Getting to Huelva

Huelva is situated between the airports of Faro in Portugal and . The distance is about the same but there are more frequent connections from Seville.

If you travel to Faro, you can take the bus to Huelva from Faro central bus station. There are two buses daily. The times below are local times: Depart Faro 8:20 Arrival Huelva 11:45 Depart Faro 15:30 Arrival Huelva 19:00 Depart Huelva 08:45 Arrival Faro 10:10 Depart Huelva 17:30 Arrival Faro 18:55

Faro-Huelva: Faro Airport to Faro Bus Station: airport-to-Faro.html

If you fly to Seville, there are buses every hour from Seville (Plaza de Armas Bus station) to Huelva and the journey takes about an hour and 15 minutes. To get to the Plaza de Armas Bus Station, you can take the airport bus to the city center

If you prefer train you can take it at Santa Justa Train Station reachable through the airport bus to the city center. There are three daily trains to Huelva at 10.00, 17.00 and 20.50 and three trains back to Seville at 6.55, 15.00 and 19.00. The journey takes about an hour and a half.

Airport bus to city center: Bus Seville-Huelva: Train Seville-Huelva:

If you fly to , there are two direct trains to Huelva departing from Atocha Station at 16.20 and 18.05 (back to Madrid at 8.00). The journey takes about three hours and 45 minutes. Atocha Station can be reached through the local train network service “Cercanías” C1 line. The train station is on the terminal T4 floor -1, and is called Aeropuerto T4. To move to the other terminals there is a shuttle bus service connecting the terminals.

Airp.-Atocha: airport-bytrain.htm Train Madrid-Huelva: