260 . . [KELLY'S

Shields James A.llan, ladies' &; geutlemen's tailor, 8 Shropshire Football Association (R. M. Roberts, sec.)~ Abbey foregate 4 Victoria street Shire Hall, The Square Shropshire Horticultural Society (William Phillips &. Short Henry, news agent, 51 Longden James Vine, hon. treasurers), 7 The Square. T N 48 Showells Brewery Co. Limited, brewers, 7 Claremont hl Shropshire Law Society (Rowland Taylor Hughes, sec.)~ Shrewsbury Beaconsfield Club Co. Ltd. (F. G. Morris, 8 St. Mary's street sec.), Sa, Pride hill Shropshire Liberal Unionist Association (Waiter Kings­ Shrewsbury Borough Band (Edward Walton, sec.), 12 man, organizing sec.), 5 Pride Hill chambers Claremont hill Shropshire Provident Society (James Baddely Webster. Shrewsbury Bowling Club (Charles Williams, sec) sec.), 7 Pride Hill chambers Shrewsbury British Workman Public House Co. Lim. Shropshire Royal Horse .Artillery Battery Territorial (Frank J. Harper, sec.), Working Men's Hall, Princess Force (Major R. A.. Newill T.D. commanding; Capt. street; regd. office, Pen~ erne chambers, Pride hill E. E. Rich R.H.A. adjutant; Sergt.-Major W. W. Shrewsbury Cafe Co. Limited (J. H. Barker, sec.), 19 House, drill instructor); head quarters, Drill hall, College hill Longden Coleham Shrewsbury Chronicle (The) (established 1772), Shropshire Sheep Breeders' Association & Flock Bot>li published fridays, rd. 0C. W. Smallman, editor & Society (Alfred Mans ell & Co. secs.), College hill manager), St. John's bill. T N 49· See adver­ Shropshire Technical School for Girls (H. W. Newman. tisement sec.) ; for particularrs of school see Meole Brace Shrewsbury Club (The) (V. C. L. Crump, sec.; Alfred Shropshire Territorial Force Association (Col. Earl oi Pritcbard, steward), Oak house, Dogpole Powis, president; Lieut.-Col. W. J. Mackeson, sec. ;. Shrewsbury Commercial & Literary Circular (J. R. D. McAlister, chief clerk), Kingston house, St. Morris, proprietor), 29 & 30 Bellstone .Alkmund's square Shrewsbury Conservative Association (William P. Price, Shropshire & West Midland Agricultural Society(Thomas sec. & registration agent), 5 Claremont street Whitfield, sec.). T N 3Y4 Shrews bury (The) District Office Ancient Order of Shropshire Yeomanry Territorial Force (Col. A. H. 0. Foresters (Joseph Dickin, district sec.), r Wyle cop LLoyd M.V.O. commanding; Capt. J. E. D. Holland. Shrewsbury & District Traders' Association (G. M. G. adjutant; H. G. Sykes, regimental-sergt.-major; A Mitcbell, sec.), 4 Pride Hill chambers. T N 307 Squadron, Major N. E. Money D.S.O. commanding;. Shrewsbury Electricity Works (C.M. Johnston M.I.E.E., Capt. H. C. Meredith, second in command; Squad.­ M.I.Mech.E. borough electrical engineer), Seventy Sergt.-Major A. McLennan, drill instructor); head Steps passage quarters, Kingston house, St. Alkmund's square Shrewsbury Gas Light Co. (Wm. Belton A.M.I.C.E. Shuker & Son, motor car agents & dealers, 41 & 4~ engineer, sec. & manager; Robert H. Thomas, col­ Pride hill & Butcher's row. T N II lector) ; offices, Castle foregate; show rooms, 19 Sidoli T. & D. ice cream makers, 6 & 7 Princess street Pride hill. T N's II3 & II4. See advertisement Silvertown India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Tete­ Shrewsbury General Cemetery (Charles Willis, supt. & graph Works Co. Limited, 106 Cannon street. registrar), Longden road. T N 36M London E C Shrewsbury Hospital Sunday Collection (Francis G. Simkin Joseph, dairy, 35a, Wyle cop Morris & James Vine, hon. secs.), 7 The Square Simmonds William, private enquiry agent, 9 Market st Shrewsbury Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. (The) Simpson .Archibald M.B., Ch.B.Edin., F.R.C.S.Edin. (.A. E. Sutton, manager; Edwin Griffiths, sec.), 70 1mrgeon (firm, Gray & Simpson), 36 Murivance. Castle foregate; Whitehall street; 26 Frankwell & T N 240 Longden Coleham Simpson Thomas Watkins, wine & spirit mer. 69 Mardol Shrewsbury Isolation Hospital (Mrs. Wycherley, care­ Sin clair Arthur, commercial traveller, 31 Cot on cres taker), Underdale Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, sewing machine Shrewsbury Kingsland Bridge Co. (W. W. Naunton, manufacturers, 37 Pride hill sec.), 9 The Square Singleton & Cole Limited, tobacco manufacturers, 22 &. Shrewsbury Motor Car Co. Limited (The), motor 23 Mardol. T .A "Singleton, Shrewsbury;" T N 2 agents & engineers (A. H. Crump, manager), Monk­ Slack Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 42 St. Michael's street lands garage, .Abbey foregate. T N 271 Slynn George Arthur, grocer, Montagu place Shrewsbury Motor Cycle Club (Reginald Walker, sec) Smaje James Thomas, pawnbroker, 9 Princess street Shrewsbury Motor Garage (The), motor, cycle & car­ Smallman C. W. printer & publisher of the "Newport riage works, Dogpole (M. Davies, proprietor). Tele­ & Advertiser & Shropshire, Stafford­ 148. See advertlsen1ent phone shire & Cheshire Chronicle " (The St~me, Eccleshall, Shrewsbury Museum (H. T. Beddows, curator),School et Incorporated), 23 High street, Newport; High street, Shrewsbury Music Hall Co. Limited (V. C. L. Crump, Market Drayton & 41 St. John's hill, Shrewsbury. sec.), :r2 The Square See advertisement Shrewsbury Nursing Institution & Home (Miss Mary Smallshaw William Henry Birrcll, solicitor, 13a, Pride hl Elizabeth Morgan, matron & supt. ), Quarry house, 4 Quarry place Smallwood G. H. & Co. lighting, heating, Shrewsbury Richmond Building Society (R. T. Hughes, ventilating & electrical engineers; complete sec.), 8 St. Mary's street installations of electric light & power for country Shrewsbury Sanatorium (Miss A.. Davis, matron),Port hl mansions, public buildings, works, shops Shrewsbury School (Rev. Cyril Argentine Alington M.A. &c. ; telephones erected; contractors to H. M. head master; for {)ther masters see Schools, p. 224), Government & the principal corporations, 10 Kingsland Upper road Milk street. T N 146 Shrewsbury & Shropshire Severn Angling Association Smallwood Samuel, gun maker, 9 Milk street (John Williams, hon. sec.), Dalmeny, North Hermi­ Smart William G. insurance agent, 37 Tankerville st tage, Belle Vue road Smee Henry, shopkeeper, 41 Hotspur street Shrewsbury Swimming Club (E. France, sec.), The Smith John & Son (Chester) Limited, tailors, 1a Quarry Shoplatch Shrewsbury Town Football Club (.A. Weston, sec) Smith & Jones, monumental masons, Smithfield road Shrewsbury Typewriting Co. typists & office supplies Smith & Sons, corn, seed, cake, manure & wool mer­ specialists, 39 High street. T N 156 chants, Murivance & White Horse passage, Frank­ Shrewsbury Victoria District Nursing Association (Miss well. T N 17 Agnes .Allard, matron), Nursing Institution, 2 Clare­ Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, :r8 & 19 Castle street mont bank, Claremont Smith Albert Henry, jobmaster. livery & bait Shrewsbury & Brewery Co. Ltd. brewers,Bridge st stables; funerals undertaken throughout; dog-carts, Shropshire Archreological & Natural History Society hansoms, cabs, waggonettes, brakes, &c. &c. for hire; (.A. E. Cooper, s6'C.), 42 St. John's hill hacks & hunters supplied, Raven Hotel liven·• Shropshire Camera Club (Charles Franck, sec.), Talbot st~bles. Telegrams, "Raven Stables, Shrewsbury;" chambers, Market street T N 89 Shropshire Chamber of Agriculture (.Alfred Mansell & Clmith Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 141 Frankwell Co. secs.), College hill Smith Harold, butcher, 39 Castle foregate Shropshire Charity Association (R. M. Roberts, sec.), ~mith Hattie (Miss), stationer, 43 Wyle cop 4 Victoria street Smith John Pa.rson (exot~s. of), stone & gravel merchants Shropshire GJunty Club (Henry William .Adnitt, sec.). (John PPters. manager), Bank chambers, Market st 6 T'he Square Smith Norah (Mrs. ),London .Apprentice P.H.6o Coton hl Shropshire District Auditor's Office (Hugh F. Buckland Smith Sydney, monumental mason, 9 :Benyon street district auditor), 26 Castle street

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