Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74568-0 — 21St Century Guidebook to Fungi David Moore , Geoffrey D
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74568-0 — 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi David Moore , Geoffrey D. Robson , Anthony P. J. Trinci Index More Information INDEX 2-octen-1-ol , 455 area on Earth , 3 pheromone , 43 5-l uorocytosine , 475 biota , 4 Alternaria combinatorial therapy , 478 agricultural waste , 249 , 290 HC-toxin , 420 bioconversion , 533 leaf spot , 424 Absidia, 46 , 455 fuel alcohol , 345 , 532 potato early blight , 485 Acaulospora, 51 , 51 , 463 , 554 hazardous , 352 sick building syndrome , 455 Acaulosporaceae , 51 agriculture alternative splicing , 104 , 148 , 328 acervulus , 238 , 239 , 573 ants , 389 , 393 Amanita, 365 acetyl-CoA , 42 , 43 , 265 , 267 , 269 , 271 , 316 , applied genetics , 159 branching strategies , 89 513 beetles , 395 CNS poison , 349 acetylenes , 274 climate change , 346 colony simulation , 88 , 89 achlorophyllous , 356 , 357 , 360 , 361 , 363 fungi , 159 metal accumulation , 347 Achlya, 26 , 71 , 124 , 175 , 212 , 562 fungicides , 481 mycorrhizas , 357 Acrasiales , 72 , 94 in insects , 388 nonspecii c mycorrhiza , 73 Acrasiomycota , 72 loss of production , 250 poisoning , 456 Acrasis, 72 , 561 origins , 11 psychotropic , 349 Acremonium, 464 plant pathogens , 413 toxins , 273 , 273 , 274 Acromyrmex, 389 , 392 waste production , 290 young mycelium , 81 actin , 33 , 80 , 114 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 130 , 133 , yield , 408 amanitin , 274 133 , 176 , 181 , 234 , 234 , 244 , 244 Agrobacterium, 412 amatoxin , 456 associated myosins , 115 Agrobacterium tumefaciens amber binding proteins (ABPs) , 114 transformation
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