Elisha's Unbearable Curse: a Study of 2 Kings.2:23-25
Mercer Elisha 's Unbearable Curse 165 ----~--------------------------------------- ELISHA'S UNBEARABLE CURSE: A STUDY OF 2 KINGS.2:23-25 MARK MERCER INTRODUCTION The idea of "to curse" or that of a "curse" is found in most African societies.' Curses might be pronounced by a parent, by sorcerers or Dr. Mark Merrer is lecturer at the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, Kenya. He earned his B.A. in History from Texas Tech University in 1975 and his Th.M. (1979) and Th.D. (1987) in Semitics and Old Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. 1 Charles Dundas. "History ofKitui," The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute 43 ( 1913): 528-9; Richard J. Gehman, African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective (Kijabe, Kenya: Kesho Publications. 1989), 63; C. W. Hobley, Bantu Beliefs and Magic: With Particular Reforence to the Kilcuyu and Kamba Tribes ofKenya Colony together with Some Reflections on East Africa after the War (London: Frank Cass & Co., 1938), 103-4, 145; Gerhard Lindblom, The Akamba in British East Africa: An Ethnological Monograph, 2d ed., en I. (Uppsala: Appelbergs Boktoyckeri, Aktiebolag, 1920; reprint ed., New York: Negro Universities Press, I %9), 171, 182-5, 280, 336, 519, 540; John Middleton, The Central Tribes ofthe North-Eastern Bantu, Ethnographic Survey of Africa: East Central Africa, part v, ed. Daryll Forde (London: International African Institute, 1953), 94; A. Scott Moreau, The World ofthe Spirits: A Biblical Study in the African Context (Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House, 1990), 12, 112; J. H. Blackwood Murphy, "The Kitui Akamba: Further Investigation on Certain Matters," The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute 56 (1926): 195; Joseph Muthian~ Akambafrom Within: Egalitarianism in Social Relations (Jericho, NY: Exposition Press.
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