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Vol. 36, No. 13 July 6, 2020 Cover Story

CIVIL TURMOIL 6 What’s Really Behind the Riots? by Alex Newman — It is becoming increasingly clear that revolutionaries wreaking havoc in the streets and their allies in the Deep State are using old communist tactics to wage war on America.

16 Ravaging Black Businesses by Michael Tennant — Riots about the wrongness of the treatment of have led to the destruction of black businesses and lives. AP Images 16 19 POLICE 19 Jailbreak: Hamstringing the Police by William F. Jasper — Leftist politicians are guaranteeing a revolving-door “catch and release” justice system.

23 Disbanding the Police AP Images by C. Mitchell Shaw — Anti-police sentiment is leading to the AP Images defunding and outright disbanding of police departments. 23 26 Nationalizing the Police Is Not the Answer by Steve Byas — Some are calling to nationalize local police forces, but that just takes away local control, guaranteeing more problems.

30 Supporting Cops by Duke Pesta — We should support our local police, but that also means holding them accountable for wrongs.

CULTURE 34 The Worst Racists in America

by Kurt Williamsen — While it’s true whites are the worst racists, AP Images it’s not for reasons you might think. 26 30 IN MEMORIAM 39 The Death of David Dorn by Selwyn Duke — As the protests and riots go forward, the rioters have taken at least a dozen lives, mainly of blacks. Ironic and sad.

THE LAST WORD AP Images AP Images 44 This Is What Mobocracy Looks Like by William F. Jasper 34 39


5 From the Editor 41 The Goodness of America AP Images 15 QuickQuotes 42 Exercising the Right AP Images

COVER AP Images TrailWinds p l a z a

SPACE AVAILABLE 5,640 square ft. Call 239-677-7441 or Email [email protected] Cleveland Ave. (Rt. 41) • Ft. Myers, Florida • Stamra Inc. FROM THE EDITOR Publisher & Editor Gary Benoit

Senior Editor More Than Meets the Eye William F. Jasper “If men were angels, no government struction of liberty — from the Nazi Ge- Managing Editor would be necessary,” observed James stapo to the Soviet KGB. rail inds Kurt Williamsen Madison, “the father of the Constitution.” Of course, there are rogue police offi- T W Of course, men are not angels — and that cers who should not be wearing a badge. Web Editor includes those officials who are entrusted When a rogue police officer commits John T. Larabell with the powers of government, including criminal acts, he should be brought to jus- Foreign Correspondent the police powers. So, what can be done tice. No one should be above the law. Re- p l a z a Alex Newman — what must be done — to ensure that a garding the four police officers who were government composed of flawed human charged in the George Floyd case, they Contributors beings protects the rights of the people it have been arrested and will be tried in a Bob Adelmann • Dennis Behreandt serves, as opposed to trampling the rights court of law — as they should be. And if Steve Byas • Raven Clabough it is supposed to protect? they are found guilty, they should be pun- Selwyn Duke • Brian Farmer The American Founding Fathers’ ap- ished to the full extent of the law. Christian Gomez • Larry Greenley proach to achieving good governance But what we witnessed in the horrific Gregory A. Hession, J.D. was not only to craft a written Constitu- video showing a cop’s knee implanted Ed Hiserodt • William P. Hoar tion specifying those few powers the new on the neck of George Floyd for more R. Cort Kirkwood • Patrick Krey, J.D. national government may exercise, but to than eight minutes, as he pleaded that he Warren Mass • John F. McManus also provide a system of “checks and bal- could not breathe and lost consciousness, James Murphy • Dr. Duke Pesta Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. ances” among three branches. is not representative of the police or of C. Mitchell Shaw • Michael Tennant Moreover, in our American system of American society in general. Contrary to Rebecca Terrell • Fr. James Thornton government, powers were divided be- the claims of the rioters — whose slogans Laurence M. Vance • Joe Wolverton II, J.D. tween the national government and state include “Save a life, kill a cop” — nei- governments. As the 10th Amendment ther the police nor the country is systemi- Creative Director to the Constitution later explained, “The cally racist. Joseph W. Kelly powers not delegated to the United States Senior Graphic Designer by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it Subversive Schemes Katie Bradley to the States, are reserved to the States Obviously, as this special report shows respectively, or to the people.” In fact, the beginning with our opening article Research government powers that were delegated “What’s Really Behind the Riots?” there Bonnie M. Gillis to the U.S. government were those that is more at play than simply getting justice Chief Strategy Officer could not be adequately handled at a for George Floyd. Put simply, the death Bill Hahn lower level of government, such as na- of George Floyd is now being used as a tional defense. rationale for turning the American system Advertising/Circulation Manager on its head and replacing it with a new, Julie DuFrane Police Powers socialist order. Wisely, police powers were not trans- If the revolutionaries — and their al- ferred to the federal government by the lies in high places such as major media Constitution. Converting independent and large tax-exempt foundations — are local police forces into local branches able to successfully overthrow our sys- of a national police force would not only tem of government, the result will be result in a dangerous accumulation of a dystopian nightmare, not a utopian Printed in the U.S.A. • ISSN 0885-6540 P.O. Box 8040 • Appleton, WI 54912 power in Washington, but would also dream, despite the fact that many hope- 920-749-3784 • 920-749-5062 (fax) subvert the proper role of police officers. lessly naïve revolutionaries sincerely ex- www.thenewamerican.com Police should be accountable to the gov- pect the latter. [email protected] erning authorities in the local areas they If this sounds crazy, we ask you to Rates are $49 per year (Canada, add $9; foreign, add $27) Copyright ©2020 by protect and serve. Were they to be na- read this special report, to consider the American Opinion Publishing, Inc. Periodicals tionalized — whether overtly, or insidi- evidence, and to decide for yourself if postage paid at Appleton, WI and additional ously through federal regulations — they there is more to what is now happen- mailing offices. Postmaster: Send any address changes to The New American, P.O. Box 8040, would no longer be public servants for ing than meets the eye. And if you do Appleton, WI 54912. their local communities, but would in- agree, keep in mind that there is also stead be beholden to, and instruments of, good news: The subversive schemes can The New American is published twice monthly the rulers in far-away Washington. be undone simply by exposing them and by American Opinion History has shown time and again that restoring our American system, includ- Publishing Inc., a wholly this centralization of police powers ulti- ing local police. owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society. mately culminates in the complete de- — Gary Benoit

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 5 CIVIL TURMOIL


It is becoming increasingly clear that revolutionaries wreaking havoc in the streets and their allies in the Deep State are using old communist tactics to wage war on America.

6 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 by Alex Newman One day, the establishment claimed it was murder to he cure for COVID-19 was appar- go out in public for anything “non-essential.” The next ently — a riot? At least it seemed T like it there for a minute. One day, day, not going out in public and assembling in large the establishment claimed it was murder crowds was tacit support for “systemic racism” and to go out in public for anything “non- essential.” The next day, not going out “white supremacy.” in public and assembling in large crowds was tacit support for “systemic racism” and “white supremacy.” Even leading public officials agreed. “I urge all of you to join me from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. today at Legislative Plaza for the ‘I Will Breathe’ rally, which has been organ­ized by a number of leaders and ad- vocate organizations in Nashville’s Black community,” declared Nashville Mayor John Cooper on May 30 after months of lockdowns. “This is an especially critical time for all of us, as Metro’s leaders, to show up and listen to Black voices from across Davidson County as they speak out against the senseless killing of George Floyd and the deep-seated issues of racial injustice in our country.” The mayor’s call for the public to gath- er, which drew thousands of people to congregate in downtown Nashville, was made after months of coronavirus-inspired lockdowns had wreaked havoc on his city and crushed the local economy. It came AP Images even as protesters across America who Simply an excuse: In Minneapolis, the riots and chaos sparked by the death of Floyd were planned well in advance, as was the call to “,” by socialist and communist called for an end to the lockdowns spent groups funded by billionaires. weeks being demonized — if not arrested. Practically every establishment media out- let and Democratic politician blasted the other Democrats announced extensions of obviously, there is much more going on anti-lockdown protesters for supposedly the coronavirus lockdowns on businesses, behind the scenes than meets the eye. The putting everyone at risk by simply gather- supposedly to keep everyone safe. fact that all is not as it seems has been hid- ing and calling for the lockdowns to end. Now, after the economy was burned den in plain sight all along. Until literally Over two hours after the initial call for a down by COVID lockdowns, large swaths the day before the riots, establishment public protest, Mayor Cooper followed up of America’s cities are literally burning, media personalities and politicians were with a note encouraging “social distancing” too. Billions of dollars in damage have scolding and threatening Americans with and face masks. By evening, though, the been counted. Social distancing is a distant arrest for just being in public, equating protest degenerated into violence, with the memory for many of those in the streets. going outside for “non-essential” reasons masks helping conceal the identities of those Instead of cowering at home, countless with murder. setting fires at the courthouse and city hall, numbers went out to protest, with many of But suddenly, they were all fine with shattering windows with bricks and stones, those protests turning violent. Police were going out and rioting. “I can’t imagine smashing police cars, attacking and looting shot. Protesters were killed by other pro- what it would look like if we said to peo- businesses, and unleashing mayhem. Less testers. Thousands of businesses that barely ple, ‘Actually, you have to stay in. You than two weeks later, as Trump was vow- survived the COVID lockdowns were de- have to ignore systemic racism — I’m ing big reelection rallies, Mayor Cooper and stroyed by the unrest. And the end is no- sorry, just ignore it. Stay in,’” declared where in sight. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy after Alex Newman is an educator and the co-author (with Supposedly, all this carnage and out- imposing one of the most strict lockdowns the late Sam Blumenfeld) of the book Crimes of the rage was triggered by the police killing on citizens, churches, and businesses. Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the Indeed, all over the country, Democratic Schools to Destroy America’s Children. alleged systemic racism it revealed. But politicians were encouraging people to www.TheNewAmerican.com 7 CIVIL TURMOIL

ways the revolution.” That could not be The movement sweeping America (and even Europe) more obvious today, as those seeking to remake America use the longtime commu- is about setting people against each other, fomenting nist strategy of applying “pressure from unrest, and attempting to crush America’s system of local below” and “pressure from above” to trap Americans in their pincer grip to recon- policing, while moving toward nationalized and even struct America. As this article will prove, globalized police and centralized governance. the Deep State figures behind the scenes, and the dangerous extremism of the com- munist revolutionaries they are funding, are barely even concealed. And they know exactly what they are doing. The revolutionists and their backers — billionaire globalists such as George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty — are attempting to undermine civilization, lim- ited government, the rule of law, Christian- ity, traditional morality, free markets, and individual liberty by equating them all to “white supremacy” and “structural racism.” Of course, the idea that those concepts are inherent only to “white” people, rather than civilized people everywhere, is self- evidently ridiculous, and potentially racist. Yet anyone and everyone who might dare to defend any of those bedrock principles of American society, including the founding ideals such as “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator” with God-given rights, are by definition racist defenders of white supremacy who must be destroyed, according to the narrative. Obama’s “Green Jobs” czar Van Jones, AP Images Funding the unrest: Billionaire globalist George Soros, who said China had a “better functioning who was ousted after being exposed as government” than America, is one of the major financiers of the groups orchestrating the unrest. an actual communist revolutionary, went so far as to indict all whites recently in his role as CNN commentator: “Even gather against alleged racism and police out daily by abortion. They might also be the most well-intentioned white person abuse — especially in cities and states long concerned about the data published by has a virus in his or her brain,” declared run by Democrats, who claim to be against Heather Mac Donald in the Wall Street the failed “czar” turned commentator on all the things being protested against. Journal showing that over 7,000 black CNN, adding that a “white, liberal Hillary­ Highlighting the fact that the riots were not men died at the hands of other black Clinton supporter” is more to be feared about justice for George Floyd is the fact men last year, compared to nine unarmed than a member of the KKK. Jones did not that the police officer who killed Floyd, blacks who died at the hands of police. In- explain how the supposedly racist Ameri- Derek Chauvin, was arrested and charged deed, the data show “a police officer is 18 can people became the first nation with with murder shortly after the killing be- times more likely to be killed by a black a European-descent majority to elect a came national news. Clearly, something is male than an unarmed black male is to be president of African descent. Nor did he amiss. This chaos is obviously not about killed by a police officer,” the Journal re- address the fact that America was the first “equality,” or “,” or “racial ported. Studies have also revealed that po- nation in human history founded on the justice,” or “black lives,” or “reparations lice are more likely to shoot white suspects premise that “all men are created equal” for slavery,” or anything of the sort. than black suspects. and are “endowed by their Creator” with If the unrest were about those issues, the God-given rights, helping to make Ameri- rioters might be concerned about David What Is Really Going On? ca one of the least-racist societies in all of Dorn, the black former police officer who In reality, all of these slogans and issues human history. was murdered by looters while protecting are simply the cover story. Leftists have Even at the highest echelons of govern- his community. Or they might speak out long used the infamous slogan, “The ment, analysts have recognized and exposed about the thousands of black lives snuffed issue is never the issue, the issue is al- the true nature of what is going on. “Global-

8 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 ists and Islamists recognize that for their vi- social media accounts, the murderous to “fundamentally restructure our societ- sions to succeed, America, both as an ideal terrorist is celebrated as a hero and an ies.” “As we have seen in South Africa and as a national and political identity, must inspiration. And in an article explaining during the democratic era, violent protest be destroyed,” explained then-U.S. Nation- why she created the is often the result of a careful calculation al Security Council Director of Policy and movement, BLM co-founder and self- by communities who have come to see Planning Rich Higgins in a memo for Presi- proclaimed “queer” feminist that only such action elicits the desired re- dent Trump about the Deep State assault on cited Shakur. “When I use Assata’s pow- sponse from the state,” the NMF wrote in his administration. “Atomization of society erful demand in my organizing work, I a memo to BLM recommending violence. must also occur at the individual level; with always begin by sharing where it comes “The use of violence can be rational and attacks directed against all levels of group from, sharing about Assata’s significance carefully targeted as part of a strategy to and personal identity. Hence the sexism, to the Black Liberation Movement,” Garza counter structural and other forms of vio- racism and xenophobia memes.” said in the piece, speaking of the “lineage” lence against Black lives. And, of course, The movement sweeping America (and from which the efforts are derived. it ought always to be so.” Mandela’s wife even Europe) is about setting people against The group has gone on record praising Winnie was also a firm believer in those each other, fomenting unrest, and attempt- the late mass-murdering communist dic- ideas, being caught on tape promoting ing to crush America’s system of local po- tator Fidel Castro, too. When he died in “necklacing” (placing a gasoline-filled tire licing, while moving toward nationalized 2016, BLM said it felt an “overwhelming around a person’s neck and setting it on and even globalized police and centralized sense of loss” over the man they lovingly fire) to “liberate” South Africa. governance. Also on the agenda, as this ar- referred to as “El Comandante.” “It is the South African historian Harry Booyens, ticle will show, is advancing a “New World lessons that we take from Fidel,” the BLM who wrote a comprehensive book about his Order” by discrediting even the found- Global Network wrote. “From Fidel, we homeland called AmaBhulu: The Birth and ing ideals upon which America was based know that revolution is sparked by an idea, Death of the Second America, told The New — the very ideals that abolished slavery, by radical imaginings, which sometimes American that the parallels between cur- ubiquitous throughout human history, and take root first among just a few dozen rent events in America and what happened achieved full equality under law for all peo- people coming together in the mountains. in South Africa are clear. “My standard ple. Simply stated, the riots aim to dismantle As a Black network committed to trans- statement to Americans bears repeating,” American and Christian civilization, and re- formation, we are particularly grateful to Dr. Booyens explained. “Between $1,000 place them with something new. Fidel for holding Mama Assata Shakur, and $1,500 will get you a ticket to South who continues to inspire us.” Africa to go see your future.” Though the The Revolutionists: International allies of BLM such as the major media is largely ignoring South Af- Pressure From Below Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) en- rica’s tragic plight, the country is collaps- At the street level, cities from Minneapolis couraged BLM to use violence as a means ing into an orgy of violence, rape, torture, to Los Angeles to Chicago to New York to Jacksonville were rocked by violent pro- tests, looting, Molotov cocktails, murder, and mayhem that seemingly began spon- taneously all over the nation in Democrat- controlled jurisdictions. But the planning and the laying of the foundations began long ago. And many of the groups are openly socialist and communist. At the center of the unrest and protests that swept through thousands of U.S. cities is “Black Lives Matter (BLM).” The group, which officially organized many of the pro- tests that spiraled into chaos, was founded in part to glorify convicted cop-killer As- sata Shakur (aka Joanne Chesimard), one of the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists. After robbing banks to fund the “revolution,” Chesimard and her comrades murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in a shootout. The Weather Underground terrorist group — more on them later —

helped her break out of jail. From there, she AP Images fled to Communist Cuba for refuge. Background check: Black Lives Matter regularly glorifies communist and socialist mass- Across BLM websites, events, and murderers while demonizing America using demonstrably false claims and narratives.

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 9 CIVIL TURMOIL murder, racial killings, economic collapse, national DSA Facebook account chimed people,” had been plotting riots and even plummeting life-expectancy, unfathom- in: “Defund the police.” The group claims a plan to “defund the police.” And those ably savage farm murders, confiscation to have 60,000 mostly young activists na- plans are part of a broader socialist agenda of private property without compensation, tionwide ready for revolution. It also has that includes using global-warming alarm- endemic corruption, and full-blown com- major financial backers. ism to generate support for their causes. munism. And yet, the tactics and deception And as leading analyst Trevor Loudon “This fight against climate change exists that brought it all about in the 1980s and pointed out for an August 5, 2019 article alongside the fight against white suprem- ’90s are remarkably similar to those now in The New American, DSA has opera- acy and colonialism,” the group says on its being witnessed in America, Booyens said. tives up and down the Democratic Party website, adding that a “Green New Deal” Another key organization in the mix is hierarchy and in elected office — and even is needed for “visionary change.” Antifa, which styles itself “anti-fascist” and in Congress. Their goal, as the name im- The naïve young protesters, who have was recently declared a terrorist organiza- plies, is socialism. That means overturning been indoctrinated in government schools tion by President Trump. In fliers distribut- the U.S. Constitution and the principles to hate America, have been duped into lit- ed in Seattle, where the group and its armed America was founded upon. And despite at- erally waging war on their own nation and allies seized control of six city blocks and tempting to distance itself from some of the freedom. They are extremely radical in their declared it an “Autonomous Zone,” An- socialist mass-murderers of the past, DSA hostility to private property and civilization. tifa said police should be defunded as they continues to openly stand with brutal ty- A two-year investigation into the group by “will always be racist because capitalism rants such as Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela. Millie Weaver (aka “Millennial Millie”), requires inequality.” Their ideology is clear, Another one of the key groups involved a young reporter with a large following too. All across America, Antifa cells openly in orchestrating the violence in Minneap- among young conservatives, revealed de- display communist flags and symbols, in- olis and beyond is known as the Sunrise termination to use violence to achieve radi- cluding banners with images of mass-mur- Movement. Long before Floyd was killed, cal goals. “These, like, escalations, these dering dictators such as Mao Tse-tung and the organization, which boasts on social actions, can be really, really dangerous,” Vladmir Lenin. media that it is “building an army of young explained Sunrise organizer Sarah Abbott, Leading Antifa figures have also sporting a half-shaved head and made the group’s agenda clear. City a nose ring, in video obtained by University of New York Law Pro- Weaver. “Uprisings, including fessor Mike Isaacson, a self-pro- actions like burning buildings, claimed Antifa leader, put it like are legitimate and powerful this: “Anti-communism is code for forms of resistance.” fascism.” In short, in Antifa’s view, Another Sunrise organizer, opposition to a totalitarian form of Ashley Green, celebrated the government responsible for hun- burning of taxpayer property. dreds of millions of deaths over “So last night, when that po- the last century is tantamount to lice station went up in flames, supporting fascism — an ideology me and my girlfriend, we, we that, ironically, is not all that differ- poured shots,” said Green. “We ent from communism in terms of were happy.” destroying individual liberty and Interestingly, witches and empowering government. Isaacson Satanists were openly involved also regularly encourages violence in the demonstrations and even against police. “Off the pigs,” he publicly casting spells and hexes recommended on August 29, 2017. on the police. Using the hashtag In a Twitter message posted by Se- #witchesforblm, the practitio- attle’s Antifa chapter, the group ners of the occult garnered over said: “We need more people with 10 million views on TikTok. guns at the CHAZ [Capitol Hill The hatred for God has been on Autonomous Zone].” full display, too. When a street A close ally of Antifa is the preacher entered the Antifa- Democratic Socialists of America, controlled “Autonomous Zone” which is also working to organize in Seattle, he was violently at- Floyd protests and train protest- tacked by a mob as homosexu- ers. On May 28, the Twin Cities als attempted to sexually assault

DSA in Minnesota tweeted that it AP Images him. “You’ll die out here,” said was “so proud of all the Minneso- A killer held high: BLM was founded in part to honor the legacy one man who violently con- tans fighting back against the po- of convicted cop-killing terrorist Assata Shakur (aka Joanne fronted the evangelist. “Do you lice tonight.” And on June 1, the Chesimard), according to one of the co-founders. want to die out here?”

10 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 on by the ultra-establishment Rothschild banking dynasty, claims to support an “Open Society” with his billions. However, his own statements and admissions against interest prove that tyranny is truly the goal. For example, Soros has openly and repeat- edly praised the mass-murdering commu- nist regime enslaving China, even claiming it has a “better functioning government” than the United States. “I think you need a new world order, that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the cur- rent order,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times. (Soros also admitted on national television that he felt no guilt about having helped the Nazis steal Jewish property as a child.) WikimediaCommons/Flickr/AllNiteImages Many of the other organizations in- Communist cadres: The self-proclaimed “anti-fascist” group Antifa has been a key player in the volved in the unrest are funded by Rock- violence and unrest sweeping America, and its communist leanings are on open display — such as efeller money. The Sunrise Movement, its flag, which is modeled after the flag of the original pro-communist Antifa group in Nazi Germany. for example, which played a crucial role in fomenting the unrest, has been funded largely by the Rockefeller Family Foun- dation, according to an investigation by There are plenty of other organizations The communist tactic is actually tried Insider Philanthropy. Many of the other comprising the “pressure from below” that and tested: create pressure from below and organizations involved in the unrest are are involved in the unrest: Indivisible; the above at the same time, with left-wing poli- also funded by Rockefeller money. Revolutionary Communist Party, USA; the ticians and deep-pocketed insiders such as Like Soros, the late globalist billionaire Communist Party USA; California For- Soros pushing to destroy American society David Rockefeller, a key Deep State lead- ward; Color of Change; and many more. from the top while creating the illusion of er and patriarch of the family, was in love But unbeknownst to the naïve “useful popular support on the streets. The stated with the barbarous tyranny of the Com- idiots,” as Lenin reportedly described his goal: exploit the “unrest” to “accelerate the munist Chinese. “The social experiment in followers, they are being manipulated by dismantling of structural inequality gener- China under Chairman Mao’s leadership powerful elites not to seek justice, but to ated and maintained by local law enforce- is one of the most important and success- tear apart America and enable their own en- ment” and “create a national movement,” ful in history,” he wrote in a 1973 op-ed slavement under total government control. a 2015 report from Soros’ Open Society’s for the New York Times after a trip to the U.S. Programs Board showed. To that end, communist-ruled nation. Funding for Revolution Soros provided $650,000 to “invest in tech- Also, on page 405 of his autobiogra- Interestingly, despite the riot leaders’ bla- nical assistance and support for the groups phy, Memoirs, he admitted to conspiring tant affinity for totalitarians and commu- at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLives- against America with a “secret cabal” to nism, their groups have been showered Matter movement,” the report showed. create a one-world order “Some even be- in money by some of the world’s leading Even before that, almost $35 million lieve we [the Rockefellers] are part of a “capitalists.” Billionaire George Soros in Soros money was provided to groups secret cabal working against the best in- and other globalist Deep State elites have involved in the 2014 Ferguson riots, docu- terests of the United States, characterizing long been financing movements designed ments cited by the Washington Times and my family and me as ‘internationalists’ to apply the crucial pressure from below, other media outlets showed. Recently re- conspiring with others around the world especially BLM. In 2016, for instance, leased undercover footage from Project to build a more integrated global political documents obtained by a hacker revealed Veritas of Antifa leaders also revealed that and economic structure — one world, if why Soros’ Open Society Foundations they had received a “grant” from Soros. you will,” he wrote. “If that’s the charge, I had been pouring money into the group. Indeed, Soros has backed dozens of orga- stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.” The document touts an “Inside strategy,” nizations ranging from Occupy Wall Street Ironically, in light of the fact that the which involves lobbying and pressure to the Center for Community Change. Rockefeller dynasty is funding race agita- from above, combined with an “Outside The goals are always the same: to subvert tors and the young revolutionaries applying strategy” involving funding for phony America and erect a new socialist state. the pressure from below, it also has a long “grassroots” movements such as BLM. Soros, whose firm was funded early history of support for racism and eugen- www.TheNewAmerican.com 11 CIVIL TURMOIL ics. In fact, so extreme was the oil family’s historian Antony Sutton, which proves Pressure From Above support for eugenics that the Rockefeller that Wall Street elites literally funded the The rioting by radicals in the streets, by Foundation helped to found the National enslavement of Russia under communism. itself, would never be enough to bring Socialist eugenics program and bankrolled The tactics used then in terms of funding down a free, prosperous society such as Nazi “doctor” Josef Mengele’s work prior unrest in the streets against existing au- America. Instead, the communists and to his human experimentation and torture thorities are remarkably similar to those their Deep State backers have long under- at Auschwitz, according to historian Edwin being used against America right now. stood that pressure from above would be Black, author of several books on eugen- Quigley said he knew of the network crucial, as explained by Czech communist ics, Nazis, and the Holocaust. By 1926, the and how it worked because he studied it for strategist Jan Kozak, who developed and equivalent of many millions in today’s dol- 20 years and was allowed for two years to successfully used the tactics to help en- lars had been given by Rockefeller entities examine its papers and secret records. The slave his own nation under communism to Nazi racial “scientists.” goal of the conspirators, he said, was global after World War II without firing a shot. Super “capitalists” funding commu- feudalistic control of the planet, the econo- And so, major media outlets, celebrities, nists? None of this is surprising to those my, and humanity through governments and politicians, billionaires, United Nations who study the Deep State. Georgetown privately owned central banks. “I have no officials, and other bigwigs must apply the University historian Carroll Quigley, aversion to it or to most of its aims,” Quig- “pressure from above” to make the chaos whom Bill Clinton referred to as his men- ley said, adding that his chief difference of effective in bringing in a new order. tor, revealed these machinations in his opinion was that the network wished to re- On CNN, commentators openly de- explosive 1966 book Tragedy and Hope. main secret. “I believe its role in history is fended the violent revolutionists and “There does exist, and has existed for a significant enough to be known,” he said. their tactics. “Too many see the protests generation, an international Anglophile Numerous other establishment billion- as the problem,” said Chris Cuomo, one network which operates, to some extent, aires have also poured money into subver- of CNN’s leading talking heads. “No, the in the way the radical Right believes the sive movements to use brainwashed young problem is what forced your fellow citi- Communists act,” he wrote. “In fact, this Americans to wage war on their own na- zens to take to the streets: persistent and network, which we may identify as the tion. Former New York Mayor Michael poisonous inequities and injustice. And Round Table Groups, has no aversion to Bloomberg poured millions into creating please, show me where it says protests are cooperating with the Communists, or any a movement to disarm law-abiding Ameri- supposed to be polite and peaceful.” other groups, and frequently does so.” cans. Bill Gates poured billions into an The UN intervened to apply pressure Read that again: The power elites “fre- educational scheme, Common Core, that from above, too. UN “High Commission- quently” cooperate with the communists. drastically dumbed-down America’s youth, er for Human Rights” Michelle Bachelet, Plenty of other evidence confirms Quig- making them susceptible to the sort of ma- another fan of Castro and an actual com- ley’s claims, including the book Wall Street nipulation and irrational hate now being munist who defected to the brutal dicta- and the Bolshevik Revolution by Stanford witnessed in the riots. torship enslaving East Germany, issued multiple statements condemning America for alleged “structural racism.” She also called for massive and systemic reforms in America to address the grievances of protesters and rioters. “The anger we have seen in the U.S., erupting as COVID-19 exposes glaring inequalities in society, shows why far-reaching reforms and in- clusive dialogue are needed,” she claimed, calling for “socio-economic factors and deep-seated discrimination” to be ad- dressed as well. In short, communism and socialism are the answer. Media around the world parroted her criticisms without mentioning Bachelet’s background in the subversive communist network known as the Foro de São Paulo, a cabal founded by Castro, the Sandinis- tas, the Marxist terrorist group FARC, and others. Nor did the media trumpeting her

AP Images attacks on America mention the UN’s dis- Providing pressure from above for remaking government as socialist: House Speaker graceful “human rights” record, which in- Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders took a knee to honor BLM while vowing to pursue cludes persecuting whistle-blowers such as “transformative structural change” for America. Andres Kompass for trying to stop the sys-

12 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 black Americans over slavery. No word on whether the hundreds of thousands of families who paid for slaves’ freedom in blood by losing loved ones in the Civil War would be exempt from having to pay. Also no word on whether the descendants of black slave owners or immigrants who arrived after slavery was abolished would have to pay. Finally, no word on whether the descendants of African chiefs or Islam- ic slave traders who engaged in the slave trade would be expected to pay repara- tions, or whether the descendants of white Europeans enslaved by North African sla- vers would be entitled to compensation.

AP Images Efforts to Exploit Black Globalist celebrities selling the masses: New Age TV guru Oprah Winfrey, a member of the Americans Not New, But Failing shadowy population-control group for billionaires called the “Good Club,” is pushing systemic Even as most Americans with lighter change by applying “pressure from above.” complexion remain confused by the chaos, Americans of African heritage are increasingly seeing through the deception. Despite the endless barrage of fake news temic rape of African children by interna- this “structural change” was needed. Ap- painting Trump as a racist responsible tional “peace” troops. Bachelet’s superior, parently she never got the memo that the for Floyd’s death, the latest Rasmussen former Socialist International chief Antonio Civil War ended, along with slavery, over poll, released weeks after Floyd’s death, Guterres, even took the extraordinary step 150 years ago. Former Vice President Al showed black voter approval ratings for of allowing UN staff in America to protest Gore went further, suggesting that even Trump at over 40 percent. against America in violation of UN policies. opposition to “climate action” was rooted “No people of African heritage any- Domestically, the American Civil Lib- in “white supremacy.” where on earth are more free or better off erties Union, founded by actual commu- Hostile foreign regimes, including those than we who are blessed to be Americans. nists, exploited relatives of Floyd to de- ruling Russia, China, and Iran, all jumped America is still the last best hope for all mand that the UN Human Rights Council on the bandwagon. of us, regardless of race,” said Bishop “urgently” convene an emergency session Celebrities have gotten in on it too, with E.W. Jackson, a prominent black Chris- to investigate and punish America. “As actors, singers, and others frantically try- tian leader, in response to the unrest over communities in the United States call on ing to draw attention to themselves while Floyd’s death. “It is time to come together their leaders to divest from policing and demonizing the nation that made them across all racial and cultural lines to renew end structural racism, the United Nations rich. New Age TV guru Oprah Winfrey, the American vision of ‘one nation under must support these domestic demands by for instance, a member of the billionaire God, indivisible with liberty and justice holding the United States accountable for “Good Club” founded by the late David for all.’ It is within our grasp if we do not its human rights violations,” said ACLU Rockefeller and Bill Gates to reduce the allow the radical elements among us to “human rights” program boss Jamil Dak- global population, hosted a town hall on destroy it forever.” war, blasting the alleged “violent law en- Floyd’s killing. “Is this the moment we fi- “There are those who would like to push forcement responses to protests.” nally change our country?” she wondered. us over the cliff into chaos,” Bishop Jackson More than a few members of Congress “Where people recognize systemic racism continued. “They think they will be there to are applying pressure from above, too. for the problem and the evil that it is?... pick up the pieces and create a socialist uto- For instance, congressional Democratic We find our nation on a precipice, a true pia, but history proves it will be a totalitarian leaders put on African neck scarves and tipping point, I believe.” nightmare. Let us, as free black Americans, made a public spectacle of themselves Another enter- by kneeling in the Capitol. Lawmakers tainment billionaire, also introduced a bill to federalize the Black Entertainment police and even create a federal certifi- Television founder EXTRA COPIES AVAILABLE cation process for all law enforcement. Robert Johnson, ➧ Additional copies of this issue of The “We cannot settle for anything less than is demanding al- New American are available at quantity- transformative structural change,” said most $15 trillion in discount prices. To place your order, visit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, pointing to “reparations” from www.shopjbs.org or see the card between slavery in America as an example of why white Americans to pages 34-35.

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 13 CIVIL TURMOIL pull back from the precipice, push back communist activists at the UN or statists ment should go all the way and withdraw against the anarchists and embrace the lega- in the federal government. In fact, many of from the UN “dictators club” altogether. cy of freedom, justice and hope for ourselves the problems in local policing stem from The orchestrated attack on America has and the generations to follow.” federal and UN intervention to begin with. left hundreds of millions of Americans Even black Americans with no sympa- Halting the ongoing destruction of Amer- dazed, angry, ashamed, and confused. That thy for Trump or even traditional America ican society and culture must involve get- was the plan. Remember, the issue is never are waking up. In a 2017 video that has ting the foundations that are bankrolling the issue — the issue is always the revolu- gone viral in recent weeks, black activist the revolution under control. As Congress tion. Between the pressure from above and Chaziel Sunz explains that far-left elites found in the 1950s through its Select Com- the pressure from below, ordinary Ameri- who do not care about black people are mittee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Founda- cans are quite literally caught in the Deep hoping to manipulate the black community tions, these entities were literally funding State’s pincer grip without understanding into doing their “dirty work” and joining a “subversion” in a bid to replace America’s what is going on. And it will prove deadly civil war against America on U.S. soil. He constitutional republic with “oligarchical if not stopped. also points out that Black Lives Matter is collectivism.” The head of the Ford Foun- After years of demoralization and in- a front for Soros, the Clintons, and other dation even admitted to Norman Dodd, the doctrination of children in establishment- elites, while Antifa is a “terrorist” group. chief investigator for the committee, that the controlled government schools, Americans They are setting black Americans up to be goal was to “so alter life in the United States today generally do not know their own his- slaughtered, Sunz warned. that it could be comfortably merged with the tory. They also know little about the forces Soviet Union.” It is way past time for Con- seeking to enslave and destroy them. That What to Do gress and law enforcement to rein this in. makes them easy prey. In fact, according Most law-enforcement policy and even Taking action against the pressure from to Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, it criminal law — including murder — is above, Trump has already withdrawn the means they will lose every single battle. handled at the state and local level under U.S. government from the discredited UN Only by educating the American people America’s constitutional system of gov- “Human Rights Council,” a parody of an about what is happening will it be possible ernment. That is where it should remain. agency that includes many of the most to neutralize the enemy and stop the plot These are questions for local communi- murderous regimes on planet Earth on its from succeeding. Liberty and civilization ties and state legislatures to consider, not decision-making body. The U.S. govern- are literally at stake. n EMERGENCIES DON’T TRUMP LIBERTY

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Outspoken Black Commentator Denounces the Lionization of George Floyd “Confession: #GeorgeFloyd is neither a martyr or a hero. But I hope his family gets justice.” In a powerful Twitter video carrying the above caption, commenta- tor and political activist Candace Owens explains why she does not believe George Floyd should be held up as a hero or martyr, despite the injustice done to him by police. She describes Floyd as Candace a “career criminal” and asks her viewers to “imagine” being the Owens pregnant black woman who was robbed at gunpoint when Floyd and

accomplices forced their way into her home. “George Floyd takes a GageSkidmore gun and points it to your stomach threatening you,” Owens recounted. “You are screaming and crying for your life.”

Small Business-owner in the Bronx Victimized by Looters “I’m 100 percent with people who are protesting for justice. But is this justice? Black lives matter; . But what about my life and my family’s life? You cannot justify doing something wrong because something wrong happened.” Looters smashed their way into his modest jewelry store and took off with $150,000 worth of jewelry and laptop computers. An immigrant from the Dominican Repub- lic, Francisco Araujo was appalled by what happened to George Floyd but wonders how he will be able to fix his store.

Victim of 1992 Violence in Los Angeles Speaks Out Against Current Mayhem “But what we now know is there are people who have a vested in- terest in overturning America. They don’t believe that America is inherently good…. They think America is inherently evil and this country that had slaves has to pay forever. So they’re going to insist to rewrite America.” In 1992, a black American, Star Parker, saw her small publishing Star business in Los Angeles destroyed by rioters protesting the acquittal Parker of policemen charged for brutality in the arrest of Rodney King. Now GageSkidmore a syndicated columnist and author, she is looked upon by many as a spokesperson for conservative Americans. After the death of George Floyd, she met with Vice President Mike Pence and black leaders to discuss a proper response to recent rioting.

Columnist Labels the Widespread Destructiveness as a Revolution “When protests that turn into riots happen everywhere at the same time, using similar tactics and slo- gans, it is not the work of a small number of lawbreakers. When pallets of bricks allegedly appear near places of looting, this is not the work of random opportunists. When the bailed-out radicals enjoy the universal support of the liberal media, politicians, celebrities, business leaders and clergy, something bigger is at play. It is revolution against the established order.” The vice president of the American branch of the Society for the De- fense of Tradition, Family and Property, John Horvath, II, is also an author and speaker. His book Return to Order predates the recent burst of anarchy in America.

Noted Author/Columnist Says Poor in America Are Better Off Than the Rest of Mankind “The poorest 20 percent of Americans consume more goods and ser- vices than the national averages for all the people in the world’s most affluent countries. If the U.S. poor were a nation, it would be one of the world’s richest.” Columnist Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. n Walter E. — Compiled by John F. McManus Williams Texas Tech University Tech Texas

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Riots about the wrongness of the treatment of George Floyd by police have led to the destruction of black businesses and lives.

by Michael Tennant Nondiscrimination policy: Rioters supposedly protesting racism paid little heed to signs telling them that they were destroying minority- hen Korboi Balla arrived at his Minneapolis sports owned enterprises. bar the morning of May 28, he broke down. Just days Wbefore it was set to open, the bar, into which the fire- because the emotional toll was too substantial,” according to a fighter, husband, and father of four had poured his life savings, GoFundMe page he set up to raise money to rebuild. was destroyed by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd “To find out that the countless hours, hard work, late nights seemingly at the hands of the Minneapolis police. away from my kids, and family had all been for nothing was “I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Balla told CBS This soul shattering,” he wrote. Morning. “It hurts, man. It’s not fair, it’s not right. We’ve been The irony in the situation is that while the rioters were sup- working so hard for this place. It’s not just for me, it’s for my posedly standing against racism, they were obliterating a busi- family.” ness owned by a black man. That night, Balla’s dream went up in smoke as protesters burned down the building. Upon arriving at the fire station the Giving Blacks the Business next morning and learning the news, Balla “had to leave work “The riots and arson that followed protests of George Floyd’s death have devastated organizations and businesses that Michael Tennant is a freelance writer and regular contributor to The New serve communities of color,” reported the Minneapolis Star American. Tribune. “Destruction from the south side’s Lake Street to

16 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 West Broadway in north Minneapolis someone’s life, why would you do the The pattern was repeated in cities across has hit immigrant- and minority-owned same thing? People’s lives count on their the country, where rioters, interested not businesses already struggling amid the business, like mine.” in justice for Floyd but in destruction and pandemic-induced shutdown. Now, eth- Blacks weren’t the only minorities pelf, smashed windows, looted stores, and nically diverse neighborhoods are grap- whose life’s work was wiped out by pro- set them ablaze. pling with the loss of jobs, services and testers. Hispanics, Indians, Asians, and Philadelphia’s acting commerce direc- investments.” American Indians suffered similar losses. tor, Sylvie Gallier Howard, told the Wall “Our dreams are being destroyed,” Seven years ago, Ecuadorian immigrant Street Journal that “possibly more than a Faatemah Ampey, the black owner of the Luis Tamay sank a decade’s worth of sav- thousand businesses” in the city were af- vandalized SuiteSpot Salonspa on Lake ings into his Lake Street restaurant, El fected by rioters. Especially hard-hit was Street, said through tears in a Facebook Sabor Chuchi. The one night during the the 52nd Street corridor, which largely video. “I cry for George, I cry for justice, protests that he didn’t guard it, thinking consists of small businesses owned by and I cry for peace. But right now I’m cry- the National Guard would get things under blacks and other minorities. ing for my community.” control, rioters burned it down. “Seven- Atlanta’s award-winning Wilbourn Sis- On her block, she told Forbes, there are teen years of work is gone,” he lamented ters Dress Shop had its windows smashed at least three black-owned businesses and to the Star Tribune. on May 30. The owners, Janice and Caro- one Asian-owned. “So just on that block, Even posting a sign notifying protest- lyn Wilbourn, had posted signs saying the they destroyed three people of colors’ ers that a business is minority-owned, as business was black-owned to no avail. lives, our dreams,” she said. many owners did, wasn’t always enough “This is devastating,” Janice Wilbourn In North Minneapolis, Trevon Ellis’ to save it from destruction. Ghandi told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. barbershop, Fade Factory, burned for more Mahal, an Indian restaurant, was torched “We’re here for God. This is our ministry. than 12 hours after rioters set it on fire. despite its notice. Migizi, an American This is our family legacy.” Ellis, too, is black. Indian nonprofit that had “native youth A deli in Brooklyn, New York, was “There’s a way to protest positively for center” written on the window of its trashed by protesters. One of the store’s George Floyd,” Ellis told Forbes. “You’re practically new, $2-million building, was co-owners, an elderly black woman, was fighting someone that destroyed and took also burned. captured on a video uploaded to YouTube doing to the miscreants what they had done to her store. “‘Tell me black lives matter?’ she said. ‘You lied. You wanted to loot this store. You needed money. Get a job like I do!’” And the list goes on.

Misery’s Company Business owners won’t be the only ones to suffer as a result of the destruction. Their employees will lose their jobs, at least temporarily, and their neighbors will now have fewer shopping options. As a result of the rioting, Ampey said in her video, “There’s no place to get gas within a five-mile radius [of SuiteSpot]. There’s no place to get food.” People without vehicles — or without fuel for their vehicles — are “in trouble,” she added. The negative consequences are likely to go far beyond these inconveniences, Zaid Jilani observed in a Quillette column:

All in all, the evidence suggests that violent protests and rioting … provide an opportunity for gangs to enrich themselves and exploit desta-

AP Images bilized local populations, impoverish Halo, neighbor: While protests often showed humans’ ugly side, cleanup efforts brought out property owners, and harm long-term people’s better angels as neighbors pitched in to help devastated business owners. economic fortunes. And so it’s worth

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asking whether the well-intentioned jobs than white workers as the economy sobbing again — “bring back all the hard progressives who are doing their best shrank in March and April.” Numerous work I put into building a brand that is to cast the Minneapolis rioters in businesses were shuttered by govern- successful?” righteous terms are truly doing these ment orders and even now, in some ju- Still, there is some hope in the midst of underprivileged residents any favors. risdictions, are only allowed to open if the chaos. Ampey made a point of show- they abide by strict protocols. ing in her video the people from her com- They’re certainly not doing the cause Scraping up enough money to rebuild munity — of all colors and ages — who of justice for Floyd any favors. Morgan will be a struggle for many business own- had come to help clean things up. Balla, Pieper, owner of a Dallas organic conve- ers. Those with insurance may recover likewise, was grateful for all the strangers nience store that was vandalized in the more quickly, but many small, minority- who showed up to help with his bar after it rioting, told KTVT, “I actually think this owned businesses aren’t insured, in part was vandalized. “The amount of gratitude is deflecting away from the real message because insurance rates in their neighbor- in my heart right now is outweighing the and the point of this, and the poor man’s hoods are high — and likely to climb after sorrow and heavy-heartedness I feel,” he death, George Floyd! I mean, the media the riots. wrote at the time. can’t talk about George Floyd when they “A lot of them, unfortunately, won’t be Even after the building burned, making have to talk about all of this destruction. able to weather the storm,” Allen Riddick, all that cleanup for naught, Balla’s positive It needs to stop.” director of supplier inclusion at Philadel- attitude remained. Of course, it helped that phia’s Drexel University, told the Journal. his story made national news, bringing in Rebound Percentage “The timing is horrible.” well over a million dollars’ worth of con- Bouncing back from the devastation Even insured business owners may find tributions, including some from staffers of the riots would be difficult anytime, it difficult to recoup all their material loss- of President Donald Trump’s reelection but it will be even harder in the wake es, and no amount of money will be able campaign. of COVID-19. “African-Americans were to heal the emotional damage they have “COVID-19 and a fire cannot stop what disproportionately sickened or killed by sustained. plans I have to open my dream,” Balla de- the new coronavirus,” noted the Wall “Someone asked me, did I have insur- clared, “and I cannot wait to open the doors Street Journal. “And black people and ance? Of course I have insurance,” said and serve all the people who have support- Latinos were more likely to lose their Ampey. “But can insurance” — she began ed us and will continue to do so.” n

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Leftist politicians and their laws and policies are guaranteeing a revolving-door “catch and release” justice system that rewards criminals and endangers the innocent.

drew Cuomo to use his emergency powers (which he has exercised mercilessly with his COVID lockdowns against law-abid- ing citizens) to give judges authority to set bail for those posing danger to soci- ety. “This is about people who are taking advantage of this moment when people want to come out and protest peacefully,” Vance said. “I’m calling for more judicial discretion.” Also on June 3, the Associ- ated Press reported that “at least 9,300 people have been arrested since the pro- tests over George Floyd’s killing began.” The vast majority of those arrested were released without bail and without even being charged, while prosecutors and po- lice were outraged that even some of the most egregious offenders were released, though they should have been kept in cus- AP Images tody to protect public safety. Consider, Legal jailbreak: NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea denounced the state’s new “bail reform” law that is releasing rioters, looters, and other dangerous criminals faster than the police can for instance, the case of activist lawyers arrest them. Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, who were caught on video handing out Molotov cocktails to rioters. Rahman, age 31, who by William F. Jasper prosecutors and “bail reform” laws sends was a “human rights” attorney for Bronx disturbing signals that these areas are Legal Services, is even seen on the video pattern of revolving-door injus- heading toward complete social disinte- throwing a lighted Molotov cocktail at tice and public endangerment has gration. an NYPD patrol car. Mattis, age 32, is a A been on display with regard to the New York City — On June 3, amid graduate of Princeton University; Rahman riots in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, continued violence, rioting, and looting is a graduate of Fordham University. Mean- Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, Oakland, in New York City, Police Commissioner while, hundreds of police officers through- Seattle, and dozens of other Democrat- Dermot Shea denounced the state’s newly out New York state were attacked, many controlled cities. Although liberal-left, enacted “bail reform” law that eliminated seriously injured, and several killed. soft-on-crime politicians and judges in cash bail for most crimes, putting thou- St. Louis, Missouri — “In a stunning these jurisdictions have contributed great- sands of rioters and looters back on the development, our office has learned that ly to the crime problems that have plagued streets faster than the police could arrest every single one of the St. Louis looters our inner cities for decades, the recent ad- and book them. “We cannot have people and rioters arrested were released back dition of Soros-backed “social justice” entering a system and being released be- onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim fore the police officers,” Shea said. On Gardner,” Missouri Attorney General Eric William F. Jasper is senior editor of the same day, New York City District At- Schmitt tweeted on June 3. “Folks are back The New American. torney Cy Vance called on Governor An- out on the street and I think it’s shocking,”

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Schmitt stated regarding St. Louis, where the Safety & Justice super PAC backed by ty of the same social-justice warriors oper- retired black Police Captain David Dorn Soros and fellow Democratic billionaires ating out of the Justice Department swamp. was murdered defending a store from loot- of his Democracy Partners. As rioting ers, and at least four other officers were engulfed Philadelphia, Krasner released Catch and Release shot. Gardner, an ultra-left-wing activist, equivocal statements that seemed to excuse In addition to liberal-left, soft-on-crime has ignited a St. Louis crime wave since the violence in the name of “this righteous activists already mentioned above, Soros- she was put into office in 2016, as one of & urgent movement #BlackLivesMatter.” funded radical prosecutors include Rachel the key district attorney races across the McSwain accused Krasner of “not showing Rollins (Boston), Kim Foxx (Chicago), country targeted by George Soros. The any concern for the safety of the communi- Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), and Kim leftist billionaire’s super PAC contributed ty” and of “essentially fanning the flames” Ogg (Houston), as well as new sheriff Paul “at least $190,750” to Gardner’s cam- of the city’s rioting and looting. Penzone in Phoenix, whom Soros backed paign, according to the St. Louis Post Dis- Washington, D.C. — The Washing- with an astounding $2 million to unseat patch, which dwarfed all contributions to ton Times reported on June 4 that the fed- Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In her competitors’ campaigns. eral Department of Justice, which handles addition to defeating Sheriff Arpaio, who Philadelphia — Even prior to the riots prosecutions in the District, had dropped had developed a national fan base for his over George Floyd’s death, the U.S. attor- charges against many of the rioters. More tough stances against crime and illegal ney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, than 400 people had been arrested by then migration, Penzone appointed left-wing William McSwain, was pointing out that in connection with D.C. disturbances since attorney Stephanie Fleischman Cherny Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Kras- May 29, according to police and court rec­ as his chief of staff and special counsel. ner’s “social justice” activism was endan- ords, the Times said. Of the 104 people ar- Fleischman Cherny had filed on behalf of gering public safety. In March, McSwain rested over the May 30-31 weekend, the the National Council of La Raza, the radi- blamed Krasner for the fatal shooting of paper noted, “50% of them were charged cal Hispanic group, in its lawsuit against Philadelphia PD Officer James O’Connor, with rioting, but most had that charge dis- then-Governor Jan Brewer and then-Sher- allegedly murdered by Hassan Elliott, missed or lowered to violation of curfew, a iff Joe Arpaio, and she has been carrying whom McSwain described as a dangerous misdemeanor.” This seems to be a replay of out a purge program to force out deputies “gangbanger” with an extensive violent the DOJ’s dismissal of charges against the who are not lockstep Penzone lackeys. record, but who had nevertheless been re- violent rioters and arsonists who disrupted A big part of the national catch-and- leased repeatedly. Krasner, who has been President Trump’s inauguration. Instead of release phenomenon is the stealth “bail praised by leftists as “the most progressive getting prison time, they were given “get reform” agenda that has swept the country DA in the country,” is another of the radical out of jail free” passes by the Obama hold- over the past couple of years, with devas- attorneys put into office with funding from overs at DOJ. It appears there are still plen- tating results. Financed by Soros and like- minded “philanthropists,” proponents for eliminating cash bail for a large number of crimes have hailed the move as an “eq- uity” issue to remove a feature of “sys- temic injustice” that discriminates against poor people. Many states have eliminated bail, and a number of them — New York included — have denied judges the au- thority to take into consideration whether the person poses a threat to public safety when making a decision to release, or not release, an individual. “When you have individuals that are standing before a judge and immediately being released, and essentially everyone in the room knows that this person is a danger to the community, I think we need to look at the system and make sure that judges can make common-sense decisions,” Police Commissioner Shea said in a radio inter- view last December, prior to the no-bail law going into effect.

AP Images It did not take long for his warnings to Support for the lawless: Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner (center) leads the be validated. On January 24 Commission- new breed of ultra-left prosecutors who have been boosted into office with huge campaign er Shea announced that already “we are contributions from George Soros and his Democracy Partners. seeing significant spikes in crime. Either

20 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 Nevertheless, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a fellow Democrat, de- cided to do the governor one better, and to jump out in front of him with a jailbird release of his own. In November 2019, the mayor announced a $12-million program to entice good behavior from criminal miscreants to show up for their appointed court dates by rewarding them with movie tickets, Mets tickets, cellphones, and gift cards from Applebee’s, McDonald’s, Sub- way, and Target.

Revolving-door Violence The Cuomo-de Blasio schemes have not worked out so well for the law-abiding (whether working-class poor or middle class), but the criminal element sure loves them. “Cuomo for president!” Jose “Ca­ AP Images Lord of chaos: Billionaire leftist George Soros not only bankrolls Black Lives Matter and tano” Jorge proclaimed in Spanish as he hundreds of other riotous groups, but also funds the “bail reform” laws and prosecutors that are hustled out of Manhattan Supreme Court, releasing the criminals. on November 14, 2019. Jorge, a 47-year- old drug dealer who was being held with- out bond at Rikers Island and facing a pos- sible 96 years in prison for multiple drug charges, including selling drugs to a man we have forgotten how to police New York as it turned out — what would happen if who died from an overdose, was overjoyed City or there is a correlation…. If you let the dangerous plan were implemented. to be turned loose, along with several mem- out individuals that commit a lot of crime, “I’ve read social-media posts, I’ve read bers of his drug crew. Jorge’s attorney at- that’s precision policing in reverse and editorials in newspapers who believe the tempted to hush up the accused felon, but we’re seeing the effects in a very quick new reforms are not that bad, because they the liberated gangster couldn’t repress his time, and that is why we’re concerned.” only apply to non-serious crimes,” said joy. “It’s in my heart man,” Jorge said in The website LawEnforcementToday. New York State Senator Pam Helming, at a front of news cameras. “It’s in my heart, com summarized the commissioner’s re- November 15, 2019 press conference sup- bro.” Prosecutors argued in vain that he is port: “Through Jan. 19 of this year com- porting crime victims’ rights. “I challenge a flight risk; the judge insisted he had to let pared with the same period last year, sta- anyone who has this view to look at this him go until his court date. tistics show that robberies are up 31.5%, list of crimes, to read the legislation and Among the many notorious cases of burglaries are up 15%, grand larceny is up tell me that you believe that manslaughter, instant recidivism under the new justice 5.6%, and auto thefts, which had been in aggravated vehicular homicide and rape in “reform” is Tiffany Harris, who was ar- a sharp decline recently, have spiked up the third degree are minor offenses. Tell rested on December 28 for slapping three 67%. The total for all serious felonies was me, how is promoting obscene sexual Orthodox Jewish women in the face on up 11% year over year compared to 2019.” performances by a child a minor offense? Hanukkah and yelling “F*** you, Jews!” “Put another way,” the website said, “since How is that? How about arson in the third She was charged with assault and a hate percentages do not tell the whole story, a and fourth degrees, selling controlled sub- crime, then released without bail. The very total of 233 more robberies have occurred stances near our schools? Making terrorist next day she was arrested again for slug- this year compared to last, 159 more car threats or committing burglary and rob- ging another Jewish woman in the face. thefts and 125 more burglaries, in only bery in the second degree?” All of those But Tiffany Harris is a piker compared three weeks.” crimes, and more besides, are included to career criminal Charles Barry, 56, who LawEnforcementToday placed the under the law’s “non-serious” offenses brags he “can’t be stopped” — and pub- blame for the skyrocketing crime square- that qualify the offenders for the Cuomo licly thanks the Democrats for it. Barry’s ly in the laps of Governor Cuomo and the “get out of jail free” pass. criminal record reportedly includes six state legislature. It’s not like the governor In addition to such obvious craziness, felony convictions, 87 misdemeanor and legislators were blindsided by unfath- critics pointed out, New York City’s court convictions, and 21 skipped court hear- omable consequences that no one could system was already drowning in more ings. He has served six sentences in have foreseen; there were plenty of critics than 1.2 million outstanding arrest war- state prison for drug dealing and grand who pointed out the obvious pitfalls of the rants for people who failed to show up larceny. He was arrested for the 140th scheme and warned precisely — in vain, for court appearances. time on February 19, 2020 for scamming

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police and deputies in San Luis Obispo County on June 11, 2020, wounding three officers and killing a fourth man. Lira was killed by return fire from police. He reportedly had previous arrests and had been arrested in May for making terrorist threats in Monterrey County.

Demonizing the Police As if the danger posed by criminals who know the system is rigged in their favor is not bad enough, police officers today are facing an intensity of vilifica- tion from politicians, radical activists, the media, and the public that exceeds even the viciousness of attacks leveled at law enforcement following previous incidents such as those involving Rod- AP Images ney King, , and Michael At a June 9, 2020 press conference, Mike O’Meara, president “Everybody’s trying to shame us”: Brown. of the New York Association of Police Benevolent Associations, defiantly called out the protesters, politicians, and media for vilifying the police. At a June 9 press conference, president of the New York Association of Police Benevolent Associations Mike O’Meara defiantly delivered a passionate defense of the police and denounced as “disgusting” the piling on by politicians and the media. a Belgian tourist on the New York City rages, spits on them, and attempts to bite “Everybody’s trying to shame us,” he said. subway. But Barry was not in the least bit them. During the interview, Berge is not “Legislators. The press. Everybody’s try- worried about the new charge, since he only completely unapologetic about his ing to shame us into being embarrassed had already been arrested a total of seven criminal behavior, he is absolutely ebul- of our profession.” Holding up his badge, times in New York City since Cuomo lient, ecstatic even, upon hearing that and then gesturing to the rows of police signed the bail reform law — and skated he rates among the Top 100 of the city’s officers behind him, he said, “You know free each time. He brazenly crowed to most infamous offenders. He openly ad- what? This isn’t stained by someone in a reporter: “I’m famous! I take $200, mits that he steals to feed his drug habit Minneapolis. It’s still got a shine on it, and $300 a day of your money, cracker! You and says he tries to use meth “at least so do theirs.” can’t stop me! Bail reform, it’s lit! It’s the once a day.” Asked if he will continue Referring to Minneapolis Police Offi- Democrats! The Democrats know me and his disruptive behavior, Berge exclaims, cer Derek Chauvin, who is charged with the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch “Oh, I’m having a blast now. It’s so much killing George Floyd, O’Meara said: “We me! I can’t be stopped!” fun!” He praises the so-called criminal don’t condone Minneapolis. We roundly New York, however, does not have a justice system of Seattle. “They’ve really, reject what he did as disgusting. It’s dis- monopoly on recidivist-reward insanity. like, exalted me,” he says, “and shown gusting! It’s not what we do! It’s not what Many of our cities have their own Charles deference and love towards me.” Then, in police officers do. I am not Derek Chauvin; Barry equivalents. In an online article last a statement that indicts the city’s govern- they are not him! He killed someone. We year entitled “Seattle Is Dying: Radical ing leaders even more than do the com- didn’t! We are restrained.” He noted that, ‘Progressivism’ Is the Reason,” this writ- plaints of its citizens and police officers, nationally, police officers have 375 mil- er reported on one Travis Berge, Seattle’s Berge says: “I don’t feel like I’ll ever be lion interactions with individuals each most notorious, in-your-face criminal. arrested again. I haven’t been in jail for year and most of them are “overwhelm- Berge, a 34-year-old “musician” and like a year and three months or so, you ingly positive.” admitted methamphetamine abuser, has know.” All of this, he cheerfully explains, Three-hundred-seventy-five million in- been arrested numerous times for dis- “definitely shows that I have conquered teractions, with most being “overwhelm- turbing the peace, theft, attempted rape, the criminal justice system.” Indeed, as ingly positive”! Yet, the politicians and assault on police officers, resisting arrest, have many other miscreants, thanks to the media bloviators who ritually absolve and more. A Seattle ABC News television the degenerates we have allowed to usurp the rioting with the blanket claim that “the program shows incidents from police control of our political system. vast majority of protesters are peaceful,” body cams of various encounters where Even more serious than the case of Tra- have no problem defaming the vast major- officers are attempting to arrest a violent vis Berge was the case of California man ity of heroic police officers who are stand- and obviously high Berge, who screams, Mason James Lira, who opened fire on ing between us and chaos. n


Riding a new wave of anti-police sentiment and activity are the dual errors of defunding and outright disbanding police departments — look for crime to skyrocket.

New York is not the only city where police have given up ground. Other cit- ies are even worse. Because while “giv- ing up ground” is figurative in New York, it is literal in Seattle. On June 8, after repeated violent clashes with BLM and Antifa forces, the East Precinct of Seattle was abandoned to the enemy. Police of- ficers (vainly) boarded up the precinct and decamped. The station itself and the surrounding six city blocks were immedi- ately taken over by BLM/Antifa and the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) — a “no cop co-op” — was formed. Bar- riers around the CHAZ, now renamed “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” or CHOP, inform those entering that they are leav- ing the United States and that police are

AP Images not allowed. The placard over the door of Told to watch from afar: In Seattle, as in other cities, police have been told to “stand down” as the precinct building has been amended “protesters” riot, loot, and burn businesses and public property. to now read, “Seattle People Department East Precinct.” As this is being written, a six-block by C. Mitchell Shaw lice departments and their officers across section of Seattle is an enemy-occupied the country came under fire. In many cases territory, with armed guards patrolling the n a plot twist that seems to belong in the response of those police departments streets and keeping the perimeter. the Twilight Zone, liberals who have was to back down and give up ground. And while President Donald Trump has I previously behaved as if the solution Take, for instance, the city of New York, called for taking back the area, he has been to every problem is to throw more money where “city leaders” told cops to “stand met with typical liberal vitriol from the at it have reversed course 180 degrees, down” during rioting and looting — even very “leaders” who allowed this to hap- demanding that police in cities across as officers were violently attacked by ri- pen in the first place, showing — by their America be defunded. In some cases, they oters, as seen in viral online videos. Ed actions and inaction — that they want this are even calling for abolishing police de- Mullins, president of the Sergeants Be- to continue and spread. partments. nevolent Association, told Fox News host On June 11, the president tweeted, Under the pretext of the death of George Laura Ingraham on June 2, “Our hands “Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and Floyd, anti-American groups such as are being tied,” adding, “The rank and file the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa members of all ranks have sent me numer- and played at a level that our great Coun- waged war in the streets of America in the ous emails, letters, text messages, photos try has never seen before. Take back your form of riots, looting, vandalism, and vio- of New York City ... being destroyed. We city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is lence against police officers and citizens have no leadership coming from City Hall. not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be alike. And as the violence increased, po- We are being told to stand down.” Mullins stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!” went on to say that he has received “vid- The mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, C. Mitchell Shaw, a freelance writer, addresses a eos, photographs, license plates of loot- replied with her own tweet the same day, wide range of issues related to the U.S. Constitution ers from citizens of the city of New York saying, “The Capitol Hill Autonomous and liberty. while cops are being pelted.” Zone #CHAZ is not a lawless wasteland

www.TheNewAmerican.com 23 POLICE of anarchist insurrection — it is a peace- F. Jasper wrote in the September 18, 2017, ten today. The tactics and the outcome are ful expression of our community’s collec- print edition of this magazine, in an article the same. tive grief and their desire to build a better that was later published online: And riding this new wave of anti-police world. Given his track record, it’s not hard sentiment and activity are the dual errors to believe that Trump is wrong, yet again.” In many of the other violent inci- of defunding and outright disbanding po- She added another tweet the next day, say- dents littering the landscape of the lice departments. Given the violence and ing, “Lawfully gathering and expressing ongoing cultural revolution in our anarchy taking place in more than 200 first amendment rights, demanding we do midst, agents of the RCP, WWP, cities and all 50 states in the wake of the better as a society and provide true equity SWP, and CPUSA [all communist Floyd murder, it is beyond the realm of for communities of color is not terrorism organizations] can be identified in reason to consider yanking the budgets — it is patriotism.” photos and videos as key partici- of police departments or abolishing them Is Durkan missing her dictionary? Be- pants and leaders. However, their entirely. But then again, reason and hard- cause there is no definition of “peaceful,” identities often are not officially core leftists are hardly on speaking terms. “lawfully,” or “patriotism” that includes revealed because they are protected Starting at “ground zero” of this lat- an armed insurrection chasing police out from arrest by left-wing city and est wave, let’s look at what has happened of an area of a city and establishing a com- county governments that tell police in Minneapolis. In the wake of contin- munist co-op with armed guards. Period. to “stand down,” as we have seen ued violence there after videos showed The chief of police in Seattle, Carmen in Baltimore, Portland, Berkeley, Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of Best, is not helping matters, either. She and elsewhere. This too follows the George Floyd, the city council is mov- met with “leaders” of the insurrection script written by Mao, who ordered ing to “begin the process of ending the on June 9, and — on video captured by the police and military to stand Minneapolis Police Department.” As The a local news channel — promised not to down, allowing the Red Guards to New American’s Luis Miguel reported send in police unless police are attacked. carry out their rampage — until they online on June 8: This, of course, defies logic, since police had completed their purpose. Then who are not there cannot be attacked. they too were brought low and sub- The push to abolish the law-enforce- Her action (and inaction) plays right into jected to the iron fist of the Com- ment system in Minneapolis in the the hands of the insurrectionists. Their ac- munist Party. wake of George Floyd’s death has tions are right out of the communist play- cleared a new hurdle, with nine of book. As The New American’s William What Jasper wrote in 2017 could be writ- the city council’s 13 members giving a public pledge to “begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police De- partment.” On Sunday afternoon, the nine city council members took to a stage at the city’s Powderhorn Park to sup- port the advocacy group Black Vi- sions Collective, which is calling for the end of MPD. Among the nine elected officials present at the event were Council President Lisa Bender, Vice President Andrea Jenkins, and Jeremiah Ellison — the son of Min- nesota Attorney General Keith El- lison.

While this was a public statement and not an actual vote by the city council, the measure seems a foregone conclu- sion. After all, even if liberal Democrat- ic Mayor Jacob Frey — who bent over backward in conciliation to the criminal insurrectionists who terrorized his city for more than two weeks — keeps his

AP Images commitment to veto the measure, the city The Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) — comprising six blocks in Seattle — is a “No Cop council will simply override his veto. Co-op” where anarchy reigns supreme as local and state officials shirk their duty to retake the And his veto itself is not assured. Frey “occupied zone.” was cursed out, booed at, and evicted

24 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 succeeds and continues to gain ground. And — to put in the for-what-it’s-worth column — advocates of the plan know that. They just don’t care. At the Black Visions Collective in Minneapolis, those nine city council members addressed the pressing question of what happens when a crime is com- mitted and there are no police to answer the call. As The New American’s Luis Miguel reported:

“We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” they said. “We’re committed to engaging with every willing com- munity member in the City of Min-

AP Images neapolis over the next year to iden- Does this make sense? In the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis tify what safety looks like for you.” police officer, “protesters” there commenced to destroy and burn their own city, proclaiming that If the answer to what will replace until they have what they call “justice,” no one will have peace. the MPD lies in the community, the question to ask is: “What exactly lies in the community?” Is it criminal gangs? Is it Black Lives Matter and Antifa? In the ab- from a BLM rally June 5 for refusing rein to riot, burn, and pillage for two sence of police, these violence-wield- to go along with the plan. He was asked weeks, and after dancing with them at ing organizations will be perfectly point-blank by one “leader” whether he their rallies, he was sent home with his positioned to fill the resultant power would support the measure. “Jacob Frey, tail between his tight-jeans-clad legs. vacuum. Anarchy will give these left- we have a yes or no question for you,” Frey will likely cave to the pressure and wing street gangs control of the city. the woman — wearing a “Defund the get on board. Police” COVID mask — asks him from Other cities may not have gone as far Nature — particularly human nature — the stage. “Yes or no, will you commit as Minneapolis, but the result will not be abhors a vacuum. The answer to Miguel’s to defunding the Minneapolis Police De- measurably different. question is that, yes, at least initially, it partment?” When Frey attempts to an- Liberal politicians in Philadelphia; will be the BLM/Antifa cadre that will swer with more than a simple yes or no, Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Los Ange- “fill the resultant power vacuum.” After she asks, as if speaking to an errant child, les; New York; San Francisco; and other all, the ones who create the vacuum are “What did I say?” She follows that with, cities have supported the defunding of best positioned to fill it. But that will only “We don’t want no more police. Is that police departments to one degree or an- be allowed to last for so long. Anarchy, clear?” and reminds the crowd that “he’s other. Again, how much sense does that after all, is never a permanent situation. up for reelection next year, and if he says make given the unprecedented level of It is a transition phase from the old order ‘no,’ guess what the f*** we gonna do violence and destruction seen in recent to the new (and planned) order. That new next year?” Frey finally answers clearly weeks? (and planned) order will mean national enough, “I do not support abolishing Los Angeles is leading the “defund po- or — even worse — international control the police department.” The woman on lice” race as of this writing, with Mayor over America’s cities. stage then screeches at him, “Then get Eric Garcetti (D) announcing on June 3 that Of course, the other direction this could the f*** out!” Frey then does a long and he plans to cut up to $150 million from the go would be that while shooting for the uncomfortable walk of shame to a crowd Los Angeles Police Department and “rein- stars (of abolishing and defunding police), chanting “Go home, Jacob, go home” and vest” the funds in the local black communi- the real architects behind this would be throwing things at him. ty. This is a reversal of his planned increase satisfied to hit the moon (of civilian re- The political lesson he likely took of $120 million, amounting to an actual cut view boards and police forces without any away is simple: Once you begin bend- of $270 million. real power to keep the peace or enforce ing over backward to please the low- Whether abolished or “merely” defund- laws). est common denominator, you have to ed, police will not be able to do the im- Again, this is right off the pages of the keep doing it to keep them pleased. Be- portant job of protecting the law-abiding communist playbook and a favorite tactic cause after giving BLM and Antifa free citizens of America’s cities if this plan of the New World Order. n


Because of supposed police injustice against blacks and cities burning from riots, some are calling to nationalize local police forces, but that just takes away local control. AP Images

by Steve Byas responsibility for law enforcement in our Police usually are good: George Floyd’s death federal system of government. Those who while being arrested by the Minneapolis Police sing George Floyd’s death as a favor increased power for government at was tragic and has led to protests, many rationale, some Americans want the federal level, at the expense of state turning violent, all over America. But police to transfer more police authority and local government, use accusations of interact with citizens tens of millions of time a U year, most often without incident. away from local and state government, racism and “police brutality” to argue for and into the hands of the federal govern- transferring law-enforcement responsibil- ment. This supposed solution to any prob- ity to government officials in Washington, Yet, in response to the death of George lems of local law enforcement is as dan- D.C. Floyd and the ensuing riots, many in Con- gerous as it is nonsensical, and it would First of all, there are real cases of police gress are seeking federal legislation to lead to less, not more, respect for the rights misconduct. Anytime a person is handed give greater federal control over local law of individuals — of all ethnicities — in governmental power, whether federal, enforcement. Among the measures being our country. state, or local official, citizens must be considered are changes to laws that protect Exacerbated racial tensions have caused aware that there is potential for abuse of the police and creating a database of police the diversion of attention away from the that power. But checks on the police do use-of-force incidents. Congress is also fundamental question as to what level of exist, which can keep police wrongs re- looking at federal training requirements government has the primary constitutional duced to a minimum. for local police. What is not the answer is abolishing The point is not whether such require- Steve Byas is a university instructor of history and local control of police. Neither is placing ments are good or bad per se, but whether government, and the author of History’s Greatest Li- all police power in the hands of federal the regulation of police powers should be bels. He may be contacted at [email protected]. officials. federalized.

26 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 One might note, too, that no such train- ing is proposed to rein in federal law- enforcement agencies, such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF); the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA); or the Federal Bureau of Investigation — all of which have been involved in egregious violations of the rights of American citi- zens and gross abuses of power.

The United States Does Not Need a Gestapo Neither history nor logic supports the po- sition that police misbehavior would be reduced if the badge an officer wore said “U.S. Police” rather than “Minneapolis Police.” In fact, it should be self-evident that centralization of police power and removing that power from the local level to the control of distant politicians would AP Images Those who favor national police: Heinrich Himmler, seated second from National Socialist automatically lead to more politicization, dictator Adolf Hitler’s right, was the chief of the nationalized police force of Germany, known as corruption, and oppression, as there would the Gestapo. Dictators such as Hitler do not favor the independence of local police forces. then be almost no influence of the pub- lic on their local police. Fully aware of that principle, America’s Founders wisely placed policing powers in the hands of state and local governments. local police power instead of the types of kicked it in, causing him to lose his bal- In many countries with nationalized national systems that exist elsewhere.” ance, whereupon his Glock 9 mm fired, police forces, the liberties of the people Of course, some readers would pro- and Alonzo was hit. Regardless of the are regularly ignored. When Adolf Hit- test that America is not Nazi Germany. questions surrounding Connolly’s story, ler came to power in Germany, he made But human nature is no different in our the point is that the DEA had risked the every effort to reduce the power of state country than in totalitarian regimes such lives of three agents, children inside the governments, including their historic and as Hitler’s National Socialist dictatorship, home, and an innocent woman, simply to constitutional control over law enforce- or Joseph Stalin’s dictatorial communist retrieve “drug money.” No drug money ment. Hermann Göring first suggested to government. That is why our Founders was ever found. Hitler that he transfer all law-enforcement wisely placed checks and balances on the Many other instances of abuse of Amer- authority to the national secret police — federal government they created with the ican citizens by federal law enforcement the infamous Gestapo. Constitution. can be cited, but two illustrate the dangers On June 17, 1936, Hitler unified all We could cite multiple examples of how especially well — Ruby Ridge and Waco. police forces under the control of Hein- federal law enforcement has abused Amer- Randy Weaver moved to Ruby Ridge in rich Himmler. The Gestapo (shorthand ican citizens. The “war” on drugs is an northern Idaho to live as a recluse with his for Geheime Staatspolizei — literally, example of how federal law-enforcement family. After losing a lawsuit to Weaver, Secret State Police) operated without ju- officials can abuse their power every bit as his neighbor Terry Kinson told federal dicial review and had the power to place much as a local police officer. If someone authorities that Weaver wanted to kill the individuals in “protective custody.” Under objects to abuse in this “war” on drugs, he pope, the president, and the governor. Fed- such custody, the person being held actu- is often accused of being “for drugs.” Nu- eral agents interviewed Weaver, but made ally signed a request to be jailed, suppos- merous drug raids have gone wrong and no arrest. edly to be protected from bodily harm. Of innocent people have been killed, which Unfortunately, those allegations brought course, failure to sign the request form led should caution any person who wants to Weaver to the attention of federal law en- to such harm — from the nationalized po- transfer such authority to federal officials. forcement. An informant with the ATF made lice force. In Manchester, New Hampshire, for the claim that Weaver sold him two sawed- In an article at jbs.org, John Birch So- example, 49-year-old grandmother Lillian off shotguns. Weaver had no criminal re- ciety CEO Art Thompson argued that it is Alonzo was shot by an agent of the fed- cord, and claimed the informant sawed off important that we support the continued eral Drug Enforcement Agency during a the barrels himself, after the sale. Federal independence of local police. “Actually, raid on her home to locate “drug money.” agents raided Weaver’s property, killing the United States is one of the last coun- DEA agent Michael Connolly said his foot his teenage son, his pregnant wife, and his tries, if not the last, to have widespread got caught in her bedroom door after he dog. Weaver’s wife was shot while stand- www.TheNewAmerican.com 27 POLICE ing in the doorway, holding their youngest, ATF had heard he was dealing in illegal tic fireball engulfed the buildings, taking still-nursing child in her arms. Weaver was automatic weapons at Mount Carmel, he the lives of 76 people, including multiple never found guilty of any crime. offered to let the ATF come out and in- young children, on April 19, 1993. Even more infamous was the raid staged spect both his weapons and his paperwork. Later, the jury foreman hearing the case by the ATF and FBI on the Branch David- Koresh did make money at gun shows, and against some of the few survivors of the ian compound a dozen miles northeast always kept the required paperwork. One FBI assault said that it was the people who of Waco, Texas, in 1993. The Davidian Davidian, Paul Fatta, was a licensed fed- conducted the raid who should be on trial. leader, David Koresh, had been accused eral firearms dealer. The DEA drug raids “gone wrong.” of physical abuse of children, statutory Despite all of this, the ATF staged a The Weaver raid “gone wrong.” The Da- rape, and polygamy, but Texas officials military-style raid on the compound rather vidian raid “gone wrong.” All ended in found no evidence with which to charge than simply walking up to the front door disaster, and all are examples of failures him after an investigation. and serving the warrant. It was a raid al- of federal law enforcement, not local po- Despite this, supposed concern for “the most certain to lead to the deaths of some lice work. To these could be added many children” inside the ranch complex known Davidians and some agents, and it did. more recent, notorious examples of crim- as Mount Carmel was cited as a reason After the raid’s failure, the Federal Bureau inal abuses by federal law-enforcement for an ATF raid on February 28, 1993. Of of Investigation took over, and after a 51- agencies, including “Operation Fast and course, federal authorities lacked any juris- day siege, during which time the FBI shot Furious,” the ATF’s infamous “gunwalk- diction over any such alleged crimes, and flammable CS tear gas into the compound, ing” scandal trafficking guns to Mexico, Texas officials had already concluded their they brought in tanks and began knocking and the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” coup own investigation and had taken no action. down the walls of the compound. Ameri- effort to overthrow President Donald When Koresh was informed that the cans looked on in horror on TV as a gigan- Trump.

The Push for a Federalized Yet, in response to the death of George Floyd and the Police Force Continues ensuing riots, many in Congress are seeking federal Following the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri, riots, , the perpetual race hus- legislation to give greater federal control over local law tler, called on the federal government to enforcement. “take over policing in this country.” The “Reverend” Sharpton has been a key instigator of racial turmoil for decades, mobilizing mobs to create pressure from below, while the globalists funding him, along with the globalist-controlled media and radical Democratic politicians, pro- vide pressure from above. His National Action Network has received millions of dollars from establishment foundations and corporations, even as the “protests” he promotes destroy thousands of black- owned businesses. Similarly, Black Lives Matter has received over $30 million from globalist billionaire George Soros, and pledges of $100 million from other foundations and corporate elites. Do Sharpton and the BLM leaders who are demanding that local police departments be defunded (or even abolished) really intend to do away with police altogether? Or do they intend to create a state of an- archy, knowing that anarchy is never a permanent state, but serves as a transition to a form of totalitarian rule? AP Images Stoking racial hatred: Al Sharpton spoke at the funeral of George Floyd on June 9, using the During the Obama administration, opportunity to promote the narrative that the killing of black men by racist police is a widespread Sharpton served as a high-level “confi- problem. Sadly, demagogues such as Sharpton are always ready to use grievances, both dant” and was a frontline cheerleader for legitimate and illegitimate, to promote left-wing causes, including the effort to nationalize our President Obama’s efforts to federalize police forces. our police, as a means of addressing the

28 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 “systemic racism” that allegedly perme- “free” money coming from the federal yourself this: Is there any solid basis for ates our society. government, should beware. As has been believing that transferring police power to This drive to nationalize all law en- seen in highway and education funding politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, forcement continues. One suggestion — across the country, with “federal” money D.C., will make police more accountable, or typically, a “demand” — by anti-police comes increased federal control. If we are more responsible, less abusive, and less groups is for the creation of civilian re- not vigilant, the day might soon come in corrupt? view boards. Not surprisingly, local anti- which local police departments exist in The “Support Your Local Police” ef- police leftists who wish to undermine name only — any real power will be in fort was among the most successful cam- legitimate police work dominate these the hands of federal authorities. paigns ever of The John Birch Society boards. And, when these “review boards” It should be remembered that tens of (JBS), dedicated to less government, more predictably find real or supposed exam- million interactions occur each year be- responsibility — and with God’s help, a ples of local , the cry tween local police and members of the better world. A popular movie starring for a federal take-over will become even public — of all ethnicities — which end actor, James Garner, even did a take-off louder. peacefully, tens of millions of times. in a comedic western, Support Your Local Sometimes the method used to control Times when a police officer behaves in Sheriff. The Law Enforcement Assis- local law enforcement is through bullying, a manner that results in the death of an tance Agency (LEAA), a federal agency with proclamations from the U.S. attorney unfortunate citizen such as George Floyd that dealt directly with local police, was general or statements from presidents such comprise a tiny minority of those cases. eventually abolished, largely as a result as Barack Obama, who once declared that When it does happen, it is tragic. We can of the tireless efforts of the JBS. Many of local police “acted stupidly.” Other meth- strive to reduce such incidents, but we can the local review boards across the country ods are more subtle. The federal govern- never eliminate all injustice, because we were terminated as well, as the campaign ment uses funding, training, and outfitting must continue to recruit police officers proved highly successful. of local police departments, even handing from the human race. Certainly, there should be opposition over military equipment to local police de- But turning over law enforcement to against any abuse of power by local po- partments (blurring the lines between law the federal government would mean turn- lice, but turning over control to a federal- enforcement and the military). ing over control of our lives to officials ized police force would be a cure worse Local officials, always hungry for the who are also flawed human beings. Ask than the disease. n 20_1163_New American_JUL Mod: May 15, 2020 12:50 PM Print: 06/01/20 10:50:13 AM page 1 v7 π




We should support our local police, but that also means holding them accountable whether they kneel on necks or kneel in support of ideological movements and rioters. AP Images

by Duke Pesta Statistics from the FBI and other watch- Nobody likes the police until you need the dog groups demonstrate that the roughly police: Though Minneapolis police officers cross history, nations that allow 700,000 local police officers and almost often work lots of overtime because there local control of community police 18,000 police agencies in this country aren’t enough police to do the job, City forces are more free, stable, and lib- are not rife with brutality, racism, and the Council members want to defund the police A department. erty-driven than societies that have national wide-scale trampling of civil rights, espe- or centralized systems of policing. Over the cially the rights of African-American citi- long, eventful history of the United States zens. This false narrative of police persecu- elected leaders at the federal level is alto- — a history that has routinely witnessed tion, driven by an intemperate, politicized, gether alarming. And while hardly anyone large, peaceful rallies and protests, turbu- and frantically anti-Trump media, has is talking about it, the replacement of lo- lent and violent riots, and frequent urban nevertheless been embraced by academia, cally controlled, independent police depart- disorder, including acts of well-funded and Hollywood, athletic elites, major corpo- ments with community organized models highly organized “anarchy” — independent, rations, activist groups, and even some of security would quickly give rise to a na- community-controlled police departments churches, all of which are demanding a tional police force, disconnected from the have been a key factor in preserving the complete defunding of local police forces communities they police and taking orders peace and countering dangerous and anti- nationwide. Of course, bad apples exist from the federal government. constitutional demands for a national police in the ranks of America’s police forces — force. Never in our history has the concept how could they not? And while a greater The John Birch Society and the of local policing been so under assault, from emphasis on training in arrest tactics and Need to Protect Our Local Police progressive politicians to socialist utopians, community relations might be beneficial, The irony of this current irrational attack and from lawless movements such as Antifa the idea of defunding police departments on local police is the reality that today’s and Black Lives Matter. — moving instead to progressive models independent police forces have never of “community safe-keeping” — is not just been more culturally and racially diverse, Dr. Duke Pesta is academic director at FreedomProj­ absurd, but deeply perilous to the survival more highly educated and credentialed, ect Academy, a classical school that offers online class- of our constitutional republic. That many and more involved in public relations and es in real time for kindergarten through high school. of these baseless attacks are coming from community outreach at any time in our

30 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 history. And yet this anti-law-enforcement and control our borders. And yet we see In 1963, [JBS Founder Robert] Welch turmoil continues to roil, even though how those pieties have been gutted over launched the “Support Your Local local police are scrutinized more than ever the decades in the same way that progres- Police” campaign. At the time, many before, sheriffs remain accountable to the sives and anarchists are now gunning for Americans wondered why such a local voters who elected them, and police (and gunning down) local police. project was needed, since policemen chiefs continue to answer directly to those Nevertheless, the Society encouraged were already highly respected by their locally elected officials by whom they the creation of ad hoc Support Your Local fellow citizens. That, of course, was were appointed. Police (SYLP) committees that would before the civil turmoil that rocked More than a half century before this out- bring together members and support- the country during the Vietnam War break of reactionary anti-police scapegoat- ive non-members to protect local police era. But Welch understood even then ing, The John Birch Society, sensing the in the communities that they served. The that the “thin blue line” would have coming countercultural shifts of the 1960s, emerging plot to discredit local police in to be vilified as a stepping stone to created the “Support Your Local Police 1961 reads like an Antifa training manual, supplanting independent, local police and Keep Them Independent” project. The urging crowd-manipulation techniques, forces accountable to the communities initiative was partly started to foil a plot “spontaneous” riot creation, and false they served with a national police state against local police revealed by the Senate charges of police brutality to undermine accountable to a central government in Internal Security Subcommittee of 1961. trust and support for officers. The Soci- Washington. In 1967, he added “And One long-standing member of the So- ety’s SYLP movement continues its vi- Keep Them Independent!” to the al- ciety mentioned to me in passing that brant and urgent call to arms to this very ready famous slogan he had coined. during the early sixties, before the youth day, helping to keep calm and offer per- counterculture movement began its assault spective across all the upheavals, riots, The effort is well under way to erase that in earnest on traditional American values and social decay we have experienced “thin blue line,” a result that would un- and structures, many JBS members were since the early 1960s. And now more than doubtedly bring much greater levels of initially confused by the creation of the ever the Society seeks your participation crime and chaos to American communities. “Support Your Local Police” action item, in the program, whether you are a member Out of that orchestrated and manufactured wondering if there were not more pressing or not. More information can be found at: chaos, calls would immediately go out from issues to address. Why not, for instance, https://www.jbs.org/sylp/. citizens of every quarter to reinstate police launch a campaign to support mother- In a New American article from Oc- and reassert lawful control over our neigh- hood? This was an age where trust in and tober of 2003 entitled “Projecting the borhoods and communities. But instead support for local police were as deeply Lines,” Jack McManus, now president of a return to the many dismantled local ingrained in American citizens as rever- emeritus of The John Birch Society, veri- levels of police oversight and bureaucracy, ence for the flag and the need to defend fied the anecdote recorded above: the “easier,” more “cost efficient,” more “controllable,” and ultimately more “so- cially just” solution would be to assemble a highly regulated and utterly centralized national police force. Already, that “thin blue line” — which has helped keep us safe not just from crim- inals, but from the criminal class among our own politicians and elected leaders — has been put on the defensive. Support- ers of local police are naively sheltering under the hope that “” might rally Americans behind the cause of local police. It is disturbing and monitory to recognize how successful the anarchic Left has been in demonizing the phrase “Blue Lives Matter,” juxtaposing it nega- tively and with extreme prejudice against their own rallying cry: “Black Lives Mat- ter.” Never mind that Black Lives Matter is for all intents and purposes limited to the remarkably small number (relatively

AP Images speaking) of unarmed African-Americans Blue Lives Matter: Though left-wing radicals have effectively made out supporting the police killed by police officers. The millions of to be “racism,” many Americans realize that police have a very dangerous job and that the anti- aborted black babies, black lives lost to police movement is making their lives more dangerous. black-on-black violence, and black lives www.TheNewAmerican.com 31 POLICE sacrificed to drugs appear outside the and Bars of the Confederacy. But to call other — does in many ways resemble the provenance of the BLM movement, and such inquisitorial scapegoating medieval kind of discipline and punishment rituals predictably so. To acknowledge the over- is to ignore a godless form of collective enacted in Marxist and Maoist countries whelmingly, exponentially larger numbers guilt and atonement in more recent times over the last century. of those victims might suggest that black — which has characterized socialist and I still have not found anyone else in culture itself has some role to play in this communist states since the Bolshevik the mainstream media who has made the panoply of misery and death. Revolution of 1917. following observations. Why on Earth No, America’s local police forces, in were battalions of American police of- some medieval ritual of collective guilt Mandatory Apologies Summarily ficers — and then National Guardsmen and atonement, must be identified as the Rejected and the Rituals of Wokeness” — assembled along the lines of conflict avatar of the nation’s original sin — slav- It is now and has always been a hallmark in places such as Minneapolis, Los An- ery — and sacrificed in some meaning- of socialist and communist nations to re- geles, New York City, Seattle, Chicago, less act of ritual racial rain-making. In ject everything about religion that is re- and Atlanta (to name just a few), by big the Orwellian times we now inhabit, just deeming and uplifting, while clinging city Democratic mayors (and with the to say the phrase “Blue Lives Matter” is tenaciously to those aspects of communal exception of Atlanta, big state Democrat- enough to get you cancelled and fired, religious experience that are destructive or ic governors) who made it crystal clear your personal details doxed, and your humiliating. The treatment of local police that under no circumstances were they family threatened. To fly the Blue Lives we have watched during the protests and to intervene, or stop looters or arsonists, Matter flag becomes a racial provocation riots — it is not possible to neatly pre- or intercede when people were beaten more sinister than the waving of the Stars tend the two have nothing to do with each well-nigh to death, or defend the First Amendment right of journalists to cover the mayhem, or even respond in any Statistics from the FBI and other watchdog groups way to bricks and bottles and incendiary demonstrate that the roughly 700,000 local police officers cocktails heaved in their own immedi- ate (non) peace-keeping direction? (By and almost 18,000 police agencies in this country are not the way, it’s more than a little ironic that rife with brutality, racism, and the wide-scale trampling of Amazon cancelled Gone With the Wind, a film replete with looting and burning as civil rights. palpable consequences of ending slavery, at the very same moment that Jeff Bezos was praising and promoting Black Lives Matter in all their burn-y, loot-y glory.) It was further repeated over and over as a kind of exculpatory mantra by politi- cians, academics, celebrities, and activ- ists that property was only property, so let it burn. These familiar enablers con- torted themselves into linguistic pretzels to justify the faculty-lounge double- speak that looting is the logical exten- sion of the peaceful civil disobedience associated with Martin Luther King. Given that Democratic officials made it clear — implicitly and explicitly — that the burning and looting of their cities was a wholly appropriate response to the kill- ing of George Floyd, why bother forking out all that overtime pay to assemble the troops? The only answer is that they were assembled in full riot gear to pay penance — to endure collective psychological and spiritual shaming as a kind of reparations for the white supremacist sin of being po- lice officers in the first place. What else Why doesn’t his life matter as much? Since the Black Lives Matter protests started, police could it be? Even the Soviets disarmed officers have been ridiculed, harassed, beaten, shot, and killed — actions that have as yet not Red Army soldiers who failed party pu- been condemned by the leftist majority or leftist influencers. rity tests before shooting them in the back

32 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 sibility during highly incendiary events such as riots, abandon their posts to en- gage in political activism, kneeling be- fore protesters, marching alongside them, and in (one case) prostrating themselves in misguided and inappropriate acts of solidarity. Nothing is stopping these of- ficers from joining the protests in their off-time, if that is what they wish to do. But to cross the line to placate lawless and rioting mobs is dereliction of duty, and dangerously close to the willful re- jection of their oaths of office and civic mandates. One worrisome aspect of quasi-fascist movements is the coopting of law-en- forcement agencies, making them com- plicit in anarchistic riots that ultimately undermine constitutional governance. It is telling that despite the shows of po-

AP Images lice solidarity, the anarchists nevertheless Virtual punching bags: During the riots, leftist politicians and police chiefs have made their commandeered six city blocks in Seattle, officers stand down as rioters attack them and destroy and loot cars, buildings, and more. emboldened no doubt by the concilia- Question: Is this so officers are made to feel impotent and unwanted? tory and craven non-action of authorities. Among their conquests in Seattle, another police precinct repurposed into a utopian community ashram. No cops allowed, de- spite the groveling. of the head. But not the white supremacist with the same frequency as a sorority girl It is somewhat understandable: Local American police! Oh no, they must stand uses the word “like.”) Minneapolis mayor city councils and mayors turn on police, stock-still in full uniform, with gun and Jacob Frey went so far as to allow a police joining with agitators and looters to con- night stick and taser, armed like soldiers precinct building to be occupied by riotes- demn them collectively for what a statisti- and restrained like eunuchs. ters while police and staff were still in the cally insignificant number of them on rare The riotesters (my name for rioters pre- building. Unlike their front-line brethren, occasions do. The local media, hometown tending to be protesters) knew they had they at least had the freedom to flee the sports heroes, and city colleges all par- carte blanche not just to burn and steal, but edifice rather than stand passively by and ticipate in stigmatizing the police, while also to insult, curse, threaten, and belittle surrender their lunch money in the name elevating masked cowards who burn and those cops — not just the cis-gendered of racial healing. loot and assault into folk heroes. Even white male ones, but the Hispanic, Asian, their own administrators abandon them, and African-American ones, too. From Stockholm Syndrome and as in Miami, where an entire SWAT team the footage I watched, the riotesters were Your Local Police: quit the elite force to protest anti-police much harder on the minority cops, as if Accountability Is a Two-way Street comments made by their chief. the Caucasian officers were simply garden During this time of unrestrained emotion, Stockholm syndrome is real, and creat- variety white supremacists, while the mi- when civic leaders condone the senseless ing situations where police are only sup- nority cops were something much worse destruction of private and public prop- ported when they renounce law and order — Uncles Tom, Tomas, and Tāngmǔ sī. erty, the looting of local businesses, and — walking away from their posts to pla- The hardest part of watching the riots physical violence unleashed on police of- cate irrational mobs whose only response was seeing scrawny, pasty-white, rickets- ficers, it is critically important to vigor- is an even greater fervor to abolish police riven, college soy boys suddenly entitled ously support the overwhelming percent- — is a recipe for the kind of orchestrated to hurl the “N-word” in the faces of po- age of hard-working cops who do their chaos that ushers into power the latest litically neutered black cops, all because jobs with little fanfare. But supporting iteration of progressive fascists. Just ask a white policeman killed George Floyd. local police also means holding them ac- the gun-wielding, extortionist separat- (They didn’t even bother to add the cour- countable when they individually and in ists in Seattle’s cop-free zone (CHOP, tesy “a” to the end of the “N-word,” which groups break public trust. Not only does aka CHAZ) who bully “residents” and allows rappers and identity-studies profes- this happen when they engage in un- repurpose Black Lives Matter rhetoric to sors to claim that the word is unspeakably necessary force, it occurs when on-duty demand an end to Western culture, one horrible, while simultaneously using it police officers, manning posts of respon- prostrate or dead cop at a time. n

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 33 CULTURE The Worst Racists IN AMERICA Whites are said to be so racist that the entire culture rests on “systemic racism.” While it’s true whites are the worst racists, it’s not for reasons you might think.

ies in this country. Racial tensions have been so inflamed by the appeal to racism that at least two police officers have been killed and hundreds of others have been seriously wounded, with a handful of of- ficers being shot. The civilian death toll is reportedly more than 10 in the turmoil. (Many of the victims were black, yet no major protests have marked their deaths.) In just one weekend in New York, it’s estimated that three-dozen NYPD officers were seriously injured, with officers being beaten, hit by a vehicle, and more.

Whites Killed by Blacks On the other hand, when whites are killed by blacks or by police, there aren’t usu-

AP Images ally even marches, let alone riots, arson, The meme of “white privilege”: In our country it is said that whites have built-in privileges; and looting. When famous black athlete/ however, all such built-in privileges seem to pale in comparison to government-provided commentator O.J. Simpson was acquit- privileges for blacks, such as cheap or free college for black students who have high-school ted of murdering his white wife, Nicole, grades and test scores that wouldn’t get a white person any type of college discount. and her friend Ron Goldman, though evidence was overwhelming that he was by Kurt Williamsen Asian officer, were also fired and charged guilty, whites didn’t fill the streets. When with crimes. Despite the arrests and the five blacks repeatedly raped, sodomized, t seems that every day now there are system seemingly working to right a tortured, brutally killed, and mutilated marches for George Floyd. Floyd’s wrong as it should, the incident has blown white Knoxville college students Chris- I death has been labeled by many as a up, and it’s being called evidence of sys- topher Newsom and his girlfriend, Chan- “hate crime,” though no words about race temic racism in police departments and of non Christian — throwing her body in were uttered, two of the officers involved whites in general. a trash can after pouring bleach into her were non-whites, and Derek Chauvin was As to the charge of whites being racist, mouth and crotch while she was alive to married to a Hmong woman. Chauvin was it’s true that whites are the worst racists in cover evidence of rape, and burning his arrested and faces three separate charges: America — but not in the way most think. body next to a railroad track — the crime second-degree murder, third-degree mur- Being able to whip up protests and riots hardly made a blip in the news, let alone der, and second-degree manslaughter (the throughout the country — for weeks — in lead to riots. When white woman Justine multitude of similar charges by prosecu- response to wrongdoing against another Damond, who did nothing more than ap- tors is so that Chauvin is found guilty of person of your own race is an example proach a police car after calling the police something). The three other officers in- of effective use of racial demagoguery: to report a sexual assault near her resi- volved, including a black officer and an Because a white cop killed a black man, dence, was killed by a black police officer though the cop has been charged with named Mohamed Noor in Minneapolis in Kurt Williamsen is the managing editor of the New murder, rioters destroyed millions of dol- 2017, her killing barely warranted vigils. American. lars in property across hundreds of cit- Black-on-white murders aren’t rarities

34 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 either. Blacks kill approximately double In 2019 police officers fatally shot politically correct politicians, religious the number of whites than whites kill of 1,004 people, most of whom were institutions, and rioters.) blacks. According to a 2011 study by the armed or otherwise dangerous. Af- Moreover, Mac Donald writes about U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics entitled rican-Americans were about a quar- cops shooting civilians: “Homicide Trends in the United States, ter of those killed by cops last year 1980-2008,” murders by blacks on whites (235), a ratio that has remained sta- The latest in a series of studies un- make up about seven percent of all mur- ble since 2015. That share of black dercutting the claim of systemic ders, while white murders against blacks victims is less than what the black police bias was published in August make up about three percent of all mur- crime rate would predict, since po- 2019 in the Proceedings of the Na- ders. This is true even though in 2008 lice shootings are a function of how tional Academy of Sciences. The blacks made up only about 13 percent of often officers encounter armed and researchers found that the more the population, while whites (including violent suspects. In 2018, the latest frequently officers encounter vio- Hispanics and Latinos) made up about year for which such data have been lent suspects from any given racial 80 percent of the population. Of murders published, African-Americans made group, the greater the chance that committed by people who didn’t know up 53% of known homicide offenders a member of that group will be fa- the victims (strangers), about 18 percent in the U.S. and commit about 60% of tally shot by a police officer. There were committed by blacks on whites, robberies, though they are 13% of the is “no significant evidence of anti- versus five percent committed by whites population. black disparity in the likelihood of against blacks — three times more. The police fatally shot nine un- being fatally shot by police,” they In other words, whites are far more like- armed blacks and 19 unarmed whites concluded. ly to be killed by blacks than blacks are to in 2019, according to a Washington be killed by whites. American whites must Post database, down from 38 and 32, As well, she noted, this is true across the be the worst racists in the world, given the respectively, in 2015. spectrum in law enforcement: “A solid fact that they can’t manage to murder, body of evidence finds no structural bias in maim, riot, or destroy to defend their own So, if one considers the number of violent the criminal-justice system with regard to kind nearly as well as their “victims” do. crimes each race commits when examin- arrests, prosecution or sentencing. Crime As to cops killing blacks, Heather Mac ing officer-involved killings (and to be and suspect behavior, not race, determine Donald, who is an attorney, researcher, intellectually honest, you need to do that), most police actions.” Yet claims of unjust and author, investigated the deaths of ci- blacks seem to be statistically under- law-enforcement treatment against blacks vilians at the hands of the police and found represented as victims, rather than over- go on. (Where are the leftist calls to be police do not kill blacks at a rate greater represented. The claim of systemic racism guided by science and facts?) than they kill whites. About cops killing made against police rings false. (Yet it is civilians, Mac Donald says: repeated every day, by left-wing media, The Failure of Whites The strikes against whites keep piling up. Since one of the criteria for racism is the belief in untrue negative stereotypes of one race by another, whites fail the rac- ism test again. Not only have whites, as a group, not believed and spread malicious lies about blacks, they, to a large extent, believe the malicious lies about whites and cops being proclaimed by black ac- tivists and left-wing mouthpieces who are fanning the flames of hatred, and many whites are getting on board the race train, joining the “Black Lives Matter” crowd in claiming systemic racism and joining the protests and riots. Whites’ self-recrimination about per- ceived white racism highlights another failure to be good racists: Only whites as a group typically scorn and ostracize other members of their own race for being rac-

AP Images ist. In 1988, a sportscaster named Jimmy Black lives: In places such as Chicago, more defenseless blacks might be killed on a single Snyder, known as Jimmy “the Greek,” weekend by other blacks than unarmed blacks are killed in a year by all cops, yet blacks not only felt white wrath for racism. He stated that don’t riot over that fact, they often won’t even cooperate with the police to catch the killers. blacks are naturally better athletes than www.TheNewAmerican.com 35 CULTURE whites because of the selective breeding 1992, a movie entitled White Men Can’t apart and burned Ferguson, Missouri, in that slave owners did in the slave days, and Jump was the 16th highest grossing movie. solidarity with Brown. that if blacks took over the coaching jobs Even false accusations by blacks against When Trayvon Martin, a drug user who in sports, which he said was alright with whites are accepted by many whites at was kicked out of school and was prone him, there wouldn’t be any jobs left for face value: When members of the Duke to getting into fights, attacked a neighbor- whites. For that, he lost his job and be- lacrosse team were falsely accused by a hood watchman named George Zimmer- came persona non grata. black stripper of raping her, the young men man for following him and began smash- When sportscaster Howard Cosell, a were considered guilty from word one. ing Zimmerman’s head into the concrete person who was a co-founder of the Jackie Protesters banged pots and pans outside (which was validated by bloody photos Robinson Foundation (the first black base- the house where the rape supposedly took taken at the scene), Zimmerman shot him. ball player in MLB), was on air praising place; other Duke students, faculty mem- Riots ensued. the performance of a small black wide bers, and administrators made clear they And while I don’t know of a single main- receiver named Alvin Garrett, he said, in assumed the boys were guilty, including a ly white neighborhood where it would be admiration of Garrett’s wily moves, “That group of faculty members who published unsafe for a black man to walk at night little monkey gets loose, doesn’t he?” He an ad in The Chronicle; and negative cov- (though I’m sure there is one somewhere, lost his job, too. erage of the boys was on 60 Minutes and since every race has its embarrassments), I And in June of this year, Sacramento in Newsweek, the New York Times, Sports know of quite a few predominantly black Kings TV broadcaster Grant Napear was Illustrated, and many other news sources. neighborhoods where it wouldn’t be safe to forced to resign his position and was fired Considering these truths, how all-en- be white at night, or even during the day. For from a sports-talk radio program for saying, compassing can white racism be? instance, my Italian mother-in-law grew up when asked about what he thinks of Black On the other hand, other racial groups on the South Side of Chicago beginning in Lives Matter, “All lives matter...every sin- often practically even worship race- the 1930s, and it was an idyllic neighbor- gle one” — though no statement could be baiters and haters. The Black Lives Mat- hood where people walked the lakefront at less racist. And Gordon Klein, an account- ter crowd even riots for thugs: Michael night. When blacks moved into the neigh- ing professor at UCLA, has been suspended Brown, the young, powerful black man borhood, many families moved because from teaching and has had threats made of “hands up, don’t shoot” fame, was de- they feared the change. (The white-flight against him because he wouldn’t make final termined by investigators of the Obama you might have heard of.) My mother-in- tests for the year easier for blacks because administration not to have been surren- law’s father refused to move, believing of the Floyd incident. dering when he was shot, but was actu- folks are folks. But when blacks were in the Yet last year black writer Jemele Hill ally attacking the police officer who shot majority in the area, their house was repeat- could get an article published in The Atlan- him. The reason the cop was chasing edly vandalized, and the family was threat- tic magazine entitled “It’s Time for Black Brown was that Brown had just commit- ened and told to leave. They moved. This Athletes to Leave White Colleges,” and in ted strong-arm robbery. Yet rioters tore pattern happened to her family more than once. A dozen or so years ago, she decided to show guests from out of town her old house. She weaved her car through neigh- borhoods of wrecked houses and burnt-out hulks of cars to her past home to take a pic- ture of it. No sooner had she stopped and gotten out of the car with her camera than two little black boys picked up rocks and threw them toward her and yelled some- thing to the effect of “Get out of here, you white motherf***ers.” Obviously, she fled. Whites have a long way to go to equal that level of hate. Also showing whites’ ineptness at being racists, think about a few other factoids: Not only has the country previously elected a black president, more than a few political commentators don’t believe Joe Biden can win the presidency unless he has a black running mate. And though whites are sup-

GeorgiaCourt/E+/iStock/GettyImagesPlus posedly extremely racist, blacks routinely Self-fulfilling prophecy: Blacks are told by liberals that they can’t get ahead because whites get rich in fields with mainly white fan keep them down, even as schools in predominantly black neighborhoods don’t kick out violent, bases: Talk-show hostess Oprah Winfrey disrespectful, and disruptive students, leading to a poor education for nearly all the students. is a billionaire. So is former basketball

36 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 quently faced with real put-downs by the same people who are now claiming the microaggression racism fiction. Christian kids are told every day in school and via the media that what they are taught to be- lieve about homosexuality — that God is against it — is homophobic, mean, and hateful, with the intent to make them feel bad about themselves. And constant com- mercials on TV and in magazines about weight loss, thinning hair, and acne all have the side effect of making people with those problems ashamed. But those are somehow OK. Then there’s the “white privilege” meme, wherein Americans are told that simply because someone is white, he has built-in advantages in this country, de- monkeybusinessimages/iStock/GettyImagesPlus spite the fact that in this country nearly Racism didn’t cause black poverty: As noted by the Heritage Foundation article “Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty,” single motherhood leads to poverty, yet it was every major company, government insti- encouraged by welfare. Single motherhood, especially among poor blacks, led to less schooling, tution, and college has hiring and admis- less wealth, more drug use, more violence, higher crime, and more, for generations of blacks. sions preferences for blacks. A friend who worked for Johnson Controls in Milwau- kee noted that though the company had stringent standards that must be met by candidates for most jobs (because the stan- player Michael Jordan. Top box office White Privilege dards reflected the minimum knowledge stars include Denzel Washington, Eddie Because there is so little overt racism by needed to even do the jobs), the company Murphy, Will Smith, and Morgan Freeman. whites, we now hear about “microaggres- regularly hired blacks without the requi- In country music, a field whose audience sions” against blacks, such as mispronounc- site skills, though whites had applied who is deemed “redneck” because the fans are ing a name or not remembering a black per- had the required skills. And when I fin- generally so pasty white that they always son after previously meeting him or telling a ished my student teaching at an inner-city get sunburnt, Darius Rucker has a huge fan black person she is very smart or saying you school in Milwaukee, though I had a hard base. And much of the music scene today believe the most qualified person should get time even getting interviews for jobs, the is populated by black stars. a job (there should be no preferences) or only black student teacher (who was also Black men make up only about six per- saying there is only one race — the human an English teacher, like me) was flown to cent of the population, yet they make up race. Basically microaggressions are any another state for an interview — for a job approximately 76 percent of NFL rosters, actions or words that a minority might con- he didn’t even apply for; they found him. even though 83 percent of the fans are strue as putting them down. And it’s odd how whites’ privilege white and 64 percent males. (Wait, aren’t The obvious ludicrousness of such a helps whites come out ahead, as compared blue-collar whites supposed be the biggest thing should be apparent to anyone and to blacks, unless the blacks are married. In haters in the country, if not the world?) everyone, since every single thing a per- 2018, the poverty rate for married blacks And not only do white-dominated coun- son does or says could be construed as was 7.1 percent; for whites as a group, it tries, especially the United States, allow derogatory by “a minority.” Some blacks was 8.1 percent, according to the website the most legal immigration of people of all don’t like being called blacks; others don’t Statista. races, the United States is the most desired like being called African-Americans (and, Even the basis of the entire “whites are destination for the world’s poor — who believe it or not, you can’t tell the differ- racist” narrative is based on a lie: Ameri- are often non-white. (Why do non-whites ent groups apart by looking at them), and cans are told repeatedly that black poverty want to flood here if whites are so racist?) even the term “minority” could be taken is caused by a legacy of slavery, and that Even more pointed is the fact that to mean “socially unacceptable.” As men- blacks can’t cut it in today’s world and that when NPR examined data from a dating tioned above, even praising a black person they need welfare and special privileges, site, “All men,” including white men, for being smart or doing a good job is con- such as lower acceptable test scores to get “seemed to be more interested in people sidered aggression — because the person into colleges, because they have been held outside their race.” (Shouldn’t racist men being praised might believe that the speaker back by racist whites. (Stop, again, isn’t feel ashamed at choosing the wrong race is being condescending to an “inferior.” that a microaggressive sentiment about and avoid such stigmatization at all costs? At the same time, groups not on the black inferiority, especially since Asians What am I missing here?) politically correct protected list are fre- in this country — minorities — are by far

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 37 CULTURE the highest wage earners in this country, economist Walter Williams pointed out in countries has had similar effects on other indicating another race has leaped whites’ 1960 “black male labor force participa- races. (So much for the blacks-being-held- racist hurdles?) tion in every age group was equal to or back-by-whites meme — unless you mean In truth, after the Civil War, a time when greater than that of whites,” and the black the holding-back done by patronizing blacks faced real, outright racism in much poverty rate was cut in half between 1940 white liberals who designed and instituted of the country, including lynching and ex- and 1966. (As Williams said, if blacks suf- the welfare programs in the first place.) clusion from many jobs, they continually fer from poverty because of a legacy of The truth is that blacks actually per- improved their lot and became better off, slavery, it must have somehow skipped a severed and prospered during the time steadily catching up to whites economical- couple of generations.) In short, when wel- when they were being held back by rac- ly. In the 1920s, according to the Journal fare began in earnest — with extra money ist whites, but floundered during the time of Blacks in Higher Education, about one being given to women who had kids but that white racism not only dissipated, but in 1,000 blacks were college educated. By no husband — black women (the women even began to provide blacks with legis- 1965, before the vast expansion welfare most incentivized to take the welfare be- lated advantages. under Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” cause they were the poorest) began having So while it’s true that there definitely took effect, 4.7 percent of blacks were col- lots of kids by various men to boost their are some white, anti-black racists in Amer- lege educated (as compared to about 9.8 welfare checks, and generational poverty ica (a fact that governments can’t change, percent of whites). More than 40 years for blacks began. So did misbehavior in any more than they could stop drug abuse), later, blacks in the United States had 19.6 school, rises in crime, and so on, prob- the racists are a small minority. Systemic percent of degree holders (versus 32.6 lems, studies show, that are a direct result white racism against blacks is a myth or, percent for whites), a slight improvement of fatherless homes. more accurately, a lie. And since it’s a tru- from 1965 but a truth that is diminished The expansion of welfare has had the ism that one of the most obvious signs that by the fact that black immigrants in this same effect on white women, only at a someone does not respect you is that the country have the highest educational at- slower pace because they were better off person lies to you, all the left-wing lies tainment in this country, even beating out financially to begin with than blacks and recently should make blacks wonder who Asians, meaning American-born blacks didn’t as often collect a welfare check. the real racists and haters in America are. haven’t continued to catch up to whites Black economist Thomas Sowell has Actually, the answer should be since the mid-1960s. As well, black shown that similar legislation in other obvious. n IN MEMORIAM


As the protests and riots go forward — often instigated by Black Lives Matter — the rioters have taken at least a dozen lives, mainly of blacks. Ironic and sad.

by Selwyn Duke

he Black Lives Matter revolutionaries and their allies kill who they claim to save and are the threat they claim to T combat. Just ask the family of David Dorn. Dorn, murdered by rioters in June 2nd’s wee hours while defending a friend’s business, was a 77-year-old retired black police captain, but also much, much more. Friends and family describe him as a leader and larger-than-life man of virtue who mentored youths and emphasized strict ethical conduct among the officers below him. Dorn’s death was live-streamed on Facebook, as he lay bleed- ing on St. Louis’ Dr. Martin Luther King Drive at approximately 2:30 a.m., in front of Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry. The man filming the scene was heard on video repeatedly pleading with Dorn, “Stay with me, OG.” Dorn could not do so. Yet he was a man who was always there for his family, friends, and community — including the criminals with whom he dealt. AP Images “The Rev. Richard Jackson of the Manasseh Ministry said he knew Dorn back when Jackson was a 17-year-old shoplifter,” As for the far different man who took Dorn’s life, surveillance reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Dorn was the police of- “video shows at least seven men burst into the store with their faces ficer who caught him, and also the one who talked to him.” The covered,” reported New York’s Daily News June 7. “The footage paper continues: shows one of the men pointing a handgun toward the shop’s en- trance.” That man, allegedly 24-year-old Stephen Cannon, was “He was a very honest police officer and an honorable arrested and charged with first-degree murder and other offenses. gentleman,” Jackson said. “He would talk to me outside But then there are those who are responsible, albeit indirectly, the store. ‘You go to school? You doing OK?’” but will never be arrested: #BlackLivesMatter (BLM), Antifa, and Dorn’s niece, Tandy Stewart, stood near the front of the figures in media, entertainment, politics, and elsewhere who’ve pawn shop where Dorn was killed and looked down at the fomented unrest in the wake of the death of arrestee George Floyd. sidewalk, among the crushed memorial candles. She bent One mourner said it well. Accompanying flowers and a teddy down and touched the pavement with tears in her eyes. bear that sat outside the scene of Dorn’s murder was a hand- “My uncle’s blood,” she said, her voice breaking. She sat written sign reading, “Y’all killed a black man because ‘they’ down next to dried traces of blood and stared. killed a black man??? Rest in peace,” reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “He was a great man,” Stewart said. “Diane Davis knew Dorn and brought the flowers June 2. She said he was like a father to many,” the paper continued. Selwyn Duke has written for The New American for more than a decade. He “‘He was a kind man, he was a great man, he is a missed man,’ has also written for The Hill, The Observer, The American Conservative, World- she said.” NetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. Black lives matter? www.TheNewAmerican.com 39 IN MEMORIAM

Dorn isn’t alone, either. While police morning hours. “You wanted to loot the to acknowledge the exponential amounts shot 10 unarmed black suspects in 2019 store. You needed money,” she bluntly ex- of black-on-black crime, particularly in (and 19 unarmed white ones) — eight of claimed, making her comments in a video Chicago and other liberal-led cities,” ex- which incidents were found justifiable; posted to YouTube. “Get a job like I do. plained WND.com. officers were charged in the other two Stop stealing.” In reality, approximately 90 percent — the George Floyd riots alone claimed “You said ‘Black lives matter’ — why of black homicide victims are murdered approximately a dozen black lives. Of don’t you choke me!?” Hosley asked rhe- by other blacks. Moreover, studies show course, these killings received scant media torically, after a night of cleaning up the definitively that police are more likely to coverage. miscreants’ damage. “I’m black; look shoot white than black suspects. Black lives matter? what you did to my store!” “This is our Black lives matter? Dorn’s sure did — at least to those neighborhood,” she later pointed out. “The Ethical Society of Police, which around him if not to BLM. His “person- “We’re trying to build it up, and you tear represents black officers in St. Louis, ality was ‘bigger than life,’” Breitbart it down.” mourned Dorn as ‘the type of brother that quoted former St. Louis County Police Hosley was joined in speaking truth would’ve given his life to save them if he Chief Tim Fitch as saying. “He was a fun to anarchist power by black African im- had to,’” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch also guy, a happy guy. You never had to won- migrant Nestride Yumga. “Black Lives informs. Meanwhile, #BlackLivesMat- der what he was thinking when some- Matter is a joke! You are the racists!” ter — with its Orwellian, “War is Peace” body did something incredibly stupid she told BLM protesters May 31 near her name and Luciferian bent — is willing to like a crime because he would just say it home in Washington, D.C. “When black sacrifice black lives for its ultimate goal: as he saw it.” people kill black people, they don’t come power. The latter can also be said about an- out and do this cr*p,” she pointed out, As a Students for a Democratic Soci- other BLM-inspired violence victim, referencing the protesting and rioting. ety radical once put it, the “issue is never one far luckier than Dorn. They “tell me “The only time they do this cr*p is when the issue. The issue is always the revolu- ‘Black Lives Matter.’ They’re lying,” said a white person does it.” tion.” And now the revolutionaries claim 69-year-old Lucy Hosley, standing outside Yumga, seen in a Breitbart News video they want to save black lives as they claim her Bronx business, the Valentine Deli, dated June 1, was calling “out the hypoc- black lives. after thugs ravaged it during June 2’s early risy of Black Lives Matter for refusing Hashtag that. n

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The violent backlash and destructive “We feel like it’s our duty as Christ and begin cleanup efforts. Before he knew riots in response to the in-custody death followers to not only stand up for jus- it, 10 hours had passed. of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May tice but to also stand up for our city,” As other residents began to arrive the 25 would have even the most optimis- Hawkins said. “One of the ways we get following morning to clean up the area, tic among us questioning humanity, but, to express that is by helping to clean up they were shocked to discover much of the thankfully, there are good people all across and rebuilding.” work had already been done by Gwynn. It America who continue to prove that good A group of volunteers came together was then they decided to turn their atten- will always defeat evil. on June 1 to clean up parts of downtown tion to helping the young man who gave so Indianapolis, where more than 100 busi- much of himself to help their community. nesses experienced some type of vandal- When Buffalo resident Matt Block Communities Band ism. Downtown Indy, an organization that caught wind of it, he decided to gift represents the downtown merchants, fo- Gwynn his 2004 red convertible Mustang. Together to Clean Up cused on the state monuments that were “This was a good way for me to get rid of Peaceful protests have turned into violent vandalized during the protests, RTV6 In- it and know someone that gets it is going demonstrations in cities throughout the dianapolis reported. to appreciate it, I think,” Block said. country as outside agitators and criminal Volunteers in Seattle came out to Bob Briceland of Briceland Insur- opportunists have used Floyd’s death as an scrub graffiti off buildings, pressure ance Agency then volunteered to cover excuse to loot businesses and attack inno- wash paint off of various structures, Gwynn’s insurance for one year. “I just cent civilians and police officers. and help board up smashed storefronts, felt compelled to help him out. We just But while the criminal element over- KIRO 7 reported. need to get together our whole city and runs the cities at night in the purported “I was crying probably most of the night show people how there’s so many good name of “justice,” good people have watching the news, seeing the streets that people here,” he said. come out during the day to try and undo I walk nearly every day and knowing that Perhaps best of all, Medaille College some of the damage caused by the violent there’s some people out there willing to in Buffalo offered him a full scholarship demonstrations. destroy that. That really broke my heart,” to attend school after hearing his story. Following destructive riots in downtown said volunteer Carly Birkey. Until recently, Gwynn had planned to at- Reno, Nevada, on May 30, community One volunteer, Zach Daniels, brought tend trade school until he could save up members and local officials came together his five-year-old daughter Mia to assist for college. Now, he has decided to study to paint over graffiti, board up buildings with the cleanup. He said he wants her to business in the fall at Medaille. after windows were smashed, and clean up understand that they can support the idea Gwynn was shocked by Block’s and the trash that was thrown about the area, that black lives matter without destroying Briceland’s incredible generosity, and was KOLO 8 News Now reported. property or businesses. ecstatic over the scholarship. “It doesn’t “You want to see the real Reno, it’s right “We’re here to support our community,” feel real,” he told CNN. “It feels like this there,” said Governor Steve Sisolak at a he said. is a movie going on.” noon press conference. “It’s those folks These are just a handful of the many Gwynn said his motivation to help his painting the building, cleaning the curbs, stories to have come out of the violent community was inspired by his mother, picking up the trash, that’s what Reno’s protests and looting that followed Floyd’s who died in 2018. He said he only did about, that’s what Nevada’s about, that’s death. what she would have done. n what really matters.” — Raven Clabough WMUR 9 reported that an “army of helpers” came out in Kansas City after a High-school night of violent protests. Student Rewarded “When we look at the people that are cleaning up the debris this morning, the for His Cleanup Efforts folks that are saying we want to bring our Eighteen-year-old Antonio Gwynn of community together, you’re seeing the es- Buffalo, New York, was moved to act sence and the spirit of Kansas City,” Kan- after he saw destructive protests ravage sas City Mayor Quinton Lucas said. his community on Facebook Live on the Dozens of volunteers took to the streets evening of June 1. Antonio of Atlanta after demonstrators rioted and “I felt disgusted. My nerves were bad. Gwynn clashed with police. Atlanta resident G.J. They’re destroying a city that could actu- Hawkins said he took to social media to ally be very beautiful,” Gwynn said. organize a cleanup and received a number Gwynn decided to leave his home at 2 of responses. in the morning to head to the protest areas AP Images

Call 1-800-727-TRUE to subscribe today! 41 EXERCISING THE RIGHT

Guns Don’t Discriminate voluntarily joined together to defend his to whine about how horrible it was seeing The riots occurring all over our country business with their firearms. armed men and women standing in public. are allegedly in response to discrimina- The men accomplished their goal, as Local teacher Rochelle Feil Adamowsky tion, but one obvious fact that can be the Pushkin Russian restaurant sustained went on a tear-filled diatribe in which drawn from the following story is that no damage due to the riots, but Gazary- she said, “I went … for a walk, and I was guns don’t discriminate when it comes to anan complained that the economic dam- scared, honestly…. I saw what was going self-defense. Twitter account @Zoomer- age might linger. “Buildings are boarded on downtown, and I was scared. I live Clips shared a video on May 28 show- up all around me…. Locals see this here, I teach here, and I thought, ‘What ing heavily armed black men standing walking around, and they don’t want to mistake did I make moving to Snoho­ outside a business in an area plagued by go out. There are no tourists, no conven- mish?’ I bought a house here. I’ve started riots that had a sign placed on it which tions, and no appeal to downtown. It looks a life here, and I’m afraid to live here.... I read “black-owned.” The video was only like Baghdad in 2003…. I’m right back to was afraid one of us was going to get shot, 12 seconds long and has already been where I was with the coronavirus.” because somebody was trigger-happy and viewed 6.4 million times as of the writ- wanted to just shoot somebody…. And ing of this column. The man doing the I stood across from people blocking the recording walked along the group show- Media & Politicians sidewalk with their guns.” ing how well-guarded the business was Who Defend Looters It’s not clear what brought this woman and dared looters to target the business. to tears so easily, but other leftists made “Run up in here and see what happens,” Attack Gun Owners accusations that “white supremacists” the man says while laughing. As our country descended into chaos dur- were among the gun owners, even though And it isn’t just black Americans who ing the Black Lives Matter riots, an inci- no evidence was provided other than are demonstrating that being armed can dent on May 31 in the city of Snohomish, people possibly making the okay hand mean the difference between destruction Washington, reminds us all how quickly gesture and one man displaying a con- and safety; there are also immigrants who the media and left-wing activists will federate flag. This smear was rejected by are exercising their Second Amendment demonize gun owners, even as the same Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney, rights. Thirty-six-year-old Ike Gazary- media defend looters. who interacted with the armed locals and anan, who emigrated from Russia to the The Daily Herald reported on June 6 said they were Snohomish parents and United States in 1998, told the San Diego what should have been a positive story business owners and definitely “not white Union Tribune on June 4 that he needed about armed citizens standing up and nationalists, they were not extremists.” to do something to defend his business. sending a message that they won’t let their Mayor John Kartak supported the dem- Gazaryanan is a co-owner of Push- city be terrorized by anarchists and racial onstration by armed residents in a letter: kin Russian Restaurant in downtown San agitators, but the media instead twisted it “The men and women of our community Diego, and he said his business already had into a hit piece on lawful gun owners. came together to protect the city they been hurt by the coronavirus lockdown. The underlying details involved pro- love.” He later decried what he said was The business had innovatively transitioned testers who had gathered in the city to a coordinated effort by left-wing activists into a “grocery delivery business” after the partake in the national Black Lives Mat- to vilify both him and the city’s chief of 12-week lockdown prevented them from ter rallies, and some local citizens who police. In a Facebook post on June 6, he operating as a restaurant, but they were wanted to prevent the wanton destruction wrote, “I have recently listened to an or- grateful to finally begin opening again. they saw occurring in other cities. The ganized and focused attack on our com- Then came the riots, and Gazaryanan May 31 event went off without any vio- munity, on our police chief, and on my- had concerns that his business would be lence, as the two sides peacefully coex- self during the last two Snohomish City harmed in the resulting chaos. He told the isted. The pro-law-and-order side featured Council meetings and have seen the very Tribune that “it took me a while to get to many men carrying their guns, which is same campaign continue to be launched where I am and losing everything to some- completely legal under state law as Wash- all across Facebook…. If 50 to 100 peo- one else is not something I’m going to do.” ington is an open-carry state. ple in and around this community wish to Gazaryanan recounted the turmoil he Snohomish Police Chief Keith Rogers paint me as disrespectful, a hater, a bully, experienced in his youth in Azerbaijan, described the event to the Daily Herald as and a racist, then so be it.” when his family had to flee to Russia: “a festive night of tailgating and celebra- Karnak acknowledged there was some “I’ve seen a lot of things in my life that tory pleasantries.” drinking among the armed counterprotest- made me the person I am…. I’m not easi- But left-wing activists did not agree and ers and that the local police force reacted ly scared. And I will protect what’s mine.” disingenuously cried that it was an act of quickly to quell it, but he was adamant He explained how he contacted friends intimidation. In a Zoom meeting that was that those claiming outrage were part of a who likewise were immigrants from all held online by the city council the follow- coordinated campaign. parts of the former Soviet Union, and they ing week, local left-wing activists called in This is a common left-wing tactic: to act

42 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 “... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

like a vulnerable victim in an effort to sup- these thugs, ‘NOT IN OUR TOWN!’… was trying to defend businesses in the area. press opposition. It’s clear that the leftists’ There were HUNDREDS of people, men The crowd surrounded the man, stomped goal is to make it so only their ideological and women, patrolling the streets, and on him, and ruthlessly beat him, leaving fellow travelers are allowed in the streets, none of them were bothering the ‘protest- him in a bloody heap. The man was later and anyone who disagrees with them will ers’ but they let it be known they weren’t taken in an ambulance to a nearby hospital be smeared as “white nationalists” or “far- going to let things get out of hand. The for treatment. right extremists,” which then will be ampli- police were cool and didn’t get uptight On the night that the video of the savage fied by a complicit media and reported as with either side and everything remained beating went viral, radio personality Man- fact for a gullible public. The intended con- peaceful.” It is reassuring to see there are cow Muller tweeted out, “The question sequence is to scare people away from op- still some places in this country where of ‘why would anyone need an AR-15?’ posing them and also to make politicians so people can exercise their Second Amend- is being answered in every city tonight!” terrified that they cater to the leftists’ every ment rights and protect their hometown One of Mancow’s followers immediately whim. This type of tactic and biased media without being smeared by a biased media commented that these riots show exactly reporting is being repeated throughout the with a far-left agenda. why people need 30-round magazines. country, which is laughable when you con- The truth of the matter is that if you’re sider how these same leftists go to great dealing with multiple assailants in close lengths to excuse the violent actions of ri- Riots Illustrate the Case quarters, you should have a good amount oters. Time will only tell if the public even- of ammunition at the ready and a higher- tually sees through this totalitarian plan to for an Armed Citizenry caliber firearm such as an AR-15 to scat- eliminate all dissent to a far-left agenda, but Amidst the looting and criminal violence ter the crowd; otherwise, you might end their tactics have already claimed one scalp. engulfing our nation, Americans are wit- up lying in a bloody pile like that poor The Daily Beast reported on June 9 that the nessing in vivid detail exactly why people gentleman with the sword. police chief was demoted and is now only a need to be armed in order to be safe. As Observers of the violence are realiz- lieutenant with the sheriff’s office. cops were spread thin and mob violence ing that this is why we have the Second took control, it was up to armed private Amendment, and many are now flocking citizens to protect their own stores and to gun stores to stock up. The ABC affili- Second Amendment communities when police couldn’t be ate out of Philadelphia reported on June 2 Supporters Scare there to help. that residents lined up outside the Found- The CBS affiliate in Los Angeles re- ing Fathers Outfitters off Ridge Pike in Away Looters ported on June 1 about an incident in Santa Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. One positive story where the media didn’t Monica in which a liquor store owner and ABC interviewed Sal Salhiah of rush in to smear patriots was reported on some of his closest friends defended his North Philadelphia about why he was by The New American on June 3 in an store with guns. The owner of the store there, and he explained that rioters online article entitled “Armed Citizens carried his AR-15 outside the business, broke in to homes in his neighborhood. Defend Town: ‘Rioters, Looters KEEP which he said was a strong deterrent for “If somebody walks into my house, he’s OUT!’” TNA reported that a group of potential looters and kept his business done. That’s the only thing I can say.” armed patriots organized to defend Coeur safe. The owner, who went by the name “My daughter is sleeping upstairs in the d’Alene, Idaho. Joe, told CBS that it “was a good thing I next room. It’s not about watching. Any- The group came together after receiving had my customers and friends by my side, thing that you see on the TV is a mess credible intelligence that left-wing radi- because it was pretty scary,” and he even but when you see it in real life, that’s cals were targeting their area for the same said that he and his friends were able to scary,” Salhiah told ABC. type of violence and rioting they inflicted protect nearby businesses as well. Another man who works in private se- in nearby Spokane, Washington. The vio- While that story showed that being curity was interviewed, and he told ABC lence never arrived, as the large presence armed with the appropriate type of firearm that he was stocking up on more guns and of Second Amendment-supporting resi- can actually prevent violence and crime, an ammunition, saying, “It’s definitely be- dents made it known that such behavior upsetting incident in Texas showed that try- cause of what I witnessed the last couple would not be tolerated on their watch. ing to defend a business without a firearm is days, the more the better.” A person who witnessed their pres- just not that effective and can be extremely Indeed, if the Left gets its way and po- ence told TNA that “It was incredible…. dangerous. The Daily Mail reported on lice departments across the country are After seeing all the terrible destruction in May 31 that a man armed only with a sword disbanded, Americans all over the country Spokane, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and tried to scare off looters from a local busi- must be armed and ready to defend them- everyplace else, it’s so reassuring and ness, but he was quickly overwhelmed and selves when the inevitable crime wave refreshing to see all these people com- brutally beaten. Dallas Police did an inves- comes their way. n ing out peacefully — but armed — to tell tigation afterward and stated that the man — Patrick Krey www.TheNewAmerican.com 43 THE LAST WORD by William F. Jasper This Is What Mobocracy Looks Like

his what democ- and “free” services for illegal racy looks like! migrants. And much more, “T Whose streets? such as, “we demand that the Our Streets! This what de- use of armed force be banned mocracy looks like!” entirely. No guns, no batons, You’ve no doubt witnessed no riot shields, no chemical some of the televised “pro- weapons.” Interestingly, these tests” and heard these chants demands are being made at the emanating from Seattle’s own same time that CHAZ is being “people’s republic,” which ruled at gunpoint by an armed has dubbed itself the Capitol (and masked) “police force” Hill Autonomous Zone, or that apparently follows the CHAZ, (although some resi- orders of BLM warlord rap- dents of the barricaded six- per Raz Simone. And the left- block area prefer to call their ist politicians and media who “liberated” zone CHOP, for hyperventilate and faint at the Capitol Hill Occupied Pro- sight of guns in the hands of test, or PRCH, for People’s law-abiding citizens have no Republic of Capitol Hill). problem with heavily armed Following days of protest and rioting, BlackLivesMatter/ Marxist-led “protesters” in the service of chaos and destruction. Antifa militants took over the area around the Seattle Police What Raz Simone and the rest of the anarchist occupiers most Department’s East Precinct and demanded the police leave their likely do not understand is that their days are numbered. They new “Cop-Free Zone.” Seattle’s socialist mayor Jenny Durkan will be disposed of when they are no longer needed. They would (a militant lesbian and former Obama DOJ appointee), who had do well to read “Bolsheviks Shooting Anarchists,” the desperate encouraged the mayhem that was devastating the city by hav- letter by anarchist leaders Emma Goldman and Alexander Berk- ing police stand down, once again capitulated to the mob: The man written in January 1922 from Stockholm, Sweden, where Seattle PD was ordered to abandon their precinct HQ — and they had fled to escape death at the hands of their erstwhile com- the area’s citizens — to the rioters. Mayor Durkan described munist “comrades.” Goldman and Berkman, the most famous the mob takeover as a festive “block party” and positively com- anarcho-communists of their day (and still lionized by the Left pared it to San Francisco’s 1967 “Summer of Love,” when tens today), lamented, “The prisons of Russia, of Ukraina, of Siberia, of thousands of hippies and “peace” activists descended upon are filled with men and women — aye, in some cases with mere that city. Of course, the Fake News media were quick to take up children — who dare hold views that differ from those of the the same theme, describing the CHAZ/CHOP/PRCH seizure as ruling Communist Party.” In fact, they wrote, “it is not at all “peaceful” and “festive” — a benign mini-Woodstock! necessary to express your dissension in word or act to become John McDermott, owner of an auto shop, does not view his subject to arrest; the mere holding of opposing views makes you new CHAZ “rulers” so benignly. They set fire to his business, the legitimate prey of the de facto supreme power of the land, and when he and his son stopped the arson, the CHAZ mob the Tcheka” (Lenin’s secret police). came after them. He called 911 repeatedly — 19 times. He was Goldman and Berkman, who had participated in the persecu- told help was on the way, but it didn’t come. When a police pa- tion of Russian Christians, whined, “it is the Anarchists who trol car did arrive, the officers merely “observed” from a block now suffer the most ruthless and systematic persecution.” They away — as ordered by Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best. charged that the Bolsheviks “by the use of machine guns and However, kowtowing to the frenzied mob invariably encour- artillery ‘liquidated’ the whole [Anarchist] organization.” ages even more audacious demands, as history abundantly proves. Yes, that is what “democracy” looks like. Which is why our Soon came “THE DEMANDS OF THE COLLECTIVE BLACK Founders denounced democracy and gave us the rule of law in a VOICES AT FREE CAPITOL HILL TO THE GOVERNMENT constitutional republic. Alexander Hamilton said: “We are a Re- OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON,” a list of 30 demands issued by publican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism the CHAZ mob leaders. Among their demands: abolition of the or in the extremes of Democracy.” James Madison, the “Father” police department; release of all “protesters” (i.e., rioters); voting of our Constitution, wrote that “democracies have ever been rights for imprisoned convicts; “dissolution” of the “extant jus- spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found tice system”; “Socialized Health and Medicine”; “Free” housing; incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been William F. Jasper is senior editor of The New American. violent in their deaths.” n

44 THE NEW AMERICAN • JULY 6, 2020 2

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