NASSDOC Research Information Series: 3

Vol. 2 No.2 April - June 2017

National Social Science Documentation Centre Indian Council of Social Science Research 35, Ferozeshah Road New Delhi-110001 Mail: [email protected]

Current Contents

A Quarterly Issue

Edited & Compiled by S N Chari

NASSDOC Research Information Series: 3


Vol.2 No.2 April-June

2017, 115p.


Current Contents is a Current Awareness Service under ”NASSDOC Research Information Series". It provides ready access to bibliographic details of articles from the recently published leading scholarly journals in Social Sciences and available in NASSDOC. In this publication, “Table of Contents” of selected journals are arranged under title of the journal and at its end Author Index and Keyword Indexes have been provided in alphabetical order.

While adequate care has been taken in reproducing the information from various scholarly journals received in NASSDOC, but NASSDOC does not take legal responsibility for its correctness. It is only for information and is based on information collected journals received in NASSDOC.

Nutan Johry NASSDOC (In-charge)


S. Name of the Journal Vol./ Month & Page NO Issue Year No 1 Administrative Science Quarterly 62/2 June 2017 1 2 Advances in Developing Human Resources 19/2 May 2017 2 3 American Economic Review 107/4 April 2017 3 4 American Economic Review 107/5 May 2017 4 5 American Economic Review 107/6 June 2017 16 6 American Journal of Economic and Sociology 76/3 June 2017 17 7 The American Review of Public Administration 47/3 April 2017 18 8 Applied Psychology 66/2 April 2017 19 9 British Journal of Sociology 68/2 June 2017 20 10 China Report 53/2 May 2017 21 11 Contribution to Indian Sociology 51/2 June 2017 22 12 Cross Cultural Research 51/2 April 2017 23 13 Culture and Psychology 23/2 May 2017 24 14 Economic and political weakly 52/17 April 2017 26 15 Economic and political weakly 52/18 April 2017 27 16 Economic and political weakly 52/20 May 2017 28 17 Economic and political weakly 52/21 May 2017 29 18 Economic and political weakly 52/22 June 2017 31 19 Economic and political weakly 52/23 June 2017 32 20 Economic and political weakly 52/24 June 2017 33 21 Economic and political weakly 52/25 June 2017 34 22 Economic Geography 93/3 June 2017 36 23 European Journal of Cultural Studies 20/3 June 2017 37 24 Foreign Trade Review 52/2 May 2017 38 25 Geographical Research: Journal of the institute of 55/2 May 2017 39 Australian Geographers 26 Harvard Educational Review 87/2 June 2017 40

27 Human Rights Quarterly 39/2 May 2017 41 28 Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 35/2 June 2017 42

S. Name of the Journal Vol./ Month & Page NO Issue Year No 29 India Review 16/2 June 2017 43 30 Indian Economic & Social History Review 54/2 April 2017 44 31 Information Development 33/3 June 2017 45 32 International Journal of Cultural Studies 20/3 May 2017 46 33 International Journal of Social Research 20/3 April 2017 47 Methodology 34 International Political Science Review 38/3 June 2017 48 35 Journal of Economic Literature 55/2 June 2017 49 36 Journal of Social Sciences 51/i-iii Apr- June 2017 50 37 Kisan World 44/4 April 2017 53 38 Mainstream 55/15 April 2017 54 39 Mainstream 55/16 April 2017 56 40 Mainstream 55/17 April 2017 58 41 Mainstream 55/18 April 2017 59 42 Mainstream 55/19 April 2017 60 43 Race & Class 58/4 April 2017 61

44 Seoul Journal of Economics 30/2 April 2017 62

45 South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 40/2 June 2017 63 46 South Asia Politics 16/1 May 2017 66 47 South Asia Politics 16/2 June 2017 67 48 Southern Economist 55/23 April 2017 68 49 Southern Economist 55/24 April 2017 69 50 Southern Economist 56/1 May 2017 70 51 Third Concept: An Intonation Journal of Ideas 31/362 April 2017 71

52 Third Concept: An Intonation Journal of Ideas 31/363 May 2017 72

53 Author Index 73 54 Keyword Index 96

Administrative Science Quarterly Volume 62. No. 2 June 2017

231. Seeing More than Orange: Organizational Respect and Positive Identity Transformation in a Prison Context. Kristie M. Rogers and et al.; (Pages 219–269)

232. How Nascent Occupations Construct a Mandate: The Case of Service Designers’ Ethos. Anne-Laure Fayard and et al.; (Pages 270–303)

233. These Unequal States: Corporate Organization and Income Inequality in the United States. J. Adam Cobb and Flannery G. Stevens; (Pages 304–340)

234. Activist Choice Homophily and the Crowdfunding of Female Founders. Jason Greenberg and Ethan Mollick; (Pages 341–374)

235. State Ownership and Firm Innovation in China: An Integrated View of Institutional and Efficiency Logics. Kevin Zheng Zhou and et al.; (Pages 375–404)

236. Robert H. Frank: Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy. David A. Kirsch; (Pages NP12–NP14)

237. Xabier Itçaina, Antoine Roger, and Andy Smith: Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry. Royston Greenwood; (Pages NP15–NP17)

238. Hwy-Chang Moon: The Strategy for Korea’s Economic Success. Yujin Jeong and Jordan I. Siegel; (Pages NP18–NP22)

239. Earl Boebert and James M. Blossom: Deepwater Horizon: A Systems Analysis of the Macondo Disaster. Karl E. Weick; (Pages NP23–NP26)


Advances in Developing Human Resources Vol.19 No.2 May 2017

240. Leveraging Research to Advance Undergraduate HRD Education: An Introduction. Tomika W. Greer and Joshua C. Collins; (Pages 115–123)

241. HRD Curriculum Meets Global Human Capital Challenge. Cyndi H. Gaudet and et al.; (Pages 124–137)

242. Redesigning an Undergraduate HRD Program with Stakeholder Guidance. Michael Beyerlein, Trez and et al.; (Pages 138–156)

243. Leveraging Three Lessons Learned from Teaching an HRD Undergraduate Diversity and Inclusion Course: An Auto ethnography of One Professor’s Perceptions. Joshua C. Collins; (Pages 157–175)

244. Keeping It Real: The Impact of HRD Internships on the Development of HRD Professionals. Katina Sawyer; (Pages 176–189)

245. The Value of an Undergraduate HRD Degree: An Exploratory Investigation of Perceived Employability and Career Success. Tomika W. Greer and Consuelo L. Waight; (Pages 190 – 206)

246. Research to Advance Undergraduate HRD Education: “Please Sir, I Want Some More”. Kim Nimon and Paul B. Roberts; (Pages 207–214)


American Economic Review Vol. 107 No. 4. April 2017

247. Narrative Economics. Robert J. Shiller; (Pages 967-1004) 248. 248. Banks as Secret Keepers. Tri Vi Dang and et al.; (Pages 1005-1029) 249. Escaping the Great Recession. Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi; (Pages 1030-1058) 250. The Social Cost of Near-Rational Investment. Tarek A. Hassan and Thomas M. Mertens; (Pages 1059-1103) 251. The Macrodynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms. Jeremy Lise and Jean-Marc Robin; (Pages 1104-1135) 252. Financing Innovation: Evidence from R&D Grants. Sabrina T. Howell; (Pages 1136-1164) 253. Reducing Crime and Violence: Experimental Evidence from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Liberia. Christopher Blattman and et al; (Pages 1165-1206) 254. Does the Gender Composition of Scientific Committees Matter? Manuel Bagues and et al.; (Pages 1207-1238) 255. A Comprehensive Approach to Revealed Preference Theory. Hiroki Nishimura and et al.; (Pages 1239-1263) 256. Correlation Misperception in Choice. Andrew Ellis and Michele Piccione; (Pages 1264-1292) 257. Balanced Growth Despite Uzawa. Gene M. Grossman and et al.; (Pages 1293-1312) 258. Geographic Dispersion of Economic Shocks: Evidence from the Fracking Revolution. James Feyrer and et al.; (Pages 1313-1334) 259. Borrowing on the Wrong Credit Card? Evidence from Mexico. Alejandro Ponce and et al.; (Pages 1335-1361) 260. How to Control Controlled School Choice: Comment. Battal Dogan; (Pages 1362-1364)


American Economic Review Vol. 107 No. 5 May 2017

261. Richard T. Ely Lecture: The Economist as Plumber. Esther Duflo; (Pages 1-26) 262. Assessing the Rate of Replication in Economics. James Berryand et al.; (Pages 27-31) 263. Replications in Development Economics. Sandip Sukhtankar; (Pages 32-36) 264. Replication in Labor Economics: Evidence from Data, and What It Suggests. Daniel S. Hamermesh; (Pages 37-40) 265. A Proposal to Organize and Promote Replications. Lucas C. Coffman and et al.; (Pages 41-45) 266. What Is Meant by "Replication" and Why Does it Encounter Resistance in Economics? Maren Duvendack and et al.; (Pages 46-51) 267. Replication and Economics Journal Policies. Jan H. Höffler; (Pages 52-55) 268. Replication, Meta-analysis, and Research Synthesis in Economics. Richard G. Anderson and Areerat Kichkha; (Pages 56-59) 269. A Preanalysis Plan to Replicate Sixty Economics Research Papers That Worked Half of the Time. Andrew C. Chang and Phillip Li; (Pages 60-64) 270. Groupy versus Non-Groupy Social Preferences: Personality, Region, and Political Party. Rachel E. Kranton and Seth G. Sanders; (Pages 65-69) 271. Altruistic Capital. Nava Ashraf and Oriana Bandiera; (Pages 70-75) 272. Economic Development and the Regulation of Morally Contentious Activities. Julio J. Elías and et al.; (Pages 76-80) 273. Challenges in Constructing a Survey-Based Well-Being Index. Daniel J. Benjamin and et al.; (Pages 81-85)

274. Repugnance Management and Transactions in the Body. Kieran Healy and Kimberly D. Krawiec; (Pages 86-90)


275. The Ethics of Incentivizing the Uninformed: A Vignette Study.

Sandro Ambuehl and Axel Ockenfels; (Pages 91-95) 276. Sacred versus Pseudo-sacred Values: How People Cope with Taboo Trade-Offs.

Philip E. Tetlock and et al.; (Pages 96-99)

277. Quantifying the Disincentive Effects of Joint Taxation on Married Women's Labor Supply. Alexander Bick and Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln; (Pages 100-104) 278. Cross-Country Evidence on the Relationship between Overwork and Skilled Women's Job Choice. Patricia Cortes and Jessica Pan; (Pages 105-109) 279. The Expanding Gender Earnings Gap: Evidence from the LEHD-2000 Census. Claudia Goldin and et al.; (Pages 110-114) 280. A Gender Agenda: A Progress Report on Competitiveness. Muriel Niederle; (Pages 115-119)

281. Trumping Norms: Lab Evidence on Aggressive Communication before and after the 2016 US Presidential Election. Jennie Huang and Corinn; (Pages 120-124) 282. Gender, Competitiveness, and Study Choices in High School: Evidence from Switzerland. Thomas Buser and et al.; (Pages 125-130)

283. Gender Differences in the Allocation of Low-Promotability Tasks: The Role of Backlash. Linda Babcock and et al.; (Pages 131-135) 284. No Gender Difference in Willingness to Compete When Competing against Self. Coren L. Apicella and et al.; (Pages 136-140) 285. Recognition for Group Work: Gender Differences in Academia. Heather Sarsons; (Pages 141-145) 286. Shopping While Female: Who Pays Higher Prices and Why? Anne Fitzpatrick; (Pages 146-149) 287. Women's Inheritance Rights, Household Allocation, and Gender Bias. Nayana Bose and Shreyasee Das; (Pages 150-153)


288. Assortative Matching under Asymmetric Information: Evidence from Malawi. Manuela Angelucci and Daniel Bennett; (Pages 154-157) 289. The Role of Marriage in Fighting HIV: A Quantitative Illustration for Malawi. Jeremy Greenwood and et al.; (Pages 158-162) 290. Tying the Double-Knot: The Role of Assets in Marriage Commitment. Jeanne Lafortune and Corinne Low; (Pages 163-167) 291. Is Modern Technology Responsible for Jobless Recoveries? Georg Graetz and Guy Michaels; (Pages 168-173) 292. Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation. Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo; (Pages 174-179) 293. Concentrating on the fall of the Labor Share. David Autor and et al; (Pages 180-185) 294. Pandora's Auctions: Dynamic Matching with Unknown Preferences. Daniel Fershtman and Alessandro Pavan; (Pages 186-190) 295. Multidimensional Platform Design. André Veiga and et al.; (Pages 191-195) 296. Discrete Pricing and Market Fragmentation: A Tale of Two-Sided Markets. Yong Chao and et al.; (Pages 196-199) 297. Recent Developments in Matching with Constraints.

Yuichiro Kamada and Fuhito Kojima.; (Pages 200-204)

298. Redesigning the Israeli Psychology Master's Match.

Avinatan Hassidim and et al.; (Pages 205-209)

299. Large-Scale Affirmative Action in School Choice: Admissions to IITs in India.

Orhan Aygün and Bertan Turhan; (Pages 210-213)

300. Stable and Strategy-Proof Matching with Flexible Allotments.

John William Hatfield and et al.; (Pages 214-219)

301. The Mechanism Is Truthful, Why Aren't You?

Avinatan Hassidim and et al.; (Pages 220-224)


302. Mistaken Play in the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm: Implications for Positive Assortative Matching.

Alex Rees-Jones.; (Pages 225-229)

303. Obvious Ex Post Equilibrium.

Shengwu Li; (Pages 230-234)

304. Bounded Rationality and Robust Mechanism Design: An Axiomatic Approach.

Luyao Zhang and Dan Levin; (Pages 235-239)

305. Regression Discontinuity in Serial Dictatorship: Achievement Effects at Chicago's Exam Schools.

Atila Abdulkadrolu and et al.; (Pages 240-245)

306. Policy Analysis in Matching Markets.

Nikhil Agarwal; (Pages 246-250)

307. The Econometrics and Some Properties of Separable Matching Models.

Alfred Galichon and Bernard Salanie; (Pages 251-255)

308. Specifying a Structural Matching Game of Trading Networks with Transferable Utility.

Jeremy T. Fox; (Pages 256-260)

309. Double/Debiased/Neyman Machine Learning of Treatment Effects.

Victor Chernozhukov and et al.; (Pages 261-265)

310. Testing-Based Forward Model Selection.

Damian Kozbur; (Pages 266-269)

311. Core Determining Class and Inequality Selection.

Ye Luo and Hai Wang; (Pages 274-277)

312. Estimating Average Treatment Effects: Supplementary Analyses and Remaining Challenges.

Susan Athey and et al.; (Pages 278-281)

313. What Can We Learn from Experiments? Understanding the Threats to the Scalability of Experimental Results.

John A. List and Richard Blundell; (Pages 287-292)


314. Economic Research Evolves: Fields and Styles.

Joshua Angrist and et al.; (Pages 293-297)

315. Abducting Economics.

James J. Heckman and Burton Singer; (Pages 298-302)

316. The Impact of Entrepreneurship Programs on Minorities.

Elizabeth Lyons and Laurina Zhang; (Pages 303-307)

317. Gender Gap in High-Growth Ventures: Evidence from a University Venture Mentoring Program.

Erin L. Scott and Pian Shu; (Pages 308-311)

318. Which Entrepreneurs Are Coachable and Why?

Kevin A. Bryan and et al.; (Pages 312-316)

319. Endogenous Appropriability.

Joshua S. Gans and Scott Stern.; (Pages 317-321)

320. Declining Dynamism, Allocative Efficiency, and the Productivity Slowdown.

Ryan A. Decker and et al.; (Pages 322-326)

321. Immigration and the Rise of American Ingenuity.

Ufuk Akcigit and et al.; (Pages 327-331)

322. Transferability of Skills across Sectors and Heterogeneous Displacement Costs.

Moises Yi and et al.; (Pages 332-336)

323. Trade and Manufacturing Jobs in Germany.

Wolfgang Dauth and et al.; (Pages 337-342)

324. A Context-Robust Measure of the Disincentive Cost of Unemployment Insurance.

Johannes F. Schmieder and Till von Wachter; (Pages 343-348)

325. Composition and Aggregate Real Wage Growth.

Mary C. Daly and Bart Hobijn; (Pages 349-352)

326. Do Job-to-Job Transitions Drive Wage Fluctuations over the Business Cycle?

Fatih Karahan and et al; (Pages 353-357)


327. Job-to-Job Flows and Earnings Growth.

Joyce K. Hahn and et al.; (Pages 358-363)

328. The Relative Power of Employment-to-Employment Reallocation and Unemployment Exits in Predicting Wage Growth. Giuseppe Moscarini and Fabien Postel-Vinay; (Pages 364-368)

329. Heterogeneous Scarring Effects of Full-Year Nonemployment.

Fatih Guvenen and et al.; (Pages 369-373)

330. Returns to Education through Access to Higher-Paying Firms: Evidence from US Matched Employer-Employee Data. Niklas Engbom and Christian Moser; (Pages 374-378)

331. Wage Inequality and Firm Growth.

Holger M. Mueller and et al.; (Pages 379-383)

332. The Role of Firms in Gender Earnings Inequality: Evidence from the United States. Isaac Sorkin; (Pages 384-387)

333. The Role of Unemployment in the Rise in Alternative Work Arrangements.

Lawrence F. Katz and Alan B. Krueger; (Pages 388-392)

334. Firm-Related Risk and Precautionary Saving Response.

Andreas Fagereng and et al.; (Pages 393-397)

335. Worker Betas: Five Facts about Systematic Earnings Risk.

Fatih Guvenen and et al.; (Pages 398-403)

336. Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from WID. world.

Facundo Alvaredo and et al.; (Pages 404-409)

337. Segregation and Homeownership in the Early Twentieth Century.

Trevon D. Logan and John M. Parman; (Pages 410-414)

338. Who Will Fight? The All-Volunteer Army after 9/11.

Susan Payne Carter and et al.; (Pages 415-419)

339. Taxman's Dilemma: Coercion or Persuasion? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Ethiopia. Abebe Shimeles and et al; (Pages 420-424)


340. Inequality in the Labor Market for Native American Women and the Great Recession.

Jeffrey D. Burnette; (Pages 425-429)

341. Consumption Smoothing and Frequency of Benefit Payments of Cash Transfer Programs.

Emma Aguila and et al.; (Pages 430-435)

342. Asylum Applications and Migration Flows.

Anouch Missirian and Wolfram Schlenker; (Pages 436-440)

343. Validating Migration Responses to Flooding Using Satellite and Vital Registration Data.

Joyce J. Chen and et al.; (Pages 441-445)

344. Heat Exposure and Youth Migration in Central America and the Caribbean.

Javier Baez and et al.; (Pages 446-450)

345. Improving Climate-Change Modeling of US Migration.

Mark D. Partridge and et al.; (Pages 451-455)

346. Retirement Contribution Rate Nudges and Plan Participation: Evidence from a Field.Experiment.

Jacob Goldin and et al.; (Pages 456-461)

347. Challenges to Replication and Iteration in Field Experiments: Evidence from Two Direct Mail Shots.

Jake Bowers and et al.; (Pages 462-465)

348. Government-Academic Partnerships in Randomized Evaluations: The Case of Inappropriate Prescribing.

Adam Sacarny and et al.; (Pages 466-470)

349. Reminders and Recidivism: Using Administrative Data to Characterize Nonfilers and Conduct EITC Outreach.

John Guyton and et al.; (Pages 471-475)

350. Does Machine Learning Automate Moral Hazard and Error?

Sendhil Mullainathan and Ziad Obermeyer; (Pages 476-480)


351. Wearable Technologies and Health Behaviors: New Data and New Methods to Understand Population Health.

Benjamin Handel and Jonathan Kolstad; (Pages 481-485)

352. Is American Health Care Uniquely Inefficient? Evidence from Prescription Drugs.

Margaret Kyle and Heidi Williams; (Pages 486-490)

353. Is American Pet Health Care (Also) Uniquely Inefficient?

Liran Einav and et al.; (Pages 491-495)

354. Mothers Care More, but Fathers Decide: Educating Parents about Child Health in Uganda.

Martina Björkman Nyqvist and Seema Jayachandran; (Pages 496-500)

355. Precommitment, Cash Transfers, and Timely Arrival for Birth: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Nairobi Kenya.

Jessica Cohen and et al.; (Pages 501-505)

356. Personality Traits and Performance Contracts: Evidence from a Field Experiment among Maternity Care Providers in India.

Katherine Donato and et al.; (Pages 506-510)

357. Traditional Beliefs and Learning about Maternal Risk in Zambia.

Nava Ashraf and et al.; (Pages 511-515)

358. Does Forest Loss Increase Human Disease? Evidence from Nigeria.

Julia Berazneva and Tanya S. Byker; (Pages 516-521)

359. Shale Gas Development and Drinking Water Quality.

Elaine Hill and Lala Ma; (Pages 522-525)

360. The Impact of Indonesian Forest Fires on Singaporean Pollution and Health.

Tamara L. Sheldon and Chandini Sankaran; (Pages 526-529)

361. Disease and Gender Gaps in Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Niger's 1986 Meningitis Epidemic.

Belinda Archibong and Francis Annan; (Pages 530-535)


362. How Children with Mental Disabilities Affect Household Investment Decisions.

Vicki L. Bogan and Jose M. Fernandez; (Pages 536-540)

363. Excess Male Infant Mortality: The Gene-Institution Interactions.

Roland Pongou and et al.; (Pages 541-545)

364. Using Causal Forests to Predict Treatment Heterogeneity: An Application to Summer Jobs.

Jonathan M.V. Davis and Sara B. Heller.; (Pages 546-550)

365. Does Public Assistance Reduce Recidivism?

Crystal S. Yang; (Pages 551-555)

366. Moving to Job Opportunities? The Effect of "Ban the Box" on the Composition of Cities.

Jennifer L. Doleac and Benjamin Hansen; (Pages 556-559)

367. The Effect of Criminal Records on Access to Employment.

Amanda Agan and Sonja Starr; (Pages 560-564)

368. Keeping It in the Family: Lineage Organization and the Scope of Trust in Sub- Saharan Africa.

Jacob Moscona and et al.; (Pages 565-571)

369. The Evolution of Egalitarian Sociolinguistic Conventions.

Suresh Naidu and et al.; (Pages 572-577)

370. How the Second-Order Free Rider Problem Is Solved in a Small-Scale Society.

Sarah Mathew; (Pages 578-581)

371. Why Being Wrong Can Be Right: Magical Warfare Technologies and the Persistence of False Beliefs.

Nathan Nunn and Raul Sanchez de la Sierra; (Pages 582-587)

372. Aggregate Demand and the Top 1 Percent.

Adrien Auclert and Matthew Rognlie; (Pages 588-592)

373. Earnings Inequality and Other Determinants of Wealth Inequality.

Jess Benhabib and et al.; (Pages 593-597)


374. Large Firms and International Business Cycle Comovement.

Julian di Giovanni and et al.; (Pages 598-602)

375. Big Banks, Idiosyncratic Volatility, and Systemic Risk.

Ricardo T. Fernholz and Christoffer Koch; (Pages 603-607)

376. China's Gradualistic Economic Approach and Financial Markets.

Markus K. Brunnermeier and et al.; (Pages 608-613)

377. Rents, Technical Change, and Risk Premia Accounting for Secular Trends in Interest Rates, Returns on Capital, Earning Yields, and Factor Shares.

Ricardo J. Caballero et al.; (Pages 614-620)

378. Euro-Area Quantitative Easing and Portfolio Rebalancing.

Ralph S. J. Koijen and et al.; (Pages 621-627)

379. Capitalization of School Quality in Housing Prices: Evidence from Boundary Changes in Shelby County, Tennessee.

Courtney A. Collins and Erin K. Kaplan; (Pages 628-632)

380. Teenage Motherhood and Sibling Outcomes.

Jennifer A. Heissel; (Pages 633-637)

381. The Importance of Information Targeting for School Choice.

Kehinde F. Ajayi and et al.; (Pages 638-643)

382. Trends in Economics and Other Undergraduate Majors.

Wendy A. Stock.; (Pages 644-649)

383. Some Lasting Effects of Undergraduate Economics on Retirement Planning.

William Bosshardt and William B. Walstad; (Pages 650-654)

384. Promoting Undergraduate Research in Economics.

Gail M. Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick; (Pages 655-659)

385. Learning Outcomes for Economists.

Sam Allgood and Amanda Bayer; (Pages 660-664)

386. Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting: Chicago, IL, January 6, 2017.

Peter L. Rousseau; (Pages 667-669)


387. Report of the Secretary.

Peter L. Rousseau; (Pages 670-673)

388. Report of the Treasurer.

Peter L. Rousseau; (Pages 674-677)

389. American Economic Association Universal Academic Questionnaire Summary Statistics.

Charles E. Scott and John J. Siegfried; (Pages 678-680)

390. List of Online Reports.

Peter L. Rousseau; (Pages 681-682)

391. Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago, IL, April 29, 2016.

Peter L. Rousseau.; (Pages 683-688)

392. Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago, IL, January 5, 2017.

Peter L. Rousseau; (Pages 689-698)

393. Report of the Editor: American Economic Review.

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg; (Pages 699-712)

394. Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Literature.

Steven Durlauf; (Pages 713-715)

395. Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Enrico Moretti; (Pages 716-718)

396. Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Esther Duflo; (Pages 719-725)

397. Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Matthew D. Shapiro; (Pages 726-734)

398. Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

Richard Rogerson; (Pages 735-742)

399. Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

Andrew Postlewaite and Johannes Horner; (Pages 743-748)


400. Report of the Director: Job Openings for Economists.

John J. Siegfried; (Pages 749-751)

401. Report: Committee on Economic Education.

Sam Allgood; (Pages 752-758)

402. Report: Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP).

Shelly Lundberg; (Pages 759-776)

403. Report: Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP).

Cecilia Rouse and Gary A. Hoover; (Pages 777-791)

404. Report: American Economic Association Committee on Statistics (AEAStat).

Robert Moffitt; (Pages 792-794)

405. Report: Committee on Government Relations.

Jonathan Skinner; (Pages 795-796)

406. Report of the Search Committee for the Editor of the American Economic Review.

David Autor; (Pages 797)


American Economic Review Vol. 107 No.6. June 2017

407. Creative Destruction: Barriers to Urban Growth and the Great Boston Fire of 1872. Richard Hornbeck and Daniel Keniston; (Pages 1365-1398)

408. Bidder Solicitation, Adverse Selection, and the Failure of Competition. Stephan Lauermann and Asher Wolinsky; (Pages 1399-1429)

409. A Theory of Crowdfunding: A Mechanism Design Approach with Demand Uncertainty and Moral Hazard. Roland Strausz; (Pages 1430-1476)

410. Content-Based Agendas and Qualified Majorities in Sequential Voting. Andreas Kleiner and Benny Moldovanu; (Pages 1477-1506)

411. Household Consumption When the Marriage Is Stable. Laurens Cherchye and et al.; (Pages 1507-1534)

412. Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Educational Markets. Tahir Andrabi and et al.; (Pages 1535-1563)

413. This Mine Is Mine! How Minerals Fuel Conflicts in Africa. Nicolas Berman and et al.; (Pages 1564-1610)

414. Can Women Have Children and a Career? IV Evidence from IVF Treatments. Petter Lundborg and et al.; (Pages 1611-1637)

415. Eponymous Entrepreneurs. Sharon Belenzon and et al.; (Pages 1638-1655)

416. Measuring the Impacts of Teachers: Comment. Jesse Rothstein; (Pages 1656-1684)

417. Measuring the Impacts of Teachers: Reply. Raj Chetty and et al.; (Pages 1685-1717)


American Journal of Economics and Sociology Vol. 76 No.3. June 2017 418. The Functions of Higher Education. Marcus Ford; (Pages 559–578)

419. Liberal Education: Cornerstone of Democracy. Stephen C. Rowe; (Pages 579–617)

420. You have free access to this content The Contested Terrain of Academic Freedom in Canada's Universities: Where Are We Going? Howard Woodhouse; (Pages 618–647)

421. Rhetorical Styles in University Accreditation: Judgmental Rules or Collaborative Creation? Daniel J. Royer; (Pages 648–669)

422. The Significance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the 21st Century: Will Such Institutions of Higher Learning Survive? Earnest N. Bracey; (Pages 670–696)

423. Higher Education in the Environmental Century. Stephen Mulkey; (Pages 697–730)

424. Exploring a New Kind of Higher Education with Chinese Characteristics. Meijun Fan and et al.; (Pages 731–790)


The American Review of Public Administration

Volume 47 No.3 April 2017

425. Jeopardizing the Rule of Law: The Impact of Sequestration on the Administration of Justice. Stephanie P. Newbold; (Pages 279–299)

426. Constrained by Red Tape: How Managerial Networking Moderates the Effects of Red Tape on Public Service Performance. Petra van den Bekerom and et al.; (Pages 300–322)

427. Peaceweaving: Jane Addams, Positive Peace, and Public Administration. Patricia M. Shields and Joseph Soeters; (Pages 323–339)

428. Citizen Coproduction: The Influence of Self-Efficacy Perception and Knowledge of How to Coproduce. Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen; (Pages 340–353)

429. Proactive Transparency in the United States and the Netherlands: The Role of Government Communication Officials. H. J. M. (Erna) Ruijer; (Pages 354–375)

430. Fiscal Crisis and Expenditure Cuts: The Influence of Public Management Practices on Cutback Strategies in Europe. Ringa Raudla, and et al.; (Pages 376–394)


Applied Psychology

Vol. 66 No. 2 April 2017

431. A Dynamic Model of the Longitudinal Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Supervisor-Rated Job Performance. Guido Alessandri; (Pages 207–232)

432. You have free access to this content looking on the Bright Side: The Positive Role of Organisational Politics in the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Performance at Work. Liat Eldor; (Pages 233–259)

433. Commitment through Employee Volunteering: Accounting for the Motives of Inter Organisational Volunteers. Heiko Breitsohl and Nathalie Ehrig; (Pages 260–289)

434. Rewards and Creativity: Past, Present, and Future. Muhammad Abdur Rahman Malik and Arif N. Butt; (Pages 290–325)

435. A Mental Imagery Intervention to Increase Future Self-Continuity and Reduce Procrastination. Eve-Marie C. Blouin-Hudon and Timothy A. Pychyl; (Pages 326–352)


British Journal of Sociology Vol. 68 No.2 June 2017

436. Cosmopolitanism and the relevance of ‘zombie concepts’: the case of anomic suicide amongst Alevi Kurd youth. Umit Cetin; (Pages 145–166)

437. Cosmopolitanism through mobility: physical-corporeal or virtual-imagined? Knut Petzold; (Pages 167–193)

438. Social closure, micro-class immobility and the intergenerational reproduction of the upper class: a comparative study. Lucia Ruggera and Carlo Barone; (Pages 194-214)

439. Making the middle classes on shifting ground? Residential status, performativity and middle-class subjectivities in contemporary London. Michaela Benson and Emma Jackson; (Pages 215-233)

440. Sustaining corporate class consciousness across the new liquid managerial elite in Britain. Aeron Davis; (Pages 234-253)

441. Corporate social responsibility and conflicts of interest in the alcohol and gambling industries: a post-political discourse? Ben Baumberg Geiger and Valentina Cuzzocrea; (Pages 254-272)

442. Crowding-in: how Indian civil society organizations began mobilizing around climate change. Tuomas Ylä-Anttila and Pradip Swarnakar; (Pages 273-292)

443. Value orientations and social attitudes in the holistic milieu. Franz Höllinger; (Pages 293-313)

444. You have free access to this content Barossa Night: cohesion in the British Army officer corps. Patrick Bury; (Pages 314-335)

445. Continuity, change and complexity in the performance of masculinity among elite young footballers in England. Steven Roberts; (Pages 336-357)


China Report Volume 53 No. 2 May 2017

446. China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Strategy: Opportunity or Challenge for India? Richard W. Hu; (Pages 107–124)

447. The Making of One Belt, One Road and Dilemmas in South Asia. Khanindra Ch. Das; (Pages 125–142)

448. If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em: Shaping India’s Response to China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Gambit. Jeremy Garlick; (Pages143–157)

449. China–India Relations under Modi: Playing with Fire. Prem Shankar Jha; (Pages 158–171)

450. Beyond Soft Power Cultural Power from India and China Today through Film. L.H.M. Ling; (Pages 172–187)

451. Some Thoughts on India, China and Asia-Pacific Regional Security. Shivshankar Menon; (Pages 188–213)

452. Institutional Distances and Economic Engagement between India and China. Santosh Pai and Aravind Yelery; (Pages 214–231)

453. OBOR and EuroAsia’s New Great Game. Andrew Sheng; (Pages 232–252)

454. India, China & Asia: New Connections and Possibilities—Is Australia a Part of Asia? Stephen FitzGerald; (Pages 253–258)

455. Changing Dynamics in India–China Relations. Shyam Saran; (Pages 259–263)


Contributions to Indian Sociology Vol. 51 No.2 June 2017

456. Unfree labour after the Maoist Revolution in Western Nepal. Michael Hoffmann; (Pages 139-162)

457. The cultural politics of wages: Ethnography of construction work in Kochi, India. Mythri Prasad – Aleyamma; (Pages 163-193)

458. Understanding prisons’ inner organization: An ethnographic study in Nepal. Marie Lecomte-Tilouine and Mohan Singh Rana; (Pages 194-220)

459. Lost Worlds: Perspectives of decline among Shias of Hydrabad old city. Shireen Mirza; (Pages 221-248)


Cross Cultural Research Vol 51. No.2 April 2017

460. Insights from Evolutionary Anthropology on the Prehistory of the Nuclear Family. Laura Fortunato; (Pages 92–116)

461. Omaha Terminologies: Global Distribution Patterns and How They May Have Come. Gunther Schlee; (Pages 117–141)

462. Blood is thicker than Water: Geography and the Dispersal of Family Characteristics across the Globe. Sarah Carmichael and Auke Rijpma; (Pages 142–171)

463. Kinship and Social Archaeology. Stella Souvatzi; (Pages 172–195)


Culture and Psychology Vol.23 No. 2 May 2017

464. Overcoming the Negative Consequences of Interference from Recognition Memory Testing. Richard M. Shiffrin; (Pages 115–119)

465. Is the Map in Our Head Oriented North? Julia Frankenstein; (Pages 120–125)

466. Cortical Shape Adaptation Transforms a Circle Into a Hexagon. Hiroyuki Ito; (Pages 126–132)

467. Change We Can Believe in India R. Johnson and Kentaro Fujita; (Pages 133–140)

468. Reducing Information Avoidance through Affirmation. Jennifer L. Howell and James A. Shepperd; (Pages 141–145)

469. The Misperception of Sexual Interest. Carin Perilloux and et al.; (Pages 146–151)

470. Electrophysiological Examination of Embodiment in Vision and Action. Jeremy Goslin and et al.; (Pages 152–157)

471. Religiosity, Social Self-Esteem, and Psychological Adjustment. Jochen E. Gebauer and et al.; (Pages 158–160)

472. The Accuracy or Inaccuracy of Affective Forecasts Depends on How Accuracy Is Indexed. Michael Tyler Mathieu and Samuel D. Gosling; (Pages 161–162)

473. Saving the Last for Best. Ed O’Brien and Phoebe C. Ellsworth; (Pages 163–165)


474. To Be Looked at as Though Air. Eric D. Wesselmann and et al.; (Pages 166–168)

475. Individual Differences in Holistic Processing Predict Face Recognition Ability. Ruosi Wang and et al.; (Pages 169–177)

476. Carrot Eaters or Moving Heads. Wei (Sophia) Deng and Vladimir M. Sloutsky; (Pages 178–186)

477. Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes. Gordon Hodson and Michael A. Busseri; (Pages 187–195)

478. Do Infants Have a Sense of Fairness? Stephanie Sloane and et al.; (Pages 196–204)

479. Reactance versus Rationalization. Kristin Laurin and et al.; (Pages 205–209)


Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52 No. 17 April 2017

480. India Ready to ‘Plug and Play’ into the US Network. Atul Bhardwaj; (Pages 10-11)

481. Guaranteed Farm Incomes and Sustainable Agriculture. P Indira and et al.; (Pages 12-13)

482. Why the court intervened in Indian Cricket. Ronojoy Sen; (Pages 14-16)

483. India Needs to Stand by Sheikh Hasina. Subir Bhaumik; (Page 17)

484. Bringing Money Black. Suranjali Tandon; (Pages 18-26)

485. How Hegemonic Parties Decline. Subhasish Ray; (Pages 27-86)

486. Torture Redress Mechanisms in Nepal and . Jeevan Raj Sharma and et al.; (Pages 87-94)

487. Why Urban Waste Continues to follow the Path of Least Resistance. Gopal Krishana; Page (95-101)

488. Employment Relations in Pre-employment Phase. S Senthil Ganesh and Mousumi Padhi; (Pages 102-110)


Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52 No.18 April 2017

489. End of the Dalit Chimera. Anand Teltumbde; (Pages 10-11)

490. Politics of Counter – narratives and Appropriation. V Bijukumar; (Pages 12-13)

491. How much Transparency? The Case of Reserve Bank of India. Rahul Dhingra and Umang Raj; (Pages 14-16)

492. Demonetisation and the Delusion of GDP Growth. Ritika Mankar and Sumit Shekhar; (Pages 17-19)

493. Impact of Demonestisation in Kerla. R Mohan; (Pages 20-22)

494. Misuse of the Unlawful Activities (Preventions) Act. Susan Abraham; (Pages 23-25)

495. Why New Delhi Must Withdraw from the Rampal Power Plants. Manoj Mishra and Souryan Mookerjea; (Pages 26-33)

496. Does the Congress Have a Future? Zoya Hasan; (Pages 34-40)

497. Plan, But Do Not Over-plan: Lessons for NITI Aayog. Pronab Sen; (Pages 41-48)

498. Mapping India’s Finance: 60 Years of Flow of Funds. Amay Narayan and et al.; (Pages 49-56)

499. Investigating the Causes for Low Female Age at Marriage. Kalpana Kannabiran and et al.; (Pages 57-65)


Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52 No.20 May 2017

500. The Crisis in the Judiciary. Alok Prasanna Kumar; (Pages 10-11)

501. Tech in Work - Organising Informal Work in India. Aditi Surie; (Pages 12-14)

502. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) - Bottlenecks and Remedies. R V Rama Mohan; (Pages 15-17)

503. Swachh Bharat Mission - Groundwater Contamination in Peri-urban India. Durba Biswas and Priyanka Jamwal; (Pages 18-20)

504. Farewell, Uncle Kathy! Aditya Chatterjee; (Pages 21-24)

505. Rabi Ray (1926–2017) - A Gentle Colossus. Radhakanta Barik; (Pages 25-26)

506. How France Chose Macron - A Vote against the Extreme Right. Vaiju Naravane; (Pages 27-35)

507. Raising the ‘Bar’ for India’s Power Sector. Aditi Roy Ghatak and Abir Dasgupta; (Pages 26-43)

508. Political Economy of Independent Regulation in India’s Natural Gas Industry. Sudha Mahalingam and Deepak Sharma; (Pages 44-50)

509. Can Postcolonial Feminism Revive International Relations? Arpita Chakraborty; (Pages 51-57)

510. Benchmarking Approach to Improve the Public Procurement Process. Samir K Srivastava and Amit Agrahari; (Pages 58-67) 511. Measuring Manufacturing - Comparing NAS and ASI. J Dennis Rajakumar; (Pages 68-71)

512. Black Economy and Demonetisation. Saumen Chattopadhyay; (Pages 72-76)


Economic and Political Weekly

Vol. 52 No 21 May 2017

513. A Disjointed Doctrine - Reviewing the Military’s Joint Doctrine. Ali Ahmed; (Pages 10-12)

514. Mayawati’s Financial Tangles and the Cost to Dalit Politics. Radhika Ramaseshan; (Pages 13-14)

515. Caste in a Tamil Family - On Purity and Pollution in Post-war Jaffna. Zehra Hashmi and Prashanth Kuganathan; (Pages 15-17)

516. Where to be Left Is No Longer Dissidence - A Reading of Left Politics in Tripura. R K Debbarma; (Pages 18-24)

517. Doing nothing and Being Nothing - How Hope Can Solve the Crisis Facing India’s Youth. Craig Jeffrey and Jane Dyson; (Pages 25-33)

518. Affirming the Syrian Revolution - Experiments in Autonomy. Amar Diwakar; (Pages 34-38)

519. Tebhaga–Telangana to Naxalbari–CPI (ML) - The Movement–Party Dialectic. Arindam Sen; (Pages 39-42)

520. From Naxalbari to Chhattisgarh - Half-a-century of Maoist Journey in India. Sumanta Banerjee; (Pages 43-46)

521. The Caste Question in the Naxalite Movement. K Srinivasulu; (Pages 47-51)


522. Humaneness and Contradictions - India’s Maoist-inspired Naxalites. Alpa Shah; (Pages 52-55)

523. Class Struggle and Patriarchy - Women in the Maoist Movement. Shoma Sen; (Pages 56-60)

524. A Savage War for ‘Development’. Gautam Navlakha; (Pages 61-65)

525. Adivasi Swaraj Is the Answer to Violence. Manoranjan Mohanty; (Pages 66-70)

526. Maoist Movement: Context and Concerns. G Haragopal; (Pages 71-76)

527. Lives in Debt - Narratives of Agrarian Distress and Farmer Suicides. Ajay Dandekar and Sreedeep Bhattacharya; (Pages 77-84)

528. Tamil Nadu Migration Survey 2015. S Irudaya Rajan and et al.; (Pages 85-94)


Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52. No 22 June 2017

529. Justice or Revenge in ‘Nirbhaya’ Verdict? Anand Teltumbde; (Pages 10-11)

530. RBI’s Interest Rate Policy and Durable Liquidity Question. C Rangarajan and Amaresh Samantaraya; (Pages 12-15)

531. Decoding Disruption - Lay-offs in the Software Industry. Devika Narayan; (Pages 16-19)

532. The Making and Unmaking of Kerala’s Strongman. B R P Bhaskar; (Pages 20-22)

533. Odisha Panchayat Elections - Questioning the BJP Swing. Gyanaranjan Swain; (Pages 23-26)

534. What Urbanisation Reforms Owe K C Sivaramakrishnan. Sahil Gandhi and Vaidehi Tandel; (Pages 27-33)

535. Subnational Diplomacy - Restructuring Constituent Foreign Policy of India? Nikita Singla; (Pages 34-39)

536. Rise of the New Middle Class in India and Its Changing Structure. Sandhya Krishnan, and Neeraj Hatekar; (Pages 40-48)

537. Sexual Harassment at Workplace - Experiences of Women Managers and Organisations. Punam Sahgal, and Aastha Dang; (Pages 49-57)

538. Caste Membership, Business Access, and Social Mobility among Indian Apparel Manufacturers. Shuji Uchikawa; (Pages 58-66) 539. A False Dilemma. Kamala Mukunda; (Pages 69-70)

540. A Story of Murder and Mayhem in Maharashtra. Vidyadhar Date; (Pages 71-72)


Economic and Political Weekly

Vol. 52 No 23 June 2017

541. Remembering Emergency - Coercion and Surveillance as Bases of the State. Suhas Palshikar; (Pages 10-11)

542. Voter, Citizen, Enemy. Kanika Gauba and Anshuman Singh; (Pages 12-14)

543. Remembering . Ilina Sen; (Pages 15-16)

544. Of Pachyderms and Poop - A National Elephant Survey. Neha Sinha; (Pages 17-19)

545. National Health Accounts Estimates - The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same. T R Dilip and Sunil Nandraj; (Pages 20-23)

546. The Case for a Parliamentary Budget Office in India. Vinod Bhanu and et al.; (Pages 24-31)

547. Pricing of Cardiac Stents. Rema Nagarajan; Pages (32-37)

548. The Need to Overhaul the Language Policy. Hany Babu M T; (Pages 112-119)

549. Empowering Women Parshads in Dehradun Municipal Council. Tanya Jakimow; (Pages 120-126)

550. Autopic Imperial Eyes - Intersecting Race and Language in Early Cross-cultural Encounters. Sudipa Topdar; (Pages 127-135)

551. Drinking Water, Sanitation and Waterborne Diseases. Rashmi Tiwari and Sanatan Nayak; (Pages 136-140)


Economic and Political Weekly

Vol. 52 No.24 June 2017

552. Is Banking Safer Today than before the Crisis? T T Ram Mohan; (Pages 10-11)

553. Defecting from the Law. Alok Prasanna Kumar; (Pages 12-13)

554. Trump’s Toxic Announcement on Climate Change Navroz K Dubash; (Pages 14-17)

555. What Do We Know about Remonetisation? - Analysis of Available Data till April 2017 Arun Kumar and Ankur Verma; (Pages 18-20)

556. International Rhetoric, Domestic Evidence - Government Claims on Health Inconsistent with Reality Jashodhara Dasgupta and et al.; (Pages 21-24)

557. Divide and Educate Sukanta Chaudhuri; (Pages 25-28)

558. ‘Strategic Partners’ in Defence Production - Deepening Dependence Gautam Navlakha; (Pages 29-37)

559. Nursing Education in India - Changing Facets and Emerging Trends Sreelekha Nair and S Irudaya Rajan; (Pages 38-42)

560. World Bank’s Poverty Enumeration - A Critical Examination of the Process, Methodology, and Numbers Amita Majumder and et al.; (Pages 43-52)

561. Farmers Need More Help to Adapt to Climate Change Amarnath Tripathi and Ashok K Mishra; (Pages 53-59)

562. Negotiating the ‘Social’ in Elementary School Social Science Karthik Venkatesh; (Pages 169-172)


Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52 No 25-26 June 2017

563. Locating the Belt and Road in China’s Broader Policy Shifts. Zorawar Daulet Singh; (Pages 10 -13)

564. Old Plans, Handouts, New Spin - Deciphering the Nuclear Construction Announcement. M V Ramana and Suvrat Raju; (Pages 14 -17)

565. The Malnutrition Market - Let Them Eat Paste. Abhay Shukl and Shweta Marathe; (Pages 18 - 21)

566. Notes from the Other Side of a Forest Fire. Tarsh Thekaekara and et al.; (Pages 22-24)

567. A.Pittance.for.our.Children.-.Union.Budget.2017–18. Komal Ganotra; (Pages 25-28)

568. MGNREGA as Distribution of Dole. Govind Bhattacharjee; (Pages 29-32)

569. Death.of.Distinguished.Lawyers.–.Where.Will.the.Next.Ones.Come.From? Rajeev Dhavan; (Pages 33-36)

570. UK Election There Is an Alternative. Priyamvada Gopal; (Pages 37-68)

571. Underlying Drivers of India’s Potential Growth. C Rangarajan and D K Srivastav; (Pages 69-87)

572. Do Producers Gain from Selling Milk? Nilabja Ghosh; (Pages 88-96)


573. Will GST Exacerbate Regional Divergence? Praveen Chakravarty and Vivek Dehejia; (Pages 97-101)

574. Revival of Public Distribution System in Kerala. Sweety Thomas; (Pages 103-109)

575. India and Africa in the Global Agricultural System (1961-2050) Bruno Dorin; (Pages 5-13)

576. Non-farm Economy in Madhubani, Bihar. Surinder S Jodkha and Adarsh Kumar; (Pages 14-24)

577. Understanding Declassification of New Census Towns in West Bengal. Saurav Chakraborty and et al.; (Pages 25-31)

578. Caste Descrimination and Agricultural Performance in India. Shankar Rao; Pages (32-38)

579. Farm Power Policies and Ground water Markets. Tushaar Shah and Sujata das Chowdhury; (Pages 39-47)

580. Farmners’ Movement in Karnatak. Niloshree Bhattacharya; (Pages 48-55)


Economic Geography Vol. 93 No.3 June 2017

581. Making a Global Gas Market: Territoriality and Production Networks in Liquefied Natural Gas. Gavin Bridge and Michael Bradshaw; (Pages 215-240)

582. Earth Incorporated: Centralization and Variegation in the Global Company Network. Daniel Haberly and Dariusz Wójcik; (Pages 241-266)

583. Urban Immigrant Diversity and Inclusive Institutions. Tom Kemeny and Abigail Cooke; (Pages 267-291)

584. Where Chain Governance and Environmental Governance Meet: Interfirm Strategies in the Canned Tuna Global Value Chain. Elizabeth Havice and Liam Campling; (Pages 292-313)

585. A review of Nature, Choice and Social Power by Erica Schoenberger. Trevor J. Barnes; (Pages 314-316)

586. A review of Migrant Women’s Voices Talking about Life and Work in the UK Since 1945 By Linda McDowell. Rosie Cox; (Pages 317-318)

587. A review of The Political Origins of Inequality: Why a More Equal World is better for us All by Simon Reid-Henry. Jamie Goodwin-White; (Pages 319-321)

588. A review of Making Human Geography By Kevin R. Cox Mark Boyle; (Pages 322-323)


European Journal of Cultural Studies Volume 20. No. 3 June 2017

589. Memory, post-socialism and the media: Nostalgia and beyond. Sabina Mihelj; (Pages 235–251)

590. Producing global media memories: Media events and the power dynamics of transnational television history. Lars Lundgren and Christine E Evans; (Pages 252–270)

591. ‘Long live the friendship between the Soviet Union and Finland!’ Irony, nostalgia, and melodrama in Finnish historical television drama and documentary series. Mari Pajala; (Pages 271–284)

592. Beyond nostalgia for the Soviet past: Interpreting documentaries on Russian television. Ekaterina Kalinina; (Pages 285–306)

593. Remembering a problematic past: TV mystics, perestroika and the 1990s in post- Soviet media and memory. Simon Huxtable; (Pages 307–323)

594. Coming to terms with Communist propaganda: Post-communism, memory and generation. Sylwia Szostak, Sabina Mihelj; (Pages 324–340)

595. Remembering socialist entertainment: Romanian television, gestures and intimacy. Alice Bardan; (Pages 341–358)


Foreign Trade Review Vol. 52 No.2 May 2017

596. Output Synchronization of the Indian Economy in the Post – reform Period: An Assesment. Raj Rajesh; (Pages 63-89)

597. Zimbawe’s Trade Performance under alternative trade policy Regimes : An error correction Model Approach Phocenah Nyatango; (Pages 90-105)

598. Trade Liberalization , Exports and Imports in Syria Adel Shakeeb and et al.; (Pages 106-117)

599. Prospects of India – GCC Trade Relations : An Empirical Investigation Imran Alam and Shahid Ahmed.; (Pages 118-129)


Geographical Research: Journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers Vol. 55 No.2 May 2017

600. The state and food security discourses of Indonesia: feeding the bangsa. Jeff Neilson and Josephine Wright; (Pages 131-143)

601. Household agricultural activities and child growth: evidence from rural Timor- Leste. Pyone Myat Thu and Debra S. Judge; (Pages 144 -155)

602. Rural livelihoods and food security: long – term insights from Sierra Leone’s Eastern Province. Tony Binns and Jerram Bateman; (Pages 156-165)

603. Household vulnerability to food price increases: the 2008 crisis in urban South Africa. Cameron McCordic and Bruce Frayn; (Pages 166-179)

604. Land ownership, agriculture, and household nutrition a case study of North Indian villages. Bill Pritchard and et al.; (Pages 180-191)

605. Understanding the linkages between migration and household food security in India. Chetan Choithani.; (Pages 192-205)

606. The effects of food price changes on smallholder production and consumption decision – making: evidence from Bangladesh. Katharina Molitorand et al.; (Pages 206-216)

607. Urban household’s engagement in agriculture: implications for household food security in Ghana’s medium sized cities. Hayford Mensah Ayerakwa; (Pages 217-230)

608. The role of urban - based agriculture on food security: Kenyan case studies Samuel Onyango Omondi and et al.; (Pages 231-241)


Harvard Educational Review Vol. 87 No.2 June 2017

609. Beyond Mediocrity: The Dialectics of Crisis in the Continuing Miseducation of Black Youth. Brian D. Lozenski; (Pages 161-185)

610. Reclaiming Adolescence: A Roma Youth Perspective. Jacqueline Bhabha and et al.; (Pages 186-224)

611. Investigating Alignment between Elementary Mathematics Teacher Education and Graduates Teaching of Mathematics for Conceptual Understanding. Amanda Jansen and et al.; (Pages 225-250)

612. Strategic Coalitions against Exclusion at the Intersection of Race and Disability – A Rejoinder. Kathleen A. King Thorius and Federico R. Waitoller; (Pages 251-257)

613. At the Nexus of Education and Incarceration: Four Voices from the Field. Jody Becker and et al.; (Pages 260-277)

614. One of them. Ryan Michael Coulson; (Page 278)

615. Beyond the wall. Michael Satterfield; (Pages 279-284)


Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 39 No.2 May 2017

616. Emotional Diplomacy and Human Rights at the . Roland Burke; (Pages 273-295)

617. Against Standardization of Memory. Lea David; (Pages 296-318)

618. Cultural Harm and Engaging the Limits of a Right to Cultural Identity. Andrew Fagan; (Pages 319-340)

619. Taking the Right to health seriously: Implications for Health Systems, Courts, and Achieving. . Alicia Ely Yamin; (Pages 341-368)

620. Progress or Prevarication? The Moves towards the establishment of a Human Rights Commission. Silvia Croydon; (Pages 369-392)

621. Torture and III-Treatment Under Perceived: Human Rights Documentation and the Poor. Steffen Jensen and et al.; (Pages 393-415)

622. Guarantees of Non-Recurrence: An Approximation. Alexander Mayer-Rieckh; (Pages 416-448)

623. Cheap Talk on Food: Party Politics in India and the Challenge of Implementing the Right to Food. Shareen Hertel; (Pages 449-467)


Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal Vol. 35 No.2 June 2017

624. The impacts of cultural event on networking: Liverpool’s cultural sector in the aftermath of 2008. Yi-De Liu; (Pages 118-127)

625. More efficient project execution and evaluation with logical framework and project cycle management: evidence from international development projects. Ruggero Golin and et al.; (Pages 128-138)

626. Automated content analysis as a tool for research and practice: a case illustration from the Prairie Creek and Nico environmental assessments in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Jennifer Ann McGetrick and et al.; (Pages 139-147)

627. Environmental assessments in the Internet age: the role of e-governance and social media in creating platforms for meaningful participation. John Sinclair and et al.; (Pages 148-157)

628. The stakeholder analysis for SEA of Chinese foreign direct investment: the case of ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative in Pakistan. Yanying Huang and et al.; (Pages 158-171)

629. Social impacts of road traffic: perceptions and priorities of local residents. Paulo Rui Anciaes and et al.; (Pages 172-183)


India Review

Vol.16 No.2 June 2017

630. Canal bureaucracy and the corruption nexus around water in the Mumbai hinterland: Questions for development and governance in Maharashtra, India. Bharat Punjabi; (Pages 179-211)

631. Explaining popular participation in India’s local democracy: Some lessons from panchayats in West Bengal. Anoop Sadanandan; (Pages 212-225)

632. India’s fitful quest for sea power. Iskander Rehman; (Pages 226-265)


Indian Economic and Social History Review Volume 54. No.2 April 2017

633. The practice and theory of property in seventeenth-century Bengal. Samuel Wright; (Pages 147–182)

634. Custodianship of Shahidganj in colonial Lahore: Land, land use and the formation of religious community, 1850–1936. Sana Haroon; (Pages 183–220)

635. Cooperative credit in colonial Bengal: An exploration in development and decline, 1905–1947. Iftekhar Iqbal; (Pages 221–237)

636. Ban and benevolence: Circus, animals and Indian state. P.R. Nisha; (Pages 239–266)


Information Development

Volume 33.No.3 June 2017

637. Friendly Librarians:The culture of caring and inclusion experiences of visually impaired students in an academic library. Nahid Bayat Bodaghi and et al.; (Pages 229–242)

638. The mediating effect of flow experience on social shopping behavior. Chia-Lin Hsu and et al.; (Pages 243–256)

639. Identifying and prioritizing critical factors for promoting the implementation and usage of .big data in healthcare. Moon-Koo Kim and Jong-Hyun Park; (Pages 257–269)

640. Academic domains as political battlegrounds: A global enquiry by 99 academics in the fields of education and technology. Abdulrahman E. Al Lily; (Pages 270–288)

641. Mobile phones in the diffusion of knowledge and persistence in inclusive human development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Simplice Asongu and Jacinta C. Nwachukwu; (Pages 289–302)

642. Cloud computing adoption model for e-government implementation. Fathey Mohammed; (Pages 303–323)

643. Could Sci-Hub become a quicksand for authors? Luís A. B. Novo and Viviani C. Onishi; (Pages 324–325)


International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 20 No 3 May 2017

644. Creative precariousness, urban discontent and cultural networks: An introduction to a public lecture with Nestor Garcia Canclini. Cecilia Dinardi; (Pages 237–240)

645. Urban spaces and networks: Young people’s creativity. Nestor García Canclini; (Pages 241–252)

646. Emotional landscapes of reading: fan fiction in the context of contemporary reading practices. Natalia Samutina; (Pages 253–269)

647. The cloud, online piracy and global copyright governance. Shujen Wang; (Pages 270–286)

648. Negotiating contract: The commerce and artifice of dealing for creative work. Josh Heuman; (Pages 287–303)

649. Binge-watching: Video-on-demand, quality TV and mainstreaming fandom. Mareike Jenner; (Pages 304–320)

650. World news at the Newseum: Interactive imaginings of international news reporting. Lindsay Palmer; (Pages 321–340)


International Journal of Social Research Methodology

Vol. 20 No.3 April 2017

651. Teaching research ethics as active learning: reading Venkatesh and Goffman as curriculum resources. Martin Tolich and et al.; (Pages 243-253)

652. Note on recruitment as an ethical question: lessons from a project on asexuality. Matt Dawson and et al.; (Pages 255-261)

653. Voiceless subjects? Research ethics and persons with profound intellectual disabilities. Reetta Mietola and et al.; (Pages 263-274)

654. Accommodating conflicting realities: the messy practice of ethical (self) regulation. Gillian Fletcher; (Pages 275-284)

655. Research as relationship: engaging with ethical intent. Anne Shordike and et al.; (Pages 285-298)

656. Presenting and representing others: towards an ethics of engagement. Lucy Pickering and Helen Kara; (Pages 299-309)


International Political Science Review

Vol. 38 No 3 June 2017

657. Crossed my mind, but ruled it out: Political ambition and gender in Pakistani Lawyers’ Movement 2007-2009. Meg Rincker and et al.; (Pages 246-263)

658. Jutices ‘en Garde’: Ideological determinants of the dissolution of anti – establishment.parties. Mert Moral and Efe Tokdemi; (Pages 264-280)

659. Citizens’ media use and the accuracy of their perceptions of electoral integrity. Hilde Coffe; (Pages 281-297)

660. Public spending, corruption, and income inequality: A comparative analysis of Asia and Latin America. Mathew YH Wong; (Pages 298-315)

661. Motivating cosmopolitan helping: Thick cosmopolitanism, responsibility for harm, and collective guilt. Nicholas Faulkner; (Pages 316-331)

662. Regime legitimation, elite cohesion and the durability of autocratic regime types. Steffen Kailitz and Daniel Stockemer; (Pages 332-348)

663. Corruption, fairness, and inequality. Gal Ariely and Eric M. Uslaner; (Pages 349-362)

664. Political militaries in popular uprisings: A comparative perspective on the Arab Spring. Kevin Koehler; (Pages 363-377)

665. Does exposure to other cultures affect the impact of economic globalization on gender equality? Pazit Ben-Nun et al.; (Page 378)


Journal of Economic Literature

Vol. 55 No.2 June 2017

666. Liquidity: A New Monetarist Perspective. Ricardo Lagos and et al.; (Pages 371-440)

667. School Vouchers: A Survey of the Economics Literature. Dennis Epple and et al.; (Pages 441-92)

668. Sorting through Search and Matching Models in Economics. Hector Chade and et al.; (Pages 493-544)

669. Classifying Economics: A History of the JEL Codes. Beatrice Cherrier; (Pages 545-579)

670. Opportunities, Welfare, and Social Justice: A Review of Fishkin's Bottlenecks. François Maniquet; (Pages 580-591)

671. A Review Essay on Isabel Sawhill's Generation Unbound: Drifting into Sex and Parenting without Marriage and Laurence Steinberg's Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence. Anna Aizer; (Pages 592-608)

672. Review of Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb by Douglas S. Massey et al. Yannis M. Ioannides; (Pages 609-620)

673. The Decentralized Central Bank: A Review Essay on The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve by Peter Conti-Brown. Narayana R. Kocherlakota; (Pages 621-636)

674. Review of The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism, 1815- 1860 by Calvin Schermerhorn and The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist. Stanley L. Engerman; (Pages 637-643)


Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 51. No.1-3. April May June 2017

675. An Era of Journalism Transition in South Africa: Traditional Media versus Online Media. Akinwale Olusola and et al.; (Pages 1-5)

676. Polemics of Cultural Regeneration in Soyinka’s The Lion and The Jewel. Megbowon Funmilola Kemi and Uwah Chijioke; (Pages 6-16)

677. The Degree to Which Teachers Practicing Teaching in Shobak University College by Using Creative Thinking Skills as Perceived by Students. Haroon Mohammed Tawarah; (Pages 17-22)

678. Can Student Feedback Improve Teaching and Learning? A Case Study at a University of Technology. Mumthaz Banoobhai; (Pages 23-28)

679. Mothers’ Perceptions on Fathers’ Participation in the Early Childhood Education of their Children. J. Mathwasa & C.I.O. Okek; (Pages 29-41)

680. The Roles of Libraries in Sustaining Quality Education in Secondary Schools: A Concept Paper. N.P. Mahwasane; (Pages 42-46)

681. Grief Naming Amongst Vatsonga: An Onomastic Approach. M. T. Babane; (Pages 47-52)

682. Entrepreneurship Education as a Viable Tool for the Reduction of Poverty. E.E. Nwokolo and et al.; (Pages 53-64)

683. The Indispensable Roles of the School Librarian in a School: A Brief Review. N.P. Mahwasane; (Pages 65-69)


684. Child Support Grants and Poverty Reduction in Hill Crest Community, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Constance Gunhidzirai; (Pages 70-78)

685. Library and Information Science Education and Training Curriculum at Institutions of Higher Education in Nigeria: A Content Analysis. Oghenere Gabriel Salubi; (Pages 79-86)

686. Children in Difficult Circumstances: A South African Perspective. T. Manomano and M. M. Selebogo; (Pages 87-95)

687. Parents’ Perceptions of their Involvement in their Children’s Literacy Development in the Foundation Phase in King Williams Town. Someketa and J. Mathwasa; (Pages 96-108)

688. Causes of Overcrowded Classes in Rural Primary Schools. M. G. Matshipi and N. O. Mulaudzi; (Pages 109-114)

689. Technopreneurial Attitude in the Zimbabwean Food-processing Sector. Nicholas Zivengwa Kakava and Ziska Fields; (Pages 115-124)

690. Rolling Back the Dependency Syndrome by Higher Education Researchers Prior to Publishing Articles: The Case of the University of Limpopo. Ngwako Solomon Modiba; (Pages 125-134)

691. A Comparative Study of Female Academics in South African and Zimbabwean Universities on Their Career Mobility: Finding Equilibrium between Work and Family Roles. B. B. Chitsamatanga and et al.; (Pages 135-144)

692. Challenges Regarding Implementation of the Redeployment Policy in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ramakonye Tshinnane and et al.; (Pages 145-152)


693. Educators’ Preparedness and Implementation of Foundations for Learning Campaign in Foundation and Intermediate Phases in the uThungulu District, KwaZulu-Natal. S. Govender and M. E. Khuzwayo; (Pages 153-165)

694. Political Accountability in Education Service Delivery: Post-apartheid South African Government’s Responsiveness. Sybert Mutereko and Fayth Ruffin; (Pages 166-178)

695. Love in the Office and Along the Corridors: Causes and Consequences: A Case Study of a Beverage Firm in Zimbabwe. Maunganidze Farai and Kudenga Mugove; (Pages 179-198)

696. Identifying Effective Direct Marketing Channels for Credit Providers Targeting Lower to .Middle Income Groups in the South African Market. S. Pramjeeth and D. Naidoo; (Pages 199-210)

697. Determining the Relationship between Employee Participation and Union Membership. H. M. Linde and J. C. Visagie; (Pages 211-220)

698. Opinions and Perceptions of Employees and Managers on Various Employee .Participation Themes H. M. Linde and Jan Visagie; (Pages 221-233)


Kisan World

Vol. 44 No. 4 April 2017

699. Conservation Tillage through Happy Seeder. Piyush Pradhan and R k Naik; (Pages 5-6)

700. Amazing Health Benefits and uses of Mudakathan Keerai. Dheepa. R; (Pages 7-8)

701. The New Crop Insurance Scheme. Satya Sundaram; (Pages 9-13)

702. Indian Agriculture Version 2.0. S.Sarath and S. Somasundaram; (Pages 14-16)

703. Impact of Agriculture on Indian Economy. M. Vetrivel and S.Kanchana; (Pages 17-19)

704. Health Benefits of Tamarind. Vanithasri and S. Kanchana; (Pages 20-25)

705. Non-Farm Sector in Indian Economy: A Case Study. N. Nirmala Mani; (Pages 25-26)

706. May 31, World Anti – tobacco Day. K. K Lakshmanan; (Page 27)


Mainstream Weekly

Vol. 55 No.15 April1 2017

707. Why and How BJP Won So Massively in Uttar Pradesh Bharat Dogra; (Pages 3-4)

708. Communalism Trumps Social Justice for Now. Sandeep Pandey; (Page 5)

709. The Real Message from Uttar Pradesh. S.P Shukla; (Page 6)

710. Conversion of a Hindu Priest in India. L.K Sharma; (Pages 9-11)

711. Towards Bosnia? Nikhil Chakravartty; (Pages 11-12)

712. Back to Square One. Kuldip Naya; (Page 13)

713. Doomsday for UP! Humra Quraishi; (Page 14-15)

714. Fake News, Post-Truth, Ethics and Me. Kobad Ghandy; (Page 16)

715. On Uniform Civil Code. Eduardo Faleiro; (Page 17)

716. In Memory of my Friend Syed Shahabuddin. Muchkund Dubey; (Page 19)


717. Trouble over China getting land in Sri Lanka. Harish Chandola; (Pages 21-22)

718. European Union at 60: Integration and its Aftermath. Purusottam Bhattacharya; (Pages 23-25)

719. Russian Revolution and Soviet Power. Anil Rajimwale; (Pages 26-28)

720. Did Someone Say Liberalism? Murzban Jal; (Pages 29-32)

721. Uniform Civil Code: A much-needed reform or a political tool? Shamsul Islam; (Pages 33)

722. Can Madarassas be compared with RSS-run Schools? Ram Puniyani; (Pages 34)


Mainstream Weekly

Vol. 55 No.16 April 2017

723. Supreme Court Should Decide Ayodhya Case — No Scope for Mutual Settlement. Rajindar Sachar; (Page 3)

724. What need to be banned are Private Schools and Hospitals. Sandeep Pandey; (Page 4)

725. Danger Signal from Bombay. Nikhil Chakravartty; (Pages 5-6)

726. The 2017 Namasudra History Congress, . A K Biswas; (Pages 7-12)

727. Another arrested revolution in the East. L.K Sharma; (Pages 13-16)

728. India’s Sovereignty — Have We Lost It? S G Vombatkere; (Pages 17-20)

729. Imbibing Nationalism or Neo-Colonialism? K. Narayana; (Page 21)

730. Revision of Indus Water Treaty? Kuldip Nayar; (Pages 22-23)

731. Shared Dreams, Distant Reality: An analysis of aspirations in movie Dangal. Swati Sehgal and Divyanshu Patel; (Pages 24-26)

732. Woman. Ajit Kumar Das; (Page 27)


733. Chinese Classes Stopped. Harish Chandola; (Page 28)

734. Twenty five Years of Independence of Central Asian States: Painful Transition to Democracy and Development. R. G. Gidadhubli and Sanjay D. Deshpande; (Pages 29-31)

735. If gangsters have taken over the education ‘industry’, all talk of development in India is bunkum. T J S George; (Pages 32)

736. Emasculating a Genuinely Popular Governing System. D. Bandyopadhyay; (Pages 33)

737. We stand Reduced to what Pathetic Lows! Humra Quraishi; (Page34)


Mainstream Weekly

Vol. 55 No.17 April 2017

738. Sheikh Hasina’s Four-Day Visit to Delhi. Barun Das Gupta; (Page 3)

739. Behind China’s Outbursts on Dalai Lama’s trip to Arunachal Pradesh. Kuldip Naya; (Pages 4)

740. Fight against Treason Call of Hindu Rashtra by BJP. Rajindar Sachar; (Pages 5-6)

741. Radhika Vemula on Bhim Auto, Let us light a Candle for Rohith. Subhash Gatade; (Pages 7-9)

742. Honouring Ambedkar. Nikhil Chakravartty; (Page 11)

743. Can Great Britain Discipline Caste Supremacists? A K Biswas; (Page 12-16)

744. Remembering Anuradha on her 63rd Birth Anniversary. Kobad Ghandy; (Page 17-20)

745. Fascism and the Phantasmagorical Character of Captalist Universal Education. Murzban Jal; (Page 21-28)

746. Kandhamal : Whither Justice for Violence Victims? Ram Puniyani; (Page 29-30)

747. Education as a tool of Empowering Differently Abled Persons in India. Duryodhan Nahak; (Page 31-34)


Mainstream Weekly Vol. 55 No.18 April 2017

748. Checkmated by Teesta: Hasina Visit and the Trajectory of India – Bangladesh Ties. Purusottam Bhattacharya; (Pages 3-5)

749. Rapes and Kidnappings in UP. Humra Quraishi; (Pages 6-8)

750. India should make a last-ditch effort to save Kulbhushan Jadhav from execution. M.K. Bhadrakumar; (Pages 7-9)

751. The Other “Jallianwala Bagh”. Apratim Mukarji; (Pages 10-12)

752. The Prime Minister’s Office: Origin and Evolution. Ashok Parthasarathi; (Pages 13-14)

753. Threat to Constitutional Structure. Nikhil Chakravartty; (Pages 15)

754. By-elections in Jammu and Kashmir: Where do they lead to? Gautam Sen; (Pages 16-17)

755. Kashmir Needs a Healing Touch Today. Vidya Bhushan Rawat; (Pages 18-19)

756. Why Possibilities of Cooperation and Alliance between Congress and Left Parties May Increase. Bharat Dogra; (Pages 20)

757. The Idea of a ‘University’: What it should or should not be! Pradeep Nair and Sandeep Sharma; (Pages 21-23)

758. UGC Regulations: Doom for Higher Education. Krishana Jha; (Pages 24-26) 759. Campus Battles: Ideological Conflicts over Non-issues. Navneet Sharma and Khem Raj Sharma; (Pages 27-30)

760. The Bug of Espionage. Kuldip Nayar; (Page 33)


Mainstream Weekly Vol.55 No 19 April 2017

761. New Year in Kashmir. Nusrat Bazaz; (Page 3)

762. Terrorism and Militancy: Are they quite the same? S G Vombatkere; (Page 4)

763. Another Futile Attempt. Kuldip Nayar; (Page 5-6)

764. Development: An Elusive Conception. V. Mathew Kurian; (Page 7-10)

765. Morari Bapu’s Ram. Sandeep Pandey; (Page 11)

766. Protesting. A.K Das; (Page 12)

767. Almost unnoticed, our democracy is getting abridged; is perpetual one-party rule the future of India? T J S George; (Page 13)

768. Response to Barun Das Gupta’s Article on Teesta River’s Water-sharing. Bharat Dogra; (Page 14)

769. Coverage of Africa in Indian Press. Shreejay Sinha; (Page 15)

770. Three Paths to Media Salvation or Perfidy. Amitava R. Sinha Roy; (Pages 19-21)

771. The Indo-US nuclear deal is dead. Amen M K Bhadrakuma; (Page 22-24)

772. Aping the Adversary. Nikhil Chakravartty; (Page 23-24)

773. A Curious Commonality Underpining Social, Global Events. M.A Sofi; (Page 25-26)


Race and Class

Vol. 58 No.4 April 2017

774. John Berger 1926–2017: Truth-sayer in an age of lies. Sivanandan; (Page 3-4)

775. Barbara Harlow 1948–2017: A rose for the warrior. Liz Fekete; (Page 5–6)

776. Disciplining dissent: multicultural policy and the silencing of Arab-Canadians. Rafeef Ziadah; (Page 7–22)

777. US Empire, World War 2 and the racialising of labour. Andrew Friedman; (Page 23–38)

778. Framing Ferguson: Fox News and the construction of US racism. Colleen E. Mills; (Page 39–56)

779. The story of Stepney Words. Chris Searle; (Page 57–75) 780. Archives, race, class and rage. Colin Prescod; (Page 76–84)

781. Racial violence and the Brexit state. Jon Burnett; (Page 85–97)

782. Roma: the invisible workforce of Ostrava. Barbora CernusAkova; (Page 98–105)


Seoul Journal of Economics

Vol. 30 No. 2 April 2017

783. Interaction among New Firm Formation, Privatization, and Business Environment in Transition Countries. Youngho Kang and et al.; (Pages 159-178)

784. Experience Goods Monopolist: Freeware as an Advertisement. Le Duc Niem; (Page 179-188)

785. Specific Features of the Velocity of Money for Euro and Non-Euro Countries across the Euro Entry. Koo Woong Park; (Page 189-220)

786. The Role of Foreign Exchange Rates in Sub-Saharan Countries: Empirical Comparison with Non-Euro OECD Countries Using Panel Data. Elias Sanidas and Fetene Bogale Hunegnaw; (Pages 221-243)


South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies Volume 40. No. 2 June 2017

787. Governing Landscapes: Territorialisation and Exchange at South Asia's Himalayan Frontier. Rune Bennike; (Pages 217-221)

788. Building a Mountain Fortress for India: Sympathy, Imagination and the Reconfiguration of Ladakh into a Border Area. Karine Gagne; (Pages 222-238)

789. Bordering Spaces, Practising Borders: Fences, Roads and Reorientations across a Nepal–China Borderland. Galen MurtonI; (Pages 239-255)

790. Frontier Commodification: Governing Land, Labour and Leisure in Darjeeling, India. Rune Bennike; (Pages 256-271)

791. Adjust. Jane Dyson; (Pages 274-275)

792. Anti-Social Element. Ornit Shani; (Pages 276-278)

793. Arbit. Debjani Bhattacharyya; (Pages 279-280)

794. Bombay Time/Standard Time. Jim Masselos; (Pages 281-284)

795. Boy/Girl. Manisha Desai; (Pages 285-286)

796. Culture. Kirin Narayan; (Pages 287-290)

797. Current. Jamie Cross; (Pages 291-293)

798. Cutting Chai. Sunila S. Kale; (Pages 294-296)

799. Depression. Bhrigupati Singh; (Pages 297-300)

800. Duplicate. Lawrence Cohen; (Pages 301-304)


801. Eve-Teasing. Deepti Misri; (Pages 305-307)

802. Funda. Ira Raja; (Pages 308-310)

803. Gas. Stefan Ecks; (Pages 311-312)

804. Girmit. Brij V. Lal; (Pages 313-315)

805. Godown. Mishka Sinha; (Pages 316-319)

806. Good Name. Peter Friedlander; (Pages 320-322)

807. Governance. R. F. I. Smith; (Pages 323-326)

808. Hero. Satendra Kumar; (Pages 327-329)

809. India. Shvetal Vyas Pare; (Pages 330-332)

810. Injection. Projit Bihari Mukharji; (Pages 333-335)

811. Ishtyle. Annie McCarthy; (Pages 336-337)

812. Item Number/Item Girl. Akshaya Kumar; (Pages 338-341)

813. Line. William Elison; (Pages 342-344)

814. Love Marriage. Shameem Black; (Pages 345-348)

815. Lumpen. Nandini Chandra; (Pages 349-353)

816. Matrimonial. Sarbeswar Sahoo; (Pages 354-357)

817. Mobile. Assa Doron; (Pages 358-360)


818. Mood. Amita Baviskar; (Pages 361-362)

819. Mug. .Amanda Gilbertson; (Pages 363-365)

820. Non-Veg. .Christian Lee Novetzke; (Pages 366-369)

821. One-by-Two. Lakshmi Srinivas; (Pages 370-372)

822. Only (in) India. Michiel Baas; (Pages 373-375)

823. Organic. Trent Brown; (Pages 376-378)

824. Peon. Ronojoy Sen; (Pages 379-381)

825. Politics, Politicking. Ursula Rao; (Pages 382-384)

826. Public. Meera Ashar; (Pages 385-388)

827. Real Estate. Hugo Gorringe and D. Karthikeyan; (Pages 389-391)

828. Rowdy. Shreyas Sreenath; (Pages 392-394)

829. Same. Isabelle Clark-Deces; (Pages 395-396)

830. Source Force. David N. Gellner and Amanda Snellinger; (Pages 397-399)

831. Technic. Priti Ramamurthy; (Pages 400-403)

832. Tension. Nandini Gooptu and Sneha Krishnan; (Pages 404-406)

833. Time pass. Craig Jeffrey; (Pages 407-409)

834. Vote. Mukulika Banerjee; (Pages 410-412)

835. Wheatish. Robin Jeffrey; (Pages 413-414)


South Asia Politics Volume 16 No. 1 May 2017

836. Science and Spirituality. ; (Pages 9-13)

837. Re. Uniform Civil Code Eduardo Faleiro; (Pages 14-17)

838. Analysis of March 2017 Elections. David Annoussamy; (Pages 18-20)

839. CPEC – A New Chinese Dish. A K Shori; (Pages 21-24)

840. Hinduism – The Sanatana Dharma. Ravindra Kumar; (Pages 25-27)

841. New Difficult Kashmir. Adfer Shah; (Pages 28-31)

842. CPEC Concern for India? Gaur Chandra Ghosh and Abhijit Datta; (Pages 32-39)

843. Slaughter and Exodus of Muslim. T H Chowdary; (Pages 40-41)

844. Analysing the UP Election Results! Sudhanshu Tripathi; (Pages 42-43)

845. Public Representatives and Law. Amba Charan Vashishth; (Pages 44-45)

846. In Remembring Justice Radhabinod Pal. Paramananda Pal; (Pages 46-50)


South Asia Politics

Volume 16 No. 2 June 2017

847. Chinese Chakravyooh. A K Shori; (Pages 9-12)

848. The Present State Government. Eduardo Faleiro; (Pages 13-15)

849. Nuclear Going Motivations in South Asia. Raj Kumar Singh; (Pages 16-20)

850. Muslims in India. T H Chowdary; (Pages 21-23)

851. Transperancy and Accountability. Prahladrai L Avasatthi; (Pages 24-29)

852. Afforestation: One Solution for many problems. K Ganesh Babu; (Pages 30-36)

853. Will Arunachal be the New Kashmir? Gaur Chandra Ghosh and Abhijit Datta; (Pages 37-43)

854. Value Education for ethics and Global Peace. Ravindra Kumar; (Pages 44-46)

855. Envolving Empathy between China and Singapore! Sudhanshu Tripathi; (Pages 47-50)


Southern Economist

Vol. 55 No.23.April 1 2017

856. National Strength Lies in Institutional Framework. K.U. Mada; (Pages7-12)

857. Keynes’ Expansionary fiscal policy not a work in Karnataka. B. Venkatraja; (Pages13-15)

858. E- Banking Services: A study on customer gratification using factor analysis. N. Jeyakumar and K. Karthikeyan; (Pages 16-21)

859. Status of Akshaya common service centers in Kerala. Nissar P. and Yakoob C; (Pages 22-25)

860. Growth of Patanjali Ayurvedic Ltd.: An Analysis. Manjari Pandey and G.L. Puntambekar; (Pages 42-52)


Southern Economist

Vol. 55 No. 24 April 152017

861. Importance of FDI and Its Impact on the Indian Economy. V. Mohan Rao; Pages (7-10)

862. Make in India Campaign: An Assessment. Neelam Jain and et al; (Pages 11-16)

863. Reviving Karnataka’s Coconut Industry. Ramesh Naik and Chellasamy; (Pages 17-21)

864. An Assessment of Awareness of Rural Woman Regarding Social Welfare Lalgudi taluk Tamil Nadu. S. Yasotha Margaret and P. Stanly Joseph; (Pages 22-28)

865. Goods and service tax in India. Lethy L.B and Rashmi Nair; (Pages 29-30)

866. Impact of Micro Finance on the Employment of Rural Women: A Study. Gangadhara and T.S Raghavendra; (Pages 31-.34)

867. Impact of Demonetisation in India. Jennifer Wilson Fernandes; (Pages 35-40)

868. CSR AD Campaigns – A Door to Brand Loyalty. Vijayalakshmi C.and P. Mohan; (Pages 41-46)

869. Ways to Decisively Resolve Bank Stressed Assets. Viral V Acharya; (Pages 47-51)


Southern Economist Vol. 56 No.1 May1, 2017

870. New Earth Sastra, Harmonic Globalization and Spirituality for Sustainable Growth. Subhash Sharma; (Pages 7-13)

871. Socio- Economic Empowerment of Tribal Women in Kalvarayan Hills, Villupuram District. R. Ananadraman and P. Manimala; (Pages 14-20)

872. Rural Markets – The only Resort to the Big Businesses. R. Lakshmi; (Pages 21-25)

873. Acceptance of Electronic Banking among Educated People in Kerala. Jubair T. and Yakoob C; (Pages 26-30)

874. Migrant Labour Engagement Patterns in Kerala. Thankom T. Philip; (Pages 31-35)

875. An assessment of Training Portal. Vijayalakshmi V; (Pages 36-38)

876. Motivating the Corporate Citizen. V. Mohan Rao; (Pages 39-40)

877. Econometric analysis of health expenditure in India and the status of health Insurance. S. Stephy Christina; (Pages 41-45)

878. Expenditure Performance of Union Government. Subramanya A; (Pages 46-50)

879. India’s Currency Derivatives Market. Zameer Pasha and N. Mohan; (Pages 51-56)

880. Demonetization and its Ramifications. N.S. Viswanath; Pages (57-60)

881. History has no Beginning Return or end. K.U Mada; (Pages 61-64)

882. “Human Development for everyone”: An Overview. D. Jeevan Kumar; (Pages 65-67)


Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas

Vol. 31 No 362 April 2017

883. New Health Policy. Babuddin Khan; (Pages 5-6)

884. Saudi Arabian Dilemma of Regional Leadership. Ms. Elodie Pichon; (Pages 7-8)

885. Media and Society in Bosnia. Senadin Laviæ; (Pages 9-14)

886. Paradigms of Women Empowerment in India. Arpon Sarki; (Pages 15-24)

887. Development of Female Education in India. M. Tarique Anwer; (Pages 25-30)

888. Women’s Participation in Governance of J&K. Salfie Muzaffar; (Pages 31-33)

889. Perspectives on Women Empowerment. Salagare M B; (Pages 34-36)

890. NTFPs for Well-Being of the Rural Poor. K. Ganesh Babu; (Pages 37-43)

891. Farmers’ Perceptions of Globalization. S. Velanganni; Pages(44-49)


Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas

Vol. 31 No. 363 May 2017

892. Curbing Maoist Violence. Babuddin Khan; (Pages 5-6)

893. Disquiet in Russia-US Relations. Anilkumar B. Halu; (Pages 7-9)

894. Western Sahara: World’s Last Colony. Nizar Visram; (Pages 10-13)

895. Pakistan-China Nuclear Relations. Harjit Singh and Madhu Bala; (Pages 15-21)

896. Fatal Spiral of Senselessness. Tomislav Jakiæ; (Pages 22-23)

897. Neo-religionism of the post-ideological Russia. Anis H. Bajrektarevic; (Pages 24-26)

898. China’s Policy toward Minorities in Xinjiang (1970 -1990). Pooja Pingua; (Pages 27-31)

899. Effects of Demonetization in India. Reshma S; (Pages 32-35)

900. Affirmative action in India: Need to Retrospect. Afifa Aisha Rahmat; (Pages 36-39)

901. Women Empowerment in India. Geetamma. K; (Pages 40-44)

902. Water Resource Management in India Vikramsingh; (Pages 45-49)

903. Good Samaritan Compassions in Karnataka Chandrashekar. S. V; (Pages 50-53)

904. Application of Bio-Fertilizers T. Vijayalakshmi; (Page 54)


Author Index

Name of Author Entry. No

A, Subramanya 878 Abdulkadrolu, Atila 305 Abraham, Susan 494 Acemoglu, Daron 292 Acharya, Viral V 869 Agan, Amanda 367 Agarwal, Nikhil 306 Agrahari, Amit 510 Aguila, Emma 341 Ahmed , Shahid 599 Ahmed, Ali 513 Aizer, Anna 671 Ajayi, Kehinde F 381 Akcigit, Ufuk 321 Akova, Barbora Cernus 782 Alam, Imran 606 Alessandri, Guido 431 Aleyamma, Mythri Prasad 457 Allgood, Sam 385, 401 Alvaredo, Facundo 336 Ambuehl, Sandro 275 Ananadraman, R. 871 Anciaes, Paulo Rui 629 Anderson, Richard G. 268 Andrabi, Tahir 412 Angelucci, Manuela 288 Angrist, Joshua 314 Annan, Francis 361 Annoussamy, David 838


Anwer, M. Tarique 887 Apicella, Coren L. 284 Archibong, Belinda 361 Ariely, Gal 663 Ashar, Meera 826 Ashraf, Nava 271, 357 Asongu, Simplice 641 Athey, Susan 312 Auclert, Adrien 372 Autor, David 293, 406 Avasatthi, Prahladrai L 851 Ayerakwa, Hayford Mensah 607 Aygün, Orhan 299 Baas, Michiel 822 Babane, M. T. 681 Babcock, Linda 283 Baez, Javier 344 Bagues, Manuel 254 Bajrektarevic, Anis H. 897 Bala, Madhu 895 Bandiera, Oriana 271 Bandyopadhyay, D. 736 Banerjee, Mukulika 834 Banerjee, Sumanta 520 Banoobhai, Mumthaz 678 Bardan, Alice 595 Barik, Radhakanta 505 Barnes, Trevor J. 585 Barone, Carlo 438 Bateman, Jerram 602 Baviskar, Amita 818 Bayer, Amanda 385 Bazaz, Nusrat 761 Becker, Jody 613


Bekerom, Petra van den 426 Belenzonand, Sharon 415 Benhabib, Jess 373 Benjamin, Daniel J. 273 Bennett, Daniel 288 Bennike, Rune 787, 790 Ben-Nun, Pazit 665 Benson, Michaela 439 Berazneva, Julia 358 Berman, Nicolas 413 Berryand, James 262 Beyerlein, Michael 242 Bhabha, Jacqueline 610 Bhadrakuma, M K 750, 771 Bhanu, Vinod 546 Bhardwaj, Atul 480 Bhaskar, B R P 532 Bhattacharjee, Govind 568 Bhattacharya, Niloshree 580 Bhattacharya, Purusottam 718, 748 Bhattacharya, Sreedeep 527 Bhattacharyya, Debjani 793 Bhaumik, Subir 483 Bianchi, Francesco 249 Bick, Alexander 277 Bijukumar,V 490 Binns, Tony 602 Biswas, A K 726, 743 Biswas, Durba 503 Black, Shameem 814 Blattman, Christopher 253 Blouin-Hudon, Eve-Marie C. 435 Blundell, Richard 313 Bodaghi, Nahid Bayat 637


Bogan, Vicki L. 362 Bose, Nayana 287 Bosshardt, William 383 Bowers, Jake 347 Boyle, Mark 588 Bracey, Earnest N. 422 Bradshaw, Michael 581 Breitsohl, Heiko 433 Bridge, Gavin 581 Brien, Ed O 473 Brown, Trent 823 Brunnermeier, Markus K. 376 Bryan, Kevin A. 318 Burke, Roland 616 Burnett, Jon 781 Burnette, Jeffrey D. 340 Bury, Patrick 444 Buser, Thomas 282 Busseri, Michael A. 477 Butt, Arif N. 434 Caballero, Ricardo J. 377 Campling, Liam 584 Canclini, Nestor García 645 Carmichael, Sarah 462 Carter, Susan Payne 338 Carthy, Annie Mc 811 Cetin, Umit 436 Chade, Hector 668 Chakraborty, Arpita 509 Chakraborty, Saurav 577 Chakravartty, Nikhil 580, 711, 725, 742, 753, 772, Chakravarty, Praveen 573 Chandola, Harish 717, 733 Chandra, Nandini 815


Chandrashekar, S.V. 903 Chang, Andrew C. 269 Chao, Yong 296 Chatterjee, Aditya 504 Chattopadhyay, Saumen 512 Chaudhuri, Sukanta 557 Chellasamy 863 Chen, Joyce J. 343 Cherchye, Laurens 411 Chernozhu, Victor 309 Cherrier, Beatrice 669 Chetty, Raj 417 Chijioke, Uwah 676 Chitsamatanga, B. B. 691 Choithani, Chetan 605 Chowdary, T H 843, 850 Chowdhury, Sujata Das 579 Christina, S. Stephy 877 Cobb, J. Adam 233 Coffe, Hilde 659 Coffman, Lucas C. 265 Cohen, Jessica 355 Cohen, Lawrence 800 Collins, Courtney A. 379 Collins, Joshua C. 243, 240 Cooke, Abigail 583 Corinn 281 Cortes, Patricia 278 Coulson, Ryan Michael 614 Cox, Rosie 586 Cross, Jamie 797 Croydon, Silvia 620 Cuzzocrea, Valentina 441 Daly, Mary C. 325


Dandekar, Ajay 527 Dang, Aastha 537 Dang, Tri Vi 248 Das, Ajit Kumar 732, 766 Das, Khanindra Ch. 447 Das, Shreyasee 287 Dasgupta, Abir 507 Dasgupta, Jashodhara 556 Date, Vidyadhar 533 Dauth, Wolfgang 323 David, Lea 617 Davis, Aeron 440 Davis, Jonathan M.V. 364 Dawson, Matt 652 Debbarma, R K 516 Deces, Isabelle Clark 829 Decker, Ryan A. 320 Dehejia, Vivek 573 Deng, Wei (Sophia) 476 Desai, Manisha 795 Deshpande, Sanjay D 734 Dhavan, Rajeev 569 Dheepa, R 700 Dhingra, Rahul 491 Dilip, T R 545 Dinardi, Cecilia 644 Diwakar, Amar 518 Dogan, Battal 260 Dogra, Bharat 707, 768, 756 Doleac, Jennifer L. 366 Donato, Katherine 356 Dorin, Bruno 575 Doron, Assa 817 Dubash, Navroz K 554


Dubey, Muchkund 716 Duflo, Esther 261, 396 Durlauf, Steven 394 Duvendack, Maren 266 Dyson, Jane 517, 79 Ecks, Stefan 803 Ehrig, Nathalie 433 Eldor, Liat 432 Elías, Julio J. 272 Elison, William 813 Elizabeth 316 Ellis, Andrew 256 Ellsworth, Phoebe C. 473 Engbom, Niklas 330 Engerman, Stanley L. 674 Epple, Dennis 667 Evans, Christine E 590 Fagan, Andrew 618 Fagereng, Andreas 334 Faleiro, Eduardo 715, 837, 848 Fan, Meijun 424 Farai, Maunganidze 695 Faulkner, Nicholas 661 Fayard, Anne-Laure 232 Fekete, Liz 775 Fernandes, Jennifer Wilson 867 Fernandez, Jose M. 362 Fernholz, Ricardo T. 375 Fershtman, Daniel 294 Feyrer, James 258 Fields, Ziska 689 Fitz Gerald, Stephen 454 Fitzpatrick, Anne 286 Fletcher, Gillian 654


Ford, Marcus 418 Fortunato, Laura 460 Fox, Jeremy T. 308 Frankenstein, Julia 465 Frayn, Bruce 603 Friedlander, Peter 806 Friedman, Andrew 777 Fujita, Kentaro 467 Gagne, Karine 788 Galichon, Alfred 307 Gandhi, Sahil 534 Ganesh Babu, K 852, 890 Ganesh, S Senthil 488 Gangadhara 866 Ganotra, Komal 567 Gans, Joshua S. 319 Garlick, Jeremy 448 Gatade, Subhash 741 Gauba, Kanika 542 Gaudet, Cyndi H. 241 Gebauer, Jochen E. 471 Geetamma, K. 901 Geiger, Ben Baumberg 441 Gellner, David N. 830 George, T J S 767, 735 Ghandy, Kobad 714, 744 Ghatak, Aditi Roy 507 Ghosh, Gaur Chandra 842, 853 Ghosh, Nilabja 572 Gidadhubli, R. G. 734 Gilbertson, Amanda 819 Giovanni, Julian di 374 Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou 393 Goldin, Claudia 279


Goldin, Jacob 346 Goldrick, Kim Marie Mc 384 Golin, Ruggero 625 Goodwin-White, Jamie 586 Gooptu, Nandini 832 Gopal, Priyamvada 570 Gorringe, Hugo 827 Goslin, Jeremy 470 Gosling, Samuel D. 472 Govender, S. 693 Graetz, Georg 291 Greenberg, Jason 234 Greenwood, Jeremy 289 Greer, Tomika W. 240, 245 Grossman, Gene M. 257 Gunhidzirai, Constance 684 Gupta, Barun Das 738 Guvenen, Fatih 329 Guvenenand, Fatih 335 Guyton, John 349 Haberly, Daniel 582 Hahnand, Joyce K. 327 Halu, Anilkumar B. 893 Hamermesh, Daniel S. 264 Handel, Benjamin 351, 366 Hany Babu, M.T. 548 Haragopal, G 526 Haroon, Sana 634 Hasan, Zoya 496 Hashmi, Zehra 515 Hassan,Tarek A. 250 Hassidim, Avinatan 298, 301 Hatekar, Neeraj 536 Hatfieldand, John William 300


Havice, Elizabeth 584 Healy, Kieran 274 Heckman, James J 315 Heissel, Jennifer A 380 Heller, Sara B 364 Hertel, Shareen 623 Heuman, Josh 648 Hill, Elaine 359 Hobijn, Bart 325 Hodson, Gordon 477 Hoffler, Jan H. 267 Hoffmann, Michael 456 Hollinger, Franz 443 Hoover, Gary A 403 Hornbeck, Richard 407 Horner, Johannes 399 Howell, Jennifer L 468 Howell, Sabrina T 252 Hoyt, Gail M 384 Hsu, Chia-Lin 638 Hu, Richard W 446 Huang, Jennie 281 Huang, Yanying 628 Hunegnaw, Fetene Bogale 786 Huxtable, Simon 593 Indira, P 481 Ioannides, Yannis M 672 Iqbal, Iftekhar 635 Islam, Shamsul 721 Ito, Hiroyuki 466 Jackson, Emma 439 Jain, Neelam 862 Jakiae, Tomislav 896 Jakimow, Tanya 549


Jal, Murzban 720,745 Jamwal, Priyanka 503 Jansen, Amanda 611 Jayachandran, Seema 354 Jeffrey, Craig 517, 833 Jeffrey, Robin 835 Jenner, Mareike 649 Jensen, Steffen 621 Jeong, Yujin 238 Jeyakumar, N 858 Jha, Krishana 758 Jha, Prem Shankar 449 Jodkha, Surinder S 576 Johnson, R 467 Joseph, P. Stanly 864 Joshi, Murli Manohar 836 Jubair, T 873 Judge, Debra S 601 Kailitz, Steffen 662 Kakava, Nicholas Zivengwa 689 Kale, Sunila S 798 Kalinina, Ekaterina 592 Kamada, Yuichiro 297 Kanchana, S 703, 704 Kang, Youngho 783 Kannabiran, Kalpana 499 Kaplan, Erin K 379 Kara, Helen 656 Karahan, Fatih 326 Karthikeyan, D 827 Karthikeyan, K 858 Katz, Lawrence F 333 Kemeny, Tom 583 Kemi, Megbowon Funmilola 676


Keniston, Daniel 407 Khan, Babuddin 883, 892 Khuzwayo, M. E 693 Kichkha, Areerat 268 Kim, Moon-Koo 639 Kirsch, David A 236 Kleiner, Andreas 410 Koch, Christoffer 375 Kocherlakota, Narayana R 673 Koehler, Kevin 664 Koijen, Ralph S. J 378 Kojima, Fuhito 297 Kolstad, Jonathan 351 Kozbur, Damian 310 Kranton, Rachel E. 270 Krawiec, Kimberly D 274 Krishana, Gopal 487 Krishnan, Sandhya 536 Krishnan, Sneha 832 Krueger, Alan B 333 Kuganathan, Prashanth 515 Kumar, Adarsh 576 Kumar, Akshaya 812 Kumar, Alok Prasanna 507, 553 Kumar, Arun 555 Kumar, D. Jeevan 882 Kumar, Ravindra 840, 854 Kumar, Satendra 808 Kurian, V. Mathew 764 Kyle, Margaret 352 L.B, Lethy 865 Lafortune, Jeanne 290 Lagos, Ricardo 666 Lakshmanan, K.K 706


Lakshmi, R 872 Lal, Brij V 804 Lauermann, Stephan 408 Laurin, Kristin 479 Laviae, Senadin 885 Lecomte-Tilouine, Marie 451 Levin, Dan 304 Li, Phillip 269 Li, Shengwu 303 Lily, Abdulrahman E. Al 640 Linde, H. M 697, 698 Ling, L.H.M 450 Lise, Jeremy 251 List, John A 313 Liu, Yi-De 624 Logan, Trevon D 337 Low, Corinne 290 Lozenski, Brian D 609 Lundberg, Shelly 402 Lundborg, Petter 414 Lundgren, Lars 590 Luo, Ye 311 Ma, Lala 359 Mada, K.U 881, 856 Mahalingam, Sudha 508 Mahwasane, N.P 680, 683 Majumder, Amita 560 Mani, N. Nirmala 705 Manimala, P 871 Maniquet, Francois 670 Mankar, Ritika 492 Manomano, T 686 Marathe, Shweta 565 Margaret, S. Yasotha 864


Masselos, Jim 794 Mathew, Sarah 370 Mathieu, Michael Tyler 472 Mathwasa, J 679, 687 Matshipi, M. G 688 Mayer-Rieckh, Alexander 622 McCordic, Cameron 603 McGetrick, Jennifer Ann 626 Melosi, Leonardo 249 Menon, Shivshankar 451 Mertens, Thomas M 250 Michaels, Guy 291 Mietola, Reetta 653 Mihelj, Sabina 589, 594 Mills, Colleen E 778 Mirza, Shireen 459 Mishra, Ashok K 561 Mishra, Manoj 495 Misri, Deepti 801 Missirian, Anouch 342 Modiba, Ngwako Solomon 690 Moffitt, Robert 404 Mohammed, Fathey 642 Mohan, N 879 Mohan, R V Rama 502 Mohan, R 493 Mohan, T T Ram 552 Mohanty, Manoranjan 525 Moises, Yi 322 Moldovanu, Benny 410 Molitorand, Katharina 606 Mollick, Ethan 234 Mookerjea, Souryan 495 Moral, Mert 658


Moretti, Enrico 395 Moscarini, Giuseppe 328 Moscona, Jacob 368 Moser, Christian 330 Mueller, Holger M 331 Mugove, Kudenga 695 Mukarji, Apratim 751 Mukharji, Projit Bihari 810 Mukunda, Kamala 539 Mulaudzi, N. O 688 Mulkey, Stephen 423 Mullainathan, Sendhil 350 MurtonI, Galen 789 Mutereko, Sybert 694 Muzaffar, Salfie 888 Nagarajan, Rema 547 Nahak, Duryodhan 747 Naidoo, D 696 Naidu, Suresh 369 Naik, R k 699 Naik, Ramesh 863 Nair, Pradeep 757 Nair, Rashmi 865 Nair, Sreelekha 566 Nandraj, Sunil 545 Naravane, Vaiju 506 Narayan, Amay 498 Narayan, Devika 531 Narayan, Kirin 796 Narayana, K 729 Navlakha, Gautam 524, 558 Naya, Kuldip 712, 739 Nayak, Sanatan 551 Nayar, Kuldip 730, 760, 763


Neilson, Jeff 600 Newbold, Stephanie P 425 Niederle, Muriel 280 Niem, Le Duc 784 Nimon, Kim 246 Nisha, P.R 636 Nishimura, Hiroki 255 Nissar, P 859 Novetzke, Christian Lee 820 Novo, Luis A. B 643 Nunn, Nathan 371 Nwachukwu, Jacinta C 641 Nwokolo, E.E 682 Nyatango, Phocenah 597 Nyqvist, Martina Björkman 354 Obermeyer, Ziad 350 Ockenfels, Axel 275 Okek, C.I.O 679 Olusola, Akinwale 675 Omondi, Samuel Onyango 608 Onishi,Viviani C 643 Padhi, Mousumi 488 Pai, Santosh 452 Pajala, Mari 591 Pal, Paramananda 846 Palmer, Lindsay 650 Palshikar, Suhas 541 Pan, Jessica 278 Pandey, Manjari 860 Pandey, Sandeep 708, 724, 765 Pare, Shvetal Vyas 809 Park, Jong-Hyun 639 Park, Koo Woong 785 Parman, John M. 337


Parthasarathi, Ashok 752 Partridge, Mark D 345 Pasha, Zameer 879 Pavan, Alessandro 294 Perilloux, Carin 469 Petzold, Knut 437 Philip, Thankom T 874 Pichon, Ms. Elodie 884 Pickering, Lucy 656 Pingua, Pooja 898 Ponce, Alejandro 259 Pongou, Roland 363 Postel-Vinay, Fabien 328 Postlewaite, Andrew 399 Pradhan, Piyush 699 Pramjeeth, S 696 Prescod, Colin 780 Pritchard, Bill 604 Puniyani, Ram 722, 746 Punjabi, Bharat 630 Puntambekar, G.L 860 Pychyl, Timothy A 435 Quraishi, Humra 713, 737, 749 Raghavendra, T.S 866 Rahman, Malik Muhammad Abdur 434 Rahmat, Afifa Aisha 900 Raj, Umang 491 Raja, Ira 802 Rajakumar, J Dennis 511 Rajan, S Irudaya 528, 559 Rajesh, Raj 596 Rajimwale, Anil 719 Raju, Suvrat 564 Ramamurthy, Priti 831


Ramana, M V 564 Ramaseshan, Radhika 514 Rana, Mohan Singh 451 Rangarajan, C 530, 571 Rao, Shankar 578 Rao, Ursula 825 Rao, V. Mohan 861, 876 Raudla, Ringa 430 Rawat, Vidya Bhushan 755 Ray, Subhasish 485 Rees-Jones, Alex 302 Rehman, Iskander 632 Reshma, S 899 Restrepo, Pascual 292 Rijpma, Auke 462 Rincker, Meg 657 Roberts, Steven 445 Robin, Jean-Marc 251 Rogers, Kristie M 231 Rogerson, Richard 398 Rognlie, Matthew 372 Rothstein, Jesse 416 Rouse, Cecilia 403 Rousseau, Peter L 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392 Rowe, Stephen C 419 Roy, Amitava R. Sinha 770 Royer, Daniel J 421 Royston, Greenwood 237 Ruffin, Fayth 694 Ruggera, Lucia 438 Ruijer, H. J. M. (Erna) 429 Sacarnyand, Adam 348 Sachar, Rajindar 723, 740 Sadanandan, Anoop 631


Sahgal, Punam 544 Sahoo, Sarbeswar 816 Salagare, M.B. 889 Salanie, Bernard 307 Salubi, Oghenere Gabriel 685 Samantaraya, Amaresh 530 Samutina, Natalia 646 Sanders, Seth G 270 Sanidas, Elias 786 Sankaran, Chandini 360 Saran, Shyam 455 Sarath, S 702 Sarki, Arpon 886 Sarsons, Heather 285 Satterfield, Michael 615 Sawyer, Katina 244 Schlee, Gunther 461 Schlenker, Wolfram 342 Schmieder, Johannes F 324 Schündeln, Nicola Fuchs 277 Scott, Charles E. 389 Scott, Erin L. 317 Searle, Chris 779 Sehgal, Swati 731 Selebogo, M.M. 686 Sen, Arindam 519 Sen, Gautam 754 Sen, Ilina 543 Sen, Pronab 497 Sen, Ronojoy 482, 824 Sen, Shoma 523 Shah, Adfer 841 Shah, Alpa 522 Shah, Tushaar 579


Shakeeb, Adel 598 Shani, Ornit 792 Shapiro, Matthew D. 397 Sharma, Deepak 508 Sharma, Jeevan Raj 486 Sharma, Khem Raj 759 Sharma, L.K 710, 727 Sharma, Navneet 759 Sharma, Sandeep 757 Sharma, Subhash 870 Shekhar, Sumit 492 Sheldon, Tamara L 360 Sheng, Andrew 453 Shepperd, James A 468 Shields, Patricia M 427 Shiffrin, Richard M 464 Shiller, Robert J 247 Shimeles, Abebe 339 Shinnane, Ramakonye T 692 Shordike, Anne 655 Shori, A K 839, 847 Shu, Pian 317 Shukl, Abhay 565 Shukla, S.P 709 Siegel, Jordan I 238 Siegfried, John J 389, 400 Sierra, Raul Sanchez de la 371 Sinclair, A. John 627 Singh, Anshuman 542 Singh, Bhrigupati 799 Singh, Harjit 895 Singh, Raj Kumar 849 Singh, Zorawar Daulet 563 Singla, Nikita 535


Sinha, Mishka 805 Sinha, Neha 544 Sinha, Shreejay 769 Sivanandan, A 774 Skinner, Jonathan 405 Sloane, Stephanie 478 Sloutsky, Vladimir M. 476 Smith, R. F. I. 807 Snellinger, Amanda 830 Soeters, Joseph 427 Sofi, M.A 773 Somasundaram, S. 702 Someketa, A 687 Sorkin, Isaac 332 Souvatzi, Stella 463 Sreenath, Shreyas 828 Srinivas, Lakshmi 821 Srinivasulu, K 521 Srivastav, D K 571 Srivastava, Samir K 510 Starr, Sonja 367 Stern, Scott 319 Stevens, Flannery G 233 Stock, Wendy A 382 Stockemer, Daniel 662 Strausz, Roland 409 Sukhtankar, Sandip 263 Sundaram, I. Satya 701 Surie, Aditi 501 Swain, Gyanaranjan 533 Swarnakar, Pradip 442 Szostak, Sylwia 594 Tandel, Vaidehi 534 Tandon, Suranjali 484


Tawarah, Haroon Mohammed 677 Teltumbde, Anand 489, 529 Tetlock, Philip E. 276 Thekaekara, Tarsh 566 Thomas, Sweety 574 Thomsen, Mette Kjaergaard 428 Thorius, Kathleen A. King 612 Thu, Pyone Myat 601 Tiwari, Rashmi 551 Tokdemi, Efe 658 Tolich, Martin 651 Topdar, Sudipa 550 Tripathi, Amarnath 561 Tripathi, Sudhanshu 844, 855 Turhan, Bertan 299 Uchikawa, Shuji 538 Uslaner, Eric M 663 Vanithasri,J 704 Vashishth, Amba Charan 845 Veiga, Andre 295 Velanganni, S. 891 Venkatesh, Karthik 562 Venkatraja, B 857 Verma, Ankur 555 Vetrivel, M 703 Vijayalakshmi, C 868 Vijayalakshmi, T 904 Vijayalakshmi, V 875 Vikramsingh 902 Visagie, J. C 697 Visagie, Jan 698 Visram, Nizar 894 Viswanath, N.S 880 Vombatkere, S G 728, 762


Wachter, Till von 324 Waight, Consuelo L. 245 Waitoller, Federico R. 612 Walstad, William B. 383 Wang, Hai 311 Wang, Ruosi 475 Wang, Shujen 647 Weick, Karl E 239 Wesselmann, Eric D 474 Williams, Heidi 353 Wojcik, Dariusz 582 Wolinsky, Asher 408 Wong, Mathew YH 660 Woodhouse, Howard 420 Wright, Josephine 600 Wright, Samuel 633 Yakoob, C 859, 873 Yamin, Alicia Ely 619 Yang, Crystal S. 365 Yelery, Aravind 452 Yla-Anttila, Tuomas 442 Zhang, Laurina 316 Zhang, Luyao 304 Zhou, Kevin Zheng 235 Ziadah, Rafeef 776 Shelby County 379


Keyword Index

Keyword Entry. No 2017 Elections 838 Abductive Economics 315 Academia 285, 640 Academic Domain 640 Academic Freedom 420 Academic Library 637 Academic Publishing 643 Accountability 694, 851 Adivasi 524 Admission System 305 Adolescence 610, 671 Advertisement 784 Afforestation 852 Aggressive Communication 281 Agrarian Crisis 527 Agriculture 578, 601, 604, 702, 703, 891 Akshaya Common Service 859 Alcohol 441 Algorithm 302 Altruistic Capital 271 Ambedkar, B.R. 742 Animal Captivity 636 Animal Cruelty 636 Annual Survey of Industries 511 Anomic Suicide 436 Anthropometry 601 Anti-Defection Law 553 Anti-Establishment Parties 658 Anti-Roma Racism 610 Anti-Social Element 792 Arab Spring 664 Arab-Canadians 776 Arbit 793 Archaeological Theory 463 Archives 780 Armed Forces 513 Arunachal Pradesh 853 Asia 544 Asia-Pacific Regional Security 451 Asset Management 582 Association of Talent Development 244 Assortative Matching 288 Asylum 342 Asymmetric Information 288 Attitude–behaviour Gap 689 Auto ethnography 243 Autocracies 662


Automate Moral Hazard 350 Automated Content Analysis 626 Autonomy 690 Ayodhya Case 723 Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) 489, 514 Ban the Box (BTB) 366 Bangla Tribune 483 Banking Crisis 552 Banks and Banking 248 Barbara Harlow 775 Basic Education 694 Basic Needs 684 Bastar Division 524 Behavioural Policy 346 Bengal 633, 635 Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) 533, 490 Bidder Solicitation 408 Big Banks 375 Big Data 480, 639 Biju Janata Dal (BJD) 533 Bilateral Agreement 452 Bilateral Relations 451 Binary Voting 410 Bio-Fertilizers 904 BJP Government 707 Black Economy 512 Black Education 609 Black Money 484 Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) 482 Body Complexion 835 Bombay Time 794 Borderlands 788 Borders 789 Boy 795 Bright Minds 477 Broadcasting 675 Bureaucracy 497, 630 Business of Slavery 674 Business 320, 440, 872 Campus Battles 759 Capital market 248, 257 Capitalism 237, 379, 498, 674, 745 Cardiac Stents 547 Career Development 245, 284, 691 Carrot Eaters 476 Cash Transfers 341, 355 Caste Descrimination 578 Caste System 515, 538 Celebratory Meal 655 Census Towns 577


Chaturvarna System 548 Child Budget 567 Child Growth 601 Child Health 354 Child Marriage 499 Child Support Grants 684 Children 684, 686 China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) 839, 842 China 451, 717, 895, 898 China’s Boarder Policy 563 Chinese Chakravyooh 847 Chinese Classes 733 Choice homophily 234 Circumpolar Region 626 Circus 636 Citizen Co-production 428 Citizenship Bill, 2016 542 Civil Code 715, 837 Civil Society 442 Civil-Military Relations 513, 664 Climate Change 342, 345, 442, 554, 561 Climbing 672 Cloud Computing 642 Coconut Industry 863 Cohesion 444 Cold War 590 Collective Guilt 661 College-Student Sorting 668 Colonial Law 634 Co-management 697 Commerce 789 Commodification 790 Communalism 708 Communication Channels 696 Communist Party 532 Communist Revolutionaries 520 Co-movement 374 Competencies 244 Conceptual History 633 Condensed Management Plan 692 Conflict 368 Congress Party 756 Conservation Tillage 699 Constitutional Structure 753 Constraints 679 Consumer Behaviour 286, 638 Consumers 255, 259 Consumption Tax Compliance 337 Conversion of Hindu Priest 710 Convict Officers 458


Cooperation 368 Cooperative Credit 635 Corporate Citizen 876 Corporate Ownership 589 Correctional Education 615 Correctional Institutions 615 Corruption 630, 635, 660, 663 Cortical Shape 466 Cosmopolitanism 436, 437, 661 Creative Thinking 677 Credit Card 259 Cricket 482 Crime 253, 364 Criminal Record 367 Crop Insurance 701 Cross Cultural Research 460, 550, 655 Cross-Country Evidence 278 Crowd-Authoring 640 Crowdfunding 234, 409 CSR AD Campaigns 868 Cultural Event 627 Cultural Harm 618 Cultural History 461 Cultural Identity 618 Cultural Impact 624 Cultural Networks 637 Cultural Power 450 Cultural Psychology 464 Cultural Regeneration 676 Culture 796 Currency 879, 899 Curriculum Implementation 693 Customer Retention 696 Cutting Chai 798 Dalai Lama 739 Dalit Politics 514 Dalit Youth 514 Dalits 489 Dangal Movie 731 Dark Attitudes 477 Decentralized Central Bank 673 Deepwater Horizon 239 Defence Production 558 Deficiency 684 Dehumanization 661 Democracy and Development 734 Democracy 410, 419, 650, 665, 694, 707 Demography 270 Demonetisation 492, 493, 512, 800, 867, 880, 899 Depression 799


Developed Countries 322 Developing Countries 354 Differently Abled Persons 747 Difficult Circumstances 686 Diffusion 461 Direct Marketing 696 Disability Studies 653 Disability 612, 686 Disease 361 Dispersion 258 Dispute 791 Distant Reality 731 Distributive Justice 622 Diversity 243, 586 Divorce 290 Documentaries 592 Documentary Television Programmes 591 Domestic Abuse 618 Doomsday 713 Drinking Water 359, 551 Drugs 352 Duplicate Currency 800 Dynamism 320 E- Banking 858 E- Governance 627 Early Learning Involvement 679 Earning Inequality 373 Econometrics 307, 877 Economic Conditions 703, 705, 861 Economic Development 238, 272 Economic History 633 Economic Research 314 Economic Shocks 258 Economics 272, 247, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264, 501, 382, 385 Ecosystem Services 481 Educated People 873 Education 440, 640, 685, 747 Education Industry 735 Educational Equity 609 Educational investment 330 E-Government 642 Elections 570, 754, 838, 844 Electoral decline 485 Electoral Integrity 659 Electoral Processes 694 Electronic Banking 873 Electrophysiological Examination 470 Elementary Education 611 Elementary Mathematics 611


Elephant Population 544 Elites 662 Emergency – Coercion 541 Emotional Diplomacy 616 Empathy 855 Empire 777 Empirical Investigation 599 Employee Participation 697 Employees 695 Employer to Employer (EE) 328 Employment 291, 367, 488, 866 Engagement 690 Engineering 299 English Morphology 802 Entrepreneurship 316, 318, 319, 682 Environmental Assessment 626 Environmental Challenge 426 Environmental Governance 584 Environmental Social Movements 442 Eponymous Entrepreneurs 415 Equal Opportunity 670 Equilibrium 303, 304 Espionage 760 Ethical Regulation 654 Ethics 275, 651, 652, 653, 655, 656, 714, 854 Ethnography 653 Ethno-Nationalism 516 Euro 785 Europe 897 European Union 718, 894 Eve-Teasing 801 Evolutionary Anthropology 460 Exchange Rates 786 Expenditure 678, 878 Experimental Results 313 Exports 596, 598, 786 Fake News 714 False Beliefs 371 False Dilemma 539 Family 691 Farm Income 481 Farm Power Policies 579 Farmer’s Movement 580 Farmer’s Suicide 527 Farmers 891 Farming 602 Fascism 745 Fatherhood 679 FDI 861


Federal Court 425 Federal Reserve 673 Female Academics 691 Female Education 887 Female entrepreneurs 234 Finance 252, 589 Financial Crisis 271 Financial Economics 335 Financial Market 376 Financial Regulatory System 491 Firm innovation 235 Firm Strategy 584 Firm-Related Risk 334 Firms 251, 300 Fiscal Crisis 430 Fiscal Policy 857 Fisheries 584 Flexibility 677 Fluency 677 Food Policy 600, 605 Food Prices 603, 606 Food Security 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608 Food Sovereignty 600 Food 623 Food-processing 689 Football 445 Foreign Policy 449, 535 Foreign Relations 455, 893, 896 Forest Fire 566, 360 Forest Loss 358 Forests 364 Fragmentation 296 Framing Ferguson 778 Freedom of Press 659 Freeware 784 Futile Attempt 763 Gadchiroli Sessions Court 494 Gallantry Medals 444 Gambling 441 Game 308 Gas 803 GDP 703, 786 Gender 254, 677 Gender and Politics 657 Gender Differences 283, 287, 297, 317, 361, 462, 665 Gender Earnings Inequality 332 Generation 594 Geographic Distribution 258 Geography 462


Gesture 595 Girl 795 Global Agricultural System 574 Global Challenge 241 Global Climate Cooperation 554 Global Company Network 589 Global Copyright 640 Global Inequality Dynamics 336 Global Orientation 437 Global Peace 854 Global Production 581 Global Television 590 Globalization 665, 870, 891 Goffman 651 Goods and Service Tax (GST) 492, 573, 865 Gosti Bichar 505 Governance 488, 736, 807 Government of Kerala (GOK) 574 Government-Academic Partnership 348 Grade Point Average (GPA) 245 Great Boston Fire 407 Great Recession 340, 430 Grief 681 Ground Water Management 579 Groundwater Contamination 503 Guidance 242 Gurdwara 634 Happy Seeder 699 Health Behavior 351 Health Care 350, 353, 639, 704, 877 Health Insurance 877 Health Policy 883 Health Systems 619 Heat Exposure 344 Hegemonic Parties 485 Hero-Worshipping 690 Heterogeneity 372 Heterogeneous Scarring Effects 329 High School 282 Higher Education 418, 422, 423, 424, 557, 615, 678 Himachal Pradesh 796 Himalayas 787, 788, 789 Hindu Nation 740 Hindu Priest 710 Hinduism 840 Historical Television Programmes 591 HIV 288, 289 Holistic Milieu 443 Home ownership 337 Household vulnerability 610


Household Allocation 287 Housing Crisis 439 Housing Prices 379 Human Capital 241, 361 Human Development 641, 882 Human Disease 358 Human Geography 588 Human Resource Development 240, 241, 242, 246 Human Rights Commission 620 Human Rights Documentation 621 Human Rights Organisations 486 Human Rights 616, 617 Humaneness 522 Humanitarians Principles 903 Hydrocarbon Industry 508 Identity 231 Idiosyncratic Volatility 375 IIT Admissions 299 Immigration 321, 583 Impact Assessment 627 Implementation 692 Importance of Information 381 Imports 596, 598, 786 Imprisonment 500 In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) 414 Incentivizing 275 Inclusion 243 Inclusive Education 612 Income Inequality 233, 333, 660, 663 Income Risk 333 India 449, 459, 482, 451, 455, 507, 508, 513, 522, 535, 536, 548, 557, 571, 702, 703, 705, 728, 861, 879, 899, 900, 901, 902 India, North East 490, 509 India, North 707 India’s Youth 517 India–Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) 599 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) 793 Indian National Congress 496 Indian Navy 632 Indian Ocean Region 448 Indigenous 676 Individual Differences 475 Indo-US Nuclear Deal 771 Indus Water Treaty 730 Inequality 311, 340, 456, 587 Information 683 Information Avoidance 475 Information Technology 531, 685


Inhuman Treatment 486 Injection 810 Innovation 252, 689 Institutional Distances 452 Institutional Framework 856 Intellectual Disability 653 Intellectual Property 480 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 349 International Business Cycle 374 International Development 625 International Human Rights 556 International News 643 International Relations 509 International Rhetoric 556 Internationalization 589 Internet 675 Internships 244 Intimacy 595 Investment 250 Irredundant 311 Irrigation Project 630 Ishtyle 811 Islam 459 Item Girl 812 Item Number 812 Jaffna 515 Jail System 458 Jallianwala Bagh 751 Jammu & Kashmir 509, 841 Jeopardizing 425 Job Opportunities 366 Job Performance 431 Job Satisfaction 431 Jobs 278, 326, 327, 531, 682 Judicialization 658 Justice Radhabinod Pal 846 Juvenile Justice 613 Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gam 795 Kandhamal 746 Karnataka 863, 903 Kathrada 504 Kautilaya’s Arthasastra 870 Kidnaps 749 Kinship 461, 463 Labor Economics 264 Labor Market 293, 337, 340, 364 Labour Relations 698 Land Settlement 634 Land Transactions 633 Land 604


Landscape 787, 790 Language Policy 548 Law 845 Learner Performance 688 Learner-Educator Ratio 688 Learning Campaign 693 Left Parties 756 Leveraging 243 Liberal Education 419 Liberal Moderniser 506 Liberalism 720 Librarian 637 Library Access 680 Library Collection 680 Library Schools 685 Library Services 683 Liquefied Natural Gas 581 Liquidity Management 530 Liquidity 248, 666 Livelihoods 604, 605 Low Female Age 499 Machine Learning 309 Macondo Disaster 239 Macro dynamics 251 Macroeconomics 249, 250, 372, 498 Madarassas 722 Mahasweta Devi 543 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act 568 (MGNREGA) Make in India 862 Male Infant Mortality 363 Malnutrition Market 565 Management 698 Manager Organisation, 695 Managerial Networking 426 Manufacturing Job 323 Maoism 456, 520, 522, 523, 526 Mao-Maoist violence 892 Maps 465 Marketing 296, 340, 347 Marriage 411, 671 Masculine Moorings 509 Masculinities 445 Mass Observation Archive 652 Mass Uprisings 664 Maternal Risk 357 Mathematics Education 611, 613 Matrimonial Advertisements 816 Mechanism 301, 304 Media Centre 683


Media Memories 590, 593 Media Use 659 Media 589, 885 Medical Matching 297 Medium Sized City 607 Medium –Sized Enterprise 538 Memory Testing 464 Mental Disabilities 362 Mental Imagery 435 Meritocracy 236 Meta-analysis 268 Metro Politan Council 534 Micro Finance 347, 866 Middle Class 439, 536 Migrant Labour 586, 874 Migration 342, 343, 464, 528, 605 Militancy 762 Military Data 480 Military Insubordination 664 Military 788 Milk 572 Minerals Fuel 413 Minorities 316, 610, 898, 900 Mobile phones 641 Modern State 635 Modi, Narendra 449, 800 Monetary Policy 376 Moracco 894 Moral Respect 653 Mothers’ Experience 679 Mothers Care 354 Motivation 692 Mount Laurel 672 Mountains 789 Mudakathan Keerai 700 Multicultural Policy 776 Multidimensional Methods 295 Municipal Councillors 549 Muslims 843, 850 Nairobi 355 Namasudra History Congress 726 Narrative Economics 247 National Health Accounts 511, 545 Nationalism 600, 729 Natural Gas Industry 508 Natural Resource Development 626 Nature 585 Naxalbari 519 Naxalite Movement 521 Naxalites 522


Neo-colonialism 729 Neo-liberalism 593 Neonatal Mortality Rates 355 Neo-religionism 897 Network Practices 581 Network 624, 581 New Age 443 New Firms 783 New Kashmir 853 Newspaper 675 Nirbhaya Case 529 NITI Aayog 497 Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) 890 Non-euro 785 Non-farm Economy 576 Non-farm Sector 705 Non-groupy Social Preference 270 Non-recurrence 622 Non-traditional Education 615 Non-traditional Security 446 Nostalgia 589, 592 Nuclear Construction 564 Nuclear Family 460 Nuclear Power 564 Nuclear Relations 894 Nuclear 849 Nursing Education 559 Nutrition 601, 604 Occupation 232, 655 Occupational inequalities 438 Occupational mandate 232 Odisha 533 Officers 444 Older Women 655 One Belt One Road 446, 447, 448 Online Media 675 Online Piracy 640 Onomastics 681 Open-Access 643 Organisational Politics 432, 640 Organization 698 Originality 677 Overcrowded Classrooms 688 Overwork 278 Painful Transition 734 Pakistan 895 Panchayat Elections 533, 631 Pandora 294 Panel Data 786 Paranormal Activities 593


Parent’s Perceptions 687 Parental Incarceration 613 Parenting 671 Parliamentary Budget Office 546 Party Dissolution 658 Party Politics 623 Patanjali Ayurvedic Ltd 860 Patriarchy 523 Peace weaving 427 Perceived Employability 245 Personal Narratives 615 Personality 270 Phantasmagorical Character 745 Piracy 643 Policy Oriented 306, 617, 695 Political ambition 657 Political Competition 660 Political Economy 237, 456 Political life 504 Political Parties 270 Political Parties 496, 635 Political Psychology 661 Political Science School 797 Political Strategies 490 Politics in Tripura 516 Politics of labour 464 Poor Man’s War 338 Poor 621 Post-Cold War Period 591 Post-Colonial Feminism 509 Post-Colonial Insights 676 Post-Communism 594 Post-Political Governance 441 Post-Socialism 589, 593, 594 Post-Socialist Nostalgia 595 Post-Soviet 592, 593 Post-Truth 714 Potential Growth 571 Poverty Reduction 684 Poverty 682 Power Sector 507 Preanalysis Plan 269 Prevarication 620 Prime Minister Office 752 Prison Education 613 Prison 458, 615 Private Hospitals 725 Private Investors 508 Private Schools 724 Privatization 783


Proactive Transparency 429 Procrastination 637 Professional Development 693 Professionals 685 Promotability 283 Promotion 682 Prosumers 606 Pseudo Sacred Values 276 Psychology 298 Psychometrics 270 Public Administration 427 Public Assistance 365 Public Distribution System 574 Public Hearing 626 Public Opinion 659 Public Participation 626,627 Public Procurement 510 Public Space 634 Qualitative Research 651 Quality Education 517 Quantitative Easing 378 Race 612, 780 Racism 778 Radhika, Vemula 741 Rage 780 Raiffeisen 635 Raksha Udyog Ratna 558 Rampal Power Plants 495 Rape 749 Rational Investment 250 Rationalization 479, 692 Ray, Rabi 505 Real Wage Growth 325 Recession 249 Recidivism 365 Recruitment 652 Recuperation 676 Redesigning 242 Re-feudalisation 897 Reflexivity 656 Regime Durability 662 Regime legitimation 662 Regional Cooperation 447 Regional Divergence 573 Regional Leadership 884 Registration Data 343 Regression 785 Regulatory Policies 452 Relationship 697 Religiosity 478


Religious Endowment 634 Religious Syncretism 634 Remittances 605 Remonetisation 555 Report on Competitiveness 280 Reproductive Health 556 Repugnance Management 274 Researchers 690 Reservation System 900 Reserve Bank of India 491 Retirement Planning 383 Revolution 258, 727 Reward-Creativity Relationship (RCR) 434 Rhetorical Styles 421 Rich Man’s War 338 Right to Food 623 Right to health 619 Risk Premia 377 Ritual 444 Robust Mechanism 304 Role Models 657 Romanian Television 595 Rural Agriculture 607 Rural Livelihood 602 Rural Markets 872 Rural Timor-Leste 601 Rural Woman 864, 866 Russia 893, 897 Russian Revolution 719 Russian Television 592 Sacred Values 276 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) 894 Sampling 652 Sanatana Dharma 840 Sanitation 551 Satellite Data 343 Satellites 590 Savage War 524 School Curriculum 683 School Education 379 School Library 680 School Report Cards 412 School Vouchers 667 Sci-Hub 643 Sea power 632 Search Strategy 683 Secret Keepers 248 Secular Trends 377 Security Storage 480 Self-management 697


Semantics 681 Senior Lawyers 569 Sense of Fairness 478 Service Delivery 694 Service designers 232 Sex 476, 652, 671 Sexual Harassment 537 Sexual Health 556 Shale Gas Development (SGD) 359 Sheikh Hasina 483, 738 Shocks 258 Shop floor 695 Shrine 634 Sierra Leone 602 Sikh 634 Singaporean Pollution 360 Skills and Competencies 685 Skills 677 Slavery 674 Smallholders 606 Small-Scale Society 370 Smooth Transition 785 Social Archaeology 463 Social Attitudes 443 Social Capital 583, 624 Social Change 445 Social Globalization 665 Social Justice 670, 708 Social Mechanism 442 Social Media 627, 696 Social Mobility 438 Social Power 585 Social Preferences 270 Social Science 562 Social Security 684 Social Self-Esteem 471 Social Welfare 864 Socialist Television 595 Society 634, 885 Socio-Economic Empowerment 871 Sociolinguistics 369, 681 Sociology 459 Soft Power 450 Software Industry 531, 784 South Asia 517 Southern Africa 610 Sovereign Wealth Funds 589 Sovereignty 728 Soviet Power 719 Soviet Union 593


Special Education 612 Spirituality 443, 836 Stagnation 292 Stakeholders 242, 628 Standard Time 794 Start-Up 783 State Capitalism 589 State Government 848 State Ownership 235 State-Building 788 Stepney Words 779 Students 680 Study Choices 282 Sub Saharan 786 Subnational Diplomacy 535 Sukma 525 Sukma Attack 892 Supremacists 743 Supreme Court 482 Surveys 273 Sustainable Agriculture 481 Sustainable Development 560, 870 Swachh Bharat Mission 502, 503 Syed, Shahabuddin 716 Syria 598 Syrian Revolution 518 Systematic Earnings Risk 335 Systemic Risk 375 Tamarind 704 Tamil Society 528 Tax Credit 349 Taxation 277 Taxman’s Dilemma 339 Teacher Effectiveness 416, 417 Teacher Librarians 680 Teacher Training 693 Teacher 680, 683 Teaching and Learning 243, 678, 688 Technical Change 377 Technological Solutions 501 Technology 640, 675 Technopreneurship 689 Teenage Motherhood 380 Teesta River’s Water 768 Telangana 553 Television Archives 591 Television 589, 591, 593, 594 Tension 832 Territoriality 581 Terrorism 762


Testing Procedures 310 Thermal Power Plant 495 Third Degree Treatment 621 Threat 753 Tibet 789 Time pass 833 Tiruppur 538 Torture 621 Tourism 790 Toxic Announcement 554 Trade Balance 786 Trade Jobs 323 Trade Liberalization 598 Trade Policy 597 Trade Relations 599 Trade Unions 697, 464 Trade-offs 276 Tradition 676 Traditional Media 675 Traffic Control 629 Training Portal 875 Transferability of Skill 322 Transitional Broadcasting 590 Transitional Societies 617 Transnational Memory 589 Transparency 851 Treatment 312 Tribal Communities 525 Tribal Women 871 Trump, Donald 554, 896 Trust 698 Turkish Politics 658 UGC Regulations 758 Unconventional Monetary Policy 453 Under graduation 240, 242 Undergraduate Economics 383 Unemployment Insurance 324 Unfairness Theory 663 Unfree labour 456 Uniform Civil Code 721 Union Government 878 Union. Budget 567 United Kingdom 570 United Nations 616 United States of America 233, 674, 893, 896 Universal Education 745 Universal Health Coverage 619 Universities 691 Urban Agriculture 607, 608 Urban Decline 459


Urban Garbage 487 Urban spaces 638 Urbanisation 407, 534, 610 Uttar Pradesh 844 Vatsonga 681 Venture funding 234 Victims 746 Video-on-demand 642 Vigilantism 540 Violence 253, 746 VIP 792 Visually Impaired 637 Volunteering programs 433 Voting 834 Wage Inequality 331 Waqf Board 634 Warfare Technologies 371 Warrior 775 Water Resource Management 902 Waterborne Diseases 551 Wealth Inequality 373 Wearable Technologies 351 Website Quality 638 Website 675 Well-Being Index 273 Wheatish Colur 835 Wine Industry 237 Women Career 414 Women Empowerment 886, 888, 901 Women Parshads 549 Women 509, 586, 618, 732 Women’s Voice 586 Women's Job Choice 277, 278 Workers 251 Workplace Romantic Relationships 695 Workshops 693 World Anti-Tobacco Day 706 World Bank 560 World Making 450 World Society 442 World War II 594, 777 Xinjiang 898 Xitsonga 681 Yoga 836 Yoruba People 676 Youth Leaders 610 Youth Migration 344 Youth 517 Zimbawe 596 Zoo 636