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COMMON ROOTS? See Page 4 LETTERS <\ MAGAZINE FOR CLERGY JULY 1979 COMMON ROOTS? see page 4 LETTERS Joy in diversity attempts to do, we must come to terms God©s infallible Word. Therefore, I re Coining from the more liberal wing of with the theological issues. (2) But we joice when that same Lord Jesus opens my denomination, I find articles in MIN must also pay attention to the civil issues my vision to meet new brothers and new ISTRY with which I do not agree, but so the cults present us. Failure to be vigi stimuli that enrich my thinking. Both are what? Your magazine is always interest lant may well deprive us of the freedom very important today when the church ing whether I agree with it or not. One of to do the theological task at all. continues to splinter so badly on issues the joys of Christian faith, as I have Catholic priest that concern men but not the Lord. I am experienced it over the years, is living New Mexico grateful that Jesus© prayer (that they may and working with people who do not be one) was heard once again when MrN- always agree with me in theology and No neutrality on sin ISTRY was delivered to my mailbox. liturgy, but who find plenty of room Two questions came to my mind as I Christian Reformed minister within Christianity to live out the call of read "Counseling the Family in Crisis," Michigan Christ in fellowship and love. As I have by Clifford Achord (March, 1979). Can a read MINISTRY, that is exactly the spirit it counselor who is genuinely convinced of I admit to being somewhat shocked to is furthering. the truth of scriptural standards of right read that some of our brothers are burn Baptist minister and wrong be "neutral"? It is one thing ing your magazine with contempt and New York to be an open-minded fact gatherer, but feel offended to receive it. This attitude neutrality in the face of admitted sinful- goes back to the Dark Ages. While I do Cults must be accountable ness is another matter. The author sug not always agree with the contents of I find MINISTRY thought-provoking and gests that the counselor be "supportive, MINISTRY, I truly appreciate it and find it appreciate receiving it. However, I must not critical." Why can©t one be both? interesting and thought-provoking. I take exception to a theme that appeared Words such as judgment and critical even clip articles to send my district in the March, 1979, editorial. I agree have unfortunately assumed negative, superintendent. I am an evangelical who with the general notion that an unaware- harsh qualities, but the Bible seems clear considers himself to be fundamental, but ness of the transcendence of God does in insisting that men live the right kind of not closed-minded to what others have weaken the fiber of our society, but to lives. We may need to learn better how to say. assign the atrocities of Jonestown to a to speak the truth in love, but please, United Methodist minister decline in creationist theology is sim let©s not confuse people by suggesting New Jersey plistic and naive at best. I quite agree that counseling a person to turn from that men such as Jones and other cult wrong living is somehow not a loving 1 am embarrassed by some of the let leaders are capitalizing on the disinte concern. Only right living pleases God. ters you have received. I have not ripped gration to be found in contemporary so Christian Church minister nor burned any copies of your excellent ciety. But I suggest that it is not enough Illinois magazine. In fact, I have clipped and for us to look only to the theological filed some of the material I find there. I problem; we must also call upon legal Saddened and embarrassed do not agree with all I find in MINISTRY, authority to investigate the deception I think MINISTRY is delightful and very but I do appreciate receiving it. Some occurring in these groups and to cause useful in my own ministry and theologi how, I just do not feel intimidated by them to be accountable to society in the cal thinking. But I am sad when I read studying scholarly material with which I same way that we, as accepted, re that some have ripped or burned the may not agree! What a pity that these spected religious practitioners, are ac magazine. I don©t understand that. It "trumpeteers of truth" have failed to countable. Indeed, we must call for ap seems these brothers ought to take an allow the spirit of Christ to influence propriate legislation so that bona fide other look at Luke 9:49, 50 and consider their attitudes toward those with whom fund raising and recruiting (such as is whether their zeal is indeed for the fur they disagree. done by both our respective denomina therance of the Lord©s kingdom. I am Independent Christian minister tions) may be conducted with public not a Seventh-day Adventist, but Chris Michigan trust and confidence. First Amendment tian Reformed. However, first of all I am provisions, of course, must be given full a member of the church of Jesus Christ We don©t print negative letters to em consideration. Thus, our task concerning and a citizen of God©s kingdom. Jesus is barrass or sadden anyone, but to provide the cults is twofold: (1) As your article my Lord and Saviour and the Bible is (LETTERS continued on page 28.) An outstretched hand If you are receiving MINISTRY bimonthly without having faiths, and believe that we have much in common with the paid for a subscription (perhaps this is your first copy), it is entire Christian community. We want to share with you, not a mistake. therefore, our aspirations and faith in a way that we trust will We believe the time has come for Christians everywhere to provide inspiration and help for you, too. experience a resurgence of faith in the authority of Scripture We hope you will accept this journal as our outstretched and in the great truths that reveal the gospel of our salvation hand to you. We©d like to send you, without charge, a number by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Since 1928 of issues on a bimonthly basis. Look over our shoulders, take MINISTRY has been tailored to meet the needs of Seventh-day what you want and find helpful, and discard what you cannot Adventist church professionals. We now realize that we have use. If you have ministerial colleagues who you feel would been remiss in not becoming more involved with clergy of all also enjoy this outreach, we are prepared to include them. CONTENTS 18 COVER BY GARY HUFF 4 Do the Chinese and Hebrews Have Common Spiritual tion is needed today among wealthy, technological socie Roots? Ethel R. Nelson. Although widely separated geo ties, says Thomas W. Klewin, and the church has an obli graphically, ancient Chinese monotheists and the theo gation to carry it as it has carried to underdeveloped cratic Hebrew nation demonstrate near identical religious cultures the first medical revolution. similarities. 22 The Bible and the Black Obelisk. William H. Shea 6 Looking Unto Jesus. Theodore Monod. We learn who He 25 Does the Ice Age Disprove the Bible? Doug Johnson. is, what He has done, what He gives, and what He requires only by looking to Him. 26 The Prayer of a Minister©s Wife. Jane T. Howell. 8 The Lord©s Day Alliance Hears Sabbath Scholar. Samuele Bacchiocchi. 13 Consumerism Penetrates the Pulpit. Margie Schutte. 18 From the Editor Consumerism, riding the crest of the wave in American society, has washed over the rock of the church and bids 20 Health and Religion fair to carry out to sea the pastor who ignores "account 22 Biblical Archeology ability." 25 Science and Religion 14 The Judgment. Desmond Ford completes his series on the sanctuary services by examining the significance of the Day 26 Shepherdess of Atonement imagery for contemporary Christians. 29 World View 16 The Shroud of Turin. Ralph Blodgett. 30 Word Power 18 Salvation and the Cults 4. J. R. Spangler. 31 Shop Talk 20 Who Are the Disadvantaged? A second medical revolu 32 Recommended Reading Editorial Director: Editors-at-large: Circulation Manager: MINISTRY, the international journal of the N. Reginald Dower Herald Habenicht, M D Edmund M Peterson Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Mervyn Hardinge, M D Association © 1979 is printed monthly by Editor: Special Contributors: the Review and Herald Publishing William C- Scales. Jr Association, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW , J Robert Spangler Arturo E Schmidt Robert H Brown. Science and Washington, DC, 20012, U.S.A Religion Subscription price, US$11.50 a year, Executive Editors: Assistant Editor: J. Lynn Martel, Shop Talk single-copy price, US$1.SO. Price may vary Orley M Berg. Marta Milliard Kay Dower. Shepherdess where national currencies are different. For B Russell Holt Lawrence T Geraty, Biblical each subscription going to a foreign Shirley Welch Editorial Secretaries: Archeology country or Canada, add US$1.25 postage MINISTRY is a member of the Associated Dorothy Emmerson Roland R. Hegstad, World View Associate Editors: Dorothy Montgomery Church Press and is indexed in the Raoul Dederen Seventh-day Adventist Periodical index International Correspondents: J Wayne McFarland, M D Art Director: Second-class postage paid at Washington, Leo R Van Dolson Far East, Harold K. West D C Editorial office. 6840 Eastern Avenue Byron Steele Inter-America. Carlos Aeschlimann NW.
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