IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT STATE OF FLORIDA RYAN C. TORRENS, Petitioner/Defendant vs. SEAN SHAW, Respondent/Plaintiff _______________________________________________________ Circuit Court Case No.: 2018-CA-1623 Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit In and For Leon County, Florida APPENDIX TO PETITION FOR WRIT OF PROHIBITION /s/Ryan C. Torrens, Esq. Ryan C. Torrens, Esq. Florida Bar. No. 0089407 Torrens Law Group, P.A. 4016 Henderson Blvd., Suite D Tampa, FL 33629 Phone: 813-260-4883 Fax: 813-354-2357
[email protected] RECEIVED, 10/2/20189:52PM,Kristina Samuels,FirstDistrict CourtofAppeal TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Description Pages 2018-07-24 Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive A.1 Relief 2018-08-01 Order Determining Case Entitled to Priority A.24 and Setting Non-Jury Trial/Final Hearing 2018-08-07 Order Deferring Until Trial the Hearing and A. 37 Determination of Defendant Torrens’ Motion to Dismiss 2018-08-14 Defendant Ryan Torrens’ Answer, Affirmative A. 39 Defenses, and Counterclaim 2018-08-21 Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation A. 49 2018-08-24 Final Judgment Granting Declaratory and A. 70 Injunctive Relief 2018-09-24 Amended Notice of Appeal A. 92 2018-09-04 Torrens’ Verified Motion to Disqualify Trial A. 116 Judge 2018-09-05 Torrens Opposition to Motion to Disqualify A. 124 Trial Judge 2018-09-05 Order Denying Disqualification A. 134 2018-09-25 Order Setting Case Management Conference A. 136 2018-08-30 Notice of Filing Trial Transcript A. 141 2018-08-31 Transcript of Proceedings 2018-08-22 A. 143 Respectfully submitted, /s/Ryan C.