Index Nominum
INDEX NOMINUM Abydos, 46 (temple of Sethi), 122, 228 Aretalogies, 49, 145 Acculturation, 61–64 Arsinoe II (as Aphrodite-Isis), 44, 285 Achilles Tatius, 189–190 Atef (crown), 213 Achmim (von Bissing’s tomb from Athena (wearing a basileion), 3 1897), 31, 98–107 Athribis (Bes), 206 Aegyptiaca, definition, 3, 15–16, 18, 188, Augustus (Octavian), 27 233 AEGYPTO CAPTA, 35, 282–287 Ba bird, 97–98 Aha (warrior god), 236 Bahariya (catacomb), 172 Ain Birbiyeh (temple), 155–162, 164–168 Bashendi (cemetery), 150–155 Ain el-Labakha (temple for Piyris), 171 Basileion, 3 Alexandria Bastet, 207 Cape Lochias, 86 Behbeit el-Hagar (Isis temple), 43 Coinage, 32, 181 Benu-bird, 95 Nelson island, 77 Bes, 3, 34, 47, 205–206, 229–230, Sarapeion, 79–80 233–255 Tombs, 11 Bronze Age, use of Aegyptiaca, 12–14 Anfushy II, 81 Buto, 33, 206 Anfushy V, 81–82 Gabbari tombs, 92 Calathos, 4, 201 Kom el-Shoqafa, 91–92, 109, Canopus, 44, 46 191–192, 195 Christianity/Christian Egypt, 20–21 Mustapha Pasha I, 78 Classicism, see Archaism Persephone tomb, 33 Cleopatra II, 45 Ramleh tomb, 92 Cleopatra VII, 16, 44, 241 Shatby, hypogaeum A, 76–78 Coptos, see Koptos Stagni tomb, 92 Core-periphery models, 17 Tigrane tomb, 107–113 Cornucopia, 2 Underwater discoveries, 25, 30, 75, 86 Cosmopolite/cosmopolitan, 14–15 Amenemhat III, 49 Crocodilopolis, 263–265 Amenemope, 144 Crown (solar), 47 Amenhotep (Deir el-Bahari), 46 Cultural concept, 8–9, 12, 22, 27 Amheida (Trimithis), see Petosiris and Cultural memory, 22 Petubastis Ammit the Devourer, 102, 113–114 Dakhleh (oasis), 32, 149–180 Amon, 144 Deir el-Bahari (saviour gods), 46 in Dakhleh, 149 ff.
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