University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Large-scale Digitization Project, 2007.

TA)AK5ý Natural History Survey I , Library

Illinois Natural History Survey

Centers for Aquatic and Wildlife Ecology

Illinois River Natural Resources Bibliography

Final Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District

Prepared by:

Mark A. Pegg and Stephen P. Havera

30 September 2001

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Introduction ...... 1

Scope of Work2...... 2

Acknowledgments...... 3

Annotated Bibliography...... 4

Annotated Subject Index...... 49

Non-annotated Bibliography ...... 57

Non-annotated Subject Index...... 99

Available Data Sets from Completed Projects...... 113

Signature Page...... 114 Illinois River Natural Resources Bibliography


The Illinois River was formed by the union of the Des Plaines and Kankakee rivers near Chicago in northeastern Illinois and traverses about 440 km to Grafton, Illinois, near St. Louis, Missouri, where it empties into the Mississippi River. This geographical location makes the Illinois River one of the more important river systems in North America for human use and development. Likewise, the Illinois River has historically been one of the most biologically productive floodplain river systems in North America and for this reason has been exposed to human th th activity for thousands of years. By the late 1 9 and early 2 0 centuries, recreational and commercial harvest of waterfowl, fish and mussels were among the highest recorded for freshwater systems.

Concurrent with many other systems, an increased capacity to manipulate the river and its floodplain through pollution, water diversion, levees and drainage districts, dams, large-scale agriculture, and other management practices began to place a th tremendous burden on the river's ecosystem by the early 2 0 century. One of the first major alterations to the Illinois River system was the creation of the Illinois Waterway to alleviate chronic water quality problems in the immediate Chicago area and to facilitate navigation. The Waterway was initiated in 1900 by building the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and reversing the flows from the Chicago and Calumet rivers into Lake Michigan southward into the Illinois River. Some biological communities were adversely affected by increased water levels from the water diverted out of Lake Michigan and the accompanying high levels of raw sewage and industrial wastes that were flowing into the Illinois River from the heavily populated Chicago area after formation of the waterway. By the 1920s, effects of the diverted pollution were observed along nearly two-thirds of the river. Fortunately, water treatment and improved water quality regulations have ameliorated these conditions.

There have been other significant alterations.to the Illinois River since the diversion of Lake Michigan water including construction of drainage and levee districts for development of agriculture in the productive floodplain on both the mainstem river and its tributaries and construction of locks and dams for navigation. These manipulations, along with increased row crop acreage and fall tillage, have influenced the biological communities within the Illinois River basin through unnatural hydrologic conditions, point and non-point source pollution, high rates of sedimentation, and subsequent losses of aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

Human influences have ultimately created a need for major restoration efforts and wise land use policies and practices in the Illinois River basin. As part of the process, a synthesis and collation of existing information on the biological communities throughout the river system is essential to coalesce knowledge from previous important undertakings, to help identify areas that should be specifically targeted for restoration and to establish past and present conditions for assessment of future restoration efforts.

Scope of Work

The Illinois River Natural Resources Bibliography is a compilation of over 100 years of research by Illinois Natural History Survey staff as well as other investigators. It contains 559 references pertinent to the biology of the Illinois River and its watershed. Main topics covered include ecology, biology, chemistry, hydrology, and history of the Illinois River system. However, some citations dealing specifically with geology, policy, and economics are also included. Most references are housed at the Illinois Natural History Survey's main library in Champaign and the library of the Survey's Forbes Biological Station near Havana, Illinois.

This bibliography is divided into annotated and non- annotated sections. The annotated component provides a brief synopsis of the contributions of each reference to the information pertaining to the Illinois River basin. The non- annotated section contains an extended list of other relevant publications and reports dealing specifically with the Illinois River basin. A list of selected long-term data sets and maps of the Illinois River is also provided.

2 Acknowledgments

Several staff members of the Illinois Natural History Survey assisted with the various aspects of compiling this report. Katie Roat, Derek Struebing, and Paul White helped summarize the annotated and non-annotated components. Jaylene Olson, Katie Roat, and Cammy Smith were instrumental throughout the project in its design, organization, execution and report preparation. We thank them for all of their efforts and extraordinary cooperation. Annotated Bibliography

1. Aggarwal, S. 1995. Population dynamics of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymoxpha in the Illinois River. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 143 pp.

The author studied zebra mussel population dynamics in the Illinois River in an attempt to predict future larval zebra mussel distributions. Specifically, the author investigated the viability of existing populations to determine if they are self-sustaining. The results of this study were inconclusive regarding self-sustainability of zebra mussels in the Illinois River. A detailed life history is included.

2. Alvord, J.W., and C.B. Burdick. 1919. Second edition of report made to former Rivers and Lakes Commission on the Illinois River and its bottomlands. Department of Public Works and Buildings, Div. of Waterways, State of Illinois, Springfield. 137 pp.

This paper outlines the importance of the Illinois River fishery to fish harvest elsewhere in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s. By 1908, total catch along the Illinois River totaled nearly 24,000,000 pounds comprising over 10 percent of the freshwater fish harvested in the United States.

3. Anderson, H.G. 1959. Food habits of migratory ducks in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 27(4):289-344.

Gizzards from 17 of ducks were collected in 1938, 1939, and 1940 from 21 sites along the Illinois River and 11 sites along the Mississippi River. Laboratory analyses were made of the plant, , and inorganic contents of the gizzards of each duck species. Nineteen plant species and some animal species most commonly used by ducks throughout Illinois are discussed.

4. Anderson, K.B. 1977. transversum in the Illinois River and an acute potassium bioassay method for the species. M.S. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. 79 pp. The author conducted a survey for fingernail clams (Musculium transversum) using Ekman grabs, at 20 sites along the Illinois River (river mile 18.9-277.0). Major findings include the observation that M. Transversum is only found in the lower 107 miles of the river and that their densities are greatly reduced compared to historical information. In an attempt to identify a possible cause of this decline, the author also conducted experiments on several water quality parameters (potassium and hardness). Water samples taken from the Illinois River were not in the acutely lethal range for M. transversum.

5. Anderson, W.L., and S.P. Havera. 1989. Lead poisoning in Illinois waterfowl (1977-1988) and the implementation of nontoxic shot regulations. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 133. 37 pp.

The report summarizes a study on lead poisoning in waterfowl between 1977-1988 by determining the incidence of spent shot in soil and sediment, by examining gizzards for ingested shot, by analyzing blood for concentrations of lead and protoporphyrin, and livers for concentrations of lead. The study showed that the use of steel shot in some zones in the Mississippi Flyway is helping decrease the number of waterfowl deaths caused by lead poisoning.

6. Anderson, W.L., S.P. Havera, and R.A. Montgomery. 1987. Incidence of ingested shot in waterfowl in the Mississippi Flyway, 1977-1979. Wildlife Society Bulletin 15(2):181-188.

Gizzards of 74,365 waterfowl harvested in 13 states in the Mississippi Flyway during the hunting seasons of 1977-1979 were collected. These years were the first in which nontoxic (steel) shot regulations were implemented in this flyway. Ingestion of lead shot by mallards was reduced an estimated 34.1 percent in the upper-latitude states of the flyway, 29.4 percent in the mid-latitude states, and 3.2 percent in the lower- latitude states during the 3 hunting seasons that were monitored. The severity of shot ingestion and the potential for lead poisoning have not changed significantly since the period of investigation of 1938-1954. 7. Anderson, W.L., S.P. Havera, and B.W. Zercher. 2000. Ingestion of lead and nontoxic shotgun pellets by ducks in the Mississippi Flyway. Journal of Wildlife Management 64(3):848-857.

The study summarizes the extent to which ingested nontoxic shotgun pellets replaced toxic pellets in ducks harvested in the Mississippi Flyway during the 1996-1997 hunting seasons. Nontoxic shot reduced mortality in mallards by 64 percent. Ingestion of >2 toxic pellets declined by as much as 78 percent. Out of 1.4 million ducks in the 1997 fall continental flight, 90 million ducks were spared from fatal lead poisoning. An estimated 99 percent of all ducks harvested were by hunters using nontoxic pellets.

8. Atwood, E.R., II. 1984. A comparison of hoopnetting catches in the Illinois River from 1931-1979. M.S. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. 160 pp.

The author compared fish population dynamics from hoopnet collections along the Illinois River over three time periods (1930-1940s, 1950-1960s, and 1970). Four habitats were sampled including main channel border, side channel border, backwater lake, and tributary. The author noted a shift in species composition with the most marked change over the 1950-1960s sample period.

9. Baker, F.C. 1920. The effect of sewage and other pollutions on animal life of rivers and streams. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 13:271-279.

Various types of pollution and the mechanisms by which they effect the fauna of various North American rivers are reported. Gastropod populations of the Genesee River of New York and mussel beds of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois, are discussed, with particular reference to effects of pollution on distribution.

10. Bellrose, F.C. 1938. Abundance and food habits of the waterfowl in the Illinois River valley. B.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Champaign. 33 pp. Waterfowl gizzards were processed from throughout the Illinois River valley to evaluate food habits. Recommendations for managing moist-soil plants in bottomland lakes are suggested.

11. Bellrose, F.C. 1941. Duck food plants of the Illinois River valley. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 21(8) :237-280.

The paper includes a description of the physical features and hydrology of the Illinois River and discusses aquatic plants in the Illinois River valley in the context of environmental factors affecting their distribution and abundance. It lists the best duck food plants as well as undesirable species. Habitat manipulations are mentioned.

12. Bellrose, F.C. 1945. Relative values of drained and undrained bottomland in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 9(3):161-182.

Conducted in the early 1940s, this study compares the values of leveed and drained bottomland to natural bottomland. The economics of harvesting furbearers, commercial fishing, and leasing of duck blinds for hunting in these bottomland areas is discussed. The impact of drainage and levee districts on natural resources is evaluated. The author recommends water and flood storage in bottomlands rather than building larger levees.

13. Bellrose, F.C. 1950. Mississippi Flyway problems, projects, and prospects. Transactions of the 15th North American Wildlife Conference. Pp. 123-132.

This paper provides a description of the waterfowl management challenges in the Mississippi Flyway during the late 1940s. The destruction of northern breeding grounds by agricultural interests and degradation of wintering grounds by the Army Corps of Engineers are reported. A brief discussion concerning season lengths and bag limits to control waterfowl harvest is included. 14. Bellrose, F.C. 1950. The relationship of muskrat populations to various marsh and aquatic plants. Journal of Wildlife Management 14(3):299-315.

This study was conducted during the winter months of the early 1940s on food plants for muskrats found in bottomland lakes of the Illinois River. The study was conducted by comparing the proportion of plant food material found in feeding houses in mid-winter with the late-summer availability of plants within the feeding radius of the houses. The study found that even though there was individual variation, it was evident that muskrats selected certain plants and certain parts of plants for food consumption.

15. Bellrose, F.C. 1954. The value of waterfowl refuges in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 18(2):160-169.

An evaluation of the importance of waterfowl refuges in Illinois found that waterfowl remain in the area longer because of the abundance of food and rest available in these areas. Refuges along migration routes also provide more hunting opportunities to sportsmen by building up local concentrations from which mallards and some other species fan out to feed over a radius of about 25 miles.

16. Bellrose, F.C. 1959. Lead poisoning as a mortality factor in waterfowl populations. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 27(3):235-288.

Lead poisoning in waterfowl populations was evaluated by: (1) the incidence and magnitude of waterfowl die- offs resulting from lead poisoning in all major flyways, (2) the incidence of lead shot ingested by waterfowl, and (3) waterfowl mortality resulting from the ingestion of various quantities of lead shot.

17. Bellrose, F.C. 1976 (2nd ed., revised 1980). Ducks, geese and swans of North America. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA. 540 pp.

This classic encyclopedia of North American waterfowl includes 55 species accounts with chapters on classification, molts and plumages, migration, management, hunting regulations, identification, and mortality and disease. Color photos aid in identification of species.

18. Bellrose, F.C. 1980. A history of waterfowl and waterfowl investigations in Illinois. Unpublished. 12 pp.

This report gives background on waterfowl research starting with Fredrick Lincoln banding ducks in 1922 near Browning and continues with a chronology of investigations along the Illinois River. It concludes that because much wildlife habitat has been removed due to agricultural, transportation, and electrical power developments, new management techniques must be considered.

19. Bellrose, F.C., and H.G. Anderson. 1940. Preliminary report on availability and use of waterfowl food plants in the Illinois River valley. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 15. 14 pp.

A study of Illinois River valley plants and their value to ducks as a food resource. The plants were collected from four bottomland lakes during the late 1930s to derive an index of the different varieties of plants. Gizzards were examined to evaluate which plants were most valuable to ducks as a food source. Eleven common food plants are ranked by their importance.

20. Bellrose, F.C., and H.G. Anderson. 1943. Preferential rating of duck food plants. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 22(5):416-433.

This bulletin presents data and discussion about the preferred foods of waterfowl in the Illinois River valley. The occurrence of plants and corresponding consumption by ducks were both used to arrive at a food index value for each plant species. A list of 25 plant species in descending order of index values is included.

21. Bellrose, F.C., and L.B. Brown. 1941. The effect of fluctuating water levels on the muskrat population of the Illinois River valley. Journal of Wildlife Management 5(2) :206-212. It was found that muskrat populations are affected more by changing water levels than by types of marsh vegetation in the Illinois River valley. This study recognized cattail and river bulrush as the two most important plants for muskrats. It concluded that many factors including vegetation, housing, and food were limited chiefly by seasonal changes in water levels.

22. Bellrose, F.C., S.P. Havera, F.L. Paveglio, Jr., and D.W. Steffeck. 1983. The fate of lakes in the Illinois River Valley. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 119. 27 pp.

In the early 1900s, man briefly enhanced the fish and waterfowl resources of the Illinois Valley by increasing the surface area of its bottomland lakes with diversion of water from Lake Michigan. Then by removing about half of the floodplain from inundation by the river with the establishment of drainage and levee districts between 1909 and 1922, flood heights and deposition of sediments were increased on the unleveed lakes and floodplain. The authors conclude that the only alternative to a continued loss of bottomland lakes is to convert some drainage and levee districts to flood storage and conservation and recreational use.

23. Bellrose, F.C., and D.J. Holm. 1994. Ecology and management of the wood duck. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA. 588 pp.

From depressed numbers at the turn of the century, and widespread concern about the species' potential extinction, the wood duck is the most common breeding waterfowl in the eastern United States. This book encompasses a 50-year span of studies on the wood duck covering topics such as distribution, habitat, migration, courtship, breeding, nesting, competition, food habits, growth, disease, and population management.

24. Bellrose, F.C., K.L. Johnson, and T.U. Meyers. 1964. Relative value of natural cavities and nesting houses for wood ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 28(4):661-676.

10 This report summarizes a study conducted on natural cavities used by wood ducks for nesting compared with man-made nesting structures. The study shows that man- made nesting houses have a much better success rate when accepted by female wood ducks. On Quiver Creek near the Illinois River, the use of predator-proof nesting structures increased breeding pairs from 15 to over 90 pairs. Cylindrical metal houses are more predator proof than wood houses, but the metal houses are not easily accepted. Management implications and recommendations for man-made nesting structures are given.

25. Bellrose, F.C., and J.B. Low. 1943. The influence of flood and low water levels on the survival of muskrats. Journal of Mammalogy 24(2):173-188.

Muskrat population studies on Douglas, Chautauqua, and Rice lakes are discussed in this paper with special reference to water levels. Changes in lodge construction habits, activity, feeding, intraspecific strife, and mortality due to high or low water levels are covered.

26. Bellrose, F.C., F.L. Paveglio, Jr., and D.W. Steffeck. 1979. Waterfowl populations and the changing environment of the Illinois River Valley. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 32(1):1-54.

The report includes a description of the geologic history, hydrology, and ecology of Illinois River valley and associated bottomland lakes. It focuses on the accelerated destruction of the lakes due to sedimentation. Negative effects of increased sedimentation, water levels, and water turbidity on vegetation and waterfowl are discussed.

27. Bellrose, F.C., and C.T. Rollings. 1949. Wildlife and fishery values of bottomland lakes in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 21. 24 pp.

The economic value of the fish and wildlife resources of bottomland lakes in Illinois is estimated and discussed. Public fish and wildlife values were appraised by determining the cost of hunting and

11 fishing for the game species and the monetary value of commercial species. Private values were calculated considering the value of hunting leases, boat rentals, and commercial fishing. An economic comparison of public and private is presented.

28. Bellrose, F.C., and N.M. Trudeau. 1988. Wetlands and their relationship to migrating and winter populations of waterfowl. Pages 183-194 in D.D. Hook, W.H. McKee, Jr., H.K. Smith, J. Gregory, V.G. Burrell, Jr., M.R. DeVoe, R.E. Sojka, S. Gilbert, R. Banks, L.H. Stolzy, C. Brooks, T.D. Matthews, and T.H. Shear, (eds.). The ecology and management of wetlands.

Waterfowl are dependent on wetlands for their life requirements. As wetlands have been drained or degraded, duck populations have declined. On prairie breeding grounds the importance of wetland losses to the status of waterfowl is well documented, and must be considered as a factor of the overall decline in waterfowl populations. Future acquisitions of privately-owned wetlands in the flyways must be accomplished to save remaining wetlands.

29. Berlocher, J.M.K., and M.J. Wetzel. 1987. Survey of Mississippi River mussels (: Unionacea) in the vicinity of the proposed U.S. Route 36/Hannibal Bridge (Mississippi River mile 309.6), Pike County, Illinois, and Marion County, Missouri, IDOT Job Number P96-037-73. Final report prepared for Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Location and Environment by Illinois Natural History Survey, Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification Technical Report 1987(4). 43 pp.

Twenty-four individuals from nine species were collected during a survey of a proposed bridge site on the Mississippi River near Hannibal, Missouri. One recently dead specimen of the federally endangered Lampsilis higginsi and five specimens of Ellipsarea lineolata, a species proposed as threatened in Illinois, were collected at the study site.

30. Bhowmik, N.G., J.R. Adams, R.V. Anderson, R.A. Cahill, M. Demissie, D.L. Gross, J.E. King, K.S. Lubinski, P.G. Risser, R.E. Sparks, and W.W. Wendland. 1985. Long-term

12 ecological research on Illinois rivers. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. 78(3/4):247-261.

Discusses the concepts and goals of the Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) project along the Illinois River. Specific research components included work in 1) succession and perturbation, 2) water and sediment fluxes, 3) biotic system structure, and 4) ecosystem function. Summaries of results from these four components are discussed.

31. Bjorklund, R.G. 1975. On the death of a Midwestern heronry. Wilson Bulletin 87(2):284-287.

In 1962 at a heronry located at Pekin Lake in Tazewell County, 820 nests were observed but by 1974 there were none. Destruction was attributed to illegal logging, power lines being constructed, and other human activities.

32. Blodgett, K.D. 1983. Distribution of toxicity in sediments of the Illinois Waterway. M.S. Thesis, Western Illinois University. Macomb, IL. 74 pp.

Toxicities of surface and deep sediments were assessed at five locations on the Illinois Waterway by bioassays from fingernail clams. Toxicities for these sediments were measured by assessing behavioral shifts of the clams in the form of lateral ciliary beating rates, particle transport rates, and percent cilia beating based on exposure to sediments from each site x sediment type combination. Sediments from Starved Rock Lock and Dam and above caused significant changes in behavior, with the greatest effect occurring in sediments from Brandon Road Lock and Dam on the Des Plaines River.

33. Brice, J.R., and R.B. Lewis. 1979. Mapping of mussel (Unionidae) communities in large streams. American Midland Naturalist 101(2):454-455.

A mussel community in the Kankakee River, Illinois, was surveyed utilizing quadrant sampling and SCUBA. Sampling locations were recorded using a distance- measuring device and computerized into a map format.

13 Mussel densities were plotted on the computer map, resulting in an accurate mapping of the mussel "bed".

34. Brigham, A.R., L.B. Suloway, and L.M. Page. 1981. The effects of sedimentation on aquatic life of the Kankakee River. Quantitative studies and threatened, endangered, and rare species. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. Document No. 81/37. 16 pp.

Fish, mussels, and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in the Kankakee River, Illinois, to determine effects of increased sedimentation, especially on species considered endangered or threatened. Increased sedimentation, depending on the magnitude of the increase, could damage or eradicate mussel populations, including any endangered or threatened species.

35. Burwell, R.W. 1963. Fish and wildlife as related to water quality of the Illinois River basin. A special report on fish and wildlife resources, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Minneapolis, MN. 100 pp.

This report was part of the Great Lakes-Illinois River basin comprehensive study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. It is a summary of the decline of fish and wildlife populations along the Illinois. Much of this decline has been attributed to degraded water quality and habitat conditions. Included are data showing historical trends and discussion of future conditions.

36. Danglade, E. 1914. The mussel resources of the Illinois River. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 804, U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries 1913, Appendix VI. 48 pp.

This paper is a discussion of the history of commercial musseling on the Illinois River including locations of principal mussel beds, appraisals of commercial shells, collecting techniques, and economic information. At the time of this report pollution was considered to have little effect on species composition and abundance. Distribution and relative abundance (quantity and quality) of mussels in the Illinois River and its tributaries was reported.

14 37. Eddy, S., and P.H. Simer. 1929. Notes on the food of the paddlefish and the plankton on its habitat. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 21:59-68.

Study of paddlefish feeding habitats and behaviors. Food items consisted largely of planktonic organisms. A summary of feeding behaviors is also included.

38. Environmental Analysts Incorporated. 1972. Survey of literature pertaining to the Illinois-River and tributaries. Prepared for Commonwealth Edison Company by Environmental Analysts Incorporated, Garden City, NY. 62 pp.

This report provides a literature review of physical, chemical, and biological information on the Illinois River through 1972. Physical characteristics described include turbidity, sedimentation, and water temperature. Major chemical characteristics included dissolved oxygen, ph, alkalinity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll, and total dissolved solids. Biological information was presented for bacteria, plankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, waterfowl, and vegetation.

39. Fechtner, F.R. 1963. Checklist of east central Illinois Unionidae. The Nautilus 76(3):99-101.

A list of mussel species collected from three river systems, Embarrass (28 species), Little Wabash (21 species), and Kaskaskia of central Illinois (35 species), from 1951 to 1953.

40. Forbes, S.A. 1876. List of Illinois crustacea, with descriptions of new species. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 1(1):3-25.

A descriptive list of different crustacea found in 1876 and how much they differ by kingdom. The economic value of the fisheries of the Illinois River valley and its importance in the future is discussed.

41. Forbes, S.A. 1911. Definite results of survey work on the Illinois River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Pp. 75-89.

15 - was an important address to the American Fisheries ociety in 1911. Biological damage to the Illinois of by Chicago sewage is discussed. Descriptions River the the river's appearance illustrate the severity of oroblem at that time. Information on the historical changes to the river and commercial fishing data, along with fish behavior and life-history observations are discussed. in Illinois 42. Forbes, S.A. 1919. Some recent changes River biology. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 13(6) :139-156.

The report examines changes in the biological environment of the Illinois River caused by the opening of the drainage canal of the Sanitary District of Chicago in January, 1900. The increase of sewage and water volume into the Illinois River are noted as the primary factors of changes including an increase in the river average depth and flow rate, a greater expanse and depth of bottomland lakes, increased sewage load, lower average water temperature, and greater production of plant and animal life. Fish production is discussed with an emphasis on the introduction and spread of the European carp. The effects of drainage and levee districts on the Illinois River are noted.

43. Forbes, S.A., and R.E. Richardson. 1908. The fishes of Illinois. State Laboratory of Natural History. 357 pp.

A summary of the fishes of Illinois in the early 1900s. Includes a scientific description of fish species, their distribution and relation to their environment, topography and hydrology of Illinois, a summary of their habits, and the function and relative importance of the different species in the general system of aquatic life. More than 200,000 specimens of 150 species were collected and preserved. This book is accompanied by a separately bound atlas of maps showing the distribution of Illinois fishes.

44. Forbes, S.A., and R.E. Richardson. 1913. Studies on the biology of the upper Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 9(10) :481-574.

16 After several years of investigation on the plankton of the Illinois River and its floodplain lakes, this comparative summary study took three directions: the first year was given mainly to a study of the plankton of the river and of the principal floodplain lakes using the same methods and in the same area as those made from 1894-1899; the second year concentrated on the chemical determinations of the gases in the river and the bottom sediments of the upper river; and in the third year, similar chemical and biological determinations were made with attention on the fishes, mussels, and other plant and animal life of the river.

45. Fritz, A.W. 1982. Summary of Illinois freshwater mussel shell harvest, 1971-1981. Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 9 pp.

Commercial harvest of mussels in Illinois are summarized for the years 1971-1981. Harvest during this period peaked in 1977 when 932 tons of cooked-out shells were sold for nearly $257,000.

46. Fritz, A. W. 1986. 1985 Illinois mussel shell harvest. Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Conservation. 7 pp.

In 1985, mussel shell buyers purchased a total of 1,963.44 tons of shells from Illinois musselers, for which they received $978,614. Prices paid ranged from $150 to $990 per ton. The Mississippi River harvest was composed of five species, Megalonais gigantea (60.5%), Amblema plicata (37.7%), Quadrula quadrula (1.4%)-, Quadrula pustulosa (0.4%) and Fusconaia flava(0.01%).

47. Gates, F.C. 1911. Summer bird life in the vicinity of Havana, Illinois, in its relation to the prominent plant associations. Wilson Bulletin 23 (1):1-27.

This paper begins with a description of the study area near Havana and the plant associations located there. General statements concerning the local bird fauna are presented. Each plant association and its attendant bird community are discussed. These associations are

17 bunchgrass prairie, meadows, prairie swamps, aquatic, sand strand, mud strand, thicket, bottomland woods, upland forest, and mixed forest. Contains a good description of forested bottomland areas.

48. Hart, C.A. 1895. On the entomology of the Illinois River and adjacent waters. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 4(6) :149-273.

An explanation of collection methods and preservation of entomological samples taken from the Illinois River and backwater areas near Havana. List of insect species is provided.

49. Havera, S.P. 1994. A historical perspective of wetlands and waterfowl populations and their importance in the Illinois Valley. Pages 101-111 in Proceedings 1993 Governor's Conference on the Management of the Illinois River System. Fourth Biennial Conference, Peoria, IL, 21-22 September 1993. Issued as Special Report No. 20, Water Resources Center, Urbana, IL. 195 pp.

Historical overview of biological production in the Illinois River Valley, the development of waterfowl hunting traditions, and anthropogenic changes in the 1990s. Historic recommendations on preserving and restoring wetlands in the valley are discussed.

50. Havera, S.P. 1999. Waterfowl of Illinois: status and management. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 21. 672 pp.

A 672-page comprehensive source on the biology, management, and status of waterfowl. This book captures the strong traditions of waterfowling in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway. Illustrations, tables, color photos, and original artwork in the this collection document more than a century of waterfowl investigations. It is supplemented by an abbreviated field guide to the waterfowl species of Illinois summarizing their identification, life history, food and habitats, complemented with full color photographs and illustrations.

18 51. Havera, S.P., and F.C. Bellrose. 1985. The Illinois River: a lesson to be learned. Wetlands 4:29-42.

An account of the ecological integrity of the Illinois River, historically one of the most productive riverine ecosystems in North America, and its degradation by accelerated amounts of sediment resulting primarily from intensive agricultural land-use practices. The current biological value of the river system could disappear in less than 100 years.

52. Havera, S.P., F.C. Bellrose, H.K. Archer, F. Paveglio, Jr., D.W. Steffeck, K.S. Lubinski, R.E. Sparks, W.U. Brigham, L. Coutant, S. Waite, and D. McCormick. 1980. Projected effects of increased diversion of Lake Michigan water on the environment of the Illinois River valley. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, Chicago, IL. 550 pp.

This study conducted in the late 1970s, examined the effects of increased diversion of Lake Michigan water on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Illinois River Valley including physical changes of the river valley, water quality, surface area of bottomland lakes, vegetation, moist-soil plants, fisheries, and wildlife.

53. Havera, S.P., L.R. Boens, and M.M. Georgi. 1992. Human disturbance of waterfowl on Keokuk Pool, Mississippi River. Wildlife Society Bulletin 20:290-298.

The report summarizes a study conducted involving human disturbances on waterfowl. Concentrates on the decrease of diving ducks populations and the relationship of disturbances such as boating, fishing, hunting, and barges. The assumption is made that human disturbances will increase. Management recommendations to accommodate diving duck populations in the future are discussed.

54. Havera, S.P., R.D. Crompton, and F.C. Bellrose. 1984. Aerial inventories of bald eagles in Illinois, 1957-1984. Pages 90-104 in W.E. Southern and M.J. Sweet, (eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Workshop on Bald Eagle Research and Management. Illinois Department of Conservation,

19 Springfield. 142 pp.

This paper summarizes aerial inventories of bald eagles taken on the Illinois River and Mississippi River between 1957-1984. Five major regions are inventoried during these years and of these regions the central Mississippi River region supported the highest average number of eagles counted per weekly or biweekly census periods. The highest inventory of bald eagles occurred in January 1984 in the Illinois River and central Mississippi River regions. The inventories show that since 1957 the numbers counted during the winter waterfowl and eagle survey are increasing.

55. Havera, S.P., and G.W. Kruse. 1988. Distribution and abundance of winter populations of bald eagles in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 129. 29 pp.

The report found that continental numbers of bald eagles have increased since eagles achieved legal protection and since the prohibition of certain pesticides that affected reproductive success of eagles. Wintering bald eagles are attracted to Illinois by the availability of food, primarily fish. The study found that a majority of the eagles in Illinois are in the Illinois River valley. The report concludes that intensified enforcement of laws protecting bald eagles, along with management of habitats identified as feeding, roosting, and major eagle use areas, and reduction of lead shot to eagles should result in an increase in the number of bald eagles that winter in Illinois.

56. Havera, S.P., M.J. Sandusky, and M.M. Georgi. 1983. Proposed effects of Lake Michigan diversion on terrestrial habitats in the Illinois River valley. Prepared for the Chicago District, USACOE.

The study investigated potential effects of increasing the diversion of Lake Michigan water at Chicago into the Illinois River on terrestrial habitats in the Peoria and La Grange pools. Three proposed diversion plans and nine habitat categories were identified and measured on the study areas. The effects of longer

20 durations of increased water levels on the various habitat categories are discussed. Mud flats and their associated moist-soil plant community are identified as the most affected by a change in water levels.

57. Havera, S.P., A.P. Yetter, C.S. Hine, and M.M. Georgi. 1995. Some misconceptions about conflicts between waterfowl and fisheries management. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee 51:26- 41.

Several studies have addressed the detrimental effects of fishes on waterfowl food resources. Recently, concerns have been expressed about the effects of waterfowl management utilizing water control structures in floodplains on riverine fish populations. This study investigated the acreage of public and private land managed for waterfowl with water level control capabilities in the Illinois and Mississippi River floodplains. Researchers and managers must work together for the benefit of the resources and not give the image to the general public that there is a lack of cooperation among disciplines.

58. Heidinger, R.C. 1989. Fishes in the Illinois portion of the Des Plaines River. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 82(1/2):85-96.

The authors assembled an inventory of species and abundance for the fish community of the upper Des Plaines River. Twenty-eight species were collected in 1985 with spotfin shiners and sand shiners being most numerically abundant, whereas, total biomass was dominated by river carpsuckers.

59. Hempel, A. 1897. Descriptions of new species of rotifera and protozoa from the Illinois River and adjacent waters. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 4(10):310- 317.

The report describes three species of rotifera collected in the Illinois River during 1894 previously unknown to science. Ninety species of rotifera and eighty species of protozoa were collected and identified.

21 60. Hempel, A. 1898. A list of the protozoa and rotifera found in the Illinois River and adjacent lakes at Havana, IL. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 5(6):301-388.

The publication summarizes a study conducted in 1894- 1896 on the protozoa and rotifera of the Illinois River and surrounding lakes near Havana. Methods of capture and study, geographical distribution, food relations, classification, and local distribution in the Illinois River valley are discussed. A list of protozoa and rotifera discovered during the study is presented.

61. Hey, D.L., K.R. Barrett, and C. Biegen. 1994. The hydrology of four experimental constructed marshes. Ecological Engineering 3:319-343.

Water budgets for four constructed wetlands near the Des Plaines River are discussed. Inputs such as pumped inflow, precipitation, flood flows, evapotranspiraton and ground water were monitored. The resulting data were then used for a hydrologic model to estimate the stress load on the wetlands. The authors concluded that a 2 percent wetland reserve would result in water quality enhancements.

62. Hey, D.L., A.L. Kenimer, and K.R. Barrett. 1994. Water quality improvement by four experimental wetlands. Ecological Engineering 3:381-397.

Water quality fluctuations were evaluated in four constructed, experimental wetlands near the Des Plaines River in 1990 and 1991. Total suspended solids, volatile suspended solids, nitrate-nitrogen, and total phosphorus were measured at the inlet and outlet of each wetland. All variable values were lower at the outflow point with trap efficiencies ranging from 50 to 99%. The wetlands were subjected to different hydraulic loading rates, but the outflow water quality values were similar.

63. Hine, C.S., S.P. Havera, R.M. Whitton, and J.R. Serie. 1996. Fall and spring body weights and condition indices of ducks in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 89(3/4):197-213.

22 In a study using mallards, wood ducks, green-winged teals, gadwalls, lesser scaups, and ring-necked ducks, researchers found that the body weights and condition indices were less than a previous study conducted from 1938-1940. Reasons for this decline are discussed.

64. Hoskin, J.K., C.C. Ruchhoft, and L.G. Williams. 1927. A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Illinois River. I. Surveys and laboratory studies. Public Health Bulletin No. 171. 208 pp.

This comprehensive examination of the water quality of the Illinois River around 1922 includes a description of the river, the population of the watershed, and sources of pollution. Methods and laboratory procedures are extensively outlined.

65. Humburg, D.D., D.A. Graber, S.P. Havera, L.H. Fredrickson, and D.L. Helmers. 1996. What did we learn from the great flood of 1993? Pages 139-148 in J.T. Ratti, ed. Proceedings of the 7th International Waterfowl Symposium, Feb. 4-6, 1996, Memphis, TN.

This article discusses how man has altered floodplains for agriculture, navigation, urban development, and flood control. There are many challenges for land managers to integrate management methods for fish and wildlife because they are faced with competing groups that want more agriculture and better navigational rivers. The article focuses on not looking at site- specific management, but looks at the entire river floodplain when trying to make management decisions.

66. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1994. The changing Illinois environment: critical trends. Volume 3: ecological resources. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. ILENR/RE-EA- 94/05. 242 pp.

The Critical Trends Assessment Project (CTAP) is an on- going process established to describe changes in ecological conditions in Illinois. Many natural resource agencies worked collaboratively to produce a 7 volume technical publication describing the environmental conditions in Illinois. This publication

23 (Volume 3) is the Illinois Natural History Survey's contribution to this project. Volume 3 is segregated into six ecosystem sections including prairies, forests, agricultural lands, wetlands, lakes and impoundments, and flowing waters. The text has an in- depth discussion of each ecosystem. The seventh section provides a resource analysis.

67. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and Nature of Illinois Foundation. 1994. The changing Illinois environment: critical trends. Summary report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and Nature of Illinois Foundation. ILENR/RE-EA-94/05(SR). 89 pp.

The Critical Trends Assessment Project (CTAP) is a compilation of information, on environmental factors including air, water, and ecological resources, as well as information on waste management and sources of environmental stress. These data will be used to develop and monitor changes in ecological and environmental conditions throughout Illinois.

68. Jackson, H.O., and W.C. Starrett. 1959. Turbidity and sedimentation at Lake Chautauqua, Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 23(2):157-168.

Deposition of sediment from flood waters of the Illinois River caused high turbidity in Chautauqua Lake. Lake bottom disturbance by fish, and/or water motion produced by wind caused resuspension of sediment particles. Wind velocity had little or no effect when vegetation or ice cover was present or in areas where water depth exceeded 5.8 feet. Important duck-food plants that were formerly abundant were adversely affected by sediment and fluctuating water levels. Changes also occurred in the species composition of fishes. High productivity of the lake was attributed to the shallowness of the lake during the growing season when most of the lake was within the euphotic zone.

69. Jenkins, Merchant, Nankivil Jenkins, and W.B. Walraven. 1949. Potential conservation areas along the Illinois River. Prepared for the Illinois Department of

24 Conservation. 189 pp.

This report gives a chronological overview of events that have occurred on the river and evaluates potential sites for conservation throughout the Illinois River valley.

70. Jenkins, Merchant, Nankivil Jenkins, and W.B. Walraven. 1950. Potential conservation areas along the Illinois River: as a part of flood protection. Illinois Department of Conservation, Springfield, IL. 80 pp.

A summary of studies conducted to identify conservation areas along the Illinois River that would potentially be beneficial for flood control. An historical view of previous projects on the river, history of floods, geology of the river, and need for recreational areas are discussed.

71. Junk, W., P.B. Bayley, and R.E. Sparks. 1989. The flood pulse concept in river-floodplain systems. Pages 110- 127 in D.P. Dodge, (ed.). Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium (LARS). Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 106.

The flood pulse is defined as the driving force responsible for the existence, productivity, and interactions of the major biota in river-floodplain systems. The article explains how to use the aquatic/terrestrial transition zone to monitor the shifts in the littoral zone, which are important for nutrient recycling and productivity. Researchers are encouraged to look at the whole floodplain and backwater lakes through a flood pulse concept.

72. Kasprowicz, J.M., M.J. Wetzel, K.S. Cummings, and W. U. Brigham. 1985. 1985 Survey of Kankakee River fishes and mussels at Illinois Route 53 bridge in Wilmington, Will County, Illinois. IDOT Job Number P-91-051-79. Final report prepared for Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Location and Environment by Illinois Natural History Survey, Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification, Technical Report 1985(4). Champaign, II. 25 pp.

25 Mussels and fishes were surveyed at a proposed bridge replacement project site on the Kankakee River, Illinois, to determine species composition, distributions, and density. Mussels were collected by wading and hand picking. Four-hundred and eighty individuals representing eleven species were collected including no endangered or threatened species. Two species found, Cyclonaias tuberculata and Ligumia recta, were considered to be uncommon and on the decline.

73. Kelley, T.R., and E. Huddleston. 2001. Monitoring of Spunky Bottoms restored wetland in southern Illinois for biotic and abiotic pollution indicators. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy Science 94(2):69-78.

Conducted on approximately 700 acres of wetland purchased by The Nature Conservancy in Brown County, Illinois, this study attempts to determine and compare biotic and abiotic pollution indicator levels generated from water sampling in a restored wetland. Sampling on 11 sites, it was found that many wetlands could potentially lower the pollution -indicators, and the microbial population in wetlands may contribute to biogeochemical cycles.

74. Kendeigh, S.C. 1972. The flooding pattern in Illinois stream bottomlands, has it changed since primitive time? Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 86-93.

Analyses of the hydrology of the upper Sangamon River indicate no change in flows comparing the early- twentieth century to the mid- to late-twentieth century. Significant development and change has occurred, but the authors conclude that enough floodplain exists to maintain a primitive flood pattern.

75. Klein, W.M., R.H. Daley, and J. Wedum. 1975. Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation pools 24, 25, and 26, upper Mississippi and lower Illinois rivers: a vegetational study. Contract Report Y-75-1; for Contract No. DACW39-74-0088, prepared for U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis. 100 pp.

26 Conducted in 1974 on the lower Illinois River and upper Mississippi River, this report includes descriptions of vegetation types, interpretation of successional patterns, and prediction of the probable succession changes that will result from operation and maintenance activities.

76. Kofoid, C.A. 1897. Plankton studies. I. Methods and apparatus in use in plankton investigations at the Biological Experiment Station of the University of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 5(1):1-25.

The article explains why some methods used by previous researchers will not work on the Illinois River. Detailed methods of making nets for capturing plankton on the Illinois River and its backwaters are discussed.

77. Kofoid, C.A. 1903. Plankton studies. IV. The plankton of the Illinois River, 1894-1899, with introductory notes upon the hydrology of the Illinois River and its basin. Part I. Quantitative investigations and general results. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 6(2):95- 629.

A description of the geological and hydrographic features of the Illinois River including river length, drainage area, tributaries, elevations, alluvial deposits, connections with backwaters, dams, current, water volume discharge, flooding characteristics, high- and low-water periods, water temperatures, turbidity, water chemical composition, and associated vegetation are discussed. Plankton collections and measurements in the river channel and backwaters are the primary purpose of the study. The relation of environmental factors on plankton production and seasonal distribution charts of plankton at the collection stations are included.

78. Kofoid, C.A. 1905. Illinois River plankton. Science 21(528):233-234.

This was part of a continuing study on the density of plankton in the Illinois River and surrounding bottomland lakes conducted in the early 1900s in the Havana area. It was found that the density of the

27 middle river channel had the same density of plankton as the bottomland lakes. It discusses the best times and conditions for plankton blooms, and points out that they are a vital part of the aquatic environment.

79. Kofoid, C.A. 1908. The plankton of the Illinois River, 1894-1899, with introductory notes upon the hydrology of the Illinois River and its basin. Part II. Constituent organisms and their seasonal distribution. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 8(1):3-360.

A discussion of the statistical data of the plankton of the Illinois River during 1894-1899 is presented. Plankton collections were made only in the river channel and facts pertaining to relative abundance, seasonal distribution, and periods of maximum occurrence are cited., Further discussion of environmental factors affecting plankton abundance such as water levels, seasonal pulses, floods, and water temperatures are included.

80. Lanyon, R. 2000. Chicago River reversal solves public health crisis. Wetland Matters 5(2):1-12.

This article discusses the historical aspects of reversing the Chicago River and how this reversal helped to ease a potential public health crisis. The various construction projects and their impacts are summarized.

81. Lerczak, T.V., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett. 1995. Long-term trends (1959-1994) in fish populations of the Illinois River with emphasis on upstream-to-downstream differences. Page 62 in Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Vol. 27. 94 pp.

This summary of electrofishing surveys conducted from 1959-1995, concentrates on the differences of up-stream and down-stream fish. Findings indicate that there are fewer abnormalities of fish up-stream than in previous surveys, with the conclusion that water quality is improving. Populations of fishes are also noted.

82. Lewis, R.B. and J.R. Brice. 1981. Comparison of the past and present freshwater mussel fauna of the Kankakee

28 River in Illinois. Natural History Miscellanea (Chicago) 211:1-7.

Freshwater mussels of the Kankakee River were surveyed during 1976 and 1978. Twenty species were collected compared to 22 species in 1909. Although diversity declined and relative abundance was lower, fauna of the lower Kankakee River has not changed dramatically like it has in the nearby Des Plaines and Illinois rivers.

83. Low, J.B., and F.C. Bellrose, Jr. 1944. The seed and vegetative yield of waterfowl food plants in the Illinois River Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management 8(1) :7-22.

Seven hundred ninety samples from 28 food plants of Illinois waterfowl were evaluated in the 1940s. The study was conducted on 19 lakes with 3 lakes being stable, 7 semistable, and 9 with fluctuating water levels. Quantity and quality of plants were evaluated. The study concluded that plant competition greatly affected the amount of seeds produced.

84. Lubinski, K.S., and H.H. Seagle, Jr., N.G. Bhowmik, J.R. Adams, M.A. Sexton, J. Buhnerkempe, R.L. Allgire, D.K. Davie, and W. Fitzpatrick. 1981. Information summary of the physical, chemical, and biological effects of navigation. Illinois State Water Survey Division, Contract Report 261, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL. 126 pp.

This document provides a summary of the information available relating physical, chemical, and biological effects of navigation on the upper Mississippi River basin. Included is discussion on lock and dam construction, pool maintenance and operation, dredging, and boat traffic.

85. Maher, R. 1994. Observations of fish community structure and reproductive success in flooded terrestrial areas during an extreme flood on the lower Illinois River. Pages 95-115 in National Biological Service, Illinois Natural History Survey, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Long term Resource Monitoring Program, 1993 flood observations. Special Report 94-S011, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Environment

29 Management Technical Center.

This report summarizes observations of 1993 flood damage to aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, the influence of the flood on fish species richness and abundance, and sediment transport and accumulation in the upper Mississippi River basin.

86. Mills, H.B., W.C. Starrett, and F.C. Bellrose. 1966. Man's effect on the fish and wildlife of the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 57. 24 pp.

Diverting water from Lake .Michigan, building drainage and levee districts that constrict the natural flow of water, and putting marginal ground into agricultural production are discussed as examples of how humans have altered the natural habitat and ecosystem of the Illinois River resulting in a diminishing biological resource in aquatic and terrestrial habitat.

87. Mulvihill, W.F., and L.D. Cornish. 1929. Flood control report: an engineering study of the flood situation in the State of Illinois. Department of Purchases and Construction, State of Illinois. 102 pp.

This report conducted during the 1920s on flood control of the Illinois River presents accounts of major historical floods and the hydraulics, geology and formation of the river. The report suggests solutions for flood control for specific drainage and levee districts.

88. Page, L.M., K.S. Cummings, C.A. Mayer, S.L. Post, and M.E. Retzer. 1991. Biologically significant Illinois streams. An evaluation of the streams of Illinois based on aquatic biodiversity. Illinois Department of Conservation and Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, II. Project Completion Report F-110-R. 485 pp.

The authors identified 132 biologically significant streams in Illinois using criteria used for the Biological Stream Characterization (BSC), an index of stream quality, and data on the biodiversity of

30 freshwater mussels. The authors identified 108 streams that support mussel populations considered endangered, threatened, or species of concern.

89. Paloumpis, A.A., and W.C. Starrett. 1960. An ecological study of benthic organisms in three Illinois River flood plain lakes. American Midland Naturalist 64(2) :406-435.

This paper covers the dynamics and changes in the benthic populations of Lake Matanzas, Quiver Lake, and Lake Chautauqua. The scientific findings provide an excellent comparison of the benthic populations found by Richardson in 1913-1915 in relatively clean water and the more polluted waters of the 1950s.

90. Purdy, W.C. 1930. A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Illinois River. II. The plankton and related organisms. Public Health Bulletin No. 198. 212 pp.

Effects of water quality on plankton and related organisms in the Illinois River around 1930 are discussed. Includes abstracts of previous studies on the biology of the river.

91. Raibley, P.T., K.S. Irons, T.M. O'Hara, K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1997. Winter habitats used by largemouth bass in the Illinois River, a large river-floodplain ecosystem. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:401-412.

Researchers characterized'winter habitats of 17 radio- tagged largemouth bass in the La Grange Pool. The data revealed that bass concentrated in preferred habitats such as backwaters and ditches during the winter. Adequate winter habitat is dependent on stable or rising winter river levels. Management recommendations for improving winter habitat for largemouth bass in the Illinois River are discussed.

92. Richardson, R.E. 1913. Observations on the breeding habits of fishes at Havana, Illinois, 1910 and 1911. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 9(8):405-416.

31 This paper describes field observations of fish breeding habits in Illinois River bottomland lakes and wetlands during 1910-1911. Sixteen fish species are discussed with anecdotal information on fish species abundance and behavior. Most of the bottomland lakes and wetlands referred to no longer exist such as Thompson's Lake, Flag Lake, Dierker Lake, Riley Smith's Marsh, Deep Slough, and Lynch Slough.

93. Richardson, R.E. 1919. Bottom fauna, Illinois River and connecting lakes. Report From November 1, 1918, to April 15, 1919. 5 pp.

This was a study conducted in the early 1900s on the abundance of bottom fauna in the Illinois River from Chillicothe to Grafton. Researchers found that the most important lakes within that segment are from Peoria to Meredosia and that the most productive parts of the lakes have little slope and low velocity.

94. Richardson, R.E. 1921. Changes in the bottom and shore fauna of the middle Illinois River and its connecting lakes since 1913-1915 as a result of the increase, southward, of sewage pollution. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 14(4):33-75.

Changes that occurred between 1913-1915 and 1921 in composition and abundance of the benthic macroinvertebrates in the Illinois River between Chillicothe and Browning due to increasing levels of pollution are discussed. Documentation of the disappearance of numerous benthic species and families, a reduction in number and biomass of surviving organisms, and appearance of several pollution tolerant forms (Tubificids) are included.

95. Richardson, R.E. 1921. The small bottom and shore fauna of the middle and lower Illinois River and its connecting lakes, Chillicothe to Grafton: its valuation; its sources of food supply; and its relation to the fishery. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 13(15):363-522.

Description of the bottom fauna of six pools of the Illinois River between Chillicothe and Grafton.

32 Factors causing differences in bottom fauna between pools are explained in the context of hydrographical and physical features. Also discussed is the food of small bottom-invertebrates; aquatic plants of the lakes; nitrogen, organic carbon, and other oxidizable matter in the sediment of the river and lakes; plankton in the river channel; and a general comparison of the Illinois River and its connecting lakes in the food resources of a fishery and in fish output.

96. Richardson, R.E. 1925. Changes in the small bottom fauna of Peoria lake, 1920 to 1922. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 15(5):327-388.

This study compares the condition of the bottom fauna of Peoria Lake as found in July-September, 1922, with that of the summer of 1920. Factors causing the destruction of the original bottom fauna of Peoria Lake is discussed. This paper gives an excellent scientific description of the biological damage inflicted on Peoria Lake.

97. Richardson, R.E. 1925. Illinois River bottom fauna in 1923. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 15(6):391- 422.

Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Illinois River around 1923 is compared to that present before severe degradation which resulted from pollution. This study examines the bottom fauna in the 44 miles above and 71.5 miles below Peoria Lake in the Illinois River during 1923. The fauna is separated into three categories: tolerant, species requiring cleaner water, and missing species of the original bottom fauna. It is noted that the greatest injury since 1913-15 occurred in the formerly exceedingly rich section above Havana. In this section of the Illinois River, 70 species did not appear in 1925 which were collected in 1913-15. Species lists are included.

98. Richardson, R.E. 1928. The bottom fauna of the middle Illinois River, 1913-1925; its distribution, abundance, valuation, and index valve in the study of stream pollution. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 17(12):387-475.

33 A thorough examination of the changes in the bottom fauna of the Illinois River between the relatively clean water conditions of 1913-1915 and seriously polluted conditions of 1920-1925. Includes distribution of mussels in the Illinois River during each of these time periods. Factors examined include distribution, abundance, and valuation.

99. Ryder, K. 1995. Chicago waterways history. Environmental and Social Analysis Branch, Planning Division, Chicago District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago, IL. 17 pp.

This report gives a chronological procession to the development of the Chicago Waterway from the late 17th Century through the mid-twentieth century. Included are maps showing pre-, during, and post-construction geography of the Chicago River.

100. Sandusky, M.J., R.E. Sparks, and A.A. Paparo. 1979. Investigations of declines in fingernail clam Musculium transversum populations in the Illinois River and Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Bulletin of the American Malacological Union. Pp. 11-15.

This study attempted to identify factors that caused declines in fingernail clams (Musculium transversum) in the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. The effects of un-ionized ammonia and Illinois River water were specifically assessed. Findings indicated that fingernail clams were sensitive to low concentrations of ammonia and may have played a role in their decline along the Mississippi. Illinois River water inhibited ciliary activity.

101. Schneider, D.W. 1996. Enclosing the floodplain: resource conflict on the Illinois River, 1880-1920. Environmental History. 44 pp.

This report summarizes wetland and Illinois bottomland lake use and conflicts between 1880-1920. Land ownership and public use issues during this period are discussed.

34 102. Smith, P.W. 1961. The amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28(1):1- 298.

Characteristics of amphibians and reptiles are outlined along with distribution data from across the state.

103. Smith, P.W. 1979. The fishes of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication, University of Illinois, Urbana. 314 pp.

The first comprehensive work on Illinois fishes since Forbes and Richardson's classic work in 1908, this definitive reference includes information on 199 species of fishes that occur, or did occur, in the state. It places special emphasis on identification, distribution, and changes in both distribution and abundance brought about by man-induced environmental changes. A detailed species account is included.

104. Sparks, R.E. 1984. The role of contaminants in the decline of the Illinois River: implications for the upper Mississippi. Pages 25-66 in J.G. Wiener, R.V. Anderson, and D.R. McConville, eds. Contaminants in the upper Mississippi River: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium. Butterworth Publishers, Stoneham, MA.

This paper defines the degradation of the Illinois River beginning in the early 1900s. The effect of contaminants on the Illinois River ecosystem is featured. The rich historical biological diversity and productivity of bottomland lakes is discussed including data on the commercial fishery. Factors leading to the biological degradation of the river are presented. A short discussion of how the upper Mississippi River could have a similar fate as the Illinois River is also presented.

105. Sparks, R.E. 1992. The Illinois River-floodplain ecosystem. Pages 412-433 in National Research Council. Restoration of aquatic ecosystems: science, technology, and public policy. National Research Council, Commission

35 Geosciences, Environment and Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Provides an overview of the Illinois River ecosystem with brief explanations of the hydrology, biological productivity, history, sedimentation, bottomland lakes, agriculture, and aquatic vegetation. Institutional responsibilities and actions in river restoration are noted along with a discussion of restoration techniques. A short discussion of social and biological constraints on river restoration is included.

106. Sparks, R.E. 1994. Making predictions that change the future: forecasts and alternative visions for the Illinois River. Pages 80-100 in Proceedings, 1993 Governor's Conference on the Management of the Illinois River system. Special Report No. 20, Water Resources Center, Urbana, IL.

A description of the Illinois River floodplain, flood pulse, and hydrology sets the stage for further discussion. Problems associated with navigation dams, sedimentation, water levels, and water quality are presented. The author advocates restoring the Illinois River ecosystem by opening larger areas of the floodplain to natural hydrologic processes such as seasonal flooding. Protecting the river from invasive nonnative species is also covered.

107. Sparks, R.E., P.B. Bayley, S.L. Kohler, and L.L. Osborne. 1990. Disturbance and recovery of large floodplain rivers. Environmental Management 14(5):699-709.

Disturbances in river floodplain systems are discussed with specific disturbances related to the Illinois River and Mississippi River floodplains. Arguments for what constitutes a disturbance and some restoration possibilities are presented.

108. Sparks, R.E., F.C. Bellrose, F.L. Paveglio, Jr., M.J. Sandusky, D.W. Steffeck, and C.M. Thompson. 1979. Fish and wildlife habitat changes resulting from construction of a nine-foot channel on Pools 24, 25, and 26 of the Mississippi River and the lower Illinois River. Prepared for U.S. Army

36 Engineer District, St. Louis. 217 pp.

This report provides a summary on the impacts construction of a nine-foot navigation channel on the middle Mississippi (Pools 24, 25, 26) and the lower Illinois rivers has had on fish and wildlife and their habitats. Discussion on the Illinois River includes declines in phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos populations. Reduced fish and mussel commercial harvests, as a possible result of the navigation channel are also discussed. There were 17 mussel species lost after construction in the Alton Pool of the Illinois River. Poor water quality and degraded habitats were attributed to the declines. Construction of the nine-foot channel initially benefitted waterfowl populations by increasing shallow water areas, but higher sedimentation rates quickly reduced this type of habitat after constriction.

109. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1983. Effects of three commercial harvesting methods on mussel beds. Illinois Natural History Survey, Aquatic Biology Technical Series 1983(10). 44 pp.

Effects on individual mussels and mussel beds of three commercial mussel harvesting methods (braile, dredge, and diving) commonly employed on the upper Mississippi River and its tributaries were investigated. For every mussel taken, the crowfoot bar dislodged 12.4 mussels and damaged none, the basket dredge dislodged 35.3 and damaged 13.8, and the commercial diver dislodged 0.1 and damaged none. Thin-shelled species were most susceptible to damage.

110. Sparks, R.E., K.D. Blodgett, L. Durham, and R. Horner. 1990. Determination whether the causal agent for mussel die-offs in the Mississippi River is of chemical or biological origin. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, II. Final Report ALIENOR/RE-WR-90/09. 30 pp.

The report characterized the bacterial flora associated with mussels that suffered a die-off between 1982-1986 in the Mississippi River and also for mussel

37 populations that did not experience a die-off in the Illinois River. The authors identified 37 types of bacteria of which 7 types were exclusively found in the Mississippi River and 15 types were exclusively found in the Illinois River. Dead and/or dying mussels were found to have higher populations of bacteria than healthy mussels.

111. Sparks, R.E., J.C. Nelson, and Y. Yin. 1998. Naturalization of the flood regime on regulated rivers. BioScience 48(9):706-720.

The authors provide an overview of the hydrological alterations to the upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Included in their discussion are topics dealingwith the natural hydrograph, effects of levees and dams, and the impacts of the 1993 flood on biological communities associated with flooded areas. The authors make some management recommendations to restore a natural hydrograph including seasonal, controlled flooding; controlled draw downs; and using existing navigation dams to naturalize currently altered flows.

112. Sparks, R.E., and W.C. Starrett. 1975. An electrofishing survey of the Illinois River, 1959-1974. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 31(8):317-380.

Researchers sampled 24 sites in the Illinois River from 1959 to 1974 with electrofishing equipment to collect fish population data; collary physical/chemical measurements were also taken. Twenty-one fish species are listed individually with information such as the largest annual catch for each species by number and weight, comments about population trends, and distribution within the river system. Considerable discussion about the historical changes in the Illinois River and its fish populations is included.

113. Stall, J.B., and S.W. Melsted. 1951. The silting of Lake Chautauqua, Havana, Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation No. 8. 15 pp.

This study focuses on the sediment deposition into Lake

38 Chautauqua. A history of Lake Chautauqua is included which describes its brief period as a drainage and levee district followed by its establishment as a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge. The reduction in lake storage capacity, average annual sediment deposition, and total sediment is estimated.

114. Starrett, W.C. 1957. Fishery values of a restored Illinois River bottomland lake. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 50:41-48.

Lake Chautauqua was one of the Illinois River bottomland lakes that was drained for agricultural purposes during the early 1900s. After a flood in 1926, the area was abandoned for agriculture and later became a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge. This paper examines the sport and commercial fishery values of Lake Chautauqua after its restoration.

115. Starrett, W.C. 1971. A survey of the mussels (Unionacea) of the Illinois River: a polluted stream. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 30(5):267-403.

This is a comprehensive study of the past and present abundance, distribution, and diversity of mussel fauna in the Illinois River. Over 4,000 live mussels were collected by various methods at many sites along the entire length of the river. Each species is discussed individually with information on its historical distribution, present population status, commercial use, fish hosts, and pollution tolerance. Color plates to aid in species identification are included. A separate section provides an in-depth account of the history of the river's pollution with many references to previous publications.

116. Starrett, W.C. 1972. Man and the Illinois River. Pages 131-169 in R.T. Oglesby, C.A. Carlson, and J.A. McCann, eds. River ecology and the impact of man. Proceedings, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 20-23 June 1971. Academic Press, New York.

This paper discussed the demand put on the Illinois River by human uses and the impact that these uses have

39 had on the ecosystem. Included is an historical description of the geology and other physical characteristics prior to human use. Starrett then proceeds with a chronological description of early settlement through the establishment of navigation on the river. Changes on fish populations during the early- to mid-1900s are also discussed.

117. Starrett, W.C., and A.W. Fritz. 1965. A biological investigation of the fishes of Lake Chautauqua, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 29(1):1-104.

This paper is based on a 10-year biological investigation of the fishes of Lake Chautauqua. Various types of fishery data were collected from commercial fishermen and creel censusing of sport fishermen. Test-net fishing, electrofishing, minnow seining, and rotenone treatments were also used for data collection. Species, length, weight, and age of the fish specimens; total fish removal; age composition of the catch; fish condition and growth indices; and changes in fish populations were discussed. Water levels are discussed in the context of both waterfowl and fishery management.

118. Starrett, W.C., and P.L. McNeil, Jr. 1952. Sport fishing at Lake Chautauqua, near Havana, Illinois, in 1950 and 1951. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 30. 31 pp.

This publication provides detailed information about the fish populations in Lake Chautauqua in 1950 and 1951. Researchers collected information on the kind and number of fish caught by anglers, fish species abundance, fish size, influence of water level on fishing success, and fishing techniques. Creel censuses were used to collect fish data along with minnow seine hauls in late summer to determine spawning success. Fish habits and fishing techniques for eleven species are provided.

119. Steffeck, D.W., F.L. Paveglio, Jr., F.C. Bellrose, and R.E. Sparks. 1980 Effects of decreasing water depths on the sedimentation rate of Illinois River bottomland lakes.

40 Water Resources Bulletin 16 (3) :553-555.

This article investigates sedimentation rates of floodplain lakes along the Illinois River. Peoria Lake was reported to have higher sedimentation rates in recent times and was attributed to increased sediment loads from row crop production.

120. Stoeckel, J.A., R.E. Sparks, K.D. Blodgett, S.D. Whitney, and P.T. Raibley. 1996. Interbasin dispersal of invading aquatic species. Illinois Natural History Survey Reports No. 341:4,8.

This report discussed the movement of invasive species between the Great Lakes ecosystems and the Illinois River ecosystem. Discussion is focused on the connection between the two systems in the early 1900s to facilitate shipping interests. The movement of zebra mussels is used as an example.

121. Strode, W.S. 1892. Mollusks of Spoon River, Ill. The Nautilus 5(6) :61-63.

Physical features of the Spoon River, a major tributary of the Illinois River, are described including a list of mussel species collected prior to 1891. Commercial musseling in this river is discussed.

122. Strode, W.S. 1892. The Unionidae of Spoon River, Fulton County, Illinois. American Naturalist 15:495-501.

This historic paper includes a description of the Spoon River, a major tributary of the Illinois River, and a listing of the species found there by Strode prior to 1891.

123. Suloway, L. 1981. The unionid (Mollusca: ) fauna of the Kankakee River in Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 105(2) :233-239.

Mollusks at 13 sites in the Kankakee River were surveyed in 1978 to assess present species composition, abundance, and distribution and examine changes that have occurred since surveys in 1906, 1909, 1912, 1953,

41 1955, 1960, and 1976. Species diversity had steadily declined since 1906, most likely due to pollution, over-harvest, and habitat destruction.

124. Suloway, L., and M. Hubbell. 1994. Wetland resources of Illinois: an analysis and atlas. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 15. 88 pp.

Compares presettlement to present-day wetland distribution and amounts. Quadrangle maps and percentages of wetlands by county are presented.

125. Theiling, C.H., R.J. Maher, and R.E. Sparks. 1996. Effects of variable annual hydrology on a river regulated for navigation. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11(1):101- 114.

The water level of the upper Mississippi River is regulated by a series of dams to improve and maintain river navigation. This study investigates the impacts of water level regulation on water quality, plant distribution, and fish communities on three segments of Pool 26.

126. Thomas, R. 1982. Effect of tow traffic on ambient suspended sediment and turbidity levels in the Illinois River. M.S. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 86 pp.

This report investigated suspended solid and turbidity levels after closure of dams on the upper Illinois River. Suspended solids declined after dam closure at all sample sites. However, suspended solid values were significantly higher after tow traffic resumed. Increases in suspended sediments and turbidity were highly correlated and ranged from 2.4-43.8 mg/l for suspended sediments and 5.0-44.6 Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU). There was no significant relation among benthic macroinvertebrate populations in response to tow traffic.

127. Thompson, C.M., and R.E. Sparks. 1977. The Asiatic clam, Corbicula manilensis, in the Illinois River. The Nautilus 91(1):34-36.

42 This is a brief paper describing the collections of the introduced Asiatic clam, Corbicula manilensis, in the Illinois River. The date of introduction and range extension of this species in the Illinois River is discussed.

128. Thompson, D.H. 1931. The fishing industry of Illinois River. Pages 69-72 in Some Economic Problems of the Illinois River Valley, Illinois State Water Survey, Circular No. 12. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931. 72 pp.

A short summary of the commercial fishing industry along the Illinois River. Specific information on the importance of the common carp are discussed.

129. Thompson, D.H. 1933. The migration of Illinois fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 1. 25 pp.

The author conducted a mark-recapture study of several centrarchid and other important species to study fish movements during drought on the Illinois River and other major rivers in Illinois. Data on movements of recaptured individuals are presented.

130. Turner, L.M. 1929. The 1926-27 floods and the Illinois River valley vegetation. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 22:95-97.

A brief description is provided of the impacts of a fall flood (in 1926) on the vegetation community in the Illinois River floodplain. Mortality of shrubs and trees was attributed to sediment deposition and untimely water inundation.

131. Turner, L.M. 1931. Plant succession on levees in the Illinois River valley. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 24(2):94-102.

This article summarizes plant succession on levees constructed on the lower half of the Illinois River. It estimates that climax succession would occur in 50

43 years of construction and goes progressively through each stage. It identifies the climax trees as maples and elms.

132. Turner, L.M. 1936. Ecological studies in the lower Illinois River valley. The Botanical Gazette 97(4):689-727. Originally, 1931. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Chicago.

This dissertation segregates the lower Illinois River valley into four general divisions: upland, bluff, transition region, and floodplain. Ten major plant communities were identified within these divisions. Plant species lists, general soil descriptions, landscape position, and hydrology are noted for each plant community. Hydrarch plant succession is discussed in the descriptions of the floodplain plant communities.

133. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1975. Operation and maintenance of a nine-foot channel in the Illinois Waterway from the junction of the Calumet-Sag Channel and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to the LaGrange Lock and Dam. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 621 pp.

Environmental impact assessment of navigation effects on the Illinois River. Major impacts discussed include the effects of dredging that cause temporary changes in water quality (e.g. increased turbidity, discharge of petroleum products and exhaust), dredge material placement, and influence of dam operations on aquatic habitats. A summary of biological information collected during the impact assessment is also included.

134. Warner, R.E., S.P. Havera, L.M. David, and R.J. Siemers. 1989. Seasonal abundance of waste corn and soybeans in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management. 53(1) :142-148.

This study focused on the amount of waste corn and Ssoybeans in fields and how it relates with tillage practices. In untilled fields the study found that 40 percent of waste corn and 70 percent of waste soybeans had disappeared during the 4-6 weeks from harvest to

44 late fall. The average amount of waste corn in untilled fields in late fall ranged from 60 to 431kg/ha(dry weight) annually, and normally declined about 55 percent through early spring. Waste soybeans ranged between 34 and 63kg/ha annually, and declined about 85 percent by early spring. With erosion and many new agricultural systems pervading the landscapes, resident and migrant wildlife populations will inevitably be affected.

135. Wetzel, M.J., and J.M. Kasprowicz. 1985. Survey of Illinois River mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) downstream of the Franklin Street Bridge (Illinois River Mile 162.2), SBI 8, Peoria and Tazewell counties, Illinois. IDOT Job Number P-94-243-82; Structure Number 090-0026. Final report prepared for Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Location and Environment by Illinois Natural History Survey, Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification, Technical Report 1985(5). 17 pp.

A mussel survey was conducted at a proposed bridge construction site on the Illinois River at Peoria. Two- hundred-twenty-eight individuals representing thirteen species were collected. No endangered species were collected.

136. Wetzel, M.J., J.M. Kasprowicz, K.S. Cummings, W.U. Brigham, and L. Suloway. 1985. Survey of Kankakee river fishes and mussels at Washington Avenue bridge, FAU 6198, U.S. Routes 45 and 52, City of Kankakee, Kankakee County, Illinois. Job Number P-93-055-83; Structure Number 046- 0049. Final report prepared for Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Location and Environment. Illinois Natural History Survey, Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification, Technical Report 1985 (2). Champaign, IL. 21 pp.

Mussel and fish species were surveyed at a proposed bridge replacement project site on the Kankakee River, Illinois, to determine species composition and abundance. Mussel sampling was by wading and hand picking. Seventeen species, 579 individuals, of live mussels were collected during this survey, none of which are considered threatened of endangered. Two

45 species collected, Cyclonaias tuberculata and Ligumis recta, were considered to be on the decline in Illinois and were uncommon.

137. Wilson, C.B., and H.W. Clark. 1912. %The mussel fauna of the Kankakee Basin. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Document 758. 52 pp.

Mussels were sampled at 36 stations on the Kankakee River, Illinois, to investigate their distribution, abundance, and natural history. Thirty-eight mussel species were collected. Limnological data including water depth, temperature, and current speed was recorded at each station. Mussel size, condition, parasite infestations, commercial value, and reproductive periodicity were noted for each species.

138. Yeager, L.E. 1949. Effect of permanent flooding in a river-bottom timber area. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 25(2) :33-65.

This research project determined the rate of flooding mortality on various bottomland tree species and the rate and effect of tree fall. The tolerance of individual tree species to flooding regimes and saturated soils is discussed. A brief discussion concerning plant and animal succession after the death of timber stands is included.

139. Yeager, L.E., and H.G. Anderson. 1944. Some effects of flooding and waterfowl concentration on mammals of a refuge area in central Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 31(1):159-178.

The effects of flooding and waterfowl concentrations on mammals at Lake Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge were investigated. Flooding caused high mortality in woodchucks, but had little effect on minks. Carnivorous mammals utilized the waterfowl in the area as a food source.

140. Yeager, L.E., and R.G. Rennels. 1943. Fur yield and autumn foods of the raccoon in Illinois River bottomlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 7(1):45-60.

46 This report is a summarization of a study conducted on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers and their backwaters near their confluence. Raccoons were studied for fur yields and autumn food habits.

141. Yetter, A.P., S.P. Havera, and C.S. Hine. 1999. Natural-cavity use by nesting wood ducks in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(2):630-638.

This article summarizes information collected on the availability and use of natural cavities by nesting wood ducks. The study was conducted at Sanganois Conservation Area in west central Illinois during 1994 and 1995. The success rate for wood duck nesting was 21.4 percent(3 of 14 nests), and raccoons were the primary predator of wood duck nests. The study concluded that predation rather than nest-site availability limited wood duck production from natural cavities, along with limited numbers of suitable trees due to the flood of 1993.

142. Young, M. 1992. Survey for contaminants in sediments and fish at selected sites on the Illinois River and tributaries. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Rock Island, Illinois. 58 pp.

The author conducted a basin-wide survey of the contaminants found in both sediments and biota. Organochlorine compounds detected in 1989 tended to be highest on the Chicago and Calumet rivers from sediment samples. Similarly, organochlorine compounds in fish bioassays were highest in the Chicago and Calumet rivers, but several compounds were detected in fish from the Des Plaines and lower Illinois rivers.

143. Zawacki, A.A., and G. Hauseater. 1969. Early vegetation of the lower Illinois valley. Illinois State Museum, Reports of Investigations, No. 17. 67 pp.

The authors attempted to identify the vegetation available as food plants during the early-nineteenth century both qualitatively and quantitatively and also tried to provide some spatial reference to the plant communities in the lower Illinois River Valley. Major

47 observations indicated that vegetation found in the nineteenth century was similar to that of the Woodland Period.

144. Zuehls, E.E. 1987. Travel time and dispersion in the Illinois River, Marseilles to Peoria, Illinois. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87- 4106. 29 pp.

This study investigated the travel time of dye between Marseilles Dam and Peoria Dam on the Illinois River to develop a model to predict the dispersion of a solute spilled into the river. They found that dye dispersion was affected not only by water velocities but also by surface winds. Travel times ranged from about 85 hours at highest flow to 175 at lowest flows tested.

48 Annotated Subject Index

(Numbers are paper numbers, not page numbers)

Abiotic 73 Bioassessment 88

Abundance 79 Biographies 50

Aerial Inventories 54 Biological Productivity 105

Agriculture 12, 18, 27, 51, Biomass 94 58, 86, 114, 119, 134 Biotic 73 Alluvion 131 Birds 47 Amphibians 102 Black Crowned Night Heron 31 Aquatic Ecosystems 52 Bottomland 140 Aquatic/terrestrial Transition Zones 71 Bottomland Forest 143, 138

Aquatic Vegetation 11, 19, 26, Breeding 48 68, 48, 95, 104 Bulrush 14, 21 Arthropods 40 Caddisfly 100 Artificial Nest Box 24 Calhoun Point 140 Asiatic Clam 127 Canvasback 53 Atlantic Flyway 28 Carp 2, 8, 42 Bacteria 110 Cattails 14, 21 Bald Eagle 54, 55 Central Flyway 28 Banding 18, 50 Chautauqua National Wildlife Behavior 32, 53 Refuge 16, 139

Benthic Macroinvertebrates 34, Chicago Sanitary and Ship 93 Canal 80

Big Vermilion River 9 Classification 40, 43

Bioassay 142 Commercial Fishing 2, 27, 41,

49 104, 108, 114, 128, 137 Distribution history- amphibians and reptiles Commercial Mussel Harvest 36, 102 45, 46, 108, 109, 115, 121, 123 Disturbance 68, 75, 85, 107

Community Structure 111 Diversion 22, 52

Composition 77 Diversity 48, 58, 88

Condition Indices 117 Diving Ducks 53

Conservation 17, 69, 70 Dominance Index 132

Conservation Tillage 134 Drainage and Levee Districts 12, 22, 42, 49, 51, 65, Conservationists 50 69, 70, 86, 87

Corbicula manilensis 127 Drawdown 13

Corn 134 Drought 25

Crane Lake 19 Duck Island 19

Critical Trends Assessment Duck Gizzards 3 Project 66, 67 Ducks 7, 17 Crustacea 40, 88 Ecology 9, 23, 30, 103 Cuba Island 19 Economics 27, 69, 70, 128 Cyclonaias tuberculata 136 Ecosystem 30, 65, 66, 107 Cylindrical Metal Houses 24 Ecosystem Dynamics 106 Dam Operations 111 Ecosystem Monitoring 67 Degradation 104 Electrofishing 112 Des Plaines River 41, 58, 99 Elevations 70 Development 58, 75, 96, 99, 116 Ellipsaria lineolata 29

Dissolved Oxygen 96 Elm 131

Distribution 9, 98, 127 Endangered Species 29, 72, 88,

50 135, 136 Fish Populations 8, 35 Enhancement 49 Fish Survey 8 Entomology 48 Fish Wintering Habitat 91 Environmental Conditions 66, 67, 81, 84 Flood 25, 69, 70, 74, 85, 130, 138, 139, 141 Environmental Impact 133 Flood Control 12, 87 Erosion 134 Flood Pulse 71, 74, 77, 106, Extirpation 97 107, 111, 125

Fauna 93 Flood Tolerance 138

Fingernail Clams 4, 32 Floodplain 54, 57, 65, 71, 73, 75, 85, 91, 101, 106, Fishes 2, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 107, 111, 131, 143 58, 65, 85, 88, 91, 92, 108, 112, 114, 116, 117, Floodplain Lake 2, 10, 11, 12, 118, 120, 128, 129, 142 22, 26, 27, 42, 68, 78, 77, 86, 89, 92, 93, 95, Fish Abundance 2 101, 104, 105, 114, 132

Fish Behavior 41 Food Web Dynamics 95

Fish Communities 125 Forested Wetland 141

Fish Distribution 43, 58, 103 Freshwater Stream 100

Fish Food Habitats 37 Fur Yield 140

Fish Growth 117 Gear Bias 76

Fish Habitat 43 Geese 17

Fish Harvest 42, 128 Geologic History 26, 51

Fish Identification 103 Geology 69, 70, 77, 87

Fish Management 57 Goby 120

Fish Mortality 85 Grass Carp 120

Fish Movement 129 Great Egret 31

51 Great Blue Heron 31 Invertebrate 85

Habitat 71, 100, 131, 135, 143 Islands 132

Habitat Loss 86 Kankakee River 33, 34, 41, 72, 123, 136, 137 Havana 47 Kaskaskia River 39 Heavy Metal 142 La Grange Pool 52, 56 Heronry 31 Lacustrine 124 History 41, 43, 49, 76, 87, 96, 99, 104, 105, 113, Lake Chautauqua 15, 89 115, 116, 122 Lake Michigan 52 Human Impacts 22, 53, 86, 116 Lake Michigan Diversion 56 Hunter Compliance 7 Lampsilis higginsi 29 Hunters 15 Largemouth Bass 91 Hydrologic Cycle 65 Lead Fishing Sinkers 7 Hydrology 11, 43, 61, 62, 74, 77, 85, 87, 93, 95, 105, Lead Poisoning 5, 6, 7, 16 106, 111, 117, 124, 132, 144 Lead Shot 6, 16

Illinois 9 Legislation 5

Illinois and Michigan Canal 80 Lesser Scaup 53

Illinois River Valley 10, 19, Levees 27, 131, 139 21, 52, 83 Life History Impoundments 66 amphibians/reptiles 102 fish 41 Industrial Sewage 51 mussels 137 zebra mussel 1 Ingested Shot 5 Ligumia recta 136 Insects 47, 48 Live-trap 16 Intraspecific Competition 25 Long Term Ecological Research Invasive Species 1, 106, 120 30

52 Macroinvertebrates 9, 38, 89, 122, 123, 135, 136, 137 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Mussel Habitat 82, 123, 137 Mallard 6, 16 Mussel Mortality 110 Mammals 21, 139 Mussel Density 33, 72, 82, 136 Mammal Populations 139 Mussel Distribution 29, 36, Management 12, 117 39, 46, 72, 82, 115, 121, 122, 123, 135 Maple 131 Mussel Sampling 33 Marsh 12, 14 Natural Cavities 24, 141 Metapopulation 1 Navigation 51, 84, 99, 104, Methods 64, 76, 91, 105, 129 108, 116, 125, 126, 133

Michigan 80 Nest Success 141

Misconceptions 57 Nesting 24

Mississippi River 15, 18, 46, Nitrogen 62 53, 54, 57, 75, 140, 143 Nontoxic Shot 5, 7 Mississippi Flyway 6, 7, 13, 28 Nongame Species 39, 45, 46, 72, 82, 121, 123, 135, Modeling 1, 61 136, 137

Moist-soil Plants 10, 20, 56, North America 17 57 Nutrients 71 Monitoring Methods 66, 81, 112 Oxygen Levels 44 Morphology 121, 122 Pacific Flyway 28 Mortality 109 Paddlefish 37 Mud Flats 56 Pathology 110 Muskrat 12, 14, 21, 25 Peak Density 79 Mussels 9, 29, 33, 34, 36, 39, 44, 45, 46, 72, 82, 88, Pekin Lake 31 98, 108, 109, 110, 115,

53 Peoria 52 Propagation 23

Peoria Lake 96, 97, 98 Protozoa 59, 60

Peoria Pool 56 Public Land 101

Pesticides 55 Public Shooting Areas 13

Phosphorus 62 Quiver Creek 24

Physiology 9, 63 Raccoon 140

Phytoplankton 68, 79 Reclamation 131

Plankton 37, 38, 42, 44, 76, Recovery 107 77, 90, 95 Recreation 69, 70, 114, 118 Plant Associations 47 Refuge 15 Plant Communities 132 Rehabilitation 49 Plant Distribution 125 Reptiles 102 Plant Succession 131 Restoration 22, 49, 61, 62, Plant Species List 132 73, 105, 106, 107

Poisoning 55 Riverine 23, 124

Policy 105 Rotifera 59, 60

Pollution 9, 36, 41, 62, 64, Rudd 120 80, 89, 94, 96, 97, 98, 115, 116, 123, 133, 142 Ruffe 120

Pollution Dispersion 144 Sangamon River 74

Population Trends 35, 38, 41, Sanganois 55 81, 89, 94, 97, 108, 112, 117, 118 Seasonal Distribution 79

Potassium 4 Sediment 2, 8, 32, 44, 85, 89, 95, 126, 130, 142 Predation 24, 139, 141 Sedimentation 22, 26, 34, 51, Presettlement 124 63, 68, 91, 104, 105, 108, 119, 133, 134

54 Sediment Deposition 113 Vegetation 14, 21, 60, 75, 77, 83, 85, 107, 130, 143 Seed Yields 83 Vegetation Mortality 130 Sewage 42, 97, 98 Water Chemistry 142 Shot Ingestion 7 Water Depths 26 Shot-in pellets 7 Water Diversion 80 Site-specific Management 65 Water Quality 4, 35, 41, 42, Soils 132 44, 52, 61, 62, 64, 73, 77, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, Soybeans 134 90, 94, 96, 98, 99, 106, 112, 113, 115, 125, 126, Spawning Habits 92 133, 137, 144

Species Composition 68, 78 Water Levels 25, 42, 52, 91

Spoon River 122 Water Level Fluctuation 10, 11, 21, 63, 68, 119 Sport Fishing 27 Water Level Regulation 125 Steel Shot 6 Waterbirds 50 Submerged Plants 10 Waterfowl 5, 6, 10, 15, 18, Succession 132 27, 28, 38, 56, 57, 63, 83, 139 Survival 109 Waterfowl Breeding Ecology 18 Swans 17 Waterfowl Die-offs 5, 16 Tazewell County 31 Waterfowl Distribution 53 Terrestrial Ecosystem 52 Waterfowl Food Habits 3, 5, Topography 43, 93 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 50

Toxicity 32 Waterfowl Habitat 13, 23, 139

Tree Mortality 138 Waterfowl Harvest 6

Turbidity 2, 2.6, 77, 126, 112 Waterfowl Hunters 13

Urbanization 58 Waterfowl Management 13, 17

55 Waterfowl Migration 18, 53

Waterfowl Nesting 50

Waterfowl Populations 18, 49, 50, 23, 28

Waterfowl Species 17

Waterfowl Survival 53

Watershed 87

Wetlands 17, 26, 28, 49, 50, 58, 61, 62, 66, 73, 101, 124, 141

Wetland Distribution 124

Wetland Habitat 124

Wetland Management 49

Wetland Resources 124

Wildlife 35, 65, 134

Wildlife Management 57

Wildlife Resources 12

Wind 68

Wintering Grounds 15, 28

Wood Duck 23, 24, 141

Wood Duck Breeding Population 24

Zebra Mussel 1, 120

Zooplankton 59, 60, 78, 79, 108

56 Non-annotated Bibliography

1. Adams, C.C. 1910. Recent habitat changes in the Illinois River. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 3:18-19.

2. Anderson, E. 1988. Studies of river otter in Illinois. Pages 37-41 in Proceedings of the Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee. 8-10 March 1988, Peoria, Illinois. 177 pp.

3. Anderson, K.B. 1977. Musculium transversum in the Illinois River and an acute potassium bioassay method for the species. Master's Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 79 pp.

4. Anderson, L.O., and H.G. Anderson. 1946. A report of fish and wildlife resources in relation to the water development plan for the proposed London Mills Reservoir Project, Spoon River, Illinois, Illinois River Subbasin. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 16 pp.

5. Anderson, L.O., J.E. Smoke, W.A. Elkins, and H.G. Anderson. 1946. A report on fish and wildlife resources in relation to the water development plan for the proposed Lake Senachwine Reservoir Project, Illinois River, Illinois. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Chicago, IL. 22 pp.

6. Anderson, R.V. 1999. Baseline survey of fish and macroinvertebrates from the Central Pool, Swan Lake. Initial report prepared for The Wetlands Initiative. Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 22 pp.

7. Anderson, W.L. 1975. Lead poisoning in waterfowl at Rice Lake, Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 39(2):264-270.

8. Anderson, W.L., S.P. Havera, and R.A. Montgomery. 1987. Incidence of ingested shot in waterfowl in the Mississippi Flyway, 1977-1979. Wildlife Society Bulletin 15(2):181-188.

9. Anonymous. 1982. Terrestrial biological inventory, Hillview Drainage and Levee District, Greene and Scott counties, Illinois. Submitted to St. Louis District Corps of Engineers, Earth City, Mo: WAPORA, Inc. 100 pp.

10. Ashburn, T.Q. 1931. Coordination of rail, water, and motor transportation. Pages 13-26 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Illinois State Water Survey Circular

57 No. 12. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931. 72 pp.

11. Baker, F.C. 1926. Changes in the bottom fauna of the Illinois River due to pollutional causes. Ecology 7(2):229-230.

12. Barko, J.W., and D.G. McFarland. 1991. Interactions between sediment and submerged macrophyte growth in riverine systems. Page 23 in Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Vol. 23. La Crosse, WI.

13. Barnes, R.M. 1927. A half day on the Illinois River. The Oologist 44(7):82-86.

14. Barrows, H.H. 1910. Geography of the middle Illinois valley. Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin No. 15. 128 pp.

15. Bartow, E. 1912. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: effect of Chicago sewage on the Illinois River. University of Illinois Bulletin 10(36):30-51.

16. Bellrose, F.C. 1939. American egret nesting along the Illinois River. Auk 56:73-74.

17. Bellrose, F.C. 1939. The American egret in the Illinois River valley. The Audubon Bulletin (30):1-5.

18. Bellrose, F.C. 1941. Unusual water-and shorebirds in the Illinois River Valley. Auk 58:574-576.

19. Bellrose, F.C. 1944. Bald eagles nesting in Illinois. Auk 61(3) :467-468.

20. Bellrose, F.C. 1944. Duck populations and kill. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 23(2):327-372.

21. Bellrose, F.C. 1944. Waterfowl hunting in Illinois: its status and problems. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 17:3-35.

22. Bellrose, F.C. 1945. [Review of] Duck populations and kill, by O.H. Hewitt. Canadian Field-Naturalist 59:50.

23. Bellrose, F.C. 1952. Waterfowl refuges: are they of value? Illinois Wildlife 8(1):4-5.

58 24. Bellrose, F.C. 1954. The value of waterfowl refuges in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 18(2):160-169.

25. Bellrose, F.C. 1967. Establishing certain parameters of hazards to aircraft by migrating birds in the Mississippi Flyway. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Division of Wildlife Research. 74 pp.

26. Bellrose, F.C. 1984. One state's contribution. Pages 342- 346 in A.S. Hawkins, R.C. Hanson, H.K. Nelson, and H.M. Reeves, ed. Flyways: pioneering waterfowl management in North America. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.

27. Bellrose, F.C. 1990. The history of wood duck management. Pages 13-20 in L.H. Fredrickson, G.V. Burger, S.P. Havera, D.A. Graber, R.E. Kirby, and T.S. Taylor, eds. Proceedings of the 1988 North American Wood Duck Symposium, St. Louis, Mo.

28. Bellrose, F.C., and R.D. Crompton. 1970. Migrational behavior of mallards and black ducks as determined from banding. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 30(3):167-234.

29. Bellrose, F.C., T.G. Scott, A.S. Hawkins, and J.B. Low. 1961. Sex ratios and age ratios in North American ducks. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 27(6):391-474.

30. Bellrose, F.C., R.E. Sparks, F.L. Paveglio, Jr., D.W. Steffeck, R.C. Thomas, R.A. Weaver, and D. Moll. 1977. Fish and wildlife habitat changes resulting from the construction of a nine-foot navigation channel in the Illinois Waterway from LaGrange Lock and Dam upstream to Lockport Lock and Dam. Contract Report No. DACW 23-786-C-0066, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 176 pp.

31. Bennett, G.W. 1950. A history of pollution in the Illinois River, 1898-1950. Unpublished report. 28 March 1950.

32. Bennett, G.W. 1958. Aquatic biology. Pages 163-178 in H.B. Mills, G.C. Decker, H.H. Ross, J.C. Carter, G.W. Bennett, T.G. Scott, J.S. Ayars, R.R. Warrick, and B.B. East, eds. A century of biological research. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 27(2):85-234.

33. Bertrand, B.A., and D. Sallee. 1992. Results and analysis of fish monitoring by the Department of Conservation at seven locations on the Upper Illinois Waterway. Streams Program, Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Conservation. 43 pp.

59 34. Best, E.P.H., W.A. Boyd, and W.F. James. 2000. Simulation of potential persistence of sago pondweed and American wild celery in Peoria Lake, Illinois, using recent and historical data on light availability and suspended sediments. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 62:167-168.

35. Bhowmik, N.G. 1978. Lake shore protection against wind-generated waves. Water Resources Bulletin 14(5):1064-1079.

36. Bhowmik, N.G., J.R. Adams, R.V. Anderson, R.A. Cahill, M. Demissie, D.L. Gross, J.E. King, K.S. Lubinski, P.G. Risser, R. E. Sparks, and W.W. Wendland. 1985. Long-term ecological research on Illinois rivers. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 78(3-4) :247-261.

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38. Bjorklund, R.G. 1975. On the death of a Midwestern heronry. Wilson Bulletin 87(2):284-287.

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41. Blem, C.R., and L.B. Blem. 1975. Density, biomass, and energetics of the bird and small mammal populations of an Illinois deciduous forest. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 68(2):156-164.

42. Blodgett, K.D. 1983. Distribution of toxicity in sediments of the Illinois Waterway. M.S. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 74 pp.

43. Blodgett, K.D., R.E. Sparks, A.A. Paparo, R.A. Cahill, and R.V. Anderson. 1984. Distribution of toxicity in the sediments of the Illinois Waterway. Pages 293-308 in W. Blake-Coleman, (ed). Proceedings of the Conference: Urban effects on water quality and quantity. Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, IL.

44. Bluett, R.D., E.A. Anderson G.F. Hubert, Jr., G.W. Kruse, and S.E. Lauzon. 1999. Reintroduction and status of the river

60 otter (Lutra canadensis) in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 92(1/2):69-78.

45. Bogart, E.L. 1931. Economic history of the Illinois River valley. Pages 7-12 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Illinois State Water Survey, Circular No. 12. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931.

46. Bohlen, H.D. 1978. An annotated check-list of the birds of Illinois. Illinois State Museum of Popular Science Series, Vol IX. 154 pp.

47. Boruff, C.S. 1930. Illinois River studies 1929-1930. Illinois State Water Survey Circular No. 9. 8 pp.

48. Boruff, C.S. 1931. Pollution studies of Illinois River. Pages 52-59 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Illinois State Water Survey, Circular No. 12. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931.

49. Boruff, C.S., and A.M. Buswell. 1929. Illinois River studies, 1925-1928. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 28. 127 pp.

50. Bradford, R.F. 1931. A few remarks on conservation in the Illinois River valley. Pages 64-68 in Some Economic Problems of the Illinois River Valley, Illinois State Water Survey, Circular No. 12, papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Peoria, Illinois, 8 May, 1931. 72 pp.

51. Broeren, S.M., and M.G. Bender. 1989. 1988 drought: effects on flows in Illinois rivers and surface water supply levels. Pages 21-28 in Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association Illinois Section Annual Conference, Peoria, IL. October 2, 1989.

52. Brown, L.E., and G.B. Rose. 1988. Distribution, habitat and calling season of the Illinois chorus frog along the lower Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 132. 13 pp.

53. Brown, L.G., and L.E. Yeager. 1943. Survey of the Illinois fur resources. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 22(6) :435-504.

61 54. Burwell, R.W. 1963. Fish and wildlife as related to water quality of the Illinois River basin. A special report on fish and wildlife resources, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Minneapolis, MN. 100 pp.

55. Buswell, A.M. 1931. Some problems in flood control. Pages 41-51 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Illinois State Water Survey Circular No. 12. Papers presented before the Economic Section of the Illinois Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931.

56. Butts, T.A. 1974. Measurements of sediment oxygen demand characteristics of the Upper Illinois Waterway. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation No. 76. 32 pp.

57. Butts, T.A. 1975. Nitrification effects on the dissolved oxygen resources of the Illinois waterway. Pages 38-43 in Water-1974: II. Municipal wastewater treatment, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series #145. American Institute of Chemical Engineers 71.

58. Butts, T.A. 1992. Impacts of commercial navigation on water quality in the Illinois River channel. Illinois State Water Survey Research Report 122. 104 pp.

59. Butts, T.A., R.L. Evans, and S. Lin. 1975. Water quality features of the upper Illinois Waterway. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation No. 79. 60 pp.

60. Cahill, R.A., and A.D. Autrey. 1987. Measurement of 210 Pb, 137 Cs, organic carbon and trace elements in sediments of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 110(1):197-205.

61. Cahill, R.A., and J.D. Steele. 1986. Inorganic composition and sedimentation rates of backwater lakes associated with the Illinois River. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, State Geological Survey Division, Environmental Geology Notes 115., Champaign. 61 pp.

62. Cahn, A.R. 1937. The turtles of Illinois. Illinois Biological Monograph 16(1/2):1-218.

63. Cave, E. 1918. Down at Grand Island by proxy. Outer's Book-Recreation, March. Pp. 205-212.

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62 on the Illinois Waterway of an increase in Lake Michigan diversion at Chicago, Illinois. Unbound report. 49 pp.

65. Colbert, B.K., J.E. Scott, J.H. Johnson, and R.C. Solomon. 1975. Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation pools 24, 25, & 26, upper Mississippi and lower Illinois rivers, an aquatic analysis. USACOE Technical Report Y-75-2. Environmental Effects Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. 137 pp.

66. Colten, C. 1987. Harvesting the river: a history of a river and its resources. The Living Museum 49(2/3):30-32.

67. Colten, C.E. 1988. Voices from the river, Part I. The "river rats." The Living Museum 50(3):42-44.

68. Colten, C.E. 1992. Illinois River pollution control, 1900-1970. Pages 193-214 in Larry M. Dilsaver and Craig E. Colten, eds. The American environment. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

69. Committee on Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Science, Technology, and Public Policy; Water Science and Technology Board; Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources; and National Research Council. 1992. Restoration of aquatic ecosystems: science, technology, and public policy. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 552 pp.

70. Craig, W. 1898. On the fishes of the Illinois River system at Havana, Ill. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Champaign.

71. Curtis, G.W. 1986. Sources of climatologic, hydrologic, and hydraulic information in the Illinois River basin, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. U.S. Geological Survey Open Report 85-629. U.S. Department of the Interior, Champaign, IL. 113 pp.

72. Dahl, T.E. 1990. Wetlands: losses in the United States, 1780s to 1980s. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D.C. 21 pp.

73. Dahl, T.E., and C.E. Johnson. 1991. Status and trends of wetlands in the conterminous United States, mid-1970s to mid- 1980s. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 28 pp.

74. Dahlgren, R.B. 1988. Human disturbances to migrating and wintering waterfowl: an annotated bibliography. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, La Crosse, WI. 112 pp.

63 75. Dahlgren, R.B., and C.E. Korschgen. 1992. Human disturbances of waterfowl: an annotated bibliography. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., Resources Publication 188. 62 pp.

76. Day, D., B. Bertrand, E. Walsh, D. Dufford, A.W. Fritz, and R.V. Anderson. 1995. Illinois commercial fishing data, a longterm data set for trend analysis. Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium 27:38-39.

77. Department of Commerce and Labor Bureau of the Census. 1911. Notes on 1908 fish census of U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 9 pp.

78. Department of Registration and Education 1931. Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, IL. 8 May, 1931.

79. Dillon, F. 1988. Habitat use and movement of channel catfish in the Illinois River and effects of barge traffic. Pages 17-28 in Proceedings of the Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee. 8-10 March 1988, Peoria, Illinois. 177 pp.

80. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology. 1992. Compilation and annotation of physical, chemical, and biological data pertaining to the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Lower Des Plaines River, and Upper Illinois River 1980-1991. EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Deerfield, IL. Main Report. 179 pp.

81. Eddy, S. 1934. A study of fresh-water plankton communities. University of Illinois Bulletin 31(45):1-93.

82. Eddy, S., and P.H. Simer. 1929. Notes on the food of the paddlefish and the plankton of its habitat. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 21:59-68.

83. Edwards, D. 1969. Some effects of siltation upon aquatic macrophyte vegetation in rivers. Hydrobiologia 34:29-37.

84. Ellis, M.M. 1931. Some factors affecting the replacement of the commercial fresh-water mussels. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, Fisheries Circular No. 7. 10 pp.

85. Emge, W.P., H.H. Allen, G.H. Hughes, G.S. Wilhelm, and J.H.

64 Zimmerman. 1974. Environmental inventory and assessment, Illinois waterway 12-foot channel navigation project. Miscellaneous paper Y-74-1. U.S. Army Engineer District, Chicago, IL and U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 407 pp.

86. Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. 1982. Terrestrial biological inventory Hartwell Drainage and Levee District, Greene County, Illinois. Final report. Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. 82 pp.

87. Esarey, D. 1988. An archaeological survey of the Illinois River from Naples to the Peoria Lock and Dam. Illinois State Museum Quaternary Studies Center, Technical Report 88-460-10. 55 pp.

88. Fawver, B.J. 1947. Bird populations of an Illinois floodplain forest. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 40:178-189.

89. Fawver, B.J. 1947. The bird and mammal population of an Illinois floodplain forest. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Champaign. 51 pp.

90. Fitzpatrick, F.A., B.C. Scudder, J. K. Crawford, A.R. Schmidt, and J.B. Sieverling. 1995. Water-quality assessment of the Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin: major and trace elements in water, sediment, and biota, 1978-90. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4045. 254 pp.

91. Forbes, S.A. The condition of the Illinois River as affected by the discharge of sewage from the Chicago Drainage Canal, with special reference to fish life, Appendix to the report of the Sanitary District's Commission on sewage disposal and water power. 39 pp.

92. Forbes, S.A. 1878. On the food of Illinois fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 1(2):71-89.

93. Forbes, S.A. 1878. The food of Illinois fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 2(5):71-86.

94. Forbes, S.A. 1888. On the food relations of fresh-water fishes: a summary and discussion. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 2(8):475-538.

95. Forbes, S.A. 1888. Studies of the food of fresh-water fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 2(7):433-473.

65 96. Forbes, S.A. 1903. On the food of young fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey 1(3):67-69.

97. Forbes, S.A. 1907. On the local distribution of certain Illinois fishes: an essay in statistical ecology. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 7(8):273-303.

98. Forbes, S.A. 1909. On the general and interior distribution of Illinois fishes. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 8(3):381-437.

99. Forbes, S.A. 1914. Fresh water fishes and their ecology. Illinois State Laboratory Natural History. 19 pp.

100. Forbes, S.A. 1925. The lake as a microcosm. (Reprint of a paper originally presented in 1887). Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 15(9):537-550.

101. Forbes, S.A. 1928. The biological survey of a river system-its objects, methods, and results. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 17(7):277-284.

102. Forbes, S.A. 1928. The effects of stream pollution on fishes and their food. State of Illinois, Department of Registration and Education, Natural History Survey Division. 13 pp.

103. Fredrickson, L.H. 1996. Moist-soil management, 30 years of field experimentation. Proceedings of the 7th International Waterfowl Symposium 7:168-177.

104. Fredrickson, L.H., G.V. Burger, S.P. Havera, D.A. Graber, R.E. Kirby, and T.S. Taylor, (eds.). 1990. Proceedings of the 1988 North American Wood Duck Symposium, St. Louis, MO. 390 pp.

105. Friends of Our Native Landscape. 1921. Proposed park areas in the state of Illinois. Friends of Our Native Landscape, Chicago, IL. 120 pp.

106. Fritz, A.W. 1988. 1987 Illinois mussel shell harvest. Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Fisheries, Carlyle, Illinois. 10 pp.

107. George, H.G. 1924. The plant succession of the floodplain of the Mississippi River with special reference to the pioneer state. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. 91 pp.

108. Georgi, M.M., and S.P. Havera. 1996. Illinois waterfowl

66 surveys and investigations. Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Illinois. W-43-R-44. 110 pp.

109. Georgi, M.M., and S.P. Havera. 1997. Illinois waterfowl surveys and investigations. Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Illinois. W-43-R-45. 113 pp.

110. Gigstead, G. 1938. Wood ducks in the Illinois River bottoms. Pages 603-609 in Transactions of the Third North American Wildlife Conference, Baltimore, MD.

111. Gill, C.J. 1970. Flooding tolerance of woody species-a review. Forestry Abstracts 31:671-688.

112. Goff, C.C. 1952. Floodplain animal communities. American Midland Naturalist 47:478-486.

113. Graber, J.W., R.R. Graber, and E.L. Kirk. 1978. Illinois birds: Ciconiiformes. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 109. 79 pp.

114. Graber, R.R., and J.W. Graber. 1963. A comparative study of bird populations in Illinois, 1906-1909 and 1956-1958. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28(3):332-528.

115. Greeley, S.A. 1931. Illinois River sanitation. Pages 60-63 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Illinois State Water Survey, Circular NO. 12. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois, 8 May 1931. 72 pp.

116. Greenfield, R.E. 1925. Comparison of chemical and bacteriological examinations made on the Illinois River during a season of low and a season of high water-1923-1924. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 20:9-33.

117. Hajic, E.R. 1990. Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution, depositional subsystems, and stratigraphy in the lower Illinois River valley and adjacent central Mississippi River valley. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. 301 pp.

118. Hanson, H.C. 1997. The giant Canada goose. Revised ed. Southern Illinois Unviersity Press, Carbondale. 252 pp.

119. Hanson, H.C., and R.H. Smith. 1950. Canada geese of the Mississippi Flyway with special reference to an Illinois flock. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 25(3):67-210.

67 120. Harman, J.A. 1931. Some problems in flood control. Pages 41-51 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River valley. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Circular No. 12. 72 pp.

121. Harrison, W., E.T. Kucera, C. Tome, L.S. Van Loon, and A. Van Luik. 1981. Chemistry of bottom sediments from the Cal-Sag Channel and the Des Plaines and Illinois River between Joliet and Havana, Illinois. Argonne National Laboratory, Energy and Environmental Systems Division, U.S. Department of Energy. Contract No. W-31-109-Eng-38. 59 pp.

122. Hatton, W. 1988. Back in those days: 1902-1935. A.D. McCoy, 2010 Highwood, Pekin, IL 61554. 201 pp.

123. Havera, S.P. 1983. Life expectancy of the Illinois River lakes. Pages 20-21 in Peoria Lake: A question of survival. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Peoria. 32 pp.

124. Havera, S.P. 1985. Sedimentation and the Illinois River valley. Pages 42-43 in J. Kinsella, (ed). Tri-State No-Till Conference, Champaign, IL. 19 February 1985.

125. Havera, S.P. 1987. The historic Illinois-once changed, always changed. Pages 155-164 in Management of the Illinois River system: the 1990s and beyond. University of Illinois Water Resources Center Special Report No. 16, Urbana, IL.

126. Havera, S.P. 1987. Life in and around the Illinois River. Illinois Resources. January, 1987. P. 4.

127. Havera, S.P. 1988. The future of the Illinois River system. Illinois Resources. January, 1988. P. 2.

128. Havera, S.P. 1988. Resources inventory for the Illinois Waterway. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Rock Island, IL. 41 pp.

129. Havera, S.P., L.L. Anderson, C.S. Hine, and M.M. Georgi. 1996. Lower region waterfowl component of the habitat rehabilitation and enhancement program (HREP) UMRS-EMP Report to Congress. Report to USACOE (Report to Congress). 23 pp.

130. Havera, S.P., L.R. Boens, M.M. Georgi, and R.T. Shealy. 1992. Human disturbance of waterfowl on Keokuk Pool, Mississippi River. Wildlife Society Bulletin 20(3):290-298.

68 131. Havera, S.P., and M.M. Georgi. 1993. Waterfowl surveys and investigations. Annual report to Illinois Department of Conservation. W-43-R. 111 pp.

132. Havera, S.P., and M.M. Georgi. 1994. Waterfowl surveys and investigations. Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Illinois. W-43-R. 121 pp.

133. Havera, S.P., and M.M. Georgi. 1995. Waterfowl surveys and investigations. Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Illinois. W-43-R-43. 115 pp.

134. Havera, S.P., and G.W. Kruse. 1986. Integration of data sets pertaining to bald eagles and waterfowl populations. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, ILENR/RE-EH-86/07. 72 pp.

135. Havera, S.P., and K.E. Roat. 1989. Forbes Biological Station: the past and the promise. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 10. 24 pp.

136. Havera, S.P., M.J. Sandusky, and M.M. Georgi. 1983. Proposed effects of increased Lake Michigan diversion on the terrestrial habitat of the Illinois River valley. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 133 pp.

137. Havera, S.P., L.B. Suloway, S. Baum, J. Hofmann, D. Keene, M. Morris, A. Nugteren, T. Shaffer, S. Simon, J. Taft, and P. Malmborg. 1994. Wetlands. Pages 87-152 in The Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project, Vol. 3: Ecological Resources. Department of Energy and Natural Resources.

138. Havera, S.P., L.B. Suloway, and J.E. Hofmann. 1997. Wetlands in the Midwest with special reference to Illinois. Pages 88-104 in M.W. Schwartz, (ed). Conservation of Highly Fragmented Landscapes. Chapman and Hall, New York.

139. Hawkins, A.S., and F.C. Bellrose. 1939. The duck flight and kill along the Illinois River during the fall of 1938. American Wildlife 28 (4):178-186.

140. Hawkins, A.S., and F.C. Bellrose. 1941. Wood duck habitat management in Illinois. Transactions of the 5th North American Wildlife Conference. Pp. 392-395.

141. Hawkins, A.S. F.C. Bellrose, and H.G. Anderson. 1939. The waterfowl research program in Illinois. Illinois Natural

69 History Survey Biological Notes 1,2. 16 pp.

142. Hay, R.C., and J.B. Small. 1976. History of channel improvement in an Illinois watershed. Presented at the 1976 winter meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Chicago, IL, 14-17 December 1976. 12 pp.

143. Heidinger, R.C. 1989. Fishes in the Illinois portion of the upper Des Plaines River. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 82 (1/2):85-96.

144. Heidinger, R.C., E.J. Hansen, and R.C. Brooks. 1994. Illinois River sauger and walleye project. Annual Performance Report to the Illinois Department of Conservation, project number F-85-R-5. 107 pp.

145. Herget, J.E. 1978. Taming the environment: the drainage district in Illinois. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 71(2):107-118.

146. Herndon, W., Jr. 1981. Re-establishment of a later freshwater marsh at Spring Lake, Tazewell Illinois. 46 pp.

147. Hight, E.S. 1931. Electricity in the Illinois River valley. Pages 27-33 in Some economic problems of the Illinois River Valley. Papers presented before the Economics Section of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Peoria, Illinois. May 8, 1931. Illinois State WaterSurvey Circular No. 12. 72 pp.

148. Hill, T.E., and R.L. Evans. 1978. Macroinvertebrate communities in the Illinois Waterway. Illinois State Water Survey. Draft. 27 pp.

149. Hoffmeister, D.F., and C.O. Mohr. 1972. Fieldbook of Illinois mammals. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 233 pp.

150. Hubert, G.F., Jr. 1979. Illinois' little known million dollar industry: wild furs. Illinois Department of Conservation, presented at Illinois Chapter, The Wildlife Society. 29 pp.

151. Illinois Department of Conservation. 1966. Inventory of the fishes of four river basins in Illinois in 1965. Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Fisheries, Special Report No. 13.

152. Illinois Department of Conservation. 1978. Illinois Natural Areas Inventory. Illinois methods and results (Volume I- J. White). 426 pp. Information system (Volume II-C. C. Corbin).

70 Illinois Department of Conservation, Springfield. 13 pp.

153. Illinois Department of Conservation. 1986. Action for the nineties...and beyond. Volume 1: A strategic plan for -Illinois fisheries resources. Fy' 90-94. Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Fisheries, Springfield. 21 pp.

154. Illinois Department of Conservation. 1989. Division of Fisheries FY'89 annual summary reports. Illinois Department of Conservation. 49 pp.

155. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1994. The changing Illinois environment: critical trends. Volume 3: ecological resources. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. ILENR/RE-EA-94/50. 242 pp.

156. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1994. The changing Illinois environment: critical trends. Technical report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. Volume 7: bibliography. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. ILENR/RE-EA-94/05(7). 250 pp.

157. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1994. The changing Illinois environment: critical trends. Summary report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. ILENR/RE-EA-94/05(SR). 89 pp. Summary volume of the 8 volume set.

158. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1994. Governor's workshop on the great flood of 1993: long term approaches to the management of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers including lessons learned and information gaps. Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield. 80 pp.

159. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 1996. Illinois land cover, an atlas. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. IDNR/EEA-96/05. 158 pp.

160. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 1997. Headwaters area assessment, volume 2. Water resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources of Realty and Environmental Planning with assistance from The Nature of Illinois Foundation. 74 pp.

161. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 1998. Big rivers area assessment, volume 3. Living resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources of Realty and Environmental

71 Planning with assistance from The Nature of Illinois Foundation. 182 pp.

162. Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings. 1962. Meandered lakes in Illinois. Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Waterways. 76 pp.

163. Illinois Department of Transportation. 1987. Illinois River Basin Action Plan. Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, Water Resources Special Report No. 11. 189 pp.

164. Illinois Division of Waterways. 1969. Report for recreational development: Illinois River backwater areas. Illinois Division of Waterways, Springfield. 100 pp.

165. Illinois River Strategy Team. 1997. Integrated management plan for the Illinois River Watershed. Technical report of the Illinois River Strategy Team. 61 pp.

166. Illinois State Planning Commission. 1939. Report on the upper Illinois River basin in Illinois. Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, State of Illinois. 56 pp. 167. Illinois State Planning Commission. 1940. Report on the lower Illinois River basin. Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, State of Illinois. 87 pp.

168. Illinois State Water Plan Task Force. 1987. Illinois River Action Plan: Special Report No. 11 of the Illinois State Water Plan Task Force. Illinois Division of Water Resources, Department of Transportation, Springfield. 189 pp.

169. Illinois State Water Survey. 1913. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1912. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 10. 198 pp.

170. Illinois State Water Survey. 1914. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1913. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 11. 478 pp.

171. Illinois State Water Survey. 1916. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1914. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 12. 261 pp.

72 172. Illinois State Water Survey. 1916. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1915. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 13. 381 pp.

173. Illinois State Water Survey. 1917. Chemical and biological survey of the water of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1916. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 14. 190 pp.

174. Illinois State Water Survey. 1918. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for year ending December 31, 1917. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 15. 133 pp.

175. Illinois State Water Survey. 1920. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois, report for years 1918 and 1919. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin No. 16. 280 pp. 176. Illinois Tax Commission. 1941. Drainage district organization and finance, 1879-1937. State of Illinois, Springfield. 213 pp. Chapter one only. Scope of drainage district problem in Illinois. 73 pp.

177. Iverson, L.R. 1991. Forest resources of Illinois: what do we have and what are they doing for us? Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 34(4):361-374.

178. Johnson, J.H. 1976. Effects of tow traffic on the resuspension of sediments and on dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Illinois and Upper Mississippi Rivers under normal pool conditions. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, MO. Final Reoport. 169 pp.

179. Johnson, W.W. 1969. The resident mammal and bird populations of a sand prairie and forest near Bath, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Pp. 234-239.

180. Jordan, D.S. 1878. A catalogue of the fishes of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 2(4):37-70.

181. Karaki, S., and J. VanHoften. 1974. Resuspension of bed material and wave effects on the Illinois and Upper Mississippi rivers caused by boat traffic. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, MO. 31 pp.

182. Karr, J.R., L.A. Toth, and Daniel R. Dudley. 1985. Fish

73 communities of midwestern rivers: a history of degradation. Bioscience 35(2):90-95.

183. Kendeigh, S.C. 1972. The flooding pattern in Illinois stream bottomlands, has it changed since primitive time? Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Pp. 86-93.

184. Kenow, K.P., and T. Howe. 1979. Moist soil vegetation study, Meredosia NWR 1979. 39 pp.

185. Kimble, F. 1934. Duck shooting in the old days. Pages 133-144 in William C. Hazelton, ed. Supreme duck shooting stories. William C. Hazelton, Chicago, IL. 160 pp.

186. Knight, S.K. 1999. Wave-height predictive techniques for commercial tows on the Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway System. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Environmental Report 15. 54 pp.

187. Koel, T.M., R.E. Sparks, K.D. Blodgett, and S.D. Whitney. 1997. The long-term Illinois River fish population monitoring program. Annual report for F-101-R-8. Illinois Natural History Survey, Center for Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 97/14. 35 pp.

188. Kofoid, C.A. 1898. Plankton studies. II. On Pleodorina illinoisensis, a new species from the plankton of the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 5(5):273-293.

189. Kofoid, C.A. 1899. Plankton studies, III. On Platydorina, a new genus of the family Volvocidae, from the plankton of the Illinois River, Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 5(9) :419-440.

190. Korschgen, C.E. 1989. Riverine and deepwater habitats for diving ducks. Pages 157-180 in L.M. Smith, R.L. Pederson, and R.M. Kaminski, ed. Habitat management for migrating and wintering waterfowl in North America. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.

191. Kothandaraman, V., R.A. Sinclair, and R.L. Evans. 1981. Water chemistry of the Illinois Waterway. Illinois State Water Survey Circular 147. 23 pp.

192. Lawrence, J.S. 1987. Population ecology of giant Canada

74 geese in west-central Illinois. Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 190 pp.

193. Lawrence, J.S., G.A. Perkins, D.D. Thornburg, R.A. Williamson, and W.D. Klimstra. 1997. Molt migration of giant Canada geese from west-central Illinois. Proceedings of the 1991 International Canada Goose Symposium, Milwaukee, WI.

194. Lawrence, J.S., T.C. Tacha, D.D. Thornburg, R.A. Williamson, and W.D. Klimstra. 1997. Survival rates and harvest distribution of giant Canada geese from west-central Illinois. Proceedings of the 1991 International Canada Goose symposium, Milwaukee, WI.

195. Leach, N. 1938. Travels in early Illinois. A bibliography of the writings before 1865. 15 pp.

196. Lee, M.T., J.B. Stall, and T.A. Butts. 1976. The 1975 sediment survey of Lake Meredosia, Meredosia, Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, Illinois. 34 pp.

197. Lerczak, T.V. 1995. Fish community changes in the Illinois River, 1962-1994. American Currents, a publication of the North American Native Fishes Association (summer 1995 issue). Pp. 2-6.

198. Lerczak, T.V. 1995. The gizzard shad in nature's economy. Illinois Audubon, Summer. Pp. 18-21.

199. Lerczak, T.V. 1996. Illinois River fish communities: 1960s vs. 1990s. Illinois Natural History Survey Reports No. 339. 6 pp.

200. Lerczak, T.V. 1997. Eagle watching at Lake Chautauqua in winter. Meadowlark 6(3):104-105.

201. Lerczak, T.V. 1997. The eagle. Illinois Audubon, Winter. Pp. 5-7.

202. Lerczak, T.V. 1998. Timeless scenes along a Midwestern river. The Bluebird 65(4):16-20.

203. Lerczak, T.V. 1999. A portrait of the swallows of Illinois. Illinois Audubon, Summer. P. 9-14.

204. Lerczak, T.V. 2000. The red-headed woodpecker in Illinois. Illinois Audubon, Fall. Pp. 16-20.

75 205. Lerczak, T.V., and R.E. Sparks. 1995. Fish populations in the Illinois River. Pages 239-241 in National Biological Service National Status and Trends Report. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 530 pp.

206. Lerczak, T.V., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett. 1992. The Long-term Illinois River Fish Population Monitoring Program. Illinois Natural History Survey, Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 92/9. Annual Report. 51 pp.

207. Lerczak, T.V., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett. 1993. The Long-term Illinois River Fish Population Monitoring Program. Illinois Natural History Survey, Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 93/3. Annual Report, F-101-R-4. 76 pp.

208. Lerczak, T.V., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett. 1995. The Long-Term Illinois River Fish Population Monitoring Program. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 95/4. 50 pp.

209. Lerczak, T.V., R.E. Sparks, and K.D. Blodgett. 1996. The Long-term Illinois River Fish Population Monitoring Program. Annual report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, F-101-R-7, Illinois Natural History Survey, Center for Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 96/2. 38 pp.

210. Lin, S., and R.L. Evans. 1974. An analysis of coliform bacteria in the upper Illinois Waterway. Water Resources Bulletin 10(6):1198-1217.

211. Lin, S.D., and R.L. Evans. 1980. Coliforms and fecal streptococcus in the Illinois River at Peoria, 1971-1976. Report of Investigation 93, Illinois State Water Survey. 32 pp.

212. Lubinski, K.S., and S.D. Jackson. 1985. Age structure and growth of carp populations in the Illinois and upper Mississippi rivers. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Biology Technical Report 1985(7), Champaign. Final Report, Project 3-383-R. 47 pp.

213. Lubinski, K.S., S.D. Jackson, and B.N. Hartsfield. 1984. Age structure and analysis of carp populations in the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Biology Technical Report 1984(9), Champaign. Progress Report, F3-383-R1. 28 pp.

214. Lubinski, K.S., and H.H. Seagle, Jr. 1980. Information summary of the physical, chemical, and biological effects of

76 navigation. Submitted to Environmental Sub-Team Master Plan Force, Upper Mississippi River Basin Comm. 90 pp.

215. Lubinski, K.S., R.E. Sparks, and L.A. Jahn. 1974. The development of toxicity indices for assessing the quality of the Illinois River. Water Resources Research Report No. 96, Water Resources Center, Champaign, IL. 46 pp.

216. Martin, A.C., and F.M. Uhler. 1939. Food of some ducks in the United States and Canada. U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin No. 634. 156 pp.

217. Mathis, B.J., and T.F. Cummings. 1971. Distribution of selected metals in bottom sediments, water, clams, tubificid annelids, and fishes of the middle Illinois River. Research Report No. 41, University of Illinois Water Resources Center, Urbana. 45 pp.

218. Mathis, B.J., and T.F. Cummings. 1973. Selected metals in sediments, water, and biota in the Illinois River. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation 45:1573-1583.

219. Mathis, B.J., J.Z. Taylor, and S.A. Myers. 1969. Primary productivity in an Illinois River flood plain lake. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 62:362-371.

220. Miller, B.A., M. Demissie, and N.G. Bhowmik. 1985. Assessment of sediment problems in Peoria Lake, Illinois. Proceedings, ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, Hydraulics and hydrology in the small computer age. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 12-17 August. Pp. 921-926.

221. Miller, H.J. 1945. Report on a trip to Illinois to observe waterfowl habitat and management practices on the river bottom lands. Illinois Department of Conservation, Game Division Report No. 886. 8 pp.

222. Miller, R.B. 1931. A few remarks on conservation in the Illinois River valley. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 24:587-591.

223. Mohlman, F.W. 1941. Report on the flushing experiment authorized by the United States Supreme Court. The Sanitary District of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 46 pp.

224. Mohr, C.O. 1943. Illinois furbearer distribution and income. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 22(6):504-537.

77 225. Moll, D. 1977. Ecological investigations of turtles in a polluted ecosystem: the central Illinois River and adjacent flood plain lakes. Illinois State University Ph.D. Thesis. Normal, Ill. 194 pp.

226. Moy, P.B., and R.E. Sparks. 1991. Value of mussel beds to sport fisheries. Final Report. Illinois Department of Conservation Project F-80-R. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 91/17. 160 pp.

227. Munch, Gus. 1919. Illinois duck chatter. Outer's Book- Recreation 60(3) :147-149.

228. Nelson, J.C., A. Redmond, and R.E. Sparks. 1995. Impacts of settlement on floodplain vegetation at the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Originally in Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 87(3/4):117-133. Reprinted by the National Biological Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI, July 1995. LTRMP 95-R004. 17 pp.

229. Nelson, J.C., and R.E. Sparks. 1998. Forest compositional change at the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 81(1/2) :33-46.

230. Nickles, C.R., and T.J. Pokrefke, Jr. 2000. Definitions, boundary delineations, measurements of attributes, and analysis of the hydraulic classification of aquatic areas, Upper Mississippi River System. U.S. Army Engineer District, Rock Island District, St. Louis District, and St. Paul District. ENV Report 27. 88 pp.

231. Paloumpis, A.A. 1953. The bottom faunas of Lake Chautauqua and Quiver Lake near Havana Illinois, 1952 and 1953. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Illinois State University, Normal, IL. 133 pp.

232. Patterson, J.W., S.J. Sedita, B. Sawyer, D.R. Zenz, and C. Lue-Hing. 1992. Comprehensive water quality evaluation summary report for the period of 1989 through 1991. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development Department. Report No. 92-25. 151 pp.

233. Peitzmeier-Romano, S., K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1991. Long Term Resource Monitoring: program summary of vegetation sampling for selected transects of the La Grange Pool, Illinois River, 1990. Annual Report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center,

78 Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 91/18. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. 30 pp.

234. Peitzmeier-Romano, S., K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1992. Summary of vegetation sampling for selected transects of La Grange Pool, Illinois River 1990. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. Long Term Resource Monitoring Program Special Report 92-S007. 34 pp. 235. Peitzmeier-Romano, S., R.E. Sparks, K.D. Blodgett, and Barry E. Newman. 1992. The impact of grazing and turbidity on Vallisneria americana in two floodplain lakes of the Illinois River. Page 11-12 in Abstracts of the First Annual Field Station Meeting, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. 14-15 April. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. 16 pp.

236. Perkins, G.A., and W.D. Klimstra. 1984. Productivity of giant Canada geese in west-central Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 77(1/2):113-125.

237. Perkins, G.H. 1875. The vegetation of the Illinois lowlands. American Naturalist 9:385-393.

238. Polls, I., S.J. Sedita, B. Sawyer, D.R. Zenz, and C. Lue-Hing. 1991. Comprehensive evaluation of water quality distribution of benthic invertebrate species in the Chicago Waterway System during April and June 1991. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development Department, Report No. 91-48. 143 pp.

239. Polls, I., S.J. Sedita, D.R. Zenz, and C. Lue-Hing. 1985. Illinois waterway water quality survey from the Lockport Lock and Dam to the Peoria Lock and Dam 1977 and 1983. The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, Department of Research and Development. Report No. 85-14. 237 pp.

240. Proceedings. 1987. Management of the Illinois River system: the 1990s and beyond. A Governor's Conference, Peoria, IL. 254 pp.

241. Proceedings. 1989. Second conference on the management of the Illinois River system: the 1990s and beyond. Peoria, IL. 199 pp.

242. Proceedings. 1991. 1991 Governor's conference on the management of the Illinois River system. Third Biennial

79 Conference, Peoria, IL. 166 pp.

243. Proceedings. 1993. 1993 Governor's conference on the management of the Illinois River system. Fourth Biennial Conference, Peoria, IL. 195 pp.

244. Proceedings. 1995. 1995 Governor's conference on the management of the Illinois River system. Fifth Biennial Conference, Peoria, IL. 197 pp.

245. Proceedings. 1997. 1997 Governor's conference on the management of the Illinois River system. Sixth Biennial Conference, Peoria, IL. 186 pp.

246. Proceedings. 1999. 1999 Governor's conference on the management of the Illinois River system: the Illinois River: responsible management for the new millennium. Seventh Biennial Conference, Peoria, IL. 182 pp.

247. Raibley, P.T. 1992. The importance of side channels as fish habitat in La Grange Pool, Illinois River. Page 13 in Abstracts of the First Annual Field Station Meeting, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. 14-15 April. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. 16 pp.

248. Raibley, P.T., K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1995. Evidence of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) reproduction in the Illinois and upper Mississippi rivers. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10(1):65-74.

249. Raibley, P.T., Harvey, J.R., and K.D. Blodgett. 1992. LTRMP fisheries parameters for La Grange Pool, Illinois River, 1990. Annual report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 91/19. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. 48 pp.

250. Raibley, P.T., Harvey, J.R., and K.D. Blodgett. 1992. Summary of Fisheries Sampling Long Term Resource Monitoring Program at Selected Habitat Sites on La Grange Pool, Illinois River 23 July through 23 November, 1990. Annual Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. Center for Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 91/19. Illinois National History Survey. 48 pp.

251. Raibley, P.T., K.S. Irons, T.M. O'Hara, K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1997. Winter habitats used by largemouth bass in

80 the Illinois River, a large river-floodplain ecosystem. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:401-412.

252. Raibley, P.T., T.M. O'Hara, K.S. Irons, K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1996. Mark and recapture studies and angling impacts on largemouth bass in La Grange and Peoria Reaches of the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey, Center for Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 96/1. 37 pp.

253. Rapport, D.J., and W.G. Whitford. 1999. How ecosystems respond to stress. BioScience 49(3):193-203.

254. Redmond, A.S., and J.C. Nelson. 1994. Observations of submersed aquatic vegetation in three backwater lakes of the lower Illinois River before and after the 1993 flood. Pages 17-19 in National Biological Service, Illinois Natural History Survey, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, 1993 flood observations. Special Report 94-SO11, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Environmental Management Technical Center.

255. Reese, M.C., and K.S. Lubinski. 1983. A survey and annotated checklist of late summer aquatic and floodplain vascular flora, middle and lower Pool 26, Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Castanea 48:305-316.

256. Richardson, R.E. 1904. A review of the sunfishes of the current genera Apomotis, Lepomis, and Eupomotis, with particular reference to the species found in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 7(3):27-35.

257. Richardson, R.E. 1913. Observations on the breeding of the European carp in the vicinity of Havana, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 9(7):387-404.

258. Richardson, R.E. 1925. Changes in the small bottom fauna of Peoria lake, 1920 to 1922. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 15(5):327-388.

259. Ries, D.T., and F.G. Werner. 1946. Check list of the birds of Starved Rock State Park and surrounding territory. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 39:135-142.

260. Riley, T. 1996. A river of change: Illinois' first people. The Illinois Steward 5(3):12-17.

261. Rodgers, S., T. Blackburn, D. Dieterman, H. Langrehr, J.

81 Nelson, and S. Romano-Pietzmeyer. 1998. 1991 Annual Status Report: A summary of aquatic vegetation monitoring at selected locations in Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26 and La Grange Pool of the Upper Mississippi River System. Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. 26 pp.

262. Rodgers, S., T. Blackburn, K. Kruse, H. Langrehr, J. Nelson, and A. Spink. 1998. 1993 Annual Status Report: A summary of aquatic vegetation monitoring at selected locations in Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26 and La Grange Pool of the Upper Mississippi River System. Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. 27 pp.

263. Rodgers, S., T. Blackburn, H. Langrehr, J. Nelson, and S. Romano-Pietzmeyer. 1998. 1992 Annual Status Report: A summary of aquatic vegetation monitoring at selected locations in Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26 and La Grange Pool of the Upper Mississippi River System. Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI. 31 pp.

264. Roelle, J.E., D.B. Hamilton, and R.L. Johnson. 1988. Refuge management analyses: restoration of Thompson Lake as an alternative to further development at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Ecology Research Center, Fort Collins, Co. NERC-88/12. 65 pp.

265. Rogers, T.D.F. 1961. Notice of survey report for flood control and allied water uses in the Illinois River Basin, Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, North Central Division, Chicago, Illinois. 9 pp.

266. Romano, S.P., B.E. Newman, K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1991. Habitat restoration: the prospect of Vallisneria americana re-establishment in backwater areas of the Illinois River. Page 63 in Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Vol. 23. La Crosse, WI.

267. Roseboom, D.P., R.M. Twait, and T.E. Hill. 1992. Physical characteristics of sediment and habitat affecting aquatic plant distribution in the upper Mississippi River systems: FY 1990. Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, IL. Special Report 92-S011. 85 pp.

268. Ross, P.E., R.E. Sparks, and F.S. Dillon. 1990. Identification of toxic substances in the upper Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey, Annual Progress Report, ENR Contract No. WR36. 20 pp.

82 269. Ryder, K. 1995. Chicago waterways history. Environmental and Social Analysis Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago, IL. 16 pp.

270. Sanderson, G.C., ed. 1977. Management of migratory shore and upland game birds in North America. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D.C. 358 pp. 271. Sanderson, G.C., F.C. Bellrose, and G.V. Burger. 1979. Wetland habitat in Illinois. Pages 101-118 in Proceedings of the Governor's Wildlife habitat Conference, Springfield, IL.

272. Sauer, C.O. 1916. Geography of the Upper Illinois Valley and history of development. Illinois State Geological Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana. 208 pp.

273. Schneider, D.W. 1996. Enclosing the floodplain: resource conflict on the Illinois River, 1880-1920. Environmental History 1(2) :1-27.

274. Schneider, D.W. 2000. Backwater lakes: history shows their value to Illinois. Wetland Matters Newsletter of the Wetlands Initiative 5(1):1-11.

275. Schwegman, J.E. 1991. Aquatic and wetland plants of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 34(4):401.

276. Seagle, H.H., Jr., J.C. Hutton, and K.S. Lubinski. 1982. A comparison of benthic invertebrate community composition in the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, Pool 26. Illinois Natural History Survey Reprint Series No. R800. 19 pp.

277. Seno, W.J. 1985. Up country. Round River Publishing Co., Madison, Wisconsin. 241 pp.

278. Simons, D.B., Y.H. Chen, P.F. Lagasse, and S.A. Schumm. 1976. A summary of the river environment. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Twin Cities, MN. 78 pp.

279. Singh, K.P., and J.B. Stall. 1973. The 7-day 10-year flows of Illinois streams. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 57, Urbana. 24 pp.

280. Smith, F. 1895. Notes on species of North American Oligochaeta. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 4(8) :285-297.

83 281. Smith, F. 1897. Notes on species of North American Oligochaeta. II. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 4(14) :396-413.

282. Smith, F. 1900. Notes on species of North American Oligochaeta. III. List of species found in Illinois, and descriptions of Illinois Tubificidae. Illinois Natural History Survey 5(10):441-458.

283. Smith, J.L. 1921. Marsh lands and drainage projects of Illinois. Pages 77-85 in The Friends of Our Native Landscape. Proposed park areas in the State of Illinois: a report with recommendations. The Friends of Our Native Landscape. Chicago, IL.

284. Smith, M., T. Brandt, and J. Stone. 1995. Effect of soil texture and microtopography on germination and seedling growth in Boltonia decurrens (Asteraceae), a threatened floodplain species. Wetlands 15(4):392-396.

285. Sparks, R.E. 1992. The Illinois river-floodplain ecosystem. Pages 412-432 in Maurizi, Susan and Florence Poillon, eds. Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems, National Academy Press. Washington D.C.

286. Sparks, R.E. 1975. Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation Pools 24, 25, and 26, upper Mississippi and lower Illinois rivers. An electrofishing survey of the Illinois River. Water Resources Special Report No. 5, Water Resources Center, Champaign, IL. 122 pp. First edition December 1975, second edition June 1977.

287. Sparks, R.E. 1975. Possible biological impacts of wave wash and resuspension of sediments caused by boat traffic in the Illinois River. Appendix J of Supplemental Environmental Statement, Volume III, Biological Appendices-. Locks and Dams No. 26 (replacement), Upper Mississippi River Basin, Mississippi River-Alton, Illinois, Missouri and Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, Missouri. 23 pp.

288. Sparks, R.E. 1977. Aquatic biology research needs of the Illinois River. Pages 141-151 in P.C. Welch, (ed). Future Problems and Water Resources Research Needs of the Illinois River System. Illinois Water Resources Center Special Report No. 6. University of Illinois.

289. Sparks, R.E. 1977. Effects of sediment on aquatic life.

84 Illinois Natural History Survey, Havana, IL. 22 pp.

290. Sparks, R.E. 1977. (2 edn.) Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation Pools 24, 25, and 26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers. University of Illinois, Water Resources Center, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Special Report No. 5. 82 pp. + tables. (First edition was published by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station as Contract Report Y-75-4, dated December 1975.)

291. Sparks, R.E. 1979. The impacts of farming on important wetland resources and water quality. The Agriculture Committee, Conservation and Credit Subcommittee, and the Science and Technology Committee, Natural Resources and Environment Subcommittee. 6 pp.

292. Sparks, R.E. 1984. Ecological structure and function of major rivers in Illinois: "large river LTER". Illinois Natural History Survey, Aquatic Biology Section Technical Report 1984(8). 78 pp.

293. Sparks, R.E. 1985. Ecological structure and function of major rivers in Illinois: "large river LTER". Illinois Natural History Survey, Aquatic Biology Section Technical Series 1985(6). 102 pp.

294. Sparks, R.E. 1987. The large rivers of Illinois: studying the past, managing the present, creating the future. The Illinois River series, part VI. Illinois Resources 5(11):3-5.

295. Sparks, R.E. 1992. Navigation dams and their environmental effects. Illinois Natural History Survey Report No. 315. 3 pp.

296. Sparks, R.E. 1992. Risks of altering the hydrologic regime of large rivers. Pages 119-152 in J. Cairns, Jr., B.R. Niederlehner, and D.R. Orvos, eds. Predicting ecosystem risk. Advances in modern environmental toxicology. Volume XX. Princeton Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. Princeton, N.J. 347 pp.

297. Sparks, R.E., Subcommittee on Rivers and Streams. 1992. Rivers and Streams. Pages 165-151 in National Research Council. Restoration of aquatic ecosystems: science, technology, and public policy. National Research Council, Commission Geosciences, Environment and Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

85 298. Sparks, R.E. 1993. A compilation of reports and recommendations regarding levee districts, fish and wildlife values of floodplains, and previous floods on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Unpublished. Prepared September 10, 1993 and updated December 21, 1993. 6 pp.

299. Sparks, R.E. 1993. Fisheries and the flood of '93. Fisheries 18(12):18-19.

300. Sparks, R.E. 1995. Maintaining and restoring the ecological integrity of the Mississippi River: importance of floodplains and floodpulses. Pages 90-97 in Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

301. Sparks, R.E. 1995. Need for ecosystem management of large rivers and their floodplains. BioScience 45(3):168-182.

302. Sparks, R.E., J.R. Adams, R. Anderson, P. Bayley, N. Bhowmik, R. Cahill, M. Demissie, J. Grubaugh, S. Kohler, and L. Osborne. 1990. Ecological structure and function of the major rivers in Illinois. NSF BSR 86-12107, Final Report. Technical Report 90/6. Illinois Natural History Survey. 33 pp.

303. Sparks, R.E, F.C. Bellrose, F.L. Paveglio, Jr., M.J. Sandusky, D.W. Steffeck, and C.M. Thompson. 1978. Comparison of fish and wildlife habitat along the lower 80 miles of the Illinois River and Pools No. 24, 25, and 26 on the Mississippi River from before to after construction of the pools. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, Missouri. 208 pp.

304. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1983. Effects of three commercial harvesting methods on mussel beds. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Biology Technical Series 1983 (10). 44 pp.

305. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1983. Toxicity of sediments in the Illinois Waterway: implications for the proposed increase in diversion of Lake Michigan water into the Illinois Waterway. Project Completion Report for the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, Chicago Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, STIL-TRWRTOXSED39483. 19 pp.

306. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1985. Effects of fleeting on mussels. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Biology Section Technical Report 1985(8). 94 pp.

307. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1990. Electrofishing

86 survey on the Illinois River. Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 90/16. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. 167 pp.

308. Sparks, R.E., and K.D. Blodgett. 1991. Long-term Illinois River fish population monitoring program. Annual Report, F-101-R2. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 91/10. University of Illinois, Champaign. 106 pp. 309. Sparks, R.E., K.D. Blodgett, and F.S. Dillon. 1991. Ammonia in the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Report No. 312. 3 pp.

310. Sparks, R.E., J.B. Braden, M. Demissie, P. Mitra, D.W. Schneider, D.C. White, and R. Xia. 2000. Technical support of public decisions to restore floodplain ecosystems: a status report on the Illinois River Project, USA. Pages 225-247 in A.J.M. Smits, P.H. Nienhuis, and R.S.E.W. Leuven, eds. New Approaches to River Management, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.

311. Sparks, R.E., and F.S. Dillon. 1993. Illinois River fingernail clam toxicity study. Illinois Natural History Survey Center for Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 93/5. Final report to Illinois Department of Conservation. F-94-R. 62 pp.

312. Sparks, R.E., F.S. Dillon, and J.L. Arnold. 1993. Illinois River fingernail clam study. Final Report. Illinois Department of Conservation Federal Aid Project F-79-R. Illinois Natural History Survey, Center for Aquatic Ecology, Technical Report 93/5. 45 pp.

313. Sparks, R.E., and T.V. Lerczak. 1993. Recent trends in the Illinois River indicated by fish populations. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Ecology Technical Report 93/16. Submitted as part of the Flowing Water Ecosystems Section in the Critical Trends Assessment Project CTA1. 34 pp.

314. Sparks, R.E., J.C. Nelson, and Y. Yin. 1998. Naturalization of the flood regime in regulated rivers. BioScience 48(9) :706-720.

315. Sparks, R.E., P.E. Ross, and F.S. Dillon. 1992. Identification of toxic substances in the upper Illinois River. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources Report No. RE-WR-92/07. 72 pp.

316. Sparks, R.E., P.E. Ross, and F.S. Dillon. 1993.

87 Identification of toxic substances in the upper Illinois River. Final Report to Illinois Department of Energy and natural Resources, Springfield. ILENR/RE-WR-92/07. 59 pp.

317. Sparks, R.E., and M.J. Sandusky. 1981. Identification of factors responsible for decreased production of fish food organisms in the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Final Report, Project No. 3-291-R, United States Department of the Interior, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service. 63 pp.

318. Sparks, R.E., and M.J. Sandusky. 1983. Identification of the water quality factors which prevent fingernail clams from recolonizing the Illinois River, phase III. Water Resources Center Research Report 179, Water Resource Center, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. 55 pp.

319. Sparks, R.E., M.J. Sandusky, and A.A. Paparo. 1981. Identification of the water quality factors which prevent fingernail clams from recolonizing the Illinois River, Phase II. Water Resources Center, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign. Research Report 157. 52 pp.

320. Sparks, R.E., M.J. Sandusky, and A.A. Paparo. 1983. Identification of the water quality factors which prevent fingernail clams from recolonizing the Illinois River, Phase III. Water Resources Center Research Report, University of Illinois. 53 pp.

321. Stall, J.B., and S.W. Melsted. 1951. The silting of Lake Chautauqua. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation No. 8. 15 pp.

322. Starrett, W.C. 1965. Length-weight relationship data for 11 species of fish in Lake Chautauqua, supplementary tables for a biological investigation of fishes of Lake Chautauqua, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, IL. 10 pp.

323. Starrett, W.C. 1970. A partial list of references to the Illinois River, Illinois: prepared for the Illinois River Technical Committee. 27 pp.

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92 nine-foot channel in the upper Mississippi River, Minnesota River, St. Croix River, Illinois Waterway. U.S. Army Engineer District, Chicago, Rock Island, and St. Paul.

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94 Part. I text. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Public Health Service Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. 157 pp.

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95 394. Wang, W.-C., and D.J. Brabec. 1969. Nature of turbidity in the Illinois River. Journal American Water Works Association 61(9) :460-464.

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402. Wetzel, M.J., and J.M. Kasprowicz. 1985. Survey of Illinois River mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) downstream of the Franklin Street Bridge (Illinois River Mile 162.2), SBI 8, Peoria and Tazewell Counties, Illinois. IDOT Job Number P-94-243-82; Structure Number 090-0026. Final report prepared for Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Location and Environment by Illinois Natural History Survey, Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification, Technical Report 1985(5). 17 pp.

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96 Department of Conservation, Springfield. 426 pp.

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97 415. Zogorski, J.S., S.F. Blanchard, R.D. Romack, and F.A. Fitzpatrick. 1990. Availability and suitability of municipal wastewater information for use in a national water-quality assessment: a case study of the upper Illinois River basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Open-File Report 90-375, U.S. Geological Survey, Urbana, IL. 68 pp.

98 Non-Annotated Subject Index

(Numbers are paper numbers, not page numbers.)

Aerial Foraging 203 Aquatic Systems 328

Agriculture 26, 103, 125, 142, Aquatic Vegetation Monitoring 143, 155, 156, 157, 163, 261, 262 165, 166, 167, 168, 176, 227, 228, 253, 260, 291, Aquifer 397 298, 314, 329, 334, 351, 353, 373, 398 Archeology 87, 168

Aircraft 25, 74, 75 Arsenic 37

Alimentary Organs 94 Assessment 312

Alton Pool 389 Bacteria 116, 210, 239

Ammonia 33, 57, 268, 309, 311, Bald Eagle 19, 134, 200, 201, 315, 316, 317, 384, 385, 202, 266 386 Bank Stabilization 35 Animal Communities 112 Bank Swallow 203 Annotated Checklist (aquatic vegetation) 255 Banner Marsh 380

Aquatic Biology Research 288 Barge Traffic 178, 344

Aquatic Ecology 32 Barges 79, 162, 186, 306, 354

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Barn Swallow 203 297 Beardstown 227, 408 Aquatic Habitats 85, 264, 303, 367, 400, 401 Beech-maple 177

Aquatic Insects 203, 315 Benthic Organisms 65, 238, 258, 276, 384, 385, 386 Aquatic Plants 12, 68, 83, 258, 276, 384, 385, 386 122, 169, 221, 233, 234, Bibliography 71, 74, 75, 80, 248, 254, 255, 261, 262, 102, 156, 195, 267, 298, 267, 275, 289, 296, 303, 323, 382, 415 367, 410

Aquatic Populations 389 Bighead Carp 355

99 Bioassay 43, 215, 312, 316, Buffalofish 325 317 Calcium 170, 305 Biodiversity 177, 301 Calumet River 15 Bioindicator 215 Canada Goose 119 Biological Control 356 Canvasbacks 130 Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 384, 385, 414 Carbon Dioxide 177

Biological Survey 101 Carp 6, 212, 213, 256, 315, 325, 356 Biology 80 Catch Rate 208 Biomass 41 Catfish 79, 325, 354 Biota 328 Channelization 142 Bird Checklist 259 Chautauqua Lake 123, 124, 225, Bird Populations 41, 88, 114 231, 264, 321, 322

Birds 25, 46, 89, 103, 113, Chautauqua National Wildlife 114, 198, 259, 323 Refuge 23, 200, 202

Birdwatching 13 Chemicals 60, 61, 116

Black-crowned Night Heron 39 Chicago 15, 68, 370, 407

Black Duck 28 Chicago Drainage Canal 91

Boat Traffic 287 Chicago River 15

Boating 35, 74, 75 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 13, 80, 232, 238, Bottom Fauna 11, 231 271

Bottomland 164, 227 Chicago Waterway 269

Bottomland Forest 345 Classification Key 189

Bottomland Lake Productivity Cliff Swallow 203 219 Climate 71, 114, 157, 387, 397

100 Cohort 332 Development 143, 272, 351

Coliform 210, 211 Discharge 71, 91, 395, 396

Commercial Fishing 76, 77, 78, Disease 171, 172 106, 120, 222, 303, 325, 334, 348, 367 Dispersal 300, 332

Commercial Mussel Harvest 304 Dissolved Oxygen 47, 49, 57, 80, 178, 210, 223, 315, Community 328, 360 346, 384, 385, 386 Disturbance 38, 229, 252, 299 Competition 92, 94, 203, 357 Diversion 64, 68, 116, 125, Conductivity 6, 170 136, 168, 223, 305, 363, 365, 366, 368, 374 Conservation 50 Diving Ducks 68, 190 Conservation Tillage 398 Downstream Effects 363 Contaminants 15, 239 Drainage 142, 166, 167 Crane Lake 23 Drainage Basin 288 Crop Residue 398 Drainage and Levee Districts Cultured Pearl Industry 304, 51, 125, 145, 176, 274, 405 283, 296, 298, 314, 329, 351, 352, 353, 373, 390, Dam 294, 295. 393

Decoys 63 Dredging 65, 85, 376, 377, 379

Decurrent False Aster 284 Drought 12, 87

Deepwater Habitat 190, 404 Duck Age Ratios 29

Density 41 Duck Bag Limit 22

Deposition 117 Duck Island 17

Depue Lake 61 Duck Mortality 29

Design 35 Duck Regulations 22

Des Plaines River 15, 362 Duck Sex Ratios 29

101 Ducks 216, 227 Endemic Species 284

Du Page River 15 Energy Use 155

Ecological Assessment 400, 401 Environment 156, 370, 375

Ecological Integrity 300 Environmental Contaminant 78, 120 Ecological Niche 203 Environmental Impact 65, 85, Ecological Structure 292, 293, 390 302 Environmental Impact Statement Ecology 36, 100, 162, 198 367

Economic Development 334 Environmental Inventory 290

Economics 45, 50, 76, 147, Environmental Planning 408 156, 165, 168, 176, 224, 310, 329, 330, 373, 406 Erosion 35, 117, 155, 156, 163, 272, 289, 291, 326, Ecosystem 253, 285 391

Ecosystem Management 253, 301 Estuarine 404

Ecosystem Restoration 253 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 203

Ecosystem Stress 253 European Carp 257

Education 165 Exotic Species 197, 248, 331, 355, 357 Effluent 395, 396, 415 Extirpation 182 Egrets 16, 17, 18, 38, 39, 40, 113 Fathead Minnow 15

Electricity 147 Federal Land 159, 339

Electrofishing 33, 197, 199, Fertility 155 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 286, 290, 307, 308 Fertilizer 172

Emiquon National Wildlife Field Survey 384, 385 Refuge 390 Filters 35 Endangered Species 44, 85, 375, 402 Fingernail Clams 3, 43, 130,

102 238, 268, 305, 309, 311, 249, 294, 299 312, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320 Fishermen 325

Fire 204 Fishes 4, 32, 65, 66, 70, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, Fish Classification 95, 180 144, 151, 153, 154, 180, 206, 207, 212, 213, 217, Fish Communities 182, 197, 199 218, 248, 250, 251, 252, 257, 296, 298, 299, 301, Fish Culture 92 307, 322, 323, 342, 346, 354, 384, 385, 386, 395, Fish Disease 209, 347 396, 411

Fish Distribution 95, 98 Fishing 74, 75, 122, 273

Fish Fauna 182 Fleeting 306 Fish Food Habits 82, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 102, 317 Flood 55, 71, 298, 299, 301, 363, 397 Fish Growth 349. Flood Control 55, 265, 373 Fish Habitat 142, 247 Flood of 1993 158, 229, 254, Fish Hatcheries 50, 154 383

Fish Management 76, 153, 154, Flood Pulse 295, 299, 300, 349 301, 314, 343

Fish Movement 79 Flooding 4, 5, 40, 78, 111, 120, 122, 163, 183, 296, Fish Population Monitoring 343 187, 206, 207, 208, 209, 250, 286, 307, 308 Floodplain 41, 89, 107, 112, 145, 164, 201, 228, 229, Fish Populations 33, 54, 77, 230, 251,. 264, 284, 296, 151, 187, 197, 199, 205, 297, 298, 299, 301, 310, 208, 209, 303, 313, 324, 323, 341, 343, 351, 352, 350 360, 363, 389, 411

Fish Production 317, 349 Floodplain Forest 88, 201, 204, 359 Fish Removal 146 Floodplain Grasslands 359 Fish Sampling 205 Floodplain Lake 6, 17, 61, Fisheries 78, 120, 153, 154, 123, 124, 219, 227, 235,

103 254, 255, 266, 271, 274, 327, 343, 361 Grain 177

Floodplain Management 383 Grand Island 63

Floodplain Restoration 310 Grass Carp 248

Fluvial Geomorphology 117 Grasses 359

Fluviatile Lakes 17 Gravel 35

Forest 13, 41, 89, 111, 155, Grazing 235 157, 177, 360, 404 Great Blue Herons 39 Fossil Fuel 155, 157 Greene County 9 Fox River 15 Groundwater 157, 166, 167, 397 Fur Industry 53, 150, 224 Habitat 1, 30, 34, 79, 114, Future 127 145, 341, 345, 358, 361, 369, 374, 402 Game Farms 50 Habitat Diversity 301 Geography 14, 272 Habitat Inventory 9, 86 Geology 14, 117, 125, 360, 387, 407, 408, 409 Habitat Rehabilitation 129, 342, 381 Geomorphology 278 Habitat Restoration 266, 372 Germination 284 Hartwell Drainage and Levee Giant Canada Goose 118, 192, District 86 193, 194, 236 Havana 68, 70, 281, 326, 408 GIS 339 Hazard 25 Gizzard Shad 198, 200, 202 Headwaters 160 Glacial Lakes Region 21 Heavy Metals 90, 121, 156 Goose Lake 202 Herons 18, 38, 39, 40, 113 Governor's Conference 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, History 1, 14, 77, 87, 122, 246 125, 135, 171, 260, 272,

104 294, 298, 335, 336, 337, 244, 245, 246 351, 353, 384, 385, 386, Illinois River Sanitation 115 393 Illinois River Side Channels Horseshoe Lake 19, 23 247

Human Disturbance 74, 75, 130, Illinois River Valley 17, 18, 190, 288 22, 45, 66

Hunting 50, 74, 75, 185, 216, Illinois Waterway 128, 362, 273, 336 363 Hunting Clubs 21, 23, 50, 63, Impoundments 154, 155, 297, 78, 120, 141, 222, 227 358 Hydraulic Classification 230 Industrial Waste 49, 125, 223, 415 Hydric Plant Zones 359 Ingested Shot 8 Hydrology 51, 64, 71, 85, 103, 125, 146, 229, 278, 285, Interpretation 97 296, 300, 310, 334, 363, 387, 397, 411 Invasive Species 331, 332 Hypoxia 334 Inventory 389 Identification 189, 312 Invertebrates 6, 68, 102, 226, 282, 306, 318, 38 319, 342, Illinois 343

Illinois Bird Checklist 46 Kankakee River 15, 283

Illinois Chorus Frog 52 Keokuk Pool 130

Illinois Natural Area La Grange Lock 370 Inventory 152 La Grange Pool 30, 58, 123, Illinois Natural History 124, 233, 234, 247, 249, Survey 19, .135 250, 252, 261, 262, 263, 372, 373, 376, 380 Illinois River Basin 370 Lakes 35, 81, 100, 155, 157 Illinois River History 47, 67, 162 68, 126, 195 Lake Onalaska 12 Illinois River Management 165, 240, 241, 242, 243, Lake Michigan 64, 363, 370

105 Lake Senachwine 5, 349 Macroinvertebrates 148, 311, . 312 Lampreys 324 Macrophyte 267 Land Alterations 117 Mallards 24, 28, 141, 227 Land Cover 159, 339 Mammals 41, 89, 149, 341 Land Use 329, 330, 339, 382, 397 Management 127, 184, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, Landscape Evolution 117 246, 295, 296, 314, 375, 378, 380 Large Rivers 292, 293, 294, 302 Manito 392

Largemouth Bass 251, 252 Market Hunting 185

Larvae 332 Marsh 283

Lead 37, 305 Mason County 392

Lead Poisoning 7, 8, 134, 323 Mast 204

Legislation 145, 291, 393 Meredosia Lake 61, 196, 271

Length-weight Relationship Metals 37, 217, 218, 239, 305 Data 322 Methods 15 Lesser Scaup 130, 315 Migration 53, 323 Levees 38, 66 Migratory Shorebirds 270 Lifestyle 155 Mineral Transport 191 Light 34 Minnesota River 367 Lima Lake 283 Mississippi Flyway 8, 25 Limnology 323 Mississippi River 12, 19, 21, Lock and Dam Maintenance 65 26, 60, 65, 81, 84, 105, 171, 228, 255, 266, 267, Logging 228 276, 286, 290, 294, 295, 299, 300, 303, 314, 317, Long Term Resource Monitoring 325, 341, 355, 358, 367, Program 249, 250 369, 381, 382, 383, 391, 406

106 Navigation Channel 30, 85, Missouri River 314 125, 230, 367

Mixed-species Foraging Flock Navigation Effects 58, 278, 203 287, 303, 367, 369, 376, 378 Moist-soil Management 103, 146 Nest Success 412, 413 Moist-soil Plants 83, 184, 221, 275, 296 Nitrification 57

Mollusks 11, 84 Nitrogen 12, 312, 384, 385, 386 Molt Migration 192, 193 Northern Rough-winged Swallow Monitoring 15, 199, 263, 313, 203 317, 333, 342, 414 Nutrient Transport 191 Municipal Water Supply 175 Nutrition 103 Mussel Harvest 106 Oak-hickory 177 Mussels 11, 68, 84, 90, 106, 122, 217, 218, 226, 304, Oligochaeta 280, 281, 282 306, 334, 357, 358, 402, 405, 406, 411 Omnivorous 92

National Wetland Inventory 72, Organic Carbon 60 73 Organism 328 Native Americans 87, 260, 277 Oxygen 33, 56, 177 Natural Areas 152, 403 Natural Resources 66, 126, Oxygen Demand 56 160, 161 Paddlefish 82 Natural Tree Cavity 412, 413 Palustrine 404 Naturalist 63 Parameter 25 Nature Preserves 159, 339 Parasites 324 Navigation 10, 30, 168, 178, 181, 214, 228, 288, 294, Peat 392 295, 306, 314, 334, 341, 344, 354, 377, 378, 379, Peoria 68, 211, 252, 326, 408, 393 410

107 Peoria Lake 24, 34, 51, 61, Precipitation 383 68, 123, 124, 185, 220, 225, 258, 271, 338, 361, Presettlement 228, 229, 260, 370, 374, 375 277

Peoria Pool 364 Presettlement Wetland 345

Phosphates 338 Private Land 273

Photography 63 Productivity 101, 285

Phytoplankton 12 Property Taxes 329

Pileated Woodpecker 412, 413 Public Health 414

Plankton 65, 81, 82, 188, 384, Public Land 273 385, 386 Purple Martin 203 Plants 90, 107, 229, 382 Quiver Creek 392 Pleodorina 188 Quiver Lake 231, 271 Policy 69, 273, 299 Raccoons 53 Pollution 11, 13, 15, 31, 48, 49, 55, 61, 68, 78, 102, Radioactivity 173 120, 125, 155, 157, 166, 167, 168, 171, 172, 205, Reclamation 5 210, 211, 215, 217, 218, 225, 269, 285, 288, 291, Recolonization 318, 319, 320 294, 313, 315, 323, 325, 399,. 415 Recreation 63, 74, 75, 105, Ponds 100 153, 163, 164, 200, 201, 202, 222, 297, 326, 390 Pool Regulation 65 Recruitment 332 Populations 89, 179, 328 Recycling 155 Pore Water 316 Red-headed Woodpecker 204 Potassium 3, 169, 170 Refuges 24, 50, 75, 222 Power Plants 333 Rehabilitation 146, 294, 380 Prairie 155, 266 Reintroduction 44

108 Reservoirs 388 Sand Prairie 179

Resistance 312 Sangamon River 170, 183

Resource Inventory 128 Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area 201 Resource Monitoring 292, 293 Sanitary District 170, 172, Resource Partitioning 203 173, 174, 175

Resource Trends 161 Sauger 144

Restoration 5, 69, 125, 127, Savanna 204 168, 182, 233, 285, 300, 352, 361, 411 Sawmill Lake 61

Resuspension 178, 181 Scott County 9

Rice Lake 7, 221 Scrub Forest 179

Rip Rap 35 Sediment 34, 37, 42, 43, 56, 60, 65, 71, 80, 84, 90, Riparian Habitat 389 102, 121, 168, 178, 181, 196, 205, 217, 218, 239, Risk Assessment 156 266, 267, 268, 287, 291, 303, 305, 311, 315, 316, River Basin 51 321, 342, 344, 367, 370

River Degradation 182 Sedimentation 12, 60, 61, 69, 83, 117, 123, 124, 125, River Management 158 156, 163, 220, 233, 271, 289, 327, 334, 374, 375, River Otter 2, 44 391

River System 101, 375 Settlement 272

Riverine 190 Sewage 15, 49, 68, 91, 169, 170, 171, 175, 223, 269, Rivers 169, 297 414, 415

Robert Allerton Park 183 Shorebirds 18, 103

Rock River 105 Shrubs 404

Rural Water Supply 169 Side Channel 354

Sago Pondweed 34 Siltation 85, 201

109 Simulation Model 310 Survey Methods 101, 403

Sludge 173, 174 Swamp 392

Soils 284, 359, 388 Swan Lake 6, 202

Somite 282 Tamarack 392

Soybeans 398 280, 281

Species Lists 85, 359 Tazewell County 38

Spoil Disposal Sites 85 Temperature 340, 395, 396

Spoon River 4, 105, 336, 337 Terrestrial Habitats 85, 136, 375 Sport Fishery 226, 252 Thompson Lake 70, 122, 176, Sportsmen 63 264, 273, 326, 335, 352, 372, 390 St. Croix River 367 Timber 228 State Forests 50, 222 Tolerance 312 State Land 159, 339 Topography 272, 284, 388 Statistical Ecology 97 Tournament Fishing 252 Standing Dead Timber 201, 204 Toxicity 42, 43, 205, 215, Starved Rock State Park 259 239, 268, 305, 309, 311, 315, 316, 415 Steel Shot 8 Toxicology 346 Streams 81, 153, 154, 155, 157, 210, 279, 324, 399 Transportation 10, 186, 297

Submersed Plant 34 Tree Mortality 201, 203, 204, 412, 413 Substrate 6 Tree Swallow 203 Sunfish 256 Trees 111 Surficial 408 Trends 76, 313, 404 Survey 15 Turbidity 12, 34, 56, 58, 84,

110 178, 181, 196, 235, 287, 266, 285, 291, 318, 319, 289, 291, 303, 321, 340, 320, 328, 333, 342, 368, 344, 367, 394 371, 397 415

Turtles 62, 225 Water Resources 160, 288, 414

Tributaries 328 Water Supply 51

Tri-County 192 Waterfowl 7, 8, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 66, 74, 75, 78, Unionid Mussel 335, 337, 358 103, 120, 129, 130, 141, 145, 146, 200, 202, 296, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 303, 358, 367, 374 72, 73 Waterfowl Banding 26 U.S. Soil Conservation Service 19 Waterbird Breeding Ecology 24, 26, 40, 192 Upland Game Birds 270 Waterfowl Distribution 108, Urbanization 66, 143, 404 109, 131, 132, 133

Vascular Plants 255, 275 Waterfowl Flyways 23, 24

Vegetation 83, 146, 167, 184, Waterfowl Food Habits 141, 228, 342, 360, 361, 374, 216, 221, 271 388, 392 Waterfowl Habitat 141, 190 Velocities 363 Waterfowl Harvest 20, 22, 139 Wading Birds 40 Waterfowl Hunting 20, 21, 141 Walleye 144 Waterfowl Inventories 20, 108, Waste Grain 398 109, 131, 132, 133, 139

Water Development 387, 388 Waterfowl Migration 24, 26, 139, 141 Water Levels 12, 116, 136, 184, 221, 233, 295, 327 Waterfowl Populations 22, 29, 134 Water Management 265 Waterfowl Research 29, 141 Water Quality 15, 54, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68, 71, 80, 85, Watershed 165, 329 90, 163, 170, 191, 210, 215, 232, 238, 239, 258, Waterways 66, 370, 408

111 Wave Action 186

Wetlands 51, 72, 73, 103, 137, 138, 143, 145, 146, 155, 157, 176, 190, 237, 271, 275, 277, 283, 291, 296, 352, 374, 375, 389, 392, 397, 404

White Pelican 18

Whitefish 92

Wild Celery 12, 34, 235

Wildlife 4, 54, 142, 163, 225, 266, 298, 301, 303, 314, 367, 374, 382, 387, 388

West-central Illinois 192

Wood Duck 27, 53, 104, 110, 140, 412, 413

Zebra Mussels 332, 356, 357

Zinc 37, 305

Zooplankton 188, 189, 331, 395, 396

112 Available Data Sets from Completed Projects Illinois River Biological Station and Forbes Biological Station, Havana, Illinois

1. Adult fish abundance data from Peoria and Chautauqua Lakes (1991-1993).

2. Chautauqua larval fish abundances and/or escapement (1996-98, 2000).

3. Chautauqua zooplankton abundances and/or escapement (1997-98).

4. Corps of Engineers 2 ft. contour maps of the Illinois River floodplain (1978).

5. Largemouth bass mark-recapture data (1992-1995).

6. Long-Term Resource Monitoring Program Data (1990-Present). Water quality, vegetation, fish, and macroinvertebrate data are on-line and linkable through the USGS UMESC website (http://wwVw.umesc.usgs.gov) for the La Grange Reach.

7. Macroinvertebrate data from a dredge spoil project in Peoria Lake (1997-98).

8. Maps of the Illinois River floodplain (1933 or 1938).

9. Unionid Mussel data (1993-1995). Species information from sample sites throughout the Illinois River.

10. Waterfowl aerial inventories of the Illinois River floodplain (weekly, fall, 1948-2000).

11. Waterfowl aerial inventories of the Illinois River floodplain (intermittent years, weekly, spring, 1955-2001).

12. Woermann Maps of the Illinois River floodplain (1903).

113 Illinois River Natural Resources Bibliography

Final Report


Mark A. Pegg1 & Stephen P. Havera 2

'Illinois Natural History Survey 2Illinois Natural History Survey Illinois River Biological Station Forbes Biological Station 704 North Schrader Avenue P.O. Box 590 Havana, Illinois 62644 Havana, Illinois 62644

September 2001

I dI/V F29 AOWIF--- 'W'b,-I -- Oig o7f Dr. Mark A. Pegg Dr. Stephen P. Havera Assistant Professional Scientist Senior Professional Scientist Center for Aquatic Ecology Center for Wildlife Ecology Illinois Natural History Survey Illinois Natural History Survey