Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis – Business Plan Emails received between 03/24/21 – 3/30/21 at 5pm From: Joseph Schultz <
[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 10:57 AM To: Transit Corridor <
[email protected]> Subject: Congratulations on plan Upton Sinclair once wrote something to the effect of: "It is difficult to get someone to understand something when their paycheck depends upon their not understanding it." After poring over the information on your website, it is clear that you people are truly unable to imagine how truly ridiculous an electric rail system is when the real needs of Santa Cruz citizens are addressed. I am sure the "right" people, including yourself, are making and will make tons of money off this boondoggle. Concentrated benefits for the few always trump the diffuse costs for the many. If there was money to be made opposing this madness, we might see a robust debate of pros and cons. Alas, the "common good" is for commoners, and commoners have little place among the august deliberations of our betters. The system works! Regardz, Jozseph Schultz India Joze Restaurant From: Liz <
[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 10:42 AM To: Regional Transportation Commission <
[email protected]> Subject: Re: Draft Business Plan for Electric Passenger Rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line Released Good Morning - Who identified the electric passenger rail as the locally preferred alternative and how was that completed??? Are you referencing that sham of a survey that was sent out by the friends of the rail trail? All questions on that survey steered the question taker toward a train.