GPS coordinates Name of the Farmer Organisation (FO) Year registered Latitude Longitude Website Location Region/Province Geographical Focus Name of contact person, position, Telephone number and email address Principal Cropping System Services Offered Total Membership 1 Bomet KLPA 2002 0°46'42.92"S 35°20'36.85"E Bomet Bomet County Alice Ruto, (+)254720925057 Livestock 258 Support to smallholder farmers through organising for inputs financing, table banking, farmer field days, participation in agricultural shows, representing farmers 2 Bondo Farmers Cooperative 1995 0° 6'0.40"S 34°16'22.73"E Bondo Bondo, Misori, Ndori areas of Siaya county Steve Genga, (+)254723390501 in county meetings 4,800 3 Eastern Africa Farmers Federation 2001 1°16'5.67"S 36°48'39.65"E Westlands, Nairobi Eastern Africa Stephen Muchiri, (+)254-20-4451691; Email:
[email protected] 19 corporate FO members (organisations) 4 Eldoret Dairy Farmers Association 2012 0°32'19.80"N 35°16'29.38"E Eldoret Uasin Gishu region Nicholas Kositany,
[email protected] 3,900 5 Gatundu Farmers Savings and Credit Society 2009 1° 0'43.53"S 36°54'14.68"E Gatundu, Kiambu Gatundu Simon Njiru, (+)254721830906 1,500 production, processing and marketing; lobbying and 6 Highridge Banana Growers and Marketing Association 2003 0°47'37.87"S 37° 8'15.28"E Maragua Central Kenya, Kisii, Meru, Rachuonyo and Taita Taveta. Kamau Njiiba advocacy 1,200 7 Horticultural Growers Association 2009 0°32'1.78"S 37°28'4.60"E Embu Nationwide Christine Wambu,
[email protected] 237 Promotion