Dr. Pervez Ahmed Senior Assistant Professor Dept. of Urdu School of Languages Central University of Kashmir Science and Arts Campus Duderhama, Ganderbal-191201 Cont. no.: +91-8803765953, 9419033383 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Blog: http://pervezahmedazmi.blogspot.in ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area of Interest: Modern & Classical Urdu Poetry, Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Machine Translation. Working as a Senior Assistant Professor in the department of Urdu, CUK from 01/08/2012 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: Ph. D. in Urdu awarded on 21 January 2004 from JNU, N. Delhi-110067 Title of the Thesis: The Literary Evaluation of Political Poetry in Urdu(1900-1950)under the supervision of Prof. Sharib Rudaulvi, Prof. S. R. Kidwai and Dr. K. M. Ekramuddin M. Phil. in Urdu from JNU with A¯ (6.83 out of 9) in 1998. Title of Dissertation: A critical Study of Ghazal’s of Iqbal Suhail under the Supervision of Prof. Sharib Rudaulvi. M. A. in Urdu from JNU, with A¯ (6.75 out of 9) in 1996. B. A. from Shibli National College, Azamgarh, (Purvanchal University, Jaunpur) with first division in 1992. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: Passed National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC in June 1996. Got NCC“C” certificate from 99up Battalion, NCC, Azamgarh in 1992. Passed Advance Diploma of Proficiency in Urdu (Mass Media) from JNU in 1998. Successfully completed an outreach program in Modern Indian Theatre organized by School of Arts and Aesthetics, J.N.U. from 08/02/2003 to 15/03/2003. Completed successfully an outreach program in Indianarchitecture organized by School of Arts and Aesthetics, J.N.U.