containment," essay by TH, TS, 29 p., 6/20/50; includes correspondence. [F. 23]

Hoopes, Townsend (9/4/2008) Page 1 of 1

HOOPES, TOWNSEND Preliminary Listing 6/13/94

I. Manuscript A. Promotional Memorandum 1. James Forrestal: The Vivid Life and Tragic End of a True Public Servant. By TH and Douglas Brinkley. 22p. II. Printed Matter A. Journals, Serials, Papers/Lectures, etc 1. "Whither U.N. Peacekeeping." C.I. S.S.M. Papers 3. March 1994. 19p. 2. "God and John Foster Dulles." Foreign Policy. Reprint fromno.13, Winter 1973 - 74. p.154-177 3. "The Cold War and the Election of 1948." Robert A. Divine. Journal of American History. Excerpt from no.59, June 1972, p.90-110 4. Review ofDRIVENPATRIOT. Marine Corps Gazette. Vol. 77, no.2, February 1993, p.82 5. Review of DRIVEN PATRIOT. James R. Schlesinger. Navellnstitute Proceedings. Vol. 118/12/1, 078. December 1992, p.112 6. W. Colston Leigh, Inc. Promotional Flyer for Hoopes Lecture Series in Early 1970's. 7. Yale Class of 1944 World War II Memorial Scholarship Fund Memorial Profiles (Biographic) for the 50th Reunion, May 26 - 29, 1994 by Hoopes. B. Reviews 1. Book reviews for DRIVEN PATRIOT: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JAMES FORRESTRAL. By TH and Douglas Brinkley. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1992. III. Correspondence A. Professional 1. Literary 2. General career. Includes: Baldridge, Letitia; Clark, Clifford; Mondale, Walter IV. Photographs A. James F orrestal 1. JF w/President Truman receiving Distinguished Service Medal. 3/28/49 2. JF w/Chief Justice Fred. M. Vinson at swearing in of Louis Johnson as Secretary of Defense. 3/28/49 3. JF in combat gear on the beach at Iwo Jima, D-Day + 4, February 1945. He was then Secretary of the Navy

1 box: SB 15F

Hoopes, Townsend Preliminary Listing 6/4/97

I. Manuscripts A. FDR AND THE CREATION OF THE U.N. by TH 1. Miscellaneous research papers 2. Miscellaneous articles and press clippings 3. Chronological outline 4. Rough draft, c.s., p.c, 238p., July 1995

II. Photographs used in book (b/w, all reproductions) A. Dunbarton Oaks--view from lawn B. Opening session of Dunbarton Oaks--Alexander Cadogan; Lord Halifax; Cordell Hull; Andrei Grymko; Edward Stettinius C. Alexander Cadogan, Andrei Grymko, and Edward Stettinius arrive at White House, 8/24/44 D. Edward Stettinius addressing delegates to Dunbarton Oaks E. Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov and Andrei Grymko at San Francisco Conference F. Alexander Cadogan, Andrei Grymko, and Edward Stettinius confer in library at Dunbarton Oaks G. Wellington Koo, Alexander Cadogan, and Edward Stettinius confer at Dunbarton Oaks H. Pres. Truman addressing San Francisco Conference, 6/26/45 I. Charles E. Bohlen, , Edward Stettinius, and Joseph Grew at Dunbarton Oaks J. Woodrow Wilson in Paris, early 1919 K. FDR and Churchill at church services on H.M.S. Prince of Wales, Argentina Bay, 8/10/41 L. Harry Hopkins and Alexander Cadogan on H.M.S. Prince of Wales, Argentina Bay, 8/10/41 M. on H.M.S. Prince of Wales, Argentina Bay, 8/10/41 N. FDR asks Congress for declaration of war against Japan, 12/8/41 0. Cordell Hull and Sumner Welles arrive on Capitol Hill to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 6/39 P. Wendell Wilkie Q. William J. Fulbright, 1943 R. William Bullitt, 1942 S. Quebec Conference, Aug. 17-24, 1943 T. Sen. Arthur Vandenberg U. Chiang Kai-shek, FDR, and Churchill at Cairo Conference, 11/25/43 V. Stalin and FDR at Tehran Conference, 11/29/43

6/4/97, p.2

W. FDR, Truman, and Henry Wallace return to Washington after winning a 4th term X. State Dept--Will Clayton; Dean Acheson; Joseph Grew; Edward Stettinius; Archibald MacLeish; Nelson Rockefeller; James Dunn Y. Alexander Cadogan, Averell Harriman, and Anthony Eden on U.S.S. Quincy to Yalta, Jan. 1945 Z. FDR at Yalta, Feb. 1945 AA. Lt. Commander Harold Stassen, U.S. delegate to San Francisco Conference BB. FDR at Warm Springs, GA working with Grace Tully at his cottage a few days before his death on 4/12/45

Ill. Rejected photographs--similar to ones described above

IV. Correspondence, 1994-1997--mostly between TH and Douglas Brinkley Hoopes, Townsend Preliminary Listing 12/8/97

I. Correspondence, 1962-1997 Includes: Babbitt, Bruce ALS, Nov. 19, 1986 Untermeyer, Chase ALS, June 19, 1992 Whitmore, James ALS, [1995]

II. Manuscripts A. Articles and speeches on arms control, 1982-1988 B. Articles and speeches on national defense, 197 4-1976

previous box: SB 15F

Hoopes, Townsend Preliminary Listing 7/18/97

I. Correspondence A. Miscellaneous, 1993-1997

II. Printed Matter A. Announcement of TH as Distinguished International Executive Program at U. of Maryland

Hoopes, Townsend 12/21/98 Preliminary Listing

I. Correspondence A. Family 1. To and from immediate and extended family, from 07/31/91 to 10/31/98. B. Regarding medical issues 1. To 1Uldirom---son Petein regardsio--k:nee surgery1md recovery, typescript. 2. To and from TH and Dr. Stephan Giunta concerning Giunta's son and Steve-Crawforcl's nomination campaign for the o-th district of Maryland, iypescript-and imiograph, t996 to 1~98. C. Miscellaneous 1. Concerning family, political and social issues, typescript, computer script and hutngraph, ~5io~.

Hoopes, Townsend 05/19/99 Preliminary Listing

Box 1 (06/13/94)

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. 29 computer script signed letters to and from friends and family. 04/26/97-04/27/99. 2. 1 computer script letter signed (CSLS) from TH to Ambassador William Ran den Heuvel. 02/28/97. 3. CSLS from TH to Bishop Paul Moore. 06/15/98. 4. TLS to TH from Ken Dayton. 01/14/99. 5. CSLS from TH to John and Sandra Day O'Connor. 03/20/99. 6. CSLS from TH to Richard Holbrooke. 03/22/99. B. Professional correspondence. 1. CSLS from TH to Major H.R. McMaster. 06/11/97. 2. CSLS from TH to the "Yale Football Club." 11/21/97. 3. TLS from TH to "Berkeley College History Project." 12/28/97. 4. CSLS from TH to Alan Kirk. 11/28/98. 5. 2 CSLS from TH to James Whitmore. 10/24/98, 11/19/98. 6. CSLS from TH to "Artistic Greetings." 12/15/98. 7. CSLS from TH to Courtney Johnson. 11/23/98. 8. CSLS from TH to Virgil Gibney Patterson. 11/27/98. 9. CSLS from TH to Philip N. Wright Jr. 05/22/98. 10. CSLS from TH to William Cohen. 05/25/98. 11. CSLS from TH to Danforth Oates. 07 /06/98. 12. CSLS from TH to "Board of Governors." 01/04/99. 13. CSLS from TH to Tom and Jane. 01/08/99. 14. CSLS from TH to John Voorhees. 03/06/99. 15. CSLS from TH to James G. Blight. 03/29/99. 16. CSLS from TH to Alan J. Kuperman. 04/20/99. II Printed material. A. By others. 1. "In Kansas Scandal Fatigue," by George B. Pyle. 2. "Pem's Prisoners." New York Times. 06/26/98. 3. ''Never So Many, for So Long, Suffered So Much Put on the Batteries," by Patricio De Castro. Expresso, 06/29/98. B. By TH. 1. Book Reviews. a. "Citizen Soldiers." Naval Proceedings Magazine. 02/08/98. 2. "Kerr-Craft," 08/08/93.

Hoopes, Townsend 11/02/99 Preliminary Listing

Box#l (06/13/94)

I. C01Tespondence. A. Personal. A. 11 TLS to and from TH re: family. November 1998-September 1999. B. 1 TL to Robert Spiller (Yale University) from TH re: donation of gift. June 14, 1999. C. 1 TLS to "Duane and Tracy," from TH. July 24, 1999. D. 1 TN to Ivo Daalder (foreign policy scholar) from TH. July 26, 1999. E. 4 TLS and 1 ALS between TH and Richard Detwiler (Yale classmate). August, 1998-September, 1999. F. 1 TL to Timothy Rimmer Hoopes (grandson of TH). August 28, 1999. G. 3 TLS to Lucas Battle (U.S. Ambassador to Egypt) from TH re: impeachment hearings for President Bill Clinton. March-May, 1999. H. 22 TLS, TNS and ALS between TH and various friends and family. September 1994-September 1999. B. Professional. 1. 2 ALS and TLS between TH and William W. Warner (Pulitzer Prize winner). August-September 1999. 2. 1 TLS from TH to Hon. Alfred Moses (U.S. Ambassador to Ruwanda). May 24, 1999. 3. 6 TLS between TH and Naval Institute Press re: royalty payments. August 5-24, 1999. 4. 3 TLS between TH and Jeremy Stone (President of the Federation of American Scientists). July-September, 1999.

Hoopes, Townsend 02/23/00 Preliminary Listing

Box 1 (11/02/99)

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. 1 TNS (photocopy) to TH from (Foreign Correspondent for N. Y. Times; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs: 1972-197 6) re: TH' s new book. June 7, 1997. Hoopes, Townsend 06/12/00 Addenda Box 38 I. Correspondence. A. 35 TLS from TH to various friends and family, 06/11/99-05/05/00. Names include: 1. Peter Hoopes (total: 4). 2. Tom, Briggs and Cecily. 3. Tucker Malarkey (includes 3 fax between TH and TM). 4. Michael Krepon. 5. Robert Carnathan. 6. Wendy and Dick. 7. Sabra Jones. 8. Richard Holbrooke. 9. John Voorhees (total: 5). 10. Mark Pellew. 11. Charlie Whitehouse. 12. Douglas Brinkley. 13. Andrea, 14. John and Sue Drumm. 15. Roger and Betty. 16. Mrs. Moss Hart. 17. T.W. Hoopes III. 18. Sara Lynn Hoopes. 19. Board of Governors of Chevy Chase Club. 20. Alex Hoffman. 21. John Ryden. 22. Chet Posey 23. Chester Posey. 24. Warren Zimmerman. B. To TH from friends and family. 06/05/97-05/14/00. 1. TLS=. a. Dr. Howard Gotlieb, 06/05/97. b. Philip Wright, 07/16/99. c. Chester Posey, 07/16/99. d. Michael Krepon, 08/23/99. e. Ruth Sachs, 01/31/00. f. John Caffee, 05/14/00. g. Sabra Jones, 09/27/99. 2. TNS. a. Ben Wells, 06/07/97.

Hoopes (06/12/00) 1 3. ALS. a. John Eaton, 01/21/00. b. John Voorhees. 1) 02/17/00. 2) 02/22/00. 3) 03/11/00. c. Sara Lynn Hoopes, 03/18/00. II Manuscripts. A. By TH. 1. AMemorandum for Bill Vanden Henvel,@ 04/05/00. 2. ANew Years Eve Speech,@ 12/30/99. 3. AHow did the National Security Act Change the way we Develop Military Commanders,@ 03/08//00.

Hoopes (06/12/00) 2 Hoopes, Townsend 1/16/01 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. CSL from TH to William van den Heuvel, 1 p., 6/5/00, 2 copies; includes 5 p. of photocopied newspaper columns. 2. CSL from TH to Ambassador Alfred Moses, 1 p., 6/15/99. 3. CSLS from TH to Evan Thomas, Washington Bureau Chief for Newsweek magazine, 1 p., 3/17/96, photocopy. 4. CSLS to TH from John M. Blum, Professor of History, Yale University, 1 p., 4/10/97. 5. CSL from TH to ATobe and Pete,@ 2 p., 12/25/00. 6. CSL from TH to John Eaton, 1 p., 12/25/00. 7. E-mail (signed printout) from Thomas Hughes to Ann Hoopes, 1 p., 12/17/00. 8. E-mail (printout) from AMarianne@ to Ann Hoopes, 1 p., 12/17/00. 9. CSL from TH to John and Diana Norlander, 1 p., 12/15/00. 10. CSL from TH to the Honorable Russell E. Train, 1 p., 12/9/00. 11. CSL from TH to Kitty Carlisle Hart, 1 p., 12/6/00. 12. CSL from TH to ABlair and Georgia,@ 2 p., 12/3/00. 13. CSL from TH to Peter Brown, 2 p., 12/3/00. 14. ALS from Peter Brown to TH, 1 p., 10/2/00. 15. CSL from TH to Frank MacMurray, 2 p., 11/2/00. 16. CSL from TH to AAlex and Twinx,@ 1 p., 10/15/00. 17. CSL from TH to Chet Posey, 1 p., 10/21/00. 18. CSL from TH to AToby,@ 1 p., 9/14/00. 19. CSL from TH to APeter and Terry,@ 1 p., 9/14/00. 20. CSL from TH to AAlex and Twinx,@ 1 p., 8/24/00, 2 copies. 21. CSL from TH to Peter Hoopes, 1 p., 7/5/00. 22. ALS from Peter Hoopes to TH, 1 p., 6/29/00. 23. CSL from TH to Fred Graefe, 1 p., 1/10/00. 24. CSL from TH to Chase Untermeyer, 1 p., 11/26/99. 25. Autograph postcard signed, from Chase Untermeyer to TH, 7/19/99. 26. CSLS from TH to Chase Untermeyer, 1 p., 6/28/99. 27. ALS from Chase Untermeyer to TH, 2 p., 5/31/99. 28. CSLS from TH to Bryce Templeton, 1 p., 12/21/00. 29. CSLS from Bryce Templeton to TH, 3 p. total, 8/1/00; includes photocopied book review.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 1 of 3 30. CSL from TH to Bryce Templeton, 1 p., 7/27/00. 31. CSL from TH to Douglas Brinkley, 1 p., 4/20/00. 32. Fax from TH to his son Toby Hoopes, 5 p. total, 11/2/00; invludes CSL from TH to APeter and Terri,@ 2 p., 11/2/00; photocopy of AThe Stupidity Issue,@ column by Michael Kinsley from The Washington Post, 10/24/00. 33. CSL from TH to Warren Zimmerman, 1 p., 9/20/00. 34. ALS from Warren Zimmerman to TH, 1 p., 10/14/00. 35. Re: Yale ASkull and Bones@Club. a. CSLS from ABoaz@ [TH] to APatriarchs Fagin, Homunculus, Long Devil, Piffco, Barebones, Bohunkus,@ 1 p., 4/18/00. b. ALS from AS-d@ [John B. Goodenough] to TH, 2 p., 4/30/00. c. TLS from AP-ff-o@ [Stuart Little] to TH, 1 p., 5/2/00. d. CSLS from AF-g-n@ [James Buckley] to TH, 1 p., 5/7/00. e. CSLS from AB-r-b-n-s@ [Jeffrey Walker] to TH, 1 p., 5/19/00. f. ALS from AB-h-nk-s@ [James Whitmore] to TH, 5 p., 4/27/00. B. Professional. 1. CSLS from Peggy Woolridge at Naval Institute Press to TH, 1 p., 9/11/00. 2. CSL from TH to Peggy Woolridge, 1 p., 9/3/00. 3. CSLS from Peggy Woolridge to TH, 1 p., 7/14/00. 4. CSL from TH to Alice Mayhew at Simon and Schuster, 1 p., 6/8/00. 5. CSL from TH to John Ryden at Yale University Press, 1 p., 5/18/00. 6. CSLS from Tina Weiner at Yale University Press to TH, 1 p., 6/9/00. 7. CSL from TH to Grace Profitalov at Yale University Press, 1 p., 6/28/00. 8. CSLS from Ali Peterson at Yale University Press to TH and Douglas Brinkley, 1 p., 6/15/00. 9. CSLS from TH to Barbara King at the Parks and History Association, 1 p., 6/27/00. 10. CSLS from Gentry Davis at the Parks and History Association to TH, 1 p., 7/14/00. 11. CSL from TH to Bruce Babbitt, 1 p., 6/9/00. 12. CSL from TH to Bruce Babbitt, 1 p., 5/11/00. 13. CSLS from John Ryden at Yale University Press to TH, 1 p., 5/24/00.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 2 of 3 II. Manuscripts. A. AClassical America,@ remarks by William J. van den Heuvel at the Presentation of the Arthur Ross Awards, at the National Academy of Design, CS, 6 p., 5/1/00. B. AIn Context of Cold War B Why Vietnam?,@ speech ty TH at the Naval Institute seminar, CS, 3 p., 3/6/96, 2 copies. C. AJohn Page B 70th,@ poem by TH, 1 p., n.d., photocopy. D. ACarol Singing B December 19, 2000,@ speech by TH, CS, 7 p., 12/19/00. E. AJustice Bye-Bye@ and ALong Ago and In a Dream,@ lyrics by TH, CS, 1 p., dated New Year=s Eve 2000. F. ARemembering Chester Kerr,@ speech by TH, given in New Haven on 5/1/00, CS, 3 p. G. AHow Did the National Security Act Change the Way We Develop Military Commanders?@, speech by TH given at the U.S. Naval Institute conference, Cantigny, Ill., on 3/8/00, CS, 1 p.

III. Financial Material. A. Royalty statement for TH re: DRIVEN PATRIOT, 1 p., 8/10/00.

IV. Printed Material. A. Promotional printed photo of Al Gore and Dick Gephardt, sent to AMs. Hoopes.@ B. 2 photocopies of AAl Gore for President,@ editorial from The Washington Post, Oct. 2000. C. AWhen Ache is Enough, by Jane Horwitz, article in The Washington Post, 1 p., 10/10/00, photocopy.

V. Professional Materials. A. Press release re: TH=s book (with Douglas Brinkley) FDR AND THE CREATION OF THE U.N., from Yale University Press, 8 p., n.d.

Hoopes, Townsend (1/16/01) Page 3 of 3 Hoopes, Townsend 1/22/03 Preliminary Listing

Box 40

I. Manuscripts. A. ASome Thoughts on Winding Down International Tensions,@ by Alan G. Kirk, 2 p. with holograph notes and corrections, 11/21/02. [F. 10] B. A TEXTURED WEB, plot synopsis, 2 p.

II. Professional Material. A. Press release, 1 p. (4 copies).

III. Printed Material. A. ATownsend Hoopes to Lecture About Middle East,@ newspaper article, 1p., November, 2002.

IV. Miscellaneous. A. Notes re: personal telephone numbers.

V. Correspondence. A Personal, 2002. 1. 2 ANS, 3 TL, 1 TLS, 3 e-mails between TH, family and friends.

[F. 11] 2. Fax to TH from APete,@ 1 p., 5/26/02. 3. Notecard from Gillian Sorenson to TH, 5/16/02. B. Professional, 2001- 2002; includes 29 TLS, 24 TL, 5 faxes between TH and various people, printed, financial material. [F. 12]

(Hoopes, Townsend 1/22/03) Hoopes, Townsend 4/25/03 Preliminary Listing

Box 40

I. Correspondence. A. Re: the death of TH=s brother, 1986; includes ANS, 2 TLS. [F. 19] B. Re: op-ed piece by TH, 1/2/86, includes 2 newspaper articles (photocopy), ANS, 4 TLS, with TH=s carbon copied replies, TS. C. Re: Senator John Chafee and President Clinton impeachment; includes printed material (photocopy with notes), 2 faxes, 6 CSLS, 1 TLS, 2 ANS. D. Re: TH=s retirement from Association of American Publishers, 1/86; includes telegram, 21 TLS to TH, 2 carbon copy replies, TS from TH, 3 ANS.

(Hoopes, Townsend. 4/25/03) 11 Hoopes, Townsend #521 3/4/04 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Correspondence. A. Personal. 1. 3 TLS between Mr. and Mrs. John Voorhees and TH, 3/2/03- 7/14/03; re. illness and death of John Voorhees. [F. 20] 2. Memo from TH to Briggs Cunningham, September 29, 2003. 3. 2 TLS and 2 ALS between Walter Curley and Curley family and TH, May 2003 - Sep. 2003; includes photocopied clipping of article on life of John Curley, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 30, 2003. 4. TLS to Mrs. Phillip Geyelin re: death of her husband, Feb. 7, 2004. 5. TLS to Raz Kloman re: death of William Butts Macomber, Nov. 29, 2003; includes speech given in memoriam, 4 p., January 20, 2004. 6. 3 TLS exchanged between HT and Justice Sandra Day O=Connor re: Supreme Court decision on Bush v. Gore, Jan.- Feb. 2001. B. Professional. 1. 27 letters re: political affairs and opinions, Sep. 2001 - 1/7/04; includes e-mails, manuscripts, and printed material.

II. Manuscripts. A. Essays. 1. ANotes on the Muslim Summer School,@ 950 words, September 30, 2003. 2. ALessons in Democracy,@ Washington College Magazine, December 2003.

Hoopes, Townsend (3/4/04) Page 1 of 1 Hoopes, Townsend #521 1/16/07 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Professional Material. A. File of printouts of TH=s computer files, 10/17/97 - 9/26/04; approx. 400 items; includes manuscripts, correspondence. [F. 21-22]

Hoopes, Townshend (1/16/07) Hoopes, Townsend #521 9/4/08 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 40

I. Manuscripts. A. AThe Inadequacy of Containment,@ essay by TH, TS, 29 p., 6/20/50; includes correspondence. [F. 23]

Hoopes, Townsend (9/4/2008)