‘Spring Equipment ahead’ fire at area Sunday log yard Page A4 March 8 Page A3 Wednesday, March 4, 2020 $1 TheThe ChronicleChronicle thechronicleonline.com Serving Columbia County since 1881 Leap Day Coronavirus Strikes Oregon babies celebrate CHRISTINE MENGES
[email protected] This past Saturday, the world had a Leap Day, or an extra day added to February, Feb. 29. Most years, February ends on the 28th. But once every four years, the month gains an extra day. The reason why has to do with how the earth revolves around the sun. While people tend to think of years as being 365 days long, in reality it takes the earth 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to make a full revolution. If calendars didn’t account for those extra five-ish hours, the seasons would eventually go out of whack. That’s why, to account for the discrep- ancy, an extra day is added (more or Oregon cases increasing School districts take action Columbia County response less) every four years. For most people, the extra day JEREMY C. RUARK JEREMY C. RUARK CHRISTINE MENGES is just one more day in the calendar
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] year. For those born on the date, it’s a Oregon health officials have identified School officials in Columbia County The Chronicle sat down with Michael bigger deal. a third presumptive positive case of CO- are taking preventive steps to ensure Paul, the Public Health Administrator for While most people have a 1 out VID-19 among state residents.