Please cite this paper as: Antón, J. et al. (2012), “A Comparative Study of Risk Management in Agriculture under Climate Change”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 58, OECD Publishing. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers No. 58 A Comparative Study of Risk Management in Agriculture under Climate Change Jesús Antón, Shingo Kimura, Jussi Lankoski, Andrea Cattaneo JEL Classification: D81, G22, H84, Q18, Q54 OECD FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES WORKING PAPERS The working paper series is designed to make available to a wide readership selected studies by OECD staff or by outside consultants and are generally available only in their original language. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. Comments on this series are welcome and should be sent to
[email protected]. OECD FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES WORKING PAPERS are published on © OECD 2012 Applications for permission to reproduce or translate all or part of this material should be made to: OECD Publishing,
[email protected] or by fax 33 1 45 24 99 30. Abstract A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN AGRICULTURE UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE Jesús Antón, Shingo Kimura, Jussi Lankoski and Andrea Cattaneo OECD Climate change affects the mean and variability of weather conditions and the frequency of extreme events, which to a great extent determines the variability of production and yields.