Cat Lovers Show 2019

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Cat Lovers Show 2019 CAT LOVERS SHOW 2019 PR CAMPAIGN REPORT COVERAGE RESULTS. 101 98 65 11 ONLINE PIECES PRINT PIECES SOCIAL PIECES BROADCAST PIECES Online coverage was achieved Print coverage was achieved nationally Social media coverage was achieved Broadcast coverage was achieved nationally across all Newscorp (e.g. in Australian Women’s Weekly across all major platforms including across leading television and radio Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph, Magazine and leading Victorian Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and stations such as Nine News Courier Mail) and Nine Entertainment’s newspapers; the Herald Sun (SCREEN, WeChat. Many online platforms Melbourne (6x weather crosses), (e.g. The Age, Sydney Morning Herald) Weekend) and The Age (M Magazine, syndicated their coverage across social Weekend Sunrise, The Morning digital platforms. Other key platforms Spectrum) as well as multiple channels as well as publishing organic Show, Postcards as well as 3AW, included include 7News Australia, Royal syndications across The Leader Group content. Leading social accounts ABC Radio Ballarat and The Squiz Auto, Broadsheet, The Urban List, (20+ titles). Coverage was also achieved included 7News Australia, City of Podcast. Concrete Playground, Time Out and in Time Out magazine and ten Star Melbourne (What’s On), Herald Sun, Whimn. Select online coverage was also News Group titles, as well as CALD The Age, KIIS 101.1, Broadsheet , Time shared across nine respective EDM publication Vision China Times. Out, Concrete Playground, The Urban databases. List and Star News Group. TOTAL COVERAGE ACHIEVED: 275 AUDIENCE. 80,185,440 5,929,655 10,553,728 1,384,158 ONLINE PRINT SOCIAL MEDIA BROADCAST Total social media audience accumulates Total online audience accumulates the Total print audience accumulates the Total broadcast audience the number of followers of each monthly average unique visitors (AUV), number of printed copies (circulation) of accumulates the average number of Facebook and Instagram page that of each site that covered the event, as each publication that covered the viewers and/or listeners of each covered the event. well as EDM subscribers. event. Publications with the highest program or segment. Top broadcast circulations included The Australian The largest social audiences were the Top sites included Sydney Morning audiences included Nine News Women’s Weekly (375,036), Sunday Facebook pages of 7News Australia Herald (5,334,000), 7News Australia Melbourne (509,000 – total Herald Sun (349,252), The Saturday (1,785,479), On Melbourne (3,846,721), The Age (2,381,000) and What’s Afternoon + Evening), 7News Age (241,029) as well as The Leader (460,915), Herald Sun (364,185), The Herald Sun (2,300,000). Multiple Melbourne (201,000), Weekend Group (918,366 total) who syndicated Urban List (346,447), The Age (321,377) digital Newscorp and Nine Sunrise (256,000), Postcard three separate coverage pieces across and Broadsheet (301,116) as well as Entertainment pieces were syndicated (179,301) and The Morning Show numerous titles. On Melbourne Instagram nationally. What’s (148,000) as well as 3AW (74,000) account (188,000) Notes on Audience Figures: Audience figures are calculated using official MediaNet and Slice Media Monitoring values. A print title’s circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day. An online title’s audience is calculated using average unique browser figures. Broadcast is the total audience watching or listening to a specific segment. AUDIENCE. TOTAL CUMULATIVE AUDIENCE OF ALL 275 MEDIA ARTICLES: 98,052,981* 12.4% INCREASE IN VOLUME OF COVERAGE FROM 2018 1.3% INCREASE IN 2018’S TOTAL CUMULATIVE AUDIENCE WITH STRONG SYNDICATIONS NATIONALLY, ONLINE IS THE STRONGEST MEDIUM BY VOLUME, FOLLOWED CLOSELY BY PRINT THE 2019 CAT LOVERS SHOW CAMPAIGN IS THE LARGEST ACHIEVED VOLUME OF COVERAGE AND AUDIENCE OF ALL EMI EVENTS TO DATE *Official audience and circulation figures sourced from Medianet and Slice Media Monitoring AUDIENCE INSIGHTS. TOP PERFORMING MEDIA ARTICLES: The Sydney Morning Herald Online 5,334,000 7News Australia Online 3,846,721 Daily Telegraph Online 2,600,000 The Age Online 2,381,000 Herald Sun Online 2,300,000 The Australian Online 2,000,000 7News Australia Facebook 1,785,479 The Courier Mail Online 1,700,000 The Advertiser Online 1,107,000 Whimn Online 1,000,000 *Official audience and circulation figures sourced from Medianet and Slice Media Monitoring OUTCOMES HotHouse Media & Events proposed the following measures to demonstrate PR outcomes: • Volume of media coverage in excess of 200 pieces of media coverage (including syndications as per past campaigns) - EXCEEDED BY 75 • Positive media relationships demonstrated by increase of registered accredited media at the event by 50% (target of 30 accredited media) - EXCEEDED TARGET BY 37 • Demonstrated reach and awareness demonstrated by cumulative media audience (cumulative audience in excess of 70,000,000) – EXCEEDED BY 28,000,000 • Quotes and feedback from media in attendance included in report – INCLUDED MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. Please find a snapshot of media coverage highlights on the following slides. MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. OUTLET: Nine News (Afternoon + Evening) O U T L E T : Nine News Melbourne ( T w i t t e r ) AUDIENCE : 509,000(total) AUDIENCE : 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. OUTLET: Weekend Sunrise O U T L E T : S u n r i s e ( T w i t t e r ) AUDIENCE : 2 5 6 , 0 0 0 AUDIENCE : 4 7 2 , 0 0 0 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. OUTLET: The Morning Show O U T L E T : The Morning Show ( O n l i n e ) O U T L E T : The Morning Show (Facebook) AUDIENCE : 1 4 8 , 0 0 0 AUDIENCE : N/A AUDIENCE : 2 8 7 , 8 0 7 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. OUTLET: Postcards AUDIENCE : 1 7 9 , 3 0 1 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : 7News Australia OUTLET: 7News Australia ( F a c e b o o k ) AUDIENCE: 3,846,721 AUDIENCE : 1 , 7 8 5 , 4 7 9 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. OUTLET: 7News Melbourne O U T L E T : 7News Melbourne ( T w i t t e r ) AUDIENCE : 2 0 1 , 0 0 0 AUDIENCE : 1 1 3 , 0 0 0 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Saturday Herald Sun - Weekend CIRCULATION : 3 4 9 , 2 5 2 PUBLICATION: Australian Women’s Weekly CIRCULATION : 3 7 5 , 0 3 6 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Herald Sun O U T L E T : H e r a l d S u n O U T L E T : H e r a l d S u n ( F a c e b o o k ) CIRCULATION : 3 0 3 , 1 4 0 AUDIENCE : 2,300,000 AUDIENCE : 3 6 3 , 8 9 3 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Herald Sun PUBLICATION: Herald Sun CIRCULATION : 3 0 3 , 1 4 0 CIRCULATION : 3 0 3 , 1 4 0 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Sunday Herald Sun PUBLICATION: Sunday Herald Sun CIRCULATION : 3 4 9 , 2 5 2 CIRCULATION : 3 4 9 , 2 5 2 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Sunday Herald Sun - SCREEN O U T L E T : H e r a l d S u n CIRCULATION : 3 4 9 , 2 5 2 AUDIENCE : 2,300,000 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : H e r a l d S u n AUDIENCE : 2,300,000 O U T L E T : H e r a l d S u n ( F a c e b o o k ) AUDIENCE : 3 6 4 , 1 8 5 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : The Leader Group (Herald Sun Online) PUBLICATION: The Leader Group (syndicated x 23) AUDIENCE : 2 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 CIRCULATION : 918,366 (total) MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: The Leader Group (syndicated x 5) PUBLICATION: The Leader Group (syndicated x 25) CIRCULATION : 261,905 (total) CIRCULATION : 970,885 (total) MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : T h e A g e (syndicated nationally) O U T L E T : T h e A g e ( F a c e b o o k ) AUDIENCE : 2,381,000 AUDIENCE : 3 2 1 , 3 7 7 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: The Sunday Age – M M a g a z i n e PUBLICATION: The Saturday Age – Spectrum CIRCULATION : 9 8 , 2 1 4 CIRCULATION : 2 4 1 , 0 2 9 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: The Sunday Age – M M a g a z i n e O U T L E T : T h e A g e CIRCULATION:98,214 AUDIENCE : 2,381,000 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : Broadsheet Melbourne O U T L E T : Broadsheet Melbourne ( F a c e b o o k ) OUTLET: Broadsheet Melbourne (EDM) AUDIENCE : 7 6 1 , 2 9 2 AUDIENCE : 3 0 1 , 1 1 6 AUDIENCE : 1 3 4 , 0 6 7 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : Broadsheet Melbourne O U T L E T : Broadsheet Melbourne (Facebook) AUDIENCE : 7 6 1 , 2 9 2 AUDIENCE : 3 0 1 , 1 1 6 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : Time Out Melbourne O U T L E T : Time Out Melbourne ( F a c e b o o k ) AUDIENCE : 2 1 4 , 3 3 4 AUDIENCE : 1 8 2 , 4 3 3 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. PUBLICATION: Time Out Magazine – Spring 2019 CIRCULATION : 2 1 , 2 2 2 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : Concrete Playground Melbourne O U T L E T : Concrete Playground ( F a c e b o o k ) O U T L E T : Concrete Playground (EDM) AUDIENCE : 3 8 7 , 7 0 2 AUDIENCE : 1 3 7 , 2 2 3 AUDIENCE : 2 1 , 7 9 1 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS. O U T L E T : Urban List - Melbourne AUDIENCE : 5 2 4 , 9 6 3 O U T L E T : Urban List - Melbourne (Facebook) AUDIENCE : 3 4 6 , 4 4 7 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS.
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