The bush and the rocky peak called “the 3 Yougas”, opposite Yendouma : the rocky peak shelters 3 : Youga-Piri, Youga-Dogorou and Youga-Nah. According to the legend, the first was introduced to the Dogons at Youga-Dogorou.

9 A small page of history and geography

andiagara is the capital of Dogon. It is situated 75 km east of . This area is in the BSahelian zone* and consists of three natural environments : the plateau, the sandstone cliffs and the lower plains. Dogon life revolves around the 200 km long cliffs. It takes over two hours of chaotic and steep paths to go from to Yendouma. For a long time, the Dogons kept their independence because of the difficult access to this isolated and mountainous territory. In the 1940’s, the Dogon population became one of the most well known in Africa because of the French ethnologist * . His research and findings about the Dogon culture, both surprised and inspired European imaginations.

10 Summary Abiba Témé.

11 The Dogons

n the XIV century, the Dogons left the Mandé region situated in south east and Dogon Ivillages were established in the Bandiagara area. This was because of the ’s collective refusal to convert to . On arrival, they found the people living in troglodyte dwellings. These cave-like homes, built in cavities in the cliffs were still intact. The Mali population is composed of 23 different ethnicities. The Bamaras are the largest ethnic* group, whose language is spoken by 80 % of the population. Today, the Dogons represent about 700 000 people. The Dogon language is divided into several dialects*. There is also a secret language, the sigi so which is taught by the elders and used by the “” during the religious ceremonies.

The Kanaga is one of the most important Dogon masks. The Kanaga from Yendouma, represents the Amma, lifting his arms towards the sky. When used for funerals*, the mask bearers dance through the village streets. They point the mask downwards and then straighten themselves quickly in order to try and establish a link between the earth and the sky.

The society of masks called Awa leads the masked dances which are organized for the different ceremonies. Only men are members. Boys can join the society after their *. Women are not allowed to join.

12 Summary