Heritage Impact Assessment Humber Doucy Lane Ipswich Suffolk 67 Westway Wimbotsham John Selby King’s Lynn Norfolk PE34 3QB 07708 995 491 25th September 2020
[email protected] Heritage Impact Assessment: Humber Doucy Lane, Ipswich ________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was commissioned by Ipswich Borough Council, having identified a site of 23.62 hectares north of Humber Doucy Lane for development within the emerging Ipswich Local Plan Review 2018-2036. The residential allocation falling within the Borough boundary is for 496 dwellings on 60% of the site (ref.ISPA4.1), and a further 150 dwellings are proposed on the East Suffolk (former Suffolk Coastal District) side, within the parish of Tuddenham (ref. SCLP12.24). The purpose of the HIA is to identify the heritage assets likely to be affected by the proposal, to assess their significance and the contribution made by their setting to that significance. The resulting Assessment will inform discussion at the forthcoming examination hearings and recommendations made in the HIA will be incorporated into the emerging Local Plan to inform the master planning of the site. Judgements made in the HIA solely concern the impact of development on above ground heritage assets. An archaeological assessment does not form a part of the HIA. The selection of affected heritage assets follows the advice contained in Historic England’s The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans: Historic England Advice Note 3. Definitions of ‘heritage asset’, ‘setting’ and ‘significance’ are as contained in the glossary (appendix A) to the National Planning Policy Framework and assessment follows the guidance contained in Historic England’s advice notes: The Setting of Heritage Assets: and Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment.