1 Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia ISSN: 1575-2844 Marzo 2015 Año XVIII Nº130 pp 121-140 INVESTIGACIÓN/RESEARCH Recibido: 24/01/2014---Aceptado: 23/02/2015---Publicado: 15/01/2015 EVOLUTION OF THE FEMME FATALE IN OF HUMAN BONDAGE: FROM TEMPTATION AND HUMILIATION TO INSANITY AND DEATH. Mariona Visa Barbosa: Universitat de Lleida. Spain.
[email protected] ABSTRACT This article analyzes the evolution of the female character in the film Of Human Bondage (John Cromwell, 1934), starring Bette Davis and Leslie Howard. The protagonist of the story plays the role of a typical femme fatale who goes through different stages throughout the film, which are analyzed in detail in this article. She appears at first discreetly and positively to go slowly transforming into a cold woman who constantly humiliates the male lead. Finally, as in other ends of black films previous to World War II, her character is punished by the screenwriters, sheltering her into madness finally leading to death. By contrast, the male character embodies the archetype of an antihero who will be positively transformed at the end of the story. In this paper, the evolution of the two protagonists of the film and particularly how woman as a femme fatale is represented in the different phases of history is studied. The analysis draws upon a narrative methodology and applies the principles of anthropological structures of the imaginariness introduced by Gilbert Durand in the 1960s. KEYWORDS: Archetype -femme fatale- antihero-woman-genre-film EVOLUCIÓN DE LA FEMME FATALE EN CAUTIVO DEL DESEO: DE LA TENTACIÓN Y LA HUMILLACIÓN A LA LOCURA Y LA MUERTE RESUMEN En este artículo se analiza la evolución del personaje femenino en la película Cautivo del deseo (Of human boundage, John Cromwell, 1934), interpretada por Bette Davis y Leslie Howard.