60 Shows Delta Chi Delta Becomes National; Zeta Psi Is New Uconn
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t>:—rc!ecJ CSl Weather Editorial Kj t» I'upping (Jut Rain, rain, go away! (EottttMtml wa% (Eamjma (See Pace 2) "Serving Storrs Since 1896' VOL CXIV, No. <7 Office* ia Student Union Building STORKS. CONNICI'CUT Complete UP1 Wire Service MONDAY, APRIL 4. I960 Skitzofunia '60 Shows Delta Chi Delta Becomes National; Tonight-At Little Theatre Doubles Held Tuesday Zeta Psi Is New Uconn Fraternity Skitzofunia "60" will he hold and the Seven Dwarfs;" Beta terlng the doubles for compe- _ By SAM MYI.NAR In bringing Zeta Psi to the organisation, participating in Chapter at the Universlt) ol loyalty,, truth, and honor the Storrt campus. It was he who many school function! and tonight and tomorrow night in Sigma Gamma. "Non -Skiddn tition are: Tau Kappa Epsilon Ass't Associate Kditor California ai Berkelej in 1870. guiding principles. referred Delta Chi Delta to ici- - fraternity activities. Also, Zela Pal ".is the lii-I the Little Theater at 7:30 p.m. Flies Again"; and Phi Sigma and Phi Sigma Sigma in "Rus- To Mils end literal} i th It] Delta, "Right Near.tile B ■laa Homecoming"; Theta Sig- Delta Chi Delta, one of the one hundred and twelve- Throughout its history, Delia to cross u'le northern bordei is encouraged aa a means, nev- Tickes will go on sale at 6:45 ma Chi and Delta Zeta in "Ota- Iconn's youngest soda] 11. • vcar-oli fraternity, (iladlelter Ch| Delia lias had brotheis and became- inleiualion.il by er as an end HI Itself; to tills •t the Little Theatre Box Of- Donald Miller, the winner of derfella"; Theta Chi and Alpha teniities, has been officially is presently National Dftrectoi Who look an active part in aatabllsblng a Chaptei ai rot end likewise all the varied ac- flea for the price of $1 ■ of the Talent Show, the "PI of the Chi Fhl fraternity. Delta PI, "The Unwashablea." accepted Into and will soon be a hool politics and extra cut i !■ onto Universlt) In 1879. Since - oi college and frater- and the show will begin at 7:30. Beta Phi Blue Notes," and come a chapter of Zeta Pal Delia Uni Delta was origin- The winner of the singles eular organization! It! brotfe thai time six othet chapter! nity Ufa are supported. UM The singles will compete to- James Whilefield will enter- fraternity oi North America ally the Upsilon chapter of competition from tonight will cis have captained numeroui have been eitabllahed In Can fratei nlty never loses sight of night. Houses entering in the tain during intermission to- one of the nation'! oldest Alpha Gamma Rho national also appear In tomorrow varsity teams, The house is :ol,i. creating sluing ties of night. fraternity. In December of the fact thai the man is more aingles competition are: Beard night's events. Added enter- PBEBIDEM I HOBr.H I presently the leader in intra- friendship and brotherhood 1952, the Upsilon chapter ses Important than the musician, A, 'To Hell and Back"; Kappa The doubles competition will tainment will be provided by SAUNDER8. and the i murals. «i loss the International line. Kappa Gamma', "Snow Drip ared ties with Alpha Gamma the athlete or the scholar. be held tomorrow night. En- Jack Gardner, a vocalist; Joe broihcis were notified last WHILE IN ITS EARLIER Rho, due to li'ie fact that the THK ZETA I'Sl KKATKIt rOBTBE PIBBTM SEAM Cianchetti. a magician; and the week by telegram from the (lass the expansion of the Kia members lelt they could not NIT) of North America was Zeta Psi traveled I ia way of "Sig Ep Sophomores," second central office In New York. ternlty was relatlvel) rapid. maintain the membership founded at New York UnlVOI all fraternltlaa, i band ol good place winners in the Talent Zeta Psi officials congratulated and while it has sometlines Ihe house on its becoming the standards set up under the lit) on June 1. 1847. The I- 11 tallows, strong in Individual World Federalist Show. ternlty became the eleventh been daring, nevertheless 35th chapter of the intcrna constitution. throughout moil ol Its htator) chapters, loosely tied together Dr. Stanley Wedberg will be tional fraternity. The standards required at national to be founded In thli I II expansion has been con bj a name, governed regional' the master of ceremonies, and Sinue November Delta CM leasl N per cent membership coun| r y. Expansion started l\ h\ self perpejualing commit- Mike Rosenberg and David servatlva bul steady. Delta has been' in its colony from the School of Agricul- i the fraternity was lesi tees of l'ati laiu'is, oi casional- Expert Talks Here Millson will handle staging Zeta Psi is distinctly a* so period. During this time the) ture during the five-year pen than one year old. Althoiig, i |) meeting In i onvention. and lighting respectively. i'iave been hosts to brothers od ending June 30, 195\ regai a i as extremely con da], not a literals nrg.i Mr. George Holt will speak Judges for the events will it la amazing Stab under andjs related to current event! from local Zeta Pal chapters THK NKW FRATERNITY servatlve, Zeta Pal has often Hon. The aim Of UM Maternity be: Mr. and Mrs. David Bain, such a system, good should to (he newly formed student and their significance concern- among whlch have been R.P.I., was named Delta Chi Delta a. I.MI with considerable ton has been and is to develop Hi! Dr. David Phillips, Mr. John have been aiiompllshed, and it chapter of the United World ing the United Nations. Brown. Tufts and Rutgers and was based on good fellow- sight and d.u Ing, member as a social being Following the talk, there will Gleason. Miss Elizabeth Nof is a tribute to the deals of the Federalist tomorrow night at houses. ship and brothenhood. It was the in si i ireek Lettei through relations with a lim- be an Informal discussion and sker, Mr. Samuel Wilroyl. fraternity that they should MIHMI i; DCONN market Since its inception as a lo- Society to cioss Hha contlnenl Ited number ol congenial S in HUB 102-103, In addition refreshments In the HUB Re- Captain R. R. Rehfeld, and Mr. ing instructor, Professor Carl cal fraternity, it has been able and eatabllahed Itself on tlie friends who aie hound logelh hsve lurvlved luch a casual to hla talk on World Peace ception Lounge. Roger Sherman. existence, In Ihe early yea] « C (Jladlclter was instrumental to maintain Itself as an acme Pacific ("oast, by founding * <-r iii an organisation when through World Law, Mr. Holt ol tins country Zeta Pal si I with other fraternities, s1 will elaborate on the principles ' ■* and alms of the United World in personnel, but lacking a Federalists as a total organ- definite purpose. Commuters Meet- Ill June, 1809, William A. ization. Holt Is the Executive vice- ComstOCk, -Mulligan fJ9, pub president of the United World Ushed and financed the I Federalist; a position he has issue ol ihe Cln la ol Zetaa Discuss Traffic Psi. Al that lime he said, "U I held for two years. He pre- feel that the fraternity, | viously held the position of Robert E. McGrath. head of Lunches may be taken to the Dial its Individual chapters Executive Director of New meeting. have grown so strong, Is England. University traffic and parking, wasting its greatest posslbllty will answer questions and help The progress of obtaining He has long been Involved in of a trengl h ani growth world politics. In addition to clear up problems for com- lockers for commuters will through the lack ol i sj item muters today between 12 and also be discussed. The Com- talks given in various parts of stlc centi al oi ganlEeUon," the country, he writes a week- I in HUB 208. muters Organization again AS A KI-.SI |,f of Ins hopes ly column called 'Tomorrow's An Important meeting for all stresses the importance of com- World," which appears l at commuters will be held from muters voicing their opinion and efforts, combined With I lie n work of many of the ol II-r least nine major newspapers, II to 1 in the same room. and ideas. 'To complain silent- ly about the status quo will alumni of ihe fraternity, a Central office was g not help to bring about changes, Ten finalists were chosen at the Community Chest Car* Kappa Alpha Theta; Beverly Ruo/f, repiesenting Holcomh in New Voi k City, the national Alphons Krenn To Speak nival Queen's Coffee held at Chi Phi fraternity lift week. Hall and a pledge ol Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Judy fraternity magazine, Ihe Circle "If the University is to as- of Zcia Pal, became ■ regula The women eligible were those who have been in the courts Wright, a sister and representative of Kappa Kappa Gamma. sist the commuter through the The next coffee wilt be held at Alpha Gamma Rho tomor- publication, and the employ A bout Post- War A ustria Organization, the Administra- of the vinous campus queen contests throughout the year. row evening. Five women will be chosen at this coffee for incut of a paid general seen tion must Aral know there Is a The ten finalists are: Leslie Barrett, representing Crawlord Miss "University of Connecticut and her court. Thvse tai v to \ isil each chapter ar Der Deutsche Verein, in con- Salzburg in the Tirol. strong, large backing of com- B and a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma; Dorothy Bower- women will be on the Queen's float in the parade.