

1. Runners on 2nd and 3rd, 1 . The interferes with the batter as he hits a ground ball to the 2nd baseman. The 2nd baseman fields the ball and throws the batter-runner out at 1st as the runner from 3rd scored and runner from 2nd went to 3rd.

a. As soon as the out at 1st is made, call time and enforce the catcher’s . Manager has an election to take the results of the play. b. Time should not be called until the entire play has ended. Then catcher’s interference penalty should be enforced. Batter-runner awarded 1st, runners return to 2nd and 3rd. The manager has an election to take the results of the play.

2. Runners on 1st and 3rd, 0 outs. Batter hits a fly ball that the left fielder catches but drops the ball as he is taking it out of his glove. The play is ruled a . The runner on 1st, who is half way, believes the ball was dropped and continues to without tagging up; the runner on 3rd tags up and scores. The left fielder then throws the ball to 1st to complete the but overthrows 1st and ends up throwing it into the stands. The runners are awarded their bases from the overthrow.

a. The defensive team can still appeal the runner leaving 1st base too soon. b. The defensive team lost its right to appeal because it erred on its first attempt.

3. Runner on 2nd base, 1 out. Batter hits a ground ball, which deflects off the pitcher toward the shortstop. The runner from 2nd runs into the shortstop as he is prepared to field the deflected ball.

a. Because the ball was deflected, the umpire should rule, “that’s nothing” with a signal and leave the ball alive and in play. b. Time is called immediately, runner from 2nd is out for interference, batter- runner is awarded 1st base.

4. Using the order: Abel-Baker-Charles-Daniel-Edward-Frank; Charles bats instead of Abel. He singles. Daniel comes up next and singles. Baker then bats and doubles scoring Charles, and Daniel goes to 3rd. The defensive team appeals immediately batting out of order before the next or play.

a. Baker is out for batting out of order, send Charles back to 2nd, Daniel back to 1st and Edward is next proper batter. b. Edward is called out for batting out of order, send Charles back to 2nd, Daniel back to 1st, Frank is the next proper batter.

5. Runners on 2nd and 3rd, 1 out. The pitcher delivers the ball to the batter without coming to a stop and a is called. The batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop and gets the runner from 2nd in a rundown. The runner from 3rd scores and the batter-runner reaches 1st, but the runner from 2nd is retired in the rundown for the 2nd out.

a. Play stands as the batter-runner reached base. Balk is nullified. b. Call time after the runner from 2nd is put out and enforce the balk. Runner on 3rd scores, runner from 2nd awarded 3rd, batter returns to bat with previous . c. The balk is enforced unless the defense elects to take the results of the play.

6. No runners on base, no outs. The pitcher delivers the ball to the batter while not in contact with the rubber. The batter hits the pitch and singles to left field.

a. Play stands, illegal pitch is nullified. b. Call illegal pitch, bring batter back to bat, add a ball to the count. Pitcher is warned.

7. Runner on 1st base, 1 out, 3-2 count on batter. The runner is stealing on the pitch as ball 4 is called. The runner from 1st reaches 2nd but over slides the base and is tagged while off the bag.

a. Runner is out. b. Time is called and runner remains at 2nd, ball 4 on the batter forced him to 2nd without liability to be put out.

8. Use the following : Able-Baker-Charles-Daniel. With Abel on 1st, 2 outs and a 2-1 count on Baker, Abel steals on the next pitch and Baker hinders the catcher’s throw to 2nd and interference is called for the 3rd out.

a. Baker would be the first hitter up the next ; Abel would be the 3rd out because of Baker’s interference. b. Charles would be the first batter up the next inning; Baker would be the 3rd out.

9. Runner on 1st base, 2 out. Batter singles to . The runner from 1st, after reaching 2nd, is hindered by the shortstop (who does not have the ball nor is in the act of fielding). The runner stops and holds up on 2nd as ball is thrown into . a. should be called and obstructed runner placed to whatever base the umpire felt he could have reached had obstruction not occurred. b. Obstruction should be called and since obstructed runner did not try for 3rd, he would just stay at 2nd.

10. Runner on 3rd base, 1 out, and the batter bunts. There is a play at the plate on runner attempting to score; runner is called safe. A following play is made on the batter-runner, who is called out for interference running outside the 3 foot lane.

a. Run scores as this is an intervening play. b. Return the runner to 3rd base.

11. The batter swings and misses the pitch for strike three as the runner from 1st base is stealing. The batter’s back swing/follow through unintentionally hits the catcher who is in the act of throwing. The batter is in the batter’s box.

a. Backswing interference, , return the runner to 1st unless the catcher’s initial throw retires the runner. b. Because the batter is out for strike three the runner is also out for the batter’s interference.

12. Runner on 2nd base, two out. Batter hits a base but is thrown out attempting to reach 2nd base. Runner originally on 2nd crossed the plate before the third out but missed the plate. After the third out at 2nd base, the runner who missed the plate then returns and touches the plate.

a. Score the run, but the defense may still appeal home as the runner missed the plate and is unable to legally touch home following the third out. b. Do not score the run as the runner did not touch home before the third out was made.

13. With a runner on 3rd base, the pitcher is standing in a full windup position but his hands are down to his side. After taking his sign the pitcher brings his hands together in front of his body but makes no other movement that would be associated with his delivery. The pitcher then steps off the rubber with his pivot foot first.

a. Legal, as the act of bringing his hands together is not a start of his windup. b. Balk, the first movement of his hands committed him to pitch.

14. With a runner on 2nd base and a 3-2 count on the batter, the runner attempts to steal 3rd base. The pitcher and delivers the pitch, which is ball 4. The runner from 2nd reaches 3rd base safely.

a. Play stands as all runners and the batter reached the next base safely. b. Enforce the balk, runner on 3rd base, batter returns to bat with a 3-2 count.

15. The batter hits a pop up that is coming down near the 45 foot line. The pitcher and the 1st baseman converge to catch the pop up. The 1st baseman calls off the pitcher and is in position to catch the ball but the pitcher moving away from the 1st baseman collides with the batter-runner.

a. Obstruction should be called but if the ball is caught the batter-runner should not be awarded 1st base. Should the ball fall and be fair the batter-runner would be awarded 1st base. b. The batter-runner is awarded 1st base as this is obstruction before 1st base.

16. The batter bunts and is outside the 3 foot running lane the entire play as the catcher’s throw hits the runner in the back while he is in stride just before touching 1st base. This clearly prevents the fielder at 1st base from fielding the throw.

a. Interference, to be entitled to the last stride protection at 1st base he had to be in the running lane before that stride. b. No interference, last stride before 1st base can be outside the 3 foot running lane in order to touch the base.

17. The doubles. The manager of the offensive team wants to pinch run the game pitcher for the designated hitter.

a. Legal and the DH role will be terminated for the remainder of the game. b. Do not allow this move as the rule book states the pitcher may only pinch hit for the DH

18. A manager has declared that he wants to protest the game. Which of the following procedures must the crew follow?

a. Ascertain the exact rule and reason the manager wishes to protest. b. Crew consultation to verify that the rule has been applied properly. c. Have a PA announcement made that the game is being played under protest. d. All of the above.

19. In the bottom of the 5th inning, the home team scores two runs to tie the score. Before the 5th inning ends light failure forces to game to be called. Play cannot be resumed.

a. Light failure is always suspended; game will be resumed from the point of interruption. b. No game; the game had not progressed to the point of a regulation game.

20. Runners on 1st and 2nd, a low line drive to the shortstop is short hopped and ruled no catch, the runner originally on 2nd, believing the ball caught returns to 2nd base, the runner on 1st is also on 2nd base, the shortstop tags both runners standing on 2nd base.

a. The following runner is declared out; runner originally on 2nd base is safe. b. Runner originally on 2nd base is declared out; runner from 1st base is safe.

21. The batter doubles but misses 1st base. Time is called. The pitcher steps on the rubber, stretches, and comes to a set position. The defense intends to appeal at 1st base. The pitcher legally steps off the rubber and checks the runner at 2nd base. The pitcher’s throw for the appeal gets past the 1st baseman but remains in play. The runner advances to 3rd as the ball is being retrieved. May the defensive team still make its intended appeal at 1st base?

a. No further appeal is allowed as the defense erred on its attempt to appeal 1st base. b. The defense is still allowed to appeal if they do so before any other intervening play.

22. The batter doubles but misses 1st base. Time is called. The pitcher steps on the rubber, stretches, and comes to a set position. The defense intends to appeal at 1st base. The pitcher steps on the rubber, stretches, and comes to a set position. The pitcher throws to first base without stepping off the rubber. The pitcher makes a legal step in his throw to first. Is this a balk? What is your ruling?

23. What are the dimensions of the running lane going to first base? What is its purpose?

24. Explain the .

25. Explain .